Protection of lives and dignity of women Report on violence against women in India Human Rights Now May 2010 Human Rights Now (HRN) is an international human rights NGO based in Tokyo with over 700 members of lawyers and academics. HRN dedicates to protection and promotion of human rights of people worldwide.
[email protected] Marukou Bldg. 3F, 1-20-6, Higashi-Ueno Taitou-ku, Tokyo 110-0015 Japan Phone: +81-3-3835-2110 Fax: +81-3-3834-2406 Report on violence against women in India TABLE OF CONTENTS Ⅰ: Summary 1: Purpose of the research mission 2: Research activities 3: Findings and Recommendations Ⅱ: Overview of India and the Status of Women 1: The nation of ―diversity‖ 2: Women and Development in India Ⅲ: Overview of violence and violation of human rights against women in India 1: Forms of violence and violation of human rights 2: Data on violence against women Ⅳ: Realities of violence against women in India and transition in the legal system 1: Reality of violence against women in India 2: Violence related to dowry death 3: Domestic Violence (DV) 4: Sati 5: Female infanticides and foeticide 6: Child marriage 7: Sexual violence 8: Other extreme forms of violence 9: Correlations Ⅴ: Realities of Domestic Violence (DV) and the implementation of the DV Act 1: Campaign to enact DV act to rescue, not to prosecute 2: Content of DV Act, 2005 3: The significance of the DV Act and its characteristics 4: The problem related to the implementation 5: Impunity of DV claim 6: Summary Ⅵ: Activities of the government, NGOs and international organizations