Kjl£ of Reaver Dam ; Servant Major, Charles Pound Niled Cannon Has Arrived
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(democratic politician of Racine, went with iugton. it is to said take the place of Caiuerou, Foundry A: Hachisie *liop, the regiment, as titate Agent. Mr Cover, of Secretary of War. THE TRIBUNE^ NTi^bfwjSn. the Herald, STREET. Mineral P.**nt, Grant also went Philadelphia, August >• County with 7.—’l he United Slates C'I'fMHKRCEJ subscribers having leased for a tt*rm <)/ (il.o. u. Ui.ISS, } Proprietors. votr-.i;1 e Editors and then: to -ee the luu and •Tim boat. Flag, arrived at M simp an'! Fount* rj formerly ocicii|iSeiny ED. U. > correspond fur his Fort tStu this W ill. Lanyon, morning with would inform the pul lie lia they are thirty-six rebel u "" a per. prisoner. That prepared to tmi id ot rep kinds ot M achinery 1 were taken from a rebel tfrlall AIL. EOI3ST £ z war ve-sei, formerly generally wanted in thi.s -action of the country. UVEXIMEFI In P ennsylvania we passed tbe Water Cure Uitli tie a tlie levenue cullei Aiken, seized at Charleston tools and inn med facilities for doing work, anil FRIDAY, : ; : : AUGUST 9, 1861. establishment at which An- last winter. Aiken having eon on engaged in tin* business the gallant Gen. The fired at the >t. Law- <■! Kn_i.neeis I and M n-iiiaWst- in Tin ions shops is tor rence elf Charleston lb.- derson stop,,,ug his health. It is a . probably mistaking her throughout United Si i..s , w l;us, ~ * tor H merchant ve-sel. when lie able to give entire s lovely place, situated at the fool of the St. Lawrence GROCERIES, tii-foeiiou to a., v. ho tuav Monday last one of the with their pati , Kentucky for the Union. —On retunu tf a broadside which sunk the rebel favor os tcs. Mountains; General \S e will attend t- set tine up and stat-iiug Steam in terms not to be mis- Alleghany and the is.stir- boat. Five of her crew were lost, Kentucky .-poke out, and the Engines, and ottier mac im-iy . All kirns f louuded by many handsome ladies lest received and on understood, in favor f the Cmoil, wiUkhil an young and placed board the Flag. admiring ti CASTINGS IN IRON OR BRASS abut. The returns of the election on lends. Washington. August ’7.—'Much if or exciremeet done on the shortest possi h notice, n- r truing Gu at we met was caused across the a ot not less ilian the road and Harrisb rgh, Potomac during last ami Fitting on ns seasonable terms as can <■ done in that day show majority night. A t country man came in cil \ the Wes . -eces-tonist is elected to several three months’ regiments whose tuhe s.nd reported any in -50,000. Scarcely a ti.al the enemy was approac mg Wagon Mi \es. Sleigh >hoes, and I‘ijie Boxes kept of who were m la<ge Legislature. W u have never doubled tbe service was out, and returning numbers, immediate on hand and furnished at Wholesale or Retail. the prepara* ions were made Reaping, Mowing, and threshing .Machines, and home from the war. Most of them had been to give t em a warm lo\ all v of a |K.rtion u! the people of Kentucky , reception; the troops other active and in one or more engagements with the were determined, and the time in we hardly expected so overwhelming a rebels; AgKICULTL'KAL 1 MI’LKM K NTS RkPAIUEU but which they were getting tiction they were going Lome to reorganize and re- ieady foi was with neat dispatch. as was achieved ju Monday. brief. a arm ness ami victory ihe proved lalse. All i)i tor machinery or repairs promptly en list. A deis prominent engineer connected with the attended to, and a 1 w oi k w hi ianted. J lIN me —The On our return trip with the ladies, we trav- New imk hire Department lias arrived here, i LAX VON, Gor. Randall Minister to H< B PIKIMh.N eled - 3UU two and is e-n eavoring to make arrangements for has a telegraphi. dispatch abo” miles with mounted offi- Madison Journal tiie Fire Z .naves to remain in cers of the Michigan Ist, who had been in service for the saving that (Jov, Randall has secured the time which they enlis ed. New Furniture Store. the thickest of the big tight at Bally Run, one A man named appointment of Minister to Rome, formerly Minor was arrested opposite ''ltilK subscribers would n-spt-cifiilly inform the a ball Long bridge F ARM! N G 1MPLEMEN TS, ol King, b - t made \acaut had shut through his leg above the 10-day with Beauregard’s pass T fi. citizens Mineral Point and the surrounding tendered to Gen Rufus in that knee, the other below the lus pocket. country they have a line is-ortimint of ( King’s in the army knee. They were by ieu. appointment .Since the strict rules about pub islung both in good spirits, and would re-euLst in ALL KINDS OF Jt this news proves correct, Lieut. Gov. Noble if at v mat lets the city it said lias swarmed FURNTITHE, they could walk. with will be the acting Governor of the State until spies. To-night an officer who is known which they will sell cheap. AHordersloi Furniture 1 he Wisconsin troops are to be in the Confederate army was at the tilled on the shortest notice. next, when i newly elected Governor everywhere spo- January Job work in our lin> will In- done in a manner ken of in the National Hotel. not highest praise—indeed, they by any one in West will till the post. 1 lie news from Kentucky lias aroused the surpassed ttie are considered the best All Furniture from our establishment will be- ecjuipaged,and among wildest, cut husi sm iiere. VV hen it was an- varranted. the bravest in the army’. nounced lu tlie sent Our on of Adjournment of Congress.—Congress has Ho Re resental ivs that store is the corner Fountain and Vino 'flie sth Wisconsin regiment Kentucky was ’lie first to adopt the Consti- treets, opposite Whittlesey's Hank adjourned sine dir. 1 lie telegraph says the started from tution E 1.1.1 VCKR BROTHERS. and would be I lit* last, to desert ft, the * Harrisburgh for Harper’s Ferry on the Coffins of different styles alwa\ s on hand. President yielded a reluctant approval to the 31st thunder of applause from lioor and galleries July, at which place they, with the bill to confiscate the property ot rebels. We 3d, 4th .sliook even Ihe solid walls, it was an out- regiments, break ot patriotic want to believe and C h Wisconsin wnl be formed feeling. Tuisgr>ut victory J\'eiv SSiitiarrf Saloon* don’t believe it, and we don’t will be immediately into a brigade, the ot followed by a physical it. It ’S time ti e Government begin under command Briga- should one not less magnificent. Tliere are at this opened a Saloor, deal with this in earnest. dier-General Rufus King, of Milwaukee, who moment 10,000 organized I THAULIE MAPPED has New to rebellion Union men in Ken- opposite the county buildings on High Street, is a graduate ot West Point, Lf The pay of volunteers lias been increased and was for tucky', only awaiting ihe accomplishment of le has provided his table with some years Adjutant General this victory at the ballot box to lake the field WOODEN CROCKERY, §‘2 per month. of New York. WARE AND and drive the rebel forces out of Kentucky and Tennessee. TH ELAN’S LATENT CU-SIUON, The Madison Journal says that Judge TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 1 he Kentucky Legion is ready to be mus- tered into the service, and the men are burn- Infinitely snperi or to all others in M. M Jackson, of Madison, formerly of Min- Mo., use. Springfield, August 6.—On Thursday, mg with ad sire to aid their L rimn neighbors A general supply c f Point, is to news eral appointed Consul Halifax in reached <>en. Lyon that the enemy were in I enne>see to tree themselves Irma the place of Vinton. We don’t particularly wish mL aiming on us in three columns, with a despotism the Davis mobocracv. LIOUOKS AND CIGARS force numbering 2U.UU9 men Gen. yon the Judge in Halifax, nevertheless we are immediately set out to meet them the ” I with in pleased at his Secession Canada. A secession flag <-n success. ;~d and 3d Missouri regiments from here, a . and Of the best quality always hand. w as on the cusiomers hoisted American Hotel, at Ham- He inriti > his oil to him a all. the 4th and tid Kansas, and the Ist lowa reg- give I ilton, on Saturday and taken down on Sunday November 1a , 1859. Ml rnenis, wit two or three companies of regu- 1 1 afternoon by the police. Bbriau Brown and a Mr. Pf.ck ot lar infantry and two or three Companies of U. MciLIKuN’S Michigan, are about establishing a Democratic tegular cavalry from Camp McClellan, about Dm*mg hue battle, a bullet wound- paper in Milwaukee. I'J miles west ol here. Gen. Lyon encamped ilie Grocery and Provision Slurs on that ed the tip and I'hoinas Francis Meagher’s nose ! evening on i’yol Creel;, and on Fn- On Commerce Strict, run.tr of ISorth Slntrt. and cut off a portion of his moustache day advanced lu Uug Spring, about 19 1 Nar- rj’ilK sue-svlibei res)etllulL, aunounies to hi i row eca e ! Fifth Wisconsin Regiment.