Small Business Banking Issues
Comptroller of the Currency Administrator of National Banks Small Business Banking Issues A National Forum Sponsored by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Renaissance Washington Hotel Washington, D.C. February 5, 1998 Acknowledgments The Office of the Comptroller would like to express its appreciation to the speakers at the Small Business Banking Issues Forum, whose presentations are summarized here. Appreciation is also extended to the forum attendees, listed in Appendix A of this publication, for their questions, comments, and experiences shared about small business banking. The project was developed to enable bankers and small busi- ness owners to learn about successful programs, techniques, and strategies relevant to small business banking that could be replicated in their own communities. OCC staff contributing to the planning and conduct of the forum included: Janice A. Booker, director, Community Devel- opment Division (CDD); Yvonne McIntire, senior attorney, Community and Consumer Law; Denise Kirk-Murray, commu- nity reinvestment and development specialist, Community and Consumer Policy Division; Alfred T. Mitchell, community development specialist, CDD; Glenda Cross, director, Minority and Urban Affairs; John Turner, national bank examiner, Credit Risk; and Jacquelyn C. Allen, community development specialist, CDD. Lillian M. Long, program coordinator, CD Investments Program, CDD, served as project leader. Adminis- trative assistance was provided by Tawanda Hudge and Lisa Hemphill, CDD. The Communications Division, particularly Amy A. Millen, senior editor, and Rick Progar, publications liaison officer, helped to bring this publication to fruition. The OCC welcomes your comments or questions about this publication. Please write to the Community Development Division, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219, or call (202) 874-4940.
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