Cramp in Cases of Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.12.3.251 on 1 August 1949. Downloaded from J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1949, 12, 251. Jr CRAMP IN CASES OF PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC BY LIONEL WOLMAN From the Department of Nervous Diseases, Royal Sheffield Infirmary and Hospital Although cramp has been mentioned as a symp- This procedure has since been abandoned in favour tom by several writers on the subject of prolapsed of complete curettage of the disc space. Of the 204 intervertebral discs (Bradford and Spurling, 1941; patients, 142 had division of one or more p6sterior ro6ts, O'Connell, 1943; Lenhard, 1947) no study has while the remaining sixty-two had no such division. The surgeon's decision whether to section the posterior hitherto been made of its exact nature, frequency, root was influenced by his estimate of the completeness and relationships. It was not until the routine of the disc removal and to a lesser extent by the severity follow-up of cases of sciatica, which had been of root pain. treated surgically, was begun that it was noticed that the symptom of painful cramps in the leg was fairly Type of Cramp.-In most cases the cramp came common in postoperative cases. This served to on at night while the patient was in bed. It affected focus attention on the symptom, and an inquiry the calf alone, the thigh alone, the foot alone, or about it was therefore made in all cases, both before combination of these. There was always associated Protected by copyright. and after operation. The purpose of this paper is pain, and the patient could always feel the muscle to record these observations, and if possible to harden or, in the case of the foot, see and feel the relate the' symptom to conditions found at, or toes being drawn down under the sole. These produced by, the operation, and to discuss the symptoms were always verified before a pain in the symptom in relation to theories now held on the leg was-called cramp. atiology of muscle cramp. When there had been cramp before operation, this symptom began after the onset of sciatica and Material never before. The most characteristic thing about The observations recorded here were made in the the postoperative cramps was that they were very Department of Nervous Diseases, Royal Sheffield frequent immediately after operation, occurriig Infirmary and Hospital, in a series of 204 cases of back- for ache and sciatica which were thought to be due to nightly or every other night the first few weeks, herniation of an intervertebral disc and were subjected and gradually becomi'ng less frequent so that they to operation. The patients were operated on between occurred about weekly or monthly twelve to the years 1939 and 1946 by Mr. James Hardman, and a eighteen months after operation. With a further routine follow-up examination was carried out in 1947, lapse of time they became very infrequent, occurring at least twelve months and up to seven years after only once every three or- four months. This operation. The figures given below are extracted from infrequency made observations on actual attacks the complete follow-up survey carried out by the writer, of cramp difficult. None have yet been recorded the results of which will be published in a later paper. as occurring more than five years after operation. Type of Operation.-The operation performed was either a laminectomy or a hemilaminectomy, with Incidence of Cramp.-Cramps occurred as a pre- exploration of the disc spaces between the fourth and operative symptom in sixteen out .of the 204 cases fifth lumbar vertebra and the lumbosacral articulation. in the series (8 per cent.). It occurred after As much prolapsed material as possible was removed, operation in fifty-two cases (26 per cent.). Of and if exploration was negative further spaces were these postoperative cases, in the group of sixty-two on October 1, 2021 by guest. investigated if this wa's thought necessary by the cases not having a sensory'root divided, nine (15 operating surgeon. In about two-thirds of the cases per cent.) developed cramps, whereas, in the 142 division of one or two sensory roots, either at the same cases having a posterior root division, forty-three segmental level as the disc or at the segment above, was made. This procedure was adopted in' an attempt to (30 per cent.) developed cramps. Thus cramps be certain that pain was relieved (Walker, 1945) and to appear twice as commonly in the cases having -avoid further root pressure if more material should division of sensory roots as in those not having prolapse. this performed. 251 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.12.3.251 on 1 August 1949. Downloaded from 0, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 252' LIONEL- WOLMAN TABLE I Precipitating Cause of Cramps.-AII the patients AGE AND SEX INCIDENCE OF CASES- were asked what factors brought on the cramp. The replies (Table II) showed that nocturnal cramp Series ino Average Age of Aof Men Women occurred in more than half the cases. series age youngest e est Pre- operative Factors Relieving Cramp.-The cramp passed of cramps .. .. 16 38 20 54 15 1 Postoperative spontaneously in all the patients in whom it cramps . .. 52 36 17 50 43 9 occurred pre-operatively, but could be relieved by Cases without cramp .. .. 136 36 17 68 112 24 rubbing the affected part or by pressing the foot Whole series .. 204 36 17 68 170 34 against something firm. In the fifty-two patients in whom cramp was postoperative, changing -the position of the leg was most effective and relieved Of the sixteen patients complaining of cramp in before operation, ten were relieved of this symptom cramp fifteen cases, pressing the foot to the after operation, while in the remaining six the ground was successful in ten, and six found that cramps were6 more frequent and severe afterwards rubbing the affected part gave relief. Three patients in all but one, whose cramps persisted at about the thougzht they could relieve cramp by taking aspirin same frequency and intensity. It has been men- before going to bed, and eight cases used'a combina- tioned already that the cramp in these cases tends TABLE 1II to come on at night while the patient is in bed, thus differentiating the pain from that of inter- MUSCLES AFFECTED BY CRAMP mittent claudication. A further point of difference Pre-operative cases Postoperative cases is the age incidence, which is shown in Table I. Part Weak- Weak- It will be seen that the average age of the -atients affected Weak- ness Weak- ness was the same as in No. % ness and No. % ness and with cramp approximately the Protected by copyright. only wast- only wast- whole series of sciatica cases; this suggests that ing ing vascular factors of a degenerative type play no part in the causation of the cramp. Thigh .. 2 13 0 1 3 6 1 2 Thigh and Sex Incidence.-The sex of the patients with calf .. 1 6 1 0 6 11 0 1 cramp is shown in Table I. Although pre-operative cramps were commoner in men than in women, the Calf .. 9 56 5 4 29 56 10 5 sex distribution in the group with cramp after Calf and foot 1 6 1 0 5 10 0 0 operation was similar to that for the whole series Foot and toes 3 19 1 0 9 17 2 2 (about five men to one woman); this suggests Total.. 16 100 100 that sex has no part in the aetiology of these cramps. _-52 II tion of all these methods to obtain relief. The - TABLE remaining ten adopted no particular measures but PRECIPITATING FACTORS IN CRAMP allowed the cramp to pass off spontaneously. No. with No. with Precipitating factor pre- post- Site of Cramp.-The muscles affected by cramp operative operative are indicated 'in Table III. As many observers cramp cramp have previously noted, the calf m'uscles are -by far the commonest site for muscular cramps. In the In bed at night .. .. .. 7 32 sixteen pre-operative cases, wasting of the affected muscles was found in five patients, while in all While bending or kneeling .. 0 3 except three there was definite weakness of these While sitting .. .. .. 2 3 muscles compared with the opposite side. Fibrilla- tion was seen in the calf in two patients only. In Stretching leg .. .. .. 2 0 the fifty-two postoperative cases weakness and on October 1, 2021 by guest. While standing with weight wasting were less frequently found in the affected on leg.. .. .. .. 0 3 muscles, there being ten patients with wasting and twenty-three with weakness. As cramps were No definite cause-cramp at fairly infrequent by the time of the follow-up, this any time of day or night .. 5 11 observation is of doubtful significance. The dis- tribution of the weakness and wasting is shown in Total . .. .. 16 52 Table III. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.12.3.251 on 1 August 1949. Downloaded from CRAMP AND PROLAPSED DISC 253. TABLE IV medial or lateral position, there is no definite RELATIONSHIP OF CRAMP TO THE LEVEL OF THE correlation between the muscle affected by cramp PROLAPSED DISC and the level of the prolapsed disc. The type of disc found at operation, especially as regards the Cases with Cases with Remainder pre- post- of cases position of prolapsed material, was therefore Site of prolapsed operative operative without disc tramp cramp cramp investigated next.