Lyndsey Social Hawkins in prevention efforts Bradley Media University why me?

• BA in Communications – PR • MA in Human Service Admin. • CADP

I AM NOT AN EXPERT! why we are here today:

Define social media and understand its importance

Learn how to use social media

Discuss other issues and concerns about using social media

What is social media?

Social: seeking or enjoying the interaction with others Media: the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely


What is social media?

Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content?


Social Media

Blogs Twitter YouTube Linked In Linked Facebook Foursquare Time’s Person of the Year in 2006 was:

1. Arianna Huffington 2. Me 3. George W. Bush 4. Hillary Clinton 5. You 6. Bill Gates Three key purposes:

To listen/learn

To engage in dialogue

To communicate/promote Friend Facebook me! Time’s Person of the Year in 2010 was:

1. Julian Assange 2. Steve Jobs 3. Tea Party 4. Mark Zuckerberg 5. Lady Gaga 6. Barack Obama Facebook in 2004


Created by Mark Mark by Created • What did Mark Zuckerberg study at Harvard? 1. Computer Science 2. Psychology 3. Law 4. Marketing Facebook

“Giving people the power people “Giving the power

No offices, cubicles No offices, rooms Handful of conference

• •

Facebook headquarters:

to share and make the world more more the world and make to share open and transparent.” Mission: Mission:

• • Facebook



: hide

Facebook Age Facebook a toplace

– place toplace

– social norms social

Remember the Remember first caller ID? too of photography, days Early you identifyyourself you 00s to present to present 00s where trusted network, your with 80s & 90s80s

• • • •

Have we entered the “ the entered we Have

Changed the Internet

• • Do you have a Facebook account?

1. Yes, I have my own account. 2. No, but someone in my family does so I am familiar with it. 3. What’s Facebook? What do you use Facebook for?

1. Connecting with my friends/family 2. Posting pictures 3. Stalking people 4. Marketing 5. Other Facebook

  Enter name, e-mail, gender, and birthday

 Share information about yourself: . Personal . Education . Photos . Recreational . Videos . Professional . Games . News Do you use Facebook for work?

1. Yes 2. No Facebook

 Create a page for your department, student organization, cause  To show support, they will “become a fan” or “like”

Facebook - Listen

What “groups” are you students involved in? What did your students put as a “status”? What videos/news are they sharing? What are they doing in their pictures? What are the popular games? Facebook - Listen

 Search bar – hit enter  List on the left:

Facebook - Dialogue

Status as a questions, eliciting responses Polls, answers can be added Feedback on videos, news, pictures, links Discussion boards Facebook

Polls Facebook

Facebook - Promote

Statuses Advertising Pages Contests, etc. Events Facebook



Advertising Facebook - Insider Info

Events Facebook - Insider Info


Are you friends with your students on Facebook?

1. Yes, recommend it 2. Depends on the student 3. I haven’t decided what to do about this yet 4. No, bad idea Facebook


How can you use Facebook more?

Twitter @LyndseyJay: @IHEC_AODV you’re awesome! #winning Twitter

find find

you time information -

.” real

that connects you to the that connectsyou

. Simply find the public streams find thestreams public Simply . is a

conversations you find most compelling and follow the find most compelling and follow you interesting latest information about what information latest network “Twitter “Twitter

AshtonKutcher Made popular by Created by Jack Dorsey in 2006 in Jack Dorsey by Created

• • Do you have a Twitter account?

1. Yes, I use it often 2. Yes, but I’m not very active with it 3. I’m anti-Twitter 4. What’s Twitter? Twitter

 Share any info you want, news

Twitter Terminology

Username: you pick a username and it is depicted on Twitter as @username; for example, I’m @LyndseyJay

Twitter Terminology

Tweet: a post on a users profile, similar to a status update on Facebook; up to 140 characters

Twitter Terminology

RT: “retweet”; when someone refers to your tweet in their tweet

Twitter Terminology

Following: when you give Twitter permission to put that person’s/organization’s information in your news feed

Twitter Terminology

: the # symbol, called a , is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet; created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages

Now do you understand? @LyndseyJay: @IHEC_AODV you’re awesome! #winning

1. Yes 2. No Twitter - Listen

Tweets Conversations Search Trends

Twitter Benefits


Twitter Benefits

Trends Twitter - Dialogue

Tweets Conversations Chats

Twitter - Dialogue

How the #SACHAT works:  Follow @the_sa_blog to get all the updates  The chat happens weekly on Thursday with a moderated DAYTIME chat from 12-1pm CST.  Every Wednesday, the community will vote on a topic to discuss the next day  To Join, add #sachat somewhere in your status update  To Follow in real time, search Twitter for #sachat Twitter - Promote

 .Best Practices: share, ask for feedback, respond, reward, establish a proper voice


I want to use Twitter more!

1. True 2. False Twitter Questions?

How can you use Twitter for work?

Connect Linked in with me! Linked in in

. on the Internet on the world’s largest largest world’s Hoffman Hoffman 100 100 membersmillion

200 200 countries territories and

over over with more than with more professional network network professional LinkedIn operatesthe LinkedIn Created by Reid Reid by Created

• • Do you have a Linked in account?

1. Yes 2. I think so, but I never use it 3. No Linked in


Employment Education Skills/Training Goals

Linked in - Listen

Updates Articles Slideshare MyTravel Groups

Linked in - Dialogue

Messages Group .Discussion Boards

Linked in


Linked in - Promote

Post jobs Post resume Portfolio

Linked in Linked

Questions? How can we all use Linked in to

stay more connected?

Where Foursquare am I? Have you ever heard of Foursquare? 1. Yes 2. Maybe? 3. No Foursquare


on software for for software on to let others based -

at venues at venues


in” in”

- website based website


know where they are they where know Users mobile devices devices mobile Foursquare is a Foursquare networking

Created in 2009 Created

• • Foursquare


Foursquare - Listen

Where are your student going? What is popular right now? What tips are being left at high-risk areas?

Foursquare - Dialogue

Limited opportunities Posting on other social media sites

Foursquare - Promote

Claim your office or organization space Offer specials/incentives

I would be concerned about privacy with Foursquare. 1. True 2. False Foursquare

Questions? How can we use Foursquare


Watch my YouTube channel! YouTube

videos website on whichon users website

sharing -

upload, share and view view and share upload,

can can Video Created in 2005 Created

• • Have you ever uploaded a video on YouTube? 1. Yes 2. No YouTube

 Share any videos you have

YouTube - Listen

2nd most used search engine! How-to videos, other help

YouTube - Dialogue

Post videos and ask for response, feedback Post on other sites

YouTube- Promote

Advertising Through other sites

Who became famous because of YouTube? 1. Jonas Brothers 2. Miley Cyrus 3. Justin Bieber 4. Adele

YouTube Questions? How can you use YouTube for


The Huffington Post is an online…

1. Newspaper 2. 3. Magazine 4. Broadcast Read all about me! Blogs

of .” format format

video by an by


regular entries regular

material suchor graphics as commentary, descriptions of events, or other other or descriptions of events, commentary, individual with into websites “maintained into websites Evolved from onlinean from Evolved

blog = we log web Concept began began Conceptin

• • Blogs



- talk directly for abusive abusive for

. anonymous anonymous

level level not just for your own own your for just not

Blogger’s Code of Conduct Conduct Code of Blogger’s


. tolerance trolls

eliminating the responsibility

wouldn't say in person say wouldn't If you know someone who is behaving badly, badly, is behaving who someone know you If so them tell you online that anything Don't say Take the conversation offline, and and offline, the conversation Take intermediary or find an do so. can who Consider Consider comments. Ignore your blog. your your Label comments. Take Take on allow you comments the for but words,

7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Blogs

Many different sites: .Tumblr .WordPress .Blogger .LiveJournal

Matter of preference


Maintain a diary for your organization Read what else is being written Stay up to date with RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, Google Alerts

Blogs Questions? Do you follow any blogs?

How could you use it for work?

What else?

…there’s more?!?! Myspace

Facebook’s main competition in 2006-2008 .Facebook originally college-only


Mainly used for music promotion, today

QR Codes

Digital code on promotional materials

Scanned on smartphone, takes to website

Google “how to make a QR code”

Phone Apps

Android .Open-source – anyone can create iPhone .Controlled by Apple


Wikipedia – encyclopedia Delicious – web bookmarks StumbleUpon – search tool ad-on Digg - news  – video streaming Pandora Radio – audio-streaming Online dating

social media social ISSUES &



Controls and setting .Who can view what .Categorization of friends Programs to download

Joe Biden


Who is the voice of the organization? .Students? Professionals? University? What does the voice say about the organization? Include personal information, audience wants to connect with you

Pros & Cons


Worried it’ll take over your time? .Each morning for 15 minutes to update .Each afternoon for an hour to learn Set specific goals, time frame

Other Issues

changing/updating policies


oll with the resistance the oll with

Customer reviews Customer R

• •

Negative University Constantly Constantly

• • • Issues & Concerns & Issues

Questions? What other issues & concerns do

you have?


Thank you! @LyndseyJay