Rmiainrs Building Near Castlederg
Average Daily Net. Press Ran The Weather THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1971 For The Week Ended PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Jo ly 81, 1071 Clear tonight with low In low IRmtdiTBtTr lEtteiting Hiprali) 60s. Tomorrow suimy; high 80 to 8!f. Sunday’s outlook . fair, 14,890 cooler. lister St.; Mrs. Cynthia Cooley, East Hartford. They have a Manchester 332 Oakltmd St.; Michael’ Hor Party Marks daughter, Mrs. Thomas Zuraw Manchester^A City of Village Charm net, 713 Foster St,, South Wind of Manchester; and two sons, ^ Wedding Date David McAuUffe, a student at Hospital Notes sor; Stacey L, Falcone, WH- VOL. LX X XX , NO. 267 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1971 (Cleaalfied Adveriteing on Page 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS limantlc; Kevin S.- O’Brlant, 76 Mr. and Mrs. Ja m e s McAuUtfe Manchester Community Ccdlege, VMmWO BOOBS Hishview Rd., South Windsor; of Forbes 8t., East Hartford, re and Jam es McAuliffe, who lives t a tetmwMMe Care Semi* Paul B. Haller, Storrs. cently were feted at a 28th wed In Tokyo, Japcui. private, moon • 8 p.m., and , 4 ' Also, Nancy E. Kama, 61 ding anniversary- celebraticn at Mr. and Mrs. McAuliffe re p.m. • * p.il».; private rooirie, Plymouth Lane; Mrs. Esther the home of Mrs. McAuUffe’s turned from a trip to Aruba, Cur 10 a,m. • * p.m., and 4 p.m. • 8 J . Haugh, 132 Washington St.; sister, Mrs. Glsele Golding o< 11 acao, Puerto Rico and St. Thotn- Don’t Fc^el Unusual PeDte • ■ ^' Francis M- Dineen, 128 West as In the Virgin Islands, shortly By SOL.
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