Axiomatizations for Propositional and Modal Team Logic Martin Lück Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
[email protected] Abstract A framework is developed that extends Hilbert-style proof systems for propositional and modal logics to comprehend their team-based counterparts. The method is applied to classical propo- sitional logic and the modal logic K. Complete axiomatizations for their team-based extensions, propositional team logic PTL and modal team logic MTL, are presented. 1998 ACM Subject Classification F.4.1 Mathematical Logic Keywords and phrases team logic, propositional team logic, modal team logic, proof system, axiomatization Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.CSL.2016.33 1 Introduction Propositional and modal logics, while their history goes back to ancient philosophers, have assumed an outstanding role in the age of modern computer science, with plentiful applications in software verification, modeling, artificial intelligence, and protocol design. An important property of a logical framework is completeness, i.e., that the act of mechanical reasoning can effectively be done by a computer. A recent extension of classical logics is the generalization to team semantics, i.e., formulas are evaluated on whole sets of assignments. So-called team based logics allow a more sophisticated expression of facts that regard multiple states of a system simultaneously as well as their internal relationship towards each other. The concept of team logic originated from the idea of quantifier dependence and independence. The question was simple andis long-known in linguistics: How can the statement For every 푥 there is 푦(푥), and for every 푢 there is 푣(푢) such that P(x,y,u,v) be formalized? The fact that 푣 should only depend on 푢 cannot be expressed with first-order quantifiers.