God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. (Genesis 1: v31) Rector: Rev’d Canon Katrina Scott Tel: 01451 821777 Email:
[email protected] Twitter: @KatrinaKrgscott Facebook: Revkatrina Scott Rev’d Sue Pestell (Curate): Email:
[email protected] Tel: 07522 188475 Rev’d Catherine Cowie (Curate): Email:
[email protected] Tel: 07936 899727 Jean Bird (Reader Emeritus) - 01451 605086 View online at www.achurchnearyou.com Churches and School working together to share God’s love in our commucommunitiesnities CHURCHWARDENS SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN Cutsdean (GL54 5RX) Joint Editor Mark Evans 01386 584245 Rev’d Canon Katrina Scott 01451 (Safeguarding Officer: Peter Forshaw) 821777 Lower Slaughter (GL54 2HR) Joint Editor/Advertising/Production: (Vacant) Karen Randles 01451 821964 (Safeguarding Officer: Marion Marshall) Copyright © Seventy Times Seven Naunton (GL54 3AX) Articles may only be reproduced with the (Vacant) prior written permission of the author. (Safeguarding Officer: Barbara Steiner) The views expressed are not necessarily Temple Guiting (GL54 5RW) those of the Editors. The Editors reserve Ali Clifton-Barnard 01386 584976 the right to edit articles submitted for --- Deputy Wardens --- publication and may not accept late Avril Vincent 01451 831599 submissions. Peter Forshaw 01242 602593 DEADLINE for the next issue (Safeguarding Officer: Peter Forshaw) TO BE ADVISED . Upper Slaughter (GL54 2JF) Seventy Times Seven is distributed free of Liz Gibson 01451 822118 charge to residents of the parishes. Anthea