PHIL: Philosophy Harris Increasingly Likes Or: What Harris Writes like Without a Judicious Editor to Manage his Word-count... By Harris Bunker, University of California San Diego Send feedback to:
[email protected] OTE TO $%&'#( (to be read aloud): all +orks in this ,acket use English-translated titles if available. a,ologize in advance for the strong &nglo,hone bias. 0. .n this ,hiloso,her1s 2Short Commentary3 on &ristotle4s Prior Analytics, he ,laces issues of 5uris,rudence along +ith the rhetorical, rather than the dialectical, logic. %eo Strauss and 6uhsin 6ahdi develo,ed a hermeneutic vie+ of this ,hiloso,her1s +ork +hich divides it into an e7oteric segment +hich +as com,atible +ith the religious and ,olitical elite and and an esoteric vie+ +hich furthers a eo,latonist vie+ in translated +orks like "he Per ect !tate. .n that +ork, this ,hiloso,her differentiates bet+een the #7cellent City and the .gnorant City by com,aring a ,erfect city to a body +hose organs differed in their natural functions. "his Central &sian-born ,hiloso,her aimed to combine his +ork +ith Su9sm to develo, a namesake ,hiloso,hy that +as ,assed in im,ortance by &vicenna. :or 0; ,oints, identify this 2Second "eacher3 in .slamic ,hiloso,hy +ho +rote a "reat #ook o Music and Enumeration o the !ciences. & S<#(: Al-Farabi =or Alpharabius> acce,t &b? a@r 6uAammad ibn 6uAammad al FārābīB C. .n his essay 2"he %ast 6essiah,3 $eter <essel Da,ffe says that the 2roars from the +aterfall of this concept3 tears at the 5oy of the child.