NRS Personnel Directory As of September 17, 2015 Paul Aigner Campus: UC Davis Title: Resident Co-Director Email:
[email protected] Work phone: 707 995-9005 Reserve: McLaughlin Natural Reserve Fax phone: 707 995-9005 (call first) Cell phone: Other phone: Mail: McLaughlin Natural Reserve FedEx: 26775 Morgan Valley Road Lower Lake, CA 95457 James M. Andre Campus: UC Riverside Title: Reserve Director Email:
[email protected] Work phone: 760 733-4222 Reserve: Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center Fax phone: 760 733-9931 Cell phone: 951 312-3556 Other phone: Mail: Sweeney Granite Mtns Desert Research Ctr. FedEx: 909 Armory Road #118 HC1 Box 101 Barstow, CA 92311-5460 Kelso, CA 92351-0101 Feynner Arias Campus: UC Santa Cruz Title: Reserve Steward Email:
[email protected] Work phone: 831 667-2543 Reserve: Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve Fax phone: 831 667-2543 (call first) Cell phone: Other phone: Mail: Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve FedEx: 58801 Highway 1 Big Sur, CA 93920 Anne Barrett Campus: UC Santa Barbara Title: Education Coordinator Email:
[email protected] Work phone: 805-893-5655 Reserve: Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve SNARL Fax phone: Cell phone: 760-937-4155 Other phone: Mail: 1016 Mount Morrison Road FedEx: Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 Virginia Boucher Campus: UC Davis Title: Associate Director UCD NRS Email:
[email protected] Work phone: 530 752-6949 Reserve: Jepson Prairie Reserve Fax phone: 530 754-9141 Quail Ridge Reserve Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve Cell phone: 530 574-3782 Other phone: Mail: NRS/JMIE, The Barn FedEx: One Shields Avenue University of California Davis, CA 95616 Please send additions, deletions or changes to
[email protected].