Ann Sebren, Ed.D.

Exercise Science and Health Promotion Program 550 N. 3rd St School of Nutrition and Health Promotion Phoenix, AZ 85004-0698 College of Health Solutions Phone: 602-496-1851 Fax: 602-496-1873 e-mail: [email protected]

EDUCATION 1992: Doctor of Education – University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC.

Specialization in curriculum and instruction with emphasis in teacher development, reflective thinking, and pedagogical knowledge structures; General emphasis in the philosophy of education, movement sciences, and qualitative research design and methodologies.

Dissertation: An Interpretive Inquiry of Preservice Teachers' Reflections and Development During a Field-Based Elementary Physical Education Methods Course. Advisor: Dr. Kate R. Barrett.

1984: Bachelor of Science (Education: Teacher Certification), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. 1983: Master of Science (Physical Education), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. 1981: Bachelor of Science (Athletic Training), University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS.


*2018-present: Mindfulness Teacher/Facilitator Certification Training, Mindfulness Training Institute, Berkeley, CA. Completed Modules I and II in 2018. 2008: Teacher Practicum in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. 2006: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Mind-Body Medicine 7 Day Professional Training, Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Attended in Gilroy, CA. 2005: Graduate Certificate in Transpersonal Studies (Emphasis of Study: Psychology of Meditation), Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA.

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Arizona State University 2015-present: Degree Coordinator, Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness College of Health Solutions NTE Distinguished Professor Exercise Science and Health Promotion Program School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, College of Health Solutions Rank – Principal Lecturer

2014-2015: Exercise Science and Health Promotion Program (formerly Exercise and Wellness) School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, College of Health Solutions Rank - Senior Lecturer

2011-2014: Program Coordinator, Exercise and Wellness Program School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, College of Health Solutions (2013-2014) School of Nutrition and Health Promotion (2012-2013) College of Nursing and Health Innovation (2011-2012) Rank – Senior Lecturer

2010-2011: Exercise and Wellness Program College of Nursing and Health Innovation Rank – Promotion to Senior Lecturer

*2018 Activities in Bold

2004-2009: Department of Exercise and Wellness/Exercise and Wellness Program East College / School of Applied Arts and Sciences Rank - Lecturer

2000-2004: Department of Exercise and Wellness East College Faculty Associate

1996-2000: Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Visiting Assistant Professor/Faculty Associate

Idaho State University 1994-1996: Department of Physical Education and Dance Assistant Professor

University of Colorado, Boulder 1993-1994: Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Research Assistant

University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1992-1990: Department of Exercise and Sport Science Completion of Doctoral Dissertation

1986-1990: Department of Exercise and Sport Science Graduate Teaching Assistant

Previous Related Experience 1984-1986: Anniston Elementary School Gulfport, MS. Physical Education Specialist

1983-1984: Gulfport YMCA Gulfport, MS. Program Coordinator


Academic Programs Developed at Arizona State University

*4+1 Pathway: Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Wellness to Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness (Approved 2018)

 Coordinated with the BS EXW Program Coordinator to develop a 4+1 pathway for admission into the MS EXW degree  Developed and wrote the rationale, policy requirements, and sample plan of study with accepted courses

Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness Concentrations (Withdrawn in Summer 2016)

 Coordinated a year-long curriculum review to convert informal focus areas to formal concentrations in Fitness and Conditioning and Physical Activity Health Promotion.  Submitted concentrations were withdrawn in Summer 2016 after Provost emphasis on the return to tracks.

*2018 Activities in Bold

BS in Health Education and Health Promotion (Approved for Fall 2014):

 Adapted the Exercise and Wellness health promotion concentration for status as a Bachelor of Science degree  Coordinated a two year curriculum review and revision to align with Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) objectives  Worked with committee on degree purpose and objectives, content progression, course numbering, and prerequisite requirements  Developed, wrote, edited, and submitted the BS in Health Education and Health Promotion degree proposal with input from committee  Worked with advising to develop the major map  Wrote and edited eadvisor, course catalog, and website descriptions of new BS degree

BS in Physical Activity and Nutrition (Not Approved):

 Coordinated recommendations from the Nutrition program and the Exercise and Wellness Program on the development of an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Nutrition over a 3 year period  Worked with curriculum committee on degree purpose and objectives, content progression, course numbering, and prerequisite requirements  Developed, wrote, edited, and submitted the BS in Physical Activity and Nutrition degree proposal with input from committee  Worked with advising to develop the major map

BS in Exercise and Wellness (Health Promotion Concentration):

 Coordinated a substantive year long curriculum revision to align with Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) objectives based on curriculum evaluation data  Worked with committee on substantive changes including new course development, content progression, course numbering, and prerequisite requirements  Worked with advising to restructure major map  Wrote and edited eadvisor, course catalog, and website descriptions of revised concentration

Wellness Foundations Minor:

 Coordinated a year long revision of Wellness Foundations Minor to select new courses that reflect a personal health orientation rather than professional preparation

Instructional Spaces Planned at Arizona State University

Sun Devil Fitness Center Downtown Phoenix Campus Exercise and Wellness Laboratories and Classrooms (2012)  Developed, wrote, and submitted a enrollment growth data-based rationale for the expansion of Exercise and Wellness laboratory spaces to College of Health Solutions administration  Participated in the space planning for the development of 2nd floor classrooms, laboratories, and group exercise classroom in the construction of the Sun Devil Fitness Center o Recommended relevant faculty to be included for input o Met with space planners and architects multiple times to give tours of current facilities, discuss the function and needs in each laboratory space, and discuss the use of innovative teaching technologies in these spaces  Developed, wrote, and submitted to college level administration a data-based rationale for the purchase of new, state-of-the-art laboratory and exercise instructional equipment o Coordinated with key faculty to submit state-of-the-art equipment recommendations for the Movement Analysis Laboratory and the Physiological Assessment Laboratory with rationales o Wrote/Edited rationale for each equipment purchase recommendation

*2018 Activities in Bold

NHI2 4th Floor Downtown Phoenix Campus Exercise and Wellness Offices, Laboratories, and Classroom (2010):

 Participated in multiple meetings for space planning for offices and laboratories for relocation of the Exercise and Wellness Program from the Polytechnic Campus to the Downtown Phoenix Campus

YMCA Exercise and Wellness Classrooms (2010):

 Participated in multiple meetings for space planning for the development of a classroom and group exercise classroom in the basement of the Downtown Phoenix YMCA as part of the relocation of the Exercise and Wellness Program from the Polytechnic Campus to the Downtown Phoenix Campus

Courses Developed at Arizona State University

EXW 300: Foundations of Exercise and Wellness (Foundations of Health Promotion and Wellness) (3 cr)

 Substantive revision of course emphasis from an upper division college health course to a focus on the principles and foundations of health promotion and health education  Selected new course textbook  Submitted course name change for curricular approval  Substantive conversion of course delivery structure to hybrid format  Restructured course into module format in Blackboard  Developed multiple interactive lessons with SoftChalk  Wrote and developed professional development assignments, quizzes, and exams and study guides

EXW 302: Fundamentals of Wellness (3 cr): ASU OnLine

 Created and received university curriculum approval for upper division college health and wellness course for non-majors  Designed course for online delivery as a required core course in the BAS degree in Health Sciences consistent with Quality Matters criteria in Learning Studio  Selected online textbook and supplemental readings  Selected audio and video content  Selected variety of health and wellness self-assessments  Wrote and developed writing assignments (e.g., case study discussions, video discussions, etc).  Wrote and developed online learning assessments (e.g., module quizzes).

EXW 400: Stress Management for Wellness (3 cr): ASU Online

 Complete redesign of course for online delivery  Restructure of course content into module format using Quality Matters criteria in Learning Studio  Selected new and appropriate textbook for online format that included content on positive psychology  Determined content progression and selected textbook chapter and supplemental readings  Selected and developed video and audio content for each module  Selected a range of self-assessments and wrote self-reflection writing assignments  Developed online stress reduction and prevention experiences and wrote self-reflection assignments  Developed module discussion boards  Wrote and developed all module quizzes and final exam

EXW 450: Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior (3 cr)

 Substantive revision of course focus from a primary emphasis on psycho-social factors that impact sport and exercise to an emphasis on the social determinants of health and health/physical activity behavior.  Determined new course content and progression

*2018 Activities in Bold

 Selected all course readings and supplemental video and audio content  Developed new discussion board assignments  Developed applied writing assignments focused on workplace health, the built environment, and supplemental nutrition assistance  Wrote and developed midterm and final exams and study guides  Worked with Writing Center and developed persuasive letter writing assignment to meet General Studies Literacy requirements  Submitted course name change for curricular approval.  Redesigned course to meet upper division General Studies Literacy designation and submitted course for General Studies approval

EXW 450: Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior: ASU Online/icourse  Complete redesign of course for online delivery in Blackboard  Restructure of course content into module format using Quality Matters criteria  Reviewed multiple textbooks for online format  Determined content progression and reviewed and selected supplemental readings  Selected and developed video and audio content for each module  Developed and selected course assignments, including required writing project to meet General Studies Literacy requirements  Developed module discussion boards  Wrote and developed all module quizzes and final exam

EXW 598: Qualitative Research Methodology (3 cr)

 Created graduate level course on qualitative research methodology in health promotion and education  Selected textbook and all scholarly readings  Created all experiential, discussion, and lecture learning opportunities  Developed all course lecture and discussion assignments  Developed all course data collection and analysis assignments  Developed final research proposal project

EXW 540: Mindfulness, Stress, and Health (3 cr)

 Created graduate level course on mindfulness-based interventions for health with a focus on experiential practice as well as analysis of the literature on theory, measurement, mechanisms, and efficacy for reducing stress, improving health outcomes, and enhancing health behavior change.  Created all experiential, discussion, and lecture learning opportunities  Selected substantive list of scholarly readings for each course topic  Wrote and developed all article review assignments  Wrote and developed experiential and review of literature course projects  Marketed course to multiple interested programs across all campuses

EXW 784: Doctoral Internship (2 cr)

 All PhD students in the Interdisciplinary PhD program in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness are required to complete a teaching internship.  Constructed, maintained, and revised series of online modules focused on teaching in the university (2006-2008).  Selected all online supporting video and audio and links to multiple university teaching resource centers  Wrote and developed all assignments related to building a teaching portfolio (teaching philosophy statement, teacher behavior analysis, course and lesson design, lesson deconstruction activities, formal and informal learning assessments, etc).  Restructured course for hybrid delivery (facilitated series of face-to-face discussions about university teaching) 2008-2012

*2018 Activities in Bold

Courses Taught at Arizona State University

Exercise and Wellness Program (2000-2015): EXW 300 Foundations of Exercise and Wellness EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior (formerly Cultural and Social Issues in EXW) EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness

Graduate: EXW 591 Exercise and Wellness Seminar I and II EXW 540 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health EXW 598 Qualitative Research Methods EXW 784 Doctoral Teaching Internship

Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education (1996-2000): Undergraduate: Introduction to Exercise Science and Physical Education Foundations of Exercise and Wellness Motor and Developmental Learning Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education Philosophical Issues in Exercise Science and Physical Education Supervision of Student Teachers

Instructional and Curricular Professional Development

Instructional Development:

 *2018: Canvas Tutorial, UTO 2 Hour Introductory Session.  *2018: Canvas Webinar, CHS Learning Group.  2017: PlayPosit Workshop. Learned how to use the interactive video program and developed new interactive videos for EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness  2015: Participated in ASU Online Webinar: The 7 Affordances of eLearning. Used skills and knowledge to enhance EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness and in the conversion of EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Promotion to online delivery.  2013: Participated in ASU Online Webinar: Zen and the Art of Micro and Mini Lectures. Used skills and knowledge to develop a series of short micro lectures for EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness  2013: Participated in 2-week ASU Online Boot Camp for online teaching. Used skills and knowledge to increase written, audio, and video teacher presence in EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness  2011: Attended 2 day Online/Hybrid Teaching and Course Development Workshop delivered by the College of Nursing and Health Innovation Office of Educational and Evaluation Excellence, Downtown Phoenix Campus, Arizona State University o Included coverage of the Quality Matters criteria for online course design o Used this material substantially in the development of EXW 302 and EXW 400 online courses, EXW 300 hybrid redesign and the addition of more online learning experiences in EXW 450  2010: Attended (live stream) Jossey Bass Online Teaching and Learning Conference, EXW Program, Polytechnic Campus, Arizona State University. Used ideas and concepts in the development of the EXW 302 online course and redesign of the EXW 300 for hybrid delivery

Content and Professional Development:

 *2018 Leading from Where You Are: Managing Up, Down, and Sideways, ASU College of Health Solutions Faculty Leadership Development Workshop, December, Phoenix AZ.  *2018 International Symposium for Contemplative Research, Phoenix, AZ. Integrated new research and perspectives directly into EXW 540 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health course, November, Phoenix, AZ.

*2018 Activities in Bold

 *2018 Mindfulness Summit and Interactive Dialogue, 2 Day Conference. Arizona State University Center for Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience, April, Phoenix AZ.  *2018 Loving the House that Ego Built, 2 Day Mindfulness Training Retreat, April, Scottsdale AZ.  *2018 Mindful Leadership Certificate Workshop, Arizona State University Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience. Full day workshop on leading mindfulness efforts in organizations and communities, February, Glendale, AZ.  *2018 Mindfulness for Emerging Adults: Creating and Innovating a Better World for All, Arizona State University Center for Mindfulness, Compassion, and Research. Full day workshop on teaching mindfulness practice to college age students, February, Phoenix AZ.  *2018 Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University, February, Tempe, AZ.  *2018 Science of Mindfulness and Compassion, 2 Day Workshop with Dr. Kristen Neff and Dr. Shauna Shapiro. Integrated new research and teaching skills directly into EXW 540 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health, February, Tucson, AZ.  2017 Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University  2016: International Symposium for Contemplative Studies, San Diego. Integrated concepts directly into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness, EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health, and mindfulness- based community work.  2016: Mindfulness and the Brain Self-Guided Video Course, Sounds True. Integrated concepts directly into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness, EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health, and mindfulness-based community work.  2016: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2015: Meeting the World: Exploring the Ethics, Values, and Responsibility for Bringing Mindfulness Into Society, University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society Spring Conference, Attended Live Streamed. Integrated concepts directly into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness, EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health, and mindfulness-based community work.  2015: Stress Symposium. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Atlanta, GA. Integrated content directly into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness and EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health.  2015: Mindfulness Summit. Online summit of 40 mindfulness scholars and teachers. Integrated content into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness and EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health  2015: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University  2014: Science of Happiness (Online Course), Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley. Integrating content directly in EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness.  2014: Greater Good Gratitude Summit (Live Webcast), Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley. Directly integrated content on the science of gratitude into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness.  2014: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2013: Attended all day Society of Behavioral Medicine Pre-Conference Workshop: Stress and Obesity – Translational and Clinical Perspectives, San Francisco, CA. Directly integrated resources and content into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness.  2013: 11th Annual International Scientific Conference on Investigating and Integrating Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society. Directly integrated content into EXW 400 Stress Management for Wellness and EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health. Observed (live stream) the following keynote presentations: o Kluge Research Symposium on Mindfulness: Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness – Emerging Models; Jha, Amishi, Symposium Chair. o Love 2.0: How Positivity Resonance Nourishes Health; Fredrickson, Barbara, Keynote. o Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, and Physical Health: New Brain-Behavior- Physiology Pathways; Cresswell, David, Keynote.  2013: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2012: International Symposia for Contemplative Studies, Denver, CO. Attended conference sessions on current research on the neural mechanisms and efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions; Directly integrated resources and content into EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health  2012: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2011: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.

*2018 Activities in Bold

 2010: Attended the Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference and the Pre-Conference CAM SIG Course: Mindfulness Meditation and its Application to Obesity and Substance Abuse: Theory, Research, and Practice; Society for Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, Washington. Directly integrated resources and content from conference presentations into EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior and the pre-conference course into EXW 598 Mindfulness, Stress, and Health.  2010: Participated in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation webinar “A New Way to Talk About the Social Determinants of Health”. Used this material substantially to revise core aspects of EXW 450 Cultural and Social Determinants of Health.  2010: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2009: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2008: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2007: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.  2006: Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University.

Independent Study, Thesis, and Dissertation Supervision

Honors Students Course Project

Kemmou, N. Spring 2016 EXW Efficacy and Mechanisms Involved in Progressive Muscle Relaxation 400 Leibowitz, N. Spring 2015 EXW Stress Management in the Workplace 400 Allen, A. Fall 2009 EXW Research Paper: Effects of Workplace Wellness Programs on Employee 300 Health and Health Care Costs.

Honors Thesis Committee Member

*Stich, A. 2018 Bariatric Surgery: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Brezinski, M. 2017 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and its Application to Behavior Modification in Adolscents with High Functioning Autism Allen, A. 2010 Wellness Works: A Threefold Approach to Integrating Health Promotion Programs in Small Business

Graduate Readings and Conference (Independent Study)

*Pinthong, U. Spring 2018 3 cr Efficacy of Mindfulness for Math Anxiety *Blair, M. Fall 2018 3 cr Curriculum and Instruction for Effective University Teaching *Napolitano, Fall 2018 3 cr Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Health Behavior Change V. *Serlin, D. Fall 2018 3 cr Stress Mechanisms and Management for Improved Well-Being Green, T. Fall 2017 1 cr Mindfulness and Performance: Annotated Bibliography Pinthong, U. Fall 2017 3 cr Effects of Mindfulness on Attention, Concentration, Self-Awareness, and Academic Performance in Adolescents Preston, J. Fall 2017 3 cr Review of University and Fitness Industry Competencies for Certification Preston, J. Spring 2017 3 cr Review of University and Fitness Industry Competencies for Certification Scott, B. Spring 2017 1 cr Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction James, D. Fall 2012 3 cr Self-Compassion: Concept, Measures, and Associated Outcomes Garman, S. Fall 2007 3 cr Social Determinants of Health: Social Support and Physical Activity. Alsac, B. Spring 2006 3 cr Mindfulness and Health. Davis, R. Fall 2006 3 cr Effects of Yoga on Stress, Mood, and Disease Alsac, B. Spring 2005 3 cr Social Determinants of Health: Effects of Television Viewing on Physical Activity Sendil, A. Fall 2004 3 cr Social Determinants of Health: Effects of Design on Fitness Related Behaviors

*2018 Activities in Bold

Master’s Thesis Mentor

James, D. 2012 Exercise and Associations Among Self-Compassion, Stress, and Wellness Eating Behaviors in College Freshmen Davis, R. 2008 Exercise and Role of yoga practice in stress reduction in long-term Wellness yoga practitioners Soria, S. 2008 Exercise and A comparison of bone stiffness in female children Wellness participating in varying after-school activities.

Master’s Thesis Committee Member

*Napalitano, V. 2017- Exercise and Wellness Association between Mindfulness and Physical present Activity in College Students *Yu, G. 2018- Exercise and Wellness The Reality for Female Veterans: Work-Life Balance present *Glissman, C. 2017- Exercise and Wellness Calm College: A Brief Mobile App Meditation 2018 Intervention Among Stress College Students *Rynex, B. 2018 Music Therapy Hospice Music Therapy: A Mindfulness Informed Conceptual Framework *Soneson, N. 2017- Exercise and Wellness How Upset are Food Insecure College Students? present Dhaliwal, Simran 2016 Exercise and Wellness Correlates of Exercise Self-Efficacy in Older Adults with Arthritis Smith, J. 2016 Exercise and Wellness Association between Mindful Eating and Weight Cycling in Middle Age Women Abbey, L. 2008 Exercise and Wellness Influence of fitness and sex on differences in perceived exertion during submaximal walking Farnsworth, M. 2008 Exercise and Wellness ActivPAL activity monitor versus self-reported activity records in middle aged women Getz, R. 2008 Exercise and Wellness Commuting in a car, physical activity, and obesity in adults Lundy, K. 2008 Exercise and Wellness Comparison of campus recreation facilities and program use to perceived stress in university students.

Rooney, L. 2008 Exercise and Wellness A correlational study of the associations between psychological state mindfulness and physical activity and eating behaviors. Evans, D. 2004 Exercise and Wellness Effects of mindfulness on Nocebo Cold Perceptions Moore, M. 2004 Exercise and Wellness Association of Behavioral, Psychological, and Demographic Factors with Body Image Distortion Among College Females Sendil, A. 2003 Design The Role of Design in the Development of Self Identity: The Fitness Industry Cotton, M. 2003 Exercise and Wellness Determining Health-Risk Behaviors of Arizona State University-East Undergraduate Students: A Needs Assessment Prezuhy, A. 1999 Exercise Science and Attentional Patterns of Horseshoe Pitchers: A Physical Education Manipulation of Task Difficulty

*2018 Activities in Bold

Master’s Applied/Capstone Project Committee Member

*Pinthong, U. 2016- Effects of Mindfulness on Attention, Concentration, Self-Awareness, and 2018 Academic Performance in Math in Community College Students *Scott, B. 2016- Taking Control of My Diabetes: A Health Education Program for Adults 2018 Living in Long Term Care Facilities *Schletter, M. 2018- Development of a Strength and Conditioning Program Development Course present Pierskalla, R. 2016- Exercise for Post-Treatment Breast Cancer Survivors 2017

Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member

*Moreno, K. 2017- Exercise and Reframing Physical Activity Among Midlife Post present Nutritional Sciences Bariatric Women: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study *James, Dara 2016- Nursing and TBD present Healthcare Innovation Yabko, B. 2012 Counseling Psychology Examining the Efficacy of the Ninja Mind Training Program (NMT): A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Bullied Teens Grimstvedt, M. 2011 Exercise and Wellness Physical Activity Counseling Knowledge, Attitudes, and Program Practices Among Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Araas, T. 2008 Dept of Exercise and Associations of mindfulness, perceived stress, self- Wellness efficacy, and health behaviors in college freshmen. (Co- Mentor with Pamela Swan, Ph.D.) Recipient of the Graduate and Professional Student Association Research Grant: $2000. Riggs, D. 2005 Dept of Exercise and Women’s Lived Experience and Meaning of Bariatric Wellness Surgery (Co-Mentor with Pamela Swan, Ph.D.). Trone, G. 2005 Dept of Exercise and Body Composition Factors and Physical Activity Status Wellness as Predictors of Health Related Quality of Life in Obese Men and Women

Master’s and Doctoral Comprehensive Exams

Master’s Comprehensive Exams

*Rynex, B. 2018 Music Therapy Wrote and evaluated comprehensive exam question on components of mindfulness in music therapy practice Nenaber, B. 2012 Exercise and Wellness Wrote study questions; Wrote and evaluated comprehensive Program exam questions on Mindfulness, Stress, and Health Drury, B. 2012 Exercise and Wellness Wrote study questions; Wrote and evaluated comprehensive Program exam questions on Mindfulness, Stress, and Health Garman, S. 2009 Exercise and Wellness Wrote study questions; Wrote and evaluated comprehensive Program exam questions on Mindfulness, Stress, and Health

*2018 Activities in Bold

Doctoral Comprehensive Exams and Annual Reviews

*Mulhearn, S. 2018 Learning, Literacy, Provided interview and materials on history of and Technologies paradigms in physical education exam response *Moreno, K. 2018 Exercise and Reviewed and provided written and oral feedback on Nutritional Science Annual Review progress packet Moreno, K. 2017 Exercise and Reviewed and provided written feedback on Nutritional Science comprehensive exam questions related to grant proposal and article review; Participated in oral examination Abraham, T. 2008 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions Kelly, S. 2008 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions Washington, T. 2008 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions; Provided remediation experience for failed examination response Araas, T. 2007 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and and Wellness Concentration Area questions; Evaluated comprehensive examination responses; Participated in Oral Comprehensive Examination Dodd, D. 2007 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions Huck, C. 2007 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions Pomeroy, J. 2007 Dept. of Exercise Wrote and evaluated Qualitative Research Methods and Wellness questions Johnson, T. 2005 Dept. of Physical Wrote Qualitative Research Methods questions; Education Evaluated comprehensive examination responses; Participated in Oral Comprehensive Examination

Special Instructional Support Assignment

Fall 2010-Spring 2011: Office of Educational and Evaluation Excellence (E3). College of Nursing and Health Innovation/College of Health Solutions

1. Attended monthly meetings and contributed concerns as a representative for the Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness, and Health Sciences faculty 2. Attended monthly meetings and contributed concerns as a representative for the Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness, and Health Sciences faculty 3. Served as liaison for teaching development needs for the Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness, and Health Sciences faculty and coordinated teaching development services on the Polytechnic campus a. Coordinated the provision of the Jossey Bass Online Teaching and Learning Conference on the Polytechnic campus b. Helped organize an E3 presentation on the use of SoftChalk for online teaching to the Nutrition, Exercise and Wellness and Health Sciences faculty 4. Served on the E3 Clinical Track Scholarship Grant Selection Committee a. Assisted with development of clinical track scholarship grant review criteria b. Reviewed 2 submissions 5. Participated in E3 web design discussions 6. Provided teacher development workshops

*2018 Activities in Bold


*Degree Coordinator, Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness (Fall 2015-Present) 2018 Activities:  Review and Revise MS in EXW Welcome letters to all MS in EXW students  Revise MS in EXW Graduate Student Handbook (e.g., update personnel, dates, links, policies, etc).  Coordinated development of new MS in EXW focus areas in Exercise Science and Exercise and Aging  Coordinated disestablishment of Healthy Aging Concentration  Achieved approval of 4+1 pathway option into the MS EXW for BS EXW undergraduates  Coordinated ongoing implementation of Applied Project as a culminating experience option for the MS in EXW degree  Revise internal forms for thesis and applied project proposal approval and applied project defense approval  Coordinate requirements and petitions for Change of Culminating Experience (e.g., switch from comprehensive exams to thesis/project or vice versa)  Coordinate all MS EXW written comprehensive examinations (e.g., procure questions from faculty, organize flashdrives, reserve computer classroom and insure internet access restrictions, proctor exams, return exams to faculty for evaluation, synthesize evaluation scores and determine pass/fail consequences per policy, communicate outcomes to students).  Oversee development of a multiple reader model for MS EXW written comprehensive examination evaluations and expanded MS EXW committee review of all comprehensive exam questions  Monitor MS in EXW Blackboard Shell for all enrolled MS in EXW students; Shell includes information and resources related to MS in EXW and Graduate Education Policies and Procedures; Plan of Study; Writing Resources, Success Strategies; Graduate Professional Student Association; Graduation, Jobs/Opportunities; Trainings/Conferences.  Develop and revise curriculum checksheets and sample Plans of Study for all current and new focus areas of study  Attend Graduate College Thesis Format and Graduation Application training  Attend Graduate College meetings for graduate degree coordinators and align degree program with Graduate College initiatives  Advise all MS in EXW students (e.g., advise and help prepare the 2 year Plan of Study, solve iPOS and graduation problems, manage program changes, manage student probation and dismissal issues; manage mentor conflicts, advise on program options when academic or medical/health issues impact student progress, etc).  Review all MS in EXW students Plan of Study (iPOS); Approve or Reject iPOS with feedback; Approve or Reject iPOS Petitions.  Coordinate with other university degree programs to assist students with independent study options  Coordinate and submit student requests for external committee members to Graduate College  Revise Catalog Copy for the MS in EXW degree  Submit MS in EXW and CEP disciplinary category data for Internal ASU and GRE Interest recruitment campaigns in collaboration with other coordinators  Respond to potential MS in EXW student inquiries (e.g. provide information about the MS in EXW degree program and application), meet with visiting recruits and provide campus tours  Coordinate with Student Services Program Coordinator on recruitment and advising of MS in EXW students.  Coordinate with CHS Marketing to develop MS EXW recruitment video, digital and social marketing strategies, and other marketing materials  Review all MS EXW applications and coordinate admission decisions to meet the 2 week admission goal  Provide communication and clarification to students regarding probation and dismissal

*2018 Activities in Bold

 Develop and Coordinate EXW Graduate Course schedule and 4 year course rotation for MS EXW and CEP degrees in coordination with other degrees programs; Work with college scheduler to develop and manage processes for scheduling and enrolling in graduate EXW omnibus courses  Manage enrollment growth and schedule adaptations necessary to meet student demand  Recommend MS students for graduate assistantships and teaching assistantships; Assist with teaching assignments of MS student teaching assistantships  Coordinate EXW 584 Internship (e.g., develop internship documents and insure internship completion)  Submit/Monitor Curriculum Changemaker new course proposals for MS EXW degree; Coordinated development of syllabi and required revisions through approval process.  Provide performance feedback for Student Services Program Coordinator assigned to MS EXW and CEP programs.  Review program evaluation data and write Annual Assessment Plan reports  Coordinate and deliver Fall Orientation sessions for MS EXW

Schedule Coordinator, Exercise and Wellness Program (Fall 2014-Spring 2014):  Primary responsibility for developing course schedules for the BS in EXW and BS in HEHP degrees; Secondary review of ESHP graduate course schedule.  Coordinate with other program coordinators and student advisors to insure adequate course sections and enrollment caps  Coordinate with other program coordinators to recommend teaching assignments  Review and revise schedule to adapt to changing conditions (change of instructors, addition of new sections, lack of rooms, etc).

Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Wellness Program (Fall 2011-Spring 2014):  Coordinator of Operations for Exercise and Wellness Program  Prepare annual program related reports o Academic Program Review (2011-2012): Primary responsibility for data analysis, writing and revising final Academic Program Review report for the EXW Undergraduate Program. o Annual Assessment Plans (Fall 2011, 2012, and 2013): Primary responsibility for coordination, data collection and analysis, and writing and revising of final Annual Assessment Plan reports for both BS in EXW concentrations, the Wellness Foundations Minor, and MS in EXW degree.  Provide ongoing evidence-based justifications for facilities, equipment purchases, and new full time hires  Coordinated Exercise and Wellness Program faculty committee assignments for 2011-2012  Coordinate Exercise and Wellness Program faculty teaching assignments, 2011-2014. Provide recommendations to Associate Director of Health Promotion Programs and coordinate teaching assignments with curricular needs.  Coordinate and submit final proposals for new undergraduate courses, degrees, concentrations, minors  Write and edit course catalog, eadivsor, and website material for EXW undergraduate program  Coordinate and prepare all semester schedules o 2011-2012: Complete restructure of semester schedule to accommodate new class times and new 7.5 week sessions o Conduct multiple revisions of semester schedule to accommodate inadequate room availability, additional course sections, and instructor changes  Hire necessary faculty associates for course coverage o Wrote multiple Faculty Associate position announcements o Located, conducted communication, and confirmed paperwork for hiring of Faculty Associates  Assist new faculty with course needs (syllabi, blackboard shells, overview of curriculum, etc)  Continued all functions as Chair, EXW Undergraduate Curriculum Committee o Set agendas, retained records of decisions and changes to the curriculum made by the committee o Coordinate ongoing curriculum and new course development and revision (course content, congruence, progression, and prerequisites) and write/submit appropriate changes for approval o Review and sign student petitions

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o Coordinate with MS in EXW curriculum coordinator and committee to address issues of BS in EXW congruence with new MS in EXW concentrations and UG course deficiency issues for MS degree admissions o Present EXW UGCC decisions and recommendations to EXW and KIN faculty  Primary contact for student concerns regarding the EXW UG programs. Received a variety of student communications regarding concerns or conflicts with faculty and/or procedures. Worked to bring issues to resolution.  Represent EXW program to other committees/entities needing overview of EXW programs, curriculum o Present to / Meet with advising staff to insure adequate understanding of EXW curricula o Present to / Meet with marketing staff to insure adequate understanding of EXW programs and careers  Work with community college faculty to assist with program alignment with EXW curriculum  Member, Articulation Task Force Committee for coordination with Arizona community college system o Attended Exercise Science, Kinesiology, Physical Education, Health, and Wellness (EXS) ATF meetings o Wrote and submitted reports for EXW regarding the course equivalency guide, shared majors, common courses, and EXW updates to the EXS ATF meeting  Review all ACETS transfer courses for equivalency to EXW courses  Coordinated faculty attendance at Undergraduate Commencement and SNHP Convocation (2011-2012)  Conduct tours of EXW facilities for visiting groups, invited guests, and other interested parties  Developed and provided recommendations to School of Nutrition and Health Promotion Associate Director for new administrative and curriculum committee structures to better coordinate needed oversight and revisions of the 3 separate BS degrees within the Exercise Science and Health Promotion program

Coordinator, Physical Activity Courses & Instructional Labs, Exercise and Wellness (2000-2009): Developed and coordinated physical activity program policies Conducted instructor training and development Supervised instruction of teaching assistant and faculty associate instructors Coordinated with Student Recreation for equipment needs Coordinated with campus advisors for marketing of courses Reviewed and revised semester schedule for general and EXW major physical activity courses Reviewed, selected, and ordered textbooks for all physical activity courses Coordinated provision of CPR course for all instructors

Coordinator, Graduate Teaching Assistant Assignments, Exercise and Wellness Program (2004-2009): Collaborated with relevant faculty and programs to ensure TA assignments met program needs Communicated graduate teaching assignments to TA’s and provided training and resources as needed

Coordinator, Graduate Student Orientation, Exercise and Wellness Program (2005-2009): Developed and delivered introductory presentation about meaning and landscape of graduate studies Delivered orientation sessions about campus and program policies, resources, and information to incoming TA’s and graduate students

Coordinator, Distance Education Courses, Exercise and Wellness Program (2005-2008): Revised all course format and materials for complete online delivery Coordinated Graduate Teaching Assistants in delivery of online courses

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Arizona State University


*Reviewer, Graduate College Completion Grants, Fall 2018 Member, University Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, 2015-2017 Member, Non-Tenure Eligible Faculty Task Force, ASU Faculty Senate 2010-2012. Representative, Faculty Senate, Exercise and Wellness Program 2004-2011 Member, Student-Faculty Policy Committee, 2009-2011. Member, Governance and Grievance Committee, Polytechnic Campus. 2007-2009. Member, ASUP Graduate Student Research Conference Committee, Polytechnic Campus, 2006. Faculty Advisor, ASU Art of Living Student Club, Tempe Spring 2015-Fall 2016.

University: Center for Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience

*Member, Program and Curriculum Development Committee, 2017-2018 *Facilitator, Mindfulness Session for ASU Night of the Open Door, Spring 2018 *Facilitator, Mindfulness and Test Anxiety Sessions, SST 498 Justice and Praxis course for LSAT preparation, Spring 2018 Facilitator, Drop In Mindfulness Sessions Fall 2017

College of Health Solutions

*Member (Elected), Personnel Committee; Chair, NTE Promotion Review Subcommittee, 2018-present *Member, Faculty Success Hub Vision Committee, NTE Subcommittee, 2018-present *Member, Academic Success Hub Vision Committee, Curriculum Subcommittee, 2018-present *Participant, College of Health Solutions/Wellness @ ASU Collaboration Meeting, Spring 2018. *Participant, CHS Mindfulness and Health Behavior Faculty Collaboration Meeting, Spring 2018. *Faculty Mentor, Meet with and provide mentoring to junior NTE faculty (Gray, Davis-Strong, M. Hrncir, S. Hrncir), 2017-present. Member, Non-Tenure Eligible Personnel Committee, 2016-2017 Member, Director Search Committee, School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, 2015-2017

School of Nutrition and Health Promotion

*President, School of Nutrition and Health Promotion Academic Assembly, 2017-2018 *Participant, SNHP/EXOS Site Visit and Collaboration Discussion, Summer 2018. Member, Grievance Committee 2016-2017 Participant, Faculty Search, BS in Public Health, 2016 Member, Non-Tenure Eligible Promotion Review Committee, 2015 Member, Non-Tenure Eligible Multi-Year Status Review Committee, 2015 Member, Non-Tenure Eligible Annual Review Committee, 2014-2015 Participant, Director Search Committee, 2014-2015 Participant, EXW 100 Mass Open Online Course; Provided 15 minute video lecture on Stress and Positivity, 2014 Member, Health Sciences Curriculum Committee: Served as EXW representation on the Health Sciences Curriculum Committee to assist with the Annual Program Assessment Plan, 2013 Convocation, Handed out diploma covers, 2013 Tour of Majors, 2013: Assisted with coordination of events and escorted students between activities Representative, American College of Sports Medicine conference booth, San Francisco, CA, April 2012. Provided representation for SNHP and EXW, answered questions about degree programs and ASU Member, SNHP Curriculum Committee, 2012 Member, Search Committee for Interim Director of School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Spring 2011.

*2018 Activities in Bold

Member, Search Committee for Director of Academic Services for SNHP, Fall 2011. Reviewed and interviewed 8 applicants, participated in complete of applicant review grid and recommendation of top applicants to Dr. Linda Vaughan

Exercise Science and Health Promotion Programs (Exercise and Wellness Prior to 2014) Curricular Related: *Chair, MS EXW Curriculum Committee, 2015-present *Ex Officio Member, BS EXW Curriculum Committee, 2017-2018. Member, BS EXW Curriculum Committee, 2014-2015 Member, Ad Hoc Internship Review Committee, 2015. Chair/Coordinator, BS EXW Curriculum Committee, 2008-2011 Chaired and coordinated Undergraduate Curriculum Committee meetings: set agendas, retain records of decisions and changes to the curriculum made by the committee. Worked closely with Program Director, Advisor, Graduate Program Coordinators, and Room Scheduling in review and revision of semester schedule to insure correct courses, number of sections, and room scheduling Assisted with selection of FA’s for EXW courses without instructors Assisted with Health Sciences concentration development and coordination with EXW curriculum Developed eAdvisor content for all degrees and concentrations in EXW Coordinated the development and implementation of EXW program assessment plan developed in Fall 2010. Submitted all Curriculum Changemaker related changes for undergraduate courses. Coordinated review of student petitions to the EXW UGCC with the EXW advisor. Worked closely with EXW advisor on scheduling issues, articulation of courses from other institutions, specific student problems related to the EXW program. Provided impact statements for courses submitted to CAPC for approval by other programs. Coordinated review of curriculum coherence and integration to look for appropriate progression and prerequisite content, unnecessary duplication of content, and gaps in content in light of program objectives and outcomes. Worked with advising team to insure adequate understanding of program, coursework content, and ongoing changes to EXW curriculum. Member, Articulation Task Force Committee, Exercise and Wellness Representative, 2009-2011 Reviewed community college course equivalency requests through Arizona Course Equivalency Tracking System (ACETS) Attended ASU ATF meetings Attended Exercise Science, Kinesiology, Physical Education, Health, and Wellness ATF Disciplinary meeting, Flagstaff, AZ Submitted report for Exercise and Wellness Program regarding the Course Equivalency Guide, Shared Majors and Common Courses Submitted report on Exercise and Wellness Program updates for the EXS ATF meeting Worked with advisor on development and update of MAPP (Maricopa Articulation Pathways Program) Chair, Master of Science Non-Thesis Option Committee, 2007-2009 Developed MS non-thesis options and coordinated faculty discussion Restructured MS curriculum and course offerings to align with specific focus areas Developed MS non-thesis option policies Submitted MS non-thesis option to Graduate College for approval Member, Master of Science Curriculum Committee, 2008-2009 Meet with MS Program Coordinator to discuss curricular and admission issues and policies Peer Teaching Evaluator, Promotion and Tenure Reviews, 2004-present. Provide teaching evaluations for faculty promotion and tenure reviews Member, Semester Schedule Committee 2004-present Member, BS EXW Curriculum Committee 2004-2008 Student Recruitment Presentations (Campus and Community) for BS EXW program, 2005-2008. Consultant, Exercise and Wellness Curriculum Committee 2002-2004

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*2018 Activities in Bold

Program Related:

Member, Exercise Science and Health Promotion By-Laws Committee, 2014. Review By-Laws for transition of Exercise and Wellness and Kinesiology Programs into the Exercise Science and Health Promotion Program. Member, Student Success Strategies Committee, EXW/KIN Strategic Plan (2013-2016) Recorded ideas and recommendations for enhancing student success from initial committee meeting Structured recommendations into 5 year progressive goals and wrote plan for faculty review. Peer Mentor, Assigned as peer mentor to junior lecturers and instructors (2013-present) Conducted peer teaching analysis and review Meet regularly to discuss transition into EXW program and strategies for progress toward promotion to Senior Lecturer Conducted requested and assigned peer teaching analysis and review (2004-present) Member, Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference Committee, 2008-2009. Acting Chair, June-July, 2006

Faculty/Staff Search Committees:

Chair, Health Education and Health Promotion Lecturer Search Committee, 2015 Member, Applied Kinesiology Lecturer Search Committee, 2013 Member, Health Promotion Lecturer Search Committee, 2013 Member, EXW Instructor Search Committee, 2013 (Provided input on applicant materials; unable to participate in interviews due to medical leave) Participated in Exercise Physiology and Aging Tenure Track Cluster Hire, 2013 (Met with applicants as EXW Program Coordinator to provide input and answer questions related to the undergraduate programs; Provided input to search committee based on applicant materials, interviews, and presentations) Chair, Internship Coordinator Search Committee, 2012 Chair, Health Promotion Lecturer Search Committee, 2010-2011 Participated in Health Promotion Tenure Track Cluster Hire, 2010 (Attended presentations and faculty interviews; Provided input and answered questions regarding EXW undergraduate programs; Provided input to search committee based on applicant materials, interviews, and presentations) Chair, Health Promotion Lecturer Search Committee, 2008-2009 Member, Assistant Professor Health Promotion Position Search Committee, 2007-2008 Member of the Whole, Chair Position Search Committee, 2007-2008 Member of the Whole, Chair Position Search Committee, 2006-2007 Member, Assistant Professor Health Promotion Position Search Committee, 2006-2007 Member, Associate/Full Professor Position Search Committee, 2005

Student Related:

*Co-Coordinator, Year End PANS/ENS Doctoral Student Celebration, 2004-2018. Faculty Advisor, ASU Art of Living Student Club, Tempe Spring 2015-Fall 2016. Coordinator, Charles Corbin President’s Council on Sport and Physical Fitness Research Grant, 2005-2010 Coordinator, Graduate Student Awards, 2004-2010 Coordinator, Graduate Student/Faculty Grand Canyon Camping Trip, 2007-2008. Member, Undergraduate Scholarship Review Committee, 2005-2008 Faculty Advisor, EXW Undergraduate Student Club 2004-2007

College of Nursing and Health Innovation

Secondary Contact, National Institutes for Mental Health AZ Outreach Partners. Fall 2011. Inter-Professional Curriculum Task Force, Spring 2011 Lecturer Promotion Personnel Advisory Committee, Health Promotion Programs, 2010-2011 EXW Representative, Clinical Track Personnel Advisory Committee, 2009.

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School of Applied Arts and Sciences

Member, Curriculum and Standards Committee, 2006-2009. Member, Health Promotion Professional (HPP) Residential College Development Committee, 2008.

Arizona State University Presentations and Guest Lectures

Academic Course Invited Guest Lectures

(2017) Mindfulness Based Interventions in Health Promotion. Guest Lecture in EXW 542 Health Promotion Theory.

(2016). Social Determinants of Obesity. Guest Lecture in EXW 410/598 Obesity Perspectives and Prescriptions.

(2016). Mindfulness Based Interventions in Health Promotion. Guest Lecture in EXW 542 Health Promotion Theory.

(2015). Social Determinants of Obesity. Guest Lecture in EXW 410/598 Obesity Perspectives and Prescriptions.

(2015). Mindfulness Based Interventions in Health Promotion. Guest Lecture in EXW 542 Health Promotion Theory.

(2015). Mindfulness and Attention. Guest Lecture in BIO 182 General Biology II.

(2015). Early Childhood Experience as a Determinant of Health. Guest Lecture in EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health.

(2014). Mindfulness and Stress in Health Promotion. Guest Lecture in EXW 542 Health Promotion Theory, Exercise and Wellness Program, Arizona State University.

(2013). Social Determinants of Obesity. Guest lecture in EXW 410 Obesity Perspectives and Prescriptions Exercise and Wellness Program, Arizona State University.

(2013). Social Determinants of Health: Effects of Early Childhood Experience on Health. Guest lecture in EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior.

(2008). Managing Stress. Guest speaker in ASU 101 Freshman Seminar, Arizona State University.

Teacher Development Presentations

(2015). The Tasks of Teaching. EXW 784 Doctoral Teaching Internship.

(2013). Developing and Writing a Teaching Philosophy. EXW 784 Doctoral Teaching Internship.

(2013). Assessment and Evaluation of Learning. EXW 784 Doctoral Teaching Internship.

(2011). Teaching in the University. EXW 791 Doctoral Professional Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2011). Planning Your Scholarly Project: Overview and Brainstorming (Co-Presented with Dr. Debra Hagler & Dr. Kathryn Records); CONHI E3 Clinical Track Grant Committee Faculty Development Workshop.

(2011). Let Your Teaching Be a Mirror: Teacher Reflection Skills and Strategies for Improving Teaching, CONHI E3 Teacher Development Workshop.

(2010). Teaching in the University. EXW 791 Doctoral Professional Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical

*2018 Activities in Bold

Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2009). Teaching in the University. EXW 791 Doctoral Professional Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2008). Teaching in the University. EXW 791 Doctoral Professional Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2008). Being Present: Reducing Stress and Enhancing Learning. Academic Success Workshop at Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.

(2007). Being Present: Reducing Stress and Enhancing Learning. Academic Success Workshop at Arizona State University at the Polytechnic Campus.

(2006). Teaching in the University. EXW 791 Doctoral Professional Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2004) The Affective Dimension of Teaching. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2003). Teaching in the University: Getting Started. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2003). Writing a Professional Philosophy Statement. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2002). Adult Cognitive Development: Theory and Implications for Teaching. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2001). Designing a Course Curriculum. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2001). Becoming a Reflective Teacher: Why and How?. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2001). Assessment and Evaluation: Design of the Written Exam. Teacher Development Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

Exercise and Wellness Graduate Research Seminar Presentations

(2012). Mindfulness, Stress, and Health. Guest speaker in EXW 591 Master’s Research Seminar.

(2009). Qualitative Research: Paradigms and Perplexities. Guest speaker in EXW 691 Doctoral Research Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2008). Qualitative Research: Paradigms and Perplexities. Guest speaker in EXW 691 Doctoral Research Seminar in the Interdisciplinary Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Wellness Doctoral Program, Arizona State University.

(2005). Mindfulness, Health, and Well-Being. Guest speaker in EXW 691 Graduate Research Seminar in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2002). Spiritual Dimension of Wellness: Theory, Research, and Implications. Guest speaker, Graduate Research Seminar in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

*2018 Activities in Bold

Exercise and Wellness Graduate Student Orientation Presentations

(2009) You’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation, Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2008). Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2007). May the Force Be With You: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2006) You’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2005). Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.

(2004). May the Force Be With You: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2003) You’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University

(2002). Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Or Welcome to Graduate School. Graduate Student Orientation Workshop in the Department of Exercise and Wellness, Arizona State University.


*Interview, ASU State Press, Mindfulness at ASU, Fall 2018 *Participant, Mindful Walk Fund Raiser for Museum of Walking, Fall 2018, Phoenix AZ. *Member, Mindfulness Gathering (Phoenix Mindfulness Network), 2015-2018. Contributor, ASU Magazine: 3 Ways to Transform Your Outlook Through Mindfulness, Fall 2017 Speaker, Arizona Transfer Office Employee Workshop: Getting Out of the Monkey Trap – Mindfulness and Stress at Work, Summer 2017 Consultant, Banner Health Employee Wellness, 2017. Discussed creation of mindfulness based programming for employee stress and productivity. Consultant, Maricopa Medical Center Surgery Residents Curriculum; Discussed required resident seminars on physical wellness, stress, and fatigue mitigation, Spring 2015. Consultant, Development of new 501c3 organization focused on assisting low income women to go community college; Met to discuss recipients stress related barriers; August 2015. Speaker, Valley Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona: How Inequality is Making Us All Sick, May 2015 Member, Valley Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona, 2015-2016 Speaker, Yoga and Health Symposium. Getting Out of the Monkey Trap: Mindfulness and Stress. Sponsored by Hegel Yoga, March, 2015. Co-Teacher, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program All Day Retreat, Scottsdale HealthCare, Scottsdale, AZ, 2009 Consultant, Sheridan Memorial Hospital, Sheridan, WY. Provided review of the mindfulness component of online surveys developed for worksite employee wellness evaluations, 2009. Member, Arizona Partnership for Mindfulness Based Training, 2005-2007 Speaker, Sunset Branch Chandler Library, Chandler, AZ: Health Benefits of Spiritual Well-Being, 2004 Speaker, LPGA Certification Evaluators Training in Phoenix, Arizona: Interviews and Performance Reviews: Expert-Novice Interpretations and Reflective Strategies, 2003 Speaker, LPGA Certification Evaluators Training in Daytona Beach, Florida: Interviews and Performance Reviews: Purpose and Strategies, 2000 Consultant, Teacher Education Curriculum Objectives Reform Project for North Carolina State Board of Education, Greensboro, NC, 1991.

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*Consultant, North Carolina A & T (Met with T.J. Exford), Development of Stress Management Coursework, Fall 2018. *Consultant, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (Met with Teddy Araas), Development of Graduate Mindfulness Coursework, Spring 2018. Reviewer, Cengage Learning, Invitation to Health: Brief Edition (Hales), 2009. Reviewer, Benjamin Cummings, Health: The Basics (R. Donatelle), 2007-2009 Reviewer, Journal of Women in Sport and Physical Activity, 2003-2006 Reviewer, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1992-1994.

Idaho State University

College of Education

Member, Doctoral of Educational Leadership Development Committee, College of Education 1995-1996 Member, School Personnel and Related Programs Committee 1994-1996 Member, Teacher Education Reform Committee 1994-1996

Physical Education and Dance Program

Chair, Teacher Education Standards and Competencies Committee 1995-1996 Drafted new Beginning Teacher Standards and Competencies and developed standards based student teacher competency checklist for physical education teacher education students. Facilitated the standards based revision of the Physical Education and Dance undergraduate teacher education curriculum. Initiated the development of portfolios for physical education preservice teachers based upon the Beginning Teacher Standards and Competencies. Member, Master’s Degree Revision Committee 1995-1996 Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee, Department of Physical Education and Dance 1994-1995 Faculty Advisor, Physical Education Student’s Society 1994-1996 Organized panel discussion for area physical education teachers on classroom discipline Conducted fund raising for student financial assistance to attend regional AAHPERD conventions

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Participant, Physical Education NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) accreditation: Assisted in development of accreditation report, 1990. Teacher/Facilitator, Educational Gymnastics Activities, UNCG Children's Festival, 1990. President, Physical Education Graduate Student Society, 1987-1988. Representative, University Graduate Student Council, 1988. Council Member, Physical Education Graduate Society, 1986-1987



James D, Sebren A, DerAnanian C, Breuning M, Rooney L, Araas T & Swan PD (2016). “Associations Among Self-Compassion, Eating Behaviors, and Stress in College Freshmen”, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 12:81-91.

Grimstvedt, M.E.; Der Ananian, C.; Keller, C; Woolf, K.; Sebren, A.; and Ainsworth, B. (2012) Nurse practitioner and physician assistant physical activity counseling knowledge, confidence, and practices. Preventive Medicine. 54(5), 306-308.

*2018 Activities in Bold

Sebren, A. & Chisum, J. (2010). What is “good” health and wellness? In L. Payne, B. Ainsworth, and G. Godbey (Eds.), Leisure, Health, and Wellness: Making the Connections. Venture Press.

Sebren, A. (1995). Levels of wholeness: Holistic theory and physical education. In R.D. Peavy (Ed.), Western College Physical Education Society Monograph Series, 5.

Sebren, A. (1995). Preservice teachers' reflection and development in a field-based elementary physical education methods course, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 3, 262-283.

Sebren, A. (1994). Reflective thinking: Integrating theory and practice. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 65, 23-24,57-59.

Barrett, K.B., Sebren, A., & Sheehan, A.M. (1991). Content development patterns over a 2-Year period as indicated from written lesson plans. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 11, 79-102.

Sebren, A. (1985). The CALM approach to first year teaching. The Journal of the Mississippi Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 5, 4-5.

Presentations and Abstracts

*Pagni, B., Walsh, M., Foldes, E., Sebren, A., Dixon, M., Baxter, L., Riecken, C., Haynes, C., Macomber, A., Clark, A., Webb, C., Catchings, M., Alvar, J., and Braden, B.B. (2018). Mindfulness training- induced increases in middle cingulate cortex activity during self-reflection predicts depression- reduction in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Abstract submitted to International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Sebren, A. (2016). Social determinants of obesity and mechanisms of stress. Presented to the Nutrition and Dietetics Association, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore.

James, D., Sebren, A., Der Ananian, C., Bruening, M., Arras, T., Rooney, L., & Swan, P. (2014). Self- Compassion, eating behaviors, and stress in college freshmen. Presented at Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth Conference, University of California at San Diego School of Medicine and UCSD Center for Mindfulness; San Diego, Ca.

James, D., Sebren, A,, Der Ananian, C., Bruening, M., Arras, T., Rooney, L., & Swan, P. (2014). Self- compassion, eating behaviors, and stress in college freshmen. Presented at Mind and Life Summer Research Institute, Mind and Life Institute; Garrison, NY.

Sebren, A. (2010). You have to be present to play: Why mindful attention reduces stress and increases learning. Healthy Arizona 2010 Lecture Series, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University.

Sebren, A. (2009). The role of mindfulness in stress reduction. Presented at the Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University, February, Mesa, AZ.

Sebren, A. (2009). Bringing mindfulness practice into everyday life. Workshop, Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University, February, Mesa, AZ.

Araas, T., Sebren, A., and Swan, P. (2008). Associations of mindfulness, perceived stress, general self-efficacy, and health behaviors in college freshmen. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Integrating Mindfulness Based Approaches and Interventions in Medicine, Health Care, and the Larger Society, April, Worchester, MA.

*2018 Activities in Bold

Riggs-Wood, D., Sebren, A., & Swan, P. (2008). Women’s meaning and lived experience of bariatric surgery. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, March, San Diego, CA.

Sebren, A. (2008). Mindful awareness practices for stress, health, and well-being. Workshop presentation at the Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University, February, Mesa, Arizona.

Sebren, A. (2007). Role of mindfulness in health behavior change. Roundtable Presentation at the Integrating Mindfulness Based Approaches and Interventions in Medicine, Health Care, and the Larger Society 5th Annual International Conference, April, Worchester, MA.

Sebren, A. (2007). Just this: Mindfulness programs, practice, and potential. Presented at the Building Healthy Lifestyles Conference, Arizona State University, January, Mesa, AZ.

Sebren, A. (2005). Mindfulness as a central component of spiritual health. Presented at the National Wellness Institute Annual Conference, July, Stevens Pointe, WI.

Sidman, C., Keup, S., & Sebren, A. (2004). The role of mindfulness in health and wellness. Workshop presentation at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, April, New Orleans, LA.

Swan, P.D., Sebren, A., McConnell, K., & Foster-Burns, B. (1998). Women in motion: Shifting shape or shape shifting. Panel Presentation for the Arizona Womens Studies Council Bodies of Knowledge Conference, Arizona State , March, Phoenix, AZ.

Sebren A. (1995). Preservice teachers' orientations toward teaching: The transformation from teaching as control to teaching for learning. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66(Supplement), A68-A69. Presented at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, March, Portland, Oregon.

Swan, P.D., Barr, J.P., & Sebren, A. (1995). The effects of physical exercise on indices of balance in older adults. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 66(Supplement), A33. Presented at the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, March, Portland, Oregon.

Sebren, A. (1994). Received and constructed knowers: Preservice teachers' differences in ways of knowing during a field-based elementary methods course. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65(Supplement) A81. Presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, April, Denver, CO.

Sebren, A. (1993, Abstract accepted, unable to attend). A model of reflection for use in an elementary physical education teaching methods course. AIESEP International Seminar on The Training of Teachers in Reflective Practice of Physical Education, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.

Sebren, A. & Barrett, K.R. (1993). An interpretive inquiry of preservice teachers' reflections and development during a field-based elementary physical education methods course. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 64(Supplement), A94-A95. Presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Annual Convention, March, Washington, D.C.

Sebren, A. (1989). A case study of reflection in one preservice physical education teacher: The development of attitude and process. Presented at the R. Tait McKenzie Symposium on Sport: Research in Sport Pedagogy, October, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Barrett, K.B. & Sebren, A. (1989). Description of change in content development patterns over a two year period as indicated from written lesson plans: A case study. Presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, April, Boston, MA.

*2018 Activities in Bold

Sebren, A. (1989). The emergence of the reflective process: A case study of one preservice physical education teacher. Presented at the North Carolina Association for Research in Education, February, Raleigh, NC

*2018 Activities in Bold