Greetings Scouter! The Miami Lodge #495, Order of the Arrow has prepared this Where To Go Camping Guide as a service to units in our council. Every year, the Order of the Arrow strives to produce a comprehensive listing of all local and regional campsites. The Where To Go Camping Guide is an on-going project designed to provide Scouts and their leaders-- including Cubmas-ters, Webelos Leaders, Scoutmasters, other Scouters, and Scout families--with current information on places to go camping with safe lodging and adventure! Each year this Guide will be updated and distributed to all the Cubmasters and Scoutmasters in our Council. An electronic copy an be found on our website, This guide is constantly a work-in-progress and we need your help. If there is any place your unit or you go camping and you think that it should be added to the Guide send us an email to
[email protected]. The only way we can make the Guide better in later editions is with your help. Miami Lodge is pleased to bring you this publication for the upcoming 2015 camping season. We hope it will serve as a meaningful resource as you decide where to stake your tents this year. Yours in Service, Adam Lucas Brendan Greaney Lodge Chief Lodge Adviser Monday, February 02, 2015 Page 1 of 76 Greetings Scouter! The Miami Lodge #495, Order of the Arrow has prepared this Where To Go Camping Guide as a service to units in our council. Every year, the Order of the Arrow strives to produce a comprehensive listing of all local and regional campsites.