The Army Lawyer (Feb

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The Army Lawyer (Feb THE ARMY Headquarters, Department of the Army Department of the Army Pamphlet 27-50-279 February 1996 Table of Contents Articles Annual Review of Developments in Instructions (1995) ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Colonel Gary J. Holland, Major R. Peter Masterson. and Major Stephen R. Henley What Is the “Subterfuge Rule” of MRE 313(b) After United States w. Taylor? .................................................................................................................... 24 I Major James W. Herring 1 1 TJAGSA Practice Notes ................ ...... ......................................................... ........................................ 31 i 1^ Faculty,The Judge Adwocate Ge Criminal Law Notes .............. ....................................................................... .................................................................. Strict Scrutiny for Urinalysis Cases? United States v. Manuel, United States v. Fisiorek. and United Stares w. Sztuku Legal Assistance Items .......................................... ............................................................ .............................................................. 36 Office Management Note (TJAGSA Legal Assistance Course); Mobilization and Deployment Note (SSCRA and USERRA Training Materials for Deploymg Units); Legal Assistance Administrative Law Note (Military Whistleblower ,Protection); Family Law Note (Considering the Custody and Visitation Rights of Third Parties); Tax Notes (State Taxation of Retirement Income Is Limited, Custodial Parent Entitled to Exemption) Notes from the Field ..................................... .................................................................. ................................................................... 41 Mr. Joseph P. Zocchi The Brave New World of Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Advertising ............................................................................................................................. 41 USALSA Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45 . Uniied Siates Army Legal Services Agency ' Environmental Law Division Notes. ....... ........................................................................................................... 45 P Recent Environmental Law Developments Claims Report ..................................... ............................................. .............................................................................. 52 Uniied States Army Claims Service ' Tort Claims Note (Administrative Filing Requirements for Tort Claims; Joint Claimant Payments); Personnel Claims Note (Corps of 1 * Engineers Personnel Claims; Missing Video Cassette Recorder Not Listed on Inventory: To Prove Tender, Use All Available 1 Information) Regimental News from the Desk of the Sergeant Major .............................................................................................................................. 54 Sergeant Major Jeffrey A. Todd Enlisted Training Developments I rF uard and Reserve Affairs Items ........................................................................................................ ............................................... 54 r 1 1 Guard and Reserve Affairs Division, OTJAG 1h 'I The Judge Advocate General's Reserve Component (On-Site) Continuing Legal Education Schedule Update 1; ! Professional Responsibility Notes ............................................... .......................................................................................................................... 56 Standards of Conduci Once, OTJAG Ethical Awareness CLE News ......... ..................... .................... r' ..................... 65 1 The Army Lawyer (ISSN 0364-1287) Editor, Captain John B. Wells Editorial Assistant, Charles J. Strong The Army Lawyer is published monthly by The Judge Advocate The Army Lawyer arti d in the Index IO Legal General's School for the official use of Army lawyers in the performance Periodicals, the Current Law Index, the Legal Resources index, end the of their legal responsibilities. The opinions expressed by the authors in Index to U.S. Government Periodicals. the articles, however, do not necessarily reflect the view of The Judge Advocate General or the Department of the Army. Masculine or Individual paid subscriptions are available through the Superintendent feminine pronouns appearing in this pamphlet refer to both genders of Documents, P.O. Box 37 1954, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15250, unless the context indicates another use. facsimile (202) 512-2233. The Army Lawyer welcomes articles on topics of interest to military Address chunges: Provide changes to the Editor, The Army Lawyer. lawyers. Articles should be typed double-spaced and submitted to: TJAGSA, Charlottesville. VA 22903-1781. 4 1, I Editor, The Army Lawyer. The Judge Advocate General's School, U.S. Army, Charlottesville. Virginia 22903-1781. Footnotes, if included, Issues may be cited as ARMYLAW., [date], at [page nhmber]. should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet. Articles also should be submitted on floppy disks, and should in either Microsoft Word, be Second-class postage paid at Charlottesville. VA and additional Wordperfect. Enable, Multimate, DCA RFT, or ASCII format. Articles should follow A Unqorm System ofCituation (15th ed. 1991) and Military mailing offices. POSTMASTER. Send address changes to The Judge Citation (TJAGSA, July 1992). Manuscripts will be returned only upon Advocate General's School, U.S. Army, Attn: JAGS-DDL. specific request. No compensation can be paid for articles. Charlottesville,VA 22903-1781. 1 Annual Review of Developments in Instructions (1995) 1 ’ Colbnel Gary J. Holland Circuit Judge, 2d Judicial Circuit .‘I I United States Army Trial Judiciary Fort Stewart, Georgia Major R. Peter Masterton # Professor; Criminal Law Department dvocate General’s School, United States Army Charlottesville, Virginia Major Stephen R. Henley Professol; Criminal Law Department The Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army Charlottesville, Virginia Introduction evidence room. He was charged with wrongful disposition of i military property under Article 108 of the Uniform Code of Mili- This article reviews the significant 1995 developments in the tary Justice (UCMJ)’ and with larceny of military property under law pertaining to military judges’ instructions to court members.’ Article 121 of the UCMJ.* The military judge was required to This article will discuss developments’based on case law and the define the term “military properly” because it was a statutory el- most recent change to the Manual for Courts-Martial(Manual)? ement of Article 1108 and a sentence escalator under Article 121. It will also discuss developments contained in the updates to the The military judge instructed the members that “the maintenance Military Judges’ Benchbook (Benchb~ok)~promulgated by the of items of evidence is an indispensable part of the [militaryjus- Office of the Chief Trial Judge, United States Army Trial Judi- tice] system; thus, if you frnd that the item listed in this specifi- ciary. During the past year, two of these updates were i~sued.~ cation [were] properly surrendered to the hands of the military to An updated checklist of Benchbook instructions, including new permit its use in evidence, you can conclude that it is military instructions contained in the updates, is included in Appendix A pr~perty.”~ to this article. .. In upholding this instruction, the Court of Appeals for the Instructions on Offenses Armed Forces (CAAF) noted that it is “the function to which prop- erty is put as evidence in courts-martial,notwithstanding that it is .The military judge is required to instruct on the elements of privately owned, [which] qualifies that property as military prop- offenses? Defining the terms used in the elements of the offenses erty of the United States.”’O The CAAF found that; given the is an important part of these instructions. United States v. Sneea importance of the military justice system, the trial judge’s defini- is an example of how important such defmitions can be. In Sneed, tion was proper. the accused was an evidence custodian who stole items from the I This article is one in a series of annual articles reviewing instructional issues. See, e.& Gary 1. Holland & R. Peter Masterton, Annual Review of Developments in Instcctiorrs, ARM^ LAW.,Mar. 1995. at 3. * Exec. Order No. 12,960.60 Fed. Reg. 26,647 (1995). reprinted in MANUALmR COURTS-MAR~AL.United States, app. 25, at A25-26 (1995 4.)[hereinafter MCM]. ’ DFP’TOF ARMY, PAhWHLET 27-9, MIL.ITARY JUDGES’ BENCHBOOK(1 May 1982) [hereinafter BENCHBOOK]. \ ‘ Memorandum, US.Army Legal Services Agency, JALS-TJ, subject: US.Army Trial Judiciary Benchbook Update Memo 14 (21 Mar. 1995) [hereinafter Update Memo 141; Memorandum, U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, IALS-TJ. subject: U.S. Army Trial Judiciary Benchbook Update Memo I5 (27 June 1995) [hereinafter Update Memo 151. ’ MCM, supra note 2. R.C.M. 920(e). 43 MJ. 101 (1995). ’ UCMl art. 108 (1988). ’ Id. art. 121. Sneed, 43 MJ. at 103. lo Id. at 104. I\, FEBRUARY 1996 THE ARMY LAWYER DA PAM 27-50-279 3 United States v. Murray” is another example of the impor-i cused in Cowun &charged with unpremeditated
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