Rodeo to Draw More Than 200 Orphan Children
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Student Congress Four Local Coeds Vetoes To Vie ■ Race Seminar, 22-7 For Miss Fort Worth See Page 2 TEXASThe CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skiff • • • • FORT WORTH, TEXAS See Page 6 VOL. 59, No. 36 FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1961 12 PAGE! Rodeo To Draw More Than 200 Orphan Children More than 200 excited, yelling children are sche- duled to see the TCU All-College Rodeo in the Cowtown Posse Arena on Highway 81 at 2 p.m. Sunday. The children will be from the Lena Pope, St. Teresa's and Tarrant County Orphan's homes. Their tickets are gifts of F'ort Worth businessmen and the Haltom City Lions Club. Admission for TCU stu-! • dents is $1. Only University national rodeo this year will students may participate in'^d >n California, the rodeo Sunday. Proceeds will Last of Ranch Week go toward financing the rodeo The TCU Hodeo is the only re- team in competition with other maining event of Ranch Week, a teams In the National Intercolle- school function which ceased in giate Rodeo Association Inter- 1958. collegiate rodeos are held Stock for the rodeo is to be throughout the southwest con- furnished by McHood and Smit ference with district winners com Hodeo Producers. peling in the national events. The Events will include bareback bronc nding, roping, calf roping, ribbon roping, steer dogging, Mrs. FDR Slated fraternity and sorority goal sack- ing, fraternity wild horse racing For Select Series and bull riding. Pull Ribbon World renowned lecturer and Ribbon roping, a timed even "atateswoman" Eleanor Uoose- involves a two man team. The felt will appear lore in the sea- man on horseback ropes a calf son's final Select Series program With a ribbon tied on its tail The at 8 p.m. Wednesday In Ed Lan s0(,|,nd man dashes onto the field dreth Auditorium. and pulll the ribbon from the calf's tail, [hi team whose second Mrs Roosevelt will discuss the man carries the ribbon to the question "Host Can the United finish line with the besl tune is States Best Influence the World the v\ inner Against Communism?" Teams from six fraternities are Tickets for those who do not entered in the wild horse race. have season tickets will be .sold There are 13 entries each in the Fort Worth junior David Guynn takes tha hard on a space available basis for bull riding and bronc riding Cowtown Posse Arena, It expected to be 11.50. knocks in preparation for the All-College attended by more than 200 children from Lena contests. Seven are signed up for Rodeo this Sunday. Guynn will vie in the wild '1 he Widow of President FDR steer wrestling and eight foi call Pope, St. Teresa's and Tarrant County Or- horse race, bareback and bull riding contests. phan't homes. was the United States repieson roping. The rodeo, scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. in the tative for the fourth through toe Trophies Awarded seventh United Nations General Trophies will be awarded to Assemblies and now is active in the fraternity and sorority that the American Association for downs and then sacks a goat in Drs. Lindley, Manning Open Brannon Resting the United Nations record time She has received the first an- Coeds will nut the name of After erat on nual Franklin I) Roosevelt Award their sorority on the back of Isolation Conference Here °P " In IM6, the first American Award their ticket stubs which they will Frog cage coach Buster Bran- in Human Relations in 1949 and sign and deposit near the cold By JESSE FORD and CLAUDE BROWN the Four Freedoms Award in non was reported to be resting drink stand. Tho sorority with the President D. Ray Lindley open ball personalities'," said Dr A 1950. See RODEO on Page 11 satisfactorily Wednesday after he ed the Isolation and Stress Study! '< Carp, technical director of the underwent an operation Monday." Conference Thursday by welcom personnel laboratory at Uck and , Rrann„„ , ,,, . - ing 30 scientists, psychologists AFB, San Antonio. His studies! „ Brannon' wh* ,s m V" *"n,« ! Hos tal anthropologists and doctors to of morale indicate further that P' . underwent surgery for Susan Hand ley Selected the campus morale reaches its high point' duodenal ulcer I>r. Winton H. Manning, asso- ith a certain number of such; Aiding in the operation was odd balls' and begins to decline ciate professor of psychology one of Branson's old teammates- as more are added here, discussed briefly the re- Dr. Wendall Sumners. 'Miss St Patrick's Day' search being conducted here The "We have not yet found the ! The coach will remain in All primary concern is with the be! number at which the morale be- HiSS Susan Hand ley. Fort Patrick's Day" include dinner for gins to decrease." Dr Carp said. Saints for another week, accord* Worth junior, was chosen 'Mis, two at tho Italian Inn, an or- havior patterns for groups sta- tioned in isolated areas such as The conference will continue ing to attending physicians, and St Patrick's Pay" Tuesday from chid corsage and a lour of radio Friday, ending Saturday at noon. a field of five finalists station K.IIM the Arctic; and their reaction will return home for further rest. to little communication with the! She will represent KTCU on outside world. campus today. I'm example, the conferees are' Miss Handley. an education ma interested in the relation between for, lias black hair. greeO eye--. Dean of Women Invited Weighs 120 pounds and measures the Individual's behavior and the number of letters he receives a trim 30-29-30. She represented from home and the number id ra Kappa Kappa (i.iinma In the con- test die messages received from the To Meeting as Honoree outside world other finalists were Misses Miss Elisabeth Shelburn I>r Norman Washbui ne. pro the To quality for the award, one Jackie Marshall, Angleton fresh- lessor ol sociology at the I niver University's retiring dean oi wo must have worked 39 yeaivs m the nan representing the Tri Delta; lity of Akron. Akron, Ohio, said1 men. ml leave Tuesday for Dan educational field. Serving 29 of Marilyn Hedmond, Austin fresh that he is working with differ those years as ■ dean oi women man. representing Chi Omega; ver. Colo, where she will be hon- cut methods in training person ored by the National Association or KUIS or i comparable post Renee Monday, representing the tion nel "As yet." he continued, "we ot Women Deans and Counselors Newman club; and Linda Cros know little about these passive Deans of women from all over sett, representing the Indepen An Invitation to attend the con the United States will attend the defenders." . vent ion as one of the dent Women's Organisation, I convention, which la to be held Dr Washbiirnc's study deals The live finalist! Ware .select guests WSI extended to Miss Shel at the Denver Hilton Hotel The With the amount of food | man buino early this year by Dr ed from in entries by the KM I main event of the group's plan- requires In extreme cold, -A hat stall and its manager, Dr. w Margaret Habeus, national preal type of foods and whether or not ned acti\ ities will be a banquet, Ha wee dent of the association I at which time Miss Shelbunaa be will accept u from i psycholo The University's dean will re Miss Handley was chosen by V gical standpoint. Will be honored Vincent, manager of Patricia Ste Ceive a citation for her conlri Miss ,Io Ann James, assistant "We have found an indication von-. Modeling School. butions to students and to honor dean of women, will accompany that the morale of a group is in her on her retirement, which In- The prizes won by "Miss St 1 MISS SUSAN HANDLEY i Miss Shelburne to Denver They creased by inserting a few odd comes effective June 1. I will return Saturday. March 28s Pag* 2 THE SKIFF Friday, March 17, 1961 West Coast Interests Her Congress Nullifies, 22-1, Dancing Keeps Maggie Busy Race Relations Seminar By FRANCES GILLESPIE scene," she recalled. "Everyone j summer she was dropped to the Student Congress voted 22-1 | had nothing to do with our ac- was on hands and knees, grop- (floor during a number by a Nev Tuesday to nullify all previous tion, in fact, it never came before Like waiting for a rich uncle ing around in the dark trying to York dancer. Maggie explained, to die, or looking for a star on action taken on the racial seminar us (Congress) for action." find the lens. One of the boys fi- "It wasn't anyone's fault. We which had been scheduled for a stormy night—That's how hard nally found it, in pieces, and just weren't timing It right to- Since the reversal action was it is to find busy Miss Margaret May 56 on campus. i first on Tuesday's agenda, the brought it backstage to me." gether. But there was no dancing Congress has been working on Moar. In one instance Maggie kicked for a week and a half for me " petition, which would have op- the planned race relations semi-'[ posed holding the seminar by Who is this Miss Moar? off a shoe in doing a jitterbug To a girl like Maggie Moar, nar for the past three weeks. This ' "Maggie," as her friends call number in "Silk Stockings." Last that ranks as a catastrophe. forcing the issue to a student has been the result: ! body vote, was never presented.