Traditional African Religion:A Resource Unit
1 DOCUMENT RESUME ED 037 586 24 AA 000 519 AUTHOR Garland, WilliamE. TITLE Traditional African Religion:A Resource Unit. INSTITUTION Carnegie-Mellom Univ.,Tittsburgh,Pa. Project Africa. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education,Washington, D.C. BUREAU NO BR-74*0724 PUB DATE 70 NOTE 73p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.75 DESCRIPTORS *African Culture, AfricanHistory, *Annotated Bibliographies, High SchoolStudents, Instructional MaterialS, *Non WesternCivilization, *Religious Conflict, *Social StudiesUnits IDENTIFIERS *Project'Africa ABSTRACT This resource unit isbased on researchconducted by Lynn Mitchell and ErnestValenzuela experienced classroomteachers of African history andculture. The unit consistsof an introduction by Mr. Garland and twomajor Parts.Part I is an annotated bibli°graPbY of selectedsources on various aspects of traditional African Religion useful in classroom study. Part.II consists ofa model teaching unit of two weeksduration, builton an inguirY teaching strategy andutilizes a variety of audio as and visualas well written materials designedfor use by high school teaching plan and students- The instructional materialswhich comprisethisfunit have not been tested inany classroom setting but are presented model of one as,a possiblewayto introduce astudyof traditional African religion. Related documentsare ED 023 692, ED 023 693, ED 030010, ED. 032 324-ED 032 327.and ED 033 249.(Author/LS) ,P ' .N , TRADITIONAL AFRICAN RELIGION A RESOURCE UNIT P1F/JECT AFRICA 1910 The research reported herein WEI perforised pursuant to a contract with the United States Department of HealthEducation and Wetfare Office of Education * 41, NM 4 Project Africa Balterlia11, Carnegie-Yie/lon University Schen ley Park Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 . .. .. Preface This resource unit has been preparedby William E.
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