MLCK-dependent exchange and binding region- dependent anchoring of ZO-1 regulate tight junction barrier function

Dan Yu, Amanda M. Marchiando1, Christopher R. Weber1, David R. Raleigh, Yingmin Wang, Le Shen2, and Jerrold R. Turner2

Department of Pathology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637

Edited by W. James Nelson, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, and accepted by the Editorial Board March 26, 2010 (received for review August 5, 2009) The perijunctional actomyosin ring contributes to light chain the actin binding region (ABR), a 220-amino-acid domain within kinase (MLCK)-dependent tight junction regulation. However, the the carboxyl-terminal half of ZO-1 (9). Moreover, when expressed specific protein interactions involved in this process are unknown. as an EGFP-fusion protein, the ABR interfered with ZO-1 ex- To test the hypothesis that molecular remodeling contributes to change and prevented both ZO-1 stabilization and barrier regu- barrier regulation, tight junction protein dynamic behavior was lation following MLCK inhibition. The data indicate that tight assessed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). junction-associated ZO-1 is the sum of three pools, two of which MLCK inhibition increased barrier function and stabilized ZO-1 at the exchange with the cytosolic pool by distinct mechanisms. The data tight junction but did not affect claudin-1, occludin, or actin also suggest that MLCK- and ABR-dependent ZO-1 exchange exchange in vitro. Pharmacologic MLCK inhibition also blocked in and anchoring, respectively, are critical determinants of tight vivo ZO-1 exchange in wild-type, but not long MLCK−/−, mice. Con- junction barrier function. versely, ZO-1 exchange was accelerated in transgenic mice express- ing constitutively active MLCK. In vitro, ZO-1 lacking the actin Results

binding region (ABR) was not stabilized by MLCK inhibition, either MLCK-Dependent Barrier Regulation Is Associated with ZO-1 Sta- CELL BIOLOGY in the presence or absence of endogenous ZO-1. Moreover, the free bilization at the Tight Junction. Validated fluorescent fusion con- ABR interfered with full-length ZO-1 exchange and reduced basal structs of claudin-1, occludin, and ZO-1 were expressed in Caco- barrier function. The free ABR also prevented increases in barrier 2 cells with active Na+-glucose cotransport (10, 11), a model in function following MLCK inhibition in a manner that required en- which MLCK-dependent tight junction regulation has been ex- dogenous ZO-1 expression. In silico modeling of the FRAP data sug- tensively characterized. Fluorescence recovery after photo- gests that tight junction-associated ZO-1 exists in three pools, two of bleaching (FRAP) studies (Fig. 1 A and B) demonstrated that which exchange with cytosolic ZO-1. Transport of the ABR-anchored these proteins exchanged with kinetics similar to those observed exchangeable pool is regulated by MLCK. These data demonstrate in MDCK cells (3); a small decrease in ZO-1 mobile fraction a critical role for the ZO-1 ABR in barrier function and suggest that (Table S1) was the most notable difference. Thus, overall tight MLCK-dependent ZO-1 exchange is essential to this mechanism of junction protein dynamic behavior at steady state is similar in barrier regulation. confluent Caco-2 and MDCK epithelial cell monolayers. Monolayers were next treated with PIK, a highly-specific fluorescence recovery after photobleaching | mathematical models | peptide inhibitor of MLCK (12), which induced a 46% ± 5% myosin light chain kinase | paracellular permeability | intestinal epithelium increase in transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and re- duced the ZO-1 mobile fraction, i.e., the fraction of total tight reat progress has been made toward identifying components junction-associated full-length ZO-1 available for exchange, ± ± B C D–F of the tight junction. These include transmembrane, periph- from 56 3to20 5% (Fig. 1 and and Fig. S1 ). PIK G ± ± eral membrane, and regulatory proteins, many of which contain also reduced the t1/2 of ZO-1 FRAP from 125 8 s to 39 11 s B one or more domains that mediate interactions with other tight (Fig. 1 and Table S2). In contrast, PIK did not affect the dy- A B junction and cytoskeletal proteins (1). These and other observa- namic behaviors of claudin-1, occludin, or actin (Fig. 1 and ). tions drove development of models that depicted the tight junction These data suggest that MLCK activity is critical to ZO-1 (but as a static, heavily cross-linked protein complex (2). However, not claudin-1, occludin, or actin) exchange at the tight junction. recent data showing rapid and continuous remodeling of the tight junction refuted the previous models and led to the hypothesis that ZO-1 Exchange Requires Actomyosin Function. To determine if the modulation of protein remodeling behavior could be a mechanism observed effects of MLCK inhibition on ZO-1 extended to other of tight junction barrier regulation (3, 4). forms of cytoskeletally-mediated tight junction regulation, The perijunctional ring of F-actin and myosin II that supports the tight junction is essential to physiological and pathophysiological barrier regulation (5). For example, activation of perijunctional Author contributions: D.Y., L.S., and J.R.T. designed research; D.Y., A.M.M., C.R.W., D.R.R., fi Y.W., L.S., and J.R.T. performed research; L.S. and J.R.T. contributed new reagents/analytic myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is suf cient to enhance para- tools; D.Y., C.R.W., L.S., and J.R.T. analyzed data; and D.Y., L.S., and J.R.T. wrote the paper. cellular permeability (6, 7) and is required for tight junction barrier The authors declare no conflict of interest. regulation in response to Na+-nutrient cotransport, inflammatory This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. W.N. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial cytokines, or pathogenic (8). Thus, modulation of MLCK Board. activity represents a point of convergence for multiple signaling Data deposition: The models used in this paper are accessible at the Virtual Cell web site pathways that regulate tight junction barrier function. To assess the role of molecular remodeling in barrier regula- 1A.M.M. and C.R.W. contributed equally to this work. tion, dynamic behaviors of tight junction proteins were assessed 2To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or before and after MLCK inhibition. Zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1), [email protected]. but not claudin-1, occludin, or actin, was stabilized at the tight This article contains supporting information online at junction following MLCK inhibition. This stabilization required 0908869107/DCSupplemental. PNAS | May 4, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 18 | 8237–8241 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 time (s) time (s) 0 300 600 A B 100 -PIK actin A 0 300 600 B +PIK 80 occludin 60 ZO-1 60 WT 40 claudin-1 claudin-1 §§

20 § -/- 40 (% initial value) ZO-1 + PIK

fluorescent intensity 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600

time (s) MLCK 20 occludin

C mobile fraction (%) 0 PIK WT MLCK-/- CA-MLCK CA-MLCK ZO-1 40 ML-7 -PIK +PIK PIK - + - + - + 20 control

0 blebb 60 ) Fig. 2. MLCK regulates ZO-1 exchange in vivo. (A) mRFP1-ZO-1 FRAP was Δ TER (%) jas (% n −/− -20 toxinB 40 o actin ti assessed in wild-type (WT), long MLCK , and CA-MLCK transgenic mice. PIK latA 20 c 80 60 fra actin mobile fraction40 (%) ile μ μ 20 0 b (250 M) was added 15 min before analysis. (Scale bar, 3 m.) (B) Mobile -PIK +PIK 0 o m -1 fraction of mRFP1-ZO-1, n = 5 per condition. § P < 0.001 vs. corresponding O Z mucosa after PIK treatment. Fig. 1. MLCK inhibition uniquely stabilizes ZO-1 at the tight junction in vitro. (A) Caco-2 monolayers stably expressing fluorescent fusion constructs −/− were studied by FRAP 15 min after addition of the specific MLCK inhibitor MLCK mice (Fig. 2, Fig. S2, and Table S3). Long MLCK is PIK (250 μM). (Scale bar, 3 μm.) (B) Mean recovery curves, n = 4 per condition. therefore required for reduced ZO-1 recovery after PIK treat- § P < 0.001 vs. ZO-1 without PIK. (C) TER and FRAP of ZO-1 and actin were ment. Thus, the ZO-1 stabilization induced by PIK is due to assessed 15 min after addition of 0.5 μM latrunculin A (latA); 1 μM jaspla- MLCK inhibition rather than nonspecific drug effects. kinolide (jas); 10 μM blebbistatin (blebb); 250 μM PIK; 10 μM ML-7; or 40 ng/ To determine whether ZO-1 exchange is influenced by MLCK mL toxin B, n = 4 per condition. activation, mRFP1-ZO-1 transgenic mice were bred with trans- genic mice that express constitutively active MLCK (CA-MLCK) monolayers were treated with agents that perturb either actin or under control of the 9-kb villin promoter (7). CA-MLCK ex- myosin function. Latrunculin A was used to disrupt actin poly- pression did not affect the ZO-1 mobile fraction but significantly merization (13, 14), jasplakinolide to limit microfilament disas- reduced the t1/2 of recovery (Fig. 2, Fig. S2, and Table S3). ZO-1 sembly and enhance actin polymerization (15), blebbistatin to exchange in CA-MLCK mice following PIK treatment (Fig. 2, inhibit myosin II ATPase and disrupt cyclic actomyosin inter- Fig. S2, and Table S3) was similar to that in PIK-treated wild- actions (16, 17), and Clostridium difficile toxin B to inhibit rhoA type mice, consistent with the previously reported inhibition of (18). Each treatment interfered with perijunctional actin ex- CA-MLCK by PIK (6, 7). Thus, in vivo ZO-1 exchange is regu- change, whereas PIK and the less specific MLCK inhibitor ML-7 lated by both MLCK activation and inhibition. did not affect actin FRAP (Fig. 1C and Fig. S1I). In contrast, all drugs significantly reduced ZO-1 exchange (Fig. 1C and Fig. The ABR Is Required for ZO-1 Stabilization After MLCK Inhibition. ZO-1 S1J). The impact of these treatments on barrier function corre- association with actin is mediated, at least in part, by the ABR (9, lated perfectly with the FRAP effects; agents that inhibited only 21). As the data above show that actomyosin function is required for ZO-1 FRAP increased TER, whereas those that inhibited both ZO-1 exchange, we sought to determine if the ABR is involved in ZO-1 and actin FRAP reduced TER (Fig. 1C and Fig. S1 G, I, ZO-1 transport to or stabilization at the tight junction. An EGFP- – and J). Importantly, all drugs were used at low concentrations tagged ZO-1 deletion mutant lacking the ABR (residues 1152 ΔABR and did not disrupt claudin-1, occludin, ZO-1, E-cadherin, or 1371) was stably expressed in Caco-2 cells. EGFP-ZO-1 was fi fl perijunctional actin (Fig. S1H). Thus, actomyosin function is ef ciently targeted to the tight junction in con uent Caco-2 mon- A important for both barrier maintenance and ZO-1 exchange. olayers (Fig. S3 ), and the distributions of claudin-1, occludin, endogenous ZO-1, E-cadherin, and actin were not grossly disturbed ΔABR ZO-1 Exchange Is Regulated via MLCK in Vivo. To determine if the in by EGFP-ZO-1 expression (Fig. S3B). However, EGFP-ZO- Δ vitro data corresponded to in vivo behavior, FRAP was performed 1 ABR expression did increase monolayer TER (Fig. S4A). The using transgenic mice expressing mRFP1-ZO-1 under control of the reasons for this TER elevation are not clear, but may be secondary 9-kb villin promoter. These studies relied on a method that allows to limited decoupling of the tight junction and perijunctional ac- maintenance of the intestinal neurovascular supply during imaging tomyosin ring. This hypothesis is consistent with previous reports (Fig. S2A). mRFP1-ZO-1 was correctly localized at tight junctions showing that treatment with low concentrations of cytochalasin D throughout the villus epithelium (Fig. S2B), and FRAP analyses increases TER of MDCK and Caco-2 cell monolayers (10, 22, 23). showed that in vivo exchange occurred with a mobile fraction of ABR deletion did not affect FRAP t1/2, but the EGFP-ZO- Δ 70% ± 5% (Fig. 2, and Fig. S2 and Table S3), slightly greater than 1 ABR mobile fraction (81% ± 5%) was significantly greater than that of Caco-2 monolayers. Similar to the in vitro result, in vivo that of full length EGFP-ZO-1 (Fig. 3A and Table S2). This pharmacological MLCK inhibition reduced both the ZO-1 mobile suggests that the ABR plays a role in basal ZO-1 stabilization at ΔABR fraction (to 26% ± 4%) and t1/2 (Fig. 2 and Tables S2 and S3). the tight junction. Moreover, ZO-1 FRAP was not affected Although PIK is highly specific for MLCK, the possibility that by MLCK inhibition with PIK or the less specific MLCK in- the observed ZO-1 stabilization represents off-target effects must hibitor ML-7 (Fig. 3A and Fig. S3C), suggesting that the ABR is be considered. To assess this, mRFP1-ZO-1 transgenic mice were necessary for increased ZO-1 stabilization after MLCK in- Δ bred with knockout mice that lack long MLCK, the isoform hibition. EGFP-ZO-1 ABR FRAP was similar in Caco-2 cells expressed in intestinal epithelia (19, 20). The ZO-1 mobile frac- lacking endogenous ZO-1 (Fig. 3B), indicating that the results fl ΔABR tion and t1/2 were not significantly different from those measured were not in uenced by interactions between EGFP-ZO-1 in wild-type mice (Fig. 2, Fig. S2, and Table S3). This suggests and full-length ZO-1. Therefore, the ABR contributes to ZO-1 that, as is commonly observed in knockout mice, there has been stabilization at the tight junction, both at steady state and in compensation for the loss of long MLCK and is consistent with response to MLCK inhibition. Moreover, the observation that Δ the normal basal jejunal barrier function and epithelial MLC EGFP-ZO-1 ABR FRAP was sensitive to latrunculin A, jaspla- − − phosphorylation reported in long MLCK / mice (19). Moreover, kinolide, blebbistatin, and toxin B, despite resistance to PIK and the MLCK inhibitor PIK did not affect ZO-1 FRAP behavior in ML-7, suggests the presence of a second mechanism of ZO-1

8238 | Yu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Δ ABR ZO-1 ZO-1kd 60 AB§ § § § A B ‡ 80 † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 50 ct 80 1.3 40 ‡§ 60 60 30 1.2 kd+ABR 20 1.1 40 40 § 10 kd ct+ABR fraction (%) ZO-1 mobile 1.0 20 0 20 − − + + ABR (normalized) TER 0 100 200 300 μ mobile fraction (%) 0 PIK − + − + PIK concentration ( M) mobile fraction (%) 0 jas Δ ABR PIK latA ZO-1 ZO-1

ML-7 Fig. 4. ABR expression reduces barrier function and prevents TER increases blebb PIK - + - + control toxin B after MLCK inhibition. (A) Mobile fraction of mRFP1–ZO-1 FRAP in mono- Fig. 3. The ABR is required for ZO-1 stabilization after MLCK inhibition. (A) layers also expressing EGFP-ZO-1 or EGFP-ABR, as indicated, without or with Δ μ < ‡ < EGFP-ZO-1 ABR FRAP was assessed after addition of drugs, as in Fig. 1, and 250 M PIK, n =3.§P 0.001 vs. monolayers without PIK. P 0.01 vs. full- mobile fraction determined, n = 4 per condition. § P < 0.001 vs. untreated length EGFP-ZO-1-expressing monolayers. (B) PIK induces a dose-dependent (control) monolayers. ‡ P < 0.001 vs. PIK-treated monolayers. (B) Mobile increase in TER of control (ct) monolayers but not ZO-1 knockdown (kd) or Δ ‡ < fraction of EGFP–ZO-1 or EGFP-ZO-1 ABR expressed in ZO-1 knockdown (kd) EGFP-ABR-expressing monolayers, n = 3 per condition. P 0.01 vs. all other monolayers, n = 3 per condition. † P < 0.05 vs. control ZO-1 expressing conditions. monolayers. § P < 0.001 vs. corresponding PIK-treated monolayers. rather than nonspecific actomyosin disruption, and are consistent exchange that depends on global actomyosin function but does with the effect of EGFP-ABR on MLCK-dependent mRFP1-ZO- not require the ABR or MLCK activity. 1 exchange (described above). To test the hypothesis that ABR- Analysis of MDCK cells has shown that tight junction-associated mediated interactions are also necessary for MLCK-dependent ZO-1 exchanges with a cytosolic pool by a process that does not barrier regulation, the effect of PIK was assessed in control and involve diffusion at the membrane (3). However, the data above ZO-1 knockdown Caco-2 monolayers in the presence and absence Δ raise the possibility that a component of EGFP-ZO-1 ABR FRAP of EGFP-ABR expression. As reported previously (12), PIK in Caco-2 cells may involve diffusion at the membrane, as occurs caused a dose-dependent increase in TER of wild-type monolayers with occludin (3). To assess this, recovery of EGFP-ZO-1 and (Fig. 4B). In contrast, the effect of PIK on TER was small and ΔABR B EGFP-ZO-1 FRAP was assessed over an extended region of dose-independent in ZO-1 knockdown monolayers (Fig. 4 ), in- CELL BIOLOGY the tight junction. As in MDCK cells (3), recovery was uniform over dicating that ZO-1 is required for MLCK-dependent tight junction the entire area (Fig. S5 A–C). Moreover, both EGFP-ZO-1 and barrier regulation. The TER response to MLCK inhibition was not Δ EGFP-ZO-1 ABR FRAP were inhibited by ATP depletion but affected by EGFP-ABR expression in ZO-1 knockdown mono- unaffected by reduced temperature, cholesterol depletion, or in- layers (Fig. 4B). Most importantly, expression of EGFP-ABR in hibition of small GTPase-regulated membrane traffic(Fig. S5 D wild-type monolayers limited TER increases induced by MLCK and E). Thus, both MLCK-dependent and MLCK-independent inhibition to small, dose-independent responses that were in- Δ mechanisms of ZO-1 and ZO-1 ABR FRAP in Caco-2 cells involve distinguishable from the responses of ZO-1 knockdown mono- ATP-dependent exchange with a cytosolic pool but not diffusion layers (Fig. 4B). These data demonstrate that MLCK-dependent within the membrane. tight junction barrier regulation requires ZO-1 and can be spe- cifically disrupted by free ABR expression. Free ABR Expression Prevents ZO-1 Exchange and Tight Junction Δ Barrier Regulation. The studies of ZO-1 ABR suggest that ABR- A Unified Model Can Simulate in Vitro and in Vivo ZO-1 FRAP Behavior. mediated interactions are critical to ZO-1 stabilization. How- Steady-state ZO-1 FRAP in MDCK cells has been modeled as ever, it is also possible that ABR deletion disrupts folding of the three pools; a fixed (nonexchangeable) tight junction pool, an carboxyl-terminal portion of ZO-1 and, therefore, interferes with exchangeable tight junction pool, and an exchangeable cytosolic function of adjacent domains. To assess this possibility, EGFP- pool (3). To better understand the regulation of ZO-1 exchange ABR, without other ZO-1 domains, was expressed in Caco-2 in Caco-2 cells, FRAP behavior was modeled in silico on the cells, where it was distributed at the junction as well as diffusely basis of known ZO-1 function and experimental data. The in throughout the cytosol (Fig. S6). These cells, as well as those vitro data show that exchange of tight junction-associated ZO-1 Δ expressing EGFP-ZO-1, were transfected with mRFP1-ZO-1 to and ZO-1 ABR in Caco-2 cells also occurs via ATP-dependent assess the effects of the ABR on FRAP behavior of full-length exchange with a cytosolic pool, rather than diffusion within the Δ ZO-1. EGFP-ZO-1, EGFP-ZO-1 ABR, and mRFP1-ZO-1 were membrane (Fig. S5). The results further indicate that at least correctly delivered to the tight junction (Fig. S6). two mechanisms, one of which involves MLCK and the FRAP analysis demonstrated that mRFP1-ZO-1 exchange in ABR, are involved in exchange of tight junction-associated and cells expressing EGFP-ZO-1 was identical to that of EGFP-ZO-1 cytosolic ZO-1. in wild-type cells (Fig. 4 and Fig. S6), both before and after MLCK The two exchangeable pools of tight junction-associated ZO-1 Δ inhibition (Fig. 4 and Fig. S6). EGFP-ZO-1 ABR slightly reduced were modeled as PIK-sensitive and PIK-insensitive FRAP com- the basal mobile fraction of mRFP1-ZO-1, but exchange was still ponents (Fig. 5). A fixed pool of tight junction-associated ZO-1 sensitive to MLCK inhibition (Fig. S6). In contrast, EGFP-ABR was also defined, with the remainder of total ZO-1 within a cyto- markedly decreased the mRFP1-ZO-1 mobile fraction at steady- solic pool. Diffusion within the cytosolic pool was modeled as state (Fig. S6), and MLCK inhibition did not induce any further occurring at a fixed rate (Table S4). Rate constants and pool size of reduction of mRFP1-ZO-1 FRAP in EGFP-ABR-expressing cells the MLCK-independent component were modeled from ZO-1 (Fig. 4A and Fig. S6). These data suggest that free ABR disrupts FRAP curves of PIK-treated monolayers (Fig. S7A and Tables S2 ABR-dependent full-length ZO-1 interactions required for sta- and S4). The difference between recovery of control and PIK- bilization before and after MLCK inhibition but does not interfere treated monolayers was used to derive rate constants and pool size with ZO-1 trafficking. of the MLCK-dependent component of ZO-1 exchange. This EGFP-ABR reduced TER in Caco-2 cells expressing endoge- approach showed that the MLCK-dependent process proceeded nous ZO-1 but not in ZO-1 knockdown Caco-2 cells (Fig. S6A). with slower kinetics than the MLCK-independent process (Fig. 5, These data suggest that the effect of EGFP-ABR expression on Fig. S7, and Tables S2 and S4). Using the applied constants and TER is secondary to inhibition of endogenous ZO-1 function, initial pool sizes, the system was allowed to reach steady-state. As

Yu et al. PNAS | May 4, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 18 | 8239 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 observed in vivo (Figs. S2F and S8 A and B and Tables S2 and S3). A tight junction cytosol B 60 − − Because ZO-1 FRAP of long MLCK / mice without or with PIK slow total ABR actin 40 treatment was similar to wild-type mice (without PIK), the MLCK fast parameters developed for wild-type mice were used to model long fast − − 20 MLCK / mice (Fig. S8 C and D and Table S5). actin slow (% initial value) 0 The effect of MLCK activation was tested by assessing the fixed exchangeable fluorescent intensity 0 120 240 360 480 600 time (s) effect of increasing the in silico rate of exchange via the slow, but not the fast, pathway. Changes to the model were limited to Fig. 5. In silico models of ZO-1 exchange. (A) ZO-1 was distributed in one acceleration of this reaction. This single modification accurately cytosolic and three tight junction-associated pools. (B) Representative data modeled the in vivo data by reducing the t1/2 of recovery without showing in vitro ZO-1 FRAP (circles) in control monolayers and in silico significantly affecting the ZO-1 mobile fraction (Fig. S8E and models of total recovery (black line) as the sum of slow and fast components Tables S3 and S5). Moreover, the overall size of the tight junc- of recovery. tion-associated ZO-1 pool was not affected, consistent with the distribution of ZO-1 in CA-MLCK transgenic mice (7). Because expected, subsequent activation of the virtual laser resulted in CA-MLCK and MLCK are both inhibited by PIK (6, 7), ZO-1 overall ZO-1 FRAP kinetics identical to those observed in vitro FRAP in PIK-treated CA-MLCK transgenic mice was modeled (Fig. 5B and Fig. S7A). by blocking exchange via the slow pathway (Fig. S8F and Tables In silico inhibition of the MLCK-dependent process (without S3 and S5), and this reproduced the in vivo results. As a whole, any additional changes to the model) reduced the mobile frac- these data show that biology-based adjustments to a single model ΔABR tion of recovery to match that of monolayers treated with PIK in can explain ZO-1 and ZO-1 exchange in vitro and in vivo vitro (Fig. S7B and Tables S2 and S4). In silico inhibition of under a variety of experimental conditions as well as in geneti- MLCK-dependent exchange also accelerated recovery, i.e., re- cally-modified animals. duced the t in a manner similar to that observed in vitro. The 1/2 Discussion model demonstrates that overall t1/2 is a weighted average of the slow and fast pathways, thereby explaining why complete in- An essential role for MLCK in tight junction barrier regulation hibition of the slow pathway, which leaves only fast exchange, has been demonstrated in response to physiological and patho- results in an overall reduction of t despite a reduced mobile- physiological tight junction barrier regulation using in vitro and 1/2 – fraction. in vivo models (10 12, 19). Although light and electron micro- Δ The in vitro data show that the mobile fraction of ZO-1 ABR scopic analyses have associated MLCK activation with subtle was greater than that of ZO-1. The ABR therefore contributes to changes in perijunctional actomyosin ring structure, tight junc- ZO-1 stabilization at the tight junction. The validity of this con- tion morphology, and ZO-1 distribution (10, 19, 24), the mo- clusion was tested in silico by reducing the size of the fixed pool lecular events responsible for MLCK-dependent barrier without making any other changes. This small modification regulation have been elusive. Based on the recent observation reproduced the in vitro results (Fig. S7C and Tables S2 and S4). that protein components of the tight junction are highly dynamic Moreover, because this was possible without altering exchange at steady-state (3), we asked if the molecular interactions re- sponsible for dynamic protein behavior might be altered by rates, the data support the hypothesis that the primary role of MLCK-dependent barrier regulation. We also hypothesized that the ABR is to stabilize tight junction-associated ZO-1 rather than changes in dynamic protein behavior might be responsible for regulate transport of ZO-1 between the tight junction and cytosol. Δ the barrier regulation observed. The transport processes responsible for ZO-1 and ZO-1 ABR Under basal conditions, when MLCK is active (11), steady- exchange are energy dependent (Fig. S5) and are, therefore, likely state exchange of tight junction-associated claudin-1, occludin, to be saturable. It follows that the size of the exchangeable pool is ZO-1, and actin in Caco-2 monolayers was comparable to that limited by the capacity of the transport process. If, as suggested reported previously in MDCK cells (3). MLCK inhibition only above, the ABR stabilizes ZO-1 but does not play a role in trans- Δ affected exchange of ZO-1, which was profoundly reduced. Tight port, full-length ZO-1 and ZO-1 ABR should compete equally for ΔABR junction-associated ZO-1 was similarly stabilized following in transport. ZO-1 expression should therefore reduce the ab- vivo MLCK inhibition. Consistent with a role for MLCK in solute number of full-length ZO-1 molecules in the exchangeable FL regulation of ZO-1 exchange, recovery was accelerated by in vivo pool (ZO-1 e). However, the absolute number of full-length ZO- FL MLCK activation. In vitro analyses demonstrated that the ABR 1 molecules in the fixed pool (ZO-1 f) should be reduced to Δ was required for ZO-1 stabilization after MLCK inhibition, but ABR Δ a lesser extent, as ZO-1 is not stabilized via the ABR-de- that ZO-1 ABR exchange remained sensitive to functional acto- pendent mechanism and cannot compete for those binding sites. Δ myosin disruption. This suggests that ZO-1 FRAP occurs by at Thus, ZO-1 ABR expression is expected to cause a greater re- FL FL least two mechanisms that can be differentiated by the critical duction in ZO-1 e than in ZO-1 f,, and the full-length ZO-1 FL FL FL FL role of the ABR in MLCK-dependent exchange for one, but not mobile fraction (ZO-1 Mf), ZO-1 Mf = ZO-1 e/(ZO-1 e + the other, but that both mechanisms of exchange require intact FL D ZO-1 f), will be reduced. This was the in vitro result (Fig. S6 ). actomyosin function. The in vitro data indicate that exchange of both tight junction- To better define the role of the ABR, we stably expressed this associated ZO-1 pools requires intact actomyosin function. The domain as an EGFP fusion protein. This reduced tight junction effects of latrunculin A were therefore modeled by reducing rate barrier function in a manner that required the presence of en- constants for both mechanisms. This reproduced the in vitro data dogenous ZO-1, suggesting that the free ABR was able to interfere (Fig. S7D and Table S2 and S4). This model also predicted that specifically with ZO-1 function. Consistent with this, ABR ex- extended treatment with latrunculin A would result in progressive pression suppressed basal ZO-1 exchange and also blocked ZO-1 ZO-1 loss from the tight junction, consistent with previous reports stabilization following MLCK inhibition. Moreover, interfering of ZO-1 loss after prolonged actin disruption (10, 23). Thus, with ZO-1 stabilization, either by ZO-1 knockdown or ABR ex- a mathematical model developed from experimental data can be pression, prevented barrier function increases after MLCK in- rationally modified to recapitulate targeted interventions. hibition. Thus, ZO-1 interactions mediated by the ABR are critical To assess the applicability of this in silico model to the vivo data, to MLCK-dependent barrier regulation. small adjustments to rate constants and initial pool sizes were To understand the process of ZO-1 exchange, we modeled the in made to reflect the slightly greater mobile fraction and shorter t1/2 vitro and in vivo data in silico. A previous analysis modeled ZO-1

8240 | Yu et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 as a cytosolic pool and two tight junction-associated pools, one small changes in rates of exchange reactions can have profound exchangeable and one fixed (3). However, the results obtained effects on tight junction structure and function. Ongoing char- here suggest that at least two exchangeable pools of ZO-1 must acterization of these processes, including the structural domains exist at the tight junction and that these must be differentially and machinery that coordinate transport of tight junction com- regulated. One pathway requires MLCK activity, and ZO-1 within ponents, may lead to detailed understanding of the molecular this pool, as well as the nonexchangeable pool, is stabilized by anatomy of the tight junction as well as the interactions that ABR-mediated interactions. In contrast, neither the ABR nor dictate barrier function. MLCK affect the rapidly-exchangeable pool. Exchange of both pools requires actomyosin function. Based on this simple model Methods fi (Fig. 5) and logical modi cations of either the size of the ZO-1 In Vitro FRAP. Caco-2 cells were grown on Transwell supports (Corning) fi BBe xed pool or the rate of MLCK-dependent ZO-1 exchange (but and TER measured as described (11). Stable transfectants were developed as not both), we were able to completely recapitulate the in vitro and described (10, 11) with conservative substitutions, to evade shRNA, as nec- in vivo data. Although these results do not prove that the model is essary. FRAP was performed on a DM4000 microscope (Leica) equipped with correct, they are consistent with that hypothesis and will serve as an a MicroPoint Laser System (Photonic Instruments), Leica 63× UVI objective, important basis for further investigation of the roles of molecular and 37-°C heated stage controlled by MetaMorph 7 (MDS). A region of in- dynamics in tight junction regulation. The data also suggest that terest was bleached with a nanosecond laser pulse using low intensities and ABR-mediated stabilization of tight junction-associated ZO-1 is <1-s exposures to minimize phototoxicity. MetaMorph 7 was used for critical to barrier regulation by MLCK. analysis, as described (3). Interestingly, ours is not the first study showing that loss of ZO-1 expression does not markedly affect TER (25–27). This suggests In Vivo FRAP. Mice were developed and in vivo imaging performed as de- that other proteins, for example ZO-2, may compensate for ZO-1 scribed (28) using an SP5 microscope (Leica) with a 40× NA 0.8 water im- loss (25). Together with previous studies showing increased flux of mersion objective. mRFP1-ZO-1 was excited and bleached using the DPSS 561 large solutes following MLCK activation (19), our identification of laser. Analysis was as above. a specific role for ZO-1 in MLCK-dependent barrier regulation suggests that ZO-1 interactions with the regulate flux In Silico Modeling. AmodelwascreatedusingVirtualCell(3).Cellsweremodeled μ μ μ of large solutes via a tight junction leak pathway. Consistent with as cylinders with diameter of 30 m and height of 10 mwitha1- m thick tight this, ZO-1 knockdown has been shown to increase large solute flux junction band. A 10 min equilibration preceded virtual laser activation to model the 15-min drug preincubation used in vitro and in vivo as 5 min of diffusion and across the tight junction (26, 27), and a recent report demonstrated CELL BIOLOGY enhanced sensitivity of ZO-1 knockdown monolayers to cytocha- 10 min of activity. The models used in this paper are accessible at the Virtual Cell web site lasin D or calcium chelation (27). In contrast, the TER increase induced by rho kinase inhibition in control monolayers did not Statistics. Data are presented as mean ± SEM of at least three independent occur in ZO-1-knockdown MDCK monolayers (27). Thus, pre- experiments with three or more replicates and analyzed by two-tailed Stu- vious data, as well as the data presented here, indicate that ZO-1 is dent’s t test, with P < 0.05 considered significant. essential for cytoskeletally-mediated barrier regulation. Our data further demonstrate that MLCK and the ABR are central to this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank J. M. Anderson and A. S. Fanning for ZO-1 process and suggest that ZO-1 exchange and anchoring regulated constructs and S. Nalle, B. Umans, and A. J. M. Watson for critical review. This work by these elements are critical intermediates in barrier regulation. was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants R01DK61931, R01DK68271, P01DK67887, T32HL007237, F32DK082134, P30CA14599, UL1RR024999 and a Overall, these data provide evidence that the dynamic be- ’ fi fellowship from the Crohn s and Colitis Foundation of America sponsored by L. havior of speci c tight junction protein components is crucial to M. Hoffman. The Virtual Cell is supported by NIH Grant Number P41RR013186 barrier regulation. Moreover, the in silico model suggests that from the National Center For Research Resources.

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Yu et al. PNAS | May 4, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 18 | 8241 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021