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Varlabelxref 6.6.1 NHSN Variable Reference List NHSN v6.6.1 April 2012 PATIENT SAFETY COMPONENT Variable Name Label ABXCount Number IV Antimicrobial Starts ABXFistulaCount Number IV Antimicrobial Starts: Fistula ABXGraftCount Number IV Antimicrobial Starts: Graft abxLockEth Lock Solution: Ethanol? abxLockGent Lock Solution: Gentamicin? abxLockOther Lock Solution: Other? abxLockOtherSfy Lock Solution: Other abxLockScit Lock Solution: Sodium Citrate? abxLockTaur Lock Solution: Taurolidine? abxLockUsed Antimicrobial Lock Solutions Used? abxLockUsedDesc abxLockVanc Lock Solution: Vancomycin? ABXNontunCLct Number IV Antimicrobial Starts: Nontunneled CL ABXOtherAccCt Number IV Antimicrobial Starts: Other Access Device ABXPortCount_old (Old) Number IV Antimicrobial Start: Port ABXRate IV Antimicrobial Start Rate abxResApprov Antibiotic Use Restricted via Approval Process? abxResFormul Antibiotic Use Restricted via Formulary Restrictions? abxResOth Antibiotic Use Restricted via Other? abxResOthSfy Antibiotic Use Restricted via Other abxResStopOrd Antibiotic Use Restricted via Stop Orders? abxResWritten Antibiotic Use Restricted via Written Policy? abxStandards Use ABX Susc Stds? abxStart IV Antimicrobial Start abxTest Peform Susc Testing? abxTestPerf Where Susc Testing Performed abxTestPerfDesc Where Susc Testing Performed ABXTunnCLct Number IV Antimicrobial Starts: Tunneled CL accessType Access Type acComment ACS Test Method Comment accRelBSI Access Related Bloodstream Infection ACINE Organism~MDR-Acinetobacter ACINE_admPrevBldCount ACINE Blood Admission~Prevalence LabID Count ACINE_admPrevCOCount ACINE CO Admission~Prevalence LabID Count ACINE_admPrevCount ACINE Admission~Prevalence LabID Count ACINE_admPrevHOCount ACINE HO Admission~Prevalence LabID Count ACINE_admPrevRate ACINE Admission~Prevalence Rate ACINE_bldCount ACINE Blood~LabID Count ACINE_bldIncCount ACINE Blood Incident~LabID Count ACINE_bldPrevRate ACINE BSI Overall~Prevalence Rate ACINE_BSIAdmPrevRate ACINE BSI Admission~Prevalence Rate ACINE_BSIIncDensRate ACINE BSI~Incidence Density Rate ACINE_BSIIncRate ACINE BSI~Incidence Rate acine_gg Gown/Glove~ACINE? acine_hh Hand Hygiene~ACINE? ACINE_incCount ACINE Incident~LabID Count acine_infSurv Inf Surv~ACINE? acine_labID Lab ID~ACINE? acine_labIDBld Lab ID Bld~ACINE? ACINE_labidCount ACINE~LabiD Count ACINE_MDROIncDensRate Overall ACINE~Infection/Colonization Incidence Density Rate ACINE_MDROIncRate Overall ACINE~Infection/Colonization Incidence Rate ACINE_pctAdmPrevCO ACINE Percent Admission~Prevalence/Community-Onset ACINE_pctAdmPrevHO ACINE Percent Admission~Prevalence/Healthcare Facility-Onset ACINE_prevRate Overall ACINE~Prevalence Rate acineCount ACINE HAI Count acinerate ACINE HAI Rate acPrimary ACS 1st Test Method Page 1 NHSN Variable Reference List NHSN v6.6.1 April 2012 PATIENT SAFETY COMPONENT Variable Name Label acPrimaryDesc ACS 1st Test Method acSecondary ACS 2nd Test Method acSecondaryDesc ACS 2nd Test Method addr1 Address 1 addr2 Address 2 addr3 Address 3 adhRate_Admin Adherence Rate~Administered adhRate_AdminME Adherence Rate~Administered/Med Elig Inpat adhRate_AdminMEW Adherence Rate~Administered/Med Elig Willing Inpat adhRate_Offer Adherence Rate~Offered admASTEligible Admission~AST Eligible admASTPerformed Admission~AST Performed admDateYH Fac Admission~Yr/Half admDateYM Fac Admission~Yr/Mon admDateYQ Fac Admission~Yr/Qtr admDateYr Fac Admission~Year admissions Admissions admissionsCdif CDIF Admissions admitDate Fac Admission Date admittedToICU Admitted to ICU for CDAD complications admToDisDays Days: Admit to Discharge admToEvntDays Days: Admit to Event afungAuto Antifungal Susc Test Performed Automatically for Candida spp.? afungAutoANID Anidulafungin Tested Automatically? afungAutoCASPO Caspofungin Tested Automatically? afungAutoFLUCO Fluconazole Tested Automatically? afungAutoFLUCY Flucytosine Tested Automatically? afungAutoITRA Itraconazole Tested Automatically? afungAutoMICA Micafungin Tested Automatically? afungAutoOther Other Drug Tested Automatically? afungAutoOtherSfy Other Drug Tested Automatically afungAutoVORI Voriconazole Tested Automatically? afungMethBrothMacro Antifungal Test Method: Broth Macrodilution? afungMethBrothMicro Antifungal Test Method: Broth Microdilution? afungMethDiskDiff Antifungal Test Method: Disk Diffusion? afungMethEtest Antifungal Test Method: E test? afungMethOther Antifungal Test Method: Other? afungMethOtherSfy Antifungal Test Method: Other afungMethVitek2 Antifungal Test Method: Vitek 2 Card? afungMethYeastOne Antifungal Test Method: YeastOne colorimetric microdilution? afungTestLab Lab for Antifungal Susc Test for Candida species? afungTestOth Antifungal Susc Test Performed afungTestOthDesc Antifungal Susc Test Performed Desc AgeAtEvent Age on Event Date ageAtProc Age on Proc Date AgeAtSpec Age at Specimen Collection agrmntPersonID Agreement Person ID ahaID AHA ID alc_adhRate ALC~Adherence Rate alcCount ALC Skin~Prep Count alert Alert alertType Alert Type all_incomplete Record Incomplete~All SSI Model AMB_HEMO "AMB-HEMO - Hemodialysis Center" Facility Type ambsurgsetting AMB-SURG Setting ambsurgsettingdesc AMB-SURG Setting Description AMK Amikacin AMP Ampicillin Page 2 NHSN Variable Reference List NHSN v6.6.1 April 2012 PATIENT SAFETY COMPONENT Variable Name Label AMPSUL Ampicillin/Sulbactam AMXCLV Amoxacillin/clavulanic acid anesthesia General~Anesthesia? ANID Anidulafungin antimicrobialDays Antimicrobial Days approach Type of Approach approachDesc Approach Description ARBCount Number Access Related Bloodstream Infections ARBFistulaCount Number Access Related BSI: Fistula ARBGraftCount Number Access Related BSI: Graft ARBNontunCLct Number Access Related BSI: Nontunneled CL ARBOtherAccCt Number Access Related BSI: Other Access Device ARBPortCount_old (Old) Number Access Related BSI: Port ARBRate Access Related Bloodstream Infection Rate/100 patient-months ARBTunnCLct Number Access Related BSI: Tunneled CL asa ASA Class asaDesc ASA Class Description AVFG Fistulas or Grafts AVFGCount Number of Fistulas and Grafts avgStay Average Length of Stay AZITH Azithromycin AZT Aztreonam barrierCap Barrier Used: Cap? barrierDrape Barrier Used: Drape? barrierGloves Barrier Used: Gloves? barrierGown Barrier Used: Gown? barrierMask Barrier Used: Mask? bedsize Bedsize birthWt Birth Wt birthWtCode Birth Wt Code birthwtcodedesc Birth Wt Code Description BJ_ACINEcount BJ/ACINE Count BJ_BONEcount BJ/BONE Count BJ_CEPHRKLEBcount BJ/CEPHRKLEB Count BJ_CREECOLIcount BJ/CREECOLI Count BJ_CREKLEBcount BJ/CREKLEB Count BJ_DISCcount BJ/DISC Count BJ_JNTcount BJ/JNT Count BJ_MRSAcount BJ/MRSA Count BJ_VREcount BJ/VRE Count BJcount BJ Count bldCultCNS CNS Grew in Blood Culture? bldCultDE Positive Blood Culture bldCultSource Suspected Source of Positive Blood Culture bldCultSourceDesc Suspected Source of Positive Blood Culture bldCulture (Old) Blood Culture bldCultureDesc (Old) Blood Culture Description bldLoss Estimated Blood Loss - ml bldPractice Practice for Drawing Blood bldPracticeDesc Practice for Drawing Blood bldPracticeOth Other Practice for Drawing Blood BSI_ACINEcount BSI/ACINE Count BSI_CEPHRKLEBcount BSI/CEPHRKLEB Count BSI_CREECOLIcount BSI/CREECOLI Count BSI_CREKLEBcount BSI/CREKLEB Count BSI_CSEPcount BSI/CSEP Count BSI_LCBIcount BSI/LCBI Count BSI_MRSAcount BSI/MRSA Count Page 3 NHSN Variable Reference List NHSN v6.6.1 April 2012 PATIENT SAFETY COMPONENT Variable Name Label BSI_VREcount BSI/VRE Count BSIcount BSI Count bsiplan CLAB Plan? bundle_adhRate CLIP Bundle~Adherence Rate bundleCount CLIP Bundle~Count buttonhole Buttonhole buttonholeCann Is Buttonhole Cannulation performed? buttonholeCount Buttonhole Patients Count cap_adhRate Cap~Adherence Rate capCount Cap Barrier~Count carbBreakpoint Implemented Carbapenem Breakpoints for Enterobacteriaceae? carbRpt What is Done if Carbapenemase Prod Detected carbRptDesc What is Done if Carbapenemase Prod Detected Desc carbTest Test for carbapenemase production? CASPO Caspofungin category Antimicrobial Category cathBrand Brand Names of Catheters? cathCap Soak Catheter Cap? cathConnect Most Common Connector Device cathConnectDesc Most Common Connector Device cathdu Cath Util Ratio cathPort Catheter Port Prep Agent cathPortDesc Catheter Port Prep Agent cathPortOth Other Catheter Port Prep Agent CAU_ABUTIcount CA UTI/ABUTI Count CAU_ACINEcount CAU/ACINE Count CAU_ASBcount CA UTI/ASB Count CAU_CEPHRKLEBcount CAU/CEPHRKLEB Count CAU_CREECOLIcount CAU/CREECOLI Count CAU_CREKLEBcount CAU/CREKLEB Count CAU_MRSAcount CAU/MRSA Count CAU_OUTIcount CA UTI/OUTI Count CAU_SUTIcount CA UTI/SUTI Count CAU_VREcount CAU/VRE Count CAUcount CA UTI Count caurate CA UTI Rate CCN CMS Certification Number CDCinfection CDC Infection cdiAssay CDI Assay CDIF Organism~C. difficile CDIF_admPrevCOCount CDIF CO Admission~Prevalence LabID Count CDIF_admPrevCOHCFACount CDIF CO-HCFA Admission~Prevalence LabID Count CDIF_admPrevCount CDIF Admission~Prevalence LabID Count CDIF_admPrevHOCount CDIF HO Admission~Prevalence LabID Count CDIF_admPrevRate CDIF Admission~Prevalence Rate CDIF_bldCount CDIF Blood Count CDIF_bldPrevRate CDIF BSI Overall~Prevalence Rate CDIF_facIncCount CDIF Facility Combined~Incident LabID Event Count CDIF_facIncHOCount CDIF Facility Incident~HO LabID Event Count CDIF_facIncRate Facility CDIF Combined~Incidence Rates cdif_gg Gown/Glove~CDIF? cdif_hh Hand Hygiene~CDIF? CDIF_HOIncRate Facility CDIF Healthcare~Facility-Onset Incidence Rate CDIF_incCount CDIF Incident~LabID Count CDIF_incRate CDIF~Incidence Rate cdif_infSurv Inf Surv~CDIF? cdif_labID Lab ID~CDIF?
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    1205-1220 7/5/08 18:54 Page 1205 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 32: 1205-1220, 2008 Synergistic apoptotic effects of taurolidine and TRAIL on squamous carcinoma cells of the esophagus ADRIEN DAIGELER1,2*, ANSGAR MICHAEL CHROMIK1*, ANNE GEISLER1, DANIEL BULUT3, CHRISTOPH HILGERT1, ANDREAS KRIEG4, LUDGER KLEIN-HITPASS5, MARCUS LEHNHARDT2, WALDEMAR UHL1 and ULRICH MITTELKÖTTER1 1Department of General and Visceral Surgery, St. Josef Hospital, Ruhr-University, Gudrunstrasse 56, D-44791 Bochum; 2Department of Plastic Surgery, Burn Center, Hand Center, Sarcoma Reference Center, BG-University Hospital Bergmannsheil, Bürkle-de-la-Camp-Platz 1, D-44789 Bochum; 3Department of Medicine II, St. Josef Hospital, Ruhr-University, Gudrunstrasse 56, D-44791 Bochum; 4Department of Surgery, Heinrich Heine-University, Moorenstrasse 5, D-40225 Duesseldorf; 5Institute for Cell Biology (Tumor Research), University of Duisburg-Essen, Virchowstrasse 173, D-45122 Essen, Germany Received January 7, 2008; Accepted March 5, 2008 Abstract. The treatment of choice for esophageal cancer reduced endogenous TRAIL, Bcl2l1 and caspase-1 expression. is considered surgical resection, but a median survival of BIRC2, BIRC3, TNFAIP3, and NFKBIA were upregulated. around 20 months after treatment is still discouraging. The The combined substances upregulated endogenous TRAIL, value of adjuvant or neoadjuvant radiation or chemotherapy NFKBIA and JUN, whereas DFFA and TRAF3 were down- is limited and to date, benefits have only been described for regulated compared to TRD as single substance. We conclude certain tumor stages. Therefore, new therapeutic options are that TRD overcomes TRAIL resistance in KYSE 270 cells. required. As alternative chemotherapeutics, we tested the Synergistic effects are dependent on the same and on distinct antibiotic taurolidine (TRD) on KYSE 270 human eso- apoptotic pathways which, jointly triggered, result in an phageal carcinoma cells alone and in combination with amplified response.
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