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DO’S AND DONTS: JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY 1—4 -^ho^tlv . I"""’*'”'-""'*" I/THE SOONER WE REACH jftFwE'RE TEMPORAR1 LY^Sfel [ AFfEwAttos, Ouk. t ) YOUR COUNTRY, CHIEF SPOTS, M RELEASED FROM ACTIVE QUARTET ARRiVESAT THE LITTLE Classified Ads Get Results} /> THE £ETTER/AHMI WILL EX- ff DUTY, £OYS-SO FROM HERE 1 AIRPORT//. I iMEfSnpTS^ PLAIN TOTHE GIRLS-LUCKY 9 ON,WE'EE ACTIN6 SORTOFjR ! UTTLE COUNTRY Would Like to Buy 39 to 42 model car from private party. WA-8289 HE HAD THIS JEEP—MAKES, Pi UNOFFICIALLY."/-^ WILL SCON I WE IT TO REACH THE < FOR SALE—Nice 5 Room House HOUSE FOR EASIER Vr^~^-—v SALE, 2632 WIRT AIRPORT... HE'S GOT /RELEASED FROM ACTI\£> on Emmett. Information at 2509 ST. ATIantic ; ■W&BOmPlMS >—7T7 4827,_ ■ IT'S Maple St. TODEFENO ITSSPIP- H.EVERYTWNG-THAT DUTY'-HA./ GONNA\ m ——— = GARAGE FOR RENT, Suitable /wtsrSiatws EVR/TH!*^>~=^ FFMOW/ monotonous no action/ Plain Sewing of all kinds, 2813 for Repair Shop, 2517 Grant St., Parker Street. ATIantic 0604._ mm'M.'zmy ment w tha mim/ Men’s full dress suit with tails ROOM for Widow or Man and WJtO-JCEHAVE three vests, white shirt and tie, Wife—Call JA. 3315._ !/ finest quality, worn once, waist 41 A6REE0TOIHP inches, trousers 31 inches. $30.00 WANTED RENT chief'SPOTS'. TiHte GL. 4065. One or two Rooms for two ladies. , ® \S c KMis _ MArket 5909, LEFT WITHOUT TFLL- L.hfHk ROOSTER AND HENS for SALE INS HELENA SSULTREE'I REASONABLE. 2509 Maple St. A Life size Boy Doll for Sale, Call tllggl- WEbster 3732. _ BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. WANTED! Call JA-7718. Wanted to rent a 3 room apart- BREEZY ment furnished. Man and wife no • MrBrady Products Order* children, Call WE. 2235. Taken at 2506 Burdette St.. Seeks Witnesses Telephone JArkson 7284. Would Parties whom saw accidert of Alberta Norman on Crosstov*n —Wri| C. M. Elder. car at twenty-fourth & Lake Sts., on Sept. 29, please call WE. 2754. HOME LAUNDRY CHICKEN DINNERS WANTED! MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. 30th St.. JA. 8946. Our Chicken We in Flat Work and Specialize Dinners are Something to Crow A- Ruff-Dryed Bundles. bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. We Mend and Sew on Buttons. • PERRY HOME LAUNDRY DAY NURSERY Mother’s Care— 1110 North 23rd St. AT-5623 2537 Patrick, JAckson 0559. • Writs Wt > 7 / TP LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS SELL US YOUR CAR EUIIOI.M A SHERMAN Mill North 34th St WE. 6099 Uon’t stick that little out while your cup, LOR CASH! finger holding etc. it is not a of culture and is out- • We will come to your home. Piano, bed, misc. furniture. spoon, sign quite moded. Fred King Motors 3704 S. 26th St. MA-1006. 'rV.V.V/AWW/W'iWV AT 9463 2056 Farnam from home for long periods at a New & Uaetl Furniture time and it would not be very Old ^ BY LOi;iS_RICHARP NKIGHBOKHOOIl F.DflFCiATE-ftastm Wants to Pic of Age H RMTI I(K Complete Line—Paint Hardware agreeable to wife. SOUIRE your Besides, —— * t)6i* •, -- T~ a '\ \r>H47 ** _ 5TA«t£.d V/ ~Vf)S * CLOTHING WHOP We Buy, Sell and Trade train and ship jobs are getting Csh£ hard to now BIG 8ALE—Overcoats, all sizes IDEAL FURNITURE MART find and come hard times you would be the 1st ■hoes. Ns Stamps. Ladi6a Dresner *511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake among to be layed off. Better hold on Ruks, Beds. Gas Stoves and Ot —WRbster 2224— to what you have for the present. Btovea. “Everythina For The Home” I •We and Bell” — SEND Buy 25c fur Abbe’s 1947 .AO- yot> \2gzj*z£*S£? ^ ADVERTISE In The Grenier <-7 *,o _J^ L- L--< ] TKL AT. 1154 1715 Reading! L. J.IVC. wth ^ / N. Mth 8T. OMAHA GUIDE! S.MER > | THE NEGRO IN NATIONAL I MAGAZINES TRUE “How Jim Crow Feels” is told by Richard Wright, emin- ent writer, in the November issue of True magazine. Returning to his birthplace in Natchez, Miss., af- * M “** * M 1 11 A T I 0 N c 0 l U M N ter a 25 year absence. His is the »« MIND AND MtA«T can S«1K COUNtIL AND 6UIDANCI experience of an American Negro traveling from the Mexican bor- SSmrom°'iL! ZZTLZrt}*? ^S d<>-* with worry der to the Atlantic seaboard, * ytww .nu a"de™ta»d,nK friend by YowrU* JjTof*** \” train. The HUCKLEBERRY FINN at the fr** J™* ‘n«l°de a time is 1940. His hum- column "ith your lett^^ yn, £*P*r iliations began when he reached the Texas border, “the beginning / 1 CHRlSTSrtV of the Land of the Free and the B.*usasai «ss*SE£»“at a a Home of the Brave”. His longest THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE stopover was in Natchez the place of his birth. “What I saw P. 0. Box II. Atlanta I, Georgia there made me wonder I had why «. wanted £6> //^ ^ll Abbe's 1947 Inspirational Reading | a palace with your people. to see and feel it all a- Is Of The Press gain", he says. “I discovered the V. V.—I need your help. My only thing that had really chang- sd was I”. A. N. C.—I am 21, have been cousin sent me a nice coat for the THIS married four years and my hus- winter. It is too small for her and MONTH A Word portr- ait ahd band is 29. He was away from she is buying another for herself. character study of Boston I born. home in service Up until about a have heard that she has TB and Harvard educated, bigotry I am undecided about John R. year ago. We are living in the wearing fighting Tunis, sports now writers and buu-e with my parents ami it the coat but I surely do need novelist, is presented in seems like we have worn out our one. Tell me what must I do? the current issue of This Month welcome. We have been planning Ans: Send the garment to be magazine. Under the heading of "Kids to build our home but we can’t dry cleaned and you need have no Are Important People;” further fear of it Dave r——Ttmtm, I. ■■■! get materials. What should we do being contamina- Stanley says, that instead of ted with It be a They could on here or to build any germs. would foolish denouncing prejudice, Tunis ‘voic- Sing Sing graduate. stay try a could ted shearer to throw a coat es his not understand how Negro Next Door’’ £y : way so we can be happy? My hus perfectly good passionate Americanism TAN By CHARLES ALLEN when the without TOPICS band is the sweetest man in the away you need it so badly through the medium of an excit- open locks, having had a record”. world. Write your cousin a nice letter ing yarn’. Tunis is rated one of police A version of and let her know how much you America's best juvenile writers. SEE pictorial Ans: There is no one house Dunham the ce- appreciate her thoughtfulness. His novel, “All a Katherine doing large enough for two families to Americans”, book on race prejudice that taps remonial "Majumba” dance in the bve together in and be happy, es- Revue" M. H. S—I am 17, been mar- the roots of our Negro controversial "Tropical pecially if they are related. You white, ried but didn’t stay with my hus- North-South problems, is spot- ballet is presented in the Novem- and your husband will always iSe band. I met a man, 38. I had one lighted. ber issue of the magagine See. welcome in your parent’s home of *&■*• date with him but he is married. SALUTE Stetson Katherine Dunham, a product x Urk the time has come for to Kennedy gets ^1$P^A but you and Yale universities, or- He will me I want Chicago — give anything behind the scenes in in / ,? find a little nest of your own. Georgia T i? L and says he cares for me. Now I his ignally performed the torrid dance 4^x4- <^n-r'JiJLa~*>. ? is article, “Inside Georgia’s Klan’ ~A Building probably out of the sensation in as a Federal have received a letter from my in the November issue of Salute Chicago question for you right now. With husband wanting me to come to He tells Theatre project. The three-act u a little effort can find a Magazine. why most of 5. you place him. Tell me what to to dance drama was incor- do, go the Georgians are opposed to the primitive to 11 find most renters later in the Sol Hurok- my husband or let this man take KKK but are to porated give preference to ex-servicemen. helpless do any- care Of me ? about it. presented Tropical Revue. The You and will be in thing Examining the re- hubby happier Ans: a a show in a two It’s only matter of cords of some of the men grossed $250,000 a back room to than who yourselves short time until th6 married man held year tour according to See maga- iiniiw>.om^». »!■ ....SMS high political office? in the will fade- out of the He’s zine. Lake picture. past he reveals why the Klan lo- 24th & Sts. not as MADEMOISELLE Euridite Con ‘hopped’ up over the affair gically expects great gains in stance Curtis with * PRESCRIPTIONS as you are.