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SOME THINGS ARE WORTH WAITING FOR. Iiattrjiphtpr Lu M Tig TUESDAY, JUNE S9, 1971 PACTB SIXTEEN Avarata Dalljr Net Piece Rim The Weather J|l«wii^ct»r Evimitis fnraUi Fee The Week Ended Fair, warm tonight; low near May IS, 1S71 70. Tomorrow early cloudlnew, at Mbtliaa Hale. becoming baiy, hot, humid with lO . JuHe T. MagSo, kinder* iiattrJiPHtpr lu m tig HfraUi chance cf late thunderahewers; Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Campbell high in 90s. About Town D r. Petry Fire Calls garten tancher at ManoheStor OPENING JULY 1st 15,550 Ib m b m o< CkmirtMU CktuneU, Orem. Manehetter— A City of VMage Chtarm KOfO, will m ««t tooigtit lU 7 at Named to School Positions Mrs. Lorraine Thoma, Oiada T o Intern S tMldlCr At TJth^diln, the KaiO Home 4nd proceed to Teatoiday aftamoon at lS:4t Advcethdng on Ikgo SS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS town ftremen put out a ihyar Mrs. Joan B. Wood has ■w la a mambar d tha Mta. P eail MIokals, aodd MIMDE TMLOI SHOP VOL. LXXXX, NO. 2S0 CraniTY-SIX PAGES—TWO SBCnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1971 the Burke S\UMral Hbme, TV Manohaater, Oomiecttout. a n d Proapect St, Roekrllle, to pay At Boston Are at « Batlata Rd. Bumiiig Uppdniad homa ecoaomles da- wsdw r under health and wal- MdNOMHiraB PJBBdBB— Mfinni IBVML paitmeat reprssentatlva at Ill- NaUonal BducaHon Aeaoelar reapeeta to the late John Touch* grata on BUwaU S t brought (are aervleas to ebllitran In non- gPMQggUHNO IN ' Dr. Judith Petry, daughter d lag'Jhaior High School; and ttona and tha American Horn# ette, a member. Mr. and lira. Joeej^ Jaokaon d tham thare at S:as p.m., and proOt aohoola. they Sw eveniag wUh M n. Jean P. CUmpheS, senior Becnomlea Aaeodallon. Mr. I B i li C. Reyndda, ProJ- 174 Vernon St, has been aceept- aehod aodal wmhar. Mllaon B. Mrs. OampbeU graduated Theri will be an ordination a brubb fire at MS Mfmtemr g t a d Oddontte toadMr. oniiai HUE w m ed at New Bnghmd Medical Pea kin Jr. aedetant suparin- from LHdngtan (Maae.) High New Orleans aervlce tonight at 7:M p.m. In at 7:1S. Oenter Hospitals, Boaton, Mast, tendwt d aohoola for poram- School. She rocelvod an SB In the aanetuary ot Bmanuel for Intemah^ in straight anr- T h a . K i ^ Diatflet man put '-ujm nm Senator Reads nel, made lha aanouaeement to sodatogy and pigrohology from Lutheran Church for Lawrence gery. out a lire at TdO laat night In ttie Board d Bduoathm Mat D .A .H e ld In a dumpator at BenSy Sehod. Slmmcna OoSags in Boston end N. Wogman. A reeeptlan will Earlier this month, she receiv­ night an MB In aodal ed f v hram oumiM - «rui foUow. ed her medical dagraa tram Mia. Mood auoeaode Mis. Boaton IM vanlty Sehod d So- Cosfrfd/fCS Albany (M.T.) MMloal OoUoge d a l Mock. Bia waa aaaortalad RIASONAHI riUCIS Bribe Count Cmplsml h Irom U Barbara Pdtattoa, and Mia. The Feaat of St. Peter, Etoly Oampbdl aaeeaadi Mlaa Balb wUh scboda to the Oreater Oommunlon, will be tonight at ITS BdO-SdB MON.-TORS-WMs. WASHINGTON (A P I- Pentagon LA PAS — Tha nanu dtU a Hrdfman, both d whom ratlrod Boaton area toe tour yearn and 7 at St. I b r y ’a B^plaeopal BdB-tdO room .-Big. BoSvlaa o a p U a l ttds year. has bsMi a aehod aodal worker tdO- ldO SATURDAT New Orleans district attor- ■ Church. There win be a 10 a.m. In .Manebeater ;tor (our yeaia. •‘poao^’ tatUahlalaty Mia. Wood graduated from ney Jim Garrison, two communion aertlee tomorrow. .(N.B.) High SdMMl She |e a. mambar d the MBA UggvHs and the League d Women Vot­ New Orleans policemen and and laeeivad bar BS fat home At TIm PSfksdv M 1 a a Jacquelyn Boudier, was w«B In IIM . eoonomlce from Keaae (N.H.) ers. two other persons were ar­ Open daughter c( Mr, and lira. B^mn> m a m c h i s t i e . In haadquaiteia. oftM ravaged, la State Odlege. She has taught U The board accepted the fd - rested today ■ on federal cia A. Boucher at M Priaoaton. yeaim In Mawnhaater, U at Ben- kerlng redgnatlone: Read .Herald AdverliMnieiitt oallad Palado the chargee of taking up to St haa been named to the “Burned Palace.’ nat Junior High School and 4 at KUth Jbnae, Qrade B teacher By KENNETH J. FREED hearlng of a Senate suBcommit­ Presidential press secretary dean'a list at Annhunt Oopage, $1,500 a month to protect and tee read sections of the contro­ Rtmald L. Ziegler also said the South Woodrtook, During grad­ illegal gamBling with pin­ FRED S. HOFFMAN versial study for three hours White House had no comment. uation ceremonlea In May she Ball machines. Aseoclatod Press Writers and 31 minutes. Gravel said there was no Jus­ recehred departmental boaaca Atty. Om i. John N. lOtcheU The result was to make avaU- tification for keeping the still of­ for being conaletently outatand- ■aid arrest warrants issued' WASHINGTON (AP) — aBle to newsmen and the puBlic ficially top-secret papers from • ing in her major Held or Bug- Tuesday night to New Orteana The night Before President a major share of Qie material, the Amertoen people. Uah. charged Ganisan and tha others Ljmdon B. Johnson cut parttcularly the narrative ac- T have read these documents with brlbeiy. Illegal gambUng Back the BomBing of North count of poUcy-maldng end var- j convinced I am in no BdwaM gfcMbnin oC M Wood- - ious documents or excerpts. way Jeopeurdhdng this nation’s and obstruetton of law enforce­ Vietnam in his successful Gravel’s aides said some mate­ bridge St; who graduated from ment ' security.’’ he said. 1968 Bid to start peace rial the senator thought sensi­ Manchester - B l ^ School laat One of the dM osures in the Oarrlson came to national pt. tive was screened out of the re­ week, plana to enter to U B . tentton through bis attempts to talks the State Depart­ material released by Oravel Army. Hla name waa omitted ment secretly sent word to leased material. Some passages was-that Secretary of Defense prosecute businessman. Ctoy had Been cut out with a rasor Inadvertently from the list ot Robert S. McNamara raised Sbaw for what Oarrlson said its Vietnam war allies that Blade. those planning to Join the -ear- with PresidMit John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy to assassinate the move would most likely PuBlic reports on the 47-vol­ vice which appeared laat Fri­ Pdry PieMdent John F. Kennedy. fail and full-scale resump­ ume. 7,000-pege account were as early as Nov. 8, IM l, the pos- day on the EDgh Sdvool World Mltehsll said criminal com- Polytechnic Soetltute, Ttoy, N.T. tion of the air war was pages In The Herald. plalnte agatoat Oarrlson and the New York Times and mibse- for an accelerated atudiee pro- possiBle any time. tour other persons arho were ar­ „ ,.-,„rn-,nn- queriUy pubUshed By other IB e suggestion w m cou] ^ There will be a rahearaal d gram ottered Jointly by RPI and A message to U.8. ambassa- rested, plus five othsrs who are dors in six captials instructed newspapers as the secret study 'rS S f the Oreater Manrheetor Bummer AMC. to her eenlor year at being sought, resulted from a them to ten the aUled govern- leaked widely. ’The government ^ Pope Oreheatra tonight from 7 medical aehod, ahe racelvad ysar-tong tovwsHgatlon by the ment chiefs: then took the issue of puWlca- to B at Sia Unitarian Meetbig the Daggett Traat Prise for pro- Justice Departtoent’s organised “ You Miould make clear that tion Into the courts, oBtaining vteer, for some hHroductlcn <x House, 4M Main St. AS students, fsaelonel performange and oon- crime strike force to New Or­ uSS t o t : ^ e restrainging orders against UA troop, into the Mekong Del- amateur and pidbedwiel mu- duct. leans. the project and thus free our three papers, (See Page Bight) dclana are Invited to partlc- A U6B graduate d Mencheeter AooonUng to an afOdavlt that (A F photo) hand after a short period. ipata. High School, Dr. Petty waa a Three Russian cosmonauts are shown during their kov, left; Commander Georgi DoBrovolsky, center accompanied the comiRalnt, “ Nevertheleas we might wish member d the F. A. Veiplanok Oarrlson and New Orieans po­ training. They are flight engineer Vladislav Vol- and engineer Viktor Pataayev, foreground. Cbepter d . the NaUonal Honor to continue the limitation even lice officials Frederick A. Soule after a formal denunctaUon, in MatuhetUtr Ana Society and a semifinaliat in the' Sr. told Robert N. Flrey, re­ order to ratnfoixre its sincerity Ruliiig Filed NaUonal Merit SchoUidih^ Pro­ SOME THINGS ceived payments of as much as and put the monkey firm ly on Four Youths gram. She waa also a mambar glJlOO a month to protect Illegal Hanot’s Bock for whatever fol- d sock and Buddn, totemaUan- gambling to coin operated pin­ lOWSi” Against Fixed Arrested In al RetoUone Chib, ball machine operations. Three Soviet Spacemen Die ’The message is . quoted at League, and was on the staff d The 108-paga, affidavit said the length in portions of the Pentar Bolton Break Somanhii, oerving as faculty government has tape recordings gon Papers on the Vietnam war editor In her aenlor year. of some transactions between made puBlic ’Tuesday night and Gas Prices Four young paople, two from At MBS, die was firat prad- the lawmen and owners and op­ Wednesday By Sen.
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