Network layer implemented Anycast Load Balancing Ricardo Lopes Pereira Teresa Vaz˜ao IST, Inesc-ID IST, Inesc-ID
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract only server availability, but also the network distance and conditions along the paths from client to server and vice- This paper presents a server selection method where the versa. This is also what routing protocols such as Open server selection is performed by the network, at the first Shortest Path First (OSPF) do, compute shortest paths. As- router from the client. This method, usable in networks un- signing each server the same anycast address [16] allows der single administrative control, combines network metrics each router to know the path towards the nearest server. (such as traffic or latency) with common server load bal- When clients use the anycast address to reach servers, the ancing metrics (such as load, CPU utilisation or response network layer will automatically forward packets to the time), allowing network conditions to be taken into account nearest server (according to the routing metrics) [9]. This when selecting the server which will handle the request. method is successfully being used today in the Internet to The performance of this technique was compared, by distribute User Datagram Protocol (UDP) queries by the means of simulations, to that of widely used techniques such Domain Name System (DNS) root servers [6]. as random, round robin and least loaded server selection. This paper presents a transparent load balancing tech- nique usable on networks under common administrative control, which aims at providing unmodified clients with 1 Introduction better reply times while maximising the total number of re- quests handled by the set of servers.