Magistrates for the City of Manchester

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Magistrates for the City of Manchester DIRECTORY.] OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1883 Worsley Thomas Smith, Ohe~th&m Hou~. Swinton lfooney Patrick, 9 Rtchmond rd. Chorlton-cnm-Hardy Ya.tes Joj(!ph Ma.giJull, K.C. B11glawton Hall, Congleton Pritcllard William Bridgett, 2!16 Upper Brook st. 0 on M Davie"' David Sanders, Plas Ca.stell, Denbigh Stipendiary M'tgi.!trate-J oseph Magh ull Y <~.t~, E3q, M. A., K. c Parry His Honour Judge Edward Abb:>tt, Holland House, WithingtoD Clert to tl~e Magi&trate&-B.ichard ..\iuscott, Esq. County Police court, Adam Sir Fmnk For be", Knt., C. I. E. Mare Old Hall, Knutdfortl Stmnl."(e ways .A.shton Tholllas, 925 Ashton Old rd Jleet at the County Pvliu Court, Srrangeways, dr1ily, at 11 a.m.: at th~ Br. .atifield Ed ward John, Roseleigh, Pre'<twich Tow11 Httll, Gorton, every alternttle ll"edne&d"!/, at S p.m. ; and Huckley William Henry, Birch hill, Rusholme the Court Hou&e, Wor&ley, the jiNt Fridny in JanuarY, April, Julv Chu.dwick Georgd Wtlllll.m, We~tleigh, Che.wile Heath anll Vctvber, at 2 p.m. Cro,sley William John, M.P. Glenfield, Altdncham Gaskm John, 47 Elizabeth st. Uheetham The following places are inclutled in the Petty Sessional Division:­ Guest Thomas, 34 The DcJwns, A.ltrincham Barton Moss, Clifton, Davyhulme, .Failsworth, Flixton, Gorton, Halliday John, Maytield, Cb.ea.1le Hulme Heaton Norris, Irlam, Levensb.ulme, Pemlleb11ry, Prestwich, Stratford, Wllittaker John, tl-Jantiwr, !Jegf!.nwy, N. Wales Swinton, Urmston, Worsley. Woodtlo11se Percy, Luugmea l, .\Iarple Bri•lge Oppenheim Siegmunti, 1-'arklield, Didsbury Beasto•v William Henry, Honchurch, Che.;tnut avenue, Chorlton-cum- liardy Brooks !Japt. Samuel Herber~, House, Levenshnlme MAGISTRATES FOR THE CITY OF Crook Col. Henry Tipping, 1 Bent la. Prestwicb Dreyfas Charles, Claremont, l<'allowtield Grime Joseph, Tide~well, Whitdow :-d. Chorlton-cnm-Ha.rdy MANCHESTER. Has~a.ll Thomas, Lyme Cottage, Wellington rd. EtJCles Ha worth John l!'letcher, ~thtmdge, Hale, near Altrincham (Arranged according to Seniority.) Hllsketit William Henry, Ashlei~h, 45 Talbot rd. Old Tmfford The Right H~n. tile Lo1·d Mayor, E:iward Holt, Woodthorpe, Prestwich Ho!Jen WJ.Iliaw, The Laurels, Church lane, Harpurhey JJeputy Lord Mayor, John llarrop, Heaton Lodge, Heaton Mersey Hue;hes Charles, 35 Eeltield, Didsbury Recorder, Sir Jo;eph Frauds Leese, Bart., K.c., M.P.:.! King's Bench Levj Ehot St~.mnel, Lis•u•>I~e, Atgburrh dri.e, Liverpool walk:, Temple, London E c L~mb Samuel, Dtmzell, KnutsforJ rd. Altrincham Stipendiary Magistrate, l<:dga.r Brierley, E;q. B.A., S.mdlield, Rochdale Muirhead Charles, The Mount, Alderley J£clge Agnew i:lir William, Bart. ll Great Stanhope st, Park lane, London w N utLa.ll Htlrry, M.P. Haynor Uroft, Bowdon Hall Ra.lph, Melcombe, Lightwoori rd. Htll<ton Pickvance J .. seph, Church View, 103 NorLII rd. Cl&vton Thornp:mn Joseph, Riversdale, Wilmslow Simp,on William, One Oak, Oheatile Hulme - Hoyle Isa.a.c, Il.eedley, Linrlsay road, Bnnksome park, Boun1emonth Slymcm John, Thornelitfe, 112 Urm:lton iu... Stratford Smith Richard Clifford, Ashford H11ll, Bakewell W 1l:!On J olm B.ubert, 5 i:lt111nley ~rove, Longsight Southem :::lir James Wilson, Knt., Heechwood, Marple Gatloway William John,;on 1 &l Portman •q. London w Ha-worth George Chester, High L11wn, Altrincha.m A.ndr<Jws John Harris, Langley Hou:>e, Victoria park Robert Ayrey, Brou£ht:m park and 10 i:lt. Ann's sq A.rruit.. ge R. Ayrey, Arm ta6e, Edge Cottage, All~rley EJge Hadfield George, Hollywood, Pllndleton Ohorlwu James Ulayton, The Priory, Didsbury Milner George, Elmscot, Timperley Richard Auglli!tus 8., M. D. 23il Stretford rd Gibbons Benjamin, Riverhill, Talbot road, Oxton, Rirkenhea:l Dawkins Prof. William Boyd, .l<'allowtield .I:Iouse, Fallowlleld Lornax John, West wood, Brooklands Dea.rden William l!'rlinci!', M D. N ormanhurst, Urmston la. Stretford Wa.ithman Arthur, Constitutional club, N Jrthumberland aven. London Ga.r::loa David Solomon, 133 Cheetham .I:Iill rd Hahlo George, Victoria park South, !tusholme GlaSd Percy Henry, Shri~ley, H~~ozlehur-t, Swinton Hors!all 'fhomas Cogla.n, Swanscoe park, near MJ.cclesfield G?ldschmidt Herm ann J. D11rham House, Withington Neill Joseph Skidmore, The Cliff, Acton Bridge, Northwich, Cheshire H1bbert Alfred,The Ho !lies, Kin!'( st. :-.!:os ton & 1ll.ochdale rd.Harpurhey Beard J ames Ha it, Hulefield, Knutsford Hunter Charles, 351 Moss la. East, Moil!! Side Roby Henry John, Lanerigg, Grasmere Jennison Uharles, Belle Vue Gardens Soott CllarleA Prestwich, •r he Firs, Fa.llowfieltl Kay Willia.m, 1ltand.i.oh House, 8tretford Milne J oseph Farmer, 29 Lulworth rd. Birkdale McClinton Nathaniel, Kingston ville, Higher Orumpsall Hoddington Henry, S tra.ngewa.ys Brewery Mosley David, Scotscroft, Didsbnry Marshal! Sir Anthony, Knt. Brookdale, Alderley Edge Ogden Ja.mes Neal, Claremont, :JO Manchester Old rd. Heaton Chapel Richarrls John, 52 Central rd. West Didsbury Plnrnmer Henry, Hazeldene, i<'allowtield Bratoy Willia.m, Granby, Alton Lmlge, L::mcaster park, Harrogate RamsJ.en William, :.!S7 Wihnslow rd. Fallowtl.eld Hawortlt Col . .Fre1eric, Astll<'y Green nr. Ambleside Reynolds Richard James, Ivy mount, Heaton ..\Ier:ley Mark Sir John, Knt. Greystoke West, Didsbury Ri..:!Jmond William, Windsor HouBe, We,;t Bank avenue Lytham LJwthian Thomas Henry, Burbage House, Buxton Royle ,ohn, Northwood, Wilmslow ' 111'CounelJohn Wanklyn, Wellbank, Prestwich Royse Samuel Walker, Tamworth House, M'DonJall Alexander, Willow lotlge. M·•HH lane eR.Rt Tllewlis James Herbert, Daisy Mount, Victoria. park Shaun Sir Thomas Thornhill, Knt. Tue Hollieo, Cl1ft:m rd. Heat on Moor Skinner Unarle:l lt. L., M. D. 1 Church la. liarpurney Haddeley Jolm, AdsW'.>ocl., Higher Hroughton Smith John Ril)hard, :IU Raymond ter. A~htield rd. U"rmston Elliott John Matthews, Heath Hank, Uheatile Heath Smith-Oarington H. H. Grangethorpe, Rusholme Holland Sir William Henry, B3rt . .M.P. Bl Queea's gate, London s w 8owler Harry, Willaston Cottage, .Na.ntwi"h Uharlton William, Burnage HolliW, Leven-<hulrne W~~ord John, .dazel bank, 13J .A.shley la. Mo;ton Briggs Thomas, The ( :e.1af8, Langha!n road, Bowdon We:;L John, The .!<'in!, Park rd. Southport Smith Walton, Gmnville House, Hca.ton Moor Uhantler John lJule, :.!7 4 Dicken~on rJ. Rusholme Bra.dley N atb.a.niel, Sunnyside, Whalley range Oopelaml .Artuur L+eorgc, LismoJora, D1tl.:!bury Ca.rdwell Major Henry, Spring Bank, Ashley road, Bowdon .M"Neil Henry, A;h V1Ua, Heaton Moor Buckley J .Jhn, Lyndh urt, l:'art st. 8outllpc~rt Brown William, The Laurels, Heaton Mersey Holt Edl\·ard, Womlthorpe, Pre~twich Cl!aprna.n Arthur Wilson, 5LJ ;:>tretfortl. ni. Uld Trafford Leech Sir Hosdin Thomas, Knt. Oak Mount, Timperley Ohapman William, 4. Milt.>n st. Chorlton-upon·Medlock A.rrnstron~ Willia.m, TuorncWie, Buxton Ohe;ter,;-£llumpson Stephen, Hrooklyn, Clayton a. venue, Did3bury Goodwin Harvcy, Orton tiall, Westmnrland Cra n:n Alllltin, llol.y ilouse, Bdge la. StreLforJ Milne .John Dewhnn•t, Belmont, Cheadle Dineley J arnes, 249 Oueetham Hill rd Snape Jo~eph, Fowl Mere House, Bowdon Dixon Bamuel, Moston Hall, Newton heath Vaudrey St~ Williarn Henry, Knt. t:!4 l!Jccles Old rd. Pendleton .b'lauagau William, :.!9 Hcywood. s~ . ..\Io,;s :5iJe Rothwell Wilthm Thomas, 8llJ Oldham rd. Newton Heath Freston Henry Wy tJrow, We:~tlidd, l'oynton Estcourt Frederick Edmun!l, Melville, Str~tford Ha.worth Alired, WooJeud, Hra.dgate rJ . .A.ltrincham Wells James Henry, Dryden House, Clit'l' grove, Heaton Moor Hyde William, Femwood, Cu.rlton rd. Whalley Range Evans Geor,;e, Woningworth, Newton Heath M"atiowcroft Nathan, !l :5ilvertiale rd. Chorlton-cum-Hardy Foster Regm>~.lJ Le Neve; BallinJene, Wtlrn5low, Che3hire Megson .A.lber~ Henry, The Priory, Sale Sherr!ltt W1lliam, Newlands, Lytham l'ollitt Jame:~, Stanley Hon.'le, Fairficld Sin clair 8ir Willium Japp, Knt. M. D. Garvock House,Dudley rd. Wh1.lley Saberton ~'rdllerick William, Vl Brunswick st. Chorlton-upon-Medlock Range Simpson Alfred, Dunham Woods, Dunham Ma.'isey Stewart James, One Elm, 'l7 Higher Ardwick Broa.dhurst EdwarJ Toota.l, The Manor House, North Rode I Conoletono &rra.ndale .11 atthuw, 48 Plymouth grove Suttou John Edwar I, 79 North rd. Clayton Fnllerton IIugh ll!. P., Eru.ckenhoe, :Sale Whlkllead Rot>,rt, Woodville, Clayton Kelley George Davey, M.P. 63 Upper Hrook st. Con M But~rworth Waiter, Lea. Hurst, BowJ.on M'Cabe Daniel, Green mount, Prestwich Alexander, Nor.vood, Prestwich Trevor Willia.m, Heathfield, Culcheth la.. Newton Heath Armitagc Willialll, Beech Hlll'St, Altrincham i<'ro.ser William ~Iurray, 6 Pembridge Aq. B11yswater, London, w Billam J oseph, 41 Port st. Piccadilly l3ehrens Gustav, Hollyroyde, Within"'ton Birley Philip A.Ithur, Northcote, Bro11ghton pk. lUll Lr, Cambridge st Gibson Robert, Montague House, Old Tra.fford Goodfellow Jame~, Bmntwood, Midtlleton r,l. Oheetham hill Jolmston Ja.mos, Oakbank avenue, Moston Harrop John, Hea.ton Lodge, Heaton Mer,;ey M:a.tthews Henry, 25 Portland crescent, C on M lieyw110J, 4d1 Hnry Ne"' rti. Kersal Norris John, 103 Northumberla.nd. rd. Old 'l'rafford Holt Ed.vyn, Athol Dene, .Arthog rd. Hale O'Ha.nlon William, West Thorpe, Bowdon Howarth George, 15 Beech Mount, Ha.rpurhey Rowley Charles, Handforth, Cheshire Johnson Thomas, 302 Cheetham Hill rd Scott Charles Henry, West Bank, Heaton Mersey Kelly Tnoma.s Henry, 22 Victoria. rd. Victoria. park Hnssell George Hanna, M.D. <!35 Stockport rd Kendall James, Ma.yfield villas, 30 Dela.unay's rd. Higher Crurnpsa.ll A.ndre<\Bian Ohanness, 84 Biilhopsgate st. within, London, E C Laskl Nathan, Smedley Hou~. Smedley la Canllield Etl.ward, 17;J Cheetham Hill rd Ma.rsden Htmry, Tair.lands, 4 o:>winwu g-rove, 0 on M Ernrys-Jones Abraham, M.D.
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