

DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 OPEN Instantaneous ionization rate as a

I.A. Ivanov1,2, C. Hofmann 2, L. Ortmann2, A.S. Landsman2,3, Chang Hee Nam1,4 & Kyung Taec Kim1,4 1234567890():,; The notion of the instantaneous ionization rate (IIR) is often employed in the literature for understanding the process of strong field ionization of atoms and molecules. This notion is based on the idea of the ionization event occurring at a given moment of time, which is difficult to reconcile with the conventional quantum mechanics. We describe an approach defining instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative of the total ionization probability. The definition is based on physical quantities, such as the total ionization probability and the waveform of an ionizing pulse, which are directly measurable. The defi- nition is, therefore, unambiguous and does not suffer from gauge non-invariance. We com- pute IIR by numerically solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom in a strong laser field. In agreement with some previous results using attoclock methodology, the IIR we define does not show measurable delay in strong field tunnel ionization.

1 Center for Relativistic Laser Science, Institute for Basic Science, Gwangju 61005, Korea. 2 Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Noethnitzer Strasse 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany. 3 Max Planck Center for Attosecond Science/Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673, Korea. 4 Department of Physics and Photon Science, GIST, Gwangju 61005, Korea. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to I.A.I. (email: [email protected]) or to K.T.K. (email: [email protected])

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys 1 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5

he notion of the instantaneous ionization rate (IIR) has Our definition does not show any appreciable tunneling delay in Tproved extremely fruitful for understanding the physics of strong field ionization for the case of hydrogen. tunneling ionization, where the ionization regime char- acterizedp byffiffiffiffiffiffiffi small values of the Keldysh parameter Results γ ¼ ω=E jjI ≲ 1,2 ω E I fi 0 2 1 . Here, , 0, and are the frequency, eld Total ionization probability can be considered as a functional P strength, and ionization potential of a target system expressed in [E] of the waveform E(t), which maps the electric field of the atomic units. pulse into a real number. For the regime of the tunneling ioni- Qualitatively, the fact that the IIR is a which is sharply zation that we are interested in below, this functional is highly peaked near the local maxima of the electric field of the pulse can nonlinear and cannot be described in a closed form. A simplifi- be used to pinpoint the most probable electron trajectory. This cation is possible if we consider a waveform which can be provides a basis for the design and interpretation of the results of represented as E(t) = Ef(t) + δE(t), with fundamental field Ef(t) well-known experimental techniques, such as attosecond streak- fi δE t fi – and signal eld ( ). To be more speci c, let us assume that the ing, or angular attosecond streaking3 5 allowing one to follow fundamental field is linearly-polarized (along z-axis, which we electron dynamics at the attosecond level of precision. Recently, assume to be the axis of quantization) and is defined by the vector the temporarily localized ionization at the local maxima of the potential Af(t): fi  laser eld has been used as a fast temporal gate to the E πt laser field6. A ðtÞ¼À^z 0 2 ωt; ð Þ f ω sin T sin 1 Quantitatively, the notion of IIR underlies many successful 1 simulations of tunneling ionization phenomena, relying on fi E ω Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo method7 or quantum with peak eld strength 0, carrier frequency , and total dura- T = NT T = π ω trajectories8,9 Monte-Carlo simulations. These methods become tion 1 , where 2 / is an optical cycle (o.c.) corre- ω N 2 N practically indispensable if the system in question is too com- sponding to the carrier frequency , with . fi T plicated to allow an ab initio treatment based on the numerical We assume the signal eld to vanish outside the interval (0, 1) fi δE t solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE). of the fundamental pulse duration. If the signal eld ( )is fi Even if a numerical solution of the TDSE is possible, these suf ciently weak, we can write: T methods may provide a physical insight which is not obvious hihi Z1 from the TDSE wave-function. Accurate quantitative calculations δP δP ¼ PEf þ δE À PEf  δEðtÞdt; ð2Þ using these approaches, which agree well with the ab initio TDSE, δEf ðtÞ have been reported in the literature7,10–15. In these approaches, 0 1,16–18 quantum-mechanical Keldysh-type theories are used to set δP 11–13 where δE ðtÞ is a functional derivative of the functional P[E] up initial conditions for the subsequent electron motion . IIR f in the well-known Ammosov–Delone–Krainov (ADK) form19,20, evaluated for E(t) = Ef(t). or more refined Yudin–Ivanov IIR21 provides a measure which On the other hand, using the customary definition of IIR, we allows us to assign probability to an ionization event occurring at can write the probability of ionization driven by the combined a given moment of time inside the laser pulse duration. field E(t) = Ef(t) + δE(t) as: The notion of the ionization event occurring at a given time T Z1 and, correspondingly, the notion of IIR, is not free from P ¼ W ðEðtÞÞdt; ð Þ ambiguity, however. An interpretation of the ionization event inst inst 3 which is often used is based on the imaginary time method18,22. 0 In this picture, an electron enters the tunneling barrier at some W E t fi complex moment of time with complex velocity. Upon des- where inst( ( )) is the IIR, which by de nition depends on the cending onto the real axis, the velocity and coordinates corre- instantaneous value E(t) of the electric field. We introduced the P sponding to the most probable electron trajectory become real, notation inst in Eq. (3) to emphasize that this expression pertains which can be interpreted as the electron’sexitfromunderthe to the notion of the IIR. Eq. (3) gives a very particular case of the barrier. This picture, however, cannot be taken unreservedly, functional P[E]—clearly not every functional can be represented since the path which descends onto the real axis is not unique in this way. and can be deformed, in principle, to cross the real time-axis at From Eq. (3), we obtain the change of the ionization prob- 22 ability P due to the presence of the weak signal field: almost any given point . An approach which allows us to inst  fi T de ne IIR from the solution of the TDSE has been described Z1 dW E ðtÞ 23 fi inst f recently . In this approach, the IIR is de nedbyprojectingout δP  δEðtÞdt; ð4Þ contributions of the bound states from the solution of the inst dEðtÞ TDSE. The authors found that the IIR thus defined lags behind 0 the local maxima of the electric field, which suggests a nonzero fi Taking into account that δE(t) in Eqs. (2) and (4) is arbitrary tunneling time. A shortcoming of this de nition of the IIR, T however, is its nongauge-invariant character. The projection of (provided it is small and vanishes outside the interval (0, 1)), one the solution of the TDSE onto the subspace of the bound states can see that, if the treatment based on the notion of the IIR is justified (i.e., using Eq. (3) with IIR Winst(E(t)) depending only on performed during the interval of the pulse duration generally fi depends on the gauge used to describe atom-field interaction. the instantaneous value of the electric eld gives an accurate value for the total ionization probability), one must have: Another approach which allows us to define IIR from the  solution of the TDSE is based on the notion of the electron flux δP dW Ef ðtÞ and was given in ref. 24.  inst : ð5Þ In the present work we describe a different approach to IIR, δEf ðtÞ dEðtÞ which is based on the notion of a functional derivative. This approach provides an unambiguous and gauge invariant defini- We note that the quantity on the right-hand-side (r.h.s.) of (5) tion of the IIR. We apply the IIR thus defined to the problem of is an ordinary derivative which depends on time only through the the tunneling time for the process of the tunneling ionization. instantaneous value of the electric field. The quantity on the left-

2 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 ARTICLE hand-side (l.h.s.), on the other hand, is a functional derivative, a which depends on time (through the time moment t at which 0.06 E t 0 differentiation is performed), and on the waveform ( ), i.e., on E(t) (a.u.) the complete history, past, and future, of the pulse. Suppose, for –0.06 instance, that we represent the waveform (1) as a Fourier series: 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 X Time (t/T) EðtÞ¼ a eimΩt; m ð6Þ m Coulomb, 1 o.c.

0.25 where Ω = 2π/T1. In general, the functional derivative on the l.h.s. 0.2 of Eq. (5) depends on the whole set am, while the ordinary 0.15 derivative on the r.h.s. is a function of the particular combination 0.2 of these coefficients. To express this differently, suppose that we 3 0.1

fi fi E 10 x the pulse shape in Eq. (1) and allow only the eld amplitude × 0 0.05 to vary. The l.h.s. of Eq. (5) would then generally be a function of E t 0.1 0 two variables 0 and , while the r.h.s. would depend only on a ) (a.u.) τ particular combination of E and t, which gives the instantaneous , –0.05 0 0 field strength E(t). Exact equality in Eq. (5), therefore, cannot be P(E achieved in general. This clearly demonstrates the approximate δ

– 0 character of the notion of the IIR. The more accurate expres- 0.064 sion (2), based on the functional derivative of the ionization 0 0.2 0.062 probability functional, depends not only on time, but on addi- 0.4 0.6 (a.u.) tional variables describing the waveform as well. For brevity, we Time ( 0.8 0.06 E 0 will dub below the functional derivative in Eq. (2)an“exact τ/T) 1 ionization rate”, though as one can see from Eq. (5), it rather corresponds to the derivative of the IIR with respect to the electric b 0.06 field. fi 0 Below, we will x the functional form of the fundamental pulse E(t) fi E (a.u.) –0.06 shape in Eq. (1) and allow only the peak eld strength 0 of the 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 fundamental field to vary. In Fig. 1 below, presenting results of the TDSE calculation, we show and analyze, not the functional Time (t/T) derivative itself, but a proportional quantity, viz. the first variation Coulomb, 2 o.c. δP E τ of the ionization probability ( 0, ), obtained if we substitute expression (17) for the signal field in Eq. (2). 0.25 fi δP E τ In Fig. 1, we show the rst variation ( 0, ), computed fol- 0.2 lowing the numerical procedure outlined above as a function of 0.15 time τ and electric field strength E0 for pulses (1) with total T 3 0.2 0.1 duration 1 of one (Fig. 1a) and two (Fig. 1b) optical cycles.

δP 10

In Fig. 2a, b, we show the functional derivative δEðtÞ obtained × 0.05 19,20 using the ADK expression for the IIR. Since the ADK 0 ionization probability assumes an instantaneous relation between ) (a.u.) 0.1

τ –0.05 fi , the eld strength and the probability of ionization at any given 0 time, this naturally leads to a definition of the IIR following Eq. P(E (4). The functional derivative in this case is just the derivative of δ 0.064 the ADK ionization rate with respect to the instantaneous electric 0 fi eld. Plots showing results of the TDSE and ADK calculations 0.6 0.062 show good qualitative agreement, with the functional derivative 0.8 1 1.2 sharply peaked in the vicinity of the electric field maximum. We 1.4 0.06 (a.u.) E 0 can expect such peaks to occur for every local maximum. The magnitudes of the secondary peaks, however, can be much Fig. 1 First variation of the ionization probability δP(E0, τ) obtained from the smaller compared to the peak corresponding to the principal time-dependent Schrödinger equation for Coulomb potential. a Total pulse maximum of the field. This, in particular, is the case for the two- duration of one optical cycle (o.c.). b Total pulse duration of two optical cycle driving pulse shown in Fig. 1 (TDSE results) and Fig. 3a cycles. Insets show corresponding pulse shapes. Base frequency of the (ADK results). On a linear scale, the secondary peaks occurring in pulses is ω = 0.02 atomic units the vicinity of the secondary field maxima (at τ ≈ T/2 and τ ≈ 3T/ 2) are practically absent both in the TDSE and ADK cases. To see = fi δP 1 3 the IIR near the local maxima of the electric eld where the IIR these peaks clearly we show in Fig. 3b the quantity δEðtÞ . attains its largest values. We will concentrate, therefore, on the These properties are, of course, a direct consequence of the sharp region of τ-values close to the highest maximum of the electric dependence of the ionization rate on the electric field. This field strength. dependence is exponential in the case of the ADK IIR. The We will consider below only pulses with a total duration of one dependence on the electric field of the IIR that we define in the optical cycle. The results for pulses with duration of 2 optical present work will be discussed below. cycles have been found to be essentially the same as for the one A more detailed picture of the IIR’s emerges by looking at the optical cycle duration. δP E τ E contour plots (i.e., lines of equal elevation) of ( 0, ) in the 0, Since the ADK IIR is a function of the instantaneous electric τ-plane. Of particular interest is, of course, the behavior of field only, lines of constant elevation in this case are just the lines

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys 3 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5

a ADK, 1 o.c 0.1 a ADK, 2 o.c 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.1 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.05

) (a.u.) 0.01 0.08 τ 0 0.04

E( 0.04 –0.01 0.03 δ 0.06 0.02 P/

δ 0.01 ) (a.u.)

– 0.02

 0 (

0.064 E 0.04 –0.01 

0 / P

0.062  0.02 0.5 0.06 (a.u.) Time ( E 0 0.064 τ/T) 0 0.5 0.062 E0 (a.u.) b 1 ADK, 1 o.c 1.5 0.06 Time ( /T ) 0.1 0.064 0.09 b ADK, 2 o.c 0.08 0.5 0.07 0.4 0.06 0.05 0.5 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.03 0.4 (a.u.) 0 0.02 0.1 E 0.062 0.3 0 (a.u.) 0.2 1/3 –0.1 )) 

( 0.1 –0.2 E  / 0 P  0.06 ( –0.1 0.064 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 –0.2 Time (τ/T) 0.062 0.5 1 δP – – (a.u.) Fig. 2 Functional derivative δEðtÞ obtained for the Ammosov Delone Krainov Time ( 1.5 0.06 E 0 δP  (ADK) instantaneous ionization rate. a Surface plot of δEðtÞ. b Lines /T ) of constant elevation of δP . Total pulse duration is one optical cycle δEðtÞ δP – – (o.c.) Fig. 3 Functional derivative δEðtÞ obtained for the Ammosov Delone Krainov (ADK) instantaneous ionization rate for the total pulse duration of two optical cycles (o.c.). Surface plot of δP is shown in (a). Graph b shows the 1=3 δEðtÞ δP quantity δEðtÞ to better reveal the peaks corresponding to the satisfying |E(τ)| = const. Contour lines given by this equation are secondary field maxima shown in Fig. 2b. The curves are perfectly symmetric with respect to the instant of time when the electric field of the pulse has a and keeping only first order terms in small E′(τ), one can then maximum, and are parabolic near this point. These features, of write: course, can be readily deduced from the fact that the electric field of the pulse (1) is an even function, symmetric about the mid- δPðEðτÞ; E′ðτÞÞ  δPðEðτÞ; ÞþAðEðτÞÞE′ðτÞ 0 ð Þ point of the pulse.  f ðEðτ À ΔÞÞ 7 In ref. 23 it was found that the IIR defined in that work by projecting out bound states contributions from the TDSE wave- function lags behind the electric field of the pulse, which was with some A(E(τ)), Δ, and function f(x). The lag Δ in the latter interpreted as a manifestation of the tunneling delay. Analogous equation can be interpreted as the tunneling delay. As can be seen 24 result was reported in ref. , where the authors monitored the from Eq. (7), in a small vicinity of the field maximum, the lines of probability current density at the (albeit adiabatic) exit point, as constant elevation δP(E(τ), E′(τ)) = const locally assume the form calculated by a one-dimensional TDSE solution. The point of E(τ − Δ) = const. Nonzero Δ, therefore, makes the contour lines view that the tunneling delay has a nonzero value has also been asymmetric about the midpoint of the pulse. 25–28 expressed in the works , as opposed to papers advocating the Figure 4a shows contour lines of δP(E , τ) obtained from TDSE 29–31 0 view of tunneling as an instantaneous process . calculation for hydrogen with the Coulomb potential. The In the approach we pursue, a nonzero tunneling delay would absence of any appreciable asymmetry in the Figure suggests that lead to an asymmetry of the contour lines about the midpoint of our definition of the IIR gives us an essentially zero time delay for the pulse, as can be seen from the following argument. The the Coulomb potential. δP E τ E τ variation ( 0, ) is a function of 0 and . In the vicinity of a Wer considered also the case of the Yukawa potentials VðrÞ¼ À local field maximum, we can introduce electric field and its ÀAe a=r with different screening parameters a. For every a we derivative (E(τ), E′(τ)) as another pair of independent adjusted the value of A so that the resulting ionization potential variables. The variation becomes a function δP(E(τ), E′(τ)). for the ground state was always 0.5 atomic units (a.u.), corre- Expanding δPv(E(τ), E′(τ)) in the vicinity of the field maximum sponding to hydrogen. Results for the Yukawa potentials shown

4 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 ARTICLE

The IIR W (E(t)) in (3)depends,bydefinition, only on the a Coulomb inst instantaneous value of the electric field E(t). The function W in 0.26 Eq. (8) is used to represent the exact functional P[E]. It 0.24 0.064 may depend, therefore, not only on the electric field but on the 0.22 (in principle infinite) number of its higher order 0.2 and time, as reflected by the notation in Eq. (8). From the 0.18 Eq. (8) we obtain for the functional derivative of the functional

(a.u.) 0.16

0 (8): E 0.062 0.14 δP ∂W d ∂W dn ∂W ¼ À þ ¼ ðÀ Þn ; ð Þ δEðtÞ ∂EðtÞ dt ∂E′ðtÞ 1 dtn ∂EðnÞðtÞ 9

where we used to handle the electric field 0.06 W 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 derivatives (the usual procedure which in the case of in Eq. (8) depending only on E(t)andE′(t) gives the standard from of  Time ( /T ) the Euler–Lagrange equations). To advance further, we can proceed as follows. We can assume b W e e Yukawa, a = 5 a.u. a trial form trial( ), depending on the set of variational parameters, for the function W. Using this trial function, we 0.05 δP trial 0.04 compute a trial functional derivative δEðtÞ as prescribed by the Eq. 0.064 0.03 (9) for the field strengths E0 we considered above and form a 0.02 functional: 0.01 Z 0 δP δP 2 DðeÞ¼ trial À dE dτ: ð Þ (a.u.) –0.01 10 0 δEðτÞ δEðτÞ 0 E 0.062 –0.02 E τ In practice, of course, both 0 and in Eq. (10) assume a discrete set of values for which we performed the TDSE calcu- lations we described above, so the double in Eq. (10) is, in 0.06 fact, a double sum. Minimizing expression (10) (we use the well- 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 known gradient decent method) we find the trial parameters e Time (/T ) and hence a variational approximation to the exact IIR in Eq. (8). We will consider the following trial IIR:  c Yukawa, a = 20 a.u. a 2 W ¼ exp À þ e lnjEtðÞþj e ð11Þ 0.12 trial 3jjEðtÞ 1 2 0.11 0.064 0.1 no 0.09 b 2 W ¼ exp À jjEðtÞ þ e lnjEtðÞþj e þ e E′ðtÞ 0.08 trial no3 1 2 3 0.07 Wc ¼ À 2 þ e jEtðÞþj e þ e E′′ðtÞ 0.06 trial exp 3jjEðtÞ 1 ln 2 3

(a.u.) 0.062 0.05 0 E with variational parameters e1–e3. The leading small-E term −2/3E(t) in the exponential reproduces, of course, the leading 19 term in the ADK formula , the coefficient e1 with the logarith- 0.06 mic term would be −0.5, had we used the ADK expression. It is 0.48 0.49 0.5 0.51 0.52 known, however22, that the Coulomb potential modifies con- Time (/T ) siderably the pre-exponential factor in the ADK formula, we treat, e fi therefore, 1 as a tting parameter. δP E τ Fig. 4 Contour plots of ( 0, ) for the driving pulse with the duration of With the fitting parameters given by the fitting procedure, we one optical cycle and base frequency ω = 0.02 atomic units. a Coulomb P E can compute the total ionization probability trial( ) using Eq. (8) potential. b, c Yukawa potentials with different screening parameters and judge thereby the quality of the variational approximations to the IIR. We illustrate this strategy in the case of a hydrogen atom in Fig. 4b, c again show an absence of any appreciable asymmetry with Coulomb potential driven by a single cycle pulse. Expression of the contour lines, and consequently the time delay. τ δP (10) was minimized using a set of -values in the interval of the We used above the functional derivative δEðtÞ, which as Eq. (5) pulse duration and peak field strengths in the interval between dW inst shows, provides a definition for the derivative of the IIR, dEðtÞ , 0.055 and 0.07 a.u. for which we performed the TDSE calculations rather than for the IIR itself. To obtain the IIR provided the we described above. δP The results are illustrated in Fig. 5, where we show the total functional derivative δEðtÞ is known, one can proceed as follows. P E Let us write the the functional P[E] (we remind readers that it ionization probability ( ) obtained from the TDSE calculation (Fig. 5a), IIR’s obtained using the fitting procedure we described is the total ionization probability considered as a functional of the P E − P E P E laser field) as: above (Fig. 5b), and the relative errors ( trial( ) ( ))/ ( ) which fits (a–c) in Eq. (12) give for the total ionization T fi Z1 probability for the interval of the electric eld strengths we ðnÞ consider (Fig. 5c). P½EŠ¼ WðEðtÞ; E′ðtÞ ¼ E ðtÞ; tÞdt; ð8Þ It is noteworthy that inclusion of the first derivative in the 0 expression for the trial function has no appreciable effect on the

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys 5 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5

a 0.06 ionization probability) as: b b W ðEðtÞ; E′ðtÞÞ  W ðÞEðt À ΔÞ; 0 ; ð12Þ 0.05 to obtain an ADK-type expression for the IIR without the first derivative but with a shifted argument E(t − Δ) of the electric 0.04 fi ) eld. This would imply a nonnegligible tunneling delay. E

( We applied our method above in the case of the ionization in P 0.03 the tunneling regime (with Keldysh parameter γ ≲ 1/3 for the field parameters we considered). We should note that, at least 0.02 formally, the procedure of calculating the functional derivative and retrieving the IIR from its values can be applied in the 0.01 multiphoton or in the intermediate regimes as well. Indeed, by construction, the time- integral of the IIR in the Eq. (8) should 0.054 0.058 0.062 0.066 0.07 give the total ionization probability regardless of the ionization Electric field (a.u.) regime. In the multiphoton regime, however, we cannot expect ADK-type trial expressions in Eq. (12) to be good trial b 0.0007 guesses. In the multiphoton case and in the intermediate regime Fit a) between the multiphoton and tunneling case, we can expect the 0.0006 Fit b) role of the higher order time derivatives in Eq. (8) to be more important. Fit c) 0.0005 The theory and calculations we presented above were based on the delta-function signal pulse δE(t, τ) = αδ(t − τ) which has a 0.0004 DC-component (integral of the electric field along the interval of 0.0003 the pulse duration has nonzero value). We could use a more easily obtainable experimentally attosecond sine-pulse, with an electric 0.0002 field which can be approximated as a derivative of the delta-

Ionization rate (a.u.) ∂ function: δEðt; τÞ = α∂tδðt À τÞ. For such a signal pulse, our Eq. 0.0001 (2) gives: ZT ! 0 1 δP d δP 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δP  δEðtÞdt ¼Àα : ð13Þ δE ðtÞ dt δE ðtÞ /T f f t¼τ 0 c 0.1 Taking into account the correspondence between the func- Fit a) tional derivative δP and the derivative of the IIR we established δEf ðtÞ 0.05 Fit b) in (5), we see that variation δP of the ionization probability in this )

E Fit c) case can be estimated as (provided the notion of the IIR (

P 0 depending only on the instantaneous value of the field is ))/

E applicable): (  P –0.05 dW2 ðEðtÞÞ )– δP Àα inst E′ðtÞ : ð Þ

E 14

( dE2ðtÞ –0.1 t¼τ trial P ( Instead of probing the first derivative of the IIR as we did –0.15 above, we would be probing in this case its second derivative. The general behavior and the lines of the constant elevation in the case –0.2 of the function given by the r.h.s. of the Eq. (13) are shown in 0.054 0.058 0.062 0.066 0.07 Fig. 6a, b for the ADK IIR, and are quite different from those we Electric field (a.u.) have shown above in Figs. 1 and 4 for the case of the delta- Fig. 5 Results of the fitting procedure for Coulomb potential and total pulse function pulse. duration of one optical cycle. a Total ionization probability given by the The reason for this difference is the factor E′(t) in Eq. (14) due calculation using the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. b The to which the r.h.s of this equation vanishes near the field extrema. instantaneous ionization rate obtained using fitting formulas in the Eq. (12). This, however, could be advantageous if we wish to obtain fi c The relative errors (Ptrial(E) − P(E))/P(E) which the fits give for the total information about the IIR far from the eld maxima. Indeed, for ionization probability the variational approach based on Eq. (10), the time values close δP to the field maxima, where the quantity δEðtÞ has a large magni- tude, contribute mostly to the variational functional. We can fi fi e quality of the t. The value for the tting parameter 2 in the develop a similar variational procedure which would allow us to Wb fi expression for trial, which our tting procedure returns is very reconstruct the IIR from the quantity on the r.h.s. of Eq. (13). In small (on the order of 10−6). This result agrees with the absence this case, because of the factor which makes this quantity small of the tunneling delay for Coulomb potential which we found near the field maxima, we could hope to determine the IIR more δP E τ fi above by studying lines of constant elevation for ( 0, ). accurately for the time values farther away from the eld extrema. Indeed, were the term with the first derivative present with a b nonnegligible coefficient in the expression W for the IIR, we Discussion could rewrite it (keeping only first order terms in E′(t)asaswe To summarize, we described an approach which allows us to did above in deriving Eq. (7) for the first variation of the define the IIR as a functional derivative of the total ionization

6 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2018) 1:81 | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | DOI: 10.1038/s42005-018-0085-5 ARTICLE

a ADK, 1 o.c 0.006 0.0061 0.004 0.002 Fit: P() = P(0)+ c 0.006 0 –0.002 0.0059 –0.004 0 (a.u.) –0.006 P 

Ionization probability 0.0058

0.064 0.0057 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.062  0.5 (a.u.) Time ( 0.06 E 0  Fig. 7 Ionization probability obtained from the time-dependentr Schrödinger /T) À equation for the Yukawa potential VðrÞ¼À1:05e 20=r. Fundamental pulse fi E = b duration is one optical cycle, peak eld strength 0 0.061 atomic units, ADK, 1 o.c τ = 0.5 optical cycle, ε = T/1000 ADK, 1 o.c 0.006 0.064 0.004 form δE(t, τ) = αδ(t − τ) of the signal field, containing the Dirac delta-function. 0.002 We did this by solving numerically the TDSE for a hydrogen atom in the presence ω = 0 of the pulse (1). We considered pulses with a low carrier frequency of 0.02a.u. We need to work with low frequencies to stay within the framework of the adia- –0.002 batic theory, which makes the notion of the IIR at least qualitatively applicable. T –0.004 We report below results of the calculations with total pulse durations 1 of one (a.u.)

0 fi E or two optical cycles respectively, and various peak eld strengths, 0 (chosen so as

E 0.062 –0.006 to remain in the tunneling regime of ionization). The solution of the TDSE has been found by representing the wave function as a series in spherical harmonic functions, and discretizing the resulting system of radial equations on a grid with the step-size δr = 0.05a.u. in a box of the size Rmax = 700a.u., which was sufficient for the pulses of a short duration we consider below. More details about the numerical procedure used to solve the TDSE can be 0.06 found in refs. 32,33. 0.46 0.48 0.5 0.52 0.54 Total ionization probability, which we need for the practical implementation of fi  the de nition (5), is found by decomposing the wave function at the end of the Time ( /T) pulse as: δP E τ ΨðÞ¼T ϕ þ χ; ð Þ Fig. 6 First variation ( 0, ) obtained from the Eq. (14) for the 1 15 Ammosov–Delone–Krainov (ADK) instantaneous ionization rate. a Surface ÀÁ ϕ ¼ Q^ΨðÞT χ ¼ ^I À Q^ ΨðÞT Q^ plot of δP(E0, τ). Graph b shows lines of constant elevation of δP(E0, τ) where 1 , 1 , and is the projection operator on the subspace of the bound states of the field-free atomic Hamiltonian. Total ionization probability P can be found then as the squared norm P ¼ kkχ 2. The projection ^ probability. This approach provides an unambiguous definition of operator Q is obtained by numerically computing (employing the same grid we jinlm fi the IIR. In particular, it is based on directly measurable quantities, used to solve the TDSE) the bound states of the eld-free Hamiltonian: L such as the total ionization probability and the waveform of the Xb Q^ ¼ jinl0 hjnl0 ; pulse, which makes it gauge invariant. We applied the IIR thus nl ð16Þ defined to the problem of the tunneling time for the process of l ¼ the tunneling ionization of systems with Coulomb and Yukawa 0 potentials as examples. In agreement with some previous results where we use the fact that, for the geometry we employ, we need to consider only using attoclock methodology (which assume the most probable the states with zero angular momentum projection. We retain in Eq. (16) all the electron trajectory to begin tunneling at the peak of the laser eigenvectors that we obtain for 0 ≤ l ≤ Lb. We use Lb = 12 in the calculations below field), the IIR we define does not show any appreciable tunneling after checking that results are well converged with respect to this parameter. We fi χ delay in strong field ionization for the case of hydrogen. note that the de nition of the ionization probability as the squared norm of is formally equivalent to the commonly-usedR definition in terms of the projection on À À 2 Finally, we would like to note that we have pursued several the ingoing scattering states ϕk : P ¼ dk ϕk ΨðÞiT (assuming normalization À À 1 goals in doing this work. One was to shed some light on the ϕk′jϕk ¼ δðk À k′Þ). Indeed, substituting the decomposition (15) into this equation, and using orthogonality of χ to the subspace of the bound states, we tunneling time problem. We tried to do that by giving a precise 2 meaning to the concept of the IIR which, by itself, is an important obtain again P ¼ kkχ . In practice, the prescription based on the calculation of the norm of the part of the wave-function describing the ionized wave-packet in the and useful notion. As explained in the introductory section of the coordinate space, as encapsulated in Eq. (15), is preferable. The reason for this is Ψ T manuscript, the notion of the IIR is in the core of many successful that the calculation of the total ionization probability by projecting ( 1) on the set approaches to simulations of strong field ionization. Use of a of the scattering states implicitly presumes the strict orthogonality of the scattering notion which has not been clearly and unambiguously defined for and bound atomic states. We are interested below not in the ionization probability fi itself, but rather in its relatively small variations due to the weak signal field. Even such purposes can lead to considerable confusion. The de nition small nonorthogonality of the scattering and bound states, unavoidable in we give is mathematically clear, unambiguous, and useful. numerical calculations, may lead to a significant loss of precision. The definition of exact ionization rate in Eq. (2) is based on the physically observable quantities: the electric field of the pulse and modulation of the total Methods ionization probability. It is clearly gauge invariant. It is immaterial, therefore, To compute the exact ionization rate in Eq. (5) for a given moment of time τ and a which gauge describing the atom-field interaction is used when solving the TDSE given waveform Ef(t), one can calculate numerically the modulation of the ioni- (provided, of course, that a sufficient level of numerical accuracy has been zation probability δP using Ef(t) as a fundamental field and employing a special achieved). We used the length (L-) gauge. Convergence of the expansions in

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