HICKS, ID. KT 1L. TUILOHTJtBfflnr. X3888 135 136


HattU Turner, Wagoner, OlclahoaMu April 9t 1938* Interview 4riji Ed Hicks, et al, hl&t *


The capital of the western Nation for nearly tea years was Tah*lon*tee«»sky, near the south of the Xlll* nols HiTer which was named, for a bead chief of the Western group that preceded the mala body of Cherokeee to the west by a number of years. Host Important of the' chiefs who once liTed at Tahlonteesky waa John Jolly, noted as the friend of General Sain. . When Houston arriTed froa

Teonco^ee in 1630 he stayed awhile with Chief Jolly at

Tahlonteesky, a piottireeque place atop a high ridge where were the home of Jolly and the^houseejof the Council. la the thirties of the last centirey the Western Nation had three chiefs, desigiated as first, teeond and third chiefs* In case the first chief died or WAS killeA; the second ducoeetfed and in the .event this •ucoeseor was rerorod by death or dlt* abUity the third chief- Uecseme the head i Sose important actet\rere pasted by the Gotmoil at loateesky, one of the most interesting being an act pasted 137



Oetober 31, 1831, which admitted to Cherokee citizenship

Sam Houston, the former governor of Tennessee. In these days there are many persons who erroneously believe that bam Houston was a Cherokee citizen by intermarriage but this noted character was never married to a Cherokee, as has been mistakenly asserted by mny. In the event he had been so married the Act of the Council would not have been necessary, for marriage to a Cherokee would automati- cally have maie Houston a Cherokee, so far as citizenship was concerned. Several months after being adopted by Aot of the Council 3am Houston took his departure (183£) never to Return. The Act of the Council was passed at the r»- queat of Chief Jolly, who had known Jam Houston as a youth in Tennessee. Aa mentioned in biographies of , he once sptnt several years among the in their country east of the Mississippi River.