Teno: Better Ties with Legislature

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Teno: Better Ties with Legislature • .. -:·· .,,,_,.,,, .... ,.• .,., '' • ,.-':': n ,-:-.~ •• , -, ., < ~ DPL: Public land to ru.n Teno: Better ties i out fast if ruling followed \ By Rene P. Acosta "The concern of Public Lands i Variety News Staff is the limited land resource that. PUBLIC Lands Director Ber­ we have. If we are going to be with Legislature tha Leon Guerrero said govern­ compensating all these possible ment may quickly run out of land exchange recipients, we By Jojo Dass public lands if may not have lands to exchange Variety News Staff the decision anymore," said Gu~rrero. WITH Rep. Heinz S. recently is- ' "In addition to land exchanges, Hofschneider (R-Saipan) having sued by Supe­ we need to have land for home­ been endorsed by majority of the rior Court Pre­ steads, for public purposes and elected House Republicans for siding Judge Speaker, Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio for offices," she said. Edward Guerrero said that while she yesterday expressed confidence his administration can work well Manibusan on Bertha Leon has no reservations on compen­ with the 12th Legislature on vital aright-of-way Guerrero sating Taisacan, the division . case is used as bills on economic recovery. wants a clarification on what is basis for other similar pending right or fair compensation as "That's the decision they made. cases. ordered by Judge Edward I respect it," said the governor, Guerrero's concerns were Manibusan. referring to Tuesday's Republi­ raised in response to the court's The decision on the Taisacan can party caucus which formally ruling on the Leon Taisacan case . land case against the former endorsed Hofschneider for the top which effectively obligates gov­ Marianas Public Land Corpora­ House post by a vote of 10 to two. ernment to compensate land tion was issued by Manibusan "I am sure we can work closely with them. I have always believed claimants for its use of private eight days ago. land. that we have a separation of power Continued on page 30 (between the Legislature and the executive branch). I have confi­ dence that the Legislature will do DPH studies PCB disease ·patt~rns what it is supposed to do. By Jojo Dass Villagomez, may be headed for "I've been a member of the Variety News Staff an uphill climb though. Legislature. I have always felt THE DEPARTMENT of Public Villagomez explained that for that members of the Legislature Health is coordinating with con- one, past medical records of the and the administration should cemed federal government agen- residents are now being labori- always work together because we cies in drawing up a pattern of ously scrutinized to determine only have one goal and that is to illnesses among Tanapag resi- abnormal symptoms. make sure that we provide the dentsthatmaybeattributedtothe Another, Villagomez ex- essential services to the commu- cancer-causing polychlorinated plained,PCB-relatediilnessesare nity," Tenorio said. biphenyl (PCB). "very non-specific." Hofschneider, in an interview The task, according to Health "It could be a lot of things, Gov. Tenorio: Eager to work with incoming batch of legislators. Continued on page 30 Secretary Joseph Kevin Continued on page 30 r:-=------==-=-~..:. -=--·-·"··-··-·····-- >-. --~ ···---" = .~ .. ~ . - . ·- .· · 11 Marshalls voters return I! NMI honors teacher of the year /i Kabua, minus majority By Marian A. Maraya 1·- Variety News Staff By Giff Johnson next week Tuesday, the opposi­ SAN VICENTE Elementary For the Variety tion United Democratic Party School (SVES) teacher Jonas MAJURO - Marshall Is­ claims it has the 17 votes neces­ Barcinas was chosen as CNMI lands President Imata Kabua sary to form a government when Teacher of the Year 2000 easily won reelection to parlia­ the parliament convenes just af­ (TOY)duringyesterday'sEdu­ ment in his home atoll of ter the new year. cation Day celebration at Kwajalein, according to elec­ Alik Alik, one of four UDP Hopwood Junior High School. tion results is­ candidates who swept to victory He succeeds last year's win­ ·sued Tuesday in the former ruling party-con­ , ner, Barbara Gilles, from trolled Majuro Atoll, said the by the Elec­ Tanapag Elementary School Ii_·:.;-- ··_c-·· ... toral Adminis­ opposition party has the num­ (TES), f''eotJf·. tration. bers to put together a govern­ :; The CNMI State Selection 1~,t_·.~~-· Butfromthe ment and has begun discussions ,.)';,. f_'..: panel chose Barcinas from to gain agreement on a single t,;1, still prelimi­ f among 13 other outstanding ;!;/ \ nary and unof­ presidential candidate and cabi­ ~l teachers from all public schools OUTSTANDING TEACHER. CNMI 1999 Teacher of the Year Jonas ficial returns, · net assignments. ! on all three islands. Barcinas (right) and 1998 Teacher of the Year Barbara Gilles during ' Kabua will bereturningwi_thout · At least four candidates .for The selection panel was com- yesterday's Education Day Celebration. Photo by Marian Maraya the slim majority that. he. has . president have been· advanced, ' 11 I prised of individuals from both Year, Barcinas will be represent­ nity to meet with U.S. President held for the past thre~,_years. butAJik indicated that the'choice the government and public sec­ ing the CNMI in national educa­ Bill Clinton in Washington D.C. .1 . Though C:and_ida_tet in two . is now, c~nterin:g ; ;e(tJler ·. op tor which met three times to tion forums, including the national next year. races are>separated .by just a. Speaker KessaiNote or~~lar · come out with the final deci­ convention for teachers in Janu- Furthermore, Barcinas will handful of .votes/and: wiI111ers former ambassadortq Washing- sion. ary . participate in the national space cannofbe; declared until postal .ton, WUfred)~:~~<,fajl,Jlj~Jiigh-. As this year's Teacher of the He will also have the opporn1- coun~ begiilllirig Continued on page 30 , •.. abseriteis \ ,~ ,.•,• • ,, O•o ,.', 'M .b,' 0 •<' are;,,....... , •• "' • ,,~\·, ... "•' > ",, .. ,' <.•, • '° ··.. 9<?~~IQ!J~:ql'lp€19! ~-0 ;_ I WORLD/NATION 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TIIURSDAY- NOVEMBER 25, 1999 _L_O_C_A_L__________ ~ _______________:_.:TII'...!_U:::_:R~S~D:.!..A~Yc.2,.c.:N~O:..:.V.!:'.E~M~B~E~R..!:2:::.15,c.!...:1999 -MARIANAS VARIETY .tsi:EWS AND VIEWS-3 In California . News Briefs · Indonesia rushes police reinforcements to Aceh School bus privatization eyed JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia is sending hundreds of police i 3 reinforcements to the troubled province of Aceh amid fears of \' By Marian A. Maraya sources within our community to Inos said CNMI leaders have Officer Jess Sanches, in an earlier killed in bed Variety News Staff offset the deficit of what we have been very generous in assisting interview, said PSS needs seven . spokesman for the Ventura the household, but would not violent protests in early December, police said <;m Wednesday. MOORPARK, Calif. (AP) - INSTEAD of dwelling on the in terms of people transportation," PSS with regard to procuring its additional buses to be able to func­ Three brothers were shot to County Sheriff's Department. elaborate. Authorities stressed Spokesman Colonel Saleh Saaf told Reuters that 876 reinforce­ Public School System's (PSS) bus Inos said. current buses. tion in its fullest capacity. death in their beds and their Cora Caro, 42, was airlifted that a killer was not loose in the ments from the police mobile brigade had· been sent to the region. '( services shortcomings, Education "We have been working with "So far, our lawmakers have "In order for us to facilitate mother was critically wounded to Los Robles Regional Medi­ Santa Clara Valley area about 70 Members of the unit are frequently used to control demonstra­ f. Commissioner Rita H. Inos said some private bus companies who been very generous with us ... they timely transportation of our stu­ at a spacious estate north of Los cal Center with massive head miles northwest of Los Angeles. tions. Abouthalfof the new officers were replacing others who were L ' the school system is focusing on are looking at what it takes and have heard ourrequest and we've dents from all over the commu­ Angeles, authorities said Tues­ injuries. She was in critical but Caro was holding the infant boy being withdrawn, Saaf said. · looking at other means of im­ what are the criteria and qualifi­ shown them data in terms of what nity, not just Saipan, but Rota and day. An infant was found un­ stable condition. in his arms when he met deputies It follows complaints from the military in the region that govern­ proving the quality of PSS 's trans­ cations to be able to bus the stu­ it is about out student population Tinian as well, we would need to harmed. Caro, 52, was cooperative dur­ at the door of the two-story man­ ment orders to scale down their forces had hit their ability to control dents safely to and from schools. right now that needs their assis­ add to our fleet. Dr. Xavier Caro called police ing several hours of question­ sion after placing the 911 call. unrest in Aceh, the northern tip of Sumatra. portation fleet. PSS is actively looking into the "So we don't just leave our­ tance and last fiscal year, they "So we are working on thaL..and at I I :20 p.m. Monday to report ing, Nishimoto said. "He was certainly grieving," selves to saying we don't have gave us the support by allocating also other efforts within the commu­ that his wife and children had Police said the investigation Nishimoto said. "He was very, P. Rican Democratic fleet's privatization as one pos­ enough buses ... we also recognize their own personal office dollars," nity to make sure that we are as cost been shot, said Eric Nishimoto, was focused solely on people in very upset." sible solution, according to Inos. leader resigns "We continue to eye that there are so many resources she said.
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