March 2015 Promotions

Manchego - 3 month Manchego is named for the Spanish region of La Mancha, also home of Don Quixote. This historic cheese is produced in the La Mancha region from pasteurized sheep's milk. It has a black gray or buff colored rind with a crosshatch pattern, the interior ranges from stark white to yellowish, depending on age. The aroma should suggest lanolin and roast lamb. The final cheese is usually smeared with olive oil and surface mould is removed. It has a number of holes and a mild, slightly briny, nutty flavor. It is sold at various stages of maturity. Item #83400 Approx. 6# piece - Sale Price $8.68 lb

Cambozola Cheese

Cambozola is a mild and subtle blue-veined creation that is perfect for those looking for a that is neither pungent (like a Stilton), nor crumbly (like a ). Cambozola is a creamy combination of the white mold rind of a with the blue veins of a . Cambozola is a German mild and creamy, triple cream, blue-veined gourmet cheese with a white mold coating well worth your attention.

Item #83838 Cambozola Blue 5# - Sale Price $9.99 lb

French Raclette The world's most famous melting cheese, Raclette is made in the Alps on both sides of the French-Swiss border. The French version is perhaps a bit softer than Swiss Raclette, but the two taste very similar. Raclette has a semi-soft interior dotted with small holes and a rosy inedible rind. Eaten as a table cheese, Raclette has a smooth, creamy taste that is neither too salty nor sharp. However, our French Raclette tends to have a strong, pungent aroma that is not for the timid. This cheese is traditionally melted (a half wheel is placed in a fireplace, then the melted top surface is continuously scraped off) and layered atop boiled potatoes, pickles, fresh vegetables and sliced meats. Item #83701 French Raclette 13# - Sale Price $7.52 lb

Danish Fontina Danish Fontina is pale yellow and semi-soft with a mild slightly sweet flavour. A derivative of its Italian namesake and a great table cheese that goes well with a light wine Fontina is also a good sandwich cheese.

Item: 83250 Fontina, Danish 12# - Sale Price $5.75 lb