Issue 91, Oct 1999

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Issue 91, Oct 1999 \ ~t>onsors Of che lRlsh ornencecc Compass Point ,,~ ," J, No.91 October .. November 1999 , REI.SO t.uJII.,.'li ...'!~:i ,J·l· ilS dl~ till', J', 17 \ hil l. (..1.1'''' (,tlt!(." ;)~lII' ( "lllj>"S' f'el III \. \ \ , )( ., ,II'" n,-' ':t,i t'- ,'~d"'\rt io' f'\11{' \illl\I ~'. ,...~\P" \\llIt I "Ii \ \ , (1Inll,t ...·, • • • • I' Itll!" .,1.1' 111"'" .. '.,h !,"-hOi'- t~ . CQMPIQ5~·l-\ • ,\I.,' 1 ~r"'1" I U!t Ih'.'~') f; '",.h -III ''':1 \.\ J-\1 ~.'h.,'· 11 "jI_"')f""1111~ 'tLh 'flit "ll'Ir"lIt~" !\.III,d.i. lIJ1:~ I 'Ju') h'" 1""111 tum .I·!:~~'\_ n"lWI,f It., '1!J! "II'I! 1"11{ IU vi 1',7i u N til 1'",,1-1) ...,.,. O' If ,.!.r rl,~;h ·H,"'I\1 III \.il(IP ..,1 I h( ..... ,~ ~'l Lit.' ,llId Hit lI$h· I~·'.-II(JIr!Pf ...d\:" I 10 Market Square. Lvtham.Lancs FY8 5lW Tel: ()'1253 7!l5.'i97 Fax: 0 I'J53 i3<)4bO email: ri('kq,(, ~ 1111)1'111(>1 & 111\ ()"'flhu'lil '" "ILVA olll'"II"""'\': "'Illlfl"lt'n' ~~~~~~~~~g~~~g The Irish Orienteer is available McOcOMN":lriNMoioicnoio (.J(,J~uUr')c.JWO_N(".INN from all Irish orienreering clubs t- W woIIOl/)wW w~ or by direer subscriprion from che IRISh oraenccec z8~o Io"1N EU) ci. ~W- UI/)~W ~cr E CD the Editor: John McCullougll, 9 No.9' October - November '999 UJ >' I-MW O-WI (I) -0 ~U)~U) a:<w a:a:l-u8~ <,.... Arran Road, Dublin 9 Q) 0..0 a:C)~3 j:;:~a: (I) Now What? - cr' w<cr": IUO (I) O.)t. (e·mail C/) =><U)Q..J<"'" Q. 4>u<1-1- C ... ::l "oQ.lJ_""WW-cr- crow- ~ U.O [email protected]). '_ O '-"cr::i ""'~Q....J c:)'c <U) (I) co UJ ...J<U...JC) , <UO <l>ul-w . C1l o <D ~~~t: One of tile most difficult things LO do in the production of - ~uo~~gl-o~~~~I;i ~ - ~ W i! 0 . c... a:(II~ Annual subscription costs The Irish Orienteer is to think what to say in this space. '0 -- t-cnl-"':WI-ZO~a:>cr~I...JI a. lJ..J _ ...... -111111 Q) zzoz:;:u;:.:;<zouzN« ~ , ~._ :I: (II ... IR£7,SO for 6 issues. c: ~ooooa:<z!:2:;:Q.::>ol:;:jQ ~ Should I try to exhort you all to greater efforts to promote QQ) ..,UUUUl-u«ucrU)crcrQ.1- oq: ::J ~ (f) ~ 3 NEXT COPY DATE orienteering? Not again! Should I congratulate uic Irish C/) E CJ) (f) 0) ~ ~~ team on their performances at tile World Championships? 01/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)11)01/)1/)1/)011/) 14th NOllember 1999 '+-Q 0010101010101011/)0101010101 l:J 0"'1 C a: ~ ~ ON cnM.n.ncnoi <Den lrioi":oi .!!! c S;:. i:: :I: ~.g Certainly, even though they ran (in most cases) below their o '_ ,n. N ..- (..J ............... (.,.J .... <-J .... __ M .....N "0 ~ \Jww W Wc.lUUU (I) Q) .- <D (I) = ! CONTENTS expectations. Should I look forward to the Porturnna (J) --0 <D ~ :J ._ c: 0- Z.U) U) U) C) w(I) Ntws 4 -. U)cr U) rr wcr« <u C (j ......~ @.~ development conference in November and remind you that o Q) ::I:U)Q.w < W ><CDI-cr« iii Q),,~ a: c > W0C99 rtporr 10 V)~COo::::: it's where you can influence the future of our sport? Of '_ t-I-Ol- rr I- Ow~~CDa: C1l .....-..l <D Q.Eii S(tllIIsh Ii·Dall 17 ---0 O~I-:;: UU)U) ...J>::>'u)CD~ 'v ,_ t: WOC99 CII(Jch's uporr 19 oJ >-<~ C»CDWI-W (,) c: Q) (f) ';:: s: course. ..JU)IC) _Jcru~ '«odUcr...J+- 3: ~ WOC mlill 20 UI-U)I- l-u<wz\±:",UJO~ .. crwcrU)a: crcr::>...J'-'wQ.2; Q 's;: 0 W ~ 10C!!!) rtliOrr 23 ~co Q) t-o~ocrO:::;l-l-crzjiiU)q_ Grtllftsr DlslISltrS 2S (l)Q.I-Q.wQ._J...J....J_Jw ...JZ (j) ·0 -- z~(II I could ponder on the future of TIO: how, with the C/) ~ ~fobblln~ T/orougll {uropt 26 :.::::.i- 0 ~ increasing use of the internet, printed periodicals like this o CO w~cr~t:~====U)b:b:::!b WMOC99 rtporr 28 CDcrOa:~a:IIII~wwI~ .... Q) -- Q) Q. '-" zz~z""....J...Jzcr' (I) L W Tilt O·R1n~tn Exl/<rltna 29 are becoming obsolete; how the lOA's decision to have C/) ~ ~!Q~7~OOOoJ;wwOI- a. .S2 CO a: ltlnsrtr ltllllUt IIrtl/ltW 30 ::>::>::»::>a:cra:a:IC)C)crU) C1l 0 everyone become an individual member of the Association & Q)~ (I) \...; t- ltrrtrs PlllltS 33 Q. (/) N s: Rrsulls 36 with their own copy of TIO will increase circulation 1/)1/)1/)1/)11)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/) o ~o l:J ...... ~ ~ Addrt SStS 37 dramatically; how the new millennium could provide the 0!0!0!0!0!0!C7!"!0!0!C7!0!0!C7! <fl. > N -. ~J2 cn~~~O>ON~OIO>N~~~~~ c::_... Fixtures·Orlrnrurlnll 38 UJ ....... NC'I!(")(")c.l..,.W ...... ..,...,...,..,... CU -. a: CO lOA with an opportunity to honour the people who have C/) ... W c.l< , (I) ~ 0, X Q) ct N contributed so much to orienteering over [he past 25 years; G, (I) ~ 0 :::> 0 ::e LO Cover: A happy Marcus Pinker -0 c: ~ ~ 0) t- ~ qualifies for the World how we might accept that orienteering is always going to Q. +- -+- <Ql <0> <Ql ~ ~ <0> OZ<Ql a. 1::: '_ _ C1l Q ca.(/) 0 Championships short distance be a minority sport among the population as a wholc .. ~ §§ Q. (I) CU ~ " O:S final in Scotland (JMcC.) o Ul-UI-UI- ~ (l)N - ~ >< (though, judging by the entry levels for events like the S 0 U ........NNMM-N < cu .... ....~ < .< I- I I- 'iii (..) ~ 0 LL. recent Northern Ireland Championships, it looks like being Q) (.) t- 333333 ~~~~u\!l.(I) Pri/lled by Denton Print. a minority sport among orientccrs lOO, if that's possible); - (l)00000088~MN\ll<O<O C Q) G :I: CO ::::. (I) - Dundrum. Dublin 14, :So, wuuuuuuzz«<<«< ~ '_ ~ (7) how I always wait till the last minute before doing this CDU)U)U)U)U)U)::>::»»»> "0 V) (I) M ::» OOOOOO::>::>::!:::!:::!:::!::::!:::!:":: page in the hope of some dramatic development, which C/) 'S ~~~~~~U)(f)(f)U)U)U)U)U) 6 c .. a:- Results and articles are Q) W CO never happens, that I can write about; how the Q(G .. .c:,.. W N particularly welcome on 3 1/2 <U Q) 1/)11)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/)1/) questionnaire sent out by the Munster O-Association to 0>0>0>0>0>0>0>0>0>010>0>0>0> inch floppy dish or bye-mail "":N<DcON~"":oioioioioiNN ~ - ~ :£ find out why people are dropping out of orienteering might C'I!""I/)\l)~IDIDID""""I/)I/)ID"" Q. .. W - with a printed version as back 1:1:Q) Q) it WWWW<.H<.HWWWWt.lWWW til s .. a: ~ up. Please keep the formatting produce some interesting answers; how it might be (I) ~ ~ o 0 Q) 'i::: ="§l simple! No responsibility is 0.. w "" ro"" (f) a: cr I- - C,.) W § possible to convey the feeling of satisfaction you gel when ~ 0 o co ::> CD (f) a: W W 0 (f) ~ :I: .J:. accepted for errors or you finally approach the perfect run, ::I: a:coOCD :5wzzO"ffi ~ o ::> a:::>"" z U 0 :;::;:co - l( ~ Q. omissions, or their (I)~ I-O~o<:;:cr<a:a:~~ ~""'l-z<z<a:a:a:wa:l-l-~ consequences. But I don't think I will. It's after midnight, I still have to (l)w(f)oa:oa:~roa:ororoaJ-~ 1SSN 0790-1194 WI-WOC)UC)(f)°WZQ.Q.Q.a: finish this off and gel it across the city to the primer, and cr...JW...JW-UI-< I- As always. thanks to all the CD (f)o<I-<I-~U)XOIII< I've run out of space, so 1 goua go ,.. it will have to wait ~lJ_lJ_~lJ_~j:.<cr...J~~~~ .~ contributors to this issue for 0777777;irouj<<«0 tailing the time and trouble to until next time. CD»»»,ZI.l..333z write articles. 2 Tire Irish OrieTlteer V1.e Irish Oril'TI/e(!f' 1 INTER-CLUB RESULTS WOMEN: (in alphabetical order) Wl2A Erlnno Foley-Fisher MNAV the Curragh. Co Kildare yet lilted at a 3D· angle Kerry Sovoge Aislinn Austin Classic Race LVO with more ditches, trenches and barbed wire. At The results of the Leinster Inter-Club W14A Zoro Stevenson NWOC Julie Cleary Short Race & Relay competition run by GEN, published in the last W14B Joy Ferguson NWOC one point I noticed two army trucks unloading 110, contained some errors. Due to some digits Ailbhc Creedon Short Race & Relay W16A Sharon Lucey FermO weapons in the mist and rain. I was proud of W16B NlomhLolor disappearing from the points (101 appeared as Nuala Higgins Classic Race GEN myself under potential fire -I did not hesitate and Una May Short, Classic & Relay Wl8A Niomh O'BoyIe CNOC 01) in a jumbled e-mail, GEN's score should DeniseHeoly FermO ran past the butts and collected two members of bave been 390 as stated in the summary. They Toni O'Donovan Short, Classic & Relay W20A Susan Healy GEN the intermediate team, then made a major did not derive any points benefit from organising W2IL Aislinn Austin CorkO mistake in locating the last control and had to Aislinn decided against running this year and so Violet Cordner LVO backtrack to find controls 13 and 14.
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