1918-12-26, [P ]

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1918-12-26, [P ] eSeimi»jfiS TWmdk. Äjsrs»»« We 1918. Henning E. Sundm, New*Bedford,Mass. Ole Ekman, Milnor, N. D. , Milton Thompson. Minneapolis, Minn. Osiar O. Johnson, Big Lake, Minn. ' John Flemmer, Selby. S. D. Serg. Elmer D. Aune, Rose Lake, Wis. Tabslisterne. Norman A. Borland, Wildrose^ R. D. Charley Ericson, Corwith, Jä» ' . / John H. Belland, St. Paul, Minn. August Leafstrom, Mt. Jewitt, Pa. Gustaf F. Höglund, Gardner. Mass.. Serg. Frank H. Brocke, Cottonwood» Wm. Johnson, Hampton, Fla" Hans H. Grov, Roseau, Minn. ^ Arthur Enberg, Duluth, Minn. " . Gottfred A. Rasmussen, Emporia, Kan. Waldemar Jensen. Irma, Wis. Jaho. * <$. Meddelelser fra Washington om Charles Berenson, Chelsea, Mass. ? John H. Hendrickson, Florence, Mont. Ole Houberg, Fergus Falls, Minn. Loren E. Thompson, Melrose, J«^. Trig Larson, W. Moshannon, Pa. Serg. Deforest D. Johnson. Springfield,. Amerikanere faldne eller saa- Wm. A. Christensen, Long Point, Ja, .v- Serg. Mauritz W. Nordstrom, Eveleth, Henry Johnson. Drake, N. D. Jason E. Thorp, Portland, Mich. Hugo F. Lindholm. Davenport, Ja. Mass. - Minn. ~ *f- Martin G. Johnson, Brush, Colo. * Mcchhias Thunes, Saco, Maine. ' Jens Bakke, Lanesboro, Mmn. •' ^ - Serg. Frank A. Sorenson, Milwaukee» rede i Krigen. Benny Engarbritsoy» Appleton, Mum. Chas. F. Grow, Peoria, III. Korp. Charles A. Olson, S. Boston, Ray S. Anderson, Star Route, Craig. Serg. Orville Haugen, Rice Lake,. Mich. Oscar L. Holmen, Estacada, Or< Wis. Serg, Hiram L. Sloanaker, Malling Glud. Fresno, Tal. ~ . Serg. William H. Johnson. New Dork. Følgende er et Uddrag af de fideti Arvid G. Holmberg, Freemont, Neb. Mass. Colo. _ North New- Henry C. Lee, Eugene, Ore. Korp. Peter O. Kvale, Northwood. Ja. forrige Rapport fra den kommanderende Eldon G. Jngmcmson, Cadillac, Mich. Korp. Arthur Westerlund, Jslip, R. N- Iver H. Carlson, Geneva, III. ton, Ja. ' Serg. Robert H. Vick, Longview, Tex. Ole ^ Odden, Siljord/Rorge. Korp. Edward S. Larson, Clifton, Tex. General for de amerikanske Expeditions- Rah, Anderson, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Chester Johnson, Oxford, Ind. :: Johannes C. Jenson, SkjFtring, Galben, Robert Simonson, Chicago. Serg. Clarence Eliason, Sterling, Colo. Jrven Selby. Caldwell. Mont. Kvrp^ Raymond Garmoe, Salem. Ja. styrker i Frankrige meddelte Tabslister Otto Hageseth, Menomonie,. Wis. Jylland, Danmark. John L. Larson, Osseo, Wis. Serg. Carl A. Weiks, Wausau, Wis. Tormod L. Hafslund, Minneapolis. -^Korp. Oscar Johnson?- Joliet, III. (det for hvert Navn tilsøiede Sted er Norwald Larson, Grafton, N. D. z Gust W. Anderson, Dunnell, Minn. E. Gustav Emil Lindberg, Holden, Mass. Korp. Alexander R. Frederickson, Provi- Hans A. Anderson, Minneapolis. Adressen til vedkommende Soldats Barney Magnus Sheveland, Scandina- John M. Sarson, Petersburg, N'. D. tzorp. Rudolph I. Olson. Litchfield, via, Wis. Alfred Skarstad, Argyle, Minn. Død »ed UlykkestUfælde Mer «f dence, R. I. Charles I. Berg, Newark, N. I. Minn. nærmeste paarørende): John G. Skjold, Fargo, N. D. andre Aarsager: Korp. George Henry Lampe, Breese. III. Daniel A. Davidson. Coon Valley, Wis. Korp. Edward Rein, Philadelphia, Pa. Dræbt i Kanch5 - Frank C. Wahlen, Racme, Wis. Laurence Benson, Evanston, Ml. Fred I. Berglund, Portland, Ore. / : Mekaniker James I, Kaas, Owen. Wis. George W. Nissen, Manning. Ja. Korp. Arthur Rundquist, Starbuck,Minn. Korp, Leonard Johnson, W. Duluth, Fred W. Anderson, Hadlock, Wash. -- John C. Nelson, Sodus, N. % Gilbert O. Borslien, Erstine, 'Minn. Serg Aston Jensen, Asheville, N/^S. John M. Jacobson, Schleswig, Ja." Enoch Nyquist. Cleveland, O. Iorp. James W. Thompson. Round Bal- Minn. ' 1 Oscar W. Swanson, Venordale, Conn. Ole S. Brattvet, Lemmon, S'. D- Caxl C. Johnson, Joplin, Mo. , Edwin E. Olsen, Opportunity, Wash. ley. Neb. Korp. Charles Henry Moberg, Concord, F. A. Rudd, Philadelphia, Pa. Louis M. Cedarholm, Cedar, Minn. Joseph Benson, „Dasset, Minn. David I. Hermanson, Oak Park, III. Henry S. Stonsrud, Thief River Falls, Albert I. Ostrom, New Aork. - Arthur O. Swanson, Duluth. Mim». N. H. Jngvcrl Vigoren, Scobey, Mont. Jasper A. Madsen, Heartwell, Neb. Minn. Frank Peterson, Waverly, N. A. Carl E. Anderson, Jefferson County,Pa. Edw. Simon Johnsrud, Montevideo, Frank G.' Berg. Moore. Wis. Ärny L. Satterlee, Turtle Lake, N. D. Säm I. Bergseth, Blue Earth, Minn. Carl I. Swanson, Sycamore, III. Axel A. Myrberg. Chicago, Axel E. Björklund, Seattle, Wash." : Minn. Blant M. Breland. Union. Miss. Hans I. Hillestad, Spring Valley.Mmn. Otto S, Nelson, Montevideo, Minn. Clarence Gilbertson, Benson, Minn. Charley F. Olson, Clye, III. - John C. Knudson, Fertile, Ja. Gust Swanson, OWoodstock, III. Arthur F. Ottgstad. Hovland. Minn. George Walbcrg-, Arlington, R. I. Werner-Seip, St. Souis, Mp. / . John M. Hendricks, Boulder, Cob?. Otto Stenerson, Ontario, Wis. * * Ärthur I. Evenson, Manwo, Wis. Henry' A. WatknH, Rudger, Ja. Albin Hammarsten, Wheaton. Minn. Nils Anderson, Hamilton, Wis. - Haardt saaret: ^ William E. Henne, Jttfø, III. Aage F. Hendrikson, Cedar Falls, I«. George F. Jensen, Nyborg, Danmark. Korp. Arthur W. Bjornderg, Middle- Bernt A. Johnson, St. Paul. Minn. Sven Broberg, Ouincy, Mass. Kapt. Thomas N. Troxell, West Pitts- Cornelius Skaurud, Bonners Ferry. Frank D. Hilstrom, Whitehall. Mich. Frank A. Olson, Kane. Pa. totvn, Conn. Michael Kesly, St. Paul. Minn. Swan L. Hanson, Orleans, Mhm. ton. Pa. *' Idaho. Theo. M. Jacobsen, Ortley, S. D. Harold V. Berggren, Portland.-Ore. Gilbert Roen, Audubon, Minn. Cornelius N. Larson, Clear Lake, Ja. Elling Lee, Ortonville, Minn. Løit. WiAiam M. Hoel, Lockwood, Mo. John Westerburg. Ash Creek, Minn. Kapt. Ernest M. Johnson, Tacoma,Wash. Otto C. Endress, Duluth. Minn. Clarence I. Janson, FergusFalls,M.inn. Hans C. L. Leque. Blair. Wis. -Løit. Samuel K. Nord, Rice Lake, Wis. Løit. Wallace Belstrom, Minneapolis. George Kinne, Westerly, R. I. \ Løit George F. Neilson, Portland, Ore. Melvin Erickson, Rochester. Minn. Bennie E. Johnson, Hendricks, Minn. Earl A. Lund, Avery, Wis. Wit. Fred W. Johnson, Chicago. Lpit. Anton L. Nelson, Gibson City, III. Harry I, Boydsten, Lake View, Ore. Serg. Morris H. G. Aamodt, Sr. Paul, Alfred Levenberg, Granville. III. Henry I. Nelson, Clements, Minn. Beni Lundberg, Minneapolis. Minn. Serg. Edgar K /Swanson, McPhersan,. Serg. Emil Lindroth, Shawano, Wis. Bonley F. Larson, Otnay, Minn. Minn. > Francis L. Monk, Benson. Utah. Harry W. Anderson, Philadelphia, Pa. Gustave G. Storaaslie. Parkland.Wash. Kan. — Serg. Leslie L. West, Milwaukee, Wis. Joseph .Svir, Badger, Minn. Serg. Chas. A. Anderson, Eask Ormtge, John Sorenson, Seattle, Wash. John W. Anderson, Madrid, Ja. Iver H. Swanson. Bradford. Pa. Korp. Harry Olson, Oconto, Wis. ^ Serg Gustave Ri Wenstrom, Chicago. Albert I. Dahl, San Francisco, Cal. N.J. Jefferson D. Strom. Meigs, Ga. Otto H. Carlson, Fargo, N. D. Edwin A. Swedberg, W. Duluth. Minn. John Emil Anderson, Monessen, «Pa. Hornblæser Farley B. Wieck, Minnesota Johan T. Hagblom> Tacoma> Wash. Serg. Edw. L. Houghland,Brooklyn.N.A. Løit. Louis Peterson. Brooklyn, N. £). Savnet efter Kamp: Chris M. Trbelsen, Stockholm, S. D. Silven E. Grimland, Iredell, Tex. Cich, Minn. - : / Albert Johnson, Morris, Minn. Serg. Everette M. Johnson, Elcentro, Clarence B. Strom. Cannon Falls,Minn. Robert G. Rogholm, Appleton, Wis. George L. Troland, Sitarford, Conn. Tor R. S. Hagg, Colorado Sprmgs, Hornblæser William Helge R. Christensen, Fresno. Hal. Cal. Ole M. Anderson, Hazel Run/Minn. John A. Wicklund, Cadillac, Mich. E. Johnson, Brook- Jay I. Wall, Three Forks, Mont. Cvlo. lyn, N. Y. Henry A. Hanson, Kristiania, Norge. Serg. Anker Nilson, Brooklyn. N. A- Jalma A. Bakka, Red Lodge, Mont. Løit. Karl G. West, Moorestown, N. I. Henry C. R. BUrllund. Red Wing,Minn. Herman Heikkinen, Atlantic Mine,Mich. Kvrp. Louie Jacobson, Orfordville, Wis. Herbert Gerhart Stangeland, Dell Serg. Frank R. Norman, Kansas City, Arthur W. Benson, Petaluma. Cal. ' Korp. Elaf I. Johnson, Sunesholm, Martin Christensen. Askov. Minn. Herbert A. Peterson, Iron Mountain, Korp. Richard, C. Larson, Springfield, Rapids, S. D. Mo. Victor F. Carlson, Green Bay, Wis. Sverige.' Helmer Dmtielson. Brooklyn, N. A. Mich. ' ' Mass. Korp. John E. Erickson. Fairview. Ore. Carl S. Peterson, Berlin. Mich. Hans O. Mortedt, Gardner, III. Bennie Bolla, West Salem, Wis. Erick W. Erickson, Augusta, Kan. Gustav O. Mellum, Finleh, N. D. Korp. Adolph M. Magnuson, Cambridge, Korp. Charles H. Conradi. Newark, N I. John M. Anderson, Brooklyn, N. A. Bigert Olin, Amery, Wis. Harry E. Anderson, Jersey Cich, 'N. I. Marinus C. Christensen, Perth Amboy, Benjamin Ost, Fredonia, N. D. Korp. James Anderson, Millbank, S.D. George W. Thompson. Liberal, Kan. Melvin T. Fickstad, Thornton, Idaho. Mass. Charles G. äfoclj, White Tail, Mojii. N.J. Ole Alendal Viborg, S. D. - Korp. Christ Hans Nelson, West Duluth, Korp. Jos. C. Anderson, Brooklyn, N.U. Gustaf W. Erickson, Joy, III. Gustav A. Johnson, Bridgeport, Conn. Christian Emanuelsen, TønZberg, Norge. Marce Horsted, Bryant. S. D. Karl Blaker, Junction City, Wis. v Minn. Korp. Victor Anderson, Rockford, III. Gilbert Johnson, Viola, III. Carl F. Hallor, Duluth, Minn. Richard E. Enloe, Eugene, Mo. Theodore Oleson, Graettinger, Ja. Jphn F. C. Brendal, St. Louis, Mo. *'• Korp. Viggo Jensen. Jackson, Minn. Orpfaus Torgcfon. Radium, Minn. Clarence N. Halverson, Hartington,^Neb. Korp. Roldo Satfon, Axtell, Utah.^ Oscar Homsted, Santa Barbara, Cal. Henry Sward. Graceton. Minn.' Tenus Christensen, Moorhead, Ja. Korp. Gustave Nord, New Aork. N. D. Korp. Klent Holger. Norway, Mich. John P. Bruce, Everett, Wash. Johrr L. Anderson, Sioux
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    General Orders Vol. 20 No. 4 Franty’s Texas Brigade Dec, 2008 www.houstoncivilwar.com At Missionary Ridge, the brigade rapidly es- tablished a reputation for bravery, and when its MEETING – THURS, Dec 18, 2008 first commander Brig. Gen. James Argyle Smith was wounded there, Col. Hiram Bronson Gran- Briar Club bury of the Seventh Texas assumed command 2603 Timmons Lane @ Westheimer of the unit. Thus the brigade acquired its name 6:00 Cash Bar from Granbury, who was subsequently promot- 7:00 Dinner & Meeting ed to the rank of brigadier general. E-Mail [email protected] Dr. Lundberg’s premise is that Granbury’s OR call him at (281) 479-1232 to Reserve by Monday 6 PM Prior to Dec 18 Texas Brigade exemplified the best and worst Dinner $30; Lecture Only $5 of the Confederate war effort. Many in the unit E-Mail Reservation is Preferred; deserted early in the war, but despite this set- No Need to Reserve for Lecture Only back, the brigade went on to become “The Col- or Brigade” of the Army of Tennessee. Our speaker posits that outstanding leadership at the regimental, brigade, and division levels molded these soldiers into an effective fighting DR. JOHN LUNDBERG force, but that even this distinction was not PRESENTS: GRANBURY’S enough to offset the losses the unit sustained from desertions early in the war. In making his TEXAS BRIGADE point, Dr. Lundberg uses Granbury’s Brigade as a vehicle from which to explore in depth Con- federate nationalism and the Confederate war effort in the Western theater of the conflict.
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