3.14-3.15 Watershed Resource Inventory
3.14 Watershed Drainage System the 12 streams, Tributary G which streams surrounding these ravines, is located in the central portion of exacerbating the erosion process 3.14.1 Tributary Streams and the watershed, is the longest at and threatening ravine habitat. Ravines to Lake Michigan approximately 34,679 linear feet or In 2006, Hey and Associates, Inc. about 6.6 miles. Tributaries E and was contracted by the Village of aterways such as F, the second and third longest Caledonia to conduct a study of streams and ravines streams in the watershed, are 14,550 several ravines within Caledonia are a barometer of linear feet (2.8 miles) and 11,631 including Rifle Range, Cliffside Park, the health of their linear feet (2.2 miles) respectively. Breaker’s, Dominican Creek, and watersheds. The story of waterways, The remaining 9 streams account Birch Creek Ravines. The study, Was with so many natural resources, for 36,051 linear feet or 6.8 miles. entitled Ravine Erosion and Natural has been one of exploitation Stream conditions vary greatly Resources Assessment Study, and lack of understanding. depending on their location, past looked at erosion and ecological Few waterways throughout the and currently surrounding land and bank stability in respect to these world have escaped pollution, uses, ownership, etc. ravines and made management channel modifications, and recommendations accordingly. increased flooding as a result of One important observation was mismanagement of development in made in fall of 2012 that all streams Additional recommended ravine the watershed (Apfelbaum & Haney in the watershed are intermittent. related resources can be found at: 2010).
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