The Register of St. Marys Chapel Conistone

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The Register of St. Marys Chapel Conistone THE R EG I STER O F ’ ST . MA R Y S C HA P E L T E C O N I S O N , I N T HE PA R I S H O F - B U R N S A L L N C R A V E N , — 1 5 6 7 1 8 1 2 . E D I TE D BY T W . J . S A V E R T , M . A . , C O O F BU N SA LL YO KS A N D RE T R R . R . C H A PLA I N TO T H E A L F A N E R O C R VE . SK I PTON P I N D AT TH E C A V N H A L D O F F I C H I G H . R TE R E E R E , STREET 1894 . C U R T A U P E L L E S X . 1 35 6 2 2 5 R E V E R E N D I S SI MO I N D E O P ATR I I OHAN N I PE R MI SSION E D I V IN A D OMIN O EPISCOPO R I C HMO N DE N SI PA STO R I V E BE N O STR O N A D V E R T I S E M E T . Th i s book contains all that is kn own to exist of the Conistone s 1812 Regi ter down to and including the year . The records are n : A 12 14 6 contai ed in four books having leaves , in size x 5 B 9 1 5 x C inches ; leaves , 7& inches ; 7 leaves . x 12 D 1 1 5 1 n 6 x 0 . I n i ches ; and leaves , inches all save the last the entries have been made on parchment . There are , as will n appear , a few gaps , and in bindi g the chronological order has not always been followed . The copy aims at being an exact repro duction of the original in every respect , dotted lines being used i s w where the M S . is llegible , and square bracket here anything has been in terlineated or added to the context by a later hand . Much o i the first regi ster book is quite i llegible by the ordinary w reader . and its transcription has given the riter not a little trouble . ' s o n sali u m E liz be a th fe . £ 1 0 1 . Nomina p Anno Regni Regi e nono [A . r . ' ‘l Will v a Broadbelt and Hellen warde were married the vij l day of Julye . ‘“ Te n n a n te w ( o f J ul e John Elizabeth Ellisse ere married the xx lay y . Roger I I a r tlay Margret Hodg son n were m a r ryod the third day o f Auguste . ’ ’ d efu nc to r u eod e Nomina Anno . " ' n a was b u r ed Margret Ten nt y the xv day of May . a win terb u r n e was b u r e d x x vii Alex nder y the j day of September . “' bu r ed iii J n u ari Alice Horner was y the j day of a e . ’ ’ u e ror u ba tizan d o r u R e in ze 12 Nomina p p Anno Regni g Eliz . th Margrett the daughter of John Battie was baptized J an u ar ie the xxix La land e wa s Hellen the daughter of Myles y bap Februarie the fyrst . h Gennet th e daughter of J0 1111 Tennan t was bap March the xij ‘ ’ ’ Nomina p u e ror u b ap tiz an d o r u Anno Regni Regime E liz 13th th E d ward e the sonne of An th on ie warde was baptized N ou e mbe r the iiij th Henry the sonne of Robert I bb otso n n was baptized Ap ryl l the viij ‘“ A gnes the daughter of Ch r is tofe r Settle was bap : May the xx Gennet the daughter of Thomas Wi n ter bu rn e was bap June th e third . Hellen the daughter of Thomas Layl an d e was bap : July the xv Lawrence the sonne of Myles Laylan d e was bap August the xix‘“ ’ ’ m d fu n r u e d No ina e cto o e anno . th Hellen Layland s was b u ryed Februarie the i x th John Drake was bu ry ed J an u a rie the XXV Alice Garforth was bu ry ed March the xiiij ‘h Gennet Bow w as bu ry ed J an u ar ie the x iij th Alice Lambart w as b u ry ed Feb : the xj John Pear s on n was bu ryed Februarie the XVI ] th Jeffray Kydd was b u ry ed Aprill the 1 t Margret Costen tyn e was b u r yed June the vj Margret Garforth was bu ry ed August the xxv ’ ’ n liu d Nomina sp o sa eo e anno . r k n n L l and e mar r d Thomas Pa in s o Hellen ay were y July the fyrst . ’ ’ to Nomina p u eror u batiz an d o r u Anno Reg : Regin ae Eliz 14 ‘b Hellen the daughter of Thomas I bb o tson n was bap N ou ember the x x ’ Roberte the sonne of Willya Broadbelt was bap N o u e mber the xxv ‘“ Hellen th e daughter of Roger Fran ckl an d was bap Jan u ar ie the xx t Thom as the sonne of John Pear e son n was bap : December the s ix h Margret th e daughter of John Tennant was bap : J anu arie the xxv1] Anne the daughter of Richard Fawcett was bap Februarie the xxiiij th Gennet the daughter of Willy a Broadbelt was bap July the xxvj Jeane the daughter of Richard Settle was bap August the tenth . ’ ’ d efu n tor u eod Nomina c e anno . th I ssab ll La l an u r d x vii e y d e was b y e the j day of J an u ari e . ‘h h G a w h r o bu r d xxv Ric ard t p pe was y e the day of Februarie . 2 th I bbo tso n n bu r d xi Alice was ye the j day o f Februarie . th M L awson n b u r e d x ix argaret was y the day of Februarie . m Henry Laylands was bu ry e d the xii day of March . "h K d u r Thomas yd e was b y ed the XX V d ay of March . th Alice Battie was bu ryed the xx vij of Ap ryll . th wa s bu r ed xx x Leonard Kydd y the day of Maye . th u r X Robert Battie was b yed the XV day of June . ’ ’ Nomina sp on saliu eod e Anno . Robert wigglesworth and Margret Lambert were married June the th viij Lawrence Tutin Elizabeth Ho d gson n were Mar ry ed June the x iiij th Richard Settle Margrett Costen tyn e were m a rry ed June the x x iij th G u B r x osta an to n n Gennet Settl e were m ar y ed the x ix of June . l r r x Richard Clarke I ssab e l R ich ar d so n n were ma y ed the j of Julie . th John Speake Alice Slinger were marry ed the ix day of Auguste . ’ ’ ° Nomina p u e ro r u bap ti zan d or u Anno Regni Regime E li z ab eth ae 15 th h th e xv Ric ard sonne of George Horner was , baptized Februarie the th Roberte the sonne of Thomas Drake was bap March the xv Thomas the sonne of An th on ie Warde was bap : March the x vj “ Elizabeth the daughter of Thom as Hod gson was bap : Ap ryll the X ’ ' i t 1 . Nomina p u eor u bap ti z anno p d c o . [A fol . v . tb Anne th e daughter of Henry Garforth was bap Aprill the xxv Hellen the daugh ter of Robert Settle was bap : May the fyrst . Joh n the sonne of Jefray Co sten tyn e wa s baptized May the xxv Richard th e sonne of John Battie was baptized Julie the fyfte . John the sonne of John Layl an d e was bap the second day of August . m John the sonn e of Thomas I bb o tso n n was bap September the xi ij ’ ’ Nomina d efun c toru Ann o p d ic to . b r Agnes warde was u yed the fyrst day of December . th E mm o t v Settle was bu ryed the xx j day of March . L l n th Roberte ay a d e was bu ryed th e xviij day of Julie . m Roberte Battie was bu ryed the seconde day of Septe ber . th Fr a n c kl a v Agnes nd e was bu ryed the x iij day of March .
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