Media Presentation of Women Power Strategy in Scandal Tv Series Season 7
MEDIA PRESENTATION OF WOMEN POWER STRATEGY IN SCANDAL TV SERIES SEASON 7 THESIS BY: KARUNIA MAULIDIA PERMATA SUGIARTO REG. NUMBER: A73216114 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA 2020 ii iii iv v ABSTRACT Sugiarto, K.M.P., 2020. Media Presentation of Women Power Strategy in Scandal TV Series Season 7. English Department, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd. Keywords: gender equality, power strategy, women in leadership, women power, media presentation. This study aims to analyze the power strategy of women characters in Scandal TV Series Season 7. This television series mostly tells about the powerful women politicians who work and handle the scandalous cases. At season 7, there will be the four strong female characters that took the main role in this Scandal serial which are Olivia Pope, Mellie Grant, Quinn Perkins, and Abby Wheelan. The place setting mostly was taken on White House and the law firm called OPA (Olivia Pope & Asosiaciation), which is renamed to QPA (Quinn Perkins & Association). The author aims to analyze the power strategies of those four female characters in the Scandal TV Series Season 7. There are five types of power strategies of Thimm, C., Koch, SC, and Schey, S. (2003), which are order, direct request, threat, hierarchy, and demonstrating competence. This study uses a qualitative approach concerning the use of clear and systematic descriptions of the research being studied. Descriptive studies in the textual analysis were applied in this study to analyze conversations of female characters through the results of the transcript from the manuscript.
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