Friday, Srptrmlier 30, h),s:l

TCI Daily Frog fever Student rights TCU's new religion ,il great legislative actions pert.lining to |Miwer .mil ubilit) w li<> leaves tiehind I111.mi aid, prepared budgets lor .1 tradition ol quulity," .mil all institutional!) landed programs proclaimed Sept. 20us"U)gun Wure and supervised the preparation of Day." the Fiscal Operations Report lor the Cov. Mark White uncl U S House Depurtmenl of Education Majority Leader Jim Wright sent The best par! ol Ins job was uiv ing their regards along with Phil scholarships, Ware said. He liked to (ii.ih.iin, ,i Texas ( longressman w ho "see the ihrill on their (students') wrote that Ware's "es|wrtise und I,HIS when I (old them thev got a dedicution will l>c surel) missed." scholarship " Wure was raised in Bartlctt, Texas, Ware's contributions to TCU and and ..line to TCI in 193(1 lie the community arc varied. He was halfback [or the Football team .mil the founder and president ol the pluyed with such greats .is Samm) Southwest Association ol Student B.IIIKII .mil Dav; O'Brien. Wure Finani iul Aid Administrators, lettered in 1938 and was ro-captain lielongs to TCU's ex-Lcttermen's Ins senior year. In 1919, he cuughl .1 Club and is Involved with the GOODBYE; Logan Ware, Financial aid director .11 TCU for 23 years, Ffiliation with TCU I'Mii 1 II'MOMI 11 TCUDaili Skill Masons \ynses outside ai Sadler M.ill on Thursday, He retires today, after a 47- 75-yard puss, .1 record lie held for 30 \ e.irs. See WARK. page 3 Pilots are set to ground Continental's planes

By The Associated rVi M with 1,435 still working, he said absorbed suine 1 tits tins \ear grounding all jetliners nationwide Representatives of Continental "We wan) to retui n to the basii Continental, Flying a lean schedule "tor a dav or two," mid spokesman Whiles' pilots agreed Thursda) to agreemenl we had," said Thomas. since filing lor protection Irom John Ma/01. strike the airline, w hich slashed their \ltei the meeting, pilots 1 reditors Saturday while it The groundings, which would salaries in ffatf when if sought representing 45 other carriers were reorganizes as a smaller business, eat tollovv "plcnlv ol advance notice," protection under bankrupt) \ laws, a to debate grounding flights the annual pa) of pilot captains to would send .1 message "to the s|Hikesinaii said. nationv, ide to call attention to an $43,000 from $89,400. govei nment and to the public" that The members ol the < Continental "indusln t>n the ropes." A strike against Continental had airlines are in deep trouble because pilots exei utive board voted lor Meanwhile, the head ol Eastern already been approved in straw polls ol laic wars and fulling traffic, "w ithdrawal ol sen li es" after an Airlines' 12,500 union mechanics b) 1,300 pilots m Los Angeles, Ma/or said. hour-long meeting in Houston, said branded the compan) 's request for I Jenver anil 1 [nuston. (lary Thomas. .I local spokesman for a \iiluniar\ pa) cul an "insane "Deregulation has the Industrj on "Tins is something we want to the pilots Ii1.1111.1t |K)Sition" and demanded the nipes," Ma/or said. "We waul march into together," said Thomas He said the pilots would walk out thai Cl man Frank Borman some sort ol mechanism that would before the meeting. "There are some at 2 .1.111 (!] )'l Saturday and remain resign. control the prices." strong feelings here. Pilots arc out "until a satisfactory back-to- Eastei n Airlines Thursda) senl 1 omplaining to their representatives, Eastern spokesman Richard work agreemenl is negotiated." ballots t.t lb.olio non-union workers McCraw said Wednesdu) the airline 'Wecan'l |M) our bills.*" "We intend to make it sin k," for votes next week on IS percent had no response to remarks bv Thomas said "We w ill not return." |}B) ( ills. Hoi man has said (he an line \Ko scheduled Thursda) HI mechanics' union leader Chai les Flighl attendants would join the t,u es bankruptcy unless it w ins $318 I [ouston was a vote b) represen- Bryan that the proposal is "an in- .11 ttnii. lie said. The Imam jail) million in <. oncessions from Its tatives ol pilots for 4b airlines to the sane, maniac position being taken bv troubled carriei has 2.025 pilots. 17.000 workers, who haw Air lane Pilots Association on management." Andropov blasts Reagan's European arms proposal

Moscow (API-Soviet lender ol." lie Europe. The North Atlantic> Andropov reiterated 1 Vim V, Anili(i|)o\ s.iss President 1,111 led Wednesda) I>\ the iFFicial Organization plans in start Soviet Union is willing lii re.1 Reagan's latest proposal in limit Soviet nesss agenc) T.iss deploying the U.S. missiles in accord on limiting nuclear .inns mi. leai .inns in 1MIMI|IC IS .HI attempt "In In ief, sse .ire proposed u> talk Decembei Kiniipc hul also the K.isl hi in build NATO strength ss Iul,- on how 1.1 help the \ VI o bloi to White House »|)oke»mun Urr) will n.,1 .illnvv the West to lindei nil disarming Moscow, but In- did not upset l<> its advantage the balance ol S|ie.ikes said I'IIIIISII.H the (' .,1 wl he Soviets (Olisulei tin rejer l the plan outright. medium-range nuclear systems in the States was "dis.i|>|>eui e on Eui ill .mil presented brazen-fucedl) .is 1 lination toward i i onsti u< ii\( niv one In stage .1 trial ol strength termed Reagan's oFfei .1 "so-called something new." he said. response." he said. "()ll mil part, we do nut se new move" H1.1t 1I11I not signil tl) ()n Monda). in .1 speech al the \ ne Prcsldenl C ge Bush said such a trial ol strength. The si- altei Hi.' 1 s si I ..I Geneva oiks I nlted N s, Reagan offered to Wednesdu) in Washington ll till ol llns is alien Ions. .ni limiting medium-range missiles halt deplo) men! ol an uns|>ei ified "there has to'be an answer Found for The Soviet president .mil Com number "I the S72 Perilling 2 and the British and Frencl ssiles'' ,1 "One should,, it look al the wi (HACK IN' Till WINDOW WD THE BOOKS: Cynthia Moll studied inlllllsl Part) ( linl .11 ( used the i raise missiles mi I lie continent if the the United States and Soviets want in in tin dear age through at I Hue tin week She was photographed studying 111 her J.irsis I nited Si.ites .il "unwillingness to Soviets dismantle some ol then ss 2(1 conclude .1 missile-reduction pad in narrow prism of ishegoisti, lliesil.iv DONNA LKMONS Ul li.nlv skill conduct serious talks ol an) kind mi missile force .limed .11 Western Europe. mil sis he At home and around the World

■ international I Wall Street iv e w (linen's 01 yani/.at ions have similar Under the Democratic proposal, further congressional positions - bon 1 Individual Retirement \ccounts lot authority to keep the Marines in Beirut would have been Rebels attack Nicaragnai. border jjost ih .„ F M Dow Jones homemakeri to opposition ta |iornograph) to tax breaks required'aftei BOdays SAN JOSE, Costa H Al'l-Cosla Hit anb.ised rebels closed .it tor working women Sen Dale Hunipeis, |) Aik.. said Reagan has refused to attacked, binned and abandoned Nicaragua's main 1240.14 Bui feminists and conservatives mosl often ure obev the Wui Powers Act, whose authors intended "no soutliern bonier |K>sl ami dynamited |«>wei line* leading separated bv huge d liter em es. \t the National Si$ off 1,82 more Vietnums, no more undeclared wars, no more to the north, heating up ili«' twn-fronl war againul the Organization foi Women's annual convention here tins presidential wars."' leftist Sandimsta government, weekend, toi example, there will be talk ol a new Conta Rican authorities said Nicaraguun rebels campaign lor the ERA. ■ Weather launched ■> heav) aii.u k on Penas Blancas, a Nicaraguan In contrast, man) ol llie consen ative women's groups rhe weather tor toda) is expected to be mostly 90 miles Miiiili ol Managua, the capital, and just gol their stari opjM)#ing the ERA and celebrated in |une sunn) \v iih A high in the mid 80s. inside the ( !o*tu Ril Ull bonlet 122(1 1982 when lime ran oul on ratification. Public Service Minhtei \ngel Sohmo said civil guards ■ National NII Hie Cost.1 Rican side were ordered oul ol the .oca in ■ National avoid the Fighting He said at leasl foui people were Conservative women to be new 'silent majority' Senate rejects effort to restrict Reagan's powers ■• ded but did not spe. ilv who the) were, WASHINGTON (AP)-"Oui women are nol getting WASHINGTON (AP) rhe Senate Thursda) rejected A Nicaraguan military officei in Sa|>oa, three miles the kind ol coveruge thai the feminists are, but we ure .SS-45 a Democratic proposal requiring Presidenl Reagan north, 1 ifd i vi ral ■■■ "led sttldicis were h ul'l to building .1 itrong base," says conservative activist to recall the I .()()() U.S. Marines in I ebanon unless he Beverl) LuHaye "Come nexl year, the women who talk Sapoa. He said the customs office in Penas Blancas I tad lust explains m detail whj the) an- there. about the gender nap are going lobe surprised." b-en partial!) destroyed in a mortar k, othei Democrats led b) Mi t) I eadei Rolwrl I Byrd h LaHaye, b del and presidenl ol the Concerned buildings were destroyed and phone torn meat ions had s.niv;hi t<» require that Reagan, not Congress, invoke W till the re»l o| the 1 oiinll \ were cut, Women foi America, says conservative women ure the 197 1 Wai Powers \< t, a \ letnamern legai) Intended org zing .1 new "silent mujority" ol women who will The Revolutionary \)>>< atii Alliume, press to limit the president's powers to send troops into .1 ■ I HUM Sun |ose. said its |efl the bordei post (lose the gapb) voting for Prestdenl Reagan nexl yeui bat Zone without anthoiilv bom the House and ««lu*wX<«

Introducing &e newest nember of TneA-Tean.-- i moil (Jkncellor T ! : Friday, September 30, 1983 Volume 82, Number 18 Quad project: Plan deserves consideration At the House of Student lawn would give more of an im- Representatives' meeting Tuesday, pression of space and air. Vice Chancellor Howard Wible Let's face it-the face of TCU is presented a plan that would not as aesthetically pleasing as it drastically alter the (ace of the could be. Viewed from Stadium campus. Drive, the Brown-Lupton Student The project that Wible presented Center, with Frog Fountain in the calls for the renovation and ex- foreground, has a bit of a bleak, pansion of the area in front of the functional look about it. Were it not \fS3 Student Center. It would get rid of for the live oak trees that grow cjfe~ the street that is already there and around campus, TCU would look replace the concrete with grass and almost depressing. trees. In place of the street would be The proposed project would also picnic tables and a gazebo. The front provide more outdoor meeting places Tryouts for ugly actress are frightening facade of the Student Center would for students on campus. Right now, By Bill Hardey accident when a gravel truck exploded and also be drastically changed and the only outdoor meeting places are casting, the few, the proud, the ugly." Every time I watch "The Beverly Auditions would certainly be like a reverse my face was pocked forever by little rocks." modernized. Reed-Sadler Mall, the east end of Hillbillies," I think to myself, how did the beauty contest. "Hi, I'm Hilda 11 in in in. Could be our lass(ie). Cars would still have access to the Foster Hall, the benches by Frog producers tell actress Nancy Culp, who Kyomudulofski (why do we associate Questionable name. Sounds kind of ugly. front of the Student Center. A two- Fountain, and the benches in front of plays Jane Hathaway, that her character ugliness with weird names?). I have no skills. Undecided. would be the brunt of jokes about her way street would be constructed the Moudy Building. I have broken so many mirrors that my I'll Finally, the last contestant. "Bonjour, my physical unattractiveness? Call her Jane have bad luck until the year 3794." name is Fred Grylinski. My given name is further down, where the parking lot Granted, the plan has some Hathaway if you want, but that physical "Next!" Winifred, but everyone says 1 look like my now is. Some of the parking for that disadvantages. One of them is that unattractiveness is still attributable to the "My name is Freida Sledgeokov. I was lather, so they call me Fred. Truth is, my • lot would have to be moved to the some student parking would have to actress. Like a Snickers bar, no matter how once in a car accident, put my face through beard isn't quite as dark as his. I like his you slice it, it comes up ugly. stadium lot. move over to the stadium parking a windshield. Had to get stitched from ear to brand of cigars, though. I don't usually look How does word get out that a part such as The plan that Wible presented is a lot. Another is the cost of the project, ear. No one noticed." this bad, in all honesty. I'm wearing this that of Jane Hathaway is available? Wanted: Behind their lead curtain, the casting toilet pa|>er because I cut myself shaving this good one. It provides for some much- which was estimated at $250,000 in actress to play role of secretary on new CBS lieople make notes. This one, they write, morning. Funny thing about toilet pagier. needed improvement of the Student 1976. The cost most assuredly has comedy series. Okay, fine. could have promise. You'd think one roll would be enough, but I Center and quadrangle area. gone up by now. And still another is But Jane Hathaway is no ordinary "Greetings, I'm Lisa Johnson," comes a had to use three," the disruption that the plan would secretary. She's an ugly secretary. Wanted: gravely voice. "I hold elevator doors open That name, write the people from casting, Most of the campus gives the ugly actress to play role of secretary on new cause on campus if implemented. with my face. I also fry sausage patties by can't l>e real. Sounds real ugly, though. Not impression of space, with wide lawns CBS comedy series. Must have a body like staring at them for five minutes. Of course, I sure about the beard. Wouldn't want anyone in front of most buildings. The front Major construction work is always a the keel of a ship, and a face that looks as get splattered with grease now and again." to think she's a male secretary. Slim of the Student Center, however, is a hassle. though it launched a thousand more, the The casting |ieople like her. She sounds |x>ssibility. Certainly no casting couch cramped, tight space. Buildings are The plan Wible has is still a good hard way. ugly (they have no direct view of the a|> problem here. So all the ugliesfile in. The head of casting So die next time you see "The Beverly crowded in together and the street one, in spite of the disadvantages. plicants). But with that name, she can't lie gives them a speech. "We at CBS casting all bad. Next! Hillbillies," think about poor Nancy Culp directly in front of the Student The plan has been around for a long need one of you to play the role of an ugly "Hi, I'm Pebbles Goomar. My friends call and the conifietition she probably had to Center separates it from the lawn. time. Maybe it's time to get moving secretary. I see by the turnout, the com- me Pebbles because my dad works in a beat. Also ho|»e and pray her comiietition Connecting the building and the on it. petition will be quite stiff ... we are CBS gravel pit. Actually, I was involved in an isn't roaming the streets at night.

BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed From the IDW, m. mt YOPK -met Readers HX>KP mr lamwm'i CMKV KUU TV OUR 200,000 FEMINISTS Ptl&V IK 7HC PftesiKlfT 5 HcAPUHi QtmHa PKCHKm STCW fill W tWi TK mm House WITH OVER A urru PvmtN KEAUW K> swm mm *mui OMX.% WP Ftmexep HUON eumtNos wonrawo ANYVfiY" 5flK> Graves confused Food unidentifiable VLPi. "UTTtf, [WfUN5~ 1*5 COPY arm JU swm. rne HOHUZAWN OF ntioi*r PHYIUS ■oCHMLY Assart* MBORNt. lONtaHT M EF\Pue.R In the beginning, God created the heavens I've wanted to write something in the Skiff OOMfl/TER PIRACY NEON'S tot/mi tmmi and the earth, and as his process continued, for a long time. Boy, oh, boy, here's my CHPOi he created Donald Graves. And Donald, chance. being the confused boy that he is, decided to Hardey, it's time you knew the facts. rM write an editorial describing God's truth Many of us long ago discovered that it's \\ about women, reality, modern society, safer not to identify cafeteria food. If we unemployment and the American Dream. figured out what it really was, we'd never be Saints preserve us! able to get it down. Graves' first point in his disoriented essay - DEBBY BRADFORD is that "God created man first and woman Sophomore. Prr-major second." He then adds that it is a "man's Jz world" because it "started out that way and Designers upset probably will end that way." This idea is almost as ridiculous as Graves' concluding It is nice to see that the Chancellor's plagiarism is an easily commitable crime sentence: "Why not walk together as one Dining Kttnm is being redesigned. We also well-groomed hairstyle, rather than com[jete applaud Jean Tucker's selection of one of the finest interior designers around. By David Alan Hall "The Twilight Zone" when I created my his idea. He called me a liar and took me to and become a split end?" If it is anybody's What bothers us, and what many jieople story, otherwise the entire |>oint of this court. world, it is God's. After all, he created it. «i I have a "confession" to make. I'm guilty do not know, is that TCU has its own design column will be lost.) OK. Under the copyright law, I can be What really appalls us is that any college* pi plagiarism. The question is: How guilty program. By using an outside designer for As to what did happen, I have a theorv. found guilty of plagiarism if a judge believes educated [Jerson could write an article that im I? Maybe you can help me decide. the Chancellor's Dining Room, the design Actually, it's only the first part of a theory. my idea was the product of direct influence so clearly illustrates: 1) a supreme lack of 5; About a month ago, I was sitting in my department is being pushed farther out of It has to do with the craft of storytelling. from a work that had previously been consistency and organization and 2) a view Office listening to some music and suddenly I sight. Almost every good story is structured the copyrighted. And believe me, if a judge of women's equality as the blow which will [ot this great idea for a story. I quicklv We feel that in any situation we can more l same way: It has a beginning, where the compared my idea to that episode of "The bring America to its knees. reached for a |>encil and something to write than adequately design an interior space. conflict is introduced; a middle, where the Twilight Zone," well, I guess the Skiff would If equality for women means anything bn. I couldn't find any paper, so I settled for This not only includes "decorating," but conflict is develo|>ed; and an ending, where still let me write this column from prison. (and we believe it means a whole lot more Ipe back of a matchbook cover and very also space pi,inning, designing custom the conflict is (ho|>efully) resolved. As far as Seriously, it is frightening to think about. than the erroneous idea that women are t)urriedly wrote down what mv idea was furnishings, and su|iervising the installation dramatic storytelling goes, the above is a From all appearances, it looks like I copied stealing men's jobs) it means that America is Ibout. of such items. All we ask is a chance. On tried and true method. It's been used since from the "Twilight Zone." That's what my taking steps to live up to its image of itself as campus designs can help supply the ex- *: Excited. I sjjent the next week developing man first started communicating. I've tried friends thought when they saw the episode. a free nation. Remember the phrase "equal {he idea. I expanded the characters, in- Opportunity," Donald? That is what we, as perience we need in dealing with the real other devices when storytelling, but none And yet, I didn't copy the idea. The law, tensified the conflict, and then, very women, ask, the Opportunity to be free to do world. It will also help with some badly seem to work as well as the old way, and let's however, doesn't provide for "I didn't," fleverly. I solved the problem. When I what we choose and to rewarded equally for needed exposure for the design department. face it, nothing original land I mean totally because there is no way for me to prove my finished, I took two steps backward and equal work. And even if women today are Next time any design work on campus is original) has l>een written in a long time. I've innocence. That's the most painful thing of pi zed at what I'd done. independent "Virginia Slims" women who needed, please consider us. decided that's the biggest single challenge a all, and it almost prevented me from writing I It was great. I patted myself on the back. com|>ete in the job market with men, we do writer fates. He either has to say something this column (at first I was going to say all of Keilh Coffee Dehhie Deen JUien the swelling in my head went down not deride companionship nor the idea of that no one has said l>efore (highly unlikely), this hap|>ened to "a friend of mine"). There Lisa L"drn Carol Bennett fpme, I decided to put my masterpiece in a or he has to say it in a different way. A, people helping people achieve great things. Marianne Hush Sarah Rohh is comfort in the fact that I'm not the first Allison Tisdale awer for a couple of weeks and then look unique way. We are not goblins out to get you. Graves, Leigh Ann Davis t with fresh eyes. But four days later, I writer to suffer this way, and probably Denise Do now > Ul lliggms Obviously, the way I develojied my idea won't be the last. I am going to try to or any other man, nor are we out to destroy Christ* Staggs Tracy Sloul scovered that the story in the drawer wasn't unique enough. 1 guess I'm too much prevent it from happening again, and to do all that is good and caring in human Carol Demlow fudfBlrfcdo wasn't really mine. Someone else had Sara Carter of a fundamentalist, because what scares me that, I've set up the following guidelines for relationships. We think we have come a long Kim Vincent Written it before I was even born. the most is the fact that I wasn't aware I was way, baby, and what we have become is Anthony QuinanM Cinger Wilhelm myself. Chris Dominguez Peggy Knberson £ To be more s|>ecific. I saw my story on an plagiarizing. As i understand it, however, neither "a well-groomed hairstyle" nor "a First, I'm going to start watching Carolyn Miller PumDurkin Cpisodc of "The Twilight Zone." It wasn't plagiarism is "the willful and delil>erate act split end." We have become and are everything jbround me closer than ever ifc.ic tl\ the same, but the similarities were of taking another's work and claiming it as lief ore. I'm going to get to know more becoming people who relate to other people Letters Policy Jlncanny-and undeniable. The plot, the one's own." I didn't delilwrately take as fundamentally equal and free. Oh, and |)eople. I'm going to l>e more inquisitive. I'm pieme, and the resolution were almost an someone else's work, therefore 1 didn't going to ask more questions. Even when the we are also trying to "«fcape the greasies" exact match of mv idea. I was shocked. commit plagiarism. But if I didn't commit The Skiff welcomes letters to the editor answers hurt. Especially when the answers like you. *• No, I was sick. plagiarism, then why are the two ideas so and guest editorials. Letters should not hurt. And someday, I'm going to come up -KERR YKRE1MAN ■ ; After many unsuccessful attempts to alike? I don't know, I wish I did. exceed 300 words, should be typewritten with an idea that's so original, I will make a Senior, Phttotophy/Motli'rn Ounce ebnvince myself I had been dreaming, I At any rate, I think the ex|»erience has and must include the writer's signature, million dollars and I will date beautiful accepted the fact that my idea had already been good for me. I'm just glad I saw the -CHRISTA HULSE classification, major and telephone women. been "used." episode first and didn't do something stupid Senior, International Affairx/FnRliih number, Second, I've decided to copyright the '. I sat down and very calmly burned the (like sell the idea and get sued). entire English language in my name. n>atchbook that housed my "original" idea. But let's have some fun. Let's pretend that What? I can't do that? Oh. TCU Dally But that didn't help any. I was still sick, ami after I finished my story and stuck it in the Well, it was a good idea. And shaking of angry. 1 had never seen that episode of "The drawer, I didn't see that episode of "The good ideas, maybe with a few changes, I can Skiff Twilight Zone," at least, not thai I Twilight Zone." Let's pretend (wishful still develop my story. Either way, I'm not reiwafclwred. A friend of mine suggested that thinking) 1 was out with a l>eautiful woman The TCU Daily Skiff is a student publication The Skiff is located in Roan 291S of the Moudy going to worry about it anymore. The story {'might have seen the episode when I was that night and missed it, Let's go even produced by the Texas Christian University journalism Communication Building. Texas Christian University is still in the drawer where I left it, and as jbunger and subconsciously drew on it for further and pretend that the next day, department und published Tuesday through Friday of Fort Worth, Texas, 7«|29. Phone: Editorial 92 1-7428 good as it is, there are a million other ideas the semester year, except for review and finals weeks. Advertmng 921-7426. Journalism Department 92 h fry idea. It's possible, but I don't think so. 1 believing my idea to \»- original, I sold it to a even batter. And they're all out there waiting big movie producer and be paid me millions Views expressed herein are solely those of the slafl never watched "The Twilight Zone" when I for me to discover. That's exciting. and contributors. Unsigned editoriuls represent staff of dollars for it. Faculty Adviser Marian Wynne Haber was little. I'm still young yet, and I've got a lot ot consensus and signed editorials are the opinions of (he But after my movie was shown, I got a call writers. Production Supervisor Rita Wolf ;' So exactly what did happen? (For the sake inatchlxx>k covers. of this discussion, please accept the premise from a man who wanted to sue me l>ecause I Ed or Hall is a sophomore Radio/TV/FUm major. The TCU Daily Skiff is a member of The Associated ^ Susan Thompwn (hat I was not in any way influenced by copied bis idea, I told him that I didn't steal Press. Advertising Manager Tim Ruin TCU DAILY SKIFF, Frida), September 30, 1983 / 3 Around Campus TCU alumnus always

■Talent Show to be held been a Frog at heart As part of the Parents' Weekend activities, a talent show will be held today at 8 p.m. in Ed Lund ret h Auditorium. By GayTumminello Frog at heart. 1 was raised in the area Staff u-ritn of thr TCU Daily Shi! The show is sponsored by the Programming Council, and admission is free. and came to the football games. ... I Some TCU students ean'I qulta s.i\ plan on l>cirig here as long us thev "goodbye." Such is the caie with I toe let me, as long as I cm do in\ jol ■Chancellor to host reception James Atwood. a TCU alumnus and well. I am verv glad to be here," he Chancellor Bill Tucker will preside over the opening activities of Parents* the new religion studies admissions said. Weekend with a reception on Saturday. Oct. I at 9 a.m. in the Moudy counselor at TCU. Atwood said his time at TCU is Building atrium. "I stalled out a Frogette and grew divided l>elween teaching and Information concerning Parents' Weekend activities will be given at the into a Krog. I have always bean a recruiting. He said he also con- reception. Frog at heart." Atwood, a member centrates on his church vocution and of the TCU Class ol 70. said counsel ing. ■Dance scheduled for parents' weekend Alwood has worked part time at "Students can come let me for TCU since 1978, when he became an information on what kind of "Big Bund Bash" is the theme of this year's Parents' Weekend Dance. adjunct instructor in the religion positions are open." he said. The dance will be held Saturday, Oct. I at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Center Atwocnl also does research work in Ballroom. Music will lie provided by the John Anderson band. department. Announcement bf his new ap|M)intment was made earlier religion. This spring a study he co- Admission is free. this year by William H. Koehlar, authored with Flowers was vice chancellor lor academic affairs. published in Encounter magazine. ■Barbecue planned by Marriott Atwood s.iid that as a student at Entitled "Early Christianity us a Marriott Food Service will offer a barl«*cue dinner on Saturday, Oct. I TCU, he was a political science (lull Movement." the study's pur- from 5 to 7 p.m., for Parents' Weekend. major who planned to become an pose, according to Atwocnl. was to The dinner will be served in front of the Student Center at a cost of $6.95 attorney. But he said that later, when explore what the word "cult" means. JKT person. he "focused in on religion." he Atwocnl said the study tries to decided to change his major and explain that "cult" is a neutral study church history. term - a minority religious "FaCillt) member! like Ambrose movement in the context of a larger Ware: longtime friend leaves TCU Edem and Ronald Flowers in- ■octet]. fluenced me to make a change of "Don't make snap decisions on Continued from page 1 excellent boss, who was always o|)en plans," he said. religion or in any other area," At- Ware's co-workers s|x*ak highly of to new ideas. He's a very intelligent Alter earning his bachelor's wood said. "Investigate each him. "1 hate to see him leave. He's man, a |>erfect representative of a degree, Atwood went on to obtain his cult. . . . Only some are harmful. delightful to work with. He's very Christian gentleman and am- master's and his doctorate degree Don't use it {the word 'cult') as a knowledgeable and always knows bassador of good will." from Vanderbilt Divinity School, "buzzword.'" what to do," said Paula Stewart, Ware says that after he retires he where he was an honor scholar. Atwocnl, owner of two companies senior secretary. will visit his three children and six Although he finished school in and the sice president of another, Virginia Marx, acting director of grandchildren, travel and go to TCU Tennessee, he said there was no said he feels that his ex|>erience in financial aid, started out as Ware's football and basketball,games. He doubt irr his mind he would return to business before he came to teach was secretary and has Iwen with him for says he will miss the |>eople the most TCU toteach alter college. valuable in that it taught him there 11 years. She descril>es Ware as "an upon leaving. **Ever since I was voung. I was a was "another real world" out there.

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We offer the lowest fares available to anywhere. BRAINSTORIN^ ...The Ultimate Experience Remember book early for Thanksgiving and Christmas. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER piwontj A J F PRODUCTION » DOUGLAS TRUMBULL HIM "BRAINSTORM" CHRISTOPHER WALKEN NATALIE WOOD LOUISE FLETCHER CLIFF ROBERTSON Screenplay by ROBERT STITZEL and PHILIP FRANK MESSINA story by BRUCE JOEL RUBIN 921-0291 Muuc By JAMES HORNER Directo. d Pnoiography RICHARD YURICICH, AS.C. E«ecut»«e * Chorge ol Produciion JACK GR0SSBERG Executive Producei JOEL L FREEDMAN Produced and Directed by DOUGLAS TRUMBULL PG 'MM'^mMuajoasno- ■ ■ u*.i Filmed In Super Ponovtsion □Dl5?L«y «TM" ivjcyymjA No service charges University Bank Lobby ever!! 3100 S University World Premiere September 30th 70MM aniPoiBY STEREO]

- 4 / TCU DAILY SKIFF, Frida). September 30, 1983

Bvjil •,,,,11 m II,,' private b) tin extend attend iijthoi peace! [a slui the KI regulal Al tl h.inillx after ■ avalltl Studen Condu llirs .i|i|iro\ ■Wv (it stUt the) il Mid LI The reflet* concer Kill Respot ,i prod Don proles privatl In the 14th -A Right, bnl) to state si which IIIIIIIUI St s, an) i proper I.IU i II' jlll Isdi the lav For


PARENTS AND T.C.U.! '.';':' ... Victoria's is throwing an all day pre-party honoring T.C.U. students and parents. Join us Saturday, October 1st for special pre-game savings and lots of family fun! $J tctnr in « 40 Tanglewood Village • 731-7282 . .

TCU DAILY SKIFF, Friday, September 30, 1983 / 5 Code of Conduct written to protect student rights ByJIIINealU. lilt M„»l ■ **—" original jurisdiction ma Stiff WrU*T»ft* It I Ihnh, Shit pfCM eduial errors The livil righti ul rttldmtl Bl ■< 'Generally we will give students a second chance. People do make mistakes^ we don't forever hold them (mistakes) against h.u Ii (jiiasi jiiclu i.d committee . ,,in,,lie iiniM'isih Btn not protected university court determines its own tnem |i\ tlic 14th Amendment, which * - UBBY PROFFER, dean of students bearing procedures which contain extendi thoM righti to students who certain "tail play" rights - listed in attend ritte Khools. Such ffwlonu political arid row on a state university university -sponsored student the Code ol Student Conduct. ua thoteol ipeech, religion, pnm and i-arapus was arrested tor his speech, publications such as the Skiff or Some ol the c iiininillces, such as |ieu< sable anetnbl) are onl) granted be could claim protection under the Image; the Student (inesance Committee, |o rtudenti at privata K'hooli when 14th Amendment. This would not ■The Public Presentations Com- have nevei heard any cases. Others, the icbool choosei to Inllow federal such as the Student Conduct hold true on a private university mittee, which hears cases regarding regulation! and guidellnea, campus. controversies in the ureas of Coinimil.■■•, are used regularly. At the bach d the TCU student "The forums are maintained its .in TCU, however, is subject to shakers, films, theater, dance and [uindbook, altar the calendai and certain federal regulations because it art exhibitions to l>e presented by avenue lor students. It the) evei need ,i|hr .ill o| the M'rtimis oil is the forums they are here," Proffer accepts federal monies, Jackson sold. student organisational it makes available *nd where, IN the Code <>f s.i id. It cannot discriminate on the basis of judgments concerning the ap- Student Conduct ami the Ae.idemn race, creed, color, sex or handicap. propriateness of a presentation, as The chancellor retains the right to Conduct Pollcj A private institution may choose defined in the Student Bill of Rights reverse any dsM iltofl of the Then policiM wcri' written .Hid to follow the federal regulations and ■ The Academic Aptwals Com* University Judicial System. II .| iroved For student protection. guidelines as a matter of polic) , even mlttee, which hears cases brought to "We try to protect the basic righti if it doesn't accept federal money, it by students who have l>een accused Proffer said violations ol |x>lic\ oi students and tlie eoiiimunilx M are dealt with at the lowest possible just because a university doesn't of cheating on exams, plagiarism or the) don't infringe on each other," have to abide 1>\ the federal laws other academic dishonesty, con- level of effectiveness. But she said said Ubb) Proffer, dean oi students. doesn't mean it can't, Jackson said. troversies in this area may f>e this is not to say that students aren't The late '60a and terl) '70s Proffer said that the university's brought to the committee only after punished lor the offense, only that extreme measures probably won't 1M- reflected a national era <>l great attorneys assure her that TCU regular channels ol the department taken. i oncern over students' rights. TCU's students have fair rights, and college have been used. hill of Student Righti ,, l m It a conflict arises or clarification ■The Traffic Appeals Committee, For example if a student violates Responsibilities, adopted In 1977, is ol the rights set forth in the Student which hears cases involving disputes visitation in t dorm, it will be .i ■, .i. Kim i ol this era. hill ol flights is needed, the over the enforcement of university handled first within the dorm; but it Don Jiiekson, political science University Judicial System provides traffic regulations; violations continue, the of lender will professor, said because TCI) is a clarification. ■ The Student Conduct Committee, be referred to Housing or Student private institution, it is not covered Boards ol Original Jurisdiction which hears appeals from individual Life. In the State Action Clause of the include seven committees mode up students who have l>een disciplined Violations ot civil law oft campus 14th Amendment to the U.S. Bill of ot students and faculty who hear bj Student Life personnel or who also are dealt with through Student Righto, The clause-which applies rases concerning grievances based have giants canceled or reduced for Life. Proffer said that one student only to state institutions-states, "No on actions of university employees or disciplinary reasons; who was charged with driving while st.ite shall make or enforce any law groups recognized by the university. ■ The Student Grievance Com- intoxicated was required to write a which shall abridge the privileges or Those committees include: mittee, which hears cases brought to paper on the effects of alcohol and immunities ol citizens of the United it by students when sin Ii cases do not ■ The Student Organization present an alcohol awareness St,ites. nor shall any state deprive fall within the jurisdiction of other Committee, which hears cases in- program to his fraternity, am person ol life, liberty, or volving student organizations of- quasi-judicial committees; property, without due process ol ■ The University Court, which hears "Generally we will give students a ficially recognized or approved by law; nor deny any person within its appeals from the university com- second chance. People do make the committee. jurisdiction the equal protection ot mittees when the dispute involves mistakes; we don't forever hold them the laws." ■ The Student Publication Com- alleged violations of the Bill ol (mistakes) against them." Proffer For example, it a student giving a mittee, which hears cases involving Rights and when the court ol said.

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00 Tu For full information — write to: i . on !airpus: M ' ^ ' ' • ■ ''' ■ ^ i tnfo. Booth in Si udenl Union 2442 E. Collier S.E.. Dept. F-1, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 (A Program of Trinity Christian College) PEACE CORPS 6 / TCU D.M1.1 SKIFF, Friday,September 30, 198 I TROUVE i T<

By Parent's Weekend V«« I., pair sine lri)| In, R(2 Extravaganza <) poll i wfc IM" I In I < n.i Ml Irjr Ridgmar Mall ■'<■]'. \rl. ,„,, \\'<-t still Wf ( t'lit! GAME DAY PARTY lir • Keg beer and pretzels I ;1 T,» gite • 20% off any one item tin EJbl M. pl.t IM. • Open all day until 6 pm hkr It'.l w, K.i mi I*. I hi ( Sundance s.ll GAME NIGHT PARTY • Bottle beer and pretzels •20% off any one item • Open all day until 9 pm with Mathew Nichol on the Steinway Grand Piano Come down and show the folks a bit of Sundance by Moonlight GO FROGS BEAT THE HOGS I


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Arkansas has proven passing game

By Alan Gray Thai will probably Ret their dander third with 560 yards. TCU is fourth yards downlield in three games Staff wntrr of the TCV Daily Skiff U|> lor us." said Warker. wilh 559 cards On Taylor's heels thii season is He ranks second in the With TCU students' parents and Arkansas Head Coach Lou Holt! i* TCU is third in the SWC in total conlerence, taking the Frogs 471 most ol the Southwest watching, the in his seventh year with the HORS. He olteiiM-, with a total ot 974 yards. orts has compiled a record oi 56-17-1 al Arkansas is sixth with 937 yards. In yards in KM) plavs. Homed Frog lootb.dl team will try Taylor's favorite targets this year to earn its first victory of the season Arkansas, and last year led his team rushing offense, TCU is sixth with are tailback Bobby Joe Edmonds, TCU DAILY SKIFF, Friday, September 30, 1983/7 and simultaneously spoil the to a 9-2-1 finish. The HORS tin 415 total yards. The Hogs are eighth Hanker Mark Mistier and split end Arkansas Ra/.orback's conference defeated Florida. 28-24, in the with 377 cards Keith Kiclcl. Fdmonds and Misller o|»ener. Bluebonnet Bowl. "I think we know how c lose we are are ranked sixth and seventh, The last time Arkansas played at to Ix'ing a gocxl football team. We The Frogs will lie rising bright and res|)ectively, in the SWC. Edmonds Amon G. Carter Stadium was two could very easily l>e 3-0. We think Players ready for rebound early Saturday IwcaUse of the CBS has caught 10 passes lor 160 yards years ago, and it was parents' we are finally are going to put it decision to regionally televise the this season, while Mistier has 10 weekend then also. TCU staged a together," Wacker said. m Ed Mlnter will raise morale and prove to game. It was moved from a 7:30 receptions for 81 yards. Kidd has 8 dramatic rallv to beat Arakansas, Stmtt uritrt of trW TCV Daily Skiff everbody that we are a RIHK. football p.m. to an 11:3f a.m. kickoff time. Arkansas will most likelc use a catches for 173 cards J.,ast week's name was a disap team," Arterberry nfd. TCU will have a busy morning 28-24. passing attack against the Frogs. So if the Hogs stay with their ptiinlment for the TCU football Irani "1 have the same confident* that hx>king for their first win for Head Last year's game, however, played Their quarterback, junior Brad passirrg style of play, the TCU since the) lost 21-19 to SMU. But Hw I've had in the three previous weeks. Coach Jim Wacker. The Hogs are in Little Rock, ended with TCU Taylor, ranks fifth in SWC passing, secondary should IK- kept busy. Frogs say the) an read] to rebound I've l>een watfhing film on Arkansas, |«)sting a record of two wins and one taking a 35-0 lashing. The Frogs right l>ehind TCU quarterback TCU's pass defense is fifth in the foT the name Bgainft the Arkansas and thev look like a beatable team loss. They are coming off a 10-3 loss generated 65 yards on offense, and Anthony Sciaraffa. Taylor has SWC. It has yielded 474 yards on 30 Ka/orbacks. 1 feel that the team will be up for last week to the University of managed only two first downs. completed 40 ol 72 passes, with an completed passes average of 187 yards a game Offensive guard Ike Tyre has Arkansas IM-C ause ol what hap|x-ned Mississippi. But even though TCU has a 0-2-1 "TCU is talented. They have one positive feelings going Into this l.isi year," he said. "I would rather they had beaten record so far this year, the Frogs lead Taylor dominates the SWC of the Ix-st defensive teams in our Byron Linwood is an outstanding week's game. "I feel that the SMU jMississippi. The\ have a fine football Arkansas in all but two Southwest quarterbacks in total ollense. league. It will l>e a tremendous trong safety who has come up with game was a disappointment. But ■ team, and they obviously did not Conference offensive statistics. In Having taken control ol 96 plays this challenge to bounce back," Holtz some key plays so far this year. He through the encouragement from have a gotxl game against Ole Miss. passing offense. Arkansas is ranked season, he has driven the Hogs 566 said. Coach Wacker, stressing (hat lite is s.ivs he is always excited about fujl of disappointments, (I've playing football, "no matter if it's learned) you have to continue life in Kansas. SMU or whoever. I just like a positive w.n ," T\ re said competition." Taliferro says that "The Bear' has awakened •"1 reel we will In' ready to play "1 prepared no harder for them Arkansas. The team as a whole has (Arkansas) than any other opponent By Earnest L. Perry Taliferro said his biggest problem |>erfonnance level, he will l>e a school and finish my last year. 1 practiced with great intensity this because lieing high or low can have Staff writer of the TCV Daily Skiff under former Head Coach F. A. Dry major factor this season. think the ex|>erience will help me when and if I turn pro," he said. week. It will be worth it for the TCU an effect on your game," Linwixxl Senior defensive tackle Mike was transition from tight end to "I'm playing l>etter this year than 1 ■ 1 Taliferro saitl |>eople always tell students to attend this game, because Midi Taliferro, better know as "The defensive tackle. "Under Dry we just played last year," Taliferro said. him he will l>e just as ged. "In the game against SMU last Greg Arterberry is the flex tight week, but we'll be ready. I feel the his career. The former tight end We hardly ever moved around on the year, my knee was injured and their tetter, than his stepbrother O.J. end «>n the IVog offense, fie said that team has more togetherness than in from Northeastern Oklahoma Junior line of scrimmage. There were very center knew it, he kept trying to cut Anderson, who plavs running back fortheSt. Louis Cardinals. the extra Incentive will l>e from the the past, and this will help us to be College has made 10 tackles and one few times when we stunted or my legs from under me. That "They tell me all the time I'm lei<-\ ision coverage this week. "It more successful this season," quarterback sack so far this season. flexed," said Taliferro. l>othered me for the rest of the year, Last year Taliferro had an off and but 1 feel better now," he said. going to be a first round draft pick, on season, making 33 tackles, nine "Since Coach Wacker has come,, Taliferro has already received an but I don't worry about that. Right Jets move team to New Jersey quarterbak sacks and batting down the whole defensive scheme of the offer from the Houston Gamblers of now all I'm thinking al>out is playing four passes. His best game came team has changed. There is a lot more the United States Football League. my game. The rest will come later," ;NEW YORK (AP)- Tight end players, but he (>ersonally prefers "to against Baylor last year, when he moving along the line of scrimmage, "They called me and talked to me |hesaid. Tom Coombs prefers the natural play on natural grass." The accounted for six unassisted tackles, a lot more stunting," Taliferro said. about their program and asked me if Some say that in the the past grass i»t Shea Stadium to the artilical Meadowlands in East Rutherford, three sacks, caused two fumbles and The coaches say that if Taliferro's I was interested. Taliferro was in hil>ernation. Now trirf of Giants Stadium. Linebacker N.J., has artifical turf, while the Jets" a batted down pass. playing level reaches his jwtential "I told them 1 was going to stay in "The Bear" says he has awakened. Bob Crable thinks that playing at the current home at Shea Stadium has a Meadowlands will be just like grass surface. playing a road game. And running "There are fewer injuries (on CORRECTION back Scott Dierking simply "doesn't grass) and I'm used to playing on it," AD CLUB MEETING! The Keg will open at 3 pm., like New Jerse)." Mid Coombs. "Shea Stadium is Those were some of the players' convenient for the players and for We will be having a Shadow Day presentation after the game. reactions to an announcement the fans." Wednesday by New York Mayor Ed and sign up. We will also be announcing the Koch that the New York Jets are Crable, meanwhile, said: moving their National Football "Financially, it's a good move for \ semesters activites as well as collecting Itrry's Office Machines Traffic Citations league franchise to New Jersey after management. (But) we have nothing .■^►^••i-. memberships. tl.-t. this season. to say to the fans. It's management's 10% Discount on !■ H17i *'C *J^IS -» Wednesday Oct. 5 Coombs, who lives on Long Island, decision. What does management Typewriter Repair i Worth |«M"i K Mallow Mlitrwt ■"

•■aid the decision was not up to the have to sav to the fans?" L3V ^*i 5:00 Moudy 280S llrt N.» nr.-m.M' »•*»'•* *" "*"' 1818 W. Berry 924-9572 iml.l.n ,..ll.l

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SakowiU Village on the Parkway TliXniONE WMN [Dallas Parkway/Beltlme] ARLINGTON Forum 303 Mall Highway 360 and 303 Jf [Use 303 mall entrance] Call Red Cross now . FORT WORTH for a blood donor VAN PICK-UP SERVICE West Freeway appointment. at Bellinger Street exit AT TCU STUDENT CENTER OPEN 6:30-10 pm. Sun Tnurs BfW 6 30-Mdright. Fn -S«t at 9:30 a.m. CALL: 817/738-9247 KAUi 214/620-9779 ^S& KM] THIS COUPON NOT VALID IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANY OTHER OFFER + S / TCU DAILY SKIFF, Fi klu> September 30, 1083


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photo John Albritton


The University Store will be open on Sat. Oct. 1. 8:30-11:00