Worthing Crematorium, A283 to Pulborough and Storington A283 to Brighton, Shoreham, Horsham Road, Steyning and Washington from the roundabout on A283 to Findon, roundabout on A280 is about 3 miles A24 to Horsham West Sussex, N BN14 0RG Worthing Crematorium www.worthingcrem.co.uk A24 See inset map Telephone: 01903 872678 A280 Findon Village email:
[email protected] A24 See separate map for a site map of the crematorium site A24 N A280 Worthing A27 to ‘Long Furlong’ A24 Offington Crematorium Durrington roundabout Arundel Cemtery P (Littlehampton, Grove Lodge Chichester and A27 roundabout P Portsmouth A27 A24 to Hove & A280 A2700 A2032 Brighton A280 Worthing Findon ‘Long Furlong’ A259 Station (to/from Arundel, Village Littlehampton, Chichester and Portsmouth) A259 Ferring Goring A259 Worthing A24 0 0.5km 0 1km to A27 Worthing Pier 0 1/2 mile to A27 01/2 1 mile = bus stops © Crown Copyright and database right (2016). Ordnance Survey 100024321 & 100018824 Map design: Steve Collins, Adur & Worthing Councils (20-12-2016) WORTHING CREMATORIUM the Findon Village roundabout/junction with HOW TO REACH US BY RAIL Worthing Crematorium is ideally situated just the A280 Worthing Railway Station is approximately go round the roundabout and continue north 5.5 miles from the centre of Worthing on a 15 minutes by taxi. up the A24 towards Horsham Alternatively bus details are available below. secluded 42 acre country estate, 9.5 acres of the Crematorium is signposted from here which have been developed as Gardens of and is a left turn off the A24 (about 0.4 miles Remembrance.