Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Anti-Gravity and the World Grid (Lost Science by David Hatcher Childress Biography. David Hatcher Childress, known as the real-life Indiana Jones to the many fans of his books, is a captivating speaker and the author or coauthor of over 20 books. He has traveled the world several times over, seeking adventure and the answers to the mysteries of mankind’s past. Born in France in 1957 and raised in the mountains of Colorado and Montana, David’s curiosity about the world was piqued at a young age. He attended the University of Montana where his studies in oriental culture and philosophy led him to a job teaching English in Taiwan. In 1976, David left the United States on what would become a six-year research and adventure odyssey. During this time, he studied first-hand the ancient civilizations of Africa, the Middle East and China, sometimes journeying into dangerous territory along the way (like Uganda during the overthrow of Idi Amin). David is known for visiting remote islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, organizing expeditions to remote areas of Peru and Bolivia, and trekking through remote areas of the Himalayas and other parts of Asia. His interests are mainly historical, archeological or cryptozoological. He is a good swimmer and a certified scuba diver and has a special interest in underwater archeological discoveries. By 1984, Childress had written two books about his journeys, Lost Cities of Africa and Arabia and Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and India . Further expeditions to South America in the 1980s resulted in Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America , which became a top-ten seller in Brazil. Childress has continued his global research and has rounded out his series with Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria & the Pacific ; Lost Cities of North and Central America ; Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean ; The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls and others. His style is an entertaining blend of personal experience and well-researched fact, and these books present fascinating information on the advanced technology and anomalous architecture of our predecessors around the globe. David has a wide scope of interests, and is a recognized expert not only on ancient civilizations and technology, but also on free energy, anti- gravity and UFOs. His books on these subjects include: The Anti-Gravity Handbook ; Anti-Gravity & the World Grid ; Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field ; Extraterrestrial Archeology ; A Hitchhikers Guide To Armageddon The Free-Energy Device Handbook , Man-Made UFOs , The Time Travel Handbook , Atlantis & the Power System of the Gods , Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet , The Mystery of the Olmecs , Ark of God and others. After more than 30 years of investigating these arcane subjects, David finds his unique views and ideas gaining popularity. He has appeared on Fox-TV’s Sightings and Encounters , two NBC-TV specials, The Conspiracy Zone , and segments for the Discovery Channel, A&E, The Sci-Fi Channel, The History Channel, The Travel Channel and others. He is currently a co-star on the History Channel Show . This popular show is now in its eighth season. David also appeared in the Canadian television show Weird of What? , hosted by William Shatner. He is also a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio shows. He continues to explore, write and excite people about discovery through his magazine, World Explorer, and his publishing company, Adventures Unlimited Press. When not traveling, he divides his time between his homes in Illinois and Arizona. A partial list of books by David Hatcher Childress. The Lost Cities Series (Six Books) A Hitchhikers Guide To Armageddon The Anti-Gravity Handbook Anti-Gravity & the World Grid Anti- Gravity and the Unified Field Extraterrestrial Archeology Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis Lost Continents and the The Free-Energy Device Handbook Man-Made UFOs: World War II’s Secret Legacy (with Renato Vesco) The Time Travel Handbook Atlantis & the Power System of the Gods Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet The Mystery of the Olmecs The Crystal Skulls (with Stephen Mehler) Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of the Southwest Yetis, Sasquatch and Hairy Giants The Enigma of Cranial Deformation (with Brien Foerster) Ancient Technology in Peru and Bolivia Vimana Ark of God. Aliens, Bigfoot, and Atlantis: 21 Mind-Blowing “Facts” From David Childress. Aside from Giorgio Tsoukalos, Ancient Aliens consulting producer and talking head David Childress is one of the History Channel series’ biggest stars and a meme onto himself. He’s also one of the show’s most reliably out-there experts, casually tossing out mind-blowing “facts” (Sasquatch is an alien, the is a hollow space station) so quickly you barely have enough time to process each claim before the next one hits. In a 21-minute interview with Inverse at AlienCon Baltimore, Childress spoke for almost 21 minutes straight, only pausing for the occasional moment when I chimed in for clarification on some far-out concept he was ready to gloss over. So rather than attempt to distill the experience into a single coherent story, here are 21 mind-blowing statements from Childress (one for each minute of the interview). 1. The Government Knows Aliens Are Real. “UFOs are generally real, “Childress says. “The Air Force and Navy all admit that, yes there are UFOs. The government knows so much more, which, naturally they have to keep secret. So you have a cover-up in a sense. The government is not telling us everything they know.” 2. The Government Is Preparing Us for a Big Reveal. “They’re prepping us in a social way to think, we’re not alone in the universe,” Childress says, referencing the popular concept of Disclosure. “Aliens are coming here visiting our planet. They have been for millions of years, and that’s Disclosure, where the government says, ‘Yes, we’ve been lying to you. We had our reasons but now we’re coming clean.’” 3. Hollywood Is in on It Too. “In my mind, Hollywood is part of it,” Childress says. “Star Trek, sci-fi movies, television shows, many of the films like Independence Day or Mars Attacks . The message is clear: Aliens are here, be afraid.” 4. Aliens Aren’t the Enemy. “That’s one scenario. I think the other side of it — which is more where I would go — is extraterrestrials are here but we don’t need to be afraid. They’re not trying to take our planet from us.” 5. Alien Abductions Already Happen Too. “I’m a believer in something like that. Extraterrestrials are here. Perhaps they are abducting some people.” 6. Aliens Have Been Genetically Modifying Us. “Perhaps we’ve been genetically manipulated by them in the past. Currently there can be the idea of alien and human hybrids, like a new race.” 7. Bigfoot Is Real. Childress is a bit of a Sasquatch expert. He’s written several books on the subject and becomes visibly excited when the topic comes up. “There’s allegedly this missing link and they say they can’t find it,” he says. “We’re related to the greater apes but there’s got to be some missing link between them and us. What would that be in my mind is Sasquatch or Bigfoot.” When it comes the mythical creature, there’s very little doubt in his mind. “To me Sasquatch is real, Yetis and whatnot,” Childress says before admitting, “I’ve never seen Sasquatch.” 8. We’re All Related to Bigfoot, Who’s Also Part Alien. “We’re all descended from Bigfoot,” Childress says, clarifying a previous statement suggest that humanity’s missing link might also be part-alien. “Everything on planet Earth is extraterrestrial. Life is alien.” 9. Bigfoot Is Scary. “It’s very frightening,” Childress says, referencing information he’s gleaned from interviews with other people who claim to have seen Sasquatch in person. “When I talk to people it’s the most frightening thing that’s ever happened to them. Often times they’re armed. They’re hunters carrying rifles, but they’re extremely frightened.” 10. Aliens Are Still Bringing Extraterrestrial Life to Earth. “They can be bringing different species here, even from other planets. They’re carbon-based life similar to us. It could be coming from our of our solar system. Many people believe that, and I do.” 11. Aliens Look Like Us, Probably. “Life around the universe is very similar, and extraterrestrials are going to look similar to us. They’ll be humanoid, but in other cases, they could be aquatic species.” 12. Aliens can Cure Human Diseases. “Their hospitals are in spaceships or under the ocean. Whatever you’ve got, there’s medication to heal it. I’ve know of incidents where they had some extraterrestrial encounter and they’re completely cured and doctors can’t really explain it. Things like that happen all the time. People who have a month to live and suddenly they’re totally healthy and their doctors are baffled. It doesn’t necessarily have to do with extraterrestrials.” 13. Atlantis… “When did we get out of our caves and start doing stuff? That was only 9000 BC, but the story of Atlantis is from 20,000 years ago. We were doing stuff. We were making roads. Building Bridges building forts. What were people doing something in about 50,000 BC? Atlantis.” 14. Aliens Are Always Watching Us. “There is perhaps never a time on this planet where aliens weren’t watching us, and they’re watching us now — in my mind — as parents who watch their children. They care about us. They want to help us, but rather than just coming down and giving us a house to live in, they want us to build our own house.” 15. The Moon Might Be a Conspiracy. “The Moon itself is so amazing and mysterious. Scientists can’t really explain our moon very well. Scientist want the moon to be from the Earth, but in the seventies, NASA said the Moon wasn’t part of the Earth, and it’s is older than the Earth. They said the Moon was some kind of captured satellite that came and got in the orbit around our planet.” 16. The Moon Might Be Also an Artificial Space Station. “The Moon is artificial, perhaps. They think the moon might be hollow. When they landed during the Apollo missions, command modules were crashing to the Moon and it rang like a bell for like an hour [that’s actually sort of true]. That’s why they thought it was hollow, maybe. There’s also some craters on the Moon that they can’t find bottoms to [definitely not true]. So they think these are entrances into the hollow Moon. If you were an extraterrestrial with tremendous technology, if you want to look and watch planet Earth, the Moon is the perfect place.” 17. How to Make a Hollow Moon. “Like a glass blower blows glass, you go out into the asteroid belt, get yourself an asteroid, and with your alien technology you superheat that asteroid. Then you blow into it to make a giant space station. It’d be very much like our moon. You’d have craters and volcanic areas. Now they’re even saying there could be water on the Moon. No matter what the Moon is, where it came from, how old it is, the Moon is a perfect place to view our planet.” 18. Cro-Magnon Was Smarter Than Us. “Cro-Magnon was taller had a bigger brain than people [true], with the same capacity to think and be imaginative.” 19. Russians Are More Into Aliens than Americans. “It’s only natural for people to wonder about aliens. Russians also very much so, perhaps more than Americans because the communist government tried to get people out of their Orthodox religious beliefs.” [I couldn’t find any proof of this, but communist China is going all in on aliens] 20. He Never Expected *Ancient Aliens to Last this Long. “I’ve been surprised it’s continued for 13 Seasons. So it’s really a show that has legs, while others have come and gone even. Think of Star Trek . When it aired originally in the sixties, that only went on for three years or so.” 21. He Doesn’t Love Being a Meme. “I’m a writer. I’m the author of over 30 books.” Ok, so that’s not a clear rebuke of his online fame, but it’s the most Childress would say when asked about his viral success. At the very least, he managed to make it through 21 minutes of conversation without using his three favorite words. Anti-Gravity & the World Grid (The Lost Science Series) Sign up for our newsletter for a chance to win $50 in free books! Collecting The Beat Generation. The Beat Generation was born out of WWII, and it still continues to exert considerable influence on today's literary scene. Biblio sellers have a fantastic collection of Beat Generation books and ephemera for browsing. Collecting One Book. Instead of collecting by series, author, publisher. why not just one title? Learn more about collecting variations and editions of one book. The Anti Gravity Handbook. The new expanded compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Propulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations and photos. Author : David Hatcher Childress. Publisher: SCB Distributors. ISBN: 9781935487449. Category: Body, Mind & Spirit. The new expanded compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Propulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations and photos. This revised and expanded edition has more material, including photos of Area 51, Nevada, the government’s secret testing facility. This classic on weird science is back in a new edition! Includes: How to build a flying saucer; Arthur C. Clarke on Anti-Gravity; Crystals and their role in levitation; Secret government research and development; Nikola Tesla on how anti-gravity airships could draw power from the atmosphere; Bruce Cathie’s Anti-Gravity Equation; NASA, the Moon and Anti-Gravity; The mysterious technology used by the ancient Hindus of the Rama Empire; The Rand Corporation’s 1956 study on Gravity Control; T. Townsend Brown’s electro-gravity experiments; How equations exist for electro-gravity and magneto-gravity; Tons of patents, schematics, photos, cartoons and other illustrations! •How to build a flying saucer. •Arthur C. Clarke on Anti-Gravity. •Crystals and their role in levitation. •Secret government research and development. •Nikola Tesla on how anti-gravity airships could draw power from the atmosphere. •Bruce Cathie’s Anti-Gravity Equation. •NASA, the Moon and Anti-Gravity. •The mysterious technology used by the ancient Hindus of the Rama Empire. •The Rand Corporation’s 1956 study on Gravity Control. •T.Townsend Brown’s electro-gravity experiments. •How equations exist for electro-gravity and magneto-gravity. •Tons of patents, schematics, photos, cartoons and other illustrations! Anti gravity and the World Grid. Learn the purpose of ley lines and ancient megalithic structures located on the grid. Discover how the grid made the Philadelphia Experiment possible. Author : David Hatcher Childress. Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN: 0932813038. Category: Body, Mind & Spirit. Learn the purpose of ley lines and ancient megalithic structures located on the grid. Discover how the grid made the Philadelphia Experiment possible. Explore Coral Castle and other mysteries including acoustic levitation, Tesla shields and Scalar wave weaponry. The Anti Gravity Files. In the tradition of The Anti-Gravity Handbook and the Time-Travel Handbook comes this all-new compilation of material on anti-gravity, free energy, flying saucers and Tesla technology. Author : David Hatcher Childress. Publisher: SCB Distributors. ISBN: 9781939149817. Category: Body, Mind & Spirit. In the tradition of The Anti-Gravity Handbook and the Time-Travel Handbook comes this all-new compilation of material on anti-gravity, free energy, flying saucers and Tesla technology. With plenty of technical drawings and explanations, this suppressed technology will change the world in ways we can only dream of. Chapters on anti-gravity mercury gyros, the motionless electromagnet generator patent, the Tesla pyramid engine, anti-gravity patents, rare photos of the machines in flight, and tons more. The book that finally blows the lid on suppressed technology and anti- gravity! Heavily illustrated. Anti gravity the Unified Field. Explored here is how gravity, electricity, and magnetism manifest from a unified field around us; why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; free energy; Nikola Tesla and anti gravity airships of the 20s and 30s; flying . Author : David Hatcher Childress. Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN: 0932813100. Category: Body, Mind & Spirit. Explored here is how gravity, electricity, and magnetism manifest from a unified field around us; why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; free energy; Nikola Tesla and anti gravity airships of the 20s and 30s; flying saucers as superconducting whirls of plasma; anti-mass generators; vortex propulsion; government cover-ups; gravitational pulse drive; spacecraft; and more. The Time Travel Handbook. Discusses the theories of time travel and teleportation and examines actual experiments, the claims of time-traveling individuals, and patents for time travel and teleportation devices. Author : David Hatcher Childress. Publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press. ISBN: 0932813682. Category: Body, Mind & Spirit. Discusses the theories of time travel and teleportation and examines actual experiments, the claims of time-traveling individuals, and patents for time travel and teleportation devices. 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