Town of Cochrane Council Report Meeting: Regular Council Meeting Date: June 12, 2017 Originated By: Gerry Murphy, Manager Parks and Open Spaces Title: West End Park Project Agenda Item: 6a


That Council direct Administration to proceed with the West End Dog Park Project as presented.


1.0 Sustianable Community Building; Together we create a complete community through a balance of environmental, economic, and social infrastructures


The 2012 Open Space Master Plan identifies the need for more off leash areas and specifically a fenced in Dog Park. The green space west of Highway 22 and north of Quigley Drive is identified as a potential Dog Park within the plan. As part of the 2017 capital budget, Council approved a dog park project in this area. An initial concept was completed and shared with the public. Council received feedback from a number of concerned residents backing onto the proposed park. At the March 13 Regular Council Meeting, Council directed Administration to prepare a new Dog Park design along with costing on the green space west of Highway 22 and south of Quigley Drive and bring it back to Council in June.

While the new area has decreased from 8 acres to 7 acres, the new location and design retains a separate small dog/ area and a larger open space with a dedicated paved pathway. The new design does not have the agility items or a dedicated parking area, but agility items could be added at a later time and the new area has shared parking with the West Rock Soccer Pitch and Skate Board Park.


Cochrane Pipeline Operators Committee May 11, 2015 (initial meeting) Cochrane Pipeline Operators Committee May 19, 2016 (Design draft) Cochrane Pipeline Operators Committee design meeting Dec. 21, 2016 (Detail design draft) West McDougal residents meeting Jan 27, 2017 (Detail design draft, changes made) Public Open House March 6, 2017 (Detail design with resident driven changes included) Online Engagement on design March 6 - 13, 2017 A letter to adjacent business owners outlining the revised project was sent out on May 17, 2017 Cochrane Pipeline Operators Committee meeting May 18, 2017 (Revised location and design presented)

Communication with impacted business owners suggests all are opposed with the exception of the Ramada Hotel which was originally opposed but with clarification on the fencing design, now favours the Dog Park. The Cochrane Palace did not respond to the letter. The main objections from the adjacent businesses to the design include, parking concerns and access restrictions.

West End Dog Park Project June 12, 2017

The online engagement that closed on June 1, 2017 asked residents how likely they were to use the new Dog Park. We had 146 responses of which 43% were very likely or somewhat likely, 48% were somewhat unlikely or very unlikely and 9% were unsure. Many of the comments on the design had concerns with the size and location of the park as well as parking.


The approved 2017 Capital Budget is $330,000.00 of which, $311,087.99 remains. The cost estimate to complete the new design is $248,000.00.


Option 1 : That Council direct Administration to proceed with the West End Dog Park Project as presented.

Implications: The project will move forward immediately resulting in the new dog park construction happening throughout the summer.

Option 2: That Council direct Administration to proceed with the West End Dog Park Project with amendments.

Implications: Any amendments will need to be incorporated into the design and costed. The project will move forward once a new design with the amendments is completed if funding is available.

Option 3: That Council direct Administration to not proceed with the West End Dog Park Project.

Implications: The project will be cancelled and the $311,000 unspent approved budget for the project will remain in the Parks Voluntary Developer Levy Reserve to be used for a future Council approved Parks project.


Online Dog Park Feedback West End Dog Park Project Concept Are you a dog Do you currently How often do you How likely are you to Do you have any comments about the plans for Cochrane's new off-leash dog park? Have you taken owner? take your dog(s) currently take use Cochrane's new a look at the to one of your dog(s) to one off-leash off park? plans for Cochrane's off- of Cochrane's off- Cochrane's new leash dog areas? leash dog areas? off-leash dog park?

Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely The new proposed site is a garbage wasteland due to the businesses that are located there. I doubt you'll be Yes week able to make the businesses take care of their trash! It is hence unsuitable to be a dog park. Frankly why would I take my dog to a field full of garbage? I wouldn't let my child play on a field full of garbage either.

Further the new design is very disappointing! The old design was beautiful it was a long stretch that allowed you to not just walk in a circle. It was to have agility areas which we were super excited for. The new space has nothing. So you put a path in and a few trees and shrubs. Are they supposed to collect all the garbage that's flying around there? Oh and then once you decide to make this a park anyway since council won't care about what we have to say anyway, are you then gonna tell the users that they need to clean up their park even though it's obvious that the garbage problem already existed?

Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Love the new location, but I'm slightly concerned about the height of the fence between the proposed park & Yes week the highway. Especially if some can jump high! I think this will be a nice addition to the town and probably increase (maybe only slightly) foot traffic to the businesses along side it. Im looking forward to using it. Particularly in the winter when the river freezes up so high.

Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat unlikely I like the double gated/staging entry and the fact that this park will be fenced, however it seems far too small Yes for the volume of use it will receive. I also would like to have seen areas to separate small and large dogs as these interactions aren't always positive. Lastly I'm unsure as to where the parking will be located and how many spaces will be available as it's not detailed on the plan. If the parking is offsite, i.e. at the Mitford lot or the skate park, will the town be installing sidewalk on West Rock Rd to accommodate increased foot traffic? Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely I much prefer the previous plans. Simply put, the previous larger space added not only true depth & space but Yes a deeper design. The previous plan was pleasing not only to park users, but to Cochrane, aesthetically. This seems like a much smaller scale/bandaid solution. Yes Yes About once a week Very likely Personally, I am a bit disappointed with the size of it. with the number of dogs in Cochrane and the Yes forecasted amount of use this park is likely to receive, I feel that it is going to be rather crowded and chaotic. In light of the original larger park being scrapped--it might make sense to look at two parks of the current proposed size. In terms of the current design, I would recommend adding an additional garbage can at the mid-point to encourage people cleaning up after their . Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely Is the existing fence with page wire going to be high enough to hold in larger dogs. The off leash fenced parks Yes week in Calgary have much higher fences. How about a bathroom? This would make it possible for some people to stay longer and let their dogs play. Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat unlikely it is too small. Yes week Yes Yes About once a week Very likely This plan is lacking in every way. The length isn't even satisfactory for a reasonable sized dog. The view for the Yes walk is hwy and hotels. It is a high rise below the past suggestion and I'm surprised you are not embarrassed to even present it as an option. Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Doesn't matter what I think does it? Might matter if I wasn't a dog owner I guess. Yes Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely This is so much smaller than the original design. Add to that we'll be losing a good portion of the existing dog Yes week park to bridge construction and I'm dissapointed. Also dissapointed with the waste of tax dollars planning for the original location only to have the whole thing scrapped because of a very loud minority of home owners. How much is it costing us to re-plan this at a less adequate location? What happened to developers including small off leash areas in new home developments? Yes Yes More than once a Very unlikely Not comfortable with the park being next to a highways and also having to water access. Yes day Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely This is so much smaller than the original location. Paired with the fact that we will lose a good portion of the Yes week existing off leash area to bridge construction and I'm disappointed. Also appalled at the waste of tax payer's money planning for the original location, only to have the whole thing scrapped before the public consultation deadline. It feels like a very small, very vocal group of homeowners got priority while a majority of responsible park users were ignored. Also curious, weren't developers supposed to include small off leash areas in their new development plans? Whatever happened to that? Overall it feels like Cochrane deals with owners as if we are nuisances they would rather ignore. This offering of a smaller park while taking away large chunks of the existing one is a bit insulting. Better than nothing though.

Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Not nearly large enough to facilitate a 'walk' Yes No No Looks fantastic but could potentially be developed further down to the river to join the current off leash area. Yes This would mean moving the soccer pitch but would make more of space and a park that flows. Joining to river would also mean a space for swimming area that could be also designed for dog use.

Love the parking lot already developed and with no hinderance to residential traffic or congestion concern. You could also reference the two additional parking areas at Riverfront Park under the bridge and Mitford Ponds up the hill for overflow areas.

Well done! Hope this gets approved and construction begins asap!

Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely I don't see any places to park Yes No Love it. Well done design team. As the majority of feedback you will receive from the dog park advocacy Yes group will be related to size, one suggestion would be to continue the new area down to the river connecting to the existing off leash area. This would mean moving the soccer pitch however would create a flowing spacious park with additional agility areas including potentially developing a swim water area by the river.

Another thought would be to point out additional existing parking areas for overflow such as Riverfront Park parking under the bridge and Mitford Ponds parking West of the main parking lot shown.

Let's hope for quick approvals so development can begin! Great job design team and Parks!

No No Very unlikely Who is paying for it? Why aren't developers required to incorporate dog parks in new communities? Yes Yes Yes Several times a Unsure This is so much smaller than the original location. Paired with the fact that we will lose a good portion of the Yes week existing off leash area to bridge construction and I'm disappointed. Also appalled at the waste of tax payer's money planning for the original location, only to have the whole thing scrapped before the public consultation deadline. It feels like a very small, very vocal group of homeowners got priority while a majority of responsible park users were ignored. Also curious, weren't developers supposed to include small off leash areas in their new development plans? Whatever happened to that? Overall it feels like Cochrane deals with pet owners as if we are nuisances they would rather ignore. This offering of a smaller park while taking away large chunks of the existing one is a bit insulting. Better than nothing though. Yes Yes Several times a Very likely I like the fully fenced small dog/ puppy area Yes week Yes No Unsure I am glad that council finally listened to the residents instead of bending to the ways of another special Yes interest group. I love this location. It makes more sense to move this area away from homes and I think it will be a plus for businesses as well. I am a dog owner and if our dog was more social and younger we'd use this location. The other location was too intrusive on the residents, both from a traffic/parking point and having users right behind their properties. Well done! Yes Yes Every day Somewhat likely It's very narrow for safe dog play and the businesses currently have garbage bleeding into this space which is Yes a danger to dogs eating food/items that could cause them harm. Also I would prefer a fence taller than what's existing as my dog could easily jump it.

Ultimately we NEED more off leash spaces. This is one step of what should be many to provide spaces for the community to access. It's total crap that the last proposal was eliminated. Don't let such a small # of NIMBYs sway you. Yes Yes Every day Unsure Liked the other location much better. The food establishment are a huge concern as my labs will eat Yes everything. How do you plan to keep garbage from these locations under control? Where is the parking located, I don't see it on the map? I also don't see the dimensions of this park. Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely Not sure how that differs from previous parks, but it looks like the second drawing just needs signs that let Yes you know you can have your dogs off leash in that area now. It makes me feel the employees of the town are doing a minimal amount of work and taking a long time to get little done. Kinda discussed. Can not believe this has taken this long and been such a hassle to the people of Cochrane.

Dog parks do not need paths, that is for humans, dogs need large areas to run and play. Don't waste money an that please. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Comments?!! Seriously?!! What a terrible location, now we have to cross a highway to get to an area that is Yes week small right beside fast food restaurants where people litter and throw their garbage so our dogs can get sick. Not to mention parking and what is up with the only decently accessible area that is strictly designated for small dogs and only?!! How fair is that?! Council needs to get their heads on straight and actually listen to the dog owners in this town! I certainly will be considering all this hooplah and crap when the new election comes up for town councilor and so will all of my doggie walking friends. Why on earth can't you stick with the original plan of the north side of Quigly drive where we have lots of room to run our dogs. Thank you for wasting my tax dollars on the previous plans and now wasting more for a new proposal that doesn't work for anyone!! Seriously so mad at the town of cochrane right now! Isn't election this year?! Yes Yes A couple of times a Very unlikely Not good Yes month Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely No agility equipment, no different then the dog park we already have. Disappointed. Yes Yes Yes Every day Somewhat unlikely My dog swims everyday, river access is very important for me. Yes Yes No Very likely I like the location for otherwise unusable land. I really like that it would be fenced off. I would like to see Yes other smaller fenced areas for training or separating reactive dogs. Agility equipment would be helpful mental training tools as it's not just about running them. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Yes week Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Where's the parking Yes Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely It seems very utilitarian, short, open to the noise and view of the highway with no nature features. Yes week Disappointed in this and not really interested in using it. Enjoying my walk with my dog is of real importance to me. Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Hardly any space and no where to walk with your dog really. Open small fields are not appropriate as your Yes dog walks with you. Finding a different space where you can walk with your dog is way more effective. You need another location in this town where you can walk with your dog. I suggest Akins the river in the west side of the highway 22 bridge. Open up more of the current off leash dog park. Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat unlikely Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes More than once a Somewhat likely The size of the larger dog size is too narrow. Do we need a paved pathway? Could we not save the money and Yes day add more large evergreens along the side off the resteraunts and also large evergreens along the side of the highway to reduce noise, add a wind breaker and reduce garbage in the area. That area is like a wind tunnel.

Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes Yes A couple of times a Very likely Looks awesome! Yes month Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes

No Yes About once a week Unsure I'm unsure because of the following , there is not enough shade , no access to water, it's not big enough, to Yes close to the highway . I'm a dog walker. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Horrible location - fast food trash everywhere in this area. Very difficult to access on busy weekends. Who's Yes week dumb idea was this??? So disappointed Yes Yes Less than once a Very likely I worry about the amount of trash from the nearby businesses polluting the area, chicken bones are Yes week dangerous to dogs. And where would I park my car? Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely I don't see any parking near the main entrance to the main offlrash area. Also would prefer it tree lined on Yes week the highway end to absorb vehicle emissions and noise. Yes Yes About once a week Very unlikely Right next to a busy main road is a terrible space for a dog park. It will end up filled with trash from the fast Yes food places and the air is polluted by exhaust fumes. Cochrane needs larger open areas in each neighbourhood in quiet areas away from main roads. The current leash laws are very restrictive, many owners feel much more comfortable letting their dog run in an empty park than in a dog park full of potentially aggressive dogs. Why not allow dogs off-leash in school grounds, parks and sports fields that sit empty? Dog owners are really getting a raw deal in this town. Yes Yes Every day Somewhat likely The park is too short in my opinion for a good walk. I preferred the previous plan that was a bit longer and Yes integrated with the different needs (small dog/puppy). I am also concerned about the detritus of fast-food establishments with dogs. It would be better to make both parts of the plan off leash for all dogs and make the small park in Riverpark nearby, solely for small dogs and puppies. Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely The proposed parks must be safe for dogs and owners. Sufficient space to avoid overcrowding and properly Yes secured by a chain link fence, especially the one that runs parallel to the very busy 22x. If you are going to do this, it should be done right. Should also have sufficient parking. Yes Yes A couple of times a Very likely Love the idea of 2 separate fenced areas for small and big dogs! Yes month Yes Yes More than once a Somewhat likely Yes day No Unsure Love it. Well done design team. As the majority of feedback you will receive from the dog park advocacy Yes group will be related to size, one suggestion would be to continue the new area down to the river connecting to the existing off leash area. This would mean moving the soccer pitch however would create a flowing spacious park with additional agility areas including potentially developing a swim water area by the river.

Another thought would be to point out additional existing parking areas for overflow such as Riverfront Park parking under the bridge and Mitford Ponds parking West of the main parking lot shown.

Let's hope for quick approvals so development can begin! Great job design team and Parks!

Yes No Less than once a Unsure As much as I would like to use an off leash area that is fenced with my little (7.5lb) mutt she does not have Yes week good recall. if I could find a time that no one else would be there I would definitely use it. No No Unsure Just get on with this. These dog owners need a location and I think this is the best one available! Yes Yes Yes More than once a Very unlikely Take some lessons from the City of Calgary and designate some actual appropriate fenced-in space to the off- Yes day leash dog park users. (Not just a small section of land that is not of any value or use to Developers (otherwise known as 'land owners') ) also, hold true to the promises you give to the community. When you set out to include an off-leash park in a community, and include this in the community proposal, do not rezone the area without notifying the members of the community, and seeking their input on the proposed changes BEFORE the changes are made. (At the least, you should ensure there is an adequate substitute if(and when) you do decide to make decisions without the community providing insight.)

Yes Yes About once a week Very likely This plan looks fine and another off leash dog park is definitely needed in Cochrane. I really hope council will Yes approve this dog park. Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely In the main off leash park, it would be nice to have a waste station in the middle as well. Yes week I am disappointed there are no agility areas. My high-energy dog would thrive in an area like that. Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely The previous proposed plan was better. Where is the agility course? Where's parking? I have a large high Yes energy dog that I need to run. It's highly unlikely that I would bring him to the new park. I was looking forward to the agility to stimulate him. The town needs to get better at building dog parks into new communities. Rather than owners using kids parks like in Riversong. I don't have kids but find it discusting that this goes on. Build them from the start so the town doesn't have to fight with current residences to put them in. I would llove a dog park behind my house. It's an added value which many people would like the convenience. I don't have kids and don't complain about paying taxes for schools etc. I do however think that it's been a waste of tax payers money the last two proposed dog parks being scrapped. Make a decision that is good for the whole town. Not just a few home owners that think they MAYBE inconvienced.

Yes Yes A couple of times a Very unlikely I understand the need for more off-leash dog parks, but I feel that they need to be more in the new Yes month neighbourhoods instead of down in town. This would remove the need to drive down highway 22 in order to access any of the off-leash parks. Yes Yes A couple of times a Somewhat unlikely I am extremely concerned with how close both parks are to the highway. We had a beautiful large park with Yes month almost 2km of walking paths and tons of room for dogs to play. This does not seem to allow enough room for the number of dog owners who live in Cochrane who regularly bring their dogs to the off lease park!

No Very unlikely No parking indicated for off leash. Will the parking lot by skate park get a weather resistant surface? Yes Yes Yes More than once a Very likely Yes day Yes Yes A couple of times a Very likely It looks great. You may be getting a lot of comments that it is so much smaller than original location, I dont Yes month see how this is true, the dogs will enjoy this location just as much and now I will be able to get a coffee and walk that much easier :). I also like the way it ties into existing parks (river valley). It seems to flow nicely. Maybe open the space up behind the houses as an on leash park so if people still want to take their dog for a longer walk they can. (ie still beautify it if possible). I am extremely impressed with this council for taking the concerns of residents seriously. It can be hard to listen to the minority( if they even are a minority like certain citizens claim), especially when the majority are being so loud. But the impact that the previous dog park would have had on the minority was so much bigger than the collective impact on the majority who wanted it. You did the right thing.

Side note: dog park and parks in general in Southbow's plans are lacking. Need more parks within the home areas. Also much less R2. Need more R1. And wider streets. We dont want the area to look like just another cookie cutter overcrowded slum in the future. Towns now are building townhouses rather than trailer parks, but the design is the same (over crowded not enough room for vehicles). Build wider roads, require walking trails everywhere, and require more onsite garages. Please dont keep building slum-like areas just like every other small town in Alberta. Your citizens care more avout their property values increasing than about the small short term increase in tax revenue. Canmore would never allow this type of development without parks and either vehicle space or walking to town amenities space. Dont let this town be ruined by not requiring these basics when you can. This will be your legacy. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely On a personal level I am not interested in walking along the side of the busy highway. Noisy, lots of traffic an Yes week d not enjoyable. I have concerns at how narrow the proposed park is. It is not ideal for bringing out the best in . It is well proven that dogs socialize and interact in a healthier fashion and less friction in much wider more spread out areas. I also have a concern that there will continue to be cyclists riding through as they currently do. The park is not large or long enough for a decent walk. Walk and walking back and forth in a straight line is very uninteresting for both dogs and people. And the overall filth of the area from adjacent fast food outlets is disgusting. I feel Cochrane has done a less than adequat job in first understanding the needs of dogs related to the nature and needs to bring out best behavior and reduce friction and negative interactions. They need space not some barren strip of land that takes less than 10 minutes to walk from one end to the other on the busiest possible traffic route in town. A very poor option.

Yes Yes About once a week Very likely Tap for drinking water. Yes Yes Yes About once a week Very unlikely The original plan was a much better design, it is unfortunate that this is second thought is what we will Yes probably get. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely I dislike this new plan and it is highly unlikely that I'd ever take my two dogs and family to this space. Part of Yes week walks in the current dog parks is enjoying the outdoors as a family. I believe the location of the new proposed site will not allow for that regardless of the visual enhancements being proposed. The initial design, located further north, was much more desirable. I believe the residents would be better served if the Town of Cochrane redoubled their efforts in getting the park at its originally designed location.

Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely The new proposed off leash park south of Quigley Dr behind the hotels and fast food locations is an area I will Yes never ever use. Its too small, too short, too narrow, accumulates trash and the smell of the fast food joints is more than just unpleasant. Again it seems tax paying dog owners are given the short end of the stick as the Town wants to shoe horn us into a space they can't sell so what the hell - let's just put the dog park there and hope we the dog park users will shut up. This is the best you can come up with??? Its not acceptable and instead of wasting money on a space I imagine most people have no interest in why can't a more user friendly space be found? Oh yeah - because everything has to be sold to developers. How is it a town this size can't find a decent space for at least one dedicated off leash park????

Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat unlikely parking appears to be a problem. I do not like the idea of crossing a busy road with my dogs to access the Yes week main dog park area. it is a very noisy park situated right beside a main highway. not sure I would bother even bringing my dogs to this dog park area as the traffic would likely scare my small dogs. it is not a very relaxing place to bring dogs. Yes Yes Several times a Very likely I think it's important to have off leash areas. It would be nice to have options. I wish the areas were bigger but Yes week I think they're suitable. I like that there is a separate area for smaller dogs. I've been to dog parks that had water fountain areas for the dogs and covered picnic table areas that would allow for shelter for humans in high heat, rain or snow... if we're spending money to build this why not spend a little more and make it perfect! I also think the location is suitable. Yes Yes Several times a Very likely I wish there was a watering area for the dogs and a sheltered area for humans (covered picnic table) for hot, Yes week rainy or snowy days. I love that there is an area for smaller dogs and like the location. Yes No Somewhat likely I like the idea of a fenced in park. I don't think the path is necessary. It will just get slippery in the winter and Yes dogs get frightened or chase the equipment when town employees are plowing. Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat unlikely It is really too small of an area. The original plan was much better but you caved into a few vocal people. Yes Many dog parks in Calgary are behind homes and along Roadways. I think you need to look for more space somewhere. On the plus side it will be great for tourists to have a spot to potty their dogs. Yes No Very unlikely It's location is too noisy and will cut off the pathway system for others going from river pathway back towards Yes town. Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely This park is dissapointing and very small. I have to think that in such a small area most people wont bother Yes week with this useless space, walking back and forth on a small strip of grass to try and achieve some distance travelled seems pretty boring. I am surprised with all the beautiful space around town that this the best location council and planners could come up with. As professionals I assume they would consider things such as parking? But I don't see any? Are businesses in the area supposed to be appreciative of dog park users taking up their stalls? The town was overly worried by a few homeowners but it appears they failed to consider business owners and dog owners.

My last question is, will this dog park dissapear once the highway widening begins? If so, whats the point? I dont see them tearing down homes to widen the highway..... Sincerely Yes A couple of times a Somewhat unlikely No month Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat unlikely Terrible location. I still don't know why the town doesn't ask the province to use the land by the Ranchhouse. Yes week No home owners to anger and a lovely creek winding through. The garbage in the new location and the size is totally inappropriate. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely This location seems poor, very small/short, lacks parking, access by fast food users, pass through by other Yes week users. Access on 22 dumps dogs right onto the highway. Much more so when the highway gets twinned?? Making a second small offleash park just doesn't seem to cut it for the beauty and size of cochrane.

We could be offered far more and again, the beauty of the larger scale plan was far more appealing to the town as a whole.

Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely This park is lacking in a water source for dogs to drink. This is smaller than previous plan, the off leash park is Yes week very heavily used and this does not appear to be big enough. I go to the existing dog park at 7am Mon-Fri, and am still encountering up to 10+ dogs there just in the east end. I do not go to the park on weekends due to increased # of dogs there, including many Calgary dogs. Poor location, beside a busy highway, and much too small. Yes No Very likely I am very excited about a dog park specifically for small dogs. I do not use the existing parks as I have 2 small Yes breed dogs and have safety concerns about using the parks with large breeds. Even friendly large dogs can pose an injury concern when they get excited during play. This is great news for all of us with small dogs and I will definitely use the new off leash park designated for puppies and small dogs. When will it be ready to go? Can't wait. Yes Yes A couple of times a Very unlikely I don't see a sign for the parking lot to indicate dogs must be on leash while in the parking lot. This is currently Yes month a problem in the current off leash area by the rec center. Also don't see the plans for the new already "in the development stage" off leash park on George Fox Trail between Rotary Park and soccer fields when will it be posted for feedback or are you planning to continue developing with no input from Park users, Soccer associations, homeowners backing onto and potential off leash users. Berms have been created, trees planted Yes Yes A couple of times a Very unlikely Unless something changes, I have found the area to be strewn with garbage from the dumpsters and food Yes month outlets. Birds regularly drop chicken bones in that field. I have walked my dogs there many times on a flex- lead and every time (no exaggeration) I have had to grab a bone shard or other piece of detritus out of their mouths. I will not walk them along there with anything but a short leash now as I'm afraid they will swallow something nasty. Can't see that suddenly changing. It is a very narrow, unpleasant area compared to earlier proposal. Better than nothing, maybe. Glad there is a separate area for small dogs/puppies.

Yes No A couple of times a Somewhat unlikely I'm glad you are making a seperate small dog area. It would be beneficial if dogs and owners took an off leash Yes month licencing course to use the off leash areas to make sure that they understood the concept of recall and having a dog under control. I've been using the original of leash park for 6 years and I no longer go. It's not safe with all of the bully owners and their wild dogs just having fun. I tried to explain to the squirrel that my dog wanted to chase that he was friendly and just wanted to play, just like the uneducated owners do to me with their out of control dogs. Don't get me wrong, I support off leash parks and loved going daily but I no longer can because of safety concerns. It's a wild West situation now and too dangerous for my dog, child, who is 15 and me. I'm sure these parks will be the same unless the town steps up and enforces rules and trains the owners. No Yes A couple of times a Somewhat likely I do not own dogs, but I walk dogs. Therefore I feel I have something to say about this dog park! Yes month Because it is so close to the highway, I think the staging area should be a little more "secure". The gate should be at minimum, offset, and/or it should be a little bit larger, and maybe even have a secondary barrier in the event that the dog does get out. I walk dogs, and there was always some idiot at the off leash area In Calgary who doesn't know how that area works. Is it possible to put trees on the highway side? A great place for that open stretch. My only concern is how close it is to the highway. It would be nice though probably expensive, if a watering station or fountain could be there as well. That is one nice thing about being close to the river is the chance to cool off. Maybe there is something there like that, but I couldn't see it very clearly on my iPhone.

Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely It is too narrow and small. All you hear is cars on the road. It smells of car exhaust and is ugly. When people Yes go to exercise their dogs they care about where they are, pleasing to the eye. This is an ugly hole in the ground. I'm ashamed you think dog owners would be happy walking their dogs here. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely It looks so small. It looks rather unstimulating for dogs as it literally is just a straight line. How many Km's it Yes week this area going to be? It's going to be pretty noisy with the highway right behind it, definitely not a relaxing walk that I would choose to take my dog on. I hate to say this as I know you guys have been looking at sites for a while, but I would honestly keep looking for a better area.

Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely I am concerned about litter from the restaurant garbages. This doesn't seem like a very large space Yes considering the space that is being lost to the bridge at the current off leash park. I feel the town could do much better than this. Yes Yes A couple of times a Very likely As long as the fencing surrounding the park prevents dogs from inadvertently running on to busy roads, it Yes month should be fine. Fencing for this should be attractive (not chain link), and perhaps be only a minor modification to the existing fencing consisting of some sort of mesh. Yes Yes Every day Somewhat unlikely In comparison to the plans released originally, the new plans are simply not good enough. I am ashamed that Yes a minority of home owners took precedence over the majority population of Cochrane dog owners in the abandoning of the original dog park plans.

Not only has the Cochrane administration allowed the destruction of a large and beautiful part of the exiting dog park for the new bridge – it is now allowing a small portion of the population to dictate the construction of an off leash facility that has been promised since 2012.

Cochrane has more dogs per capita than anywhere else in Canada – yet there is absolutely no adequate space for safe ownership of our dogs. The Sunset dog park plans were rejected, the original Hwy 22 plans were vetoed with no adequate consultation, and the bridge plans go through the existing park (also with no consultation), when will the actual majority of the Cochrane population be heard? Management of this issue has been severely lacking. The previous space was much larger – I have two big dogs – the amount of space is key as I am not going to take my dogs somewhere that they aren’t going to get enough exercise, or feel enclosed due to the amount of dogs in the space. The current park is so overrun with dogs that it is not a safe space, this new location will be no different. You are cramming a massive population of dogs into an inadequate number of parks, with inadequate sizing and wonder why there are problems? There is no part of the plans that include the agility parks that the previous one did – where did these go?

Not good enough Cochrane. Property tax was increased to pay for the over-budget pool, yet we cannot get sufficient open area space for the massive amount of dog-owners in our town. Go back to the original plans.

Yes Yes Every day Very likely I liked the original location as it provided more diversity in what was offered. It had the training areas which Yes was great for owners with new dogs to make sure they are properly trained. This new park does not have any of that. As well, the new location is physically split into two separate parks for large and small dogs, what are the people that own both large and small dogs to do? You have effectively made it so they can never use this new park.

Yes Yes Every day Somewhat likely I'm not understanding why the puppy and small dog park is much bigger than the other one. Also, why would Yes there be restrictions on off leash parks based on size of the dogs???Any off leash parks I've been to in other towns have rules: dog must be good around other dogs & clean up after your dogs. No No Somewhat likely While I don't currently have a dog, I plan to. I reviewed the original plan that was overturned by a small Yes group of residents and felt that was a reasonably comprehensive plan and site. Moving to the smaller, less developed plan as presented is as close to a waste of time as is possible. The new site is too small, too open to commercial sites (restaurants) as well as the highway. It will likely not be used because it is lacking in every aspect - parking, aesthetics, size, accessibility. With the high population of dogs in this town, this should be a priority, and should be factored into new development proposals. At this point, I think you should cancel this site and go back to the original. While doing that, you should be looking into several other locations and allocate the available developer provided funds to all of them. Stop wasting time re-doing proposals - that costs money and time - and that is limited. Do not repeat your mistake of closing engagement before the posted date. Allowing a very small group of vocal residents to derail a perfectly sound proposal is setting a dangerous precedent. Please take the needs of the majority into consideration and plan accordingly. I don't think there is anything planned for any of the many new developments that are approved. Shame on you.

Yes No A couple of times a Very unlikely It should be funded by a users fee. If people can not exercise their dog (or other pets) on-leash they should Yes month not have them. Yes No Very unlikely It looks very nice and a much more practical park than the one first proposed behind people's houses. My Yes dogs are too small for an Off Leash Dog Park. Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely I have reviewed the new proposal and find it lacking in many ways, especially when compared to the original Yes proposal that it is intended to replace.

Let's start with the size. The new location is much smaller than the previous one. Given the lack of off leash areas in town, shrinking the size of the one dog park we're getting seems wrong.

Now, let's talk location. The proposed location sees a large amount of non-dog foot traffic as it is used as a connector path. Look at the pathway that currently runs through the area. All of that foot traffic is now going to be sharing space with dog users, which is a problem we already face at the main off leash area. User conflicts are sure to be a common occurrence.

Speaking of conflicts, I can't imagine the business owners will be happy with the dog owners who will undoubtedly attempt to use the parking lots at Smitty's, Tim Horton's, Dairy Queen, etc.

The previous location had a convenient pedestrian underpass for crossing Highway 22, allowing easy and direct access from the Glenbow area. The new location will require all of that foot traffic to cross at the lights at Highway 22 and Glenbow/Quigley, which is already a busy intersection.

Most disappointing to see that the new proposal does not connect to the small off leash area located at the bottom of the hill. There was a missed opportunity there.

I encourage Council to scrap the revised plan and get on with building the dog park as originally proposed. The small minority of West Valley residents who complained about the original plan should not be allowed to dictate to the greater community. The dog owners of Cochrane have been repeatedly treated like second- class citizens. Running a bridge through the existing dog park without consulting anyone except developers, the failure to designate any addition off leash spaces (really, we wouldn't need fancy dog parks if you would just designate more green spaces as off leash), the debacle of the shared-space pilot that didn't even get off the ground in Sunset, the shutting down of public input on the last dog park proposal prior to the Yes Yes Several times a Unsure Town Council; It appears that the number of off lease users out weighs the number of complaints from the Yes week home owners affected and am sorry that they have that view over the first proposed off lease park. What about the rights of voting animal lovers? I agree with view with the potential future highway twinning affecting the second site. So will the Town Council look at moving it again or will we be stuck with the outcome? Don't forget about the upcoming election. Yes Yes A couple of times a Unsure Think it's great, let's build it!!! Yes month Yes Less than once a Unsure I think it's a great location. The former location was, in my opinion, not thought out in taking into Yes week consideration the home owners and the parking/traffic issues in a residential area. I am glad to see that Council FINALLY listened to the residents! The proposed new location will not infringe on homeowners, there is an opportunity for more parking, it gives those who are travelling through our town, who stop for that lunch or coffee or treat, to get out and give their pet some exercise. I think it will be a big boost to the businesses as well, without upsetting residents. It also gives the opportunity to beautification of that location, instead of a garbage collection area. I believe it will be kept a lot cleaner once it is a dog park than what it is now. I really don't think a mere 3 acre difference will make that much of an impact on dog owners.

No No Very unlikely Why do we need an off leash dog park, If dog owners want to have a dog they should pay for the park and set Yes it up out of town somewhere. And why two dog parks, one is to many. If you build these areas I hope that all others are closed as they are an eyesore.

I object to taxpayers funds supporting any dogs in this town. Yes A couple of times a Very likely I like the look of both and like the idea of a puppy off-leash. That's great. I'm really hoping these can be Yes month built/used, because there is not enough space, and a fully fenced off-leash is needed. Yes Less than once a Very likely Yes week No No Very unlikely So thankful that the town did NOT allow the park to be put behind homes that bought with no dog park there Yes originally. (No I do not live there.) Any dog park that affects homes that is put in the town should only be allowed if it was in the plans originally. This is an amazing solution that still puts in a dog park and does not harass residents. Dog owners have too much sway in this town. There should be more " dog banned" areas in town. This park is more than generous. Maybe a future solution to the controversial off-leash parks should be a mandatory off-leash park finished in each new development no matter what phase it is put in. Maybe there would also be more compliance from owners who off-leash everywhere....also please please please put simple and clear rules for dog owners. The amount of non-compliance of dog bylaws in town is out of control. As a user group they do not "seem to know" or " understand" the bylaws of owning a dog. Clear "simple" signage would at least not let owners pretend they do not know the rules. And actual bylaw enforcement would be a miracle. Way better plan, thanks for realizing families and peaceful homes should have more sway than dogs. No No Very unlikely Under no circumstances should dogs be allowed off leash among the general public. The proposed park Yes encloses an existing length (500 meters? or so) of public pathway. As does the existing park adjacent to the Bow River. There is no attempt to keep off leash dogs segregated from the general population. This is plain wrong. A primary mandate of all levels of government is public safety. I would like council members (not all citizens of Cochrane), to be held personably liable for any injuries sustained to pathway users by off leash dogs.If they are not willing to do this, then they should not allow off leash dogs to mingle with the general public. Please confirm receipt of this email. Thank you

Yes Yes A couple of times a Somewhat unlikely I foresee parking being a major issue. The parking lot at the skate park is already a nightmare, especially Yes month during soccer/baseball season. Sporting kids with little animal experience combined with dog park users will result in altercations. I'm sure the businesses along the proposed new site won't appreciate their parking lots being used by dog owners, either. The spare lot between Smitty's and the hotel would be an ideal designated parking area. It's been an eyesore for well over 10+ years and would fit nicely with the new proposed dog park area. Inadequate parking will also result in even more jaywalking occurring on highway 22, already problematic. Yes Every day Very likely Make it as big as possible, we go for long walks. Walking in a circle doesn't workffor large athletic dogs. The Yes current park at the old bridge is crowded and denuded. Its over used since there is no other pace to go. However it love the bow river off leash dog park and so does my dog. Its a great place to meet people that smile. They are dog people! Yes No A couple of times a Very unlikely Yes month Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely Yes Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely Please no public path through dog park, can we have somewhere we can just relax and run our dogs without Yes week worrying about runners bikers etc. This will be only space in all of cochrane that dog owners have their own space - that's truly important. Yes dog owners must control their dogs but how can you train younger dogs if there is no enclosed space anywhere to do so.

I liked first location a lot better than this. More space for agility sections - we should be able to have 1 special dog park in the whole town not just a fenced space.

Parking I feel will be more of an issue here, the skate park and surrounding businesses are very busy in summer now. Other location worked well for parking.

A few people should not be able to dictate what public space is used for in first proposed location.

I like the idea of using the small off leash park as a fenced dog park for small dogs - make use of that area.

Then the larger dogs have the area behind the husky as first planned - split the space, will mean 2 groups using different areas to spread out a bit more. Lots of people would prefer a seperate space for small dogs. If you have both you can go to one on river.

Too much going on in the new proposed locations - skate park, businesses, baseball diamond, soccer fields, ponds etc - parking will be difficult at peak times.

Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely The area is very small and is not a nice area to walk at all. It's in between a commercial area and a busy Yes week highway, you couldn't have picked a more unappealing area for a dog park. Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Unlikely to use as the space is not big enough for owners to also get a good walk/exercise in themselves. Yes week Unlike the current off leash area along the river where dogs and humans both enjoy adequate walking space. Also access to the water is important as well. This dog park resembles fenced in parks in Calgary and is inadequate in my opinion. Thank you. Yes Yes More than once a Somewhat likely Yes day Yes Yes More than once a Very unlikely First kudos on actually keeping a promised input session up for it's fully schedule duration. Now just abide the Yes day input would be a nice change. Inferior to the original proposal (north of quigley) produced through an expensive and extensive town wide engagement. A lot of garbage there that will likely continue to accumulate due to fast food outlets. People bringing food in is also likely. Northeast gate opens right onto a busy highway and despite double gates problems will likely occur especially since it is a well used pathway. The area is much smaller then the original proposal and the idea of a decent walk for the humans is lost. The small dog area across the road is bigger than it needs be and greatly out of proportion to the north of quigley site. Unclear how parking was such an issue north of quigley but is not dealt with at all or well here.

Most concerning a large group of people have waited patiently for the site north of quigley for a ridiculous 4 years beyond it being selected through an extensive and expensive engagement but when a small number of bullying homeowners get involved it gets pulled with no input from the dog users side. Councilors did not even show for a rally at the site with the dog users group to get their side. A large group played by the rules and waited patiently but were screwed when a small group of bullies started shouting. Wearing a pink shirt once a year does not change this acceptance and encouragement of bullying as a winning approach to getting your way. We need councilors smart enough and with enough spine to see that. NOT people that have spouses that cyber bully or councilors that lash out at citizens in public and the whine when the citizen lashes back. Shameful behaviour through this whole debacle by council. Complete embarrassment for any elected official.

Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Horrible location. Should be in newer neighbor hood. By one of the other dog parks. Spread it out. Not big Yes enough. Parking issues. Try again please. Yes Yes About once a week Very likely I like that it's fenced in Yes

Yes Yes Several times a Unsure This appears to be way smaller that the initial proposal Council decided to renege on. And a main entry from Yes week Highway 22? Even with a double gate system I would be very apprehensive. Unless the businesses that back on to it have given their approval, then I would expect they will complain about the potential for people parking in their lots. They would probably have legitimate cause, so where does that leave us...... AGAIN?

Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely To small especially for bigger dogs. very disappointed that there is no river access, very popular with most Yes week breeds. Very unfortunate that this is the best cochrane has to offer with the amount of people and dogs living in this town. Yes Yes A couple of times a Somewhat likely I preferred the initial plan for the dog park as it provided more space and amenities, but as dog owners are Yes month often overlooked in Cochrane, I will take what we can get. I don't think this plan goes far enough in terms of meeting the demand of dog owners. The 2017 Cochrane census estimated there are over 4500 residents in sunset ridge, the neighbourhood I live in, and desperately needs it's own dog park so owners aren't forced to drive to take their dog to an off leash park. Jeff Toews tried to initiate the trial of a multi use park at the storm pond near St. Timothys some time ago. While the implementation of a 9pm to 9am dog park was less than ideal - the proposed location was perfect. That storm pond isn't a central park to the community as there is the more central pond in the heart of the community. In addition, that land is currently quite an eye sore - the landscaping is unkept and overgrown, there is adequate distance between the pathway around the pond and people's properties where trees and shrubs could be planted to appease home owners. I'm aware when the plan was first set in motion many homeowners weren't pleased with having their home back onto a dog park, I personally feel it is more appealing to back onto a well kept park then an overgrown unmaintained field. If this location is still unsuitable something needs to be done to bring a dog park to sunset. This, like the infrastructure changes, is no longer a want for Cochrane but a necessity. It is time for council to act in the best interests of all citizens, not just a select few who comment that "they don't own a dog and therefore shouldn't have to have their tax dollars pay for a dog park", Cochrane is a community and should support the needs of all community members whether they're going to use those facilities or not. As an adult without children I would never say "I have no kids so my taxes shouldn't go towards funding education" because we are a community and some residents need to realize that just because they don't own a dog doesn't mean that the other 30% (at least) of Cochrane who does should have to suffer.

Yes No A couple of times a Very unlikely Should have been left in original spot, bigger area Yes month Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week No No Unsure I am supportive of a dog park here but worry about traffic congestion - it's already a difficult intersection. Yes Will this location prohibit future dual lanes running south on hwy 22? Hope not! Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely It's an exposed, high traffic, no parking, noisy, and currently trash-filled site that is completely unappealing as Yes an off leash area. Extensive remediation would be required to make this spot palatable as an off-leash area. I am sure there are better areas to explore. Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely I think this plan is a good use of the current space without much disruption for the town. In addition to this Yes space being developed, I would like to see Cochrane become much more dog-friendly. I personally like the multi-use areas. MORE off-leash spaces are desperately needed throughout Cochrane, this is a good initial start. Yes No Somewhat likely I don't currently take my dog to the off-leash because of the amount of bikes going through it. One concern I Yes have about the placement of this off-leash is that it is placed on an already existing pathway. I am concerned that bikes and other users will continue to use it. This would mean I would not use it. At all. This park would be the only space where dogs could run without fear of bikes going by that could hit them. I would like to ensure that there were signs stating this was a dog park and only. Yes Yes About once a week Very unlikely Should be the old area Yes

Yes Yes About once a week Somewhat likely Yes

Yes Yes Several times a Somewhat likely Yes week Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely It is in a terrible location!!! There is less space...which means more congestion for animals...the garbage Yes blowing into that lot is disgusting...why are there not off leash areas in each community like there is supposed to be? If I have to continue to drive to an off leash area...I'm going to drive to a nice area and just take my dog...and my airdrie! If Cochrane does not want to provide nice off leash space for my tax dollars...I'm just as well to spend my hard earned money in pet stores/grocery stores/hair salons/fuel stations in airdrie!!! Do better better!!!! Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely This new dog park is not much better than not having a new one at all. The space is small and beside a busy Yes week highway. The features from the previous design (obstacles area) are no longer included. Not impressed.

A new dog park should be put in Sunset Ridge.

Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Seems pretty small unenjoyable along a major busy hiway. Also no water access again. Gross!! Yes Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Should have moved the bridge rather then ruin the best dog park in Alberta. Make a new dog park with a Yes place for dogs to swim safely. Yes Yes Several times a Very likely Yes week Yes No A couple of times a Very unlikely It is too small and too near the road, the problem with he current off leash park is that there are too many Yes month dogs there where the owners do not always have control over them, in a town this size where all dogs, regardless of their energy level, need to be leashed there should be more space devoted to off leash areas, not where owners and dogs are all going to be squashed in together Yes Yes Several times a Very likely We need more dog parks so I hope this gets created right away!! Yes week Yes Yes Several times a Very unlikely Bad location for dogs as well as all the businesses and home owners around .... and the highway. Set up for Yes week creating unnecessary conflicts in the community. Yes Yes A couple of times a Very unlikely The Riversong residents have expressed that they would be very receptive of an off leash park behind the Yes month community towards the south bow landing development. Yes Yes Several times a Unsure I most likely will not take my dog to the new proposed off-leash area, for people have a very bad habit of Yes week tossing food waste from the restaurants, and I don't need a costly vet bill or even death of my dog when he eats something that was carelessly tossed over the side from the parking lot. Yes Yes Every day Very likely Is there at least a tentative agreement with the pipeline company? Yes What is the timeline for twinning the 22 through town? What happens to our off leash opportunities then? Have the adjacent businesses signed off especially regarding parking? With the effects of the dirt and debris affecting the area of use on the off leash area by Spray Lakes, the proposed area would help offset adverse affects on off leash opportunities.

Yes Yes More than once a Very likely It needs to be fenced in very well with the highway so close Yes day Please put in a lot more trees It is a very small area, not to mention noisy from the highway and business. There is no access to water on hot days for dogs - dog water fountain as they have at off leash parks in Calgary? No Yes Less than once a Somewhat likely As a dog walker , I feel that this space is to small, not enough shade, no running water, to close to any roads. I Yes week feel that this was not well thought out and poorly planned. Would not be easier and cheaper if a walk bridge( going over or under the road where the new bridge will be ) was built?That we still have the a great off leash area and the bridge can be built. Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely Absolutely terrible location for ANY off-leash parks. Cochrane needs to have off-leash spaces representative Yes to the users in town. Road traffic produces a hazard to any pet owner, not to mention, the vehicle operators. Heaven forbid a dog bolts out of the park and onto Highway 22... Listen to the people who use the space, and constructively utilize their feedback to build a better town. Taking an area that can't be developed due to right-of-ways, and designating that as an 'Off-Leash Park' is ridiculous. Get off your wallets and actually put forward some decent land that, instead of being a potential cash grab by the 'land owners' (aka. building developers), will serve a greater ultimate benefit to the people of the Community. Get your act together Town of Cochrane. Yes Yes More than once a Very likely I live in Heritage. I take my dogs to the off leash at least twice a day. This extra fenced fearless closet by Yes day would be a huge bonus for me. Also, it will be nice when the highway is finished and paved so I can walk or ride my bike to the park. Does the design have a water fountain? For dogs? I know it seems excessive but it helps the pups stay cool in the summer. Looks beautiful. No No Very unlikely So what happens when 22 gets twinned? Any monies spent will be a waste. There is an off leash area not far Yes away from this one! I'm sure there are more areas that can be thought of. I'm sorry I do not feel that my tax dollars should be spent on 'dog' parks. It is the dog owners choice to have a pet, it is their responsibility to take care of said pet, I do not like my tax dollars going to 'free' doggie poop bags and doggie parks! I would rather see this monies going into a refurbish of the skatepark. Someplace youth can go without having to 'pay' for the privileges of being children! Free doggie park but let's make the children pay for there activities! Something wrong with this picture in my opinion!!! Yes Yes Every day Very unlikely We will not likely ever use this area. One of my dogs is terrified of vehicular traffic, which would be massive Yes right beside it. The other would be sure to find food garbage from the nearby fast food places. There is no water present, whereas at the river park they are in the water 10 months out of the year or more. This new proposed park is also far too small and narrow for the number of dogs in this town, and still would be multiuse. Dogs like to be able to run, chase, fetch and play together which requires a significant amount of space. Currently the only space large enough for only a few dogs at a time is the east end of the river park, the part that will soon be construction then road. I see it as soon we will have to drive several kilometers daily just for our dogs to have a space to run. The crazy thing is we bought out current home where we did just to be walking distance to the off leash. This city has more dogs per family here than anywhere, yet what is available for areas for people to take their dogs is seriously deficient. Dog owners are taxpayers too, and pay the pet taxes yearly as well, but in all honesty get nothing back in return. Our taxes have gone to pay for an extravagant swimming pool and sports centre. numerous playgrounds, which many are empty 99.9 % of the time, all servicing a minority of people to use, yet we can't even have a descent field large enough for dogs and owners. This proposed strip of scrap land is an insult to taxpayers. All areas of Cochrane need a decent, useful off-leash area so as to cut down on traffic of people having to drive through town to run their dogs. This is the worst municipality I know of for traffic that is not handled due to lack of planning while adding new developments every which direction. WEST ROCK RD 4 COCHRANE 3 7 DOG

8 9 PARK 4 main 6 entry LEGEND 1 bench on concrete pad 1 2 berm 8 3 3 naturalized tree cluster existing fence to be 4 retrofitted with page wire

HIGHWAY 22 HIGHWAY proposed fence to match existing 5 3 2 - with page wire 4 proposed staging area lane-way (fence to match existing - with page 6 8 wire, includes two double swing gates) 3 9 proposed crushed rundlestone 5 7 pathway (2.0m wide)

6 8 vertical root barrier bear-proof garbage parking 9 receptacle and doggy bag station lot entry PUPPY AND SMALL DOG OFF-LEASH AREA LEGEND bench on concrete pad proposed staging area COCHRANE 1 • fence to match existing - with page wire, 2 berm 5 includes two double swing gates) • bear-proof garbage receptacle • doggy bag station with “poop and scoop” by-law sign DOG 3 naturalized tree cluster existing fence to be retrofitted 6 proposed asphalt pathway (3.0m wide) 4 with page wire PARK



QUIGLEY DR SMITTY’S 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 1 3

WEST ROCK RD 3 6 1 5

5 main main entry entry 4