Information Classification: PUBLIC Your ref: My ref: EDG1382-01 Date: 20th November 2019 Dear Sir or Madam Tregorrick, St Austell – Traffic Calming. Cornwall Council is inviting comments on a proposal to reduce vehicle numbers and regulate traffic speeds through the hamlet of Tregorrick by providing a buildout on the western side of the village. In addition, ‘Dragons Teeth’ road markings are being proposed at the eastern approach to alert drivers to the upcoming hamlet (see attached drawing EDG1382-01 for details). This proposal has arisen as a result of concerns raised by residents who consider that the volume and speed of traffic has increased over recent years. Given the rural nature of this road there is limited visibility and substantial narrowing in places to almost a single track. It is anticipated that the above measures will help to discourage those drivers that use Tregorrick as a ‘rat-run’. If you have any comments you would like to make on the proposals I would be grateful to receive them no later than: 11 December 2019 To respond to this consultation, you can either: 1. Use Cornwall Council’s Consultation finder, an on-line facility for viewing and responding to traffic consultations. This can be accessed by visiting Once registered you will be able to submit responses to this and other current traffic consultations. 2. E-mail the Engineering Design Group on
[email protected], quoting scheme name and scheme reference and indicating your support or objection to the proposals. 3. Respond in writing using the attached Consultation Response Form, indicating your support or objection to the proposals and return it to the address shown at the foot of the form.