Reagan Supports GOP's Jobs Bill HPC Warns Campus Lottery Threat Is Real
. Kissing rec VOL. XVII, NO. 98 the independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint man 's WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1983 Reagan supports GOP’s jobs bill WASHINGTON (AP) — President The Democrats, said House Reagan gave his first pu blic blessing Majority Leader Jim Wright ofTexas, to a multibillion package of emer “ have no intention of sabotaging the gency jobs and recession relief yes package." terday, as Republicans moved to House Democratic leaders in protect their party’s $4.3 billion sisted, however, that they may want program from Democratic to revise the president’s proposal, “tinkering." either by switching some of the Reagan conferred w ith funds from one program to another, Republican congressional leaders, or by increasing the overall amount. who then cautioned that adding. House Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill provisions opposed by the president Jr., D-Mass., said Monday that — and more spending — could sink Democrats might want to add as the entire effort to pass emergency much as $1 b illio n to Reagan’s $4.3 jobs legislation quickly. billion for summer employment, The House Republican leader, nutrition programs for women and Robert Michel of Illinois, said the children, and weatherizing low GOP program could could provide income housing. N the first of “several hundred And D em ocratic Party W hip Rep thousand jobs" by this spring. Thomas Foley of Washington said “ We must resist build-on, pump White House aides clearly under up, Christmas-tree” legislation, said stood that may be the case. ( Senate Majority Leader Howard H. Foley and White House Chief of Baker Jr.
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