Hydronnclear Testing and the Comprehensive Test Ban: Memorandum to Participants JASON 1994 Summer Study Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. 1350 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel (main): (202) 783-7800 Cochran (direct dial): (202) 624-9329 Paine (direct dial): (202) 624-9350 Fax: (202) 783-5917 INTERNET:
[email protected] Although no commonly accepted defInition exists, a "hydronuclear test" may be generally described as a nuclear weapons test, or high-explosive driven criticality experiment, characterized by a nuclear energy release that is insuffIcient to heat the core material to the plasma temperatures that would cause it to explode "like a bomb." In such a test, the TNT equivalent energy release from fission would therefore not exceed the amount released by the chemical high explosive used to compress the fIssile material, and could be considerably ,less. Nuclear-weapon states, and possibly other states, also perform high-explosive driven implosion experiments using fusjon material, although" these' are not nonnally characterized as "hydronuclear tests". Hydronuclear tests can serve a useful role in the development of the full spectrum of unboosted fIssion weapons, including'first generation nuclear weapons of the implosion type with yields in the 5 to 30 kiloton range, more sophisticated designs with yields up to about a megaton, and advanced micro-nuclear weapons with yields of 5 to 500 tons. For pure fIssion weapons hydronuclear tests can be used to:' * optimize the timing of initiation of the