TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1971 . , ■ i •' •• ...... PAGE SIXTEEN lEnm ing i|»ralh — BloMmobile Visits StiJMary*s Church Tomorrow 1:45 to 6:30 P.M. —

Averatt DaUy Net Run The Weather 10th ANNUAL FEBRUARY PVir The Week : danoary g, 1871 Clearing tonight, colder, lows in the 20a. Thursday fair, temp­ eratures in the low to middle 16,095 M s. of Village Charm / VOL. LXXXX, NO. 123 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 (Classified Advertlalng on Page SO) PRICE TEN CENTS

Police Seize Rabbi Nixon Plans Calley Tells Court Radio Talk Milei W a sh in gto n As Jews Convene Killings at My Lai hC^ivcinBffnBR Tomorrow NORTH

W A B H m e m m c a p ) — VIETNAM ( Belgium Congress President Nixon wlU address the nation by radio Thursday Not ‘Any Big Deal’ By OABL HAITTMAM He was Howard Adelson, pro­ on his foreign policy message By HARRY J. ROSENTHAL 1 8 0 9 fessor of history at the CSty Col­ that goes to Congress later nutvauuN B a f 9 U a m c b Aasoclated Press Witter Associated Press Writer 17 32 lege of (New York. He said it that day. BRUSSELS (AP)—Rab­ was a “cruel mirage” to think The White House announc­ FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP)—Lt William Calley testi­ N E X T TO STOP and SHOP bi Meir Kahane, head of the that Jews could have a better ed ’Tuesday the President fied today his company commander knew some people militant Jewish Defense life within the . will appear on aU four major “Their only possibUlty is to go radio networks and a num­ had been shot in a My Lai ditch but never asked him MAC BILL , League, was picked up to­ to ,” he added. “There are ber of Independmt radio sta- South Sea about it. “It wasn’t any big deal,” Calley said. M oKEEVER MOZZER day by Belgian police after no other lands of redemption. ti(»s dt 11 am . HIST. ’’Did you ten him the circum­ 2 FEBRUJUIY 1961 stances?” Calley was asked. he was barred from a con­ Without mentkmlng 'Rabbi Ka­ ’Ihe SO-minute speech will gress of Jews from 87 coun­ hane, Adelson said of the con­ relate to foreign policy and "Why should I,” the defend- tries discussing the plight gress: ”We must exclude no the admlnlitratlon’s thinking ~ant-ahot-back. “He knew about of Soviet Jewry. one, we must welcome every­ in regard to Its diplomatic the clrcunistances.” A IT.S. Em bct^ spokesman one, and we must be heard.” decisions — laigely the re­ Q. How Ad he know? said the case was being studied Kahane, head of the militant view Nixon is providing in HBAVieSl A. Because he told me to REFRIGERATOR VALUE! to see what official action would Jewish Defense League in the his ’’State of the Wwld” re­ shoot them. b e taken. United Statee, arrived from port to Congress. HBLICOP1BH Q. When was that? New York this morning and An uproar broke. out on the The speech, to be broad­ LOSSES IN A. The day before that day. INSTALLED went to the conference hall, cast from the White Hbuse, The infantry compemy that as­ ttoor of the congress when a 4 coatleaa and wearing a Mack fOUP YBAPS WITH deiegate, Dr. Morris Brafman will touch in general terms saulted My Lai on March 16, skuUcap. He was allowed only on Indochina but will not re­ 1968, was commanded by Capt. of Far Rockaway, N.T. made as for as the lobby, to write a his way to the platform seized fer specifically to current Ernest Medina, who has been FAMILY SIZE note aridng to be let In. The military operations, a spokes­ charged with overali responzi- the microphone and shouted: nine-man presidium of the man for the President said. bUlty for the death of civilians “The Belgian police have just conference rejected his request PLUMBING and WIRING that occurred there, but has not arrested fUbfat Kahane.” unanimously. been ordered to trial. Calley is Dr. Brafman was allowed to A eptAesnian for the confer­ CIO on trial for the premeditated AND FRONT PANELS OF YOUR CHOICE talk' to reporters In another ence said earlier that the New LAOS ISLAND murder of 108 unresisting clvll- Big J4.3 Cu. Ft. 2-Door rom n. York rabM would not be admit­ Short Jury “We’re already trying to do ted because his “tactics are re­ ia n s. UNDER COUNTBt something to get RahU Kahane pugnant to the members of the The trial, now In Its 36th day, out,” he said. Jewish organisations jnwsent at Bid Deniled DamHitarited Zona began 90 mirmtes late today aft­ PHILCO* NO FROST Brafman is head of the Inter- the congress.” er a conference in the chambers DISHWASHER national League for the Repatri- Kahane held a short Im­ ot Ju4ge Reid Kennedy that In­ LT. WILLIAM OAUJBT Refrigerator-Freezer ation of Russian Jews. He said promptu news conference In the cluded both trial counsel, the he does not belong to Rabbi Ka- grarden outside the hall and told On Seale defendant, aird most of the jury. changed his mind and said be haqe's organisation, but thinks n ew sm en : "In any lawsuits there are apt might have said that — mean­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — The aU vlew p^ts should be rejire- “I want to attend as a dele, to be unusual developments and ing he had no provision for evac­ judge in the trial of Bobby santsd at the congress. gate. I speak for hundreds of this is one of them,” said Chief uating wounded. 287 Seale and Ericka Huggins denied RabU Hersebel Bchactsr of thousands of Jews who are up­ Defense Counsel George Lati­ The conversation was relayed a defense motion Wednesday to New Torii, one of the organisers set by this discussion of general to Medina by raAo, Galley testi­ proceed to trial with the U ju­ m er. W the congress, said Brafmsn concepts. We don’t have time fie d . 0 rors already chosen and the de­ But when court resumed, Dsttingi: to a "dlssldsnt group”x for general concepts. We need “He said something to the af­ m S tm ai WMhlag aid Rledeg - PowtiftU fwiM fense prepa^ to challenge that there 'was no mention of the ------a / aM of delegates. One of Its mem­ concrete action.” fect that he knew and not to u m i dinct vlgotovi water itream over epper/ ruling and two others in State cause of the delay. bers had qpoken Just before Police sources said they were worry,” CaUey said. Phllco Instant Cold — Faster, lower dfah bedcett. Supreme Court. C a lley , o r the stand for the Brafman grabbed the micro­ One of his men brought up a . • D ete^ait Dlapiawr - Relcaae* deterpeat at propw On Monday, Judge HatxUd ^ S O U T H m j third day and undergoing rigo­ + Better phone. (See Page Eight) man dressed monk-Uke A eAlte tlnia'ietoinatteally. Mulvey denied a defense motion rous cross'examlnatlon, to be Aterrogated, GaUey said, e Rtaaa Addithw D lipew e - Rakaaat additha daring to dismiss the charges ngntw* peared more nervous and ap­ Phllco Power Saver — CuH Cost adding that he asked him four rinaa cyda to aalM didiet m>atUa.diy edthoat n>oCk the two Black Panther defend­ V I E T N A M ^ prehensive than he has at any times 'wfaeAsr he was a Viet e Soft S cap INapcaaf - Pump chopa lealdaal food — 102-lb. Freeier^rost Free ants on grounds of ]^ trial pub- time during the trial that start­ Cong or -wheAer he knew where acaapa, flaabaa than down drain. State Involved Uclty, and he granted the de­ ed Nov. 12. A e Viet Gong was. e IStPSaaMaiiwCrcIa - watt healer brinpw alK Map indicates copter losses in the Laotiw cam^ign as heaviest in nearly four Dual Controls 1000 fense two of the additional 60 Again the testimony focused The man said he Adn’t know, to 150° before iiartinreycIrfortaiilairAiaiiwiddno. years. Six more U.S. copters were downed or damaged today. (AP Photo) peremptory challenges they on a drainage Atch at the east Calley said. Twin Crispers o poaUi WaUi Cycte - Two complete waahea and hot Raids Result in 5 4 Arrests; sought after exhausting their ori­ side of the village where the ’’After he said no again, I ab diytaf inauie total ckaning for heavily aoAed loeda ginal aUotment. govenunent charges Galley su­ butt-stroked him A Ae mouth.” After using the additional chal­ pervised and parfieijiated In Ae • Noaaul Waah CycleDetargeat chargatU waA la CaUey said the than feU dowii, lenges T>iesday, the defense execution of 70 person. Calley followed by two ilnaea end hot air drying. $13 Million in Drugs Taken Laotian Fighting in Upsurge; bleeding from the mouA, and filed a motion to begin the trial said Tuesday he had not fired another solAer kicked him Ato with nine jurors and two alter­ all of Ae 18 bullets that where WMBHDraTON (AP) — Atty. A e A tch . MltcheU sold the arrests cU- nates. A his weapon when he landed at Ocn. John N. iatebeU today an­ maxed a five-month investlga- One of Ae four specificatlans \ Mulvey listened to arguments M y L ai. against Ae 27-year-oId Ueuten- nounced a rrest o f S4 p erson s Uon by the Bureau of NarcoUcs on the motion Wednesday, then More U.S. Uopters Downed Calley said he had come out of and sslsurea of neariy |U- mil­ ant was that he kUled such a Includes Panels of Your Ghoieo and-Dongereus-Drugs in which denied it, paying: ”I am satis- a tree line and ’’saw my pec^le lion in narcotics In what he m an. a total of 71 pounds of herein, 40 fled I would be committing er- By OEOBOE ESPER from his statement ’Tuesday caused by its air (^rations cov­ shoot at Ae people A the tanned “the Uigeat federal CaUey said he went back Ato pounds of cocaine and 356 rw If I granted this motion.” Associated Press Writer that Saigon’s forces had no In­ ered only the period from the A tc h .” crackdown evpr on narcotics pounds cf marijuana, with a tention to advance farther. He start of the South Vietnamese Ae village at lunch time and Charles Oafry, an attorney for SAIGON (AP) — Two South He said he JoAed A the shoot­ that he was joAed by Medina. dlstribuaon by organized street value of $12.8 mlUlon, Seale, told the judge the d^ense told his daUy briefing for corre- ground thrust into Laos on Feb. in g. FACTORY DIRECT TO DEALER Vietnamese boMs inside Laos About that time he said a raAo crim e .” were seized. was preparing papers askl^ for sptxidents. 8 through this morning. Some Q. How many shots Ad you Higher quality doesn't have to cost were under sharp attack late to­ caU came to Ae captaA from The raids were carried out MltcheU said 12 court author­ a ruUng from the State Supreme ”We would like to clarify observers believed the an­ fir e ? day in a new upsurge of fighting what he termed "higher — high­ you higher prices. At Curtis Mothes we after 10 p.m. ’Rieadoy In New ized wlretcqM were used in the Court, and Mulvey then d^ what we wanted to say. ’Ihe nouncement was made to divert A . A to eight, sir, in the drive to cut the Ho Chi 8 er auAority.” give you higher quality for lower prices York CHy, Hartford,’ CWm., and Inveetlgation which had been purpose of the operatloa In Laos attenti fro m the sta lle d South Q. Automatic or semiautomat­ Minh trail field reports said. ’’Higher said it had been re­ New Orleans, with earUer code named “Operation Flank­ (See Page Eight) is not to occupy territory. It Is Vietnamese grouiui drive. ic ? NORGE by selling direct from factory to dealer. rests in ccnnecUon with Six more American heUcop- A U.S. spokesman said that in ported that a lot of naUves had er.” Only two of the 54 persons to disrupt the enemy supply A. Semiautomatic. been klUed A As area When we cut out the distributor, we cut case In Philadelphia, Del arrested since Tuesday night of­ ters were triiot down or dam­ lines and to make the enemy addition to the ammunition, Q. How Ad you load your and Baltimore. aged In the action around the caches and vehicles destroyed, wanted to know what percent­ the cost of living. W hy strain your budget fered reslstattce, he said, but supply flow more difficult. 0 » - w eapon ? age civilians were kiUed.” Mitchell nald the--raids arid there was no Injury. Freedom bases, but no details were avail­ cernlng vriiether the ARVN American air strikes had killed A . . . fir e d w iA one hand. when you con hove o higher quality previous arrests netftd some of able, the accounts said. an estim a ted 600 N orth V iet­ CaUey Ad not say what MeA- DOIHE AVT0MA1K WASan MltcheU ” estimated syndicate (Army of the RepubUc a i V iet­ Q W hat a t? Curtis Mothes for less. the “high echelon figures” In One of the bases was said to namese troops and knocked out na’s answer was, but .said Ae members arrested or sought in n am ) 'wiU m ake fu rth er ad­ A People A Ae ditch. the nation’s .organized crime be north of Hlgh'way 9, the main 110 bunkers, 30 gun positions captain arbitrarily assigned a YOU SAVE MORE connection with Operation Of Press vances, we have nothing to say Q. How many people A the bo^ count of BO kiUed to each syndicate. Although he did not Incursloa route and the other to o n th at.” and 420 structures. A tch ? WITH CURTIS MATHES CURTIS M ATH ^ use the term, MltcheU acknowl­ Flanker controiled distribution the south. Both are 10 mUes in­ He said the air raids triggered of three platoons and artillery Although hundreds of U.S. A I don't know, sir. edged that he was referring to of approodmately 60 per cent of side Laoe. A South Vietnamese more thait 070 secondalry e:q>lo- and heUcopter gunsMp fir e __a planes have been bombing the Shortly after, Calley testified, total of about . L a CkNn N bstra o r the M afia. the hard narcotics in New York Expanded ranger base six mUes - Isride- sions and 230 secondary fires, 200 ^eiiemy'supply network In Laoe a landed and A e pilot Woridng throughout the night and 70 per cent in Chicago. He Laos was overrun last week mostly from the estimated 800 Body counts, OaUey teatifled, WASHDfOTON (AP) — The every day for months, the U.S. told Mm Aere were ”a lot of were Important to local com­ and into the morning federal had no estimates for the other with heavy casualties. Supreme Court expanded today Command's claim of damage (See Page Ten) wounded people A Ae area and manders A that period wMch agents anasted 54 jMiaons, with citie s. ^ Officials in Saigon said they ^ freed om ot newspapers to wondered if I could get any as­ foUowed Ae disastrous Tet of­ CURTIS M A T K l E S 89 atm sought, Mltchdl said. He said .Operation Flanker had no Information on the re­ yeport about poUtlcal candidates sistance to Aem .” fen siv e. M Blghty-nine persons have been ports of the new fighting. was ”an unqualified success,”- without fear of Ubel judgments. Calley said he had no heUcop­ CaUey testified that men, arrested prior to 10 p.m. ’Dies- and addbd: “Its s^^^nlficance Is The field reports could not say In an unanimous holding the ters available to evacuate Ae women and chUdren aU were day, making the total number bow many of the heUcopters GIs End Mountain Patrol; GIANT 18-Lb. CAPACITY court said aspects of a candi­ wounded, but that he would re­ Ae enemy at My Lol — Ae peo­ Super Bright - 295 sq. iOa Pieluro ' nlMsted or sought 175. (See Page Ten) were shot down and how many lay Ae message to higher au- date’s entire life, no matter how ple he’d been ordered to de­ damaged. Three A o rity . far back In time or remote from stro y . Automatic Color Control and Fine were shot down Tuesday. Tell of Fear and Heroism Proeecutor Abury Daniel the poUtlcal race, may be put to 'T Adn’t disctimlnate be- MULTI SPEEDS Tuesday’s losses raised to 29 asked whether ^ e y sMd tween AAvlduals A Ae riUnii, Tdning the pubUc unhampered by the the number of U.S. heUcopters B y w I l u a m BABTO N servatlon poster-two tall trees threat of a Ubel suit. . Associated Press Writer something to Ae affect that Ae ^ r , " he testified Tuesday tdhte Over Half to Cities repMted (oet on both sides of wlA ladders up them that gave only way to get Ae wounded out murdw trial Gold Contrast Tuner In other actions today, the the enemy a good lookout over the border in the 17-day-old 8ANH, Vietnam (AP) — was wlA a hand grenade. 4-POSITION WATER TEMP. c o u rt: drive into Laos. At least 40 Ae area,” be related. “There infantrymen came ' back ChUey at first said no, but (Sse Page Eight) Instant Entaiiainmant —Upheld the authority of mlU- were also seven blood trails. Revenue^Sharing Means Americans have been kiUed, 10 from patrolling Ae mountains tary tribunals to try servicemen are missing and 26 wounded in northwest of here, tired and “The next day, we followed 2-Yoar Pieture Warranty for crimes committed on mlU- the crariies. dirty after nine days of constant A e Mood trails and walked Ato, 2 to 18-Lb. WATER LEVEL tary posts. The decision eject­ $59 Million in G>nnecticut The big U.S. base at Quang fe a r. an NVA bunker comiUex. We' Features fiCA Pictures ‘ ed contentions that cnly mlU- Tri. In the northern' zone came Six’ o f their comrades had tary crimes should be subject to under rocket attack late totdght. the bunkers when we agnln Nixon Moves to Control WADHINQTON has some long-range results but dt FVankUn, Gcl, Ae company ahow OonnecUout ciUea and Stafford Springs borough 7,048; Tri is temporary headquarters tUex,” he said. ”It had just been shelved union-wage standards wUl not help A any way to atop '5. smaU Tennessee coal curators, commander, said his men from tow ns re ce iv in g a tota l o f $81,• Danielson botou^ 10,007; Put­ for the U.S. 24Ui Corps, the par­ evacuated. There were 70 bunk- on federal building projects A Ae demands for huge wage A- INSTALLED $ 3 9 '^ ^ and made it easier to prove an­ A e st Brigade, A Mechanized 005,7M, or about 53.85 per cent nam 22,654; WiUimantic 06,862; ent unit directing American ac­ 1 6 en, three separate mess halls h op es ot controUAg inflation A creases wlA 1,368 construction titrust 'Violations by tinlons;. Infantry Division, ran into daUy of the total $65,387,050. The re­ AU other cities 8,877. tivities in support of the Laos arid lean-to hooches. A e massive construction indus­ threat of a Ubel suit.___ contact WiA the NorA Viet­ 10 agreements set to expire this maining $38,331,815 would go to . “They had left beMnd 83 mm try . with any Console Color TV E ven if the newq|N^>er g e ts Its d riv e. n am ese. , year,” said WUUam E. Dutm. the state govenunent. facts wrong, the court said. It Eariler, the U.S. Command rounds, 4,000 rounds of Top union and management executive director of Ae. Aaso- ”We combat-assaulted into an Tbs falggeat riiore of the aUot- ABBA TOWNS’ SHARE can be sued for damages only If said American air strikes have ammo, fragmentation grenades, leaders Immediately attacked elated General OontractoTB of ment to dtles and towns would area norAwest ot Khe Sanh and it is guUty cf malice. This wiped but huge North Viet- rice, meAcal suppUes and cloA- Ae President’s move as an A- America. go to Hartford, $8,833,851. The namese war stockpUes on Ae l«nn^«tely found a very fresh ing. Manchester ...... $000,150 means that it either knew the adequate and Aeffectlve way to A Miami Beaph, AFLrCIO net highest amount, $1,614,404, tra il and OPEN - WED. - THUR. - FM. TILL 9 MANCHESTER South Windsor ... 188,181 facta were wrong or was reck­ Ho Chi lOnh trail, AcludAg an started checking It “About 100 meters outside Ae moderate the upward spiral of President George Meany said would go to Stemfoid; foUowed Bolton ...... 83,088 less about checking into them. estimated 800 tons of ammuni­ bunker comi^ex, we were am- wages and prices A the Elding N ix ^ move 'have no real by New Havwi, $1,61$,056; C o v e n tr y ...... 73,844 The decision q;>oke in terms of tion, nuHe than 120 cadies of fo ^ 40 bunkers and started bushed by about 30 NVA who Industry. effect on halting inflation.” Bridgeport, $1,564,487, and Wat- BUlngton ...... 78,980 ’’pubUcatlons” and the ’’press,” weapons and supplies and 380 rounds. opened up wlA AK47s. There By choosing this reiaOveiy u ...n Avlte- e rb u ry ,'$11,015,668. Tolland ...... 04,448 At about Ae same time,, an- was a flrefigfat for 20 minutes, obviously Including in Its scope vehicles. It -also repMted four mild step, NAon left himself The $5-bUUon Nixon revenue- V ernon ...... 346,180 fuel plp^Unes cut. ^ e r group took ^om lng mor- and afterwards, I had only five tion to unscrupulous employers, ■barlng plan would be distribut­ radio, televialan and otfier me­ <^n to charges he Isn’t wUlAg Tte command also repl^rted sustained one casualty, left not wounded or killed out of to exploit workers by competl- NO MONEY DOWN ed under a formula which takes dia . to go far juiQUgtuto bring infla­ Uve undermining of fair wages air Bttsckz oh three more mis- When Aey_g 9t_hlt,. the company 19 m en .” Into account population and rev­ Reversed by the holding were tion under control. TELEVISION APPLIANCE Towns, total $10,885,48(^-^th- sUe sites A NorA Vietnam command post also took 20 to 30 WorAam said five men were aad labor standards.” enue raiaed by atete and kxml a $30,(XX> award to a former Declaring an inflation emer- el 104,817; Brookfield 68,306; which It said threatened U4I. of 83mm mortars.” htt A the Initial burst of fire and For more than a week, the ad­ govemmonte. But states also Mew Hampshire congressman a. T „ . i Sency exUts A constnictloo, Darien 814,886; Easton 01,728; B02 bombers »tt«riring the Ho 'U a t was Ae way, WOtAam ministration had let It be known could work out their own plan and a $23,000 award to a smal)- Fairfield 667,751; ‘ Greenwich Chi lOidi trail. the nine days be?an. The NEXT TO STOP and SHOP tor diatlibuting their shares to town Florida poUtloten.\ A both BUDGET UP TU 36 MONTHS 938,378; Monroe 106,318; New F m : Ae sevenA successive mission ended after 19 men ran ’’moved up from Ae rear of the “ <««««« <» wages, prices and loeal govenunante. Astances jurors found they bad Canaan 2itl,200; New Fairfield day, no forward movement was into a NorA Vietnamese am- column to aid the wounded.” construcUon Adus- The breakdown, for Oonneotl- been libeled by newspapers. ______86417; Newtown 138,788; Red- reported by Ae li.OOO SouA burii Aat left only six who were time he moved up, wages on federal, buUding jobs, jiy, where pay setUementw-av= ■ cut Clttaa, total $14.83^344 — ditig 08,206; Ridgefield 192,606; The ruling Is a furtbar broad- ifietnamese'Vietnamese ground troc^tro(^ not not kiUedkilled oror wounded.wounded. WwAamWwAam ChrneU w was m *M Mt.l ' He He *Juurt” just gave ga^ effect Is. to free contrac- eraged___ ^ ______more than ^18 per cent Bridgqwrt 1JM4.487; Danbury StratfMd 511,018; ’TrumbuU 2 n ,- enlng of Ae Stforeme 0«urt’A„whoae forwardmost elements said bla compemy started mow- hlmseU first aid and continued workers union soarrd. 508,888; MorwaUc 008,804; Shelton 751; Weston 108,402; - Westport decision A a New York T1$M6 are J6 mUes inside Laoe, ac- Ag farther norAwest after Ae to treat A e wounded ” Wortham wages pr^ribed by Ae govern- 3 ,^ ' T-.»br,r Secretary James 183,580; Btamford 1,614,404; Bria- 006,417; WUton 113,001; Avon case A 1964 Aat public offlrlala cording to AeA government.. first contact to link up wlA an g^ld. ment projects Avolvlng fed- 3 Hodgson told reporter* ”T7ie February 27 tol 588,887; Hartford 3,831,M l; 80461; B eriln 1<46.440; B loom - can cMlect Ubel Judgments only The SouA Ifietnameae mUl- oAer plofoon and to look for <-corneU was Mt agaA each O nly new govern- p^esWent simply ^ ’t to Britain 880,307; Torrington 385,- tary spokesman. Lt. CoL < Le other mortar positions. n^t projects are affected by 3M; WInaUd 33,554; Middletown (Bee Page Twenfy) (Bee rage Fomtoen) .Trung Hlen, retreated today ”We ran Into two enemy ob- (Bee gmgo Ten) decision.. (Boe Page Twisity) - ■ /A . ■-


ates the gravity ot the situation to vriiether it could be said that 'Were not equipped with campers ty, but his director of public af- PAGE TW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 as far as you are Concerned." a safety-related defect exists.” or ottier special txxBes, those fairs, Theodore N. McDowell, Compromise Slows Compromise nie devilment’s announce- engineers actually concluded repU^ in a^ thre^poge l^er In the days following the ment quoted Thrner as saying fl»et eU vdildes involved which said that -m M ^ 1989 W COIN OllATIC W MissHepburn Sheinwold on Bridge Work on WheelTlefects meeting, another, compromise the agreement “ vrili correct presented a safety haiard.” there were coometing opinioM . I , Irate Maid the NHMEHAnNQB was reached: i the National Highway Under court orders, the gov- within 1^ CAR WASH OF MANCHESTER Stam ps')}Newa FQRmRENIBANO POPULAR SONG 8UPPUBS Editor’s Note: For four years, not have any obligation under QM would replace, at its ex- Safety Bureau engineers consld- ernment resumed its tnvestiga- case of ^ prooiwn a s ^ v as HARTFOIU) ROAD — (Next t® Dairy tyMsn) Nips ‘Coco’ Mighty Good ^fQUPMlPEOPlf POOR OUIDB TO BBIDOE the Transportation Depairtment the statute to replace the wheels pense, wheels on 60,000 pickups er to be the safety problem ill Uon. Another hearing was held *"’*®f; li“?r5?®T I NORTH has been receiving reports of on the trucks vrith the cam- iriiich had been equipped with this case—pickup trucks, With and last Nov. 4, vrith 680 cases QM would fight the issue in tne « A " f .HisetiKiSest BT ALFRED 8HEINW THE tmtAgLlB. By Harry couple of maps, sure strangdy 4 KX2 safety problems in a certain peia.’ ’ y campers or other special bodies, ciunpers or special jMdies in- of wheel failures in goveinment courts. Quick, 2-Minute Servi^ 'Many years ago, when I was type of pickup truck wheel. But CtoUen. Pataam. 9t.96. movlii«r as well as revesaing:. On Finger In Loco (3? K 6 Iky^vard Heffron, then counsel The governhient, in turn, would I staUed thereon.” i filis Safety Bureau Director Faced vrith such a situation, No Bniahee on Automatic 14 Hlgh-PressUre Nossles te stiU in schoM, I used to sing a efforts to cope with the pivrblem drop its formaij defect Viroceed- prompted a Douglas W. Ttoms finally noti- McDow^ said, department offl- As a good many people know, Use project was In^i^ by HARTFORD (AP) — O 9 54 for the Safety Bureau, argued Specially Formulated Hot Water to Cut Grime, FIHh aud By JOHN OBVBEB I Mi. MU SPMlinO popular song ot the day, “Tlie ♦ A 10953 have beeh slowed by compro­ Ings, vrtUle reserving the right , ^ March iVlO by safety fled GM ”a defect.wtalch rrfates dais were directed to arrange Harry Golden made his mark- Katharine Hepburn, who opened Best Things In Life Are Free," for making OM notify owners of Salt. Katherine Hepburn wowed WEST EAST mise ahd hesitation, as this a defect in the wheels. to reopen the case. crusader Ralph Nader, vriio con- to motor veMde safety eodsts.” to have the company send out a big one-as an author of hu- a I" “er home town of HarUord to my girlfriends. It didn’t do .study by the AP Special Asslgnr Less than two months before . ’Turner had mlsstat- He ordered OM to notify truck the first warning, letter, and to morous books, beginning with described the earth as a nisht in “Coco” will them at the Bushnell last eve­ 4 543 4 Q 10987 Ml Ma sMiimo me much good then, and my ment Team discloses. Agreement the compromise was reached, , findings of bureau engl- owners of the defect. OM has ke^ the govemmenVs options 3 High-Pressure Hot Water Rinse Cycles ••Only Hi America,’^ and as the at CTriatmM time in ^ p l a j ^ Uie UUe role Wednes- experience at the bridge taMe 10 8 54 9 A92 The result of the meeting was ning, ending up with a standing tanew fitiMumSsnnM O Q 10 6 Safety Bureau engineers had la- ^ g Joseph not yet compUed, and is fighting open tor possfcle further legal edltor for many years of ••The day^ b. sUghUy Injured fin- E 3 has reinforced that lesson. If I o J832 an agreement to allow General Carolina Israelite.** reality of the oneness of man- I ovation for her performance in « 62 41 K7. By JOHN 8. lAN G 8u®d a ^ ch recom- ^ granted Nader’s re- the government’s request that a action. 25c Seif Service Hand Sprenf ger. A former employe allegedly had any talent for ootigwriUng, Associated Prees Writer Motors to notify owners of haz­ i “Coco,” a musical that has re- I would use this title: "Thlnge SOUTH mended that the teireau Is ^ oueet that the department be or- federal court order it to do so. Hm department continues its So when Golden writes a book ^ “ “ bit her. MimeTto ards . through a letter worded No Long Waiting Line! about the Israelis, what can you etemallj^ln the sUent sea Police reported they charged i celved mixed reviews both in That Look Free Are Ukually 41 A 6 WASHINGTON (AP) — On a differently than the-fiofoty Bu- ^®>^ *® reopen' its Investiga- "As part of Us study of the InvsMlgstton. McDovireU sald.^ New York and on the road. Ad­ IMir 17 nqulm ic «»Mii>li tee Oct a®“- case, a^of questions was sub- and last Nov. 4 determined that expect? Certainly not a defini- Louella G. West, M, of Rich­ TwwtarAMItMrAsi Expensive, •Tra-La.’ ’ C? QJ73 spring day in 1969, government reau’s counsel wanted. A tten^t On Duty 1 Days A Week On the outside, the out-slze, mittedly, it was a friendly audi­ <3S> I O AK7 tlve analysis of the new nation, mond, Va., with burglary with South dealer lawyers and safety experts pre­ The letter sent by GM, with 9 ^ ^ c^ m en t'T X ^ e: The Judge said: - “ ndtted to Volpc^s T S u Z / t -1 ence that had come to see the Both sides vulnerable ♦ QJ84 sented Secretary of Transporta­ ment said, "The administrator, "Whereas the October 9, 1969, vriiy he personalty nor a poUUcal or sociological parsonal violence. The woman Transportation Department ap­ was described as a recently dis- local girl who made It so Mg in Opening load — .H y® of West North East tion John Volpe vrith a telegram study. That Isn’t Golden’s style. ______- ...... - — , M tm. Mna i? MMina South proval did not use the word "de­ based on evidence submitted by announcement stated that the the c ^ ai^ wtw he dechM actions taken were •nio author has made four f aili righ^ but noth- maid of Miss Hepburn, the cities of the world, but the (i|i IMt My Miy Spades. 1 NT Pass 3 hiT All Pass they wanted to send General (3M as weU as that of the Na- government engineers found no against sending the May 1969 ^ ’’ tripe to Israel, between 1968 and ihe Incident was under fact remains-that-"Ooco” is Is MftSl* MtH) West led the fWre of spades, ______. . ______Motors Corp. fect.” It told truck owners "the tional Highway Safety Bureau; safety hazard in cases vriiere telegram. ^ tv Uite^ ty, 197^ has wandered all over the pne^U on would have Imag- mvesUgaUon. mighty good entertainment. •*••••.9.... and Soutii was delighted to take problem is serious under condi­ has some doubt at this time as the General Motors trucks -... Volpe did not retpond d i^ t- the Volpe aide concluded. Read Herald Advertisements By STD KBOKISH ’Ihere are loads of things The telegram was formal'no. place, and has estaUidied con. ^ . 'The suspect reportedly broke AP Newsfeatures the "free” finesse with dum- dummy’s king-jack. East must tions of heavy loading, such as wrong with the show, but there tifiicaUon that defects had been when the truck Is equipped with tacts with hundreds people. - mountau^, deserts, for home of Miss Hepburn’s my’s jack. If this held the trick, :dilft to a diamond, found in wheels cf 196046 Chev­ The format of the book is imu- farmlands, cities a ^ stepmother, iMrs. Madeline Hep- Peaceful Uses of the Sea- are more things that are right. virell and good. If it didn’t South wins with the king of an over-the-cat) camper." Bed” U the theme of the first ®«> the presentation comes out rolet and GM three-quarter ton sual. Golden takes a theme, oc®ans of the earth keep yield- shortly before 1 a.m. South assured himself, he could diamonds, runs the clubs and trucks. It urged toe company to "The letter also advised that such as life in a MbiAts, the city secrets now to orbiting Wednesday and was subdued by postal issue of the United Na- on the plus side of the ledger, still win the trick with his own leaiM the king of hearts to ”a prudent course of action” of Jerusalem, ’Tel Aviv, the Is- cameras and to specialists who the family and Other employes, tlons for 1971. Miss Hepburn can’t sing at ^1; notify 200,000 truck owners of ace. force out the ace. He is sure of "serious risks to safety . . . . ’’ would be replacement of the raeU military forces, the Negev epmlne the pictures vrith ever m Iss Hepburn was treated at a s prevlou^y' reported here, she manages to mouto the THEATER TIME The spade finesse was so free 10 tricks and scores #80 points vriieels if the truck had such a desert, the Arabs, etc., and then ®hari»'' eJ^rtlse. E v^ the at- Hartford Hospital for an injured the new conuhcmorative con- f that it cost South the game and instead of minus 100 points, The telegram was never sent. SCHEDULE Instead, records show, Volpe camper, If the owner planned to in fragmented sequences he <^losed matters ^ight hand and released. slate of two ktamps. It vrili differ J ^ n ^ c fapion , I p o ^ such rubber. East covered the jack Dally f^nestlon get one or If he could not deter­ a u R fires off a rapid collection of that the weathermen never -Coco,” on a road tour, closes ,rom previous im Issues be- h>n»Tey ^ s the photographs Credit for much of the suc- Cinema n '‘Owl A' The Ington and met privately vrith dealer, who will be glad to as­ PARDON Miss Hepburn’s performance shows the United Natlmis em- ed toe ten of spades. ’ have 11 points in high cards reactions to his contacts with a proud. The first chapter sur- was her first in her home town hlem superimposed on the sea cess must go to Michael Ben- puggycat' 7:30, 9:30 Declarer saw the handwrit- snd 1 point for the doubleton, federal officials. An agreement sist you In making your pur­ new natlMi - veying from afar the "double since April 1942, when she a school of fish and the nett and Michael Benthaill Who State — "I Love My Wife", ing on the wall but tried to re- just enough for an optional was reached—the beginning of chase of the stronger wheel re­ MUesA. Smith Planet" of earth and moon, is as starred in the play "Without text" "Peaceful Uses of the Sea ®‘^®^. ‘*’5 ..'Tu * sequ^®® 7 :35, 9:20 cover by refusing the second opening bid. You choose' to bid nearly 18 months of compromise placements,” the letter said. breath taking as anythings you Love.’Love." Bed.” Md directed the vmole produc- UA ’ Theater—"’There’s A Girl round of spades. He took the ititoer than pass because of'the before the department issued fi­ Tile company estimated the SUMMER OF 42. By Herman ^ field.. Oth- Her voice occasionally trem- nuroose of the set de- ^ ® ‘ ® *"i" ^ In My Soup", V:00, 9:18 next spade with dummy’s king, exceptionally good spot cards nal defect notification. — cost of replacing the wheels at Rancher. Putnam. 96.96. chapters deal vrith suchI sisub- bllng ..vrith emotion. Miss Hep-. ,™®. P“ '^ ® , . ®®” . “ *e show is exceUent; fast- Manchester Drive-In — Re­ ran toe clubs and then tried for in spades. (Some conservative Volpe vriU not discuss his role 9100 per truck. This expense to . IK jects as the lands and watersers uiof num bum loiatold uiethe "ijoco-:"Coco” auoience,audience, Assembly, Is paced, o'*so that“•««••» it keeps jr«uyou from•»«/••• ™«nH “ “ ™ttharv ®J ^ a heart trick. experts would pass this border­ in the GIM wheel case. He de­ owners would total 9# million if clined a recent request for an to thi^ luhtoh Mt ®“ ^> *he works of man, “it’s a great experience to play hlghUght toe economic lingering on toe inadequacies East Hartford Drive-In—Re­ No Mercy line hand.) the wheeU wi all the estimated boys in this story, wWch is set exploring toe universe to before my brothers and my sis- Seance of toe undersea world, that are always showing up. interview, and did not respond We Are Remodeling the East had no mercy on de­ Copyright 1971 60,000 camper truclcs were the moon and beyond. ters and my' relations. It’s an minerals on toe deep ocean it cannot be said that Miss opens Friday diirectiy to written questions. In­ East Windsor Drive-In — Re­ clarer. As soon as hearts were General Featnree .Ck Pi____ up the New England shore, in In them you pick up all sorts experience which I cah’t define.” floor have accumulated for mil Hepburn murdered toe tunes stead, a spokesman for his of­ changed. 1ft42 opens Friday led. East stepped to 'with the After GM sent the first letter | „ • ^ ^ , .. ot curious information, such as The 61-year-old Academy- of years, unaid^ and im- gbe essayed; Andre Previn’s fice said "all actions taken were It seente that back to those ^^^d’s deserts ace of hearts and defeated toe / to owners, records show, the ] Award vrinner added, laughing, taPP®" man. It is h op ^ tlmt musical sc(,._score was at least contract vrith the rest of the Seat O pen taken In the interest of safety." far gone d^ s li^year-ol^ were ^ ^ I’ve become like an old build- advanced^ ^ technology^ w l be moribund in toe The spokesman said that In government Informed the com- first place, spades. pany It “would not at this time ^ ? Capricorn areund toe globe, ing—and I’ve shown I can last a***® ^ obtain some of these re- injere isn’t a MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) May 9009 there were conflicting hit tune in toe As we have seen, toe spade — A group of state Republican initiate formal defect notlflca- I t ^ t h e ^olescente j^at U.S. mountainous areas pretty well.” sources—and earmark them for whole 19 musical numbers, and New Books opinions vrithin toe department finesse was very expensive. leaders Thesday announced the tion proceedings.” ^ ^ ** lose an average of 20 inches in “ I have a room at the Hilton, Peaceful purposes, while this usually spells death on whether the safety problems South, makes his contract if he formation of a committee to Hiree months later, however, **®‘*f^‘ annually, that Callfor- which I keep because I like to *^® values are 6 cents blue for a musical, toe show manages At Library resulted from a design defect. New Keith’s Furniture! drive, vrithout knowing just njj^,g imperial VaUey is toe be alone. I look out at toe Capi- (U.S. currency) and 30 francs In addition, he said, there acting federal highway adminis­ to survive to excellent health, dummy’s jack of spades at toe trator E. H. Holmes wrote GM from a severe case of sexual largest stogie irrigated area to tol grounds—I’ve slid down those green (Swiss currency). as worthwhile entertainment. Flotlon ton M. Blount to seek the Senate were "conflicting opinions as to quite what to do about it. western hemisphere, and first trick. seat of John Sparkman who that "investigation by the Na­ 3-PIECE COLONIAL hills. My ghost, and all my vari­ Alan Jay Lerner came up with South should play dummy’s vriiether the government had The central figure of toe nar- that Arizona’s huge meteor cra- ous and sundry selves, till toe Anderson — Assassin tional Highway Safety Bureau, some fine lines, as well as the Bratoe — The view from ’Tower loT ^ e aT to T W 'S ®o^®® up enough evidence at that time to since your letter to owneia, has rative is Hermie, but toe leader ter is only a pock mark com- town of Hartford. ’Ihls city is B o l t o n lyrics of toe songs, and man­ w innhiTln his hand vrith the t BUinxirt making a safety defect Curved SECTIONAL SOFA ot the trio is Oscy; he is a pared vrith the moon’s craters. very dear to me,” she said... HiU brought to light new evidence aged to make an interesting ace. When declarer next loses 1'®*'® week, declined to dls determination." .{And there was, that indicates that further ac­ m dates to a movie house, tic sort of autobiographical tale Legislators It also is fighting nearly a half- Tills letter was followed by a Furthermore, Hermie Is moon- toW by a woman who has been spection tour of toe elementary get an eyeful, gentlemen tlons — 1600-1860 SU8D9T billion doUars in class action second step In the notification struck over a married woman a loner all her life. HARTFORD (AP) Gl-vtag school conducted by Superin- don’t get so much: to an era of Beals — The nature of revidu- TteOwl mM iM I suits stemming from the wheel pioceeding—a Sept. 12, 1969, TUXEDO STYLE SOFA —all of 23—whose husband is off Bello was an only child sur- 18-year-61ds8-year-61ds toe right to„ vote_____ to tendent of Schools Joseph toe sexy revue, "Ooco” Is ab- 5il4TiM proUems. ' meeting between GM executives u i t l K to the wars. There is another rounded by older relatives, and state and local elections is urged Oastagna. soliitely demure. Betger—Miracle on 88rd Street The never-sent telegram sur­ and federal officials. At the ses­ scene to which the boys are gog- that seeans to have been toe pat- in a resolution approved Tues- 'Incomplete or improperly The program credits diU theme about adolescent pongs -A® narrative ^switches .. The nature of defects varies, cellent. too. Adela S. Baer and others Sat. 2:99-4:16-9:947:9419m in 1967, its Highway Safety Bu­ ■I think all of you know,” he KNEEHOLE DESK and fumblings, and a good ear and forth from erne genera* lems created by me voting includes such things as The cast la extremelv large. Ooblelgh — All about stocks THEATRE EAST reau began, getting repo^ of Rights Act of 1970. .e iw jsisr- Sun. 9-A44:447:«49:16 said, "that we have pending for the way youngsters talked tion to another, it becomes ap* electrical Items, water collec- but Miss Henburn carries toe Coles — Erik H- Erikson accidents blamed on truck against us now one 9377 million SEUG Formica Top — 1 Left As modified by toe U.S. Sup- back_—.. to ’42.—. *—The trouble ... is that •parenlt that Belle,------always— has r> f Ken pump problems. biggest part —of toe— ------show. Out- Dance — ’Ihe world of Duke El- wheels which fractured. lawsuit In Los Angeles, Calif., Reg. $90. he____ spins ______out___ his______scenes___ at___ too sought _ to break out of her to- »'®'”® “ ® 8®^ve 18- ^ devoted_____ most____ _of standing to . . . toe______supporting cast llngton M'miii M*mniGood! By December 1968, toe bureau amd one 990 million lawsuit in great a length and overpto^s hlB grrovm personality and establish ye^-olds toe right to vote only Monday’s meeting tVcompletion was^Daiitel Davis as Sebastian Debo— A history of the Indians had commisstoned and received Phoenix, Ariz., involving the CONTEMPORARY SOFA hand, so that some readers may contact with toe more commimi- “ > federal elections. Connecticut plans for toe recreation build- Baye. He emerged as toe one of toe U. S. a report by a private englneeiv identical issue which is under wish he had made this opus Into ®»Uve world. Toward toe end It and other states with a 21-year- . Herrick Memorial Park, memebr of toe sunoortlng cast Deeley„—^ ® manhunters Ing firm vriilclLConcluded the consideration here, to wit: a short story rather than a nov- appears she reaches fulfillment old minimum for state and local heating contract who was not overshadowed by Eckert The conquerors A f RANKOWCH PRODUCTION cause was fabrication pix>blem% 'Whether or not the wheels . . . GOLD STRIPE RUNG ^ ^ el. through toe success of her son elections are facing toe problem ^g^j jyjg„ Qhlck through T. Miss Henbum’s performance. Ephron — Wallflower at toe in toe truck wheels. are defective. . . 1 ONLY Miles A. Smith ®t1c, a novelist, who also Is an of how to let 18-year-dIds vote p Aitkin Co., which submitted rieorge Bose, Jeanne Arnold, orgy —. j, , PETER SELLERS GOLDIE HAWN This was followed by an inves­ "... a statement by General SOLID MAPLE SOFA ------only chUd. only for congressional and presl- y,g jp^ggt pid of *3,726. Other Don Chastain and Lana Shaw Firestone -- ’The ^ectic of sex tigative report dated April 1969 Motors Corporation that these LOOSE PILLOW BACR A KILMNO a f f a i r . By Pe. Th® Prose style is deft, and at dentlal candidates. bidders were M and M Oil and were thoroughly professional to GlMer — Son^ of peace, free- In which Safety Bureau engi­ wheels are defective is a confes­ ■ Red A Gold Field j i neers concluded the wheel fail­ sion ot judgment in that Utigar Reversible Cushions ter Baker. Houghton MUflto. ^ ® * aJniost lyrical. Yet toe According to Deputy Secretary Manchester Sheet Metal. their sunporUng roles but were oom & protest Screenplay by TERENCE FRISBY based on his original play Reg. M30. 94.96. writing is so ftoed vrith ephem- of toe State Harry Hammer, Bids for toe well are being unable to project themselves as Gleason — Daley of Chicago ' ures were caused by "defects.” tion insofar as the basic issue Is Reg. $420. “ Grzlmek — Among animals of Executive Producer JOHN DARK ■ Produced byM.J.FRANKOVlCH By May 1999, reports of 09 concerned," Malone said. " l -ful» ■ 197■ •) FV>r fans vriio enjoy toe spy !f® :’ thou^ts, M d toe who spoke vrith Sen. Birch Bayh, gent out this week and must be personalities. and JOHN BOULTING Oirectedby ROY BOULTING • Britteh do TO ®"*5' D-Ind., by telephone ’Tuesday, returned by March 16. The show Is a long one and Africa wheel failures were in govern­ ly appreciate your position," Hughes — Sheffield silver plate COLOR-From Columbia Pictures ment files. The agency’s legal respimded High Administration 9 w^*,*he^U a*vari^It has‘a th® S®nate committee handling The commission voted to ask deals vrith Incidents In the life Jardim — The first Henry Ford heroine rather than a hero, and „ “ , the 18-year-old vote resolution toe Board of Selectmen to pro^ of toe late "Ooco” CSianel. -and safety experts drafted the Counsel David E. Wells. "I am MODERN 2-PIECE WALNUT Larteguy—^The guerrillas telegram and routed it to sure the administrator appreci­ she’s no spy herself. Jvate'^te ^ a, amendment may give it a favor- vide an allocation for six "dusk- Flashbacks are handled well by Lauter—’The conspiracy of Uie ^ METAL to-dawn” lights at toe elemen- means of film sequences that Volpe’s office for approval. Art « w O ’Ihls is a story about Minnie Tnhn’ llnrtlkl. able report Wednesday. ' young The Manebeoter Swan, who has both brains and „ a-I i — ' u I The proposed amendment is tary school in next year’s never get out of hand, but most dressed to GM President Ed­ MOSS STRIPE SOFA Llpklng—’The 1 ordering of toe Gilbert A Sullivan Workshop ward N. Cole, it began: KITCHEN sexual allure. She works for the sponsored by 86 of toe 100 sen- budget. These lights would be pj the action Is supposed to take arts in eighteenth-century British foreign office, and It Pennsylvania ators and ^has been endorsed by installed and maintained by pjuce in toe season 1963-64, In Presents “Pursuant to the National happens that she has beeii hav­ HELOO at toe rate of 971.40 per pgrls. If you can get seats for England Lemer A Loewe’s Traffic and Motor Vdticle Safe­ WITH ■nils Is the sort* of novel that 3« Siovemors, Hammer said. Longley:Cook—New math puz­ WALL OR BASE ing an affair vrith Bill Emerson, lamp per year, making a total a performance, it is worth toe ty Act of 1866 . . , this telegram some readers may find engross- ^® House, a Judiciary zle book MOSS CHAIR an American she had met ^oco(dliig to a transcript, the Joseph LeVay The entortaliTOent value (rf The indictment charged Sasso ugut liberal Thesday not to yield students of Mrs. Peterson vriU correction for one of its courses vining-Guiet pilgrimage 643-7833 FREE PARKING REAR Of THEATRE 178 meeting the next day between embezzled about while ^ the ’’temptation” of approv- m®®t March 7 in a mid-season TOheduled ter toe spring term, Ctinegie GM ”"A government officials cootiUns identy contains iSenty of spice and ten- employed as a trust officer ad- ^ -ihomaa J M^klll’s study recital. bealnnlnsrbeginning MarchMaieh 3. Williams—Hassling _ (opened vrith Highway Adminis­ MISSING S ion . minlstertng.«states and trust ac- Poa^ement The course "Unraveling toe and 'Affecting and censislentiy trator Francis Turner saying: 2-PIECE COLONIAL STYLE g f t Mllee A.A Smith counts for toe bank. tax package, including a 7 per •fhe obseiYatlcn claw for pai> Gospels,’’ teught by Asroctate g_.ua„tii*ia funny chronicle o f “m e reason for the session, I from Kofsky’a has been ------1- • Walter J. VanLenten, a senior . ooUticallv ents of chiidreii anroUed in the Prof. Wayne G. Rollins, o r i ^ - Wolf—’The passion of Israel ■ THIS ISLAND EARTH. Na- vice president of toe bank eaid . „ ^ ® PTO-sponrored batqnl classes ally scheduled ter Wednesdays, guess, might be traced to the LIVING ROONtSUITE 5 tional Aeronautics and f ^ e Tuesday that bank audito show tempting for toe Democratic leg- Wolfe — Radical chic A Mau- connubial collopfess# propoiied telegram that had found at the has been postponed until ’Tues- will be conducted on TTiesday Mauing the flak catchers 1 Geld — 1 Gieoo Tweed Admlnlstration. Government that “ a subetantlal sum in ex- *?,‘ ®* Governor MeskiU day. TTie program will be held evenings starting next Tliesday been prqiared for transmittal to CASUAL VILLAGE Printing Otlloe. 94 cess of 920,000” is missing from ^® with 1^ propo^ Wright—The open door; a case ^ marriage h lo modes^ Mr. Cole yeaterday, which in Reg. $350. in toe all-purpose room of the from 7:80 to 10 at St. James’ history of automatic writing ASMi I la i 1------One of the moet exciting some of the bank’s trust and i*''®® would be affected, ®ei^ elementary school at 8:15 p.m. School, 71 Park St. iim vrith the secretary re­ SHOP on Main Street, book! to grow out ot the space estate accounts, and that bank Robert W. Barrows of West Bulletin Board Zuckmayer—A part of myself sulted in the secretary making a All other couirses will be held Manchester! IHDgram to date is this govern- investigation is still continuing. Hartford, who heads toe Caucus ’The executive board of the Jun- on Wednesdays as scheduled. t^epbooa call to Mr. Roche to WE NOW BRING YOU MORE THAN EVER BEFOUi ment puUicatian showing what He said the cases In vriiich the ®t Connecticut__ „ Dem » ociate w ... u lor Women’s Club will meet to- apprioe him of the proposed the worid looks like to men in irregularities have been found "Hie Democrats should show burrow night at 8 at the home Weif^ty Project telegram and Its contents. Mr. LeVay, who has mrhlt go back a number of years, and true.» statesmanship,”------Wo,, oj said jueiBar- Hoffman on Tolland Sesame Tryout SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) — . . m e understanding be­ been fitting Children’s You have seen some of toe involve relatively small amounts rows, "by adi^ting a progreS' Rd. ‘Exhausting,’’ says Mrs. Frank tween the two of them was Cash# Charge sive state Income tax adequate I shots- or ones like them- be- of money in:;each In^ance. LONDON (AP) — NeTU of toe birth of tvrin daugh­ in respoosa to the informal tele- Shoes for over 30 years OPEN fore^l^t the 160 full color photo------:------to meet toe needs of the pei^le Manchester Evening Hersid Street will make its British'de ters, eachjyeighing 8 pounds, 10 ptaotte call they vrould like to Budget Terms grsira , along vrith about 46 of Coimecticut.’’ is now the Manager of Justice All Around I Bolton correspondent Jaditfa but next month on Hariech Tele ounces.. have fapreee’itation down here bls^ and white pictures and a Barrows, a termer state rep- Donohue, tel. 449-8499. 'riston, one of Britain's inde THURS. oil It t'urM tiiurf AvciilalBle ,The tvrins, Tracy and lis a , ae aoon aa poaalhle.. the CASUAL VILLAGE i CARDIFF, _m Wales (AP) n resentative, jiT ^ llv fwVi TYti o said n n I MeitoiU’s w tax nn pendent commercial companies During the meeting, GM exec­ Stewart Pro&er jumped from j, -inhumane’’ because vrere delivered by Caesarian AND 'Hariech, which has four mil utives argued that wheel fail­ STRIDE JUTE® his truck when he saw a bank it "discriminates against toe Parent Participation lion 'viewera in Wales and west- section at...... O’Connor. ^ MANCHESTER IHanrljpBtrr being robbed, grabbed a diot- ILOVEMYWIFEIHOtlESTl ILOVEMVWIFEIIOOIlOOi ures were due to excesMve tire 1113 MAIN ST poor, toe unemployed and toe rrvuTwvu a u 1 England, said it would show ^®**- Mrs. Ne^, a short pKswiVfi and overloads—not duo “SHOE DEJ»ARTMENT! elderly.” th® children’s program for two “ «"<»«• ^ «cove^ Use O u r Corning frraU) ports sho^d be wi^tten by ^ y,^g enough to go bock and idek to defects in the three-piece disc 'He welcomes all his Putdisbed DsUr Except Su^sya back to find a parking ticket on ents as wril as by teachers, two them* up Thursday, she 9ays. ELLIOTT GOULD vriis^ made by Kelsey-Haya FREE MAIN STREET sod HoUdsjns st IS Bis,eU -8tt»«t-^ ^ INADAVlbilWOLPERFteduction , Layaway Plan K saebesSa Conn. (06040) ^ ^ headmasters here suggest. _ ' natlonvride I'*® « « An®. »ay» OorPe friends and patrons NITES fill 9 A judge awarded toe 61-year- * Coined Word Michael Hariand and Law- “ “ ®Y “®’ “ ® orraier HBder, OM assistant Telephone 949-3711 to visit him herej... Second Class Postage Paid at old truck driver 9120 ’Tuesday Raphael LemUn, a U.S. rence Green say parente should network wlU take it ^ rv ^ « *'ILOVEMYWIFEl”\ genmal counsel, said most fail­ and STORESIDE PARKING Ksnehester, Oonn. for bis act of "conspicuous cour- scholar of Polish origin, coined ures had occturrod on trucks \ ' “ A S: S ^ r'J oS ^ n rT ^ :^ : , We British Broadcasting n o ^ to I ^ D A VACCARO • AIWELTOMRKINS) '••we d o SDBSCBIFTION RATES age.” ’The police tore up toe the word "genocide" front the •lE(>iNICpLOR»g.^5;=!£j3,^ vrith camper unite and •*« Parable In Advance I on parking ticket vrith apologies. Greek "genos" meaning race, era ahould also feel free to ertti- Corp. didn’t think the program Mrs. NerUs husband is an ’Ihe bank robbera got 14 nation or tribe and, toe Latin else children’s home Ufe, the would go over and turned it airline cargo clerk in San Fran- AT:7’J9*9d9 years. suffix "cide" meaning killing, iirincipals tuIcL down. cisco. I T . T " " "


T olla n d A etna l i f e Long Island Couple Adopts Children BLACKY THE ANGUS SEZ: SMILING SERVICE Scouts Fete E a r n in g s I ; \ Freshly Cut Meoh at In Visible} Attempt to Stop Bigotry Up by 9 0 % Discount Low Prices ore Blanchette ^ 0 always avaHoMa at HEAD: Long tolaKd Couple be able to have his own car. But HAR’T FG ip (AB)—Operating Western Beef Mart. A Adopts ddldrenrin Visible At­ we have all learned these a re tempt ’To gtop Bigotry A t Banquet \/VC ; l l i ’ earning^ of Aetna Ufe & Casu­ the things that are linpor- complete selection to ART: S-ool msit Hank Young tant in lile.v alty rose to g86 million or |8.6t Former scoutmaster Ray­ choose from. Buy one playe MomqMly wMi sona; 1-coi ”Ihe riiUdren have given us a \ per common share in 1970, an mat Chriatlna Young, and 2-ool mond Blanchette was honored pound O r eno-hundred great'deal.:ot Joy.” said Hank, Increase of 90 per cent over mat Dorothy Young ami s “ which is not to say that we ha­ Sunday at the Cub Scout Pack pounds, mokes no differ* _t9fl6-.eamings of $00 mlllimi or danglitors ven’t had any problems. We feK IS Blue and Gold Banquet. He ence here! when adopting Beixjamln that _ . i f $1.88 per conuncHi share. was presented with a plaque for t- ■ - '.— • ri. Aetna Chairman and Chief By PHVLU8 STEWART we would find out who our fair- Long Island Prem Writer his many ■ yeiiW“ or‘ieivlce to Executive Officer Olcott D. weather friends were, and it’s scouting. Smith said ’Tuesday that results sad to say, some of them turned IXWG ISLAND e m r , N.Y. out to be in our own ftunlly. Bull Blanchette was honored last In the fourth' quarter o t last (AP) — When Hank and D oro-. by and largre we luive found that* year by the Highland District year continued the substantial SPECIALS thy Young of Lake Ronkonkoma improvement in earnings exper­ a child Is able to break down as the Outstanding’ Boy Scout speak of "the revolution,” they ienced during the first nine prejudice.” Leader of the year. He has been are not referring to any under­ months. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY In an effort to encourage In­ cubmaster, scoutmaster, organ­ ground movement to destroy es- Juniors stripe up the For the first time. Smith said, terracial adoption on Long Is­ izer of Tolland’s Explorer Post tabUshed institutions, but to a 614 and is now woridng as a Aetna earnings from life in­ land and to convince the tradi­ surance are being reported on 'vlatble attempt by many Long ... tionally conservative adoption leader trainer. For her support­ FARM FRESH Island families to combat bigo­ ing role Mrs. Blanchette re­ a fully adjusted basis following agencies the old guidelines are generally accepted accounting try. ceived flowers. no longer adequate, the Youngs band with Bobbie Brooks principles. ' When the Youngs adopted a Others whose service was in conjttqction with toe Caper- Prior years’ figures. Smith re­ S-year-old Korean child two recognized with a vote of ap­ nas lo^gShized toe Open Door So­ ported, have been restated to Chicken Legs years ago, little did they realize ciety of New York in September L preciation were Mrs. Patricia reflect the life Insurance earn­ they would be harbingers of Rady, Mrs. Barbara Stone, Mrs. 1969. ings adjustment. ’Ihe adjust- radical change. At that ttme, ” We want to see other chil­ Lorraine Morganson and Mrs. mant increased 1970 operating there was barely a handful of Hank Young and his sons Eileen Waite. dren get homes,” Dorothy said. eainingrs by $7 million or 26 and Breasts families involved in interracial m m “ Many, people slmtdy never The mother of Tolland’s first cents per common share and adoptions. (•’Today, thanks In ' think of adopting and they are Bobbie Brooks runs stripes around the brightest, breeziest, sportswear under the Eagle Scout, Mrs. Ruth Lojzim, 1969 earnings by $7.4 million or large part to the efforts of Hank unaware of the many handi­ Eilao received tribute for her 28 cents per common share. and Dorothy, there are almost capped and non-white children sun! So juniors, stripen up your outlook, with a great new wardrobe' of cotton services to scouting. Smith said. 300 couples on Long Island alone In need of homes. We have Special awards went to ’Tim ’The increase in operating who have adopted non-white found that once toe seed Is separates! Zipper front dress, in and green, 3 - 1 3 10.00 with skinny rib top Smith for three yea rs- as earnings was attributed prlnci- children. planted, pele will respond to Webelos leader and as Webelos - pally to the turnaround achieved And for the Youngs, what be­ toe children’s needs. ’Ihere has in red, brown, navy, yellow, purple. It. blue, S, M, L, 5.00. Crew neck dress in coordinator,. Raymond Clay for in Aetna’s casualty and prop­ gan as a "nice way to get a sis­ been a breakthrough. And If we three years as adveuicement erty business. Smith said. ter” for their two natural sons, can place just one ridldV it is a navy or turquoise, 3-13 10.00. Awning stripe pants, 5-13, 9.00 with crew neck chairman, Roland Mahurin for Aetna’s 1970 annual report is 351 COMBO Robert, 16 and Patrick, 7, has whole lifetime dunged.’’ his work as fund raiser and \ scheduled to be mailed to share­ become -a way of life about top in red, green, navy, lilac, It. blue, brown, yellow, beige, S, M, L, 4.00. sports- Mrs. Mary LaFontaine as pack holders about March 6.' yridch Dorothy simply says, secretary. ”It’s no good to have htgh'tdeals Grabs wear. downtown and Parkade. Mrs. Morganson and Mrs. OUR OWH FRESHLY MADE if you do not live up to them.” Waite received five-year service Unit-Pricing stars as den mothers and Mrs. Hie Youngs first became Another Boat aware of the plight of homeless Dot Mahurin and Mrs. Edith Bill Supported Korean children through the ef­ Prest received one-year service SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP) — stars. One-year service stars ITALIAN forts of Faye and Joseph Caper- ’Ihe Ecuadorian navy seized the HAR’TFORD (AP) — "A con­ na of Holbrook,. themselves the also went to Webelos leaders American tunaboat Nautilus sumer has to be a math­ parents of six adopted children. Lee Judd, Don Ahlberg, Don ematician with a slide rule to early today 80 mUes off toe Ecu­ LaBarge and Buzz ’Tuller. figure out how much he Is pay­ SAUSAGE adoran coast, toe American Roy Kabiick, pack committee ing,” the legislature’s (Jeneral ’Tuna Boat Association reported. chairman and Cubmaster Mark Young Ecologists at Work on Vfication Law Committee was told ’Tues­ HOT AND SWEET It was toe 20th surii seizure this Caiiyle received thanks and day. year. Dorothy Young and her daughters their wives received flowers.-- Disgusted over the accumulations of junk at their 12 and classmates at Bennet Junior High School, Mrs. Wendy Los of Gales Fer­ 'August Felando, association ’The i>ack chsirter was ry testified in favor,of a bill that manager, said he was tsikirig' favorite play area along the brook and pond at the are Dawn Longtin, left, of 69 Meadow Lsne and would require grocery stores to presented to WUliam Holley Leslie Ann Stager of 72 Pitkin St. They piled the love.” Next came lO-yeax-old his black-white backgrround be- by radjo wfto Nautilus skipper Oak Grove Nature , these young grass roots indicate the price per ounce of KoreGui-ATnerlcan fore he entered school last fall, ’Ihm Glacolcme while Ecuador-i and William Baker of the Board debris at the side of the road and fashioned the Dorothy, a o l Recreatl

2 MAIN STREET FARR'S TEL. 643-711t 43 TOLLAND TUBNPm MANCHBSTBR DILLON SALES & SERVICE me Ttii'n Tit i Tnt 1W $ ‘ThiHB n i ! ■ I Jnst Inside The Main Entrance to the Hnrttord- Armory' 319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 643-2145

-A- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, ‘l971 PAGE SEVEN PAGE S IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971* 2. A confidential review of the H e b r o n parties on March 10 In the Chamber Backs student by the coordinEdor and Name List Sales S m i r l ^ t p r pressed as a “ stand and resist” strategy. Social Room (^ the Church. merchant; 3. A final report to The first win be held from 1 W ork Program^ MCC, by the m,erch£u»t on tfie Attacked in Bill Under sucdi a strategy, we wpuld posl- HIGH SCHOOL STUDEHTS Ga^ Station Construction to 4 p.iri. arid the second from Student worker. "Jf* NEXT (XA8BES BECHN MdiBCH 1, U71 lE u E t t in g tlcm ourselves to resist and defeat any 8 to 10:30 that evening. (Both The Chamber 'o f Commerce ^ otte sEiid that 12 students HARTFORD (AP) — A Repuh- parties are open to elII residents RetEdL Division executive com­ ^re starting work In town retEdl Ucan stEde legielEitor sEdd the' ★ PREPARE FOR COLLEGE BOARb tE$T f u b u s h e o b y t h b enemy attempt to attack aim advance. Stopped Pending Permit mittee has unEinimously en­ HEIRA1,D PRINTING CO., INC. In town. establishments ‘ under college $25,000 received by the state (SJLTT. VERBAL) . 13 BIseell S ti^ t We would leave with the/ enemy the dorsed the MEUichester Com­ supervision. Mancheatec. Oooii. There wlU be no further con- each year for the SEile of motor- ★ STUDY SKILLS and TEST TECHNIQUES THOMAS F. BTERGUSON initiative for any land action. We would due to sMEisonal high water ta­ MEUichester Evening HenUd munity College revised work WALTER R. FERGUSON ^ structlon on the proposed gsis ble and poor soil conditions.’’ Hebron CorreqKmdent Anne experience pri^ am . I^ is spon­ vehicle registration lists "does i r SPEED READING and COMPREHENSION PuMlMiers not employ a policy o f / “ search and sored by the college mEirket- Founded October a. 1381 station on the comer of Rt. 66 He Eilso recommended that Emt, Tel. 238-3871. St. Bernard Alive not warrant the invasion of pri­ i r VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT destroy” against him. “ building and sanltsury per­ riig divlslwi, Gerard Ayotte, vacy that results.” Titia Is an outstanding program In reading eW sliasy Published Every Evenine Exoeipt Sundays and Wall St. until revised plans and Holidays. Entered at the Poet OCfice at After we had proved c^apable of stand­ mits be withheld until a plan Is cliEdrmEih. GLENS FAIXa, N.Y. (AP) — State 'Rep. Robert Orcutt, R- meeting twice weekly for six weeks — late afternoon or for sEuiltary facilities are ap­ Manchester, Conn.,— os—Second—C hua. Mall submitted to the town demon­ Film Selected Ayotte explained that MCC They were the ri^ t subjects for Gullford, urged the General Law early evening. Tau|d>t l>y state certified oonsnltanta in Matter ing ^ d resisting long enough, there proved by the State Health De­ strating that a subsurface sew­ NEW YORK (AP) — CX>lum- students find their own - em ­ a winter rescue story—-U mfin Comriilttee at a public heEiring | siiiall groups, testing program or private tutoring may t partment dnd a building permit SUBSCRIPTION RA S would presumably arrive a time when age disposEil system . . . can bia Pictures’ "Saturday Morn­ ployment Eind receive college and a St. (Bernard dog—but the to support a bill that would dis­ be arranged it dealred. Payable In Advance Is Issued by the town’s building rest the saga a little One Year ...... 130.00 the enemy would give up trying to at- be installed on this lot suid meet\ ing” was selected for showing credit for the work experience. o f w eis continue the list-selling, which Fim BEOISTRATtON EVFOBMA’nON GALL 8U-W47 Six Months,., ...... 1B.60 Inspector. all the requirements of the Pub­ They may be hired on a sea- twisted. critics clEilm incrcEwes the flow | Three Months ...... 7.80 tack and advance. ’The situation might at the First AnnuEil Intematlon- __ Fred Kaarmre, One Month ...... 3.60 This was the Eigreement lic Health Code of the State of Eil’ Experimental Film Society sonEil or pEirt-time bsisis. Esich Dutchess, the St. BemEurd, of “ junk mEill’’ to persons then settle down, with or without negotia­ resushed sifter lEwt night's special Connecticut.” ACADEMIC READING CENTER Dtreetof ' Festival held February 11-13 at student must Eiccumulate 320 WEIS discovered struggling in the named on the list. «S E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER MEMBER OP meeting by the Planning and Both Second Selectman Rob­ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tion, into the same kind of stalemate CEinislus College In BuffEilo, hours of experience In three icy waters of neEurby Glen Lake EldwEurd Csu-roll, representing NEXT TO CAVEY'S RSSTACBANT The Assocated Preas Is exclustvely en­ Zoning Commission smd Omar ert Dixon and Zoning Bosu'd of by (Dick Tontb. Tomb, who was the depEirtment of Motor Vehi­ titled to the use oI repuhllcatlon of all victory we finally accepted, after a dis­ N.Y. years. news dispatches credited to It or not other­ Shepard, attorney for the Hub Appeals member Emery Tay­ The film was made on loca­ As far as the buslnessmsm is walking to work, borrowed cles, said his agency was not wise credited In this paper and also the astrous venture Into “ search and Oorp. In Oolehfester;-an engine­ lor questioned why the Plsin- taking a stEind on the bill but local .news publlehed here. tion at a resort 6,000 feet above concerned, Ayotte is involved in boots, from a ncEirby house, All rights of repuhllcatlon of special dis­ destroy" strategy there. In Korea. ering firm retsdned by the ning and Zoning Commission Palm Springs with 20 nonprofes­ three visits, he said: 1. That of plunged into the water and felt that Em end to the practice patches herein are also reserved. Grove Corp. builders of the pro. broame involved In the situa­ the MCC primary coordinator the 125-pound, ice-caked would not bring “ any noticeable When President Nixon first announced sional young pele-from- the XHilled Read Herald Advertisements The Herald Printing Company Ihc., as­ posed station. tion. greater Los Angeles area. - and student with the merchant; dog from the water. decrease in junk m ^ .’’ sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ his own key policy for Vietnam —that of graphical errors appearing In advertise­ Richard T. McDonald, chair­ Taylor mentioned that the ments and other reading matter In The winding down American participation man of the commission, had certificate of approval for the Manchester Evening Herald. gasoline station had originally and withdrawing American troops —the csdled the meeting to learn Subecriber to Los Angeles Timcs-Washlng- why construction had beg;un been given by the Zoning Board ton Poet News Service. natural assumption was, for a time, that Pull service cdlcnt of N. E. A. Service, Inc. without a building permit or ap- of AppeEils with state-approved Publishers Representatives — Mathews, we were going to go immediately Into a provEd of the sanitary facilities. sanitary fEiciUties a condition Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency of approval. — New York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. “ stand and resist” postiu'e as a signal Richard Keefe, Hebron’s building Inspector, mentioned Both Dixon EUid Taylor felt Dlrolay advertising cloel^ hours of our intentlcHi to quiet down the war, For Monday — 1 p.m. BYlday. that prior to his leaving for that last night’s special meeting F^r Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. and as an Invitation to the enemy to de- WEIS not necessary and thsit the For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Mond^. vacation on Feb. 12, the build­ ------For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday escalate too. ers had requested permission to situation should be worked out ...rvw F^day — 1 p.m. Wednesday. between the Zoning IBoEird of Classified deadline 4:39 p.m. day bo- 1 , ’Those who assumed this had, it must pour the footings while the fore publication 4:30 p.m. Friday M l/ weather weis favorable. He In­ Appesils, the building Inspector Saturday and Monday publication. be remarked S^gato, no guarantee that formed them that If they “ had and the builders. Wednesday, February 24 this kind of am^bgy would work; SO/ to pour the footings, do It. You McDonald stressed that a no one can say, now, that it was work­ are on your own.” complaint had been received OF MANCHESTER However, Keefe said- that no from a resident, RlchEird GrEint, ing vdien FTesident Nixon introduced a The Education Part Of The Dream building permits had been Is­ regarding the violation of plan­ change In it which more or less abandon­ In the midst of Connecticut’s fiscal sued because approval of the ning and zoning regulations and ed It. sanitary facilities had not yet emergency, It seems to have become he felt the meeting w eis neces- Last spring, when he ordered the "in­ been given by the state. •sary “ to Iron out the difficul­ almost bad citizenship to try to take At last night’s meeting, Bern­ ties". cursion’’ Into Cambodia, President Nixon a stand against any particular phase of ard Stone, Ein engineer with the It is expected that approvEil moved our military force out of that the burden that has to fall on everybody. Hub Corporation, turned over or disapproval of the new plans "stand and resist’’ posture which had with Reginald Pinto In Portueal to Theodore C. Wlllerford, for sanitary facilities should be But If the ordlnsiry Connecticut citizen principal SEUiltEiry engineer from produced a definite lull in the fighting received from the State Health were to be told that he could be allowed TAGUS RIVER, LOOKING EAST TO , AT SANTAREM, PORTUGAL the State Health DepEirtment, Department by the end of this back In South Vietnam, and put us again to choose riot to have one specific burden another proposed plEin to re­ week. into a phase of “ search and destroy." view. In the meantime, there will imposed, we think he would be most like­ According to letters, copies of And now the new venture Into Laos Is be no further constructiem on ly to reject the recommendation of which were received by the first the site until approval Is receiv­ also a “ search and destroy” kind of mis­ selectman and building inspec­ the .State Revenue Task Force and of ed for this latest pUm, or, if tor and which are on file in the sion, in which, instead of waiting for the necessary, for other plEuis, and Governor Thomas Mesklll for the in­ Inside Open Form Town Office Building, this Is -enemy to decide whether or not he wants a building permit is issued from crease in tuition fees at the state’s uni­ the third pkin that has been to bring more war to us in our “ stand the town after approval of the versity and colleges. On Toward Controls? submitted to the state for ap­ and resist” posture, we take the war proval. plans. ’The Task Force, and the Governor, A Tribute to Ernie I don’t think he ever really got Church Women forward to him. | On Feb. 9, Paul M. Schur, have both now recommended that a tui­ To the Editor, Into the hall. He stood near the principal SEinltarUin for the The women of the Gilesul Con­ No one knows whether “ stand and re­ Report For those of you who haven’t doorway with his “ Maggie” by State Department ot Health, gregational diurch will host tion fee of $1,000 a year be imposed at sist” would work, because nobody ever had the good fortune of meeting his side and their two little recommutded to Dr. Mervyn two Dutch Maid parties In con­ the University of Connecticut, a tuition nection with StEudey Ghost tries it. “Search and destroy" has had By RfFwIand Evans Jr. and Kobrrt D. Novak him. Ernie is “ The Rev. Er­ girl’s Lisa and Buffy. As I was H. Little, the town’s hesilth di­ fee of $600 a year be collected at the nest Harris’’, associate minister leaving I heard music coining rector, tlmt ;‘.‘both building and more tests, and has, so far, failed to sEuritEiry permit approvals be state colleges and technical colleges, and the dreary Republican showing of the Second Congregational from the sanctuary, I peeked In WASmNG’TON — The steps McCracken, chairman of the wrlthheld until It can be shown produce Its supposed objective, which in the Nov. 3 election when Church. Hiat’s the big church and to my surprise I saw one of a tuition of $400 a year be collected at toward government wage-price Council of Economic Advisors. that the requirements of the would be some kind of victory or some President Nixon decided on an that u s ^ to be red, but with the our talented young people play­ Electric Shaver our community colleges. standards expected from Presi­ Finally, Connally’s entrance on Public HcEilth Code will be kind of peace. But that doesn’t mean dent Nixon this week are being expansive economic policy, in­ the scene tipped the balance new siding Is, now white! ing the piano, one of our gals Owners! Both the Task Force and the Governor Ernie has been with us for strumming the guitar, another met.” (Keep this ad tn your taken over the prostrate body cluding the independent Federal heavily against Shultz’s policy TTien, on Feb. 22, sifter a that It Isn’t working for President Nixon, nearly three years as our Youth young man straddling the rail shaver ease) ignore the fact that there are already ex­ of Budget Chief George Shultz Reserve Board pouring money of nonintervention. meeting with Stone and Ketirieth now. Educator, leader advisor, you with some make shift castanets, Electric Shaver Heads following months of tendentious steadily into the economy. But To government economists David of the Grove Oorp., Schur penses connected with attending any of and playing his harmonica Into and Shaving Cords If President Nixon were asked why he internal battling. to prevent this from feeding who agree with Shultz that In­ name It and he has been it. agEiln recommended that ap- these institutions which can be sub­ the mike was another young fel­ This Early American Bedroom Scene Shultz, a rising and immense­ inflation, the Federal Reserve tervention by the Nixon Ernie 1s a very soft spoken per­ prdvEil of the site not be given had abandoned the “ stand and resist” low. They lust wanted to stay RUSSELL'S stantial enough for an average Connecti­ ly capable figure In Washington Chairman, Dr. Arthur Bums, administration will fall both son. Sometimes one has to due to certain limitations 6ud BARBER SHOP Includes: strategy with which he seemed to be­ as long as he was still here. cut family. as head of the newly reorgan­ called on the President to em­ strain a bit to hear him. Many "the potential of polluting the Comer Oak A E^$tuee Sts. politically and economically, This alone Is a great tribute to gin and had adopted a revival of “ search ized Office of Management and bark on an incomes policy. times he just listens. Well yes­ watercourse which could result • 55" DRESSER And both the ’Task Force and the Gov­ Connally brings to the Adminis­ any one man. As we were and destroy” he would probably respixid Budget (OMB), now seems the Shultz, who entered Mr. tration ' “ a narrow business­ terday was “ Ernie Harris Day" and MIRROR ernor suggest that, along with the estab­ posed any such drastic move. at our church. During our rounding the comer onto Gol- NOW ON SALE clear loser. His last-ditch efforts that what he is doing Is using a mixture man’s approach." Narrow or wav St. on our way home Ernie's lishment of such tuition charges, we act to keep the Nixon administra­ Nixon’s inner circle of policy­ morning service the entire Sun­ •41" CHEST-ON-CHEST , 4 4 9 of both pirilcies. He would probably give, not, however, he has forcefully car parked at the curb was all tion from overt Intervention In makers after switching from day school marched down the also to set up a system of scholarships joined an already roaring tide decked out with streamers as his reason for doing so, that he pre­ private economic decisions has Secretary of Labor to OMB, op- aisles. The Senior High carry­ • FULL SIZE BED This Cheerful Spil'd Cherry Bedroom and grants to make sure that “ no other­ for abandonment of past blowing In the wind. As much succumbed to nagging from But an internal confrontation ing banners they had made. Three Pieces fers to keep probing the enemy off policies — resulting In last as thev hated to see him go wise eligible student should be deprived businessmen, pressure from the was averted by threatening to Perhaps the most significant n i l ! Night Stand 49.50 balance rather than trust him to spend week’s unprecedented jawbon­ these kids certainly made sure of a higher education in Connecticut be­ Federal Reserve Board, and the suspend existing government one was the huge banner that Is a Sure Cure for Early Morning Blues! ing by the President about con­ that their “ Ernie" was going to D l t l L l T T L E his respites developing peaceful inten­ arrival of the activist new Sec­ controls and actions. These showed Ernie’s "Learning cause of an inability to pay these trolling Inflation In the construc­ get the finest send off they could tions. He would probably claim that the retary of the ’Treasury, former suspensions — specifically, re­ tion industry, preparatory to Tree". The Learning Tree has charges.’’ ■ been a regular feature of Er­ give him. military situation demands, from a Gov. John B. Connally of Texas. ducing oil and stell imports and this week’s direct action. nie’s In our church bulletin. Like I said earlier Ernie is DIAMOND It would be a simpler and more ef­ ’The result Is widespread ex­ revising Federal contract wage Given the almost assured realistic commander, a ceitaln amount Bach leaf on the iVee had one soft spoken and perhaps the best That’s a pretty big claim, and perhaps we did go overboard in making ficient way of keeping that guarantee not pectation that Mr. Nixon will regulations — would then bring popularity of these moves and child’s name on it, with enough way to describe him Is his sin­ it. But it’s likely you will too, when you feast your eyes on this of "search and destroy’’ now In order take direct action against the down wages and prices. In even the slightest, degree of to impose the proposed high tuition leaves to Include the entire Sunl cerity a quality many of us have to create safety for the "stand and re­ construction industry's rampant theory at least, these changes success, a further movement grand collection of elegant cherry. Its splendid design is enhanced charges in th^ first place. day school. Then came the forgotten. Still with all this In inflation. Furthermore, when in existing Federal controls toward that distant comprehen­ by the glowing patina of close grained wild cherry, with its numerous sist" strategy which will be all we will be younger people carrying huge mind whenever Ernie passes We are a nation and a society current­ Connally testifies before the were compatible with Shultz’s sive Incomes policy seems cer­ character markings. The lover of cherry would not be satisfied with ■ '~S, strong enough for later on when our paper flowers, following them through or leaves a room, you ly fighting on many fronts to make what House Banking Committee on free economy doctrines. , tain. Even so redoubtable a anything else. It is a very practical wood also, for smart homemakers were the real little people tot­ know he’s been there. forces have been reduced. renewal of standby wage-price With huge deficit spending figure as George Shultz seems know that dents and scratches tend to blend in with the tiny pin knots we call' the “American dream” come ing balloons. It was truly some This just about sums up my And only a prime candidate for the controls, there is none of last scheduled and possible new In­ incapable of preventing Mr. “ Tribute to Ernie” who has left and pitch marks. Such fine wood deserves the very best craftsman­ true for ourselves and for our children. thing to see. After all was set­ year’s standpat opposition from flation looming in 1972, how­ Nixon from reversing the the Church that used to be red, ship, of course. And here is such meticulous attention to detail as title of fool would dare proclaim with tled down, Ernie gave his We have many uphill battles to fight and the Administration. That was ever, stronger medicine was economic policy of his first two is now white and so very very you find in bedrooms mosting many dollars more. any real show cf certainty that the sure decided last week at a high-leyel needed. Thus, Shultz began to “Childrens Story". He had an to win on our way toward making that years as President. easel handy w d proceeded to blue. answer lies or does not Ue in “ stand­ meeting jiresided over by Con­ give ground as the Administra­ One Of Many Friends, dream become more real. tion moved toward mandatory make a sketch of his trip to ard resist’’ or in “ search and destroy” nally. Millie Dowds ’That seems all the more reason why Actually, these steps are sub­ action in the construction Indus- • Current Quotes where he was going tomorripw;;. or in a Nixon blend of the two.- “ Short sleepers were active, we should not allow ourselves to be ject to intense criticism - try and toward govemiAent He noted points of interest aliriik ecoriomlsts who have been urg­ Iritervention generally. outgoing men, flexible and so­ the way to the town of Essex. Y e s t e r d a y 8^ stampeded into surrendering and throw­ ciable, relatively high on social ing such a changtf.'c Freezing con­ The move was being forced by Saying that they cou^d conris to Ogee bracket bases and antique brass butterfuly pulls add conformity . . .The long sleep­ see him by either boat or car. ing away one part of that dream we have Where Do People Want To Live? struction indbstr^ prices means intensified pressure on the H e r a l4 the right finishing touch to the clean design of these timeless already come close to wiiinlng;^^; that freezing profits, which is no White House. Bums at the Fed ers tended to be more Intro­ After this he picked up a guitar Peoirie want a neighborhood, they verted and creative, but were and started" to sing “ Michael pieces. (A ) 55” Double Dresser has 10 drawers, $154.50 and part of the dream which has always en­ easy matter. They prefer overall was not satisfied with mild 25 Yejars Ago R... want to have frlmUs, they want to have guidelines for wages and prices threats and wanted stronger unsuccessful at sustained’ Rowed Hla Boat Ashore." Soon Framed M irror, $42.95, (B ) Chest-4>n-Chest has 7 drawers, visioned education freely available to what we call a pub In the streets, they —a full-fledged “ Incomes” pol­ anti-inflation action. Moreover, work.” —A report by Army re­ the cong;regatlon joined In. His This was a Sunday: The Her­ $169.O0. (C) Full Size Spindle Bed priced separately is $85. those who would want it and use it. want to know the people In the shops; icy. business supporters of the Ad­ searchers in a publication of the final chorus went this way, Es­ ald did not publish. All three pieces 449. Also shown in the room scene is a (D) they want to live in a series of vil­ What has prevented this is ministration .became increasing­ Army Medical Research and sex Isn’t so very far allellula 26” 1-drawer Night Stand $54.50. (E) There is a wealth of Of all the component elements in that lages. . . . i| ^ 1 mainly Shultz, the Frledmanlte ly critical of what they felt was Development Command. Hallelujah. By this time I don’t 10 Years Ago This abundant stotoge space in the 61” Triple Dresser $169. with American dream, that vision of educa­ If you have an artificial capital, it “ It looked like a thousand economist from the University White House languor in crack­ think there was a dry eye In General Manager Richard Mirror $44.95^ CF) The Full Size Cannonball Bed $139. comes tional opportunity open to-.all,. as high up helps to create the Idea of a lobby, peo- of ChlcEigo who has persuasively ing down on excessive: wage hells!’’—WllUe Young vrtio sur­ the house. Th^n came the finale. |ple go up to the capital from the sources Martin rehlres town's garbage with a blanket rail footboard. On every-count this bedroom told the President that govem- Increases, particularly by con- vived one of the tornadoes near The tables In Fellowship hall years in the curriculum as we pah afford it, of wealth and power to lobby. That hEqK_ collector under agreement that 1 collection comes up a winner. COme see it very soon and enjoy “ ment Intervention wpnl4 ' do stmctlon imions. Delhi, La. had their best lace table cloths has always been one of the most pens much more when you get an arti­ opens way for future collections 1 _ the extra little edge that beautiful surroundings can give you more harm than good.* Even “ It would take a millionaire to on. The silver tea services were ficial capital. By last week, Shultz was of trash as well as garbage. coolest every single morning, year after year. precious. now, ha opposes bringing the put In a mine.” —Louis Howard .out, and the ladies of the church ’That’s one aspect of it, the othef eis- surrounded. For weeks. Dr. ■ We should not throw that vision away, new policy to Its logical conclu­ who closed his three coal mines had really out done themselves pect of It, I think there’s something sort Charls Walker, Under Secretary sion, but his enemies are sur­ in Leslie County, Ky., last with a great array of pastries. now, by the imposition of a permanent of artificial about a capital city that Isn’t of the Treasury, had been teenager rounding him. ' Bum’s ally on incomes policy. month, commenting on new fed- Now there were the handshakes A Thought for Today system of tuition. Just In order to bring a real ca]rital|-Beople cm as economical the BBth day of 1971. There ore engagement ring (why course, the great added expense. You’ve 310 days left in the year. a basis for them as we can make it. got to balance the choice of good and 'Today's Highlight In Hlstoiy not) ■ or-just for fun evil, just as cme has to do in every de- On this date in 1 ^ , the Nasi cislmi. If one could live In the country, party was or^^mis^ in Ger­ LAST 3 DAYS A Nixon Blend? in a little house ip the country, and God many. worked a miracle, and like the saints of On This Date OF OUR . .Anyone who proedainu, with much air the middle ages, toiric you by the hand In 1701, -James Otis of Mass­ S o lita ire ^ 4 .9 5 of certainty, that such and such a and deposited you in your office every achusetts protested agEdnst the SEMI-ANNUAL morning, that would be very nice, but strategy tvould be sure to work success­ T illage Chaem English system of search and T w in S to n e ...... $19.95 as that' isn’t the case, you have to fight seizure. He declared “ A man’s ' SALE fully in Vietnam is, all of us can testify your way to the station, and stand on a GAS STflnOH house la his castle.’’ by tUs time, a candidate to be a fool. train, swaying to and fro for 40 minutes, \NE 0V/ERFL0V4 In 1868, the UB. House of Repeatedly over the now Icmg years then fight your vray^out of the tube, etc. ’ sEvewd- GALLOWS Representatives began Im­ It's 'not 80 hot, and on balancci,' you’d ON THE GROUND . peachment proceedlngM against t ^ war this page has come, when­ o t rather live In the middle. — KENNETH President Andrew Johnson, He Sl400R 935 Main St., Manchester - Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. - Closed Mondays - Open Thursdays and Friday Untfl 9 P.M.v Telephone 643-5171 ever It'hBS tried to formulate the policy CLARK, AtlTHOR OF ’THE ’TV SHOW,. TO GET TO a later was acquitted In a trial In *17 MAIN SIlUCDlV-MANCnESIEB it thinks it would really like to see fol­ CTVMSA’nON, is AN INTERVIEW ♦ROUND* MUM0ER the' Senate. WITH DUNCAN SPENCER IN IHE M - - In 1808, Arizona was organ­ YOU CAN BE AUSV2 Ax'SHOOBS .. lowed, to something thht might be ex­ WASmNOTON BVBNINO STAR. ized as a terrltocy.

\ 'iA -. MANCHESTER BVENHTG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1971 PAGE NTNE PAGfi filGHT HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 ih ~ r \ ;// land; seven grandchildren, and ..Donahue Barrett, and had lived. Pitcairn Visit Business Mirror four gre&t-grandchildren. He was employed as a set-up R ab bi H eld Drug Center Short Jury Rolls Royce’s Woes Mean Disaster for ‘Little Guys’ Funeral services will be Frl- man at Hamilton Standard Town Pay P^ts Call GLENDALE, Calif. (AP)— tey at 1 p.m. I.at Holmes Fu­ Division of United Aircraft Hie Drug Advisory Center, B id D en ied Britain’s Prince Philip has Compulsory Arbitration neral Home, 400 Main St. The Corp., Windsor Locks. He vf&B B y P o li c e 81 RusseU SL, is observihg paid a visit to remote Pit­ Mrs, Blartiia L. Rankin ^ev. Earle R. Custer, pastor of an Air Force veteran of World the f<^owing schedule: cairn Island, peopled mainly ROCKVIUjE — Mrs. Martha North United Methodist Church, War n, and a member of” the For Hikes of $89^00 In B elgiu m Monday through ^ ■ Friday, O n Seale A Family ^ by descendants of the sea­ Questioned by Arbiter L.. RanWn,’' 88, of 1ST Main St. will officiate. Burial will be' in Army-Navy Club. He and his Agreements with the two town employes groups ne­ 8:80 a.m. to 5 pjn. men who staged the mutiny died this momlngr at RockvlUe East Cemetery. wife observed their 28th wed- (Continued from Page One) on the Bounty. By JOHN CUNNIFF avoid arbitration. And the weak­ . ding anniversary on Jan. 6 . gotiated by Town Manager Robert Weiss, call for cost of (Continued from Page One) A telephone backup ser­ Gets Used Gener^ H ospi^. Friends may call at the fu- vice is available Monday Tom Christian, the island’s NEW YORK (APj -Compul­ er side cannot sutonit differ- j Mrs. Rankin was bom June neral home tomorrow from 7 to Survivors, besides his wUe, living increases of 5 per cent for members of the Mu- giving Kahane official warning missed the remaining 17 pros­ through Saturday from ^6 radio officer, said by radio sory arbitration is from time to ences to the arMtrattx’ without ,r B, 1912 in Rockville, daughter of 9 p.m. are two sons, Frederick J. Bar- nicipal Employes Group Inc. (MEG) and 7 per cent for against any violent demonstra- pective juroi1|4 on the 27th panel. time advocated as oh alterna­ the agreement of its adverstoY. p.m. to 8 a.m. ToLayoHs Tuesday the prince arrived William and Margaret Donovan _____ rett Jr. and Lee B. Barrett, and ___ merpbers_____of Local 991 of the tion or any attempt to sx>eak at tive to strikes, but no less than Seldom Is a balance of power For drug advisory infor­ ’Hie defense was expected to in the royal yacht Brittania Mariey. She was employed as ^mU W. Sieber a daughter. Miss Mary Lynn a f l OO. The contracts also in- the congress. EDITOR’S NOTE—When the the head of the American Arbi­ found, and so the arMtratlon to-. - es owed the town should the mation, caU: 647-0222. ask the State Supreme Court to Sunday, and had most of the Bai'i'ett, all at home; and two pjmjg longevity bonuses and Kahane, 88, was convicted In great Rolls-Royce company 93 Islanders aboard for a buf­ tration Ass(x:latlon belie-ves dustry Is, as Straus puto It, "a TOLLAND-Emll W. Sieber, deficient taxpayers ever be lo­ rule on Mulvey’s. denial..of th e'' pllance Oo. to She ,40, of Old Post Rd. died yes- ^ ters, H o w ^ Worta of conversion to the Century Plan New York Tliesday on went toto recelversMp, the llYea_77, fet dinner. He later visited such suggestions are unwork­ fashi(H> Industry.-'’ I t . has '-'had was a member of the Women s . 1 - . , .'v i Manchester ^ Mrs. Walter j^u^ance with the cated. motion to dismiss the charges ^ oj. ■ terday of natural causes at his The board will also consider charges of obstructing govern­ of thousands of families were ashore. able. periods of p<^Iarity, such as Guild of St. Bermtra’s Church, ^ against Seale and Mrs. Hug­ . Connecticut Medical Society. whether or not grass should be mental adminlstra.tion and dis­ affeotdT-not only in England Christian keeps to touch "Anybody who tries to sell the fidlowing World War n , and has the Italian Friendship Club and ^ t e J ^ ^ e b e ^ The funeral will be Friday at ______^ ^ gins, as well as his limited grant liotion Is selling snakeoU,” says enjoyed some usage to certain 8:16 a.m. from the John F. The MEG contract ,w(^d cost planted or sod used at the por­ orderly conduct growing out of. but also 10,000 miles across the with a Glendale church or- the Rockville Emblem Club. ^ j Z n . of peremptory challenges and ocean and the United^ States to Donald Straus, president of industries. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 y/. Oib town m.OM over t ^ y w ’s tion of Charter Oak Field which an anti-Soviet demonstration. g^anization. SiiTvlvors are a son, Gary W. denial of the motion to begin ow m AAA, a nonprofit organisation 1930 in 'Hartford, son of William cmitract. The Local 991 contract will be used by Bennet Junior He Is to be sentenced April 13. ARRESTS Callfonila. F1>U 1 ^ are two PMlip was the first mem­ Now, many people^ feel, the Rankin of Rockville; a daugh- ^ Center St., with a Mass of re- xne wUl be used by Bennet Junior the trial with the jurors already stories dealing wlGn families to that seeks to develop voluntary ter, Mrs. Donald Wilson of qu»em at St. Bridget Church at cost an admUomU High School. That section of Demanding an end to Soviet David P. Pedente, 21, of Ver- ber of British royalty to visit consequences of strikes are be­ chosen. Burbank, California, and^Derby, the island, wMch is five arbitration as a peaceful, effec­ coming 8 0 damaging to both RockvlUe; five sistere, Mrs. *" town-owned land Is now being restrictiona on Jewish emlgra- „ „ „ charged with shoplifting On Tuesday, Mulvey called 8 °uth 'Wlndsor-Esst Hartford rv»motATO nnHnor. asked to approve both of these lised bv contractors working on England, and what the" Rolls- miles square. tive technique for settling dis­ sides, and to the public, that the FYancls Durelko of Tolland, Michael’s Cemetery, Spring- approve both of these dsed by contractors working on tion to Israel, the Jewidi De- under yesterday afternoon the motion to proceed to trial putes. area most of his life, before field. Mass. contracts at their regular unopened portion of 1-84. _ . _ ___ Royce financial collapse meant The 10 mutineers arrived atmosphere for-arbitnUion may Mrs. Louis Downes of Ellington, fense League has been carrying qaldor, released on $260 non- "novel,1 at least in this state.’ ’ to them. ____ “OompulTOry' arbitratiem coming to Tolland seven yeari FMends may call at the funer- monthly meeting Tuesday night, jn exchange for useage of the on a campaign ot harassment of gurety bond. Court date March there 181 years ago. be improving. 1 and Miss Margaret Mariey, ago.' He was a graduate of the The judge granted two more hasn’t worked to other countries Even George Meany, AFT> Miss Catherine Mariey and al home tonight from 7 to 9 and Town~ office — workers . make • up land, the contractor has ag;reed Soviet officials and • - visitingj ~i« per- g former Ellsworth Memorial formers. peremptory challenges Monday By JAY 8HARBUTT and I don’t tMnk It will here,” CIO president, ccmcedes, "We Miss Ann Mariey, all of Rock­ tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to the Munlcips;! Employes Group. to grade the land. after hearing arguments that Associated Proas Writer Straus adds. There is, he feels, High School in South Windsor. 9 p.m. Their longevl^_h£>nus would be Kahane told newsmen In New are getting to the point where a ville; two brothers, James Mar- At the time of his death he ’Thomas A. Bailey, SO, of justice required him to allocate "no absolute safety to the public ------$100 for those who have worked York that In Brussels he would ' Couple Injured strike doesn’t make sense to ley and FVancis Mariey, both of was an Eissistant foreman at the Hartford, charged with operdt-. challenges beyond the limit of BURBANK, C ^. (AP) — against strikes." But voluntary Anniversary Haas for the town between 10 and 16 try to "convince other Jevririi many situations.” Strikes, he RockvlUe; and six grahd- Manchester Division of the Ing a motor vehclle without a 11-' 60 set by Connecticut law. Hie BlUy D. Newberry Is a pleas\ In Car Crash arbitration at least offers an al­ said, sometimes don’t settle a children. Southern New Enirland Tele- A ocwn,*second tuuuvciwujpanniversary eiiweMass years; $200 for those employed Galley Says groups to do what we have bben cense, and operating an unreg­ ant-faewd giant of a man with a doing.’ ’ ^But more moderate prosecution, which has 26 of its- ternative. thing but volimtary arMtraticm, The funeral will be Fllday at Irfione Co., where h f h ^ been J"*- N«‘ «e «• ^Ul be cele- by the town between 16 and 20 istered motor vehicle yesterday ready smile. His tive cdilldren A man' and Ms wife were ad­ To be fully effective, he and years; and $400 for those who Jewish organizations and the Is­ 60 left, was not granted any he suggested, might. 8:15 a.m. from the Burke employed for the past 16 years. brated Sunday at 9 a.m. at St. afternoon on Broad St. Court are healthy and energetic and mitted to Manchester Memorial others in AAA feel, arbitration have worked for the town over V iet K illin g s raeli government have con­ more. And so the AAA ts studying Fimeral Home, 76 Prospect St., He was a member of the Tol­ Bridget Oiurch. date March -8 . Me wife runs a tidy home filled Hospital last night with multiple must be voluntarily entered and 20 years. demned the JDL's campetign of After Tliesday’s session, a 16- the possibilities, aided by repre­ with a Mass of requiem at St. land VFTV and the RookvUle- equally with noise and love. injuries they, received when its decisions freely accepted. In­ Bernard’s Church at 9. Burial HaU—Of Individual bonuses violence and harassment. year-old New Haven youth, He strides briskly, confidently sentatives of labor and manage­ Fish and Game Club. Not ^Big Deal’ ’The three-day conference Frank A. luliano, 62, of 127 Charles C. Walcott m was ar­ their car was struck from be­ troduce compulsion and <»ie side ment, amraig them I. W. Abel, will be in St. Bernard’s Ceme­ would be paid in November and White St., down the sidewalk to his modest becomes a loser, wMch violates Survivors, besides his wife, Four Ohio Banks opened Tuesday night with ap­ charged with failure rested outside the court building hind on Oakland St. president of the United Steel­ tery. and parents, are two sons, WU- the rest in May. (Continued from Page One) to carry license, early this three-bedrcMm home on Naomi Ellery B. JCelth, 62, and the spirit of the procedure. FYiends may call at the funer­ plause from 760 delegates for an and charged with criminal con­ Street. IBs head la held Mgh and workers, and R. Heath Larry, Uam Sieber and Richard Sie­ Tlventy - one MEG members ijj'g morning on W. Middle T’pke. Margtorie Keith, of Tolland were The voluntary kind is getting al home tomorrow from 2 to 4” Face Charges On Calley appeared edgy and unexpected tribute to tempt. Police said he had vio­ It’s hard to believe he’s out of a U.S. Steel labor negotiator. ber, and two daughters, Sharon would be eligible for such a reported to satisfactory crai- renewed attentiem as a means of d 7 to 9 p.m. hei^7''of"the'"Ftod A^ny” In Court date Margh 8. lated a court order against tak­ job and facing Incredible finan­ Straus already reports some Sieber and Lynne Sieber, all at bonus. Tile plan would cost the worried-looking at the start of dition in special care at the breaking deadlocks in negotia­ Campaign Loans World War n, then turned to ap­ ing pictures directly outside the cial pressure. progress but avoids overt enthu­ home; and two sisters, Mrs. town $3,611. cross-examination, which con- ACCIDENTS hospital. tions. By prior agreement, par­ siasm. , Ray Ekenbarger peals to Moscow to let Russian building. _ I But he’s one of the 6,600 work­ John Welgold of TOUand and WASHINGTON (AP) - Four . ’The__ . Local tinues 991 bonus today. schedule He frowned fre­ On Tolland ’Tpke. near Shady Police arrested Jerry L. ties would submit their differ­ Voluntary arbitration is being Ray Ekenbarger, 76, of Staf­ Mrs. June Heinz of Bolton. Jews emigrate to Israel. The prosecution noUed the ers Lockheed Aircraft Corp. laid Ohio national btmks were ts $76 for 10 to 16 years service; ^ j Rabbi Herschel Schacter, Lane last night, a car driven by Miles, 16, of South Windsor, and ences to an impartial arbitrator used with some success to deal­ ford Springs, father of Mrs. Funeral services will be to- $160 for 16 to 20 years; and $800 Quently, nervously tapped his contempt charge against Wal­ off because o t the inability of fi­ chairman of the American Jew- i|Emma P. Doran of 20 Castle chatged Mm with failure to If it became clear they could not ing with teacher and govern­ Richard Briercheck of Man- mor^iiw at rp.m TIt the n S m ^ c * ^ e d Wednesday with mak- for over 20 years. It would cost Ups and reddened occasionally cott, described as on honor stu­ nancially troubled Rolls-Royce ish Conference on Soviet Jewry, Rd. hit a snow bank and then drive a reasonable distance agree. ment employe Issues, but Straus Chester, died yesterday at the FuneraF Home, 400 Main St., Illegal poUtical campaign the town $3,826 to pay bonuses under rapid interrogation. dent at Hlllhouse High School, to deliver on time promised en­ told the meeting: "We are knocked over a mailbox and two apart. The parties cannot be forced says he knows of no .instance Salem (Mass.) Hospital. Manchester. TTie Rev. Robert loans during the 1970 Ohio elec- to the 86 Local 991 members durhig a court session Wednes­ gines for L(x:kheed’s TriStar 4 But the answers were crisp pleased to express our apprecla- newspaper tubes. Miles, police say, was driving into arbitration, they must ar­ whereiit is being used in private He is also survived by his Bechtoldj, jpagtcff of the Second Uonk. who would be eUglble. day morning. Walcott had been jumbo Jet. ' ^ north on Oakland St. toward rive at the decision themselves. enterprise. wife, five sons, and six other Congregational Church of North » j,-,. - » j ^ Tho nAnfurv wion mAaiAsi and capped with ------miUtary "sir’ — ti(Mi to the heroes of the Red held overnight in the Whalley ’ Indictments were returned by The Century Plan of medical ^3 prosecutor Aubrey Daniel an Army, and to the heroes of all Last night an unidentified ve­ For the 36-year-old native of Rachel Rd. when he ran toto Usually when each side feels it He believes that relatively daughters. Coventry, will officiate. Burial street Jail. Strawberry, Ark., the future is a federal grand jury at Colum- Insurance wlU provide the em­ the armies who fought so val­ hicle hit a parked car In the but I’d have trouble sellliu; my and his oldest son, John, 9. In a Billy D. Newberry, a Burbank aerospace worker the back of Keith’s slower mov­ has more to lose than to gain by few companies would be unwill­ Funeral services will be FH- will be In Wapplng Cemetery, Army captain, led him through Seale, the 94-year-old chair­ bleak, even though he’s a 16- bus, Ohio, and were announced Ployes wlthjnore complete med- iantly against the Nazis in Howard Johnson’s lot on Tolland house,” he said. "TTie city (Bur- book on a-vlatlon John dlscov- ing car, driving It into., a tele­ a strike, it becomes more ame­ ing to arbitrate. But, with day at 11 a.m. at the Introvlgne- Friends may call at the fu- the day nearly three years ago, man of the Panther party and yeor veteran of the aerospace who’s out of a job tells a newsman the industry here by the Justice Department. coverage. | World War n .” Tpke. belonging to Wilson F. bank) is.thinking of redevelop- ered Lockheed’s propellor- phone pole. nable to the Id^a. unions exerting power ettective- Plante Fimeral Home, 95 E. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. on vdiich the Army charges Cal­ Mrs. Huggins, 23, each face two Industry and Ms skills range “has seen its heyday.” Newberry lost his job when They were the first such In- The salary plan wiU be re- Dr. Albert Sabin, American Kates of East Hartford. ing this area and nobody wants driven P38 fighter, built to early Miles is scheduled for court However, „NDON (AP) — Rolls-Royce Mrs. Bertha W. Seeley a. j v . j 1. , with the general election. Weiss reports that many A. At the enemy, sir. "The Church of Silence has Survivors, besides her parents, COMPLAINTS attorney, protested when State’s He showed no bitterness, how­ Family Pinches Pennies is dead. Long live Rolls-Royce CiMo!' Mrs. Bertha Wind Seeley, 74, ’L-Bellefontalne National Bank changes In the contract lan- Q. They weren’t human given place to the Jews of sor­ are a brother, George. R. Rora­ Entry was gained to a car Atty. Arnold Markle asked to ever, as he sat with Ms wife', 1)971 Ltd. of 34J Garden Dr., widow of of Bellefontaine with making guage which the town demand- beings? row,” declared the grand rabbi back m , at home; her paternal narked In the Manchester High put in the record his exception Carol, to the living room of their That was the name given by George E. Seeley, died last four loans totaling $20,000 in ed have been accepted by Local A. Yes, sir. of , Jacob Kaplan, In a iKMne to a residential area just While Dad Still Has Job Mr. and Mrs. reference to the closing of syna­ Srhool lot Monday evening by to a ruling by Mulvey. the British government Tuesday SERVICE CENTER night at Manchester Memorial grandparents, connection with the May 5 pri- 991. He said today that these Q. They were human beings? breaking a vent window. A a few minutes’ walk from Lock­ Hrapltal George E. Roraback Sr., of gogues in the Soviet Union. "To Garry cited a law case and newspaper competition. Other­ to the new state-owned company mary, including nominations for language changes are of benefit A. Yes, sir. heed headquarters. 1 By RODNEY FINDER Hartford; her maternal help Soviet Jews Is an impera- ‘X n said: "He doesn’t have a rig^ Associated iPresa Writer wise we couldn’t have It and as rescued from the ashes ot the Mrs. Seeley was bom July ®ast governor. to the town. Q. Were they m e n ? ------"I guess I was kind of de­ Mr. and Mrs. tive matter of Jewish soUdarity. to an exception^.’. . we can never go out to the pic privately owned Rolls-Royce, 26, 1896 in Manchester,------, ------daugh-„ gi-Bo ^^dparents. nf H artford- and —Ohio National 'Bank .ucuuv of v--.,-O o ajiuuici Another leauu'efeature oierf methe uucaiLocal A. 1 OOn t Know, Sir. A. I don’t know, sir. I would We must force the Soviets to re­ "Mr. Garry," Mulvey asked, pressed when the word came,” DERBY, England (AP) — tores or clubs it is our main wMch crashed toto ■virtual bank­ ter of Hans and Mary H ^ e n ereat-irrandmother ’ ccoitract is the requirement Imagine they were, sir. he said. "I ’d just gotten over a spect the right of Jews to go "are you the Supreme Court?" The threat of layoff for Thomas amusement.*’ ruptcy Feb. 4. Wind, and lived In Deep River connection with both elections. that each town employ be at Q. Did you see them? layoff at another plant, where I Safety Custom Blackwall Tires! for many years before return- -Ti^ph DeRago of ^ d s o r . where they please, even In Is­ Bidders Close Garry said he had cited a Lawrence of Rolls-Royce means Clothes for the smartly A-viatlon Minister Frederick —First Knox National Bank of work the day before and the A. 1 -wasn’t discriminating. was a foreman, when I got the his decorating tools’ stay idle, ing to Manchester five- yeara ■rae funeral will be tomorrow rael.” (case to prove his point, but dressed children eat up what Is CJorfield told Parliament the na­ at 11 a.m. at the Benjamin J. Mount Vernon with loaning, day after a holiday In order to sir Lockheed job. I had it i^hwt two his family’s yearly trip to see left at the end of the week. Brit­ ago. She was a member of Cen­ $2,000 In connection with both coUect hoUday pay. Arthur J. Goldberg, former On Sweeping Mulvey told him Markle had tr tionalized company, officially Full 4 Ply Nylon Cord Callahan Fhneral Home, 1602 Q. Did you see women? months. -p his mother Is canceled, hla car ain’s naticmal health service ter Congregational Church and gIscUovui U.S. ambassador to the United "preserve his right to appeal.’’ registered Tuesday, would com­ A. I don’t know, str. "I was planning to rent or sell rests unused to the garage, emd takes care of their medical bills. a former member of the First , EJast Hartford. Burial Federal law prohibits national ' Nations, told a news confer­ Of Town Roads The judge then turned to SeeJe’s prise certain of the aero-engtoe Q. Did you see children? IMs house and move my family his wife an4 four children stay Wide Profile Construction... Wrop-o-Round Tread Congregational Church of Deep at the convenience of banks from making .‘.‘a contribu- “ employe be given ence: "I say to the Soviet lead­ Iocal_atlorney, David Rosen, and The car needs tires and a $21 and marine and industrial gas 'Two companies bid on a con­ there.” living to a house that is too tax stamp. It does without—and River. the famUy. tion or expenditure (including a ® °tf If he records four con- A. I don’t know, sir. ers, do not turn your back on said ''Will you explain that to turbine assets of the old compa­ Q. What -do you mean "Tliere’’ Is Palmdale, 30 miles small. stays to the garage where it has She was a member and past There are no calling houril. loan) In connection with any nnv secutive months with you the clvlUzed world.. Pay a de- tract to sweep town parking him, Mr. Rosen." ny, once the pride of British en-1 weren’t discriminating? away, to wMch Newberry com­ Since Rolls-Royce crashed been since last June. Lawrence Sole F1.T. matron of Baldwin Chapter, The family suggests that any election to any poUtical office or absence -or lateness. cent respect to the opinions of lots and rent to the town street Later In the day Garry re- muted dally for his job on the gine'ers. Sixe Reg. A. I didn’t discriminate be­ Lawrence has been to an agony gets a ride to work from a OES, in Deep River, and had memorial contributions may be In connection with any primary Other Items which the board manWndJDojrot jeopardize the g^eeplng and catch basin peatedly told a prospective ju- TriStar fuselage assembly line Lord Cole, formerly chairman | 735-14 18.99 , 15.99 2.01 tween individuals in the vUlage, off they can plan again for the friend. His -wife pays 30 cents a served as an officer of the chap- made to the Heart Association election or political convention. be asked^to act on at Tues- cause of peace and the progress , . .m. ror that his aggressive question at the new Lockheed plant. He of the Unilever soap and chemi­ sin ’Thc'y were all the enemy, of your land for so unfounded ®*®anlng equipment. The bld.s future, but, he says, uncertainty day on bus fares. 755-14 20.99 17.99 2.14 ter for 47 years. She also was of Greater Hartford, 310 .Oolllns or caucus held to select candi- day's meeting Include. — Ing was prompted by a desire was laid off Feb. 12. cal giant, will head the recoivstt- they were all to be destroyed, and inexcusable a prejudice.” were so close that only close tore, but, he says, uncertainty Their sole family vacation 700x13 825-14 22.99 19.99 2.32 the senior past president of the St., Hartford. dates for any poUtical office.” D An allocation of $3,000 to find an Impartial Jury. Mar­ Was he bitter about Rolls- will always be over hU shoul­ tuted Rolls. He was called to to I Goldberg recaUed that as a evaluation of what length con- was a yearly trip 100 miles Our Reg. 17.99 775-15 20.99 17.99 2.16 Deep River PTA, and the first Maximum penalty Is a $5,000 from the Capital Improvement si*". kle objected and the judge said Royce’s failure to deliver the der. north to see Lawrence’s mother aid the ailing company last N o | Reserve Fund for development Calley’s testimony differed In 22.99 19.99 1 247 secretary of the Public Health Mrs. Sophie K. Meaoras fine for each count. justice of the U.S. Supreme 4, 3 ^! the town will need will Garry, had a right to "make e n ^ e s ? Lawrence works on the R1B211 ------"But we can’t afford that vember when the first glimmer­ Plus 1.95 FJ.T. 815-15 Nursing Association of Deep Mrs. Sophie Kravontka Mesor- of. the southerly tip of Union a number of ways from that of Court, he had helped uphold the „ speeches." “Well, they negotiated the engine for the Lockheed Tri- ings ot Its financial pUght began | E Pond. This would go for the some of the 74 witnesses who right of American Communists the loi^st bidder, ac- now,” said Lawrence. "W e River. She retired in 1966 as as, 81, of Meriden, formerly of contract and I feel they should Star, the project that sent Rolls must cut to the bone — into it to appear. ‘ Whitewalls alM available at Caldor's Everyday tow PricesI rental of equipment to dredge preceded him to the stand In the to leave their country and to re- ®°rdlng to Maurice Pass, dl- have lived up to it," he said. assistant secretary of the Deep Manchester, died this morning Public Records rector of general services. into receivership Feb. 4. Tlie fu­ if necessary. Cforfield did not spell out ex- the pond. small, windowless courtroom. turn. "What I can't understand Is how River Savings Bank. at her home jafter a long Illness. Bids were opened this morn­ ture <)fj<-the engine depends on "What the hell are we going acUy wMch of the old Rolls dl-vl- Mechanics Lien An allocation of 16 000 He said he changed the maga- "I d® not claim that my coun- Gill Turns Down they fooled the people so long if 1st Line Tires* * All Brand New! Survivors are two daughters, She was the widow of George ing in the Munlcloal Building. • < u n ce rt^ talks between Rolls to do?" he demands, nervously gions would be incorporated to I Mrs. Ralph Belluardo of Man­ The General Building and 2) ^ zlne of 18 bullete d his M16 iS e try has a perfect record of safe- they were to that much trouble Mesoras Jr. - _____-«>______Wethersfield Sweeoing Serv- Great Meadows,- and Lockheed. If It Is canceled, rapping his pipe. (rosh structure. But the gov- L 4*^'* chester and Mrs. George Scott once that March 16. 1 9 6 ^ p i a n ^ basic_ human rights. to start with.” Free Mounting! • No Trade-in Needed! Mrs, Mesoras was bom In against the Manchester Housing Reserve Fund for the purchase UmT 1 ^ 1^011 time ^ e n the ^e said?’ "But there Is a govern- Wethersfield bid tt90 a Lawrence will be out of a job— "We were running on a ernment has made clear the I of Littleton, Maine; a sister, But he wasn’t pcuUcularly an­ "There currently exists no industry wide or other accepted Czechoslovakia,, daughter of the Authority, property at N. Main of real estate on the -west side mental commitment to the still n week, and $3,800 a Fill-In Proposal "back at the beginning’’- a t 36. shoestring before, so what hap- progtigious—and profit-making I Mrs. Helen Fairtoft of- West­ shooting was over. gry at Lockheed: "It’s some­ late Mr. and Mrs. Boltis Sova, and N. School Sts., $2,827.36. of Broad St. from Michael and unrealized goal of equal rights month for each street .sweener. He and his wife, Lois, 34, were pens If I lose my job? If I can _,uxury automoMle section WUl | system of quality standards or grading of tires. brook; a brother, Raymond "And you still, as I under- thing-they had no control over." beginning to reap the rewards and had lived In Manchester be. U s Pendens Mary Massaro. ’The dlrectore gtand It, had some rounds left?’ for all our citizens and our Inde- Thre® sweepers are available to HARTFORD (AP)—State Agri­ get a post to another part of the private business, Wind of Chester; and eight At the moment Newberry’s fore going to Meriden aljout 30 Society for Sailings vs. Alice approved an ordinance at their pendent judiciary is vigorously the town at that price, culture Oommisslmier Joseph N. of his 16 years of company serv­ country I’ll stlU be crippled with nilUlonalre KheU Bvale has I grandchildren. he was asked. ^ only Income is $66 weekly unem- ice. They looked forward to fi­ m ortg^e repMrments m our ’ ' managing years ago. She was a communi­ FVascona; Malcolm B. Olins, last regular meeting which pro- f "I am quite sure I did, sit',’ seeking to enforce this great The company bid $475 for the Gill denied Wednesday an ap­ ploymeM insurance, augmented Flineral services will be Sat­ cant of the St. Nicholas Greek trustee; the Self Service Sales vides for this purchase. ’The constitutional guarantee.” Initial sweeping of town parking nancially and Socially secure home here that I won’t be able ^ ^t^^est- 4 P ly Nyloit Cord Blackwall urday at 1 p.m. at the Holmes Calley replied. plication to fill In 277 acres of by food stamps. years ahead. Now they face an­ Church In Meriden and a mem­ Oorp.; the . United (Bank „ , and , land will be used by . the state David Paul Meadlo, a soldier Goldberg------o ------added that he ------lots and $186 a month for sweep- Newberry bejon^s to the In- Funeral Home, 400 Main St. marsh in the Great Meadows other lifetime of unease and "Even If my job here seemed ®** cani ber of its Altar Society. a o * ? ” when It Improves the Intersec- in Galley's platoon who said he thought an appeal would have Ing them afterwards. ternatiiHial Assk8 that line ’ He earns a basi'e $76.80 a chester 20'years ago. She was tees draft their recommended tract dealt the death blow to| and 7 to 9 p.m. I^ope or g ^ p of bo^es a l ^ effort to save Jews from the gas be available to the town and i„ the area would cause sUUng ' the brown wood shelf to the liv­ week and takes home $60 after a life member and past matron legislation. The Education Com­ Rolls. iHtewolls also available at Caldor's Everyday Low PricesI *V^*^T*^ replied. No chambers. ^vo basin cleaners In a Gan- of adjacent waters and "tous ing room; he bought them for taxes and social security pay­ of the Order of Eastern Star and mittee alone considered about A committee appointed to ad-| Stanley CTonuisiek sir I did not. Wlesenthal said It had not dolfo contract. Impair navigation.’’ Ms four -boys and one girl. ments. Mrs. Lawrence earns the White Shrine of Jerasalem, Uncovered— River Parkway 60 bins at a day-long public ■visfe the government on the per­ previously disclosed that All sweepers olted In both xhe Industrial application Monthly payments of $10 must $21.60, working from 9:30 a.m. a past mistress of the LOU, Stanley ’Tomaszek, 87, of 168 hearing this week. formance, cost, and time scale I ropted. -Walt a minute. What Is in the summer of 1944 W. Aver- bids had a four cubic yard filed by Rykar IfidusMal Corp be made, or the books go, too. to 3 p.m, five days a week to the and a member of the Order of Autumn St. died late yesterday State Sen. 'Charles T. Alfano, of the RB2U handed Its c(«iclu-1 Carol Newberry, who married laboratory of a photographer. Amaranth, all in Belfast. afternoon at Manchester Me­ Gets a Heavy Price Tag senate president pro tem p ore,____slons to the ministers who wlUl WHEEL BEARING PACKING SPECIAL er down there?" ’ ^ Moscow, asked the So- ed ^ a d 'a 16 cubic yard limit. pf two stormy nights of heai^ Billy 10 years ago. Is no strang­ She pays about $2.16 tax. Survivors are four daughters, morial Hospital. "I was never down In that ylet authorities to join. In-con- ______and House Speaker William R. p jj them before a Cabinet meet- Constructing the proposed ex- "Our intent Is to approve a last mrnith. Rykar is ex- er to uncertainty; her husband FVom their weekly com­ Mrs. Ian Wright, with whom she Mr. ’Tomaszek was bom Aug. area, sir," Colley said. tactlng the ' German govern- Ratchtord requested the Legis- ^ Thursday. pansion of 1-86 to allow space redesign In Vernon to allow for (lected to appeal Gill’s decision has -been laid off at - least five bined earning of ^$79720,' the m'ade' her home, Mrs. Aubrey (21, 1883_In Poland and 1 ^ llv He testified he was prodded ment. The Initiative came from lature’s Rules Committee Tues­ to the courts. times to 16 years because tMs Lawrences must care for their The government then will as-1 McMullen arid Mrs. Thomas ed in Enfield most of his life for continuous walkways and ^® Pa*’*i>".Griiter said. "We are twice by Capt. Ernest Medina, Wapuer Elected day to consider various ways to , - willing to work‘ with you In a the War Refutree Board In the firm’s contract expired or ttu| children, — Gwendolyn, 18, sess Us bargaining position fori Mlllacci, also of Manchester, before coming to Manchester his compemy commander, over At Issue-in the hearings waz~ reduce the load. United States, he said. firm went bankrupt Cairisttoe, 12, Robert, 10, and talks beginning to London Tues- [ and Mrs. Eileen Bleakley of Ire- seven vears airo He was em “ '® positive way." He also stressed the radio to move the villagers H Rt Chairman not only the ecological Impact They recommended proce­ seven years ago. He was em- num River In Vernon Instead of the need for coordinated efforts Andrei Vishinsky, the Soviet To her the Lockheed layoff "is David, 6 — pay their mortgage, day with . Lockheed chairman | ployed as an inspector at the enclosing the river In a culvert ^ i_ -lo -- faster’ to the other side of the of the Rykar plan, but also dures that would encourage deputy foreign minister, turned WUUam Wagner, R., of 128 whether the marsh was. owned just another one of tiiose things. maintain their home, try to get Daniel Haughton. Blgelow-Sanford, Inc., In „ En- would coet an addltimal-quarter rl^er pcu-k ^ ---- ditch, a landmark on the east­ more legislators to join with peu-k, him down," Wlesenth^ said. . . . , . by private Interests or the state. It couldn’t get any worse. their.-five-year-old small car on- field before he retired 15 years of a million dollars. ' ern side of the vlUage. “ He told him It would not be op- Barry Rd., last night was elMt- others to co-sp> Mr. Barrett was born Oct. 10, as to permit walkways is smaUi to the highway. Ginter said he femia,’' be said. “ I thought, ruary 241h, 1967. iota In onnino^i •»! * ------'’ ------T ’ w ------Groups wlshtog to peiform at birthday from Feb. 22—Monday not at the meeting, and Lmdore that wow, milk and honey all over the UcenM fq^ their cMor televi­ Judges Joaeito J. Oiernauskaa of Except Sat. until ' o f Gtater said, and amended de- hopes this town wHTalsb hhve future workshops are asked to - t o Feb. 16. Raddtog are t h e ^ other Dem- th^t ^ la b S ^ ^ ^ ^ a ito tJ iid h ^ Sadly Missed, r the state.” sion total t2.'ire a week. Oxford, Heniy J. GMdberg of :-,vA WUe. ChUdren, and of Napoleon P. and Mary ^slgna for that purpose have al- a paiic on (he river but he does contact Robert Vater at the col- The woman called the uu-_bits- ocrats. Bernard Glovtoo la the z._to deliver^ naners ^ ailowea hjnrinnin- bosra at "The telly la a luxury,” said West Hartford and Alfred A. Grandchildren. to Manchester mo6t of his life, ready been ^)proved. not need its plans. irri “ fUktami’ m rwinmnn ” olhnn Wnniihllnan in • Would he leave now?\ 1 ^ . zard "George’s revenge. other Republican. age 12 but girls only at 16. ■Tm thtoktog | that out of poverty. Rooster wound up Tuesday he had some contribution to the Capital Improvement Budget, “we’re Involved In a tight elected as miuiter councilor di- ______all, he was wounded four times I Hospital Notes they were htf, he said. | her life sentence be commut- “ I understand teat you have night in g;umbo, a rich, thick gumbo. Town Manager Robert Weiss economy now.” ted to the time already serv­ Fayette Chapter, Order of De­ —twice in the arms, cnce in the Hie sppxesman acknowledged ‘adopted’ famlUes in Korea, soup native to French-speaking If the answer was yes, and it also told the the board that he cautloas Over Commitments VlSnlNO HODBS ed. M olay. cheek and once in the side. that the damage claims were T V T on ig h t G reece, the PhUii^iineB and Col­ Louisiana. It was cooked by Ma- usually was, he waved a white would include a tSO.OOO appro- Director Anthony Pletrantonio Intermediate Care Semi- Mrs. Judd, now 66, was Nordby is a junior at Rock­ “After file enemy retreated, ombia and teat you have given private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 pjn.- estinuaes. ville High School where he is mou housewives and served free flag and tee men wfaoopd into prlatlan in the u p c o m ^ budg^rt ditHcult to com - “Tliey were worked out under found insane and sent to a for Complete Uatings. the medic' helped move the not only financial assistance to for further work which would 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a jn .- in tee town square. The 3,800 tee yard,--dismounted and began' mit funds very far in the future. a complicated system and are state hospital only three days See Saturday’s TV Week wounded to a PS, administered these famUles but also h(>pe for allow the Teen Center to be in 2 p.m., and 4 p.m .-8 pan. tommspeople lapped It up. dancing wlldy. Deputy Mayor William Diana before her scheduled execu­ more first al($ and was the last a better way of life,” NIx (mi operatl Ferrr Mas— riders and the gumbo are all and Temma Guillory’s chicken. the Nike Site,’’ but added, “We based on reports from forward for the murder of one of two (M> Wild WBd Wert OUUsaa’s Irtaad <0> en festival unique to a lew Fontenot, who speaks no Eng­ y ” amount] We' need a chance to South Vietnamese ground troops 6:U (4*) Wertker W aM . (0) "to all but put him on the cdiop- are an outi ’ing example to Trie n i m to continue development at the 4 p.m .-8 p.m . who moved into the areas after Angeles railroad station. 5:8# <1#> OUllgaB’e Irtaad (0) all our fr citizens," tee neighboring roral towns In lish, each let fly a chicken for site until the plans for an ex­ see the prt^iosed (1671-72) budg­ (ttj WlnPa Mr U ae T ^ (O) per himself.” Intensive Care and Coronary some strikes, and the number of She escaped seven times • (8-i4#> WeaUMr — Bpeirt President toiu .Vesterman, 'who southern Lioulsiana. tee riders to capture. riH 9:00 tensive recreatlmi area are et.” Seven of.«the wounded were th$ j Care: Immediate family only, secondary explosions and fires and managed to stay at large Mews sends $168 a month to help <^p- Elroy Fusilier, a retired rice At another house, 'Fendrlck com pleted. H ie $60,000 to $70,000 estimate (IS) CaadU Oaasaia taken out heUc(^)ter that dowTitown mAnefttnat*. of what wiU be needed to anytime, limited to five minutes. counted. seven years after, fleeing in (S#> Te TsU tba TnUh (O) port 21 persosia, assist In buying farmer, offered tee b(rd. Jason Manuel threw nickels to tee rid- Maternity: Fathers, 11 aan.- He said the raids were carried 1962. Found In California, Si#6 (4#) Salat _ „ (O) night and tee dead were re­ food, clothing, housing and con­ LaFleur, a 21-year-ol(I offshore era In lieu of makings for tee MS^he*^r ^ r S ^ U ^ ^ t e r • :S# News witli Waller Crea- moved te# i4ext morning. Later Uon by the fall is based on fig­ 12:46 p.m., and 8:80 p.m .-8 out by B62 hea'vy bombers, tac­ she was declared legally tribute to the education of tee oU field worker, captured tee gumbo pot and watched teem from now on. Hie name was p.m .; ofiiers, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and sane and placed in prison. ‘ (8) News wMb M.X- Smltk ^ teat day tm' r ^ of the compa­ ures obtained in the $3,6()0 study tical fighter-bombers and heli­ Barry Beaaeaer ^ NBO News (01 ceive accolades from Brig. Gen. Oonn., had called Nixon’s atten­ what he thought about tee fever- weary horses loped into town. area’s relation to the town. Hie ***«. according to Weiss. Weiss 7:«e <8) Wkat la Ike Werid Infantry brigade. In The Greenwich Time, telllna the collection of Mr. and tlon Include stone, ivory, and being visited by her father, tee de Grand Mamou. the official ti- gumbo for everyone and danc- the stte is totally'' developed. ed, but has not been printed yet. <8#-M> News — Weather u d -.X T T. . -.x w whale and walrus bone sculp- seas became turbulent, he push- materials were destroyed. t^rts (0) mill praised Wortham as one tle of an eight-hour, 12-mlIe tour ing to bouncing French music Board’' member Mrs. Vivian Weiss told the board that T-.8# 3 ) Mea at Law tlvltles^^die Pn^dent told the ™' ture; etchings, engravings, stone ed her frtnA his craft to ap- Due to construction, parking Hie spokesman also said he L eg a l A sp e c t^ (84#> Vadersea Wertd rt of his "finest company comr K.JI.U, WlU ouiu- backroad farms to gather In- into tee night, Ferguson suggested the name about $20,000 would be needed could not com pare the Eunoimt 67-vear-oId widower ***' ^ °F' display In tee an'd w manders” and decorated him 67-year-dd widower. w h ^ ^*e tried grecUent® fo r t*>® gum ho—ch ick -' “ The M ardl Gras run really change. to reactivate the well and wa­ of materials destroyed so far to <8#> Hea frem Shltoh (C) Stairwell Gallery of Manches- and bl(x;k-prlnted fabrics. Most bed her hani stricted. The public is urgently 8:8# (8) AU ta the PtuaDy |C) with a Bronze Star. “I durpose," Tate Members of Brotherhood in ter tower at the site. the total amount that the North ter Community College. The ex- . ihe Items on display will be to climb back. This part of tee ®"®’ ,, , 2 requested not to park near file O f D ru g U se - - (8-4#) Smith Family (C) S.Sgt. Jess Watson, Sparta, en because I help tee poor,” " a peppery sausage called mused. “It's fun, though. And ActiOTi attended last night’s Four expenditures of about Vietnamese might have in the (18) Merle hibit wjll open Friday evening for sale. legend ends with Sedna becom- emergency entrance except to t:t# (8) Medical Center B Jehany Cash ShM FlrstNIae Mealhs M Mbunt Pleasant, Tenn., also re­ s L'liening, which will frpm a stone cut print by the over all life formed from her «httir admissions. To pick up dis­ the Hardest <0> ceived Bnmze Stars. S.Sgt. Rob­ things, you’re supposed to feed Paul Tate led tee masked horse- to the development of the Teen at the site, bring electricity to charged patients, please park in namese communique reported a high honors student and a I#:## (8) HaaraU Flr»4> tee po(M‘.’ ’ also include three films and a Eskimo artist Pudlo and de­ bl(X)d. I that Saigon forces cut a fifth The Lay School of Religion be­ 18-4#) Yenaf lawyers ert Baldwin, Colorado Springs, lecture on Eskimo art, and a jdeta a scene from tee Sedna . r _ b- “ " . , - Center. Hie group is consider­ the area, build a heating plant file general lots first and the member of the school band and (8#) Fenr4a-One - jSI The far-away families, he Friday evening’s program m®" ^ NEW4 — BXOmNO PtSHER • PRICE TOYS-SNOOPY SNIPPa Colo., and S. Sgt. Hatch » 7“Ar- ...... I Mill ing making the Te«i Center for the teen center, and restore nurse will Instruct you where to pipeline, destroying 4,600 feet of ing sponsored by the Andover ski club. 1#:8# (i8) Rsrtloid Talk-lBIn |C> added, “become like my own reception is free and open to legend. According to tee Eskimo will open at 8 with three-color tering tee American Leguxi post their project for the year. pipe and more than 130,000 gal­ 11:(# (8-8-lB-S#-t#> Newt — Weather royo, Santuce,. Puerto Rteo, got tee public. Gallery hours are myth, Sedna ran off with a man films loaned by tee Canadian lu Mamou to pay $4 for tee P "'’" NATURAL HEALTH we have a wonderful seleaUoa of faiBMia the plumbing at the building. drive to pick up the patient. Congregational Church, which His past two summers were ead Bperte (C> flesh and blood. And It’s tee BIA Ohairman Philip Rubins Weiss told the directors that lons of fuel. Army Commendation Medals. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday who transformed himself into Cltonsulate general; “Eskimo ilege of riding, m(moy sjwnt for ■n ------— me eommumuue “ *8 year consists Of a three- spent at Trinity College where hope you give teem. That's the FOOD SHOPPE told the directors that the group he would recommend that a I • ______— Hie communique said that 11 !s# (U) Teetakt Shew l e h w Cw^ As for (Tomell, 'HIO said he through Friday. the Loon Spirit. Artist—Kenojuak,” “The Living refreshments and entertaln- fisher-price toys! PaUento Today: $80 main thing.” has made no decision yet and maintenance mechanic be __ ap- south Vietnamese ground forces (SI#) Dick Cavett Shew (C) was “ putting him In for a Silver Stone,” and “Tuktu and tee ment. the beet value in nineilen! and air and artillery strikes had Sunday heard about the legal Westeiman, who spent 40 ^ t it would like to have suf- pointed in the building depart- ADMTTTBD YESTERDAY: College of MdsiCj^Unlverslty of tee nation’s third hlgheM years as an electric power cut­ Clever Hands.” After tee show­ Beer was served teem all day. also destroyed a dozen Russian- aspect of drug abuse from 1:.# St"’" S tnirway priced ficient informatton and an Indl- ment who would devote half his Mrs. Kathryn B. Bathras, En­ sifB Oil JC) military decoration. ing, Mrs. Doreen Caraher Man­ F(X)t-stomplng French music made PT76 light amphibious Henry Z. Karanlan, . narcotic Hartford and a member of 1:15 New. - Fra,.r aad off man, said he sometimes per­ from Mtion l, teem, aged from six weeks to Bob Hope Desert Classic golf nual mld-wlnter governor’s sure that this will give Man- might cost as much as $67,000, Pleasant St., Rockville; Philip recommended budget has been and in his senior year he was about 12 years, for a while until match In Palm Springs, Calif., conference here, was a musical Your Choice Sale ! ,■> hester another first.” but Weiss noted that much of Prisk Jr., East Hartford; Wil- set for Monday, April 6 at 8 the reclpent of the Seabury and their families were able to take last week. Last year, one of his group called "Up with P eople.” $66,600 Spent So Flur this expenditure would be re­ 11am R. RaulukaiUs, 66 Wind- p.m. in the Waddell Schcxil the Borden scholarships as the teem back.” drives hit his pro golfing part------Proportioned •G.E. Lighted Dial Snooz Alarm® imbursed in assessments, par­ Ebcpendlturee thus far on the sorvlUe Rd., South Windsor. Auditorium on Broad St. highest ranking student in his ner, Doug Sandres, in tee head !Nare»tie8 Control p roject total $66,600 — $60,000 ticularly if development in that Also, Robert K. Rezman, 84 Weiss Is in the process of pre- class. at the same event. •General Electric Portable Radio for the purchase of the land;) end of town proceeds. Hamlin St.; Mrs. Lynne Russ6 , paring his budget now. He is Prior to Joining the Narcotic Hard Drugs Ebb H6pe, appearing at a dinner PARIS (AP) — UB. Atty. Ladies’ Slacks $3,600 fo r an engineering study If the $20,000 appropriation 66 N. Elm iSt.; Mrs. Genova A. re'viewing ' with department Control Section of the state for tee nation's governors, said Gen. John N. Mitchell and Inte- F is approved next Tuesday, and Smith, 16 Roeemary PI.; dar- heads the budget they sub- health department, Karanlan NEW YORK (AP) — Nearly after’ter*CailfonUa'e^q^^ Minister Raymond Marcel- j Our Reg. 3.99 & 4.99 on supplying the area with utlU- 1I/ /1/ $~Vz1lACrA*a *Vk 4W\ ca$ii_ . . . .. It** ***t11 a «*.*M4-y*.xwv1 ties; and $2,000 for paint which if $60,000 for work at the rec­ ence E. Snow, East Hartford; mitted to him. was a retail i^armaclst in New half of City C ollege's 20,(XX) stu­ and Agnew’fl performance, ^ w ill adgn a protocol Friday I $ Youth Commlsslcsi members reation area is included in next Mrs. Nora W. Swlger, 281 Cen- Weiss must submit his budget Britain, where he was a mem- dents use marijuana and- more Palm Sprinfi^ now is known as officially estabUidilng close than 6 per cent use herein, but used last summer when- they -year’s, ------budget,, ------Weiss said teat— ter — , ------to ju teeu i v xiutuuBoard u.of Directors byu, ber and former Officer of tee “Agnew’s fault," cooperation be^e^ tee two I use at LSD and other “hard hal­ cleaned up and painted the tee Teen Center should be in Teemar, 18H LlUey St.; Charles 27. He said today that New Britain area pharmaceutic- Although saying th® vice pres- coimtrles' narcotics sui)pression ] lucinogens" Is dropping off, a building slated to become tee operation...... by tee fcdl. j. ■ Tennstedt, 64 Dolmont » a*'. St.'; he will try to submit his rec­ ^ association. Ho currently is a ident has earned a “ black belt agencies, tee U.S. Embassy an- Each study commission Teen Center. Mra. Dorothy C. Wass, Storrs. ommended budget by M arch 25. member of tee Connecticut reported j„ comedian admitted nounced Tuesday. Pharmaceutical Association, Tuesday. Agnew isn’t as bad a geilfer a s ------.... — ------Clock wakes you, lets you doze, wakes you again. Hie land wAs purchased from b i r t h s YESTERDAY: A May 7 is tee last day that the The study group, composed of tee federal government on May son to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Board of Directors can adopt holds membership in tee inter­ he sometimes appears. I Homespun or poplin; straight or flare leg. ] Lighted dial for easy reading. #7268K. Radio with Private College students, teachers cuid alumni, “He did play tee last 16 holes 1 last year with tee stipulation Raymo, 14 Dogwood Lane, tee town budget and set tee tax national Narcotic Enforcement JTerrific Spring color assortment. Petite, | handy carrying thong. Full range dynamic speaker, E Officers As^lation. He was found tee use of marijuana and (at Palm Springs) in great RANGE AND that tee town develop tee land South Windsor; a son to Mr. rate. If it fails to do so by teat paverage or tall. rugged case. Presidents In heroin had Increased in 1670 shape and on tee back nine got as a recreation area within five and Mrs. Bruce Jackson, East date, tee manager’s tentative graduated with distinction from FUEL O il over tee-prevlous year. a birdie, an eagle, an elk, a years. Federal officials will re­ Appeal for Aid Hartford; a daughter to Mr. budget becomes the legql bud- tee Federal Bureau of Nar­ cotics and Dangerous Drugs In 1969 tee pereentage using moose and a mason,” Hope GASOLINE view the project each year. If and Mrs.' Raymond Duchaine, get. heroin was 4.4' while 43 per cent Bal(L sufficient progress is not made HARTFORD (AP)—The presi­ 94 High View Rd., South Wind------School in Vt^ashlngton, D.C. Karaniw has been a guest were marijuana users, as com- Hope said he didn’t mind annually on plans wlilidi tee dents of four private colleges In sor; a daughter to Mr. and| pared with a 1670 figure of 8.1 playing with tee vice president BANTLY OIL Mrs. Charles Bruch, 19 Nike V e m a n lecturer ;^t the University of Fantastic Value! town submitted 'when tee land Ooimectlcut addressed tee State per cent and 48 per cent, respec- but hinted his golf game some- S torage ^ S y lv a n ia Circle; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Hartford, at’llCentral, Southern I O M I’ W ) . I N( . was purchased, the federal Legislature’s J(tot tively. times suffers as a consequence. government has tee optlim to Educatlcm Schaller, Newington. Rockville Man and Eastern Connecticut State Robin Cheryl Committee Tuesday seeking in­ Colleges, at teacher In-service Tile latest figures indicate, "It was hard to concentrate ;:;i M\iN sTK i':i':'i L ig h t repossess tee land. [Chest creased state aid. ' DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: programs on drug abuse edu­ tee report said, that a higher on play 'when tee entire gallery Sheer The {dans tee town submitted Charged With ■|'i';i,. I. i!i- Unlveislty of iHartforfi Presi­ Richard B. Ricci, 16 Turnbull cation througluxit (Connecticut, percentage of wliites use illegal is reciting tee Lord’s PTayer," call for varied facUitiee includ­ |{(ick\ille I B u lb s dent Archibald Woodruff said Rd.; Deborah S. %oag, 17 Ifill- Three Breaks and at numerous community drugs thhn bUudes or Puerto Rl- he said. P anty H ose by Safeo ing a general recreation build­ “Hie use of public funds in Con­ top Dr.; Thurman Rice, Rt. cans at Oty College,. Hope also had some kind ing, a theater worksheq), a club A 33-year-old Rockville man groups interested in the prob­ necticut to buy servlcas from 41A, Coventry; Mrs. Anna M. lems of drug abuse throughout O ur meeting building, a bridle pate, was arrested yesterday after- O ur private, non-profit InsUtutlons Valileres, 14 Campfield Rd.j nropriatlng tee $60,- different types of drugs, teelr Tnjcredible Vajue! " Charge It! pendent Colleges, said tee pri­ Palmer Dr., Wapping; Mrs. St., was charged with three vate colleges want to "sell teelr properties, what each drug Is ‘ Cantrese II or sheer Ssindri- 000 fo r tee purchase. We are Sharon Miller, Bast Hartford; counts of breaking and enter­ certainly not going to abandon services at a very modest rate used for and how it affects tee Scotts EarlyBird Sale VEST lon Panty Hose regular to Attractive wood grain finish with 2 Famous Sylvania household bulbs Mrs. Linda L. Regan, Rt, 6, ing with criminal intent and one Ixxly. < Always to the state.” $1.99 $1.00. strong plastic handies. Generous in 60, 75 or 100 watt brilliance. Buy this.” Andover; Hiomas N. Trevithick, count of larceny. First Director William Fitzgerald The otiiera who qx>ke before He spoke briefly about tee '6 size 27Ms” xl6*^” xl3%! ” ■ ■’wjiutlint.-r. now and save! Merrow; Edward L. Dimlow, The breaks occurred at Sam's history of certain drugs, how said, "I very much suK>ort this ILL Quality! ______/______?® .‘^T^i^i7nnJ!JStr*tee Hartford; Mrs. Diane M. Barber Shop, Gerber Oil Co. they came into use, and how ~ saves you 20% project." He called. . . the .. opportu­------1— uciiudent Iof Fairfield University, tee , 3 ^eUy R d., and Allen Cleamers. The arrest they gained medical applica­ mCKA6E nity vdilch the. area provldea Rev. William Meinnes, Univer­ Vernon. was made by Lt. Edwin Carl­ tion. He described what usually “spectacular.” He said he will sity of New Haven President STORE Marvin K. Peterson and C hiles Also, Julia Jennlson, 262 Red­ son and Officer John Marshall. happens when a person is support and vote in favor oi the on these lawn favorites Men’s, Boys’ , Polyester .p b o v e r D r y e r E. Shain, president of Connec­ wood Rd.^^JJeborah L. Nivisen, Briggs was released on bond for caught using drugs, and tee MAMCrilATUt i^AklCI^ $20,000 appropriation M arch 2 42 Dover Rd.; Christoidier E. Flying Tiger JNeort to Oraai Unloa) ticut College. pearance In R ockville Circuit philosophy of the authorities re­ Youths’,Womeris Bed and tee $60,1)00 for deveh^ment They gave teelr support to an Lappen, East Hartford; James Court 12, M arch 2. garding drug users. Turf Builder, America’s favorite fertilizer for (Ch-eated by Joseph Baba, S p r a y , S t e a m y ^ V e n t at tee site in tee coming budget A. Lawrence n, Stafford Raymond Hitt, 28, o f Pinney Sneakers Pillows uncompleted bill , that would He stressed that p(illcy is .WhltelaBd, Indlaaa) barring any drastic changes in Springs; Charlotte F. Boudreau, St., Ellington, was charged this -(ievelopmg thick green lawns. Spread it on provide $l,0l» grants for each graduaUy changing from an at­ 1 part Llquore OaUioao . East Hartford; Joan M. Mc­ morning with failure to. obey a ASK >OR YOUR .. . . Our Reg..4.99 & 5.99 Caldor Priced! K i t the town’s financial status. Connecticut resident enrolled In titude of treating teem as your lawn in early spring to make your grass 1 part VcMka (80 P r o o f)' v D ry Ir o n Director Donald Wells said, a private college In tee state. Laughlin, 1 Beverly Dr., Coven­ stop sign. His court date is 1 port White Creme de try; D. Glenn CoOke, Glaston­ March 16, Rockville. hardened criminals to a more bounce back faster from the rigors of winter. WAYS WITH WINE BOOK / “I_ am__ very muidi in favor of Eighty per cent of the money temperate one of leniency, es- M entee bury; Mrs. ' Donna C. Avery, Turf Builder keeps grass greener longer too, Save appropriating money for getting pe used for scholantelps. prcially for first offenders, and Serve on the rooks. this thing giring.” Hie presidents pr admlnistra-, 100 Lydall St.; Mrs. Lorraine InrflWUir thanks to its prolonged feeding action. Clean, $ 2 Over F. Warren, 42 W. Middle Tpke. greater attempts at rehablUta- MKOPE No. 4 $ 1 4 Mrs. Ferguson told members ^ n 'private ciiUeges at- tiim. of the BIA who continued to tended the hearing hut did not Also, Wendy Brenner, Storrs; Stock Market lightweight, easy to handle. $5 ',* 4 1 Karaidan stated that td^y press the directors for commit- gpeak. About 10 other speakers, Mrs. Jeanne Moffltt, East Hart- INEW YORK (A P j —"ilitiick LAMB ROAST MEXICAN authorities re(K)giilze that we Save $3 15,000 sq ft (60 lbs >03:95 ' 10.95 Easy to Install! ment to the Teen CJenter including students^ and faculty ford; Mrs. Marguerite R. Hurl- prices climbed higher totty in Black and white. standard 21” x27” Charge H! throughout tee meeting that members, voiced support of tee iman, Bast St., Hebron; Mrs. acti'vie trading despite what ana­ only hope of overcoming the 6-pound leg of lamb, boned, roHed, and 2 tablesp45' 4.35 1 cup Gamay Beaujolals wine uppers, suction Stainless steel soleplate, easy view , The noon Dow Jones average tbs young pe<>ple into 1 teaspO(Mi cumin seed, crushed - tread soles, rein­ allergenic. water gauge. Uses plain tap water. ameter with 8’ fiberglass hose, West Hartford; John V. Prytko, % cup orange juice % teaspo(Hi crumbled dried oregano vent hood and clamps. 103 Chambers St.; Mrs. William of 30 industrial stocks rose 6.67 becoming users, % cup each chill sauce and water % teai^oon salt forced arch cush­ Fabric dial.jji4460 to 876.67. Following his speech, an In- Revellese and sen, 26 Pearl Dr., 1 dnl(m, finely chopped < % teaspoon 62 Don't rails up 1.6, and utilities up 0.8. lain at the Manchester Memo- serving time, skim fat off pan juices, and serve j^ces as sauce with meat. Makes 8 Two cartridges of ( MAT M 33 From £. 63Wotch NOY.21* $13 Million Big Board prices Included rUl Hospital and tee Blue Hills as it sprouts. While your fertilized lawn grows to 10 s e r v li^ . O ur Rag. 2.49 - 2.99 Stock Up Now! super 8 film with —\il-13-40-43 34 Your 64 Appears 51-63d8A1i FalrchUd Camera, uiy 1% at Hospital to Hartford. He wlU > ” ^ Yd. 70-76-79-84 35 With 65Be 65A7-8M2I thicker, sturdier and greener. Brocades, mate- mailers. Stock up 36Don'l 66 Startling speak (Ml the religious-social ^ • Sweaters A 1 .9 8 GEMINI 37L«a«e 67 Resourceful sAGirrARius In Narcotics «% ; Western Union, up 1% at ^ lasses, tweeds. and save! « MAY 81 38 Shoulders 68Todoy ’ doy.22t, Save $3 5,000 sq ft (22 l b s 11.95 ^ W 4 Crawlers 69 Buck 46%; Duplan, up 1% at 42%; ^ hlT^rsonal experi­ 39 Precious (Confinued from Page One) OUn, up % at 23%; and Sony, off WAICH FOR BEOira: ifo. 6 IN O I® GOUBMETS’ GOOD EATPfO agBIBS . fiijuHett 40 Your 70 Should DEC.2f I ences with drug Siddlcts. Save $1.60 2,500 sq ft (11 lbs > > 9 5 ' 6.35 MRS’. O I® WIDBfiCXAXmON OF OOULEOTOjBB' BOdVUBS 4 O veralls ^ I All Utter (Ude "A" 41 With 71 And H at 18%. 100% Acetate Photo Cube Special 1-47-49 2- 6- 9 -2 5 ^ even greater when we recognize FoUowl^ next Sunday’s pro- ta-69-74 42Eomed’ 72 Desires 2 8 -2 9 -8 ^ ^ American Stock ^Exchange Record LP*#. 43 Shoulder 73 Reoctloru that it has been a major strike " )uld interest warrant Print Knits^^ 44 Some 74 Opposition CAPRICORN prices Included Crown Central Holds 5 3Mi” Ou, (^ "1 45 PeraorMi 75 Hove 0ft:- 22 against organized crim e in thlA Petroleum, up 1% at 48|_Scieni furth^ meetings, members of COMPLETE UNB OF IMFOKTEP AND DOMESTIC WINE Corduroy and square jumbo _ 3 ■ 76 Be 46 IrKome JAN. fpl area.” tific-Atianta, up 1 at 10; Devon tee.,BANDA group in Manches- bonded f a bif i c Reg. 6> prints. No glue, ■ AZJha _77 Unfriendly Mitchell recalled that last wiU be asked to idslt and Choose from popular male voc^, 48 Surprlies 78 Withdraw 20-26-3045^ Apparel, up 1 at 44%; Canadian WEHyON crawlers, overalls. « corners neraed. '-69 i»7l-72 NT June federal agents had round­ 'elate their firsthand experi­ 1.99 Yds. O children’s records. Harmony, Dis­ 49'Hde 79 Brushed Javelin, up % at 14%; Syntex. authorized retailer Acrylic cardigan Distortion free! 50 Potseuions 80 And AQUARIUS ences. WE neyland — and more! 81 Them ed up 160 pers(xi8 in breaking up up %-< at 49; SoUtron, up % Celanese acetate. 51 If JAN. 20 I BAGGED ICE sweaters. ----- 52 If 82Aggreulve what he said was the country’s 17%; and AIM Cos., up Next Sunday's session is ^to HONOR 45” wide. 53 Something 83 Quietly FU'. >« largest cocaine smuggling ring 3%. be held at Uie OongregaUoiua 54 A - 84 Off 7-10-12-15/^ in “ Operation Eagle." Church at 7:80 p.m .; anyone in^ 55tihguordcd 85 If 3:^34-38 seven LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU I 26 For M t 56' Stuc iStuation 86 Possible “Operation Eagle, and Opera­ Arh^^s W o o d terested in attending may con­ i 27 Amuiemetfr'IT’Arxi 87 Today tion Flanker are net Isolated tact any of the church) deacons VIRGO I 28 Work 58 UnfcUnfoneen 88 Fun The wood oi the shlttah tree, I AUG.8J 89 Securely cfses,” the attorney general or tee pcOTOmage. 1 ' West Hartford West Hartftod Silt: Wtd. thri Sit. E 29 Alone 59 ProtectProt< variety of tee acacia tree, which KUSH HARDWARE ’,6a-*M 8 90Sor.ty m -m u , UfPY. » ^30 Furthering 60 AlrruMtTM, said. “They are part of the re- was sacred to tee Hebrews, was M a n c h ^ e r , ^ olla^d Tpke. Men. thru Fri. 9:30 AAA. to 9:30 793 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 1145 1- 5~ 8-?l Adrcae ^ ^ N w m l lentieas campaign against nar- used by tee IsrMlites In build­ Hanotaester Evening Herald Now Leaden WateriMny Saturday 9:00 A JM. to 9d)0 PJA. 7-6S-7i tlc .traffickers in this <:oun- ing their Tabernacle and tee Andover correr^pondent, Anii 448-M76.. ~-76$-9t68 try.” Aifc Ojf the Covenant. Frisina, tel. 74$-»St7, PAGJJ TWELVE- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE THmTEEN

mary demand a candidate’s Adams he thought the policy set South Windsor Salinger Feels party affiliation be known for Student' Strike by the School Board stating Breakfast Set today s F U N N Y one year prior to the filing date teacher-< could not take students Lindsay Ready for the prlmaiy. Is Called Off on a trip did not apply to By Girl Scouts Area Chefs Show Their Artistry (D 1970 kr NIA* Ik . teachers’ aides. Board of Education Trims For Party Switch Lindsay was re-elected mayor HAMDEN ()^)^tudenta at A Communion Breakfast for o f New Y ork in 1969 o r a lib e r ­ all levels of Girl Scouts will be al-independent ticket after los­ Hamden High 'School called off Five area chefa took ' top WEST CHESTER, Pa. (AP) a possible 'Strike Thesday mom- "Welfare March held on Girl Scout Sunday, Budget by Another $13^788 ing the GOP mayoral primary. March 7, at 9 a.m. at the Man­ honors yesterday at the 18th an­ — Former . presidential press Salinger, who was President li^ over the firing of a teacher’s After lengthy deliberation at­ LAS VEGAS. Nev. (AP) — chester High School cafeteria. . nual restaurant show and euli- suey (macaroni, meat and secretary Pierre Salinger says John F. Kennedy’s press secre­ ^de who took students on a trip tempts by the Board of Educa­ tomato), green beans, Italian sources within the Democratic tary, said he thought Lindsay’s The Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, About 400 Girl Scouts and nary arts exhlhttlon held at the to Ekigland during school time.. tion to reduce the proposed bread and butter, milk, and but­ party predict New York Mayor chances of getting the Demo­ president of the Southern Chris­ leaders each year attend this Hartford. HUton, Michael Sacchetti received a event, which is co-sponsored by 19T1-72 school budget by any terscotch pudding with nutty John V. Undsa;^ will switch his cratic nomination were excel­ tian Leaderriiip Conference, will party affiliation within the next letter Monday from school Supt. Gibbons Assembly, Catholic topping. lent. lead welfare right’s marchers Joseph Oaudreau o< Manches­ aizeable amount failed last 10 days so that he can run for Lindsay has said frequently in Frank Yulo notifying him that Ladies of Columbus, and the Thursday—oven roasted chick­ down the Las Vegas Strip next ter, execuUve chef of Crestfleld night. the presidency as a Democrat. " "i^eht months that he hod no he was dismissed. , Combined Catholic Mothers en with gravy, cranberry relish, month, a spokesman _for_the Na­ The board was successful in Salinger, speaking Tuesday to plans to switch party affiliation. Student leaders said C ircles. . Convalescent Hospital, won his mashed potato, peas, com bread tional Welfare Rights Organiza­ reducing the remodeling ac­ students at West Chester State would not strike pending a re­ award for the best culinary and butter, milk and pear sliced view by the Board of Education tion says. Girl Scouts are reminded to count by $7,248; the maintain- College, said the sources also purchase their tickets for the piece. It was a family affair for in syrup. Red China Exporting of a request by Sacchetti for a The organization is planning ance o f plant account by $3,280, predict Lindsay, a Republican, breakfast from their leaders be­ the C^tolane family a t Man­ and tlMf Board of Education FHday—fishburger on a bun, will be joined in the switch by BONN—Red China has been public hearing. demonstrations March 6 and 6 catsup, tarter sauce, chips, cole stepping up its shipment of School Board Chairman Wil­ here and in Reno to protest the fore March 1. Additional tickets chester. Qeor^ Catdane won general control account by $3,- U.S. Reps. Paul N. McCloskey may be obtained from the Chair­ 26Q, diminishing the original slaw, milk and Jello with whip­ Jr., R-Gallf., and _Donald W. tobacco to West . Last liam Liddell said the board dropping of 20 per cent of the 'iFor the best meat arrangement man of the Central and South­ recom m endations by $13,788. ped topping. I Rlegle, R-MIch. year shipments rose nearly 60 would meet next ’Tuesday night people from Nevada’s welfare per cent to 25.2 mlUlcn pounds. to consider the request. If the roles. east Service Units, or from the adille his son Oerald took his The original budget figure Salinger said Undsay proba­ bly will announce the switch in The upswing begsui about the entire board agreed, the hearing M ore than 8,000 i>eople were co-chairmen of the event, Miss price for the best seafood ar­ had been $5,0i;|6,171. It was re­ Manchester Evening Herald Ttfw'i lUNNY wUI H r $100 hr Mck >tl|lHl ’’h iw /' MM. Sm 4 a a « eight days because the legal re­ time the German government could be held March 6, Liddell cut from the rolls In December Helen A. ’Thomas of 25 Cooper rangement. IFYUher and son duced last week by $9,866, the South Windsor Correnioiident h : FUNNY, 1200 W « r A ir f after the state said a soot check St. or Mrs. Edward Goss, 123 $(., C lm h W , O kh 44111. quirements for filing to run in embargoed Imports of FUiode- said. work together at Olastonbuiy proposed budget now stands at revealed they were cheating. Helaine Rd. $5,033,028. Barbara Varrlok° Xel. 944-8874. the California presidential pri­ slan tobacco. Sacchetti told Msyor William Htlla Oountry Club. Qeorge is The board cut deep into al­ executhre chef and Gerald is teration proposals for the his sous chef. Union School. Due to an Im­ pending student overload at the Hie most artistic pastry crea­ high school, administration and tion had been entered by Mario personnel offices will be mov­ ed to the Unl(»i School. The of­ Caldera of Botton. Both he and fices they now utilize at the Qeoige Catolane won prizes at High School will be converted last year’s show. Mr. Caldera into guidance rooms and the is fancy pastry chef for G. B\»t guidance • rooms will become classrooms. & Co. The moot novel work was The original budget caUed for that of Oorrado (better known I $9,000 to be used fo r altering as "Oorky” ) DiBattista of Bast two rooms In the front of Union Hartford who is chef-manager School. Alteratimis requested of Salmon Brook Convalescent will Include full and partial par­ Home. titions for both rooms, carpet­ ing, air conditioning and heat William Vince of Crestfleld and lighting conversions. The board reduced this request to Convalescent Hospital and Ste­ 26,600; eliminated $1,926 from ven Katuzney of GlaatMibury the Pleasant Valley School total HiUs Country Club both com ­ for corridor lights; and remov­ peted for the first time. ~ ed $640 from Tim othy Edwards School request for a sidewalk Oaudreau’s entry, an Ameri­ from the harking lot to the Isle can Eagle with open wings o f safety. spread against a red white and blue background was executed During a heated discussion completely in aspic. Beginning about curriculum development, with clear gelatine, the chef the family life education pro­ created his own colors. The gram was almost eliminated black was the most difficult. Af­ entirely for the coming year; ter experimenting, Gaudreau board member Donald Meroure used burnt coffee and Kitchen asked the removal of the $12,- Geral^ Catolane’s “Seafood Medley" wins as best seafood arrangement. Bouquet lor coloring — the re­ 431 which was set aside for the sult, a rich licorice-black. For implementation of the program. Connecticut has the i/riiitei, lie added milk to the Mario Caldera and his “Fior d’Aprile,” spun susar cake, most artistic creation in pastry at the show. Mercure said he realized the gelatine. time and effort spent on the program but felt with the em­ (3eorge Catolane’s prize-win­ phasis on "austerity"' the town ning meat entry featured suck­ could not afford it. ling pig. Utilizing all parts of the animal, he exhibited vari­ At this point Mrs. L-awrence ous dishes such as a crown Story by Decker said that family life roast," the saddle, etc. His gar­ yivian Ferguson education is long overdue and nishees were works of art — noted that back in 1967 the over 2 0 0 baskets made of oranges were Photos by board appointed a committee to stuffed with Ung cherries. A Reguudd 'PiMo look Into ail aspects of the pro­ bouqnetlere of vegetables com­ gram. "We will loee ground,’’ plimented and lent color to the she said, If the program Is com­ ' display greaUy enhanced by its pletely deleted, as revamping arrangement on a mirror. This will be needed. type at work is complicated and EhitlUed “ A ’Tribute to our The board agreed to keep the is used only for the most formal Heros of Vietnam,’’ -the pulled of banquets. in-service portion of the pro­ conveniently located banks sugar centerpiece depicts two American flags containing a gram in after Assistant Superin­ Gerald Catolane also used a total of 880 flowers. Tlie bald tendent (William Perry said that mirror on which to show his eagle with spread wings stands from the estimates h i the pro­ seafood. EntlUed "Seafood In the center behind a large grams he has attended the re­ Medley,’’ the central attracUon action has been "why have we was salmon chaud-frold sur­ wreath. Pulled sugar work is something you must. see. It is waited so long — why don’t we rounded by shrimp, lobster tails get moving" from the public. and trout, aU very haute cui­ all in color and requires great sine. As I have explained be­ care and aitlstry. So precious is The board also cut $8,620 where you can't get fore, chaud-froid is a dish that It that it is shown in a glass from the budget for time is first cooked as a hot dish but showcase. clocks for aU scduxils, but ap­ served cold, usually oovet^ proved outlays for administra­ with aspic. Chaud means"''hot' - There are many other awards tion. $616; instruction, $26,000; and frold, cold. in various categories. It is dif­ food, $1,200; health, $1,108, and ficult to conceive that all of school physician, $6,829. Mario Caldera spent three the food is edible because of ReconcmendaUons will con­ the artistry involved. There Barbara Dunn, commissioner of consumer protection, and Thomas Wilson, left, weeks working on his delicate tinue to be reviewed by the spun-sugar creation. Entitled are realistic ducks made of legs checking account. deputy commissioner, view with “Corky” DiBattista his prize-winning candies. of lamb, a basket to IxM nuts board at future meetings before "Fler d’Aprile’’ (Flowera' 61" the final budget is presented to April) it has a fairyland qual- actually made 'of walnut riiMls, huge ice carvings, and carv­ the ’Town Ocuncll prior to Tty. It is so perfect that it is M arch 16. hard to believe a man could ings of tallow. create such a fragile beauteous The BofUd agreed to continue Students of the Goodwin Vo­ thing. Project Concern at the present cational and Tedmical School level of 37 students for another of New Britain as well as the ’’Cority’’ DiBattista, working school year. Although the H^' Culinary ahstttute of New Ha­ with pfustiUage and marzipan, ford program is lacking In ven have displays of their handi­ duplicated a box of fancy can­ funds, no mention of adding to work. I comjdtmented Frank dies, with the cover removed. or deleting from the number of Gronda of the ’Technical School students In the program has Pastlllage is a paste made of on the appearance ,of his young icing sugar, powdered starch, future chefs. All wore shirts, been made. gum tragacanth and water. It ties and jackets. The future PTA Stamp Drive is used for making pillars, plat­ chefs of Connecticut were as The drive to obtain trading forms and other ornaments on weH turned out as their cul­ stamps to purchase outdoor large cakes. In this case, the inary displays. playground equipment by the pastlllage created the candy Avery St. School PTA will close box. The Culinary show was dedi­ Friday. cated to Joseph (Marino, the Although the response has Every day someone walks into one Right now, the Connecticut Gen­ ^-.The Connecticut Chefs ^Asso­ founder of the Connecticut Chefs ciation sponsors the culinary been excellent so far, Mrs. Rob­ Association who passed away at of these banks and asks to open a check­ eral Assembly is considering a bill that exhibit. It is open to the pub­ ert Sklenar. publicity chairman, a young age only a few months reports that the goal has not will enable savings banks in Connecticut lic for a nominal sum, the pro­ ago. One table has been set ing account. ceeds devoted to scholarships been reacheditind one book from aside to display his unfinished each family 'in the school will But these are the offices of Con­ to extend their services to include check­ for young i>eaple;i^^ wish to entries f<»- this show. H e wlU study food, service in C redited Insure the success of the drive. ing accounts for their customers. be remembered by many in this gtamps^may be donated by necticut’s savings bank^ an^, in our state, schools anil cdUges. area fOr his wmrk as chef c f sending them to the school or BlHngton Ridge Oountry dub. — — “In open hearings, in phone calls The Judges took their job i • -bjfo contacting; Mrs. Jerry L. savings banks are not' allowed to offer Mr. Merino .worked^, to r the seriously. It was a bit frustra­ Williamson 6 i 203 Woodland ' checking accounts. As a result, thousands and letters, people all over.Con^cticut ting for the press as we had a Hartford Golf d u b ^ the time o f hl^ death. Dr., and Mrs. John B. Gworek long wait while decisions were jo£_684-Avery St. of savers have to run from one bank to are indicating their approval^,i^PLm&.bill. made. However, the - judging The culinary show is in the (School Menu another to dp all their banking. If you feel as they do, you cian «;aa dene according to the de­ Terrace Room of the HHtoo. A Monday — hotdog on a bun, mands of haute cuisine as it sliqrt walk across to the ball- mustard, relish, catsup, sauer- express your opinion quickly and easily. should be. All entries must be But it doesn’t have to be a problem. ^ riSom w ill take you to the hotel knait, French fried potatoes, The next time you go into a savings bank, completely edible. If there was and restaurant show sponsored “Corky” DiBattista and his pastillage candy box with marzipan candies. milk and peach half In syrup. In more and more states— some as any doubt, the judges cut into by ttte Food Service Bbcecutives "Tuesday—baked sliced ham, takp just a moment to fill out a card that the food to make sure. Association.. You can see and mustard, candied sweet potato, close as Rhode Island and New Jersey— buttered brocolU, bread and but­ The top awards are' given for taste many of the easy-to-pre- registers your vote in favor of checking ter, milk and cottage pudding families now have the opportunity to do full table arrangements cover­ pars foods available for com­ mercial use. with chocolate sauce. all their family banking at a savings accounts at your savings bank. ing aU ithasea of culinary skills, Wednesday — American chop from appetizers to desserts. ’The We’ll see that your^St^e Legisla­ Grand Salon award went to There are white seedless bank. Which only makes sei^e, since Kurt Reinhardt of Travelers In­ grapes processed to look like savings banks exist to serve families. tor knows of your interest. surance Co. ’The Gold cup went red m araschino cherries. UlMd to the culinary tOam of the Ho­ for garnishing, they are much tel Sonesta, the silver cup to leas expensive than the real NOTICE Interstate United of^^Hartford. thing. There are cdOUes just Is given of a public hearing Wampanoag Country Club’s chef like grandma used to make. at Room 666A, State Office receWed the CoMcn Bleu award. They were baked by a gentle­ Building, 166 Capitol Avenue, dtaUons went to Hop Meadow man using frosen cookie dough Hartford, on Friday, March.. 6, Country CTub and <3. Fox Sc Co. drops. The dough la prepared In 1971, at 10:00 a.m., on Docket of 'Waterbury, little rounds which spread out 11066, an application o f The when baked. East Hartford Cab (Company to An award for the most a r^ increase taxloah fares to 76 tic piece of the entire jShow Manchester Community Col­ (iVBW 68) cents for first 1/6 (now went to Pietro Isola, one of the lege Is at the diow again this — S) mUe or first one minute world’s leading pastry chefs and year, represented by their or- waiting time; weentz for each Savings Ba n k o o f Manchester formerly confUeur of the St. gani^on "Future innkeepers adiWHiwiAi 1/6 (now 14) m ile or Regis Hotel in New York (31ty. of America," They have a con­ each additional minute waiting His entry is a duplicate of one tinuous slide allowing of their * time; 80 (now 60) cents for Mambtt F D.l C , made and displayed for the TSrd activities plus dl^days of text- trips of 10 miles or more.____ .. ■ ...... V. . Salon of Culinary Art held at boolu. p u b l i c U nU TTB S tfficn larelnf ^ ^ the Grand Central Palace in OOMMmaiDN MANCHESTER - EAST HARTFORD • SO. WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH 1941. At that showing, it was The Miow is <^|>en again today. GEORGE J. GRIFFIN, Gaudreau’s aspic American Eagle was best culinary piece. awarded the top prize. It closes tonight at ten o’clock. A sectioned pig by George Catolane won best in meat arrangements. BXEIOUTTV^ SSCBSTAItY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTOR, CONN., W ED^SDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, was protected by the 1904 Times Vernon camping area as any area “de­ In Escape Cage / Freedom decisicn from a libel Judgment Coventry voted to camping by means of unless Damron could prove the Portnoy Role tents, camp trailers, two-wheel Star-Banner knew the statement tent trailers or any other dbject TV Brooks Calk for Austerity Of Press was false or publhdted it in ■ HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Prior Picked used for camping where a Not Guilty Plea reckless disregard of its truth or Beer Steins Richard Benjamin has been charge is. made to toe camper falsity. I In Budgets for Next Year selected by Warner Bros, to for toe u^ of toe area on a Expanded The two cases were remanded .*-v portray toe lead character F o r S econd limited basis.'’ c - for poastble new trials under the E^diiibited At CauUoning that "these are get) must be an unmistakable 1215 V4 SILVER LANE—EAST HARTFORD Alexander Portnoy in toe The regulations' 'apeclfiy the (Oonttnded from Page One) restrlctlona of the Times deci­ Entered bv Brown austere Umes, times of layoffs example o l reason. Ho must filming of PhlUip Roth’s best- C R P A T e rm size, of toe area, toe necessity if they prove malice, m subse­ sion. Justice's Hugo Lh Btock j .. Ik.,... l»ave the courage to hold the T ow n H a ll Belling novel, "Portnoy’s ner, bugling and music. ___. Roger J. Brown, 26, today pleaded not guilty to four and WllUam O. Dougjaa dlssent- "THE LARGEST. FRESHEST MEAT Douglas TM... Prior, vice chairman lor PZC ajqiroval, drinking wa- First aid and merit badges Passive and active exercise quent rulings the court included line on salaries of all town em- Complaint” ter'and sanitary facilities, gar- ed from this aspect of the ruling today called upon town ofncials pioyes,” he asserted, A cheerful exhibit is Uned up Benjamin, costar of the of toe Planning and Zoning were also awarded to David apparatus will be . available for charges in connection with his escape^rom custody last DISPLAY IN THE WHOLE AREA" badge, refuse, roads and toe holders of minor office and pri­ saying they could see no cir- tj, present "a budget of reason” At the last meeting of the' “Diary of a Mad Housewife,” Commission has been re-elected Burnham, Andy Culzak, Steven visitors’ use during the open October while being brought to U.S.* Federal Court in on the shelves of the Hlrtorlcal storage of campers on premises. vate individuals who willingly cunestances under unuoi' which wutui the . oiuiteritv for the { coming council when the 2.6 per cent 'wlU play Portnoy both as a to Euiotoer two-year term as toe Dzat, Robert Hampton, Je ff Lee Hw1;ford for sentencin'g in the November 1968 robbery Society at the Tiown HaU this They may be seen at the clerk’s Mantllck. house, with staff members pres­ take part in public affairs. newspapers should be subjected ^ I ratfe was approved, the eight teen-ager and as a 82-yeai> commission’s representative to of the Hartford National Bank branch on W. Middle ANOTHER BONUS BUY! V monUi. office. ent fo explain how the different Today’s holding adds to this to a trial. Brooks is chairman of Uie Republican members voted yes " old adult, the studio said toe Capital Region Planning ’Troop warrant officer certlfl- pieces of equipment are used to Tpke. ___ In a third libel ruling, Democratic Town Committee and the three Democrats pres­ ^ OVEN PREPARED, PRIME Mrs. Walter Fitzpatrick, ’Tuesday. Agency. Booirt Awards csdes, service pins and leaders’ On Feb. 1, Brown was sen­ category candidates for political achieve varying results. ent v(^d no. lAwls HIU Rd., has loaned a Camping regulations for Tol­ A Life Scout and two Star stripes were alro presented at tenced by Judge T. Bihmet office, no matter how small the court said 'nnie magasine could ^ former member of the During the regular week, la­ W illimantic land were accepted aa corrected Scouts were named at toe re­ toe event which marked toe re­ Clarie to 10 years in prison for office sought. he held accountable tor an Town Council. Brooks said the Democratic largo number of steins from her dies and men use toe health members of the Town Council ies teacher at ^pt. Nathan ,at Monday’s meeting of toe cent annual banquet of.. Boy newal of toe tixx^’s charter. that I88.8M bank robbery, to be np.oirikp for the court. Jus- article in 1981 about a nlghtUnie the essential purpose RIB ROAST coHecfion, many of t h ^ over club on alternative days, so and Board of Education support Hale School, has "been awarded commission. A copy will be filed Scout ’Troop 816. Michael La­ served after he finishes sen­ tlce Potter Stewart said "Publl- raid hy Chicago policemen in political parttes is to aswme UK) years old, having;., been members of the opposite sox D etective .okSMatAa the homc of a Ncgto. ' - the responsibUiUes of govern: his stand. " I f this program is a grant for a special summer by Ttown Counsel Robert D. Point received toe Life Award, Jan e Linton is snbsUtiitliig for tences on other convicUons in handed down from one genera- cannot Inspect shower areas, must be accorded at least as 'n»e magasine took its account, nient.. ."at times, such leader- not acceptable to Mayor McOoy ficn to another. program on work toward his King with to e -tb ^ clerk. the second highest in scouting, Mrs. Quatrale. Mgf. Linton can dressing rooms and other pri­ Massachusetts. Master’s degfree at Wesleyan be reached by calling 876-2009 or A rrested much protectkm the First largely from a report by the ^hlp requires great courage be- and the town administration, Many more remain in her old Thb regulations which were and Anthony LaPoint and Mark vate arpas. However, on Sun­ th e charges brought against of BEEF University in Middletown. writing to 29 White St., Boefc- and Fourteenth AmendmenU as U.8. Commission on a v ll Rights cause the facU demand stands and the minoi^ty of DemocraU toe subject of a hearing held Lentocha received Star awards. Brown in connecUon with .the home in Bavaria. day, men and women together VWLLIMAimC (AP) — I>B- those occupants of but did not Indicate that it was which are not always popular." do not prevail in reducing the __ . Vltagllano; -wlto-ls working on last May pivvide a list of rules Fred Frey toe troop’s scout­ vlUe. can touc toe facility, including escape he and Gustavous Lee ______, sus- puMic office.” reporting as fact what were Referring to the action of the budget to one of reason, I c^ l ^splAy that mj advanced degree in Ameri- for all camping areas In the master was hmiored with a toe body condkimilhg room, the Carmichael, also 23, made on tectlve Sgt. Louis Piazza, are moot striking have cover, can Mstory at Wesleyan, was town and set an annual license special award presented by swimming pool, whirlpool, cold Oct. 6, 1970 while coming to pende feet, I las toe the road A#of Flcu*o1fiscal r«P.HtV**reality, mZnV WIUIaII pected toe budget will be scru- children. Brown verified it in open Ccmnecticut State College so udd toe jurors they could award world’s highest lake navigable Brooks said. None Better At Any Price! Many of toe very taU ones Manchester Evening Herald, court and, in response to a that he would be maule toe next damages if they decided the al- *>y steamships. "H is own budget (town bud- nmzea. ______(1st thru 5th Ribs) had false bottoms, so that toe Coventry correspondent. Holly question from Judge CSarle, police chief. leged "long forgotten mlscon- ' beer drinker appeared to con­ Oantner, tel. 742-8796. \ said his new counsel will be ’Die mayor accused Piazza of duct in which toe puUlc had no sume niuch more than he acr Atty. Arthur J . ’Tacelli o t East inducing an ECSC coed to "at- interest" was a private matter ^^SBirSsTEl^TYLf^^ tuaUy did. Pfennings Wed 25 Years USDA CHOICE Boston, Mass. Tacelli was not in tempt to procure false and un- that belonged in toe private sec- One of the steins on display Sword Miscdng court. lawful and Improper evidence tor. Mr. and Mrs. ’Theodore J . in Manchester most of their ^ is a "wedding cup” and is en­ and have a" Jiidge Clarie said that, as far against a fellow officer.” Stewart, in explaining vdiy NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — pfenning Jr. of 19 Academy St. marri^ life KIELBASA graved with many signs signify­ A — il ^ — mmm T r, ------• oiT A 4 Pour Willimantic poUcemen this iifarfinAHnn between pubUc Gen. Andrew Jackson' has lost - * J . _ o . J son, Mark Pfenning, a student as toe court is concerned, Brown were feted last Saturday night Howell Cheney Technical is sUU represented by Caplan. private sectors is invalid, ing good luck wishes, notably a his sword. heart, a pig and toe number at a 25to wedding anniversary gchool; and a daughter Miss He then set March 17 as toe earlier this ye&r in connection gaid: “The piincipcU activity o t Somebody noticed it was PORTERHOUSE with a series of late-night meet- candidate in our political sys- nine. Army-Navy Gall Pfenning, a senior at date for motions to ,be filed, and missing S^urday. But nobody celebration at toe ings between ECSC coeds and tern is ’office’ so to ^ a k , con- World Day of Prayer (Jhamberlayne Junior College in March 22 as date to answer. can remember, for sure, when C!lub. policemen. OF MANCHESTER - 643-517 1 Church Women United in ’Tol­ toey last saw It. About 60 friends and relatives Boston. U.S. District Attorney P. Mac sists in putting before the voters OR o t land-South Area wUl celebrate On March 14, 1968, when a attended toe surprise party glv- Mr. Pfenning is employed at Buckley told toe court he would every concelvaUe aspect his World Day of Prayer Iay prayers with women in 166 ’Hiere was unusual heavy secur­ JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Civ­ OF OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE of his wife and children can countries on six continents to TOP VALUE STAMP SAVER’S SPECIAL COUPON-CLIP IT N0W1 ity surrounding Brown’s trans- il defense workers have raised afflrm faith, hope and love In , portation today from toe Wal­ to 90 the number of known dead hardly ^ qualifies GOING . . . GOING... GONE! DON’T pole prison to Hartford, and in toe Mlsslssli^i Delta area hit “ facing issues and toe needs of by tornadoes Sunday night. ’purely private’ concern. Jtod also in toe courtroom. He was MISS THE GREAT MONEY SAVINGS today and tomorrow. "We’ve got toe Uvlng to worry the candidate who hSa to be returned to Walpole tots EXTRA FANCY, SUGAR CURED ’Ihe services in Hebron are IMPORTED GENUINE . afternoon. about now,’’ said one civil W- ®P®“®®* '®«®^ s te i^ in- ON SLIPCOVERS, DRAPERIES AND scheduled for 10:80 a.m., with F fense official. tegrity cannot convincingly cry the message to be given by the Brown and Carmichael over­ 'Acting aa a personal emissary when an oppP>... According to Caldwell, it has Tonight’s service will be con­ 1 week course in which they been customary for lieutenant cerned with contemporary ■f- Our representative wiU caU on you with a large seleCficn of fabrics for you 3 WAYS *Sutra4 LocaUons studied aU phases of p®^^|i■^ wUl ^start the same course next AU dnq|>eriea-are InataUed when deUvered to insure complete customer CHARGE FRUIT COCKTAIL tempore preside over the Senate, succeeding services. month. satisfaction. CaldweU has been unable to HUNTS All of toe evening services In Vietnam USE OUR RAIN CHECK PRORRAM Bf cauit Of an find anything in the law or state will begin at 7 :80 p.m. The pub­ Marine Cpl. Brian H. May­ REUPHOLfiTTlRY - Also during our Semi-Annual Sale, Watkhuf is offering qual­ (ipacttd heavy damand Im Soodyear tlrjj, wa ™y WHOLE TOMATOES consfitufion, however, to indicate ity reupholstering services available now at reduced prices. ran out ol roma slias durini this offer, but wlu lic is Invited to attend. nard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ be baooy to order your tizo tiro ot the advortliod th ^ the acting governor should LAR06A ELBOW MACARONI and Marksman Medal old Maynard of 18 West Rd., la Why throw away old sofas and chairs when you can retain their beauty ifieo^ luJo^ 1 rain chack lor luturt delivery ie-oa. not preside over the Senate or Sgt. John E . Zak, Main St., now serving with toe First Ma- G O O D 0 ’£ A R of the morchandlio. THIN SPAQHETTI through rei^hoUtery? 2 cana cast fie-lnaaking votes if TalcottvlUe, has recently been rlne Division in Vietnam, SUNSHINE CXX>KIBS necasswry. awarded toe M. Sgt John F. HoqStal Ball Choose from a large coUecUon of coverings including velvets,'formal dam­ The RepubUcans had already Congdon Individual Rifle Marks- qiie annual hospital baU, spon- asks, tweeds, soUds, bold prints, or even stylish stripes. / HYDE PARK ASSORTMENT researched the question before man Award aa the top sharp- eored by toe RockvlUe Hospital KF.EBI.ER COOKIES CTaldweU raised It ’Tuesday. shooter of toe 242nd Engineer Auxiliary, wUl be held at the Your furniture is stripped to the bare frame, loose jointa reglued, old web­ bing replaced, springs refied, and tailored to Watkins triuUfional quaUty. 8ERN1N OHOeOUTC With the Senate divided be- BattaUon, Connecticut National Armory on West Rd, on April lakio. < tween 19 Democrats and 17 Re- Guard. 24. CaU now (648-8171) tor the Watkins Shop-at-Home Service and we’U send a ^ooflynr Senriw Stores publicans, and with one Demo- . Sgt. Zak is the_nu)tor_ ser- Music wiU be provided by the representative to you with a large selecUon of fabrics tor you to choose from at 295 BBOAD SlftEBT b o AD AMD VDINON (JlC ia c r a t WUUam BliUte of West Ha- geant of Company D with bead- Paul Landerman Orchestra and no extra cost w obUgafion. OPP. THB POST OPFICB ven absent because of illness, quarters in Enfield. ’’The Amber Portrait” wUl play p h o n e 876-6292 <» 64W101 HUU’s vote could conceivably Communlcattoa Breakfast Pay as you please: ^3iooae one of WaUfins easy budget term s: With as Uttle PHONE 643-1161 for intermlssioas. JUST RIGHT FOR LENT! v h b n o n , c o n n .\ become very Important at some The Men’s Union of Union Mrs. Kenneth GmiUif and Mrs. as 10% down, use 80-60-90 day payment plan, or Master Charge. A1I.AMXK liO iD R OAW>-OT XO • MOMTI» TO XAT point during the session. Congregafional Oiurch wiU bold Honold'TeSeUe gre cochairmen, I Hull U serv^ as acfing gor- its anniisl Communion break- They wiU name committee M8 Main SL, Open • A.M. to 5d6 P JI. ■ nm rs. * FrL NUes on t P Jf. SPECIAL for WED., THURS. aid FRL , iilft -M X. SiN-S s - B u e — emor during* the absence of fast, Sunday at 7 a,m, with toe heads to be announced ' next . dosed Mondays WE RESERVE THE U O itt TO LDIIT QUAWT in f Thomaa J . MeskUl, who went Rev. AUen F . ’Ihikham, min- week. It is also eiqpected Invita- WE ACCEPT POOD STAMPS FIRST FOOD to the Nattonal Oovemor'a Con* Ister of church development, fions will be in the mall next PUCSD AS SHOWN AT 600DYEAB SERVICE STORES, 646 CENTER STREET MANCHEJSTER. CONN. ferenoe tat wnrtdngtotL Oonnactlcut Conference United week. I • COTIPETmVELY PRICED AT GOODYE^ DEAUaL (We acGerve The Bight To Um tt <>MniAmwi)

■of •*

m '•p ■ 't A 4 V r p a 6& s iX 'ffeBS MANCHEST?3R-EVEJfING llERALO. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, iW l WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 Pages / 7 to 3 2 Section Two WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971' item irlfM trr lE orn m g Ifrira lh Town Hall, high school and ice at the.church. This year’s W itia IVrul 38,367 in the ’Republican pri­ J.. Coventry middle' school immediately ra­ weekly Wednesday night serv-v *-'**^^J k U B i l W k m ary. ther than in the .second phase ices will use ’Ihe txn^’s Prayer ■ Hie 50-member council is non­ PZC Qkays Sewer Plan 3f the plan. as the focus of the Lenten lltur- ” tsF f lI iD 1. 6F111 partisan, but the breakdown be­ ’ I VklSTTI The Ouard^ub of Mystic Re- Correction Town Awards Hie PZC disagrees with the fore the election 'was 88 Daley ; view, NASA, wUl meet Friday Due to a typographical er­ Democrats, 7 Republicans and 6 present plan to sewer the rest Tonlghtls I. service 'will deal At Chicago Helm The Meat People ’"'^mia _ B^aUowcraft Degree w ill at the home o f M rs. Vent Bou- ror, yesterday’s explanation independents. ba oonferrad at a apodal mMt- kas, 10 Proctor Rd. The event Six Contracts Wifh Some Reservations of the lake area without a form­ with “Our Father:’’ on March P of the actuarial basis for a al rehabilitation program to 3, the topic will be “Your CmCAQO (AP) — Mayor ’Hie election brought little leg of Uriel Lodge of Maaons at will open with a Lithuanian din- S420,0()0 town iq;>proprlation Name;’’ .March 10, “Your Richard J. Daley retained over- chanm: 38 Democrats, 4 Repub­ tho Maaonlc Tem ple in MOrroiw ner at 6:80 p.m. Six contracts. have been. Hie Plaiuilnj; and Zoning would be 60 to 100 times more, take care of housing problems next year to .the Manchester Kingdom;"'. March 17, “Your whelming control of City Ooun- licans and 5 Independents. op Saturday at 7:80 p.m. Orient awarded by the tovp recently, OommUudon, Monday night gave adding about $7.5 million to th^ in that area, as well as the Pension Fund was not clear. multitude of small lots which Food;’’ March 24, “Your For- cij ' in- Tuesday’s aldermanlc Three cmitests were undecided. Today . . . as always . . . famous for fine meats, Loqge of East Hartford, and Sunset caub will meet Friday Hie town’s contribution according to Maurice Pass, di­ a limited endorsement to the cost. It was also pointed out by rector of general services. will be useable once sewers are A woman running as an inde­ and a good place, too, to get Fresher by Far Oaakam Lodge of CHastonbuiy, at 2 p.m .'at the Senior dUsena would be based on valuation proposed sewer program for the the council that no federal and S v S e “ e>-Uons and romped to an un- Addisson Cons^ction Corp. Installed. pendent \ras leading a Demo­ afe expootod to ba repreaented Center. A poUuck will be served factors of the present pay­ town, which Is scheduled to be state funds are available for A special program Of Holly ctmtested DeiijocraUc nomina- crat in mie, and Republicans Fruits and Vegetables. thlf meeting. Refreshments at 5 p.m. Members are remind- d Glastonbury vnu awarded 'discussed at a March 3 town tertiary treatment plants, and Other town agencies are meet­ roll—at the rate of 10.6 per the contract for a water line to Week services will be announced tlon for a fifth term, and Democrats appeared head­ wlU be served after the meet- ed to bring fuU place settlngb. cent of the general employes’ meeting.. that this pi^ess does not in­ ing within the next week and ed for runoffs in the other two. the Nike Site. The contract next month. Although there was little SPECIAL PEATURES •Sc- — payroll and 14.7 per cent of H ie unanimous action, wlU;, crease the effectiveness enough most are expected to fully en­ Father Lawlor, an independ­ Emanuel Lutheran Church price Is Sl(8)639JiO. Cement pipe dorse the council’s sewer pro­ ------^------change in council’s political bal­ the police departmdit pay­ (our of five members present, to warrant such an Installation. ent, took a blue-collar ward . bags for storm sewer pipe. The connection with the project be a NBW YORK (AP) — Broad- was elected, and a woman, Mar­ city's school integration poll- ' Maaonlo Temple at i:80 tomor- —- the Young Republican Club, tertiary plant, Instead of the dorsing the entire lake area. ' way actress Marsha Rodd has ilou Hedlund, w The North Manchester Al- awaird was based on unit Carol Luckman prices. This effectively means proposed secondary treatment The PZC feels that the proposed have already given their en- been dgii^ "for a'ihajor role in first time. Daley said at a Tuesday night vlng, Miann, a diaiter member Anon family group will meet to- (^ ra tio n . Cross St. line, which would dosements. Paramount Pictures’ “T. R. Daley poUed 368,575 votes in news conference that his cam­ that the con^xuiy wlU be the OSCAR MAYER of ttie lodge who also is serving night at 8 at the Second Oongre- Heading Ballet town suppUer of storm sewer Hie Town Council, in includ­ serve that. area and the Rob­ lienten Schedule BasMn.” Miss Rodd has been filial unofficial retoms. His op­ paign will be “very positive and thls year cm worshipful master gational Church parish house, ertson School, M fine, but would Lenten activities at Prince of pipe in the coming year. ing secondary treatment In its appearing in Nell Simon’s ‘"Hie ponent for the April 6 election. constructive.’’ There will be no of BuoUd Lodge in Windsor The Thursday group wlU meet Library Drive. sewer program, noted that the prefer to see the sewer line con­ Peace Lutheran Church will be­ Hie same arrangement ap­ Lest of the Red Hot Levers" on Richard Friedman, • received debates with Friedman, he said. Lodu. Officer dress Is tails, tomorrow at 8:80 p.m. at the cost of tertiary treatment tinue up Rt. 31, serving the gin tonight with an 8 p.m. serv­ Broadway. Miss Carol Luckman, daugh­ plies to motor oils, grease, and Refreshments wlH be served Pathfinders dub, loe Norman lubricants. The contract for the BACON after the meeting. st. Both groups jnoot weekly ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving coming year was awarded to SUoed, Vm Pak ----- and sessions are open to friends Luckman of 30 Waranoke Rd., the Sun Oil Co. of East Hart­ SAVE Mo Lb. Cub Scout Pack 81 of Man- and relatives living with a has been named to head the ford. Chester Oreen Schod wUl have drinking problem. Hartford Ballet Company’s li­ Nine poUce cruisers wlU be TENDER BEEF LIVER ...... fc. 49c Its Blue and Odd Banquet to- ___ purchased from Manchester morrow at 6:16 p.m. at Com- Manchester Emblem Club wUI brary drive. She was recently appointed Plymouth for a net price of CALVES LIV ER ...... $1-05 munity Baptist diiuxli. have an International dinner $16,780. This price reflects the of Manchester ★ "Furniture People Since 1932!" ★ adm inistrative assistant to Ehild trsMle-ln allowed for eight town- MISS IOWA BACON ^ ...... b . 79c ----- March 8, at 7 p.m. at the Elks Lynn, dean of students. Miss Oamma diapter of Alpha Home on BisseU St., and not owned cars. / Lynn is the daughter of Mr. and A room settmg o f lasting beauty and gracious A. Dien Construction Co. of For BomeUilng different . . . try our extra lean D«U Delta Kappa wUl meet tomor- tonight as reported In last Mrs. Morton Rosenthal of 88 hospitality is easy to create . easy to b r i s k e t c o r n e d b e e f , LEAN SMOKED PORK CHOPS row at 8 p.m. at the home of night’s Herald. 743 N. Main St. v was awarded Mrs. Bernice Maher, 68 Church Lawton Rd. the contract for clearing, grub­ ,a^ord now. . . with either of these up­ (or Roaat), let Prtae Plump 12-lb. HEN TURIOBYB and A 1966 graduate o f M anchester OACKLEBIRD CX>RNISH HENS St. bing and excavating earth In holstered groups. Authentic^y styled to A new community service or­ High School, Miss Luckman re­ EatlY Ameiican cbann — ganisation for girls In Orades the path of Sheldon Rd.. (the ' reflect a warmth and friendUhes* you will First Church of Christ, Sdui- Eagle Scouts Bantly, left, and Belliveau are con^tulated by their mothers. (Hhrald photo by Pinto) ceived an associate degree from former Parker-Oakland connect- Just as you save 20c lb. on Oscar Mayer Bacon 9, 10, and H is being form ed by Garland Junior College, Boston, cherish more and. more each passing year. tis^^wUl have lU regular mid- the Manchester Junior Women’s tor) which has not yet been In 19M. She also attended the completed. The contract price Skil^lly crafted to assure unsurpassed value at our special ,79c price, save 20c lb. on many week testimony meeting tonight dub, and an organlxatlonad pins today’s coiofort atbw 8O atbX theUlO church,CflUrvO, 447Evl N.AVs Main .. af Bantly and Belliveau Now Eagle Scouts University of Hartford, and be­ is $12,000. in cy e iy detail. from sturdy hardwood oven and pot roast cuts of U.S. Choice Beef fore assuming her posiUon with Four eurplus Flink hydraulic Morgan BanUy and Peter been elected to Oie Order of the he has been Interested In Oie Merit badges were ^ s e n ^ jui^>sup^^^ ciishioning to decorative Roasts. Small families like Silver Tip Eye or 3- public the ballet company, was em­ tailgate sand spreaders were Middle Tpke. BeUlveau received thelr^ Eagle A irow , ,m honorary s o c le ^ fo r ployed at the Travelers’ Re­ Corner Rump Oven Roasts.. . luney, I>avld Wicks, fireman- sold to the Town of PlalnvlUe for ibe home yon ieiiWer fa& i^ 'an d: neatly box-pleated skirts. Scout badges last night In cere- scouts that can be bestowed Buskin at the high school, and search Library. A midweek wmsMp aervlse ship; Michael Shensie, finger­ fo r $20. The Fellowcraft dub of Man- monies during a Boy Scout only by fellow Scouts. He Is now ■with the Manchester Com­ The ballet company’s library A combination file cabinet and prayer meetkig will be held printing; and Paul Wicks, coin of Masons will Troop 47 Court of Honor at also an appointed officer of munity Players. was established In 1967 to give and bookcase which was to be tonight at 7:80 at Calvary cheater Lodge collecting. SIRLOIN TIP Chiuvh. sponsor a buffet supper Mcn- South United Methodist Church. John Mather Chapter, Order of Ruel Wicks, scoutmaster; students and faculty an oppor­ sold was distributed piecemeal ___ day at 6:80 p.m. at the Maaonlc Bantly, who has been a mem- DeMolay. and Dustin W oo^, advancement Patches were awarded to 12 tunity to study dance from the to town depeutments which Trinity (Covenant Church Chair Temple for members of the ber of the troop since U64, Is BeUiveau, who has been a chairman, along with a cere­ scouts who parUclpated in the i.c.ademlc point of view. As the needed this type of equipment. OVEN win rehearse tonight at 7:40 at Lodge, their wives, and chll- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert member of the troop since 1963, monial team of Junior assistant recent Winter Camporee at England library under the church. dren. After dinner, the Notarys, BanUy of 4 Garth Rd. He U a Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- scoutmasters, presided at the Camp Johnson. the__ auspices of a professional a barbershop quartet, wlU sing senior at Manchester High mond Belliveau of 142 Diane Court of Honor. Moray Roy, Blackledge Dls- (jance company, Its collection Lincoln House Mnsenm ’ve Ever Attended ROAST The Junior dtoir of North ReservaUons may be made by Schoerf and a member of Its Dr. He also has b ^ elected to Other advancement awards executive, presented contains some 600 books Frederick Elsaesser Lee Uihanetti and Ambrose LMehl, institution­ pany, 808 Farmington Ave., crafts and ouatoma of thq_euty Regina Kelland Lemuel MUler, Trey Whitaker, ity Biqitlst Church will rekeane Sophomore Mary Walsh al representative. 06105. Lincoln era. HARTFORD «AP) — State Juniors Daniel LsiBeUe Tenderfoot. tonight at 7:80 at the duiroh. Oomptnriler Rattum G. Agoatln- Marian Tomuslak lb. $119 lb. $DM Alan' Anderson John McKean elU said Tuesday his crackdown Freshmen John Ardlnl James McVeigh Cub Scout Pack 47 w ill have on long-winded long-distance tel- Robert Lussier Its annual Blue and Gold Ban­ Bruce Belfiore Barbara Pastola i ephone calls has really rankled ■ Jane Carter Kathleen Ferleoni SILVER TIP ROASTS ...... b . $1A4 quet and Pinewood Derby EVl- some state employes. FIRST HONORS day at 6 :S0 p.m. at South United Robert Clifford Liaa Perreault 3-CORNER RUMP ROASTS ...... b . $ 1 J9 “A lot of people are'imliHipy,’’ Junior Linda OoUlns Richard Qululan Methodist Church. said Agoothielll. He Riowed no Vanessa Hagenow Gerald Dupont Diane Rejman Indication of backing down, how­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will 8BOOND HONORS Joanne Ehrtaardt Deborah IRlvoea ever. / Judith Tbbln U.S. CHOICE POT ROASTS sponsor a military whist and Seniors Patrick "Fairdl . In a “general letter" dated Hmotby Golden / P rsA m en setback card party Friday at 8 10, AgosttnelU said any John Aubin 7 Tender enough ao that many good cooka oven reaat them . . . Virginia Hanley Marlann Bartolotta Manchester p.m, at Odd Fellows Hall. Pro- matter which required more Janet Bansemer j Rosemary Hanlon Mai'yamia DsawUra cesds from the event, which is thap a five-mlnuto phone call Patricia Cantwell Marilyn Jacobsen Mark BmOcy lii ii open to the public, will benefit Richard Conti BOTTOM ROUND $ «f .0 8 Riould be handled by letter. Karen Latlnl Robin Brennan . the Connecticut Bye Bank. Susan Crouchley S A V I N G I S Wlurie 20 to 28-lb. packer cut "We absolutely will not toler­ Stei^en Paokard Marybeth Camimell Prises will be awarded, and re­ Noreen EMcklnaon Cuatom cut, aa you apaoUy A. ate the continued abusive use of Linda Pagan! Linda Colbert freshments served. Members toll calls," his letter said. “ No­ eSuisUane Garlasco Kimberly Generous Kathleen Peak Rosemary Curtis are reminded to bring arUcles tice Is hereby given to poesiMe Alan Peseik- Raymond Eckel & LOAN for a teacup auctlcn and for offenders that definitive actions Ronald Hlndle HiamM Sapiensa Megan Fitsgerald WASTE FREE CENTUll prises. will Immediately be taken in this 3-PIlCGE GROUP Lov» Saat^ Sofa, and Matching Qiair T Patricia Legler Ann Sheehan Linda Golec Associatian OVEN READY regard.’ ’ BOnOM ROUND Susanne Levesque Diane Siemienskl Helen Gordon BOTTOM ROUND AgostlneUl Impbeed the five- Sophomores M eg H ealy ' I- ROASTS or mlnuto limit because some agen- Houy Lussier ROAST Good Wooriior Angela e Diana Richard Ledbetter Any Weight SWISS STEAK cles. he said, had not cooperated IXxma/Bailey Louis Lettendre with an earlier request to keep McVeigh Keopt Your Jane Bouchard Karlene lAikovlts to enricii your home and pamper your hudget> top toll calls to a minimum. Sally Miller III. $1.19 lb. $1i9 Fo ^ Dry! David HUls Nancy Bourque Suzanne MalUet Pamela Mnrawskl Donha Calderwood James Marino BONELESS CHUCK CROSS RIB ...... b . $1.05 We use genuine prime Prevented diime James Olekslw Gedrge OourvlUe Eileen McDermott leather; also shoes made Jqhn Donlon Thomas Panek CHUCK POT ROAST ...... b . 99c longer or wider.... P atricia OTSeUl Now>you can luxurious lmn(g Vdthout spendJiig m 1861, conspirators plannsd u n d a Phillips Gary I>ragoae John Rlcolo BLOCK CHUCK ROAST ...... b . 89e SAM YULYES to blew up Lincoln’s Inaugural WfiUam PhHUps Perrie Dunne Diane Robldoux Liaura Ehihardt Anita Roto Hard to beat a fortune. Scliect either of these groups of superbly akOUUXOIBBBT train, bound for Wariilngton, at NlkU Richer Baltimore. The plot was dlscov. Nancy Roberts Susan Eremlta Jeanne Schoebel fashioned Traditionals for extremely modut price. (A B%w Steps from Main) Barbara Tardiff SHOE REPIALRING of ered and the crime prevented Annette -Roy Darcy EsUnger HAM IS A 600D BUY THE BETTER KIND! by Allan Pinkerton, a detective Ariene SUvergleid Diane Farley Hiomas Toce Upholstered in elegant outline-quilted decorator Robert Wetherbee and it can be used so many ways . . . assigned to guard Lincoln. M arybeth Swidei^ Diane Fltigerald Savings & Loan’s offer fabrics. Softly cushioned for relaxing comfort Crafted for long lifo QUALITY with double-doweled^ Idin-dri^ hardwood frames. Pleated skirts; Boneloss Smoked Peril Butts a CoU ^iipg b w (oUas Daisy Homs) ...... b . 99c CONSIRUCnON fully lined, add the finishing touch. F E A T D It^ »Fabri(>cisy^d coslxidn platfcixm Dubuque's Fleur de Lb Ready to Eat Homs stive arm envera All Styl^ oft Sale SmoB 3-b. buffet style ...... b . $ U 9 liM fve dianged. (1) Highest interest ICEBERG LETTUCE Kustte Ycxj’re in a mood to demand a lot more for your money. Good. heads $1.00 CELERY HEARTS ...... 35c CARROTS GOLDEN ...... bu 14c rates available* YELLOW ONIONS ...... 3 lbs. 28e d i a l l e d . ------H e r ------V LOOK WHAT » WILL BUY Chevrolet Camaro’s advantages even include standard front disc brakes. First, so that you will buy some to serve with your •—r - i ' Hnm, we repeat-the-feature on Dole’s Plnei )ple In natural 2 ‘ (2) Interest Com- 4 iiiill Juice . . . Sliced, O uahed <»■ C9nmks...... 3 # s cans 6iki •iiii: ■ DINTY MOORE BEEF STEW...... b . con 69e TOTEM ZiAROE TRASH B A G S ...... Spoekd 69c every •■•is! Usually 81c . . . Packed 10 to a bag iii DIXIE CUPS (Rofii) ...... 100s 69e > 3-FDBGE GROUP Love Seat; Sofa^ and M atching Otuur COKE or TA E ...... ful quarts 2 for 69e You make more money than aver because ManehesW Camaro has standard front disc Savings & Loan offers you the highest interest rates in All 3-Piece UPTON PURE br^es for excellent straight-line stopping and unproved wet- hiitory . . . *the^ highest permitted by lawl And to make TEA lAGS HONEY weauier performance. They’re your savings gKow faster, interest is compounded every 100 99c b. 45c just one of the built-in advantages Camaro has over its nearest “day in the year . . . holidays and Sundays ineludedi Earn LYSOL SPRAY DISINFECTANT...... 7-ot. 79c competitor. Here are some others: The strength and quiet 6% on Two-Year Certificates from which you can with­ o f a doubk-panel steel roof. draw after two years, or 5% % on One-Year Cartificatas ' POLLUTION ???? A roomier interior. Over 5(X) more payable after one year. Both with $ 1,000 minimum de­ square inches of glass. The extra protection of a steel luggage- What are you doing about it? compartment bulkhead. The cortoeion barrier {xovided posits. Or 5% on Regular Savings Accounts where you iiil ^ a ■ *^hor ___ start with yoUr next wash — Using the New by tour inner fenders. Camaro, with its superb handling. can deposit and withdraw at any time. ♦Day-of-d#poslt Closest thing to a Vette yet Check into the to Day-of-withdrawal interest providing a $5 amount MIRAOLE WHITE Noi-FBHrtiiff competition. Thai go to your Qievrolet de^er’s and see always remains in your account! DETERaENT how'Ctunaro’s value is already built in. ----- or-the new Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent Fmniiiirt PtoftU Sinet j ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I Sale Starts Today! Spectacular Saviligs . . . here in 45e and 89e sizes sa op PnVBHURST THORS, and FRI. T1H. t MANCHESTER'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION v\ 1 1 Try KRAFH8 Ntw MINT MIST (Qraashonnarl gnnaaiw pn i 1007 MAIN STREET, NEAR ^ P L E STREET - TEL 649^588 or KRAFT’S NEW PBSB WEB 74ob« • i ^COVENTRY O FFIC E - ROUTE 3 1 - T E L 742-7321 on Fumitare, Rugs & Bedding! p i wm PINEHURST i l l 810-S18 MAIN St., MANCHESTER 646-2363 302 MAIN CORNER TURNPIKE


\ . . . ■ * -I i f t t * > r .

. ■■ ' ■ V'..-;

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., T O T p A V -^ S ER m T A R Y 12. 1971 P A G E trOfETtESSS .r- t. P^GE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 ------^------— ------^------i------Vernon; Elizabeth Ugolik, J<*n Vernon; Sharon Morrill, Staf- Rockville; Laura Wheatley, RUSSELL STOVER OANDV Rockv^Jle ’ Raltrti Rd., Manchester; Eunice Dr., Rocki^e; Richard Bab- ford Springs; Roberta O’Neal, TH E ,f. Black ISation^of Haiti cock, RR 1, Ellington; FrederJ East Hartford; Helen Drenzek, Carpenter, Prospect St., 'Rock­ NofUiway PtioraicKy ^ahe vourbudgetfto^urtijer... Hospital Notes ville; Dorothy kDUer, West Suf- Ick Meyer, Franklin Pk. West, West Main St., Irene Satemls, FAM ILY^ w fleld; Penny Rocha, Summit and Daisy Holmes, Prospect Cottage St., jm d Barbara- Mar- 280 N. Mato, Manchester In Political Transition \lsiting hours are 12:36 to 8 LAWYER. Dr., Tolland; Robert Nalls, St., both Rockville. tin, RPD 1, all Rockville; Ml- Next to Top Notch Save casfiarjd ^lue Stamps By.ISAAC M. FIX>RC»S On Jan. 13, the national con­ p.m. in all areas except ma­ Loehr ^ . , Rockville; Carol Dlischarged' Sunday: TJnda dred Hanson, Emy Lane, Bll- Associated Press Writer j j gress was recalled from recess' ternity where they are 2 to 4 Duhamel, Duncaster Lane, Cardinai, Charest Trailer Park, ington. ___ - - ...... 1 Your Debts and to revise /the constitution per­ and 6:30 to 8 p.m. POIVr AU PRINCE, HalU mitting the president to name , Your Privacy ( 1 (AP) — TWs black nation o< his silccessor and lowering the Window shoppers passing a {our million Is undeifioing a po­ age of presidential eligibility Admitted Saturday: Linda Nickerson, Davis Ave., suid Gil­ neighborhood hardware store litical transition. from 40 to 18. Q iinib Quality 1 J 1 On Jan. 22 Duvalier designat­ bert Tarkany, Hartford Tpke., were startled to sec a hand- . ^ T • Francois "Pai>a Doc” Duva- both of Rockville; Doris St. lettered sign among the pots and ed his son. pans. Y Uer, Haiti's 63-year-old presi­ A nationwide referendum to Marie, Stafford Springs; Agnes dent for life, has designated his approve his choice was immedi­ Belanger, Talcott Ave. and Ice Cream “Harold Jackson,” it read, “has iB-year-old son as his successor. ately held. Rena Morin, Franklin Park failed to pay his bill. This sign SAVE48toBO% Jean-Claude Duvaller is to take The government announced West, both of Rockville; Don­ will sf5y right here until he pays SALAD It up." over the continuing task of the that . 2,391,916 citizens voted ald Witherell, East Hartford. Duvalier revolution when "my “yes,” one voted "no” and two Discharged Saturday: Alice Reg.'Price NOW Jackson himself soon found strength betrays me,” An­ cast blank ballots. Zbierskl, Stafford Springs; out about the sign. But instead nounced the frail, voodoo-prac- Inquiries to officials as to the Marcia Kita, Middle Butcher of paying the bill, he filed a PEELED AND CLEANED tlcing medical doctor. total number of electors went damage suit against the hardware / A Duvalier ^wkesman says Rd., Rockville; Richard Flem­ dealer. Grounds: invasion of unanswered. ■ ing, Stafford; Wesley Varley, $1.29 privacy. SLICED this means that the ailing dicta­ Figuring in speculation as Halibut Steals 11.89' SORRSBU Somers; Joyce Paez, Regan ■79c°*‘- tor will remain chief of state un­ possible strcsig men in the event And, even though the dealer til his death, as provided by a Rd., Rockville; Bernard Lada-' I protested that his sign "told noth- RED BONELESS of a coup are the newly named bpquche,' East Middle Tpke., all flavors 1961 revlsim of the constitution. armed forces chief, Claude Ray­ KOBYZ, a national instru­ ^ihg but the truth,” the court Perch Fillet OCEAN But many Haitians doubt that ment resembling a small- MiOichester; Louise Irwin, Ban­ ruled in Jackson’s favor. The mond; congressman and secret croft PI., Rockville; Bonnie This Week interpretation. There is a great police head, . Luckner Cam- scale cello In the Soviet court said the debt was none of deal of speculatiCHi and Jockey­ Union’s Kazakh Republic, Hagg, Emerald‘Dr., and Flor­ MT. VERN ON VAN ( (M r o \ the public's business. Haddock Fillet lb. -16-oz. PLA STIC brenne; the president’s son-in-, ence Bartlett, RFD 3, both of $ ing for political position. law Mkc Dominique, and Infor­ is Zhumatai Shamkenova’s In most states, the law frowns Vernon; Patricia Sqhofleld, SANDWICH SAVER Observers foresee trouble mation Minister Paid Blanchet. choice for making beautiful on the general publicizing of_a SEA only when the pudgy, 6-foot music. She and some 800 Grant Hill Rd., Tolland; Wesley DAIRYSITORE quality ice cream A power behind the scenes is private debt. Although the debtor Shrimp Cocktail MAID 3 - 9 9 ' with purchase of $5.00 or more Jean-Claude comes into his own. fellow students are enrolled Smith, RFD 2, and Merjd does indeed owe the money, such Mafie-Denise Duvalier, Jean- Chiapponi and daughter. Orch­ (except items regulated by law) Papa Doc, as he is called by Claude’s strong-willed sister in the Tchaikovsky School NOW 79c l/2 GAI,. tactics are considered unfair and ard St., all of Rockville. / rich and poor, appesus to be who is the wife of Dominique, of Music in Alma Ata, L oppressive. Even a limited pub­ Kazakh capital. Admitted-- Sunday; Juanita firmly in control at present and, onetime army colonel now serv­ MT. VERNON licizing niay be unlawful, if there despite his poor health, may ing as ambksador to France. Brown, Hartford; James Rod- □ ^ DAISY is no real justification for it. outlive many of his enemies. In 1967, the highly regarded “completely at ease and lUcely man, Goose Lane, Tolland; Thus: Hie military is in the fore­ Dominique was part, qf_a large relaxed,” one long-time foreign Helen Maynard, Prospect St., In another case, a debtor who MIDDLE TURNPIKE 'TOMATO front of speculation, with army number of s3my~antf sec'urity resident put it. I Charles Pitkat, Plllsbuiy Hill, had no telephone was summoned leaders reported ready to take officers purged by his father-in- and Carl Geldiardt, Union St., S A V E 5 0 c repeatedly to a neighbor’s house power at any opportunity—or Port au Prince is going law. Dominique escaped the through a slow period of self-im­ to take calls from a persistent PUOEE back a civilian of their choice. fate of more than 20 of his col­ .LIM IT ONE PER CUSTOMER EXPIRES MARCH 3 , 1971 creditor. The creditor also took CONTADINA - 20 OFF LABEL There appears to be little uni­ provement. No armed guards leagues, death by firing squad. patrol the streets, in contrast to SEVEN-ELEVEN great pains to let the nerghbbr ty am<»ig them and internal Although he remained in Papa ...... I ^ know exactly why he was calling. CONTADINA lb. the recent past. The feared Ton Convenience Food Store 244 B r o a d S t r e e t SOOD‘TT ”AT'L"'M^T'v'EwTO'N"''PA‘lR'’iy^ SER FARM. strife could produce a power Dec’s disfavor, Marle-Denise SOS GREEN ROAD . Here too, when the debtor ROUND CUT. FROM GRAIN-F^D WESTERN PORKERS - WHOLE OR EITHER FULL CUT PORTION - SHANK REMOVED struggle, hi the murky light of Ton Macoutes, Duvaller’s per­ Tomatoes OR MAHAN and Mrs. Duvalier persuaded sonal security force, are no­ M a n c h e s t e r sued, ^he court decided the calls Haitian politics, anything is con­ the president to appoint Domi­ OPEN 7 DAYS were ftt unlawful invasion of his DEEP HUE n 1 SWIFT’S PRIMIUM sidered possible. where in evidence.. nique an ambassador. 7 A .M . to 11 P.M. privacy. Light Tuna SOLID Chicken Legs roH ». 55' Bologna The key factor in the situation The Dominiques have been However, Duvaller’s enemies "The defendant’s tactics,” said IN WATER Ns that despite widespread pub- visiting in Port au Prince since say his machine works so effi­ •the court, "were deliberately in­ _ I ik expressions ot support, many- the Christmas holidays. This led ciently and quietly that tourists and most residents are not tended to shame and harass the Spaghetti aK n Chicken Breasts ». 59' Smokie Links «<« doilbt that Jean-Oaude could to rumors that he would not re­ plaintiff into paying. Defendant ^ W/MEATIAlW/MEATIAUS holdN^e country together. aware of its (^rations. — 1 1 , 1 U.S.D.A. CHOICE turn to his Paris post, but laSt SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY MEATS clearly exceeded the bounds of OSCAR a w Y it - Fresh out of secondary school week, he arrived at the airport There is no organized opposi­ reason.” Flank Steaks „RiVrN'SRo.E rranKS auhef/aumeat not qulk the equivalent of an accompaniedy Duvalier,' Jean- tion to the government, but Du­ -The fact remains, however, ii^ericai^v Junior coUegre, the valler is criticized in private by CALYPSO Claude and his wife. He can­ that a debt is supposed to be ^ pI k g s. ^ president’s Npnly son is in his celed his departure because of many people. The poor say FRESH PORK FESTIVAL paid — and that a creditor is o f 2 0 0 MAINE GROWN CHICKENS first year ofNUw school, at the what officials described as a there has been virtually no entitled to put on pressure to 2 -p ly S IR . AVG. university. \ bomb scare. change in their condition in al­ LOIN collect it. One debtor, went to SCOTTIES U.S. G O V T INSPEaED lb. - There are Currently two An unidentified man checked most 14 years of rule. court to complain of receiving a OR WHITE FACIAL TISTISSUES - 40 OFF LABEL Large Roasters schools of thought about the his bags onto the same Air Extreme poverty is evident PORTION - jarring telegram from his credi­ 4 M |;-$ 1 0 0 forthcoming presldeVial succes­ France flight to Miami but everywhere—in the capital and tor. It said: “Must have March GREENWOOD BEEF sion. \ failed to show for the flight and throughout the 'interior of this Red Cabbage SLICED 53' jPib, SLICED 6 3 ' payment immediately or legal CHUCK The first is Jh at Duvidjer will officials immediately suspected mountainous country about the action." But the court could see 1-p*. hold on to power and usei^^ re­ a bomb. A man identified as the size qf Maryland. $] 00 nothing unlawful in the tele­ Catsup grand UNION 1 California Steak maining years schooling Jean- reluctant traveler was later ar­ FRESH HAM S P O R K CH O PS gram. ”A creditor has a perfect btls. Claude in the manner of govnn- rested at the airport. right to threaten legal action,” Ing his people, 80 per cent All of this comes at a time QUARTERED PORK LOIN BritUil AwaMls WHOKOR RIBoilO IN t said the court. ‘There are some CHICKEN 4'2.rnoo them Jobless and 90 per cent of' \ ^ e n "the world’s first black Shake 'n Bake n SLICED - CENTER AND NEW YORK (AP) — Para- lIHiRHAlF 11^ ENDCUIS a shocks, inconveniences, and an­ them illiterate. Papa Doc has I’epublic" is enjoying a modest 9 m m lb noyances which members of so­ END CUT CHOPS indicated this is the path he will moimt Pictures was honored in Pork Chops ecOimmlc upswing. ciety in the nature of things must foUow. "My mission has not Tourism has doubled in the eight categories in the 1970 absorb.” ,, I2.«x. ended,” he said upon designat­ past b^ee years, according to ’’Films 4 Filming’’ awards. The LA RO SA Chicken Livers “Sft P.59' Cold Cuts MiSTrSTMc.. ing his son. official 'figures. Small private Ehigllsh film magazine cited the An American Bur Ansociution *1 Htt- The second line of speculation lndustries\from overseas, par­ following films, released in public aervice fealure by W ill p k g s . | F is that Jean-Claude will take ticularly th \ United States and Great (Britain, to. 1970; B e rn a rd . SPAGHETTI foiled Ham ..°SX ft 59' Chicken Wings M. over the presidency soon, possi­ Canada, are fifiding a receptive "The Confession’’ was named © 1971 American Bar Association #8, 9 AND 35 R. bly within months. Those follow­ atmosphere. \ best foreign language fllm.’- 1 M. ing this line say this would ex­ American Amb^sador Clin­ “W a t e r 1 oo” received an 5 Hot Dogs '"S.a'"' H.69' 'Sporeribs s«wMun oI mmm K. plain the speed witti which Du- ton Knox reports umt a repre­ award as the best war film and Bread-Grumbs „S. valler acted to name him. sentative from the^^ency for lor best special effects. SHOP GRAND f y THE FRESHEST The president has a history of International Development is to "Borsallno’’ was cited for best Italiaii Press heart trouble and diabetes. He arrive in March and will be at­ color photography and best mu­ Dog Food 5 " ^ ^ " UNIONTOR- r PRODUCE IN TOWN announced Jan. 2 that he would tached to the embassy, k^rvey sic score. . soon propose a young new lead­ teams are also due in tMs "Paint Your Wagon" was Se^ ‘Calm ’ NEW CROP - FLORIDA VALENCIA er. The armed forces chiefs spring from 'Washington to de­ named best musical and the Facial Tissues 5 promptly sent the president a termine the possibilities of eco­ moat successful roadshow. letter nominating his teen-age nomic aid. ' ’’Darling Llll,” was honored In Am erica son. Hie country'appears to be 'for best costume design. Juice Oranges 5^69 By THK AiBSOOlATED PBESS H O fC R O S S WASHED AND CLEANED liOiNDON (AP) — "After al- mozt' a decade ot Increasing lO-oz. convulstons, violence and con­ pkgs. flict, calm has returned to ^ NANCY l-YNN Fresh SpinacHi ' America,” an Italian newspaper TENDER CALIFDRNIA " - * n reported last week. White Bread First Tile New York correspondent ot Turin’s La Stampa wrote that NANCY the "country appears more tol­ Apple Pie lYNN A sp arag u s lb. erant and realistic.” NANCY lYNN OLD FASHIONED Campus radicals. Black Pan­ SNOW-WNITi GOLD/SUGAR thers and even the militant Donuts Strawberries lUKIOUS i 3 9 ‘ “HOONllGHr' iVeathermen are toning down ^Mushrooms £ 6 9 ' their acts ot violence, he said, adding, ”I’d say we were watch­ Peppers MIID-GRE^N » 39' Onions U.S. # IY iU 0W ing the disarming of a revolu­ 4 29' tion.” k \ Lendon’s Daily Telegraph also YOGURT CRUSHED. commented on a different as­ \ GRAND UlUNION BRAND CHUNKS 4-02.^ ■ 00 pect of American calm: ”A re- OR SLICED cans maricable aqiect of the action lORDENS _____ IN JUICE IMITATION Dole Pineapple currently being fought in Laos Velva Kreme pkg. 3 _____ ; CREAM CHEESE 25< A&P Golden Corn ^ S i:; 99* by South Vietnamese troops DETERGENT ~ SWEET-YOUNGTENDER vrith American air support is X A / I - . —. - U - . sh arp CHEDDAR 6-01. CHDCDLATE a . SELFISH. pkg. LUX LIQUID the calmness with which it Is W is p r ia e cheese spread 49' can DuncnnHin^ c m e m g i a n t p e a s being received by American CANE t tO’Off 22 •!. 12- 01. Nesflels Quik 49< public opinion.” MAPLE UIEL ploslk CaiAT WITH PORK-PINK bti. 4 ^ 9 The paper suggested that this Vermont SYRUP 43' resulted from general Mcept- FDR FRYING gal. Apple Bay Applesauce 3 '£49* ance Of "President Nixon’s ma­ AND BAKING can Think of yourself for a change. SEALTEST PAMPERS jor premise: That ‘Vletnamlza- W esson O il ' 3 SO-SOFT.2PLY ^ I tion’ of the war can be made to with this coupon and I with this coupon and ' PARRAY V FRISRIES - You deserve something for bringing LIGHT & LIVELY YOGURT DISPOSABLE DIAPERS work, and work In such a way Margarine SOFT CORN on CHICKEN/llVER purchase ot any size purchase of two 12-oz.cons 449' Cat Food ALL flAVORS Bathroom Tissues 4!£39* NiWeOkN UVikhiOHl as to put an end to Communist ■ICATCNI or ELBOW < J m DQI 10 in bo I 1010 in in bo boi I I 17 in boi package BABY ■ ,-CONTADINA------FOR home the bread. * ^ - ambitions.’’ AUTOMATIC $1 00 $ 1 6 8 $ 1 4 8 In other foreign comment, the SCOTT DIAPERS I TOMATO PASTE C a scade DISH WASHERS a 69' Chiejeen Broth 6 K 8 8 88' Frankfurter- AUgemetoe said it lim it: one coupon por customor You deserve a little tenderness. ■ limit: ono coupon por cuktomor Ann Page Macaroni S^^l**** expected a different sort of nice, quiet place and a big^ juicy steak. WHOUKERNa DISINFECT.^ reactlMi to the Laotian opera­ WMm Coupon good thru WSM I Coupon good thru V5BF Saran Wrap JUMIO M argarine "sSr 4 4 9 ' GreenGant Corn 4 » Lysol^ray '.k 69* tion. It wrote that "the exten­ Sot., February 27 I Sot., February 27 ALL FLAVORS______^— ANN PACE-ALL VARIETIES sion of the war has horrified the 40C NVR MRD Steak served just the way you like it. American protest movement, QUICK, CONVENIENT Bessey Fruit Drinks 49* ipngetti Police 3 H ** niey will not listen to reason. With a steaming-hot baked potato, Texas AAPFROZENCRAOE-’A" ANN PAGE Hiey want peace at any price." “iscoipF" I " n o *o K f" toast, and a cool, crisp, green salad. Orange JuicB 3 ?r^8* Tomato Soup '*« 10* A correspemdent for London’s with this coupon' and I with this coupon and 8 ITH PORK IN'TOMATO SAUCE ANN PAGE Financial Times reported on the ' purchase of 1-lb., 13-oz. jar | purchase of 3-lb. pkg. ampnolrs Beans » * Tomato Ketchup mood In Chicago, saying that SPAGHETTI SAUCE - LAUNDRY ADDITIVE So be selfish-for your whole 4 75 LVii 39* city would like to Uve down Its BREAKPAST Image of»a- FABRieSOFTENER ■ SNOWY BLEACH PRELL 7-oz. r TOOTH- 4 Mit wrote. limit: ono coupon por cullomor | limit: on* coupon por cultomor j i a btl. akt. Coupon good thru W S t -| CoupoiTgood thru T H F Sot., f ebruory 27 | Sat., February 27 V S / ^^heat Sales O ff LIQUID • 12C DEAL LABEL PRO-BMAND ADULT SIZE.IWRDIUM AMD HARD A A'il 4 -A A O A 1 O O A AOAAAOAAA MBJLBOUIWI! — Auatraliin fannera planted a record 26.8 mnutui acres of wheat in the " HBCES gttaiVg.TM ItU SAt., FtS. 47TH. W I B K « VE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITII8. moiBEii«> laat crop year, but the anuxint 287WestMWdteTpke., Manchester ejmorted—244 million bushels Manchester Parkade, Middle Turnpike, iVest — Triple-S^edomption Center, West Hartford, N. Main St. and Albany Ave^, ^25 E. Moin St. Meriden ''1 ^w ae weU below the previous 829____ _ Urn. (Rt . 6), . Bristol • Rt 1, Groiaii Shoiwtis___ Mirt, affita • Open Tues., Thurs.yFri. and Sat. 9:00-5:30 -—.Wed; 9:00-9:00 Closed Mondays 911 W srtM M Stm t ( K K h ^ 7^ PMmUk Sbo^^ t o , export year, when a recewd 818 iHo - mlUUxi buriteU were shipped. * • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE TWENTl ^ ------^------prevailing-wage laws to taJte al money is directly Invcdved, new homes and apartments. Be- a welfare takeover Instead of a vast majority, of the money,” Meskill Names similar action. such as a college building on a cause the entire economy revenue sharing prog;ram. the Republican governor said. Nixon Acts “ Wage rates on federall pro- university campus, a post—of- footed by- rising cw^rUcUem Sharing Plan Slmpp luu, i» a,~E>emocrat. secretary of the .Treasury Executive Aide jects )iave been artificially set flee, a federal-state highway. costs, other prices are driven up ■ Agnew sought to head off the John B. Coimally urged the gov- Oven Ready Fresh by this law,” Nixon said, “ rath- But it does not apply to pri- also.” ^ t a HARTFORD ^ (AP) — Colin Gives Most idea of supplanting the adminis­ erfiore to support Nixon’s Cabi­ To Control net overhaul program; John D. er than by customary market vate housing. *11x18 holds true In fiscal 1972, he said, the fed- Pease, a 27-year-old assistant to tration plan with federal pay-> forces. even in cases of homes built ‘and ered government alone plans to ment of welfare bills. Such a Ehrlichman, chairman of the Gov. ’Hiomas J. MesWll, has To Cities domestic council, argued the Inflation “ Frequently, they have been purchased under Federal Hous- spend $13 billion lor construc- F ir s t Chicken Parts move, he said, will erode “the been named the governor’s ex­ Rib Roasts set to matyh the highest wages ing Administration or Veterans tlon. unified, massive effort it is revenue sharing case. (Continued from Pa^e phe) (Continued from Page One) paid on private projects. ’This Administration loan guarantee Nixon acted under a section of going to take to get this through Connally told the governors ecutive aide. N a d o n a l Breast Quarters Wing tlV” to enforce a wage-price •"“ 'y programs. the Davls-Bacon Act providing: field 221,491; Burlington 26,816; Congress." the administration has no inten­ Pease, a native of New Brit- - lU S D A l Cut From the wit!*! tion of trading off revenue shar­ , . , , flationary local wage settle- Nixon acted after Hodgson “ In the event of a national Canton 53,741; East Hartford Actually, the governors ain, succeeded Adolf G. Carl­ S t o r e s Back ing in the effort to win approval freeze or government-imposed construction indus- gaid he could give no assur- emergency, the president is au- CHOICE 1st 4 Ribs Leg Quarters 609,807; Eaat_Wlndsor 71,636; conference has endoijaed both controls on a reluctant Indus- try have automatically been ances the Industry could over thorized to suspend the provi- son, who is now the state fir plans for new fe d e ^ 'a id . New of Nixon’s plan to streamline Enfield 338,111; Farmington 170,- the Cabinet into eight agencies. try.” sanctioned and spread through work out a voluntary agreement slons of Oils act.” nance commissioner. Pease Fresh York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefel­ Nixon said in a statement the government contracts.” for .controlling the wage-price 'Eiespilte the uncertain impact, 687-; and Glastonbury 227,094. ler said the governors will maka "N or is there any talk even of served as Mesklll’s personal Tasty compromise,” Ehrlichman said. Davls-Bacon suspension was ^he President’s action is ap- spiral. this was Nixon’s strongest move Granby 63,741;, Manchester a mistake if they foresake the 'the most appropriate of the ac- pUcable to some $25 billion in Nixon said inflation in the yet in pursuing a newly adopted aide during the 1970 elecUon Club Steaks-®R“iSt? The Nixon program envisons Chicken 500,160; Newington 235,219; administration program to tlonis which are available to me federal and(federally-alded con- construction Industry, is felt in “ Incomes policy,” use of direct campaign. He is a graduate of $S billion in new, unrestricted press, for more welfare aid. at this time.” struction projects. .'U pirts of society. “ As con- government intervention to hold Colorado College and a veteran Fresh Americuu Grown Plalnville 181,612; Rocky Hill federal aid for the states, and " It ’s utterly unrealistic to ex­ He called on stotes and other The law covers wage stand- struction costs go up, so does down inflationary wage an of service with the U.S. Navy. 107,047; Simsbury 168,7TB; South­ pect that the Congress is going $11.4 billion in prcgram-by-pro- Fresh Pork Butt 55 lb government units with similar ards on projects-in which feder- the price for buying or renting price movements. ington 273,872; South Windsor to vote to give a few states the gram assistance. Boneless ib65c Finast Bacon 189,181; Suffield 93,013; West Hartford 993,718; Wethersfield 284,207; Windsor 218,382; Wlnd- Sauerkraut 1 lb pkg 19c 2 lb pkg 33c Sliced Vac Pac 6 9 ^ ^ sor liocks 137,126; Harwlnton 36,117; Litchfield 76,749; New Hartford 28,667; New Milford Pork Shoulders Colonial Bacon Vac Pac lb 75c 123,909; North Canaan 26,619; 'Popuhjv omjDw/tim tke/ 'BMkptouce/ of tk& Plymouth 79,796; Salisbury 34,- Fresh, Lean, Flavorful Premium 7Q« 921; Thomaston 60,696; Washing­ LEGS Swift Bacon Vac Pac l u C Pork Picnic ton 26,184; Watertown 139,139; Whole Regular Winchester 106,938; Woodbury 62,118 and Chester 26,184. Lenten Specials! Finast Cold Cuts Clinton 71,038; Cromwell 66,- 969; Deep River 30,362; Durham Greenland Bologna, Salami, P & P, Olive, 6 OZ ‘ 29,763; East Haddam 32,799; Turbot Fillet Snow White 49c Tasty, Luxury, Pepper, Luncheon pkg East Hampton 82,896; Essex 37,- Tender 912; Haddam 32,799; Middlefield b lb boi 3.25 lb 69c Flavorful Skinless 24,749; Old Saybrook 82,896; DOUBLE DUTY Flounder-Fillet Finast Franks ">77c Portland 71,636; Beacon Palls Medium White Lamb Skinless 20,833; Branford 209,416; Chesh­ b lb bo. 4 . 8 9 99c Colonial Franks ib79c ire 154,424; East Haven 238,081; Shrimp Guilford 412,061; Hamden 686,- Nepco Tranks S kinless |» 79c 321; Madison 86,066; Mlddlebury Halibut Steaks 99c "V 63,741; North Branford 86,996; North Haven 277,081; Orange Cod Steaks Semi-Boneless — Center Cut lb 59c Oscar Mayer Franks ib 83c 1»4,162; Oxford 24,749; Prospect Oven Ready "> 89c Ranchers Pride - Veal or Beef 36,U7; Seymour 104,926; South- Fresh Bay Scallops 1.69 Patties Sold in 2 Ib pkg lb 65c bury 39,979 and Wallingford 370,910. Fresh Oysters standard Sozcan 89c Colonial Bologna '»79c Wolcott 93,013; Woodbrldge 89,868; Cojehester 42,046; East Cod Fillet ib65c LAMR CHOP SALE Oscar Mayer V a rie ty Pak 12 oz pkg 99c Lyme ■91;2T3;' Griswold 108,243; 10 02 pkg Groton 266,249; Ledyard 82,896; Shrimp'Monte Carlo 99c Fresh American Grown Buddigs Smoked Meats 2 pkgs Montville 71,636; Old Lyme 48,- i m 'P/um pitii Top Vohe/ ^tm pA 846; Preston 21,767; Sprague Smelts Cleaned — Ready to Cook Ih 55c Armour Zip Top 5 ib can 19,092; Stonington 106,469; Wat­ Canned Ham 4.79 erford 140,444; Bolton 32,036; Golden Fried Fish Cakes '»55c lb Pure Pork Coventry 72,844; Bllln^on CORONET SUPER SIZE Shoulder Chops Italian Sausage 6 Ib box 69c 78,980; Mansfield 63,260; Somers MY-T-I Golden Fried Haddock Fillet 99c 39,066; Stafford 62,928; Tolland Rib Eye n. 119 Sausage Meat Perri’s Pure Pork Ib 65c 64,448; Vernon 246,186. PRELL Golden Fried Fish Sticks '»79c » 1.29 Brooklyn 24,632; KllUngly PUDDIHCS Chops Nep^ Polish Sausage ">99c 14 02 pkg 86,398; Plainfield 47,921; Putnam Jumbo Shrimp Rolls 99c 49,988; Tliompson 7,670; Wlnd- ALL FLAVORS 149 ' ham 100,619; and Woodstock 24,- j / lb 749. All other townships 606,129. Chops ■■ > WASHINGTON (AP) — Tiie nation’s governors appealed without success today for 3 1 /2 RM M M YoM r congressional support of finan­ o z. Redeem Your ^RDERALFOOD cial reUef In the form of Presi­ p k g s . .FEDERAL FOOD dent Nixon’s plan to send them STJUWDS $6 billion In federal revenue STAIHPS itllntNirtioiidf sharing. at First NnliMial! Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, D -^k., chairman of the tax-writing Habitant Pea Soups...... 6 n Habitant Chicken Noodte or House Ways and Means Com­ BBBF-O-OHBTTI *1_ BEEF-ARONI Golden Delicious mittee, and Rep. John Byrnes, One Pie Potatoes...... 4 Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee SFAO. W MEAT BALLS LENTEN TOTAL VALUE BONUS 12 OZ. JAR fROZEN MEAT R-Wls., its ranking Republican, both said they remain opposed to the President’s plan. n s n n - t Mills said the revenue sharing DINNERS APPLES proposal would'require addition­ NESCAFE WAYBEST WHOLE al federal deficit spending and FInast - Beef • ChlckerrHurkey W ITH epUPON & PURCHASE OF 45.00 OR MORE SALE AT FUSSY FINAST! could lead to greater state , de­ mands for federal financial re­ Coupon good at Popular M kti. thru Sat., USNo.1 lief. ‘ "These things would kill us Fab. 77, 1971.— Lim it One Coupon Per Customer just ll|fe they’re killing you,” he 11 oz 2V4” Min. » ' told the delegation headed by 3 39 New York Gov. Nelson A. Rock­ pkgs Idaho Baking efeller. PRUNE qt Mills is reported leaning to an Taste theCHICKENS difference of W aybest p l u n j i p FInast - Makes 16 oz btl I alternate proposal under which a Half Gallon JUICE Potatoes 22 oz. BOTTLE premium grade ”A” Orange Juice 49c n the federal government would Chickens — Waybest_ SUNSWEET Favorite for Flavor F o o d i take from the states the steadily stands for quality and Roman 27 02 pkg mountlng cost of welfare. l l t l IN IID fre s h n e s s ! Cheese Pizza 89 c A key governor indicated to­ Split or Cut-Up Somer- Q 0 02 $1 Onions day this proposal might well BIRD’S EYE VEGETABLES kgs . I 168 ct Cooked Squash dale 0 Pine Mountain — case of 6 4 . 6 9 — have a better chance of enact­ CHIFFON French Cut Oree n‘‘%eans rolls ment than revenue sharing. W ITH COUPPN & PURCHASE OF 55.00 pRMORE Cut Green Beeni Dinner Gov. Robert W. Scott of North Coupon good at Popular Mkts. thru Sat., Taste O' Sea 55c SCOT^OWELS pkgi. Fireplace Logs »79' Feb. J7,1971.— Limit One Coupon Per Customer Chopped Broccoli 5 Carolina, head of a special sub­ Finast /ozpkg FACIAL committee of the National Gov­ Crispy Shrimp 85c ernors Conference on revenue VAHLSING BIRDS EYE pkgs I 6 02 sharing and chairman of the FRENCH FRIES AWAKE TISSUE Finast pkg Of 200 caucus of Democratic gover­ Crispy Scallops 67c Finast Dairy Favorites! f M. with Coupon Below nors, said a welfare takeover 3~*1 can 28 Green ,i5 o z 75c SCOTTIES “ is something that could be ac­ Cheese Ravioli Country pkg complished more quickly than BANQUET Howard Johnson revenue sharing.” SLICES MAC & CHEESE Finast qt “ I don’t know whether It will jar 51 or not,” Scott said. “ It’s con­ S u . 11 01. Finast Bakery Specials! pk§t. Fh|i. ceivable it could be. I wouldn’t 97 HAYONNAISE CRACKER object to that.” FINE Scott made clear he favors LEAN *. FRESH WE FEATURE SK/FOODS Richmond both proposals as does the Na­ GROUND CHUCK .9. 85' 28oz< . is ’ BARREL tional Governors Conference as Round DUBUQUE CREAM or WH. KERNEL CORN.... 4 ii:.-n APPLE cans n § • / Kraft Sharp a udiole. SLICEO BACON lb. 69^ Peeled i , s 1 Delegations of governors ap­ SWIFT'S CUT GREEN BEANS liY ...... 3 r . ' 89‘ TOMATOES White Sticks peared before a half-dozen dif­ SAUSAGES ferent congrresslonal committees UV: 5^ PIES OEM CHILD MILD RED KIDNEY BEANS...... 4 r * before attending a luncheon BABY s c o n BIAPEBS...... " ’ 1.M FRANKFURTS Finast STRAWBERRY with congresstonal-leaders. . NABISCO CORN OIBGEBS...... iv SB* SOLID PACK TOMATOES...:...... 3 r . ' *1 Nixon told the opening day of SPARE RIBS PRESERVE IDoz , .'v V-'w ' the session he is looking for ac­ BAKERS VANIUA...... ~ 79‘ THREE SEIVE PEAS...... 4;i;.* n Serve with tion, not a political issue, in his WELCHS ■f m stick Delicious revenue-shfirtng< plan. TIP TOP RAISIN BREAO...... -SB’ DILLED GREEN BEANS...... r 39‘ Finast He went in person and sent ’ « AMERICAN CHEESEr'I S L IC E S phg. ‘ Ice Cream Prune Juice Finast qt btl 34c Pampers daytime Diaper^^^^o 1.63 Vice President Spiro T. Agnew GREEN & WAX BEANS.!...... Slirf M and two top lieutenants Tuesday Hoods Cottage Cheese...... 2 '»> 68* Popular Blitter Q U A R TE R S , Finast pkg O l i v e s Finast — Ju-mblePac 3 U ' T F r e n C h S ' Instam potatoes i5ozpkg0^Q Kraft Swiss s S »» .«59c to tirge the governors to help r ORANGE JUICE' CALIF. TOMATO JUICE...... 39' of 12 49c sell revenue sharing and Cabi­ Kraft Swiss Cheese natural...... ,'2 49* Kraft Fnit Salad...... Hot Cross Buns pkg net reorganization measures In POPULAR Brilliant Cooked Shrimp...... PITTED GIANT RIPE OLIVES...... L V 49' Finast pnastEibow pkgs American CheesesinXt>“ 41c Congress. V 2 g a l . ^ ^ c Cinnamon Buns of 12 49c Maesroni 2 43c Chef Beefaroni 3 r 1 In a private appearance be­ VAL€NCIA l l Furniture Polish i4 ozcan Margarine 4 r. 95c fore the midwinter governor’s TOOTHBRUSHES English Muffins fi™** 4 ?6 *1 1.09 Jif Peanut Butter < blue [^WAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA^ nors are Democrats, 21 are Re­ Jllfe$tern C^lle Carrels 2nSl:29' 3 9 [ISWAVAYAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA^I ^fjafecjfpeare’g Counfi^ o n w hite publicans. TOP TALK STAMPS W E PECNASE I WITH THIS S| And some of them remained I 25c off COUPON 100 sconiES brown skeptical. Ohio Gov. John J. Gil- Crisp Celery Hearts - nt 49* EXTRA jS Towards purchase of One pkg of 24 g ! V . ALL DETERGENT M jFvopal itta il on white llgan, a Democrat, said Nixon, 200v*"urs;A.;ps I S Facial p k g s M g ! ■S AAWimnrVA DcmiiAD S ! i-i w ill blame a Democratic Con­ I s Tissue * r of 200 I g ! REGULAR < gress if revenue sharing is re­ Green Cabbage, Yet. Turnips 12» Feature Item This Week CONFIDETS or SUPER £1 jected; if it Is approved, the R e­ Crisp-Airs IS WITH THIS COUPON gj C with tech Valid thru Sat., Feb. 27, 1971 publican administration will MIRACLE WHIP $3 purchaee i j g ^ -Valid thru Sat.. Feb. 27. 1971 only l l claim credit. Maclntesb Apples 3 49° TIP VALK STAMPS W E PRRNASE DESSERT DISH QlUigan said he prefers a fed­ ALCOA 5 0 K w i u j i n U i m eral takeover of rapidly increas­ j^ W A V A J U m ^ i a l u m i n u m EXTRA ing ^welfare costs. Gov. Warren PLASTIC WRAP E. Heames of aflssouri, another Tomatoes Po|iular Brandi’ 33' Democrat the conference Rad Label WRAP 2 5 w'VALKsri^^ said “everybody ^ j ; EXTRA Raw. Oian Wia aad Tabatc. Piadwti b l» H Fraai Staaia ( would be in mudi better shape” BATH TISSUE Pri«> H lK th . thni SM rAw . F«Wi»Hr ,>T, 1971 ia F M lfatiM.1 SupMMrkcU with the federal government fi­ ^Jiamend Walnuts nancing welfare. Gov. Milton J. Bhapp of Pennsylvania proposed MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ^4,^971 PAGE TWENTY-THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,.MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRtTARY 24, 1971 ? \ 'New Volume Tells Story Rebellious Students ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES ONE OF THE STOP & SHOP COMPANIES Of Immigration to America

Active in Philippines Fy Mn.ES A. SMim the period wage battle tg tin s A -^ AP Arte Editor the admission of various ethnle ' By JOHN NANCE than 4,000 in the streets recent-, NEW YORK (AP) — A vol­ groups, while others aigoe far AMOcUUed PreM Writer ly. They use revolutionary lan- gu age but stress their dislike of | \ ume reference work, containing thelF admission. MANILA (AP) — Increasing violence. They denounce the .source materials on ajqxxnd- IMa^ writers claimed these num bers o t Filipino students, “faaclsih” of certain radicals mately four centuries of ’’ethnic grou^ would be difficult to as­ rebelling against the ctmaerva- they say are bent on a bloody pluralism in the Unljad fitates” similate. But Finley Peter Oam of a society which even the Moalst revolution. S h o p has been published under the ti­ Dunne, the political satirist, One spokesmarl for the S l i b p tle ’’Makers of America.” argilM that they raiddly were s^artieading a drive for ^ewT-JeSUt Prof. Ed ’ ’ E thnic 'Pluralism” to sim p ly becoming ^ factor in the na­ “*®*’*^’ Garcia, callss> for’ steady, mHl- SUPERMARKETS anoO ier term for what , long has tion's inustrial growth, and re­ They are latecomers to the tant pressure on the establish- SUPERMARKETS L/\ been called ’’the melting pot” of fe rre d to th e m ' a s ” pll$;rlm fa­ worldwide wave of student mill- ment to bring about reforms American life—the blending of thers who missed the lint tancy and are trying to make up keyed to Christian socialism, Immigrants from many naUons b oa to.” for lost time. "nie moderates are hoping Plan a'quick and easy meed right from the freezer! into an American pattern. Tile titles of the 10 volumes Their youthful activism seems that a convention in June to re­ The source materials number serve as an outline of the chang­ Meatless ^ea ls can be delicious with Denting*s Our name on the label means there*s top quality inside! like the keenest force around for write the nation’s constitulon 9 0 I S 1 more than'700 items, taken from ing trends of immigration: jolting the poor masses out of will pave the way for change contemporary writings, such as ’’The First Comers, 1886- apathy, the rich elite out of peacefultly. Stop^&Shop French Fries 7 books, diaries, sqngs, poems, 1800.” ’^Builders of a (faw Na­ tranqullUy and forcing pollti- Radicals sing the “Intema- Stop & Shop Light Tuna Dinner letters and stories. But the bulk tion, 1801-1846.” ^’‘Seekers After ' cana to get to work. tlonale,’: caU the moderates Alaskan King Crabmeat of the selections are articles Freedom, 1840-1870.” “fieeken SDzpkg 4 Even President Ferdinand E. ’’namby-pamby” and predict Taste 0’ Sea Flounder from magaslnes, newspapers After Wealth. 1871-1800.” "Na­ Marcos—a prime target for the the constitutional convention This money-saver is a time- In oil. This is equal in qual­ and other periodicals, and from tives and Aliens, 1801-1908.” students, who call him an Amer- will fail miserably because the 14 oz the Congressional Record. “The New Immigrants, 1804- saver, too. All tendons have ity to fine brands selling for ican puppet — says the actlv- system is rotten, Roman Cheese Pizza pkg *niere are w ell o v e r l,(XX) lllu s- 1 9 1 3 .’)^ "Hyphenated Americans, been removed, so it’s ready ism helps promote his reform jjke Ericson Ra/MiUnno, more. See how you save! traUons, most of them photo­ 1914-1024.” “Children of the prop’s ^ . Marcos says the so- president of the University of to use. Dinner. 9 oz graphs and cartoons from the Melting Pot. 1926-1088.” “Refu- clety is ’ so sick” that bloody o,e Philippines student body, Single can 34C JVi oz can Fillet df Sole or Haddock Taste o' Sea various periods. pooq qrid victims, 1939-1064.’’ revolution Is inevltal^e unless niost radicals see the establldi- '“Makers of America” was ’ ’E m erg en t M in orities, 190B. drastio changes come soon. ment so firmly entrenched—and 11'Aoz published recently by Ency­ loro.” The job of reform is monu- heavily armed—that this is not "V *7 Stouffer Macaroni & Beef pkg l o e s clopedia Rritannica Educational The editors, who had the help ' mental , in this predominantly the time for open warfare, Corp., 425 North Michigan Ave., of several academic consult­ agrarian, tropical counbjy, "it ^ protracted strug- Save on famous Bumble Bee^,Red Your family*s favorite styles^ mini-priced! Birds Eye Chicago, at a price o f $78.00 for ants, were three men -associated which spent nearly 400 years as gie,” says IBaculinao, a 19-year- International Vegetahles 10 oz pkg the set. Presumably the princi­ with the Institute for Pfailoeophl- a Spanish or American colony, old law~&dent. pal market for the work will be cal Research in Chicago, Mo«41- *010 republic Is fragmented Chito Santa Romana, spokes- Tuikiy, Chick, t Dumpllni $ 1 2 oz$ « libraries, schools and colleges. mer J. Adler, Charles Van Do- into thousands of Islands in man for, the radical Movement Alaskan Salmon Ri^io Spaghetti Banquet Buffit DInntrt.DInnirt. •"W2 lb pk$ l.09 Bagels 3 ph|t I ’Diere are 66 ethnic groupare~"Ten and Wayne Moquln. The fl- whlt” from the earliest days ^ ba-ve grown out of the oldest and AriMr! : Pkgs X the high fear of a fine. ^ th la e ^ and m ^ ^ a - strongest leftist organlaatlon- A fine low priced addition to your m enu! Hot Cross Buns of ejqdoratlon and settlement. “It to an unnecessary en- ' tmve added muscle the past o,e Kabataang l^abayan- But in the leth century, and croachment into private lives," tnree years. or Swudlih Ryt NationaUst Youth. Its present Our best quality is a great buy! cost of living Into the 20th, the flood of immi­ Councilor Norman Griffith com ­ j or Plain Ryt 2 gration became a very contro­ In 1968, a few hundred stu- chairman, Nilo Tayag, is in jail Stop & Shop ViennitBread 3 •.»» 89° mented when inveetlgafing the dents - shouting anti-American on Subversion charges. One of ilVt oz or The Better Business Bureau’s own hand­ versial subject. Ckxisequetifly oeoe;o< a woman fined for with­ slogans outside the UB. Embas- its founders, Jose Maria Bison, Minute many of articles and cartoons of Stop & Shop Mapit Walnut lioz 1 holding her, age. sy compound a ccid en ta lly is hldln^^ hi the countryside, I We welcome your Stop & Shop Fudge Cake cakes book— a guide and tool to help you, the pushed open the gate. TOey ran charged with heading the under­ consumer. Here, in one volume, is aii you inside unhindeMt~'for a few ground Maoist Communist par- FEDERAL FOOD need to know when you go out to shop. yaxds, got scared and rushed ty. Oven-Baked Beans Rice Mixes ^ k ouWde, where they stood bne i ^ c a l leader stepped STAMPS Mrs. Filbert’s Margarirre. Waist-trimming deary food at a trim price! Buying Food. Plan-and-save ideas. Using shaking their fitrts and chanting from a podium after un- Savory New England style D IE T SPREAD , Sc weaWy whUe half a dozen bewll- leashlng a torrid speech In Ta. DRUMSTICK, advertising to determine best buys. small pea beans with pork, AT STOP & SHOP! Qft lobei — lb pko 44® f e I •^IV**’ d e ^ guards resecured the galog to a unlveraity crowd and GARDEN MEDLEY. 2 Ihs Hood’s Cottage Cheese Understanding can and package sizes, slow-baked in real brick *■ T ■ i ™ paused to fill In an American FRIED RICE qw ovens. Large or Small Curd. Serve a scoop with fruit grade markings. H to recognize (he Last February 1,000 youths newsman on vriiat he had said, or RIB ROAST stormed the embassy gates The two had been cordial In Single can 200 on a bed of lettuce for a delightful lupch, best for the money. The tested way to hurling homemade bombs, interviews for nearly a year, that's Tow in calories. 2 lb Cup make lists, plan menus. Lots more useful broke In and smadied up the ad- but this time the student whls- food shopping information. mlnlstration building untU U.8. pered: ”Dwi’t shake hands ” Mrs. Filbert’s Family Size Soft Golden Margarine— 1 lb pkg—-49c Xtarinej.^ drove them out menacingly Stop & Shop Soft Margarine 'A 35° Buying Appliances. How to choose a YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT ARTHUR'S And in pest IS months l^tU y away to dealer. The right questions to ask. How COUPON DAYS fK-.* - ™ oellght of onlookers. He Hay l*riile peeled and deveined ctntfced Nfire» on delicitnnt & Shop Grade A to interpret the answers. Understanding m ore thsA cl oosen srudencs _n-mijT-fi» jljj _s ja.ii. Kraft Natural Swiss Slices A 55° SUSPENSION navehave beenoeen MMeakilled inIn ciaMiMclaMies wimwith later, looked saying rirtt it Justfor mm II Shraddad n 4o z $ ■ the contract and warranty. The seals of poUce In ai^overnm ent dem- him to be friendly. Cocktail Shrimp 49’ Peas&Cdrrots 5»n“99‘ Sananto Brand P> oaa _ Both caaiqis also wave pic- Verbeke’s market. — Rubber Plant 6 inch pot and breading for a stupendous meal in tu'res of Marcos disguised as a minute. A fine'money saving price. Reg. $2.00 Hitler and dei^punce the same ^rts the few rich and many poor; Do This If White GemICKicken Breasts HOW thlnga: the wipe gap between corrupt! otn In government; FALSE TEETH lb American economic and poU- ' Colgate With White Gem you can be sure of getting „ Caught in the crystal-clear Feel Loose, Insecure Boneless Pork Cutlets 88' ib tender,d elicious white and dark meat.’. cal Influence; political power In ^ ^ that your false Take advantage or these specials. mounted streams of Idaho . . . a few families. teeth wUl oome looce or drop luat at Toothpaste They differ on how to reform fort, ipilnkls PASTEETHe flown by jet to Stop & Shop! COUPON DAYS and what should result. DontUTD A«U>«m t « PowdST______on TOUT_ 4C OFF LABEL The moderates, strongest In Dlstas. PASTEElH'bMds denfuiei Coupon good flira Sunday, Fabmary 80 Anna kumr. Mtlnff Mtler. Family Size Tube Loin M IT c Loin e C c White Gem Chicken Thighs lb the CathoUc-nin universities, T jS n S m l la not ad d. Noffummr, Https keep teeth gooey, pasty taste. Denturae that dt Pork Roast 7 Rib Cut 3 lb Pork Roast Rib"a'ln, 5 5 Ib claim tens of thousands of fol- an aaeantul to health. Bee your Cleon and healthy. •h6* lowers, >but have rallied no more dentist regularly. Otat eaay-to-usa Rainbow P R O T E IN 2T ShBRigoo FASTEETH at all drug counten. Trash Can Liners Pork Hair Spray '"o ”Ho,r"o; 9 9 * Combination Loin Pork Roast (Full 5 5 White Gem Chicken Wings lb J rj?a « » with this coupon Unscenfed— 13 oz. ' Loin Half) iZ 2 & ' Good thruTeb. 27. Limit 1 pkg per customer. 7 rib pork roast and center cut chops. A scrumptuous roast, mini-priced for you 14-aa. botUe N O W g g C Protein J1, R e g . I t » Brook Trout onampoo pry or o ily - X Whole, round trout tvelghlng ACADEMY OF FAITH 14 02. bottle. Co mini-pricing'^ mid save on luscious tnusage! 12 to. 18 ounces. A real delicacy Prlmo, 7 Q c I f Pi Italian Sausage Pure PorK /ZZiiIh for fisti lovers. AND LIFE ------I If Lean,sugar cured Sausage Meal Ifyckett Pure 7 Q C SPRING TERM Cote/ie/ts S a Parki, Hot a Roe- Countryfine Sausage Pork Fresh dishes prepared Swift's Premium LUKlOUl Mutogc COUPON DAYS 4 0 - f r f i 1 0 * o f f or 0 low price. - 79 lb Jones Sausage Pore PorK 9 9 f b ST. JAMES' SCHOOL by our expert chefs! Cheese Losagna V. i ______J COLRATE TOOTHPASTE ’ll p a r k BTfURlT Sliced Bacon fib Nescafe Hunt’s Romano and V»S. Grade A A birds at a low mini-price! ricotta cheese Instant Coffee between tender Buy an extra pound MARCH 3 - APRIL 14 — 7:30 - 10 P.M. Tomato Ketchup noodles. 14 oz. or two while you save (10 oz |ar) with thh coupon (20 oz bottle) with this coupon Maxi-men offer a wealth o f sea-treats in our Fish Market! '•CHRISTIAN FAITH & ENVIRONMENTAL so much! CRISIS" G o ^ thru Feb. 27. Limit 1 jar per customer. lood thru Feb. 27. Limit 1 bottle per customer. Macaroni Roasting Chickens Begins search 10; Dr. Philip N. Joraiuon & Cheese Quick Frozen Cope Horn Brand Fillet of 'Ml Swift's Premium 12 01 $■ Franks Mb pko 69' large Size "UNRAVELING THE GOSPELS" Pk|i I Begins Tuesday, search 2: Assoc. Prof. Wayne G. RoIUbb Shrimp Langostino Haddock COUPON DAYS (Please note oorreoted date.) StoZibs SwIH'i Peeled, deveined and in­ Boneless tail-meat for FROZEN Sausages Premium Penobscot, d c h e t v dividually flash frozen. No salads, sandwiches, new- Season, top with onion slicM , k'eomary SO 1 0 * 0 1 1 I D - o i l In Cryovac . "FUNCTIONAL COURSE IN Brown and Serve. 8 oz pkg. separating. \Vt Ib bag burg. 12 oz. pkg. and bake in tomato Juice. (to mini-pricing* ib PINAUD MARRIAGE PREPARATION" Tropical this w eek. Mrs. Filbert's SPRAY Begins search 8 : Rev. SCr. Winthrop Netoea M tt C*rn Oil Cheerios Borateem b a tik Id Margarine ^ Pelight Molds We reserve the right Meat Feewoer O w to limit quantities 4c o r e l a b b l AA c "DEPTH PERSPECTIVE TOWARD any size pkg for Laundry Hb pkt § ( I or Fruit Salad GREATER SELF FULFILLMENT" whh this coupon * Begins search 8: Rev. Mr. Cariton L. Young (48 oz pkg) with this coupon s Delightful treats Good thru Feb. 27. Limit 1 pkg per customer. Good thru Feb. 27. Limit 1 pkg per customer. Molds for your family. £^;x»sore

Ae^tlstrar: Sers. Carroll Nelspn, Tel. 648-8488 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 24 Sunset fit, seanchester Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE W EST. M ANCHESTER Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE W EST, M ANCHESTER

■\ V

‘^i^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1971 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MANCJ •3STER EVENING L.D. MANCHEStei CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 197t- Andover WHY P T A P lans SAVE SAVE 40* On Your Moat Purchaiot At Shop-Rito Show ing O f Froien ProdneH Not Ineludtd WITH THl”s COUPON AND V id eo T apes PURCHASE OF.S1.Od OB MORE By Sol Cohen ' Hie FTA of the Alldover Ble- ANY FRESH MEAT ITEM BEEF . LAMB- VEAL - PORK - POULTRY mentary School presents to- TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF The General Assembly , which federal grants to communities night another video tape seg- GOOD AT ANY SHOP-RITE MARKET. has been holding sessions three that (1) have a firm plEui for a ment of school scenes in the , COUPON LIMIT ONE PER FAMILY days a week (Tuesday, Wednes­ needed public facility, (2) are life of a child. COUPON EXPIRES SATURDAY, day and Friday), will go on a able to finance the local costs of Entitled “Scenes In Tour j FRESH MEAT BIESBRUART St, ISn four-day week as of March 1. the construction, and (3) can School", the 30-minute video j BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK Monday will be eidded to the guarantee that a high pelttsent- tape segment will be on view i schedule. age of the costs will be in labor. at this evening’s meeting at the | OR POULTRY House Speaker Wiliam “This bill,” he said, “ is school. Featured will be views | Ratchford, in announcing the designed to alleviate the of children -at work and at play , ne\y schedule to House mem­ sluggish- economy: ’ ’ in various situations throughout Firtth Fr^ita S Vagatabka U S D A GOVERNMENT GRADED CHOICE STEER BEEF bers yesterday, said, "K neces­ the day. Last month, fUfhs sary, we will go on a five-day, Second District Oong. Rob­ were viewed of a grou^ o f - i OR MAk IN(. U S 1 (,RA()l The Usual fine trim six-day or seven-day week be­ ert Steele has announced that fourth graders with their teach­ fore we adjourn in June' he will eo-sponsor legislation er in a typical school day. The House meets at 1 ;30 p.m. this week to eliminate the oil Tonight’s film will not c(»- Idaho 5 lb and the Senate at 2. Most of* the import quota system and to re- centrate on any given class or P o t a t o e s b a g legislators put In a five-day peal the Conally Act, \idilch, he i'roup youngsters, 39!J| SIRLOIN STEAKS but will week flSSL.— attending~ public said, -- “ -has been used to keep ’ • L ® kaleidoscopic •• viewing' hearings of their committees, domestic oil 'production art!- **1® sohobl as a whole, most WNYttn i raPAYMOHft ta H w vf«r__ . T-BONE plus taking care of other-busi- fidaliy low." j especially of the lower level ness. Cherry Tomatoes basket 3 9 ' USDA Steele, In explaining the need SMUT Heartn^s take place inm uie *or the new leglslaUon, ^ said chairman of to- California Carrots 2 w . . $ | 0 9 [CHOICE’ mornings and afternoon. Many 29‘ ■Homeowners In New Bnjrland FANCY CfHSFAWf times, legislators are called out in New England Mrs. Elizabeth CooI(, third McIntosh Apples 3 j:. 39‘ of afternoon hearings to parti- s*"*"grade teacher at the“ .e scnooi,school. MOfAN mVIR S llO ilS S I ■ 1 f i f ' 111 n J r u t Short clpate In roll call votes on the who will Introduce the program floors of the two chambers. In .**‘8^*’ high pricesrfor fuel oil or in conduct a question and an- Grapefruit 3 u. 39< Rib Steak II, 95^ rising utility rates — because U.S.D.A. CHOICE FIRST CUT swer discussion following the Pascal Celery B»«Ni 19^ The bill for state purchase of ''^® i’^ '’® eliminated the com- film. Case Mt. appears to have little P®titlon, by limiting Imports Present also will be Mrs. I chance for passage In the pres- ®nd by holding down domestic Barbara MacDonald, cmisul- EXTRA FANCY i ent General Assembly. With production.” tant social worker for the state CHUCK STEAKS the state in serious financial ------department of education, who < CHUCK trouble, the $688,000 price tag State Rep. William O’Neill, has been Involved virlth the en­ Anjou Pears 1 9 ‘ for the 212 acres is a definite D, of East Hampton, appearing tire filming program from the a deterrent to approval. before the legislature’s election beginning. She will be avail­ Haalth A Baauty Aida In 1969, when the proposal committee, expressed the back- able to answer questions from CALIF. POT ROAST was considered at a $630,000 ing of the Democratic leader- parents during the open dis­ SHOP RITE YUUH HEADQUARTERS FOR COLD REMEDIES 4 iJ!;. . ’f?**®*' ®^P a bUI which would re- cussion. the jurisdictionjurisdlcUon of the leglsla- duce to 30 days the residency Tonight’s meeting is scheduled ture’s state development com­ requirements for voters. Tiie to begin at 8 p.m. Hostesses for VICKS NYQUIL mittee. The committee’s chair- „ ,_ . , j ohelesspotboast the evening will be the fourth § .89* man was State Rep. Victor *® grade mothers who will provide Tudan, D, of Windsor. , ° NelU, an assistant majori- and serve refreshments. ‘ bti- Tudan and Manchester Town ‘^® ‘*® ^® Boy Scouts 89^ Manager Robert Weiss are conform with the same Boy Scout Troop 124 has close friends, dating back to the law which gives 18-year- scheduled a paper drive to be WNY PAY MOMr U.S.D.A. days when Weiss was town ^® eight to vote In nation- 14 TOPROUND conducted this Saturday begin­ Dristan DECONGESTANT lablali 89‘ CHOICEC H manager In Windsor and Tudan ®*®ctlons. ning at 10 a.m. SNOf-ftlTi lOcOFPLAML 1 1 ® ’ was on the town council. _ _ Tile scouts, who are seeking The Connecticut Public ESc- b*l. •! TOP SIRLOIN Also members of the state de- ,, , . „ to - replenish their depleted Aspirin BUFFERED too 39' velopment committee in 1969 treasury. wUl make an attempt •MY MY MOM’ TOOTMMITI proposals for redlstrictlng the were Manchester State Reps. to cover every single street In 4.7S BOTTOM ROUND state’s Senatorial Districts, of­ lwb« U.S.D.A. Francis Mahoney and *N.' town on Saturday and request Ultra Brite :’59' fers new boundaries for the 4th CHOICE Charles Bogglni. that residents put their bundles Ganaral Merchandiae wkspa-availabit CROSS RIB ROAST With a reorganization and Senatorial' District, now com- of newspapers and magazines Manchester, Glaston­ ^ 1ST QUALITY NYLON GOLD er AVOCADO. JU K E ^ FOR OVEN OR POT 99 cutback of legislative commit- Pii®1iig at the curb prior to 10 a.m. so 0 EVERAOE er ON TN I ROCKS tees in this legislative session, bury, Marlborough and East that they may be picked up. PANTY the Case Mt. bUl has been re­ Hampton. Anyone who has a great deal o EL DORADO ferred to the committee on en-, Under the proposal, Marl­ of newspapers vriilch he would HOSE GLASSWARE- REGULAR CHICKEN PARTS CUT FOR LONDON BROIL vironment. Tudan Is not on this borough and East Hampton like to donate Is urged to call s TASTY A MEATY r iTASTY A MEATY committee, nor are any of Man­ would .Join .the..^33rd Senatorial any scout and a separate pick­ Shoulder District, and Bolton, Coventry > • chester’s legislators. up will be arranged. Scoutmas­ lb and Andover would Join Man­ ter Robert Eaton says the Steak chester and Glastonbury, to 6.59*J A group of 30 Coventry girl scouts will gladly take old mag­ [..59* ^ 1 9 f t scouts, visiting the State Capi­ form a new 4th Senatorial Dis­ azines and/or cardboard con­ Rump of Beef Roast Top Sirloin Steak trict. ''' From our Dairy Caae F tol last week, were introduced tainers as long as they are 1 6 .8 9 ' TOP NOTCH ... the In the House by State Rep. All proposals for redlstrictlng bundled. Calif. Chuck Steak Top Round SteaH^ are only In the nebulous stage. I Dorothy Miller, whose district Ini' the event of rain or snow EXTRA LEAN A Nothing is definite, unless It’s TASTY includes their town. on Saturday, the drive will be Ground Round . 9 9 ^ Chuck Steak I the knowledge that the final de- ' CREAM CHEESE •kl "Customer Oriented' Later, they met State Comp­ postponed until the following BONELESS ctsion is still mEiny proposals SHOP Smoked Butts *iONlLtS»* troller Nath^ Agostinelli In his aw^y Saturday. Chuck Steak . 99c I office and were told the scope Eaton said the overnight held Groceriea .. . Shop-Kite Priced I Food Stores that of his duties. last weekend was a success and •HY PAY M O «' Troop 124 received two yellow 2 5 ^ - 0 a S 1 89 TTien they were addressed by Laundry Detergent baa X ribbons for Its participation In I I Lt. Gov. T. Clark HuU, In the Six from Area NOPHOSKHATiS ].|| E the campout. jb Serve You BEST! -Senate Chamber. He told them POLLUTION Shop-Rite Laundry Detergent',: 5 9 ' I ' something of the history of the M erit Finalists Spemsored by the Charter Oak Council of the Boy Scouts, American Cheese lil 69' WHY PAY MORI* I0.1A $169 General Assembly and o t the FREE I The six National Merit Schol- a total of 160 scouts from 19 MMLAIIMMlinAL Ecolo-G Lauadry Detergent V duties of the legislators. He told I-lb. DETERGENTS! arshlp Program semiflnalists troops In the Blackledge Dis- WHY PAY MORE* I them also of a little-known fact Margarine Rl regional coinmunl- The car wash scheduled for loaves I money will be cheerfully refunded. ty colleges and stressed their Scholandilp Program; and last-*Saturday by the Andover DINNERS FRIES role in the state’s educational 2,000 privately sponsored schol­ l/olunteer Fire Department was I process. arships renewable up to four canceled due to the inclement SHOf niTi V ^ A m ▲ At TOP NOTCH you con be sure^^. sure you ore getting fhe low­ Mrs. Erb, an assistant House years. Winners will be an­ weather. I OUR OWN BAKERY Republican leader, warned nounced in the spring. English Muffins 29' :‘f249^ est price on any given Hen\ cmy given doy. TOP NOTCH plans it According to Fire Depart­ Heavenly light, delicious Pastries, against over-emphasis on the ment official William Bread- Appetizer Dept: I Cakes, Rolls, and Donuts baked fresh four-year college degree, Major Payoff heft, the car wash will take that way wHh the lowest store-wide mark-up policy in this area! “ which encourages high-school I In our own ovens. - graduates to skip college, as too WHITE PAST. PROCESS ALL VARIETIES ON«€OR WHY PAV MORE* SHOP-RITE »k'»peuSLICED — company has agreed to pay L l(Hig and too expensive.” p.mi'^at the firehouse. 2-lb.Main Disbesiii;99'Strawberries 4',t.v 9 9 ' Why nof get out of the stew ond get down to easy buying without Mrs. Erb Is a candidate in a $1.36 million to a Long Island Charge for the wet..waA will girl who. lost her arms \riien she s AMERICAN CHEESE SHOP-RITE P tA t. CORK. P I AS 4 CARROTS er MIX VSG SHOP-RITE < May election for pro\>ate Judge be $1, and proceeds will be used I 4 M -P I. in her district, to fill a vacancy touched an electrical transform­ to augment the department's WHIP r cpnii. trying — at TOP NOTCH! er in May 1968. Vegetables 6X ‘89'Topping 99 created by a death. If elected, treasury. RICH'SSS-ei CONTt S «4cer ^ ------A ‘ The payment, by the Long Is­ she will have to resign from the , m ^ 9 ' I S - P i. General Assembly. land Lighting Co. was described Manchester Evennig Herald LightenercoFFEED’J-iT.' 9 9 Pizza Fl>i* 5 9 « by the girl’s attorney, Jacob Andover correspondent, Anna WNY PAY IKORtr SHOP-RITE ^ . ALL VARIETIES First District Cong. William Fuchsberg, as the hugest out- Frislna, Tel. 742-8347. I t-pi. Oottcr has announced hia sup- of-courtr*'settlement ever record* IMPORTED AUSTRIAN Pound Cake 2 9 9 Bagels SHQP-RITE r pkt» port for an accelerated public ®d In Th® country, 994 s woiics bill, proposed by its Fuchsberg brought the suit on Attitude la Answer > Swiss Cheese lb. 99* KANKAKEIE, lU. (AP) — Ice Cream Dept. Seafood Savinge sponsors to benefit those sec- the ground that the transform- H*,uw.ofc Uons of the country hardest hit er, on the site of an abandoned a Kankakee CINTIMCUT by unemployment. housing development, B an elementary school teacner is nearly bUnd, but she says It HALIBUT It provides for 80 per cent “ attractive nuisance.” REDEEM YOUR HOOD ______Isn’t a major problem. STEAKS \ \ V Miss Krecek’s eye condition is 587 EAST MIDDLE FEDERAL \ \\' ^ A Few Minutes Drive lb. i s c o u n t NOTIGE OF ORDMANCE ICE 89' \\\V D \ \ Adopted by the Town of Bolton, Connecticut, at a SpjBclal Ttown eye—retina and dioroid. Six HEAT 4 SERVE ERICO TURNPIKE Igeetlng held February 17,1971, ______minor oDcratiotis were ner- FOOD STAMPS CREAM OROmANCE AMBimiNG ’I « E ORDINANCB ADOPTHSD NO- operaaons were per FLOUNDER formed between the ages of cne STORE HOURS: VBMBEIR 19, 1947 PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTIdENT OF BiG and six to remove the cataracts. V i -gal. FILLET MANCHESTER J A ZONING COMMISSION, TO ADD THE FOLLOWING: „ „ AT SHOP-RITE MON.. TUES.. SAT. From Any Directioni cent. 7 Ttie Selectmen shall appoint three alteniate members to the It is not a major problem, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., ZMiing Commission — one member to serve for three years; rtie said, "until I put a book in 99/ ^ * 69* one member to serve for four years; and one member to front of my fM e.” m MM| WED., THURS., FRI. V serve for five years; tod thereafter eiich new member shall W®»n- HPT aaapeeneu rea rrpeea*a«we*i laaoas. wi atssavs th, aiONT to lawr qumtitns. aaicis s rricm i tnag ria. sr, itn. - • V v

MANCHESTER EVEHTNG HERALD. MANCHESTOR,. CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., DNESpAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE TWEN'fY^SEVEN PAGE TWENTV-SIX -i-r - BUG6S BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE THE WELL, WAPPAVA. THESE "LITTLE GEM" I'M N O T EiEAP BOTiC, PEKTATEK PEELERS| SA VT j WHATEVetZ Explosive HAVIN’ lAA ARE SUPER, PETUHIAS HOW PIP iTtfO ^USPRICfeP , >OU PJZATTUNS Aniwet Is ?rs*ioai Psnit WATCH THIS , WITH CPOMWBLU, T O S E E ABOUT? ATTOBNEV B j .DEMONSTRATIOWlJ AAAaotzT we VS seem vt3U ,S L rr CROMWELL ElMPl-y Clothing A/ORE MEIZHDUC, I T « tfO P TA CAULEP ME UIWLE . o v e r T O OFFER. EARL YOST WAITINUS F O K T M E tfPOTTIlH CONGRATUUaiOMC J BXPLOfiloM THAN A ACROSS 57 Satisfaction Sports Editor B reak T ie HUMAN ONJHONBALL A POOTOIR. pescPNALLy.^ for injury \NrtH (CUM O N ON A HOUEE 1 Outer HlIC « H O E / CALU/ garment DOWN Defense Keys Ellington Triumph 5 Head covering 1 Feline pets ' «T.i • AthlEt«8...«n Increase ______At Halftime 8 Sandal 2 Egg-shaped Black IS Best” was the title of a most informative 12 Attest 3 Danish island feature m a recent edition of Sports Illustrated by Mar­ 13 Anger 4 Lower body In Tourney II Short, outer garment tin Kane. The latter pointed out that black athletes have pleated skirt 5 Called (obs.) made such rapid strides in recent years that today there m a . M. f t flit 15 Edible root 6 Constellation By DEAN YOST 24 Blood fluids 38 Rodent Hatneif s 27 16 Liquid 7 Distant 40 Appropriates L® ^ dominate the big three sports— baseball, measure (ab.) (prefix) 25 Warbled and football. ------“ "unr O u r boencn e n c h cam '/ BY V. T. HAMLIN 26 Clothing 41 Shade of ALLEY OOP 17 Thought 8 Lower part green Today there are 160 blacks ed duckplnner. . . Mrs. Roland through for US in the SBC- 18 Swamp ofJdt-ess (pl.) 27 Material PointsPace in ...FOLKS WILL GET TH* joining " 42 Resting out of 600 players in major ^^Ish Ough didn't compete in ond half ” commented Cdv- GUZ HAD TW3 VERY 20 Lock of hair 9 Animal pelt 43 Beautifully GOOD REASONS FDR , FIRST OfE, IT SHOU TAOTGUYHAS WORD THIS KING JOBS/vtH,THAT ^ 10 Spanish cheers 28 Man’s name Teague baseball, 330 out of 1,040 the local Women’s Town Duck- gntrv H iirhTH eail rnarh 21 Took a seat (Latin) SETTING-UP THIS HELP IMPROVE OUl TH' DUTIES OF NOT TH' QNCH THEY ( OOUID BE... ) REASON?^ 11 Japanese 29 Farm building Victory Here THINK IT IS,' 22 Small bird 45 Roman road In football and 163 out of 280 In Pin. Tournament as since being R^n « u- •/ CONTEST, ALLEY/ GOVER'MENTAL ' CROWN FDR 23 Property item ‘ outcasts 31 Shifting sand* basketbaU. married she has moved to Ver- Badstuebner after hlS IMAGE... C A PAY... 34 Flit 46 Tear down 26 Ladies’ 19 Ship’s channel 47 lulian city Kane points out that the last ■ • Further troubles for ^barges took complete con- By DENNIS FAVAZZA outer wear 20 Neckwear 35 Material for 22 Used to keep outer garment 49 Stray three of the five players named Ihe University of New Haven’s . ° _ ® 30 Precious 50 Famous V 31 Membership shoes in shape 37'€>newho on the NaUonal Basketball basketball team came when It “Defense was the differ­ pillages general [R jllinis fees 23 Biblical name Assn. AU-Star team were black learned transfer student ^ . * ence in the game,” said an HIC BIC 32 Son of Gad 5” T ~ IT TT as well as all five players -^“bn Davis was short one credit ‘ elated coach, Bob Healy. lSJR P R I«e> (Bib.). r ~ 5” T“ s r ~ r ~ ^ 1 33 Sea bird named on the NBA all-rookie graduating from Hartford ® This sununed up Ellington . li 17-4 'overall record. The Patri­ 34 Ultrafashion- ti squad. And, blacks have won Community College. Davis, a High’s advancement to able man ots next face the Class S Dlvt- 16 17 35 Pay a visit the league’s most valuable bas been declarecl in- 3,^,^ ^ ranking team, Crom- quarterfinal play in the OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 36 Kind of sleeve It player award 12 Umes In the ® „ „ h n ™Kh'Hlgh, SaufrdavSaturday at East CIAC Class S State Tournament t-V.T-4 18 (pl.) , !&st 13 seasons. 3lst year as head baseball Catholic. as a tough man to man defense 38 Famousilover i \ In baseball, black men have Wesleyan. He'll take md an awesome offense caught HOLP ITA MINUTE, CLYPE-LET 39 Unrefined Playing In the dimly lit Weth- - ' WHEN 1 CALLEP, X5UR his team on a seven-game fire in the late stages of the ME SEE IF 1 CAN FINP OUT SOME­ mineral w 24 25 won the National League's most ersfled High gym, action got off WIFE S A IP TOO W ERE sprlng-trlp-to Florida March 22- OXTER THE WEATHER, THIN' ABOUT WHATS AILIN’ M E / 40 Chinese valuable player award 16 out of to a poor start with both clubs second quarter to turn back up- IT WAS GOOP OF HIM TO AAAKE A w GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN ■■ CHARLIE—S O I pagoda the last 22 years. 31. . . When Ron Berger came set-minded Bacon Academy last HOUSE CALL BUT I PIPN'T FINP 41 Neck frill blowing numerous scoring t h o u g h t I'P 33 M a i n night, 61-44. PROP IN AN'... OUT ATHINS/ HE MUST THINK 44 Clothing In„ pror ------football, —all four— ...... 1969opportunities. I'M A BLOCKHEAP—TELLS in general rookie of the year awards for *' “ S^Pert he established a were up tight in the DO, RE, MI, FA? —- A few bellows, grunts and Dunn, pole vaulter Scott Hurley and Bllington advances into the MV WIFE EVERYTHING AM' 3T 37 OFCOJftg... 48 Encourage offense and defense were won u®"' one-game record for a Uni- opening half, we didn’t box out groans are part of every sport, witness high jump- ters Jim Fox and Bill Cunningham. quarterfinals Saturday against iw w tm rf’oa/i iFV&Of=(?flMgP Let's TELLS VIE NOTHIN'.' 49 Wapiti 39 1 uAueri? rou by black stars.- . «“ter and they (Qigin- Putnam at Manchester High. IUJOWPg(?IFia>UM? ir, J CAN wecre I frilNK (T^ 51 Greenland 47 41 42 4^ 4^ 4^ Twenty six years ago, Kane , Manches- chaug) out rebounded us in the HAi/girewtK'ftPpAWHilA AMPfri^l?... IM HBPe . Eskimos A capacity crowd at East 52 Sand hill writes, there were no blacks of ® b^sl^etball tea,m have )ialf, 23-17,” stated a happy_JPa- Long-Haired Players and Long Courses Today Rankle Golfer A COfieeCTlOH 4$ w h\ CathoUc High witnessed a baU- I'P Ml/e fp MAI^g. 53 Arikaran -• any kind In major Jeague base- departinent with triot coach after the contest, hawking defense led by last Indian u &4 . 54 Aerie ball basketball ori football. basketball of- The lead changed hands minute starter, Paid Gagne, and —SSGerman river i6 Last year’s aU-star teams In ‘be first canto 55 M Joe Peters and turned a close 56 Thing in law baseball, ftball and basket- this season. It could be that before the Blue Devils took a Ageless Sarazen Celebrates Golden contest Into a runaway. The (Latin) there are many more schools 16-13 quarter advantage. Fouls bail were comprised of 36 per pair paced the winners to their playing today plus a large num- took their toll early as officials ceiit, 44 per cent and 63 per 21st straight victory preserving ber of new and Inexperienced Fred Post and Dan Pinto called cent, respectively, of black ath­ an unblen(ilahed record. whistle looters. Ther^-are just eight personal fouls on Cogin- Numerous turnovers and cold letes. so many top officials In any chaug in the first eight minutes Anniversary in PGA Championship There are loads of opportunl- shooting by both clube Wgh- 2-M sport. and four on (Coventry. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER. Ues today In sports, especially « • * There was a parade to the WEST PALM BEACH, without breaking step. He’s al- he played idshU first PGA touma- high, wool stockstockings were dlffl- “ ^**‘®‘* ^ *1™* period as for the black athlete, as statis­ - " neither was able to capitalize on Here ’n There foul line all game. TTie officials Fla. (AP) — Ageless Gene been liif 42AO _ _ . _ _ -- ^ *----- *** '* . - _ AMBER.GET THE DOOR! Oitt ff theme ViUIICuff more heads theth? noint-scorerapoint-scorers ------— ------— "" PCA ohainnionqhiTi qnvq might -o— ------fare------with the — notoriously .v,uo.j piun, pion, juckJock nuicnison,Hutchison, out.but losilost loto O"®® iI went noiti. miuinto u.a r-ms-Pitts- __ . ~ _ “ J'*®* ' j * polnU. THAT MUST BE MX DATE! Matt Maetozo, former head in the Amerlcan Hi^key League ."P® there are two tM ngS in Walker. The UUe was won burgh store and saw stockings S “w ^ d eo^“ lri HEROES ARE MAPE -NOT BORN of rthe . physicalnhv«loal education depart-dcoart. with 68 points'Dolnts^ In 52 games,aames. {®r 40 at the line and Devils 14 are LWO tmngs m he’s paired In the first and sec- by Walter Hagen who’ went on to pil®d on a counter. The store for 32. modern day golf that ond rounds. _ • , 1 * ■ I , 1 • 1 I Iclltc AlVtj UUtStt. Xv U a UL ck rV W f • keeper onsaid s\ a ahe t e iiOhad A * boughtM\#UKltl> 7,000 wWIe turnovers ^ • paved « •.« the way ment at Manchester High, has Norm "Red” Armstrong, a vll- take five UUes, four in a row. ^ ' V A n — ------a s . , i______a been named an ambassador of llan when / he appeared in Two starters, one from each rankle him— long hair and "I'm not worried about that,” "Hagen was the Palmer of his pairs from England, and was to a Bacon 14-9 lead with the hot the International Olympic Acad- Rochester colors over the years club, rode the bench early due long courses. Gene said. ”I’m just worrit day’H ^ e mc^led” *TIe* had”a stuck with theim " ®*w>othig of Mike Kowaslkl and SHORT RIBS BY PRANK O’NEAL emy upon authorizaUon of the against Springfield, has joined to foul problems, ^ventiy’s ”It’s nauseating the way some aocut the length of the course, flair. i rank him as the best “ I bought 400 pairs and had the rebounding of Abe Davia. Greek Olympic Committee, the Kings. Armstrong was big man, mie Schml^, and the fellows let their hair It’s said to be a lltUe over 7,000 compeOUve goler I’ve seen them sent to my home. When change In the losers starting guard, Gary ...... — — - ...... ^ “ second quarter, however, as Maetozo Is dean of the School traded/to the Kings for Don aregg '*s^**actf(m 'frorn'*me doughty little war- ^®®*® “'‘® *t'® over Uie 60-year span." they were deUvered my wife, A DRINK. of Health, Sciences and Phys- Westbrooke. Things ought to be u,e game. said, deslgnaUng nobody In under gentle prodd)ng, the “ ary, thought they were a Ellington fought back to within ie-16 at the 6ri7 mark on the i r t GO OVER ID 1HE SMOOW. leal Education at Penn State a little more exciting from now Action continued to sloppy ^®*" wav hP'® squire named the other all Ume dead-eye shooting of C>ourt CoUege Lock Haven, Pa. . . Hip on with Armstrong around. Sat. jhe second period wltii' Cogln- ' , kl«s- ^ “®®P strelcl^ greats in his personal haU of Sarazen also made note of dls- M r Homed. Gagne’s pass to f o r - -Z '^ + Correntl, for many years one urday night Springfield hosts ^.haug parking to th e ^ l “pon’t they realize they’re on courts -Ihey are making goU a — parity in present day pumea of the naUon’s outstanding duck- archrival Providence. . .For the gt^ipe eight times and hltUng on uaUonal television, playing be- of ,she®r bmte strength. ..prom“From tee to green, Ben Ho- Ho­ compared those of his heyday. fu- i— Knights toe lead for good, 18-0.7, E T t pin bowlers, has cut his acUv- record, Class S (Small School) only five of 12 attempts. The 3<> people? They Finesse ami shot management gan has no peer,” ® he said. "Bob “Jock Hutchison got itWO for , * Ity down to two nights a week teams In the CIAC Basketball glue Devils watched their five ®hould have more respect for mean nothing any more. To Jones was toe most brilliant. If winning the British Open," he ‘ aimng. Ellington continued to in- BY ROY CRANE and sports a fine 134, j»lus, Tournament have 199 or less point advantage, 24-19, dwindle tbe game.” '«nn. you have to able to over- ^I had to^ pick ^a man to win .. a...... said...... ”1 remember...... ^ I received i* i BUZZ SAWYER game average. . . Two local boys enrolled; Oass M JMedl- away as Coventry, behind Uie Many players on the tour, power a course. Few can do It. jnnmament, the all-around golf- $760 for winning the Masters In ^ “ ® ‘ts lead on the play ^ WR.SNOW, I'D LIKE TO COME EITHER HE COMES ACROSS WTM MORE bowlers who do well In both urn) Is the 200 to 349 boy cate- outside shooUng of Frank Morse particularly the younger ones. Sarazen said, because of toe g^. g. ^ ^^gggg. j ^^jg INFORMATION ON WHY HE WANTS SVLVA OVER. THERE ARE SOME duckpins and 10-plns are Art gory; Oass L ^Large) is 360 to and toe steady play of Dave have gone mod. One of them Is heavjwelght cl^acter of toe g^j.^ j would have to go with eagle. Whenmien I x boat ueax Oaig(.^nug Wood'wooa !®u-ix ^ ta., ^fore toe (QUESTIONS rp UKR FIRED, OR I'LL DBDP THTCA'SE. Jehnsen and Herb Steadman. . . 699 and Class LL Is for schools Treschuk, knotted toe count 26- former PGA champion Ray layout, toe PGA tournament In toe Dlavirff we each received half. t^Iib ® Trtilirhta ®**k*“ ® aenHno- scoring “ ven Palmer.” tn toe piay<«r, we each received p g ^ t g ^ u m their le a d TO ASK. /' NOT Out of competitive bowling due with over 6(K>. Schools with less 26 at intermission. Floyd, whose curly locks fall to 'vlU be a battle again among toe - 1-1 1.11.1. Sarazen recalled that in the a bonus of $60.** * ... .. » m. * — I f ------r - f tonigh t... to an. Injury Is Sandy Niles, boys may request a higher unstoppable In toe third peri- his shoulders. Phil Rodgers Is big hitters. tournaments nlavers took r-ono ..is **'” ® m^Utes left, ■ffniusi i — OU, I'IPOLX 5MT' another former nationally rank- classification from the CIAC. od, Coventry reeled off 31 cultivating a healthy, free-flow- "You have to favor Arnold ® ^ ^ JL < °®^ *‘® ®"/y “*® Two baskets by Bacon’s Davis period points,M i M ^» 117 rr Aconsecutively, AM A A AvtvtvrAiir iing mop. mTom A — Shaw, n l^b ciaStan- «M i-'nimczv' Palmer nnnand Jack inoir rviiniriaiiaNlcklaus,” - - nzahe w * ,, custom c^l^lst-goMer. cut toe lead to 26-21, but once SOU NtANT AM.., ”We ail wore sUk, custom- S they Utterly blew Ooglnchaug t^, i^ „ Cerrudo and , J im added. m Je slSts Z clS^ltoks^he «a a ^ Jif, Court Advantage^Key Factor out of toe gym. Everyone ex- wiechers are others who are “Of course, you have to con- ™^® f ^ but we paced by Harned’s flawless 06- cept toe water boy got into toe boosting toe Bobby pin business, alder Gary Player, BUI Casper Z^e^^lackets ^^1 fadeway comer shot and a scoring act wlto Bbb Stevenson ..Th^e mutton-chop side- and Tony JackUn, toe name ®^®'Yb<^y J^*-® jackete unUl At toe end of a tournament, toe thr^g p^ n t play, provided a 32- cashing In on 14 period points, bums, I don’t like them, el- players. I don’t take much stock ®® ®®^V prize monejr^jvas often blown In 21 lead at intermission. e mi tiMiL W.TM.!.» III. r<. a..t ,dm»t w .n,l. ciua la ing of Homed gave toe winners BUT HAWKS' WHEN n COMES TO GIVING DIE BEFORE HE TOOK A PENNY WITH YOU, tinued toe mentor. “We felt we EVERY IN GRAFT.' NOW LET'S GET YOU'RE not'* POTEET,IF I hadn't studied 1------a 46-27 advantage entering the ACTIVITIES ARE TICKETS FOR SILLY TRAFFIC ' BUT YOU MUST ^ WHY-AH,POTEET, in Meriden against powerful Norwich Free Academy. had complete control of toe, L KNOWN' VIOLATIONS! BUT WHEN IT BUSINESS, AND BACK TO PORTIKQI I'M NOT EXACTLY.. EXACTLY JAMES M. BARRIE!; ‘ WHAT EVERY final stanza. ABLE ID COMPETE The wildcats are ranked fifth game anil wanted to keep It COMES TO THE REAL CRIMINAL I'LL ADMIT , 'OUEY.WU MUSTN'T WITH THE OTHER GOING TD BE WOMAN KNOWS'IN EN6USNCLASS ------3 3 Players on Hand ------Final period action was high­ TUB CVM l/*e .** with a 16-6 overall mark. Nor- Maloney court, but can’t seem jbgt ■way. We slowed toe ball ears Stay -H O , H O -I'LL BET THE COPS^ A U O W >DUR STUDIES CANDIDATES ON MOTIVATED - 1 MIGHT NEVER HAVE GUESSED; 3 5 0 th Goal lighted by toe superior board GET RICH ON KICKBACKS' I SLIDE DURING THIS i THE UNIVERSITY^ BY HIDING IN HOW YOU'RE PUTTING WORDS ' wlch has been Idle since a to win on It. This year toe down late in the final chapter work of Shuize, who did a fine A CORNER! IN MY AAOUTH / 'IPAIGN... x A CLOSED-CIRCUIT defeat against New London Indians dropped a decision when play got a little ragged.” F o r Bucyk, ars Even job for Ed Mathews who ending their regular- season. there and the previous year toe Scoring honors went to toe Aparicio, Smith couldn’t seem to ward off early • Norwich centers Its offensive silk Towners also lost. Patriots’ Stevenson who- norm- Move jitters. Knlgnt regulars, enjoy­ attack around Nate Murphy y^g gtber hand, can Nor- ally is a defensive standout, Qrr Over 100 ing a substantial lead, were re­ -1 with help coming In toe scoring ,g g„ g ^ jg gpgg court? turned offensive star and toss placed by subs as both teams . X. ___X ____ /-Va m a MA V _ . ■ ..A -- _X_1 — A \ . a 1 a MAAX- CHICAGO •) — The Chica­ deportment from Bud Comes Murphy Is deadly from the ed In 18 pcinta In a balanced b u p f a u D (AP) — John emptied their benches In toe Report to Bosox go Bears wi main toe Chica- r " I I’ A and Skip Oullett. com er, but only at his small scoring attack. He also netted scored his 360th career .a closing moments. Manchester wlU need a strong compact Norwich court. Man- 10 straight charity tosses In the ^^gj. g^bby Orr broke toe 100- WINTER HAVEN Fla. nam® players not already worEx Bears even'to igh they'll be Homed led all E.H. scorers offensive showing, plus a cheater, with Its w ide-open of- last half. - ’ (API __ T.iiiq Anaricio and inST playing all toeh; home games with 27 points followed by Pe carpef-Uke defense. In order fense and pressing defense Others pontributlng to ® ® " P° U a t r lia RmitVi are arnonir Scheduled to arrive with them at Northwestern University’s ters with 10. Knight shooting MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY to stay ■with toe Eastern Con- seems to favor a bigger floor. ^a®*‘ were, Mor^, • uc - siraigltt season; and toe Boston 5 today are Inflelders Phil Gagkl- Dyche Staiilum In ^burbanb u r b M Ev- percentage wasn’t impressive necUcut powerhouse. The key _ g g g ^ g ^ g possl- trounced toe Buffalo Sa- the last group Of a half g „ ^ j ^ ^ g outfielders ^ g „ g ^ , „ eara. as their 46 season average, c m - POeS HE HAVl^ A ROUND ISU ESS THIS AAE99ASE to toe Intoans defense is their „ ™®^® iTTo- respective- ^ ^ g , . 3 ^gg^^ ^ ^^g dozen or SO players sched- gen Ogllvle and Jarvis Tatum. ’T c g l . ning 29 of 63 shots for 36 per FA C E , A W H ITE AAUST PEFOR'TOU! ^y- . only National Hockey League uled to join the Boston Red and, hopefully, Romo, whoee me announcemei cent while converting 16 of 23 PO MXI KNOW zone press. night’s contest. aalistach^ a n d w e a r WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl The Red and White will have victor will meet the Hart- The losers placed Pl®y' game played. SoX at their training camp late arrival was more or less Tuesday that the from toe charity line. A AAR A T O P H A T ? A0BRN^(rHy? to shoot better than Its 43 per ford Public Hlgh^Danbury High BiU Clifford v w - ® ‘*'® today. expected orts one Manchester shooter was 0 LeDoyt ' 2 Hi: CHICAGO (AP) — Dave Ro- 4 Locke 6 ST. P A U L-MI’NNEAPOLJS job In making these deals at 11*7 record for Pawtucket In toe complex which wotild then able to score above toe 180 18 X-14 .A 2 Stevenson 8 (AP) W) marie. mansky of PennsvUle, N.J., has 4 schmIdt - Cboch JacK Gordon this Ume,” Gordon said after Class A Eastern Leagai® last house the team. In fact, toe ^ won’t waste any time in throw- North Star General Manager season and looked impressive in Bears can break their lease The next match Is Thursday won toe 1871 Capt. Ronald Zinn ^ Totals 26 28-40 FOR Ing Into action toe three play- Wren Blair announced the ac- ® three-game September stretch with Northwestern In toe event LANCELOl BY COKER and PENN at the Waddell School Range Memorial Award, honoring toe CocInchauK <64) against Vlnal 'Tech. B ' P Pts. ers toe Minnesota North Stars quislUons Tuesday. with toe parent club during such a complex is buUt In Chlca- past year’s , outstMdlng Ameri- 5 Zimmerman 3 5>9 obtained In trades with Caljfor- which he won his only decision, go within five years. THArr WILL s i v e WITH ALL OF LANCE'S BACHELOR 1 4^ INVITCR A BUNCH OF & U W ^ ) ROOKVUX.E (888) I -1, 4 Iverson A s t r o T u r f 1 CDVeR TONK5HT FDR f«(/6cmeTHiN<5 FRIENCas— XSHtOULR NEVER HAVE CM rice walker. 3 ArriKonl 3 1-3 7 nia and Chicago to strengthen ^ A&KEP THAT QUEGTION ' 5 1-1 11 i B O t A S RDKER ! T O P O T H IS ' Cutting 40-47-47-41-1184 The selection,^ announced 1 Sitchril 0 their drive for a National Hock- suKfms ev EVENING—SLiT Hawley 4e-46-46-46-jl80 * ey League playoff spot. - ' 0 Monday, Is made by coaches In \ 1971 COMETS Monsanto WHAT AM 8t J had been dropped MORIARTY AgosUneUl 47-4S-4S-46-178 Connecticut 70, Rutgers 66 for disciplinary, reasons by Min- Peretto 47-47-44-SS—171 Last Night’ s Fight Boston U. 90, Worcester Tech nesota. BROTHERS Chaves 48-48-41-87—169 SAN ANTONIO, Tex.—AlfredQ_.66 Gordim ■will use- all three new .31.') C en ter Si., M;incht>s(ei AUTOMATIC Hn Ir MA, other iMHB Shooters: MeKen- “Mongol” Ortiz, 207, Mexico, R. I. 86, New Hamp, 78, OT players tonight In a home game COMFORT zie 40-46-42-36—169, ^ b b a r d 49- outi>olnted Jimmy Boyde, 200, Buffalo St. 104, Geneseo St. 68 against the Los Angeles Kings. P h on e I) 46.8902—166, U veagood 49-48-SS- Dallas, 10. St. Jos., Pa., 81, Rider 69 “i think Wren did a great PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT ‘MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD/MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 / M A N C H E S I^ EVENING HER ALP, MANCHESTER, CQNN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE/tWllNtV-MNE - i ------L. n Bucks Clinch Title Tolland High Cold Storage VENTED Dobson Tbrows Curve Ball, CAMBRIDGE, Skigfamd (AP) HonorffoUs — Babies on Ice are a prospect Gean, Late MocM for the future. University re­ The honor loU for the second searcher Dr. Robert Eldwards USED CARS In Midwest Division marking peribd at ToUand High predicts couides will be able to School has been announced by delay the birth of children by Top Prices Paid Makes Pitch for ‘Greenie’ Even with the "bench-warm­ west Division, are still in the MILWAUKEE (AP) — Principal Richard Olson. First place in baseball for ampheta-- hhrgh to Kansas City in the Her- “ race.” having their eggs and semen ^ For All Makes! NEW YORK (AP) — It’s try out time for the ers" in the game, Milwaukee honora are earned-)by students mlnes, or pep pills, and>barbltu- handez deal, signed with the ( In order to tie for the dlvMon stored In Ice. o. Chuck Dobson has thrown had an easy time downing the having either an “ A” in all ma­ rates. Dobson said t);e greenies, Royals. Other signees were first Milwaukee Bucks agrain. crown Milwaukee, vdiich now ” Deep-freese baMee'<>&« just CARTER CHEVROLIT Bowie Kuhn a curve by WEST SIDE MIDOETS With a convincing 118-107 Na­ Warriors for the sixth time this has a record of 67-11. would jor subjects or a "B ” or better one of the sclence4ictlon-Uke CO., INC. which contain destroampheta- basejjp^. Mike Elpstein and re­ in one major subject and an by t/ie Inquirer making a pitch for the Standings ^ tional Basketball Association season. have to lose all of its final 14 possibilities growing out of star- mine sulfate and amobarbital, lief^itaher Darold Knowles with "A ” in all the others. For sec­ 1229 Main St “ Greenie.” V victory over the San Francisco Oscar Robertson paced the games while Chicago, 42-26, Ulng progress made by British \ have been in use since he began W^hington, outfielder Larry wouki ba.ye.to win its last 16 in a ond lUMiors a student must have researchers,” Edwards says. Phone 649-523a While oUier pitchers ioosened playing pro ball six years ago. Hisle with Philadelphia and out- Army h Navy 8 Warriors ’Tuesday night, the victory with 26 points, one more up their throwing arms at Bucks clinched a tie for the than Lew Alcindor, aind estab­ row. a “B ” or better in all major He added, however, that no fielder Buddy Bradford with Center Billiards i subjects. spring training camps Tuesday, Herky’s t Midwest Division UUe. lished a club record for assists. Elvin Hayes and Calv(n Mur­ Each waak, Tha Manchester Evening Herald will present "Potpourri" . . . dedicated entirely to assist one on the Oakland club is de- Cleveland. phy each scored 29 points as GRADE 12 the Oakland right-hander, ques­ pendent on the pills. “ Hiat’s Pitcher Dave Boswell, a 20- Herald Angels i In other NBA games, San Die-, ’The old mark, set in the 1968-69 season by Guy Rodgers, was San Diego came back from a First Honor Roll you hr the fine art of shopping. So why wear out those prefty feet girit? Now you can stop hiking tioned about baseball's upcom­ what you’ve got to watch,” he game winner for Minnesota two go rushed past the New York Knicks 126-109, Philadelphia 561. 51-36 deficit to win its seventh MlcheUe Cerrigtone ing drug seminars, admitted said. “ You can’t let them be a years ago who slipped to 3-7 last Last night, the stunned Her­ •nd oet all the info right here in the Manchester Evening Herald. downed Portland I19-ai3 and game in eight tries. Hayes also Joan Clark that he has taken pills called crutch. You’re in trouble if you season, checked into the Twins’ ald Angels went down to de­ Robertson, the NBA’s career feat to -a. hot Herky's club, 41- Los Angeles overcame Balti­ held Willis Reed to nine points. Dale' Hunt greenles and said, -"I don’t see say ‘I need them.’ ” camp six Bays late but 23 leader, now has 663. 17. more 114-107. Philadelphia climbed within Eric Koch anything wrong in it.” Elsewhere, the Pittsburgh Pi- pounds under his 1970 playing San Francisco was led - by Joe Bascetta, l ! points and Now Bucks’ Coach Larry Cos­ three games of the Knicks in the Raymond Severson Dobson will attend one ol the rates began looking for a re- weight. Boswell was given per- sharp-shooUng Nick Jones with Atlantic Division as Billy Cun­ Joyce Ulrich four assists, and Steve Crisplno, tello is taking a long look at his 31, while Nate Thurmond added Jumpsuit seminars, set for next month to placement for shortstop Gene mission to report late because ningham brought the 76ers from Second Honor Roll begin a drug educaUon and pre- eight points and seven assists, bench with one month left to go 24. Main Street ...... Suburban ...... Around Town STCMBB or Alley, sidelined for -a month his wife gave birth last week. blazed the path for Herky’s set­ in the regular sea^n. Although behind in the final quarter. Cun­ Randy Blauvelt It’s Perfect venUon program in baseball, as Monday with a broken hand. ITie New York Yankees re- Neither Costello, a former ningham finished with 36 points, Garvin Boudle the A’s player representative. ting up plays and fast breaks. the NBA doesn’t keep such rec­ player, nor Robertson felt the Fairway Has It! Fashion Fun - ^ Jackie Hernandez, acquired in ported that reliever Lindy Mc- ords, it is ~Belleved to be the but rookie Geoff Petrie of Port­ Linda Clrrigllano Book Bonansa “ I had to pitch last year with However, credit should go to Bucks’ edge would slip because I can always find the right More new spring fashlora are" a trade with Kansas City, ap- Daniel would not be able to re­ big Ed Ramsey, who control­ earliest division-clinching in the land took game honors with 43, Ronald Dearst3rne REED’S INC., Manchester the nu,” Dobson said at the of the early title-clinching. greetings card at FAmWAY’S arriving dally at PANDORA’S peared the likely choice but port until March 3 because of a ling the boards, both defensive league history. equaling his career high. Ricardo Frazer P’arkade has a terrific special clQb|s Mesa, Ariz., training on Main street—they have a BOX, Bolton Notch Shopping Manager Danny Murtaugh said gland operation on his neck, and offensive, managed to “ We tried to give a lot of guys A Milwaukee victory over the Los Angeles went ahead to Robert Cottier on "hurt books” . A large se­ wonderful selection and are Plaza . . . Delightful styles and bas^^'so I took a greenie and he might try second baseman ’s Lotte Orions arrived drive in five baskets for 10 time and moved .Greg Smith San Diego Rockets tonight stay 68-67 and then put on an 8-2 George Grade lection by leading publishers— pitch^ a shutout. CHUCK DOBSON open Thurs. and Fri. nites till 9. fabrics to gladden the heart of Dave Cash and third baseman at Casa Grande, Ariz,, where points. Mark Innone, Mike back to guard,” (Jostello said would settle the issue complete­ spurt for a 103-94 spread. Gail James Jedrzlewski cook books — clocks—antiques— "If he (Commissioner Kuhn) Richie Hebner, among others, they will train with the San after the game. “ We want to ly. Goodrich led the Lakera with 29 Karen Kareskl any fashion minded female. Still travel — classics — boats — etc. Adams and Jim Zesut also play­ . . . Money Saver . . . 12 says we can’t use them, well, days and see what he at the shortstop position. Francisco Giants before em- take a look at our bench and But, mathematically, the (Chi­ points, while Wes Unsold had 28 Joan-Kerkin a few of those tremendous spe­ and almost any subject cover­ ed well in this crucial meeting. When having a party of any I’d just want him to put on a then.” Fred Patek, the 5-foot-4 barking on a 2S-game exhibition For the losers, Mike Mikolow- give the regulars a rest.” cago Bulls, second in the Mid­ and 23 rebounds for Baltimore. David Knowltcot cials left in a dress grouping ing a wide variety of interests. size I always go to FAIRWAY i|inlform for 162 games in 180 Kuhn has said there is no shortstop who went from Pitts-schedule against U.S. clubs. skl collected 12 points. Steve Koths marked at a low $10 each and For that hard to find book at an Jerry Magnuson on Main St. They also give a dis­ some gfreat sportswear buys A easy to take price, check this count to all organizations.' priced at $5. EAST SIDE REC Offers Pointers to Knicks Janet Patterson REfflD’S special of $1.99 each' Payoffs Linda Relber , Treat yourself to a 1)1011 to with savings to 80 per cent. Hot-Handed "The red-hot OstroBonics un­ Edward Solbos Store, crochet hooks In the PANDORA’P. loaded again last night beating FLORENCE, Ky. (AP) — Deborah Thlbeault plastic case in which your tooth­ To remove candlewax~stains the Dribblers, 40-33. Tough Twelve different dally double Steve 'Wboding brush came. l^ e n linoleum covered floors Condor Ace IVayne Ostrout, with 23 points, Hayes Speaks Out, combinations were paid at from a tablecloth, place the ORADR 11 are splashed, drop a piece of and Kevin - LasUe’s defense Latona race track Tuesday stain between cleai^ white blot­ First Honor Boil It’s Here, At Watldn*s paper towel over the spill at proved too much for the small­ night as the result of a mal­ ters or several layers of facial Point-Hj|ppy Patricia Dimmock OPToat off to sleep In the gen­ once. The towel will absorb the tissue and press with a warm er Dribblers to handle. Tim Dl- function In the starting gate. Robert Etchells - tle warmth of a waterbed. . . moisture and make cleaning I iron. Follow by sponging with a By THE ASSOCIATEk) PRESS gan (12) and big Vln Nadaskay Ughtfoot Mllly hooked up Suggests Reed Rest Sandra Morganson delightful, crazy, revolutlonaiy easier. Quick action may pre- grease solvent. Pittsburgh's John Brisker has (8) led the losers’ attack. with any thoroughbreds In the hottest hand in the Ameri­ Wesley TlMUin —the ultimate In luxury! Stop vent a serious accident. ’The second game found the the second race and produc­ can Basketball Association arid Ne w YORK ters, ed a $13 payoff. Eileen Zabllansky and see for yourself the very it a muffin recipe does not fortunately for the Condors, it scoring 29 points to beat New York, offered the Knicks Stewards declared the sec­ Have you seen the House- 41-30. Once again Kevin Flyne latest in sleeping comfort. fiu all the cups in your muffin has been sizzling at the right a few other pointers on how they should treat Willis ond race no contest because Second Honor Boll ware Dept, in the PLAZA bombed the nets for ^ markers Laurie Defemla moment too. of the malfunction which re­ ------tin, put a few tablespoons of DEPT. STORE at B. Middle and Rich Lautenback hit 11. Reed and his aching knee. None of his points were very Vicky Demayo Brisker turned in his second well taken. ------sulted in a thoroughbred House And Hslws water in each of the empty' Tpke., next to Popular Market? straight 42-point game Tuesday For the Shooters, Mike Quesnel Sandra Hackett Does the ’’old homestead” cups. This helps prevent the A virtual "Gadget Collectors (10), and John Lundberg (4) “ I wouldn’t play him Reed, of eight and 13 points in a row breaking ahead of the rest of Jennifer Frazer night and again scored the win- I’d rest him,” said the contro- late in the game for their sev- the field. All money wagered suffer from the ’’winter pan from warping from uneven Para^se” . . .sheer delight for starred, , , ,parlene Niemann nlng^Uasket in the final seconds versial centec of the Rockets, enth triumph in eight games, in the second race was re­ wearies” ? Think spring at temperature. the beginner to the gourmet as Pittsbuigh overcame Ken­ Rita Peckham HOUSSl AND HALE, 946 Main ------cook. (3ome browse and see Y MIDOETS who is as outspoken as he is tal- Hayes had plenty of Help from turned. Michael Philipp tucky 133-130. ented. “ As much depth as the Calvin Murphy, who also had 29 St. — some bright pUloiws — a An empty dresser drawer h o w a purchase from the In other ABA games, Virginia Nasslff Arms defeated Paganl Tony Tantlllo spread — curtains or most any turned over and _cpvered with PLAZA can lighten your cook­ Knicks have, they could rest points. Debra Tomasek defeated Memphis 106-97 and Caterers last night In a hard him a little, I just have to see Dave DeBusschere and Dick thing your heart desires — to a bath towel makes an Impro- ing time. Utah belted Denver 133-103. fought contest, 24-19. Ed White Derby Hopefuls Jean Zwinglesteln glve you a lift into the new sea vised ironing board for a travel- him play a lot. I would think in- Barnett each had 24 points for Una Selby Brlsker’s late basket helped (11), Morris Godin (10) and stead about the playoffs.” the Knicks, not nearly enough son. Open till 9 on Thursdays, ing iron. When the sewing machine GRADE 16 Small Pittsburgh stave off a- frantic Mike Murphy (6) led the win­ Hayes unloosed his opinion with Reed hobbled, Continue Bids needle becomes dull and pulls last-gasp effort by Kentucky ners while Bill Donovan (8) First Honor BoU Medium the thread of your material, and after watching Reed, New “ I ran him down for two quar- Ernest Smith spearheaded by a fluriy of and Jeff Pescoeolldo (7) were ARCADIA, (Jallf. (AP) — no other needle is handy, you Talje your choice . . . a York’s all-National Basketball ters,” Hayes said. “’The dlffer- Unda Thlbeault Deborah Sllvlnsky Large 166 three-point baskets by Darrel high for Pagani’s. AssoclaUon center, slow down to ence in the game was Willis Headed by Single Agent and Goya Painting can sharpen the point by run­ long-line jumpsuit, or a Carrier. Sally Trousdell Robyn Smith In the second game, Manches­ nothing—zero—Tuesday night slowing up. When he came back Mark McMhhon This easy-knit coat with ning the needle through a piece khicker-version' of the After three three-pointers by Diplomatic Agent, 1971 Derby John Welgold faglan ■ sleeves will At ter Travel clobbered the Elks, as-the Rockets rushed past the in after sitting down in the sec- Up for Auction of steel wool several times. jumpsuit, or a midi Carrier had tied the game, hopefuls resume their run to­ Second Honor Boll Second Honor Roll perfectly into your ward­ jumper! A perfect pat­ 30-3. Dave Spencer (17), Kurt Knicks 126-109 for their first vie- ond quarter he was different, Brlsker’s jumper with nine sec­ Cathy Anderson Karen Bahler LONDON (AP) —A painting robe and prove to be a tern to add many gar­ Von Hone (4) and Gary Pdnte tory in two years over New He slowed up.” ward prominence in the 380,000- Senior Cltisen Special onds left and a foul shot by Deborah Bartley Stuart Benson by the Spanish master Francis­ favorite topper. No. 166 ments to the wardrobe. (2) paced the winners. For the York. ’The loss also cut the San; Diego coach Alex-.41an-- .added San Jacinto Stakes at Sa- has knit directions for Need perking zip? PAIUHIAN Skeeter Swift clinched the game Kathleen Blauvelt Priscilla (Plough co de Goya 'Will be auctioned in No. 8128 with photo­ Elks, Bob Kieman (2) and Tim Knicks’ Atlantic division lead num was more diplomatic. “ I nita Anita Thursday. Small (30-32), Medium COIFFURE at 56 Oak Bt wlU guide is in Sizes 7 to 15 for Pittsburgh. Carrier tried for Jeff Bonadles Christine Devine Bycholski (1) accounted for the over Philadelphia to three thought Willis played well at London March 24. It is a full- (34-36) and Large (38- offer on any Monday, Wednes­ (bust 31-37). Size 9, 32 the tying three-pointer at the The distance is one mile and Debra Campbell Lynn Diana scoring. grames. times,” Re said, “ but he was in- length portrait of Aseslo Julia, 40) Sizes inclusive. day or Thursday a shampoo bust . . . long jumpsuit, buzzer but nqissed. will mark the first race against Joan CSiorches Amber Farney Goya’s assistant. Hie auetkm SEND 50$ In coins for ineb ut- and set for $2Ji0 and a haircut 2% yards of 45-inch. Brisker, who also had 42 in his Reed, after scoring nine consistent. You can tell he’s hot Brent Oottfer torn tn Inclndo flnt-clasf nuilhnt. points and grabbing 16 rebounds 100 per c^nt." each other for the two Agents. Debbie Breau house call U a major work. if needed $1.50 more or a per­ Patterns available only last start against Virginia, won Diane Gsell Aaae Osbet, Hsaohettor in the first half when the Knicks The Knicks, of course, know, Bill Shoemaker is booked to Cliff Bowen The painting was bought in BvealBS HeiaM, 1150 AVE. manent including shampoo, in sizes shown. that game with a last-second Mike Jesanls SEND li t In coins (or tsch pat­ Heart’s Gzemato led 67-63, did the unbelievable in too. With the tendonitis in the Daniel Ctowperthwalte Spain around 1636. It then OF^lEBIOAS, NEW YOBK, haircut and set for $9. Tel. basket, too. ride Single Agent and Laffit Joy Kassett 7 XM86« tern to Incinde (Irst-clnse matllni. the second half—^not scoring a knee bothering Reed, they lost Kim Benson passed into the hands of King Pfint Nnan, Addnu wltb ZIP 643-9682 for an appointment. The Squires used 33 points Pincay, Jr., has Diplomatic Roseann Kellner ------8«e Bas—tt, Msaekestor Top State Scorer single point, not getting a single six consecutive games recenUy, JuUe Demayo Louis-PhUlppe of France and CODE nnd Stpln Nnmbir. BveatagHeiUd, 1159 AVE. from rookie Charley Scott to Agfent. Mariln^Kbch Donna Kinney was in the Louvre Museum for • The Fall and Winter If your mattress pad has Oj^SifcuOAS, NEW YOU, whip Memphis. Scott had his 17 DANBURY (A P )-^ Czer- . hardly looking like a team after As a result, the Rockets its second straight NBA title, Other expected starters tn- Kathy Kramer Albert Koth 10 years. Eventually it passed ALBUM is 65f, includes shrunk from laundering and Print Naan, Addraei with ZIP in the first half as Virginia nota of Sacred Heart University Mary McLaughlin postage and handling. CODE, Stylt Naaner aad tlza. caught the Knicks at 73, took a With him rested, they came cKidc Bold Joey, Crimson Clem, Jill Schaanfer into the collection of the Oom- doesnt’ quite fit the bed, you can opened a lead that grew to as is at the top of the state’s col­ James Severson Diane Martin EARLY AMERICAN...Ynttcryaar’i make it stay in place by stitch­ The Spring and Summer much as 11 points. Then Steve lege scoring race again this 91-86 lead entering the final pe- back to win three of their last Fast Fellow and Steal A Dance. tesse de Paris and then to Uie dnslpis far todajr's dacorl Pattam riod and then rattled off strlnj^ four, before San Diego. Janice Smith Susan Peacock niacas: diractlans for 12. 81M - ing a piece of elastic across each ’71 Basic FASHION Book is Jones led a Memphis comeback week, and he has plenty of com­ present owner, Arthur Sachs, an tS(, (nelndat poatafa and hm- Harold Stanley Lori Seward comer, leaving some slack. $1.00, includes postage that shaved the lead to as little pany with three teammates also American collector who lives in dllng. and handling. Roger Staves Margaret Spring Then slip these elastic lo<^ as one ' point before three (A P p h o to ) in the top 20. Paris. DOUBLE EXPOSURE—Duquesne’s 6-10 twins, Garry and Barry Nelson leap Serving Probation GRADE 9 Regina Stefanlak oven the mattress comers, and straight jumpers by Scott Czemato, a 6-8 junior from First Honor Roll Carol Webber moved Virginia comfortably in high for rebound. Eighth ranked Dukes are 19-2 with 15 victories, all in a row. the pad will remain in place. Bridgeport, holds first - place Gall Creagen Patricia Wells Pancake Title To please the small-fiy, make If you are looking for some­ front again. with a 23.6 average, according Nancy Gebhart Darlene Tompkins Stays in Ametica special mirrors for them. To do ‘A New Vlaw’ thing different and tasty, try Utah“ h£td seven players in to statistics compiled by The Debra Hurley Judy Wilson LIBERAL, Kan. (AP) — Bar­ this, use inexpensive framed Oome see the 1971 line of serving piping hot chUl con double figures led by Glen Roundup Danbury News-Times. Melnyk Leading ‘Uprising’ Sharon Owen James MacArthur bara Rlhehart, a 24-year-oId mirrors and trim each comer gold-GUed wire frames in all- came over boiled rice and top­ CX>mbs, Ron Boone and George Sacred Heart, the best team housewife and mother of one. Is of mirror with an appropriate new shapes and slses at ped with tiny buttered brown Stone, who had 20 points each, iBOMIUMG. in the state based on won-loes the new international pancake decal. Hang mirror low just FOWLER OPTICIANS, Man­ cubes of bread. Served with a and the Stars routed Denver. records, also is represented by race champion. especially for them. chester Paritade (Kings sec- green salad this makes a delic­ Larry Cannon of Denver led all Kansas Trades Boots Bob Gers, who was 16th, Ray In Amateur Golf Ranks Rham Honor Roll The 5-foot-3 brunette outran tl NEW YORK (NEA) — versity of Florida, but now he Liberal and British eeents GRAOE 12 Diane Foley Janet Krone cloth left in a worn chenille day, 9:30 to 5:30, Thursday The statistics this week leave The waves of dissent in is not supposed to benefit from High Honors Jonathan Horton Judith Lack over a 416-yard course to keep Make a set of attractive bath For Sneakers to Win spread to make a cute robe for evenings -tilt 9 jp.m. mats from a. pair of old fashion­ Longden Resigns a lot untold, such as; a job because of his golf ability. Barbara Campbell Judy Jose Karen Lathrop the title in America in the an­ sport have finally lapped a tiny Uttle glri. Tint the fin­ ed white bedspreads by cutting NEW YORK (AP)— It took a blizzard to stop Kansas —Cliff Mosley of Quinnipiac, Yet, he adds, he is virtually Bette DePerry Rebecca Kelsey Rodney Links nual Shrove Tuesday event. The —but not for long. up into amateur jrolf. The certain Gulf Line would not women carry skillets and must ished robe a bright new color Add a split clove of garlic to the best portion of each to bath Trainers’ Post , __ _ leader through much- of—the Honors (3orlnne LaRock Jonathan Little If necessary. United States Golf Assn., have hired him were it not for flip pancakes at least twice dur­ the fat you brown veal chops mat size and binding the edge ARCADIA, Calif. (AP)—John The fifth-ranked Jayhawks, foroed to postpone their CONSTRUCTION Sam Keith early season, probably is Stanley Anderson Thomas Mills Kathleen Mills long the austere governing his golfing reputation. ing the race. In. Drain off the fat, remove with bias cut washable material. Longden, who retired as a jock­ Monday-Right______^y-night game against Kansas State when a mas- **,^*^° tor the year after reln- Laura Faribault Linda Orzech Daniel Iiloore When cutting a garment from body of the game, is being “ How can you draw that kind Mrs. Rinehart’s time was 67.7 garlic, season, and add one can Dye them In your favorite c(dor. ey in 1966 after setting a rec­ sive snoiVstorml(S enveloped the Midwest, traded their jurlng an ankle, Deborah Boucher (folleen Shannon Norma Natale corduroy cloth, be sure to cut challen-ed by several top of line?” he wants to know. Paul Vltols seconds-three-tenths of a sec­ of tomato sauce, one-half cup ord for riding victories, has re­ SI Sherryl Brunell Cheryl Osborne each piece on the same grain boots for sneakers. Tuesday night and buried the Wild- gunce 369 Earl Cox ^ , ’ rocco uth“?!^“™oS young players. “ Do you mean to tell me that a Deborah Wright ond better than Ruth iFaulkner, water, and one-half teaspoon The secret of making good signed as trainer for Frank Mc­ Lois Coda John Parker of the cloth. If all pieces are cats 61-48... , , .. goals but connected on 20 of 24 Dlcenso 136-361, Stan Butkus but has the nation’s best free- Steve Melnyk^ the 1969 U.S. famous amateur golfer ^ho has GRADE 9 who ran in Olney, England ear­ oregano. C over and ' Mmmer pancakes is not to overmlx the Mahon stables. 1 Barbara Curtin David Phelps not cut in the same direction Amateur champion, recently an automobile dealership isn’t tfarie Donofrio High Honqjtf . lier In the day. American and about an hour. batter. Longden has been a trainer t r i u m ^ ^ e * tongeat strfak '*'®® ^1 of 3*1- Bob Post j p . thrown percentage at 86.6 per geing to sell more cars to peo­ Donna Pierce of the cloth, parts of tE e"^ ^ ° m u m p n -^ e longest streax igth-ranked Buckeyes cent. wrote 16 of his fellow competi­ Steven Forand Rebecca Gale English competitors now have for McMahon, a Canadian mil­ ple he plays golf with?” Pamela Pinto ment wlU be lighter than the 1 CK9 16th victory ------in 20 Bgames— -.=0 was led — Beverfy —Tom Meade of Hartfw’d, tors and asked them to meet CAndy Fors Cheryl Lyman lionaire and longtime friend, iMelnyk, a big, amiable man Debra Poetemski won 11 times each. other. 91 1 Hi Ko 1 In Alafi Homyak’s 23 points blit S^phardson 181-478, Cathy broke two University of Hartford with USGA leaders at the Anna Fournier Honors The Liberal course was slushy since he stepped down after rid­ called “ Fluff’’*b3r his friends, is Diane Prentice ■ ’ ® ® honors went to Iowa’s Kevin Wynn 178-210-635, Roberta Car- records by getting 13 of 13 free Masters Tournament in April, a Joseph Gagne Regina Adams ing 6,032 winners, a record more than 25 years. an unlikely agitator, but a co­ Michael Reid and sUck In spots in the after- Be sure that all clothing is Kunnert with 28. ^90-491, Barbara Sher- throwns in one game and 15 meeting to which the USGA has Laureen Hall Ellen Bartolucci broken last year by Bill Shoe­ In other major action, Ii\(|tona gent, bothersome one to the Jean Rider math of Monday’s 12-inch snow­ clean before putting it in gar­ NYU stayed even imtil Notre DlBella 488. straight over a three-game pe- agreed. The purpose will be to Beverly Hill Robin Blssell TTKF. W /1 maker. University stunned 12th-rated USGA. The questions that he Audrey Senkbeil fall. ment bag or cedar chest Dirt, wheato* i.'i xjiino Dame turned a 9-9 tie into an ______riod. air differences over the varying Jesse Hills Susan Derby It was reported that Longden, Michigan 88-79, Web^r State and a handful of'other ranking Jeff Sirois Shirley Hammond led until acids and chemicals change 18-9 lead and, eventually, into..a .MEBCAN/l'ILE Leo Fog- —^nd Pete Martin, a BOjSio- interpretations of amateurism Paul Hovey Michael Donnelly 63, wants to help his wife Hazel squeezed out a 63-62 upset over amateurs , raise at Augusta Jill Stockwell she feU about 20 feet from the with time and can cause perma­ 51-33 halftime marrin. The “ “ 145-366, Gene Phanevf 177- more Western (Connecticut, is that Melnyk thinks are hurting Donna Keener Martin Fortin MONEY train her horses, including a 16th-ranked Utah State, No. 18 could have a greater impact on Robert Vontell finish. nent damage. _. I , .. , , ,, I9th-rank^d Irish continued to Buckminster 142-362, t^e invisible man In the top 20, golf.L Arlene Knight Julianna Gagne possible Kentucky Derby con­ golf than the outcome of the Bryan Welsbrod In Olney, 20 ran the course in iL r. pour ‘t on alter the break with Henry B ^ y 166-367 Ed Tomklel Martin, a mid-term transfTr, is “ I’ve received replies from __Barbara Mkssey Cheryl Grlffing tender, Diplomatic Agent. Long­ to turn back Iowa 80-71, 19th- prestigious Masters Tourna­ Barbara Holmes Debra West bright spring weather. Iron napUiu( on the wrong INTHE Austin (Carr rolling to a game- Aceto 164-896, averaging 17.9 points per game half of the fellows I contacted,’’ Terry MePhee den was unavailable for com­ ranked Notre Dame waltzed all ment. Jeffry Kablik Katherine Wirth side first. Start at the comers, high 45 points. Jolly 138-137-363, Jirim Na- since joining tie Indians, but he says. “ Most of them are Jean Miles ment ’Tuesday, but his wife de­ over New York University 106- Linda Keeney Jean Zachman To fold contour sheets neatly, stretching the napkin straight. Vlllanova raced to a 23-10 Montle 366, John hasn’t played enough games to younger, but some aren’t. I WliUam Mills BANK 68, Vlllanova-squeezed by Provi­ Sherry Mott Pamela Mills Joann Zimmer reverse the contoured fold Turn and Iron on the right side. nied he was leaving McMahon edge but Providence clawed 358, Jerry (Clarice 364, qualify for theTiBt. guess I’m not the best one to be to assist her. dence 76-76, Oklahoma, also de­ wlthln.one at the half, then the B u r J ^ ^ , 'BUI Faber 869, ______Haywood Asking Beverly Pohl Marla Miner along; one side and tuck It be­ Large dinner napkins are folded ramrodding this thing, but It’s GRADE 7 It was also reported that layed a night, whipped Nebras­ Denise Porter Roxanne Switzer neath the oppoelte edge in en­ in thirds. Small ones are folded „ . Tj H . loAd seesawed the rest of tj»6 ^ n n y Changer 8am Uttle time somebody did it.” n g h Honors Longden’s son Vance, who has ka 65-86 and Houston B aptists^ Clarence B n rffc For Favorable Michael Robbins Robin Williams velope-style. TMs makes a flat twice into a square iirith edges K eller snapped Louisiana State New ^ t a a r w e e ^ n ^ s Lped.to 18-6. golf my vocation.” SLACKS ^ VESTS - BLOUSES nament even though the plane' ring him from playing for the Elizabeth Gregory Laura Bell Kathy Doucette Ing fast break that melted the Degrate teamed for 70 straight foul shots during the Joe Summa secured 36 points The rules governing amateur­ • Five dollars (but not for IpnglJ in an at­ belonged to a friend and he was Sonics. Lester Jamieson Pamela Bergeron Cheryl Flemming Wildcats. of points as Texas Christian last two miniites as the Husktes as Wesleyan ovenriielmed TWn- ism in golf are. strict. No ex­ laOH-LOW—Barbara .Higley going there anyway. That In going before the Supreme Stephen Kukucka Karla Berglund Susan Oennette tractive gift box. Kansas led all scorers wit(#23 Baylor 94-84, Willie Al- upset Rutgers 70-66 Tuesday Ity at Hartford. Sununa tied a penses are permitted. Merchan­ Kevin Lyman TUNIC TOPS 194-602, Arlene Schumacher 176- means I probably can’t afford Court. Haywood asked for an In- Janice Braman David Heon • A strictly LIMITED EDITION (Previous top; Confetti Girl wrap-front textured 191-628, Jean Dutttm 181-180-486. ^ -.r career-high 38 points, in- night at Storrs. ■ school record hitting on 17 Held dise. prizes up to the cash to go and compete. Brian Mac Lachlan Maureen Callahan Steven HOvey ^ I^ m o re s George Mc(Bnnls cjuding the decisive foul shots in In other action involving (Con- goal' attempts. equivalent ot $200 may be ac­ juncUon against an Appeals Paulette Marquis Limited Edition Presidential Decanters polyester in spring fresh navy with "One

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.4 V V PAGE THIRTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN., V^EDNESDAYTFEBRUARY 24, 1971 1 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1971 PAGE THHtTY -ONE H o^ old Services 13-A THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN mid W H IPPLE Help Wanled-Mdie 36 Household Goods 51 DB58PATCHER TRAINEJE — CLEAN, USED refrigoratora, Aporfments - Flqts - Business Locations attlcu, garages, ranges, automatlo waahers Houses For Sole 72 -Houses For 5ole 7 2 “ Lots For 5ole Out of Tovm r-ra rd WKV «lT?y(OMEl4MeVBR VWEM A GAL% DOWR Stable, mature, agresslve in­ TenhmenH ' «3~F5FliMt 64 73 leaned. Reascmable rates or with guarantees. See them at For 5ole CLASSIFIED take merchandise as pay* V H W t a r e o p a h ew FASrtK>l IHTHE 0UMPS>.SRe dividual with the ability., to DOCrrOR’S c o l o n ia l , im ­ MANCHESTER — Excellent 7B B. D. Pearl’s AppUances. 649 474 m a i n ST. Tluee rooms, MANCHESTER Green DUNCAN RD., new 6-room Co- /inilent 644-«20» or 647-940S. /?3A/fa\ URLESS IT'S IMPRACTICAL, BlN6 A ME\N PRE^, direct people tmd work well maculate with central air-con- BERRY’S WORLR AA zone lot, hall acre plus, ^______Main St. CaU 648-2171. heated. $ 1 2 6 . Security. One or Ground flo o r 9 0 0 so f t f r o n t ® ^ \ uRCOMFORTABLE AMD . AND ORRIOUSlV ^ under pressure. Top company diU oni^. Wall-to-WaU through­ loiiial, large breezeway 2-car- Lakewood Circle area, city ANDOVlSl — Modem four- P-n.. poMon (arage. Tile bath, built-lns, /^..u’STOM made draperies UM0ECOMIN&? -mATfe WVlERe and top benefits.. Starts at SINGER touch and sew with t«» M S ™ 5 ™ “ ' S I out, stove, disposal, swimming uUliUes, CaU Mr. Q m m er, room Ranch, breezewfty, over­ ADVERTISING fireplace, plastered walls, city J. D. Real Estate Associates. / covers and reupholstering. , THOSe CAME No fee, Rita Personnel, 6«- cabinet. Monograms, hems, HBJBRON - N iw er 2 - b e ^ m 2?4i “ ®- pool, finlriied rec room, other sized garage, electric heat, full Budget terms. Established in uUUUes, large lot. Built by 643-6129. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS FHOMl 4040. ' . embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ apartm ent, children welcom e, 649-6688. extras. Conveniently located. basement, two acres {due. Im- 194S. Days, 8244)164, evenings, Would you beUeve less than Ansaldi. Charles Lesperance, im m edlate occupancy, $19,900 lent condlUon. Guaranteed. carpeting, appUMces. heat. Up TO 720 sq. ft. avaltebtoTL^ 649-7620. V 8AJI.to4:30PJL 649-7690. Ex p e r i e n c e d dozer opera­ Full price now $66 or 7 month­ hot water, parl^. immedl- cated ElU^on Rd., South ) $30,000? BeUeve it! BeUiore Char Bon Agency, 643-0683. tor for cellar work, etc. Steady ly paym enW *^ |8- 622-0476, Agency 647-1418. 5^ " “K 7 1 * “ W*"**®®*-- WIU alter for tenant. $27,900 — 7-ROOM RAISED ______Land For Rent 72-A COLUXIBIA LAKE area —Mod- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT, w ork. CaU after 6, 742-6190. dealer. ______648-0882, 649-2871. Near professlonalt center. 644- APPLIANCE MANCHESTER GREEN— Ranch, carpeting, dishwasher, COVENTRY . LAND em custom-built center-haU 4:30 P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUOATION 2421, 8-6. *...... REPAIR, INC. EXPERIENCED p 1 u m b e r ’s REFRIGERATOR — apart­ THREEI-ROOM apartment, fur- ___ „ _ Ranch. 6 rooms of immaculate stove, recreaUon room, ga­ TWO PARCELS Ranch. 2 fireplaces, 7 rooms, Deadline lor Saturday and Monday is 4:30 p.in. Frida; helper, top wages benefits. 646- Uvlng. Wall-to-wall carpeUng rage, large lot, trees, sewer. wall-to-wall carpethig, lovely ment sized, like new, f76. 80’’ or unfurnished. All EXCELLENT locaUon, next to One o f 60 acres, one o f 78 acres. in several, rooms, plus alu­ Assumable mortgage. Hutch­ decor throughout, private set- Service on all makes, wash­ 4623. gas stove, »86. Aluminum ^ng^ern conveidences. CaU 649- corner of Berlin Tpke., New- $690 per acre. CaU minum siding make this a low ins Agency, 649-6324. Un^ Priced in low 30s. For PLEASE READ YOUR AD ers, dryers, ranges, refrig­ EXPERIENCED J.D. backhoe doors, 82x80, 36x80, »10. each. '______Ington, Conn. Across frpm Mc- V erators. Qualified factory 643-2466 evenings or 643-1442. maintenance home. May be CARRIAGE REALTY details caU Lange . Agency, maaslfled or "Want Ads" are taken over tiie phone as a operator for drain fields, etc. WK HAVE customers waiting restaurant, 2 offices, MAIN Street. . . Business zon­ trained technicians. Radio possible to assume 6 per cent 646-1110 228-9349, 228-3296. convenience. The advertiser should road Ms ad the FIRST Steady work. Call 742-6190 af­ for the rentol of your apart-' approximately 400 square, ed. Two family flat vdiere dispatched for quick service. COMBINATION baby’s hlgh- mortgage! ^ Belfiore Agency DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in time tor the ter 6. j chalr, carriage and stroUer. meht or home. J.D. Real Bs- Newly carpeted including 647-1413. downstairs has been convert- • VERNON — HUltop high Colo- next insertion. The Herald Is noponslble for only ONE to* ‘ ------CaU 646-2782 or 643-0618. tate Associates. Inc. 648-6129. ^®at, electricity and alr-condl- ed to doctor’s office. Prime lo­ nial, 1% baths, garage, waU-to- correct or omitted insertion tor any advertisement and then 646-1111 THE VERY BEST! 10 room Out of.Town w all In several room s. Light, only to the extent of a "make good" insertion. Errors wMeh AVATT APT V— ^ — ^,“1------New building. Rent caUon, many uses. Priced to 'j Help Wonted - 12x12 100 per cent WOOL rug ^AILABLE March 1st — $175 monthly for each office. quality built Raised Ranch In sell at under $30,000. T . J. For 5ole >4 75 airy kitchen. Stove stays. do not lessen the value of the advertiaement will not be WASHING machine repairs, / corrected by "make good*' Insertion. j Mole or Female 37 and pad, good condition, $75. Tlir^iw m apartment. Heat, Call or write owner, Stoddard one of Manchester’s prime lo- Crockett, R ealtor. 643-1577. Country atmosphere, close to RCSA WMrlpSOI,' Keiunore, Z-ZF 30" White gas stove, exceUent electricity, stove, and refriger- Investment, Inc., 740 North caUons. For details Mr. Zins­ VERNON — Sev£n-room mod­ city conveniences. M id 20’a. Maytag. Reasonable rates. 643- SCHOOL bus drivers, Bolton, baker, $80. CaU evenings 643- ator Included. $146. 649^1644:------Main St., West Hartford, 232- ser, B elfiore Agency 647-1413. BUCKLEY School area —large em Colonial, like new, 1^ W orth It. Belfiore A gency 647- (RoekvlOe, ToD Free) baths, large lot. Attached ga­ 4913, 647-1719. 7:30 to 8:46 a.m., 2:10 to 3:46 2590. 8^4-room Ranch. Three br four 1413. T h e FEM M ES TOPA'/ p.m ., CaU 649-8400. VILLAGBR Apartments—Five- -*887, Brokers protected. DRIVE BY — 39 Gerard St, in bedrooms, two baths, paneled rage. Priced right. Call the 643-2711 II7S-3136 VJILL GO ID ANV the derirable Hollywood sec­ feunily room with fireplace, Mitten Agency, R ealtors, 648- CXDVENTRY (NORTH) l e n g t h i d b e iM STREET’^ftoT space, / 1 Building Contracting 14 Musical InstramenH 53 ^ths, waU-t^wall carpeting, 100 per cent locaUon near tion. Call Carl Zinsser, to see., separate children’s playroom, 8930. GARRISON COLONIAL ST-VLE- Situations Wanted - two alr-conmUoners, private banks, air-conditioned, auto­ this lovely 4-bpdroom Colonial. laundry off kitchen, many ex­ Two years old, spacious Automobiles For Sole 4 HAimOND limodel oigan, TOLLAND CARPENITIY and remodeling, Fem ale 38 basement. Washer and dryer maUc fire sprinkler. Apply Liberal financing or assume tras. Short walk to school, and rooms, excellent closet rec rooms, dormers, Mtchens, Tm.ltee.U.! less than one-year old, reason­ 6% per cent mortgage. Bel- OVERSIZED CAPE COD r!| 1964 VOLKSWAGEN Camper, Plf7| by I hookup. G.E. appliances and Marlow’s,/867 Main St. Hartford bus. $32,600. CaU space. First floor famUy additions and garages. .Call BABYSITTING in my licensed able. 649-4204 after 6 p.m. gas heat. Charles Lesperance, ------—______flore A gency, 647-1413. Warren ■ E. Howland, Realtor, Are you looking for a home room, fireplace, 1^ baths, HERALD With attachable tent, new en­ home, full or paut-tlme. Red­ 1 with lots o f elbow room In­ Tom Corbitt, 648-0086. 643-1108. gine, clutch, brakes. Ebccellent D28 MARTIN guitar, original 049-7620. BBAUTIF'UL' modem remodel- EXTRA LOT —^goes with this garage, one acre lot. Slate wood Rd., off Hlllstown. 647- ■ . ------Ing showrooms, offices, swlm- side and outside? Our fuU entry, beamed mantel, BOX LETTERS tires, very clean. 649-6846. SAVE MONEY! Fast service. Painting - Papering 21 Help Wonted>Female 35 Help Wonted-Female 35 price $528, two years old. Ask­ older 7-room Colonial. Con­ 0603. TWO-BEiDROOM garden type mlng pool locaUon. AvaUable MANCHESTER — Young Im­ dormered' Cape - features beamed celling, wainbcoted Dormers, room additions, ga­ ing $290. 828-7679. venient locaUon, treed lot, 2- 1970 FORD custom Ranch .TOSBPH P . LEWIS — Custom apartment, heat, appliances, to remodeling contractor or c 1971 br NCA. Inc maculate 2 family. Ceramic 1V& baths, built-ins, dish­ dining room all for Just $28,- Fm* Your rages, porches, roofing and PILGRIM MILLS needs a wo- MATURE woman, evenings, EXCELLENT care will ^ car garage. Mid 20’s, possibly wragon. 12,600 m iles. Deluxe Painting, Interior and exterior, and c ^ t s , $200. monthly, builder. Also suitable for pan- baths, aluminum siding, se^ washer, disposal, two 18 ft. 900. Mr. Lewis 649-6306. Informatkm siding. Compare . prices. Add- man to sew model garments, niust be able to work every given your child in my licensed less without extra lot. Bel­ racks, extras, excellent condi­ paperhanging, fully liuured. P m I W. Dougan, Realtor, 640- ellng center, buUdlng supplies, arate furiiacea. $32,900. Own­ bedrooms and a 5%% as­ A-Level Dormer Corp. 289- Apply to K. Anderson, between Saturday afternoon and eve- hom e. CaU 647-1136. Office and ______fiore A gency 647-1413. ‘ er will finance. Helen D. Colq^ sumable mtge. Outstwding THE HERALD will not tion. CaU 6494668. ' 0449. For free 'Estimates caU 649- 6-6 p.m. Apply in person, Card 5tore Equipment 54 garden and recreational equlp- C mere, Fred, here's a hot one! This guv wants to buy a .0 O B & W o o disclnno the Identity of 9668. It no answer 643-6362. MCATURE woman desires posi­ MANCHESTER Industrial zone PLAIN WHITE shirt!!" R ealtor, 643-6666. at $26,900. 6494)306. 1968 VOLKSWAoisN convertl. ------Gallery, Manchester, Parkade. DELUXE one-bedroom "llpart- ”’®"‘ ' ®*®' “ l-TSTS. BARROWS and WALLACE CO. any advertiser using box NEWTON H. SMITH A SONS- tion, bookkeeping, payroll, LARGE office desk with chair 3-famUy house, excellent busi­ MANCHESTER — 0 and 6-two letters. Readers answer­ B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, ment, wall - to - wall carpet- ______“ “ Manchester Parkade ble, automatic. Newly Installed Remodeling, repairing, addl- general office in Rockville, and filing cabinet, almost ness oppertunity. High traffic family. Three bedrooms, over­ o o B & W o o ing blind box ads who . engine, radio, stereo tape play­ interior and exterior painting, BE ONE OF Ing throughout, complete ap- HouSeS F of Rent Manchester 649-6306 tions, rec rooms, porches and Manchester area. References. new, $200. CaU 648-9678. 65 count, good condition. Call sized garage. Near shopping. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. desire to protect theb paper hanging. Thirty years CLERK TYPIST pUances, vanity bath.MWV4S* CentralV>CI4U4 cal* ■ er with two-—pitResslonal roofing. No Job too smaU. CaU THE CaU 876-3461. now. $31,600. Hayes Agency, Houses For 5ole 72 Houses For 5ole 72 ' Extra two-family building lot Manchester Parkade COVENTRY — DoU House, identity can follow ‘Us experience, four generations. ly located. $176 monthly. R. D. ANDOVER LAKE — five-room speakers, four new whitewalls, 649-8144. Interesting posiUon In sm all 648-0181. Low 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646- M anchester 649-6306 Five large room Ranch. Oa procedure r Free estimates, fully Insured. FINAST M urdock, 643-2692. h o u s e on lakefront. $200 REDFXXIRATED 6-room Colo­ wooden daMi. Excellent run­ department for qualified Wanted - To Buy 58 0131. ------^------rage. Stove, refrigerator, dish N. J. LAFLAMME — Carpenter 643-7861. ------;------monthly. Call 649-2871 or 643- WEST Middle Turnpike. . ."C” nial, baths, garage, possl- offered bv the Enclose your reply to ning and body condition. Best typist with experience in Dogs - Birds - Pets 41 LOOKINa fo r anything In real 7^ ______VERNON —Manchester Line — waaher. Immediate oceupcuicy the box in an envelope — o « e r . Call 872-8782. contractor. AddUloiw, remod­ • CLERKS HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques zone. Large six and six duplex ble fourth bedroom. Fine loca- me REDWOOD Flurms — Large 7- 8-room Garrison Colonial, 4- 4 statistical clerical work. estate rental - apartments, address to the Classified eling and repairs. CaU any­ LOVABLE 7-month old male brlck-a-brac, locks, frames, on comer lot. One side vacant. tion. $26|900. Offers invited. T^T TTT Only $2,400 down. P asek R eal homes,S S V S38W 0, «muIUpIe J 5 U S U | /tW dwellings, Hno U ------room Ranch. Three bedrooms, bedroom s, 2% baths, family Manager, Manchester time for free estimate. 876- • COMPTOMETER OPERA- r Company offers good wages puppy, shots completed. Look- glassware. We buy estates. Garages. Tremendous location tors, 289-7476, 742-8243. Floor Finishing 24 fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate As- carpeted family room and room, double garage, treed Blvening Herald, together 196^ WHITE Ford, 428 engine, 1642. TORS and working conditions, free Ing for new home, free. 646- village Peddler, Auctioneer, Out of Town for home-office, etc. T, J. M M 8*i3°" r H l L D R l C K with a memo llst^ tte soclhteS, m e . 648-6129. pg|. kitchen, two toll baths, . two- lot. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. BOLTON — Custom 6-room 1686. CaU 649-7877. FLOOR SANDING, and refin- • CALCULATOR OPERATORS parking and above average 0637 after 6 p.m . 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. 66 Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. companies you do NOT SEAMLESS aluminum gutters Ishlng (specialising in older MANCHESTER — Custom built car garage, aluminum siding, brick Ranch on two parUlke benefits. Apply dual fireplace, patio, all on COVENTRY — $8,900 assum es acres, 2-car garage, 2 baths, want to see your letter. InstaUed. BVee estim ates. CaU floors). Inside painting, paper­ Several . opportunities have BLUEPOINT female Siamese WANTED — antique furniture, Hartford — One and two- MANCHESTER — 8-room-Gar- Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, Tour letter win he de­ AGENCY FHA mortgage with payments finished family room. The best 648- 6786. ing, ceilings, etc. No. Job too opened in our general office cat,-papers. Asking $120. CaU glass, pewter, oil paintings or f bedroom apartments. Rental rison Colonial, 4 bedrooms, two garages, gorgeous private large wooded lot overlooking stroyed if the advertiser o f $146 monthly. Five-room of everything. CaU to see. smaU. John VerfaiUe, Bolton. for^ full-tim e work. Good FIRST NATIONAL 74216368. other antique items. Any quan­ • bekt, hot water, double garage, excellent area, lot. Executive area. $39,900 Hartford county. Merritt Agen­ iS 'Xme you’ ve menUooed. LEON CIESZYNSKI builder^ NEW LISTING — Oversized Cape with fireplace; Frechette, Hayes A gency, 6464)181. bu^ess arithmetic back­ tity. The Harrison’s, 643-8709, R ^ t o r 649-4686 ’ range, refrigerator and many treed lot, walk-out basement. Helen D. Cole, Realtor, 643- cy , 646-1180. If not it will be handled 1969 FORD F260 Ranger, loaded 'new homes custom buUt, re­ STORES INC. AKC registered, black minia­ n ean or, 649-4636.______extras. 289-3730, 289-4002. Garrison Colonial, less than R ealtors, 647-9098. in the usual manner. ground required. 165 Oakland Street. Only $39,900. Hayes Agency, 6666. OOVENTRY — Slx-poom-over- with extras. 649-4898. modeling, additions, roc Bonds - .. ture poodle, female, 3 months, 646-0131. one year old. Owner trans­ THREE - BEDROOM Raised Park and Oakland Aves. $76. 643-9812. slze Cape. EliU shed dorm er. rooms, garages, kitchens re­ 5toeks - Mortgages 27 Hours are 8:30 to 4:30. Com­ Furnished ROCKVILLE — 3-room apart­ ferred. Eight rooms, baths, Ranch, large kitchen with din­ m odeled, bath tUe, cement Rooms Without Board 59 ment, stove, refrigerator, heat 406 KEENEY ST. — Beautiful first-floor family room with ing area, formal dining room, BuUt-lns, IMi baths, hui* pany offers exceUent bene­ East Hartford AKC reglsrtered Toy Poodle, 9- PRINCETON ST. GLASTONBURY Trailers - [ work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ MOR’TGAGES, loans, first, sec­ fit program, good wages Apartments 63-A and hot water, $125. No pets, location, 8 rooms, 2 unfinished, fireplace, formal dining room, 2 toll baths, finished family rooms, walk-out basement % Lost and Found 1 weeks old, white, male. $85. MANCHESTER — Immaculate Mobile Homes dential or commercial. CaU ond, third. All kinds. Realty and pleasant working condi­ adults only. Security deposit $32,000. CaU 643-0669.' 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, room, 2-car garag^ nice 1 large Owner leaving country, wants gifts. Telephone, 648-6171. after 6, 643-1870 or 644-2976. nings, 288-6879. STORES, INC. equal opportunity employer. GREAT DANE, 7 months qld, THRiEE-room furnished apart­ 643-1677. . room Colonial. IH baths, dou­ THE 'THOMPSON House —Cot­ must be seen. Hayes Agency, lot 175x300’ central air-condi­ ble garage. Partial business fireplaced Uvlng room— " im m ediate sale. Only 11,900 male, fawn, all shots, house- ment, heat, hot water, very center hall, formal dining CARPENTRY — concrete steps, :^RTG AO ^ — 1st. and 2nd., PARK ft OAKLAND AVENUES RELIABLE woman, nights, tage St., centrally located, 646-0131. tioning. zone. Excellent potential. Of­ down. Pasek, R ealtors, kOJS, LOST —Gray Uger cat, spayed G ora oe broken, good with children. large pleasantly furnished clean and pleasant. CaU 649- room, centrally air condi­ floors, hatchways, roinedOi^ mortgages— interim financing EAST HARTFORD, CONN. home for the aged. Contact Wonted To Rent 68 fices, etc. $22,900>. Hayes 289-7476, 742-824S. female, with orange collar, . Reasonable. 649-8067. room s, parking. CaU e49-3868 2.7 ACRES, beautiful view , 7- MANCHESTER — Extraordl- CIRCA 1843—^Federal Colonial— tioned. 2-car garage. Fine 10 porches, garages, closets, ceU- — expedient and confidential M rs. Mailer, 649-6986, between 3142, 643-9363. Agency, 646- )181. vicinity Main St, Manchester. “ aroroge Ings, attics fiiilshed, rec for overnight and permanent WANTED: Combination sales­ room custom Ranch, 3 baths, nary Cape in one of Manches- Six large rooms, toll walk-up executive country club area, service. J ., D. Real EMate 9-4 p.m . room, warehouse, approxi­ 647-1253. rooms, formica, ceramto. Oth­ guest rates. family room, 2-car garage, ter’s nicer areas. Large fire- attic, handy location. $26,900. VEBY TRULY YOURS — This city water, gas, sidewalks. A ssoc. 643-5129. MEDICAL office assistant mately 1,600 sq. ft. Manches­ GARAGE for rent, BlsseU St. er related work. No Job too WOMAN needed for apartment Articles For 5ole 45 privacy. Hutchins Agency, placed living room, four bed- ______older home Is priced for you, a $86,600. Ebccellent financing W onted - Recti E sta te 77 wanted, no experience neces­ ATTRACTIVE room, few steiw Business Locations ter area. Write Box, NN, Man­ rooms (one unfinished), nice HANCH 7 rooms, fireplace in 643-1921 after 5 p.m . amaU. Dan Moran, BuUder. MOr !t GAGES — First and sec- cleaning, one morning every R ealtors, 6494)324. 2-famlly with 7 rooms each avaUable. sary, typing required, after­ HOT WATER furnace, with ac­ from center of town, board op- chester Herald. yard. Breezeway and attached «rst floor paneled family room, SEKJJHO your home o r acre­ Personols Evenings, 649-8880. ond private mortgage money other week. 643-6610. For Rent 64 side, separate furnaces, con­ noons and Saturday mornings. cessories, $40. Bulltin bathtub, Uonal. 643-6746. TWO-FAMILY duplex 6-6. Dou­ garage. Asking $26,900. Call kitchen with sliding glass age? For prompt frlenAy ser­ F avaUable. $40,000 Umlts, per veniently located. Just an easy BY APPOINTMENT INCOME TAX preparation. CaU Write Box G, Manchester Her­ $26. Toilet, $10, sinks and metal THE Manchester State Bank at WANTED to rent— Young cou- ble garage. Only $26,900. the Mitten Agency, Realtors, to patio, two toll baths, vice, caU Louis Dlmock Real­ Motorcycles-BIcyeles 11 HALLMARK BuUding Co./^ FOr case including land mortgages. walk to school, bus, shopping Dan M osler, 649-3329 or 247- home Improvement) additions, ald. NURSE’ S AIDE — 7 to 3 shift, wall cabinets. 643-2466 evenings ROOM for elderly gentleman, 1041“ Main St. has approxl. ple, both teachers, seek spa- Pasek Realtors, MLS, 289-7475, 643-6930 or 640-9890...... — one off master bedroom, mod- CaU Suzanne Shorts, ty , R ealtors, 649-9833. ^ 3116. Carriage Realty, 646-1110. or 643-1442. must have . transportation. m ately 6,000 sq. ft. fo r rent, clous house near UConn for Diane Fellows, 646-4678. ______em kitchen, formal dining or church.. Also a lot of lot for —reo-rooms, garages, roofing, DRIVERS for station wagons full or part-time. CaU 649-4619. (Hily $28,600. Keith Real 1970 TR260-2 SUZUKI m otor­ Reasonable. 643-6794, 643-7804. Will consider sub dividing. Ex- faU, prefOr woods, stream, no room . ALL CASH for your property gutters. Free esUmatea. AU and school buses. Manchester IT’S terrific the way we're sell­ Estate, 649-1922, 646-4126. 646-8288 cycle. CaU 742-8601. work guaranteed. 646-2627. ''' cellent parking. T.J. Crockett, neighbors. CaU evenings, Mrs. PRICE dropped substantially within 34 I hours. Avoid rod INCOME TAXES prepared, by FOR SALK—100 sharea of Man­ and Vernon schools. 7:30 to ing Blue Lustre for cleaning EXCEPTIONALLY large room. bn the I custom built raised MANCHESTER FTVE - BEDROOM — Garrison tape. Instant sendee. Begem chester State Bank. 643-1684. Realtor, 643-1677. Shaw, 228-8761. TWO FAMILY — 4-4, Immacu­ J WATSON BEACH Co. M arvin Baker. CaU 643-0267. 8:46 a.m., 2:18 to 3:46 p.m. rugs and upholstery. Rent Highland Park section. CaU ranch located in Manchester, Colonial, two years old. Fam­ A gency, 646-0131. WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ CLERK-TYPIST late Inside and out. Stove, re­ Hartford Office, 547-1650 Business 5ervices 13 modeling specialist. Additions, Bxc^ent part-time opportuni­ .electric shampdder'$1. Olcott 649-7120. WAiNTED — Garage to rent, but suburban. Seven big CUTE older 7-room Cape. ily room with fireplace, mod­ INCOME TAXES prepared In frigerator and fireplace in xn.’THSKr. in to see our busy Bea. rec rooms, dormers, porches, Business Opportunity 28 ty. We train you. 643-2414, 876- ACCOUNTING 'Variety Store. 7 7 /^ T) O 'C X T n r vicinity Oak St., storage. Call rooms, two car garage .... Garage, nice lot. Asking ern kitchen, 3 bathS) form al convenience of your home. JUNK cars removed, |10 per 2826, between 10-4 p.m . FURNISHED rooms, color TV. r V ^ l X I v l i i N 1 u^ter 6 p.m ., 643-6809. $19,900. dining room, 2-car garage, each apaitment. Separate fur------We’re able to show you every cabinets, form ica, buUt-lns, loaded with extras. T. J. naces. Mid 2?)’s. Wolverton SOUTH WINDSOR — Seven- E CaU Russell Burnett for ap­ house that 1s up for sale. Our car^ Call 875-6369, ask fo r Dave bathrooms, kitchens, 649-8446. BUILDING coming down — 200 continehtal breakfast includ­ Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. aluminum siding. $87,600. pointment, 648-6388. , or leave message. GO WITH THE BEST Financial department has used fluorescent light fixtures ed, weekly and monthly sea­ LARGE 6-room Cape, bus A gency R ealtors, 649-2818. -• room Colcmlal. Double garage, membership in the Manches­ DORMERS, garages, porches, CLEANING woman wanted. nn opening.for an account­ 4’ with 2 bulbs. Ideal for re­ sonal rates. Flano’s Motor Business Praperty TWO FAMILY — 5-6, nicely line, asking $21,900. ^ IN-LAW______APARTMENT_ — At- three baths, family room. ter and Hartford MLS gives JNOOME TAXES prepared in SHARPENING, Service —Saws, rec rooms, room additions, EARN $16-$80i000 CaU 649-4619. ing clerk typist to assist cessed ceilings, rec rooms, Inn, 646-2303. For 5oie 70 cared for, convenient location, 6-6 D U P L E X -^ ew heating tached to this comfortable five- ~ ’n^EE-BEDR(X)M Won’t last. Call now. Pasek you a wide veudety of homes your home by appointment. knives, axes, shears, skates, with various bookkeeping garages, work shops, ware­ m odernized, 2 - ca r garage, units, needs work. Asking room Ranch. Large lot. Fire- ^caijpet. Realtors, m t ^ 28%7476, 742- from which to choose. Also, If kitchens, a^-arlevels,. roofing, EXPERIENCED salesladies; 3,700 L w e ly view, trees. Hutchins CaU H.H. I^ lson , 649-6606. rotary blades. Quick service. siding, "genefal^'repalrs. Qual­ ^ A SHELL DEALER and clerical responsibilities. houses, factorieli, flower ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, GLASTONBURY — Industrial $30,900. W olverton Agency $25,900. place in Uvlng room, eat-in 8348. selling, w e’U give you- Immedi­ ftUl or part-time. Can you use Good typing, (40-60 words), Agency, R ealtors, 649-6824. Capitol Equipment Oo., 88 ity wotlcmanship. Financing AmblUous man desired now plants. Sell any amount $4 gentleman. Private entrance, property for lease or sale. We R ealtors, 649-2813. kitchen, garage, extra carport ate cash for'your home. In ad- RIDE wanted from Walker St. extra money? New company and some general account­ free parking. Shower-bath. 5-4 TWO - FAM ILY—3 ga­ •VERNON — Immaculate 5H Main St., Manchester. Hours avaUable. Economy Builders, for existing 3-bay ranch each and up, extra bulbs 3-$l. are prepared to build a amaU and storage shed. $26,000. ditlcn we specialize In invest­ aroa to State Office BiUding, being established. Get in on ing background required. MANCHESTER is not far from rages, good potential. $27,- room Ranch. Oarage, fire­ daUy 7:80-6, Thursday, 7:80-9. In c., 648-0169, 872-0047 eve­ style service station locat­ Case lot 20 cents each. Apply 195 Spruce St., Manches- SQUARE Industrial complex to accom­ ment property. Industrial Hartford. Work hours — 8-.30- the ground floor. Many open­ Attractive compensation and this 7-room Ranch. Four bed­ 900. THE ULTIMATE in a Ram­ ROOMY COLONIAL place, baths. Hank Stack, Saturday, 7:80-4. 648-7968. nings. ed on West Main St. and Gremmo Sons Sales, 819 East modate tenants, requiring space, office and stool, Aufomobiles For 5ole 4 vidual. Typist, hours 9-6, Monday — light manufacturing. Will Main St., West Hartford, MANCHESTER —Ehcclusive AA NEWER 4-4, two famUy, vice. CaU anytime. 648-8246 or Co. Expert Inatallatlan of alu­ Rent electric sham pooer $1. plex, 1% baths, carpets, ap­ very clean. $29,900. garages. Friday, car necessary. Write SCAN-OPTICS, INC. rent all or divide to suit Conn., 232-4857. Rockiedge area, huge 8-room -WOLVERTON AGENCY NESU> C AR? Credit very bad? 649-8707. minum siding, gutters and Paul's Paint ft Wallpaper Sup­ pliances, air-conditioning, full- tenant. Near shopping center to Receptionist, P . O. B ox 222, private basement. $235. month­ custom Ranch. High wooded MAJEJSne new Garrison Co­ Bankrupt, repoesessicm? Hon­ trim.. Roofing Installation and SHELL OFFERS 22 Prestige Park ply. and bustness dlsMct. LARGE 7-room Colonial,' Realtoirs, 649-2818. est Douglas accepts lowest PIANO tunlng.;and band Instru­ repairs. 649-6496, 875-9109. Manchester, Conn. ly. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, lot. City uUllUes, 2M baths, family room. Keeney St. lonial In executive neighbor­ DON'T BEAT down, smaUest payments, any-, ment repairing by Hartt Col­ • Ebccellent paid training East Hartford FIBREKILAS Supplies — Poly­ 640-4535. Invesfmenf Property double garage, two fireplaces. area. $34,900. hood, family room with fire­ • Financial assistance SUFFERING from after-the- 29' paneled air-conditioned place and beamed celling on the vdiero. Not smaU loan finance lege of Music graduate. Ward hoUday bills and blues? Avon 289-6001 ester resin $6.96 per gallon, 10 For5ole 70-A Roofing and .• Insurance and retirement LOVELY ohe'^^bedroom apart­ family room. Low 40’s. Meyer, IMMACULATE 7 - room first floor, large fireplaced Uv- $28,900. FIVE-ROOM Ranch. company plan. Douglas Mo­ Krause, 643-6330. can help you solve both prob­ o u n ce . boat cloth, $1.26 per Francis E. Boland F ireplace, Y'uli'iU'V'uU carpet, tors, 846 Main. Chim neys 16-A plans. yard. 644-1820. ment with refrigerator, range, R ealtors, 643-0609. Raised Ranch, 2 baths, fire­ ing room, formal dining room, THE BUSHES lems. ExceUent earning oppor­ SNOW Plow ing —‘ DrlvBlways, • Many more benefits. disposal, parking. $166 month­ BUSINESS ZONE IV _ place, 2-car garage. Must modern kitchen with bullt-ins, enclosed pm%h, plaster walls, tunity and it’s fun! CaU 289- 1968 BUICK convertible, fair etc. Reasonable rates. WiU ac­ ROOFING — SpeclaUzlng re­ ALUMINUM sheets used as ly. Handy to Main s i. Call 644- NINE-ROOM custom "iiuilt Gar­ be seen. $35,500. 2^i baths, 4 large bedrooms, garage, acre trees, bus line. 4922. Agency Extra large lot and excel­ rison Colonial 2400 sq. feet, 4- Hutchins A gency, 649-6324. running conditlcm. $200 or best cept Master Charge. CaU 643- pairing roofs of 'aU kinds, new GET THE FACTS ^printing plates, .009 thick, 23x 2427. lent la rge, buUdlng. porch, 2-car garage. $62,600. offer. 649-0688. 6776, 646-8824. nxrfa, gutter work, chimneys Help Wonted-Mole 36 36", 26 cents each oh 6 fo r $1. bedrooms, office, 2^ baths, We have many more list­ J 315 BROAD ST. cleaned and repcdrod. 3d years Call coUect weekdays, 1-289-1521 643-2711. NORTHWOOD Apartments — INVESTMENT double "garage, carpeting. ings, call now for an ap­ LAND—42 acres, 1,200’ road ■1964 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof, LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also AUTOMOBILE AGENCY XIanager — Insur­ One and two-bedroom apart­ MANCHESTER Hayes Agency, 646-0131. pointment. frontage. $36,000. experience. BYee estimates. Mb'. Palumbo. Evenings and ance. Must be experienced. PROPERTY Lots For 5ole 73 new snow tires, excellent con­ moving large appltences. CaU Howley, 643-6861. weekends 1-267-4784, M r. Lowell. IF carpets look dull and drear, ments, central air-condition­ Salary $25,000. plus. No fee. 648-1558 SIX-ROOM starter home, very Tro-cioTiirinTTiTi T>T-iATm/-»Tic. We ” NEED LISTINGS ------dition. $760. 643-0018. Burning barrels delivered, $4. Or write Shell Oil O d. DEALERSHIP remove the spots as they ap­ ing. carpeting, balcony, car­ With three offices and four 644-1775. , lUta Personnel. 646-4040. pear with Blue Lustre. Rent ports, plus other luxury fea­ 4-room apartments. Includes clean. $18,600. CaU fo r details. FRECHEHTE, REALTORS NOW I “Thinkinff of Sell- ^**^D — Coventry' treed one- 1908 CHEVROLiET Im pala w ag­ 477 Connecticut Blvd. Wolverton Agency Realtors, • ------» - i — -j — Heating and Plumbing 17 Has opening for a depend­ electric sham pooer $1. The tures. From $226. J. D. Real ranges, refrigerators and ing your property?" CaU half acre. Lake view . $8,600. on, 807, V-8, turbo hydrom atlc, TIMBERLAND Tree" Service, Bast Hartford, Conn. 06108 m V E S ’nGATO R — 3 years In- NOTICE 649-2818. 647-9993 Tolland — acre treed, $8,000. able, congenial woman to vestigatlve experience Includ­ Sherwin-WllUams Co. Estate Associates, 643-6129. garbage disposals, ExceUent TODAY! exceUent condlUoh. 875-6066. Tree removal, pruning,-ahrubs, SAM WATBON Plumbing and RBSTAURANT~Z~Me^y“ l^. work in our office. Accurate EIGHTH UTn.TTfES DISTRICT revenue, near Main St. Vernon high scenic acre, and lots cleared. Fifteen years ing private Investigator work. SIX-ROOM older Colonial, 8- Heating. Bathroom remodel- cated doing a thriving buy­ typing skiUs necessary. Op­ ONE of the finer things of Ufe, LUXURIOUS one - bedroom MANCHESTER. Professional office buUdlng $24,900 —ATTRACTIVE spa­ $6,900. H ayes Agency, 646-0131. 1963 BUICK Skylark conver­ experience. Banded and Insur­ Salary $u ,000 . No fee. Rita bedrooms, kitchen with pan­ ing and repairs. Free esti- ness. Ideal for energetic cou- portunity for advancement. Blue Lustre carpet and uphol­ apartment with wall-to-wall CONNECTICUT 06040 , bn Main St, 14 offices, park- cious Split Level. WaU-to-wall tible V-8, 4-speed, bucket ed. F ree esfim ates. CaU 647- Persoim el. 646-4040. try. Ideal location, large lot. BOI/TON — one mUe from nvites. Call 649-8808.______Tremendous Income pro- Hours 8 to 6 p.m., Monday stery cleaner. Rent electric shag carpeting, modern NOTICE ’ / ing for 22 cars, central alr- carpet, good- location. Hutehins seats, good condition. 649-0310 9479. $19,600. Sylvia LaPenta Agen­ South Manchester. Beautifully GRANT'S Plumbing Service— Crockett, Realtor, through FMday. DRIVERS for station wagons sham pooer $1. Pinewood Flir- kitchen, central alr-condlUon- TO CONTRACTORS / condittonlng. Agency, R ealtors, 649-6324, PHILBRICK after 4. Ulturo Shop. cy, Realtor, 646-2440. wooded corn er lot. A cre )plus. CLKANmO—- interior —both F ree estim ates, plus quaUty ®*8-l677. and school buses. Manchester Ing. Call *Warren E. Howland, INVITATION TO BID EIGHT-ROOM Colonial, famUy Prestige area. M. H. Palmer, •residential . and commercial. and Vernon schools, 7:30 to Realtor, 643-llOB. Sealed proposals will be re­ MULTIPLE DWELLINCiS $17,900 2-BBDROOM RANCH, w ork. 643-6341. Apply 285 Main St., room, thick waU-wall carpet­ Realtor, 643-6821, 649-0038.' 1966 FORD, van. P rice $696. Satisfactory work guaranteed. 8:46 a.m., 2:16 to 3:46 p.m.. Fuel and Feed 49-A ceived In the Eighth Utilities Four-family apartment, 3 large lot, large shade tree, as­ AGENCY CaU 649-6547. FOUR ROOM Apartment, sec­ ing, 2-car garage, beautiful MANCHESTER — A zone build­ For friendly firee estimates, NEW 3-BAY — ------Manchester, Excellent pcul-time opportu­ ond floor, adults only, no pets. District Firehouse, Manchester, rooms each, stoves, refriger­ sume m ort(age, $116.47 per Mininery. ' SEASONED firewood, delivety month. Hutchins Agency Real­ wooded acre lot, $89,900. REALTORS ing lot with 8-car garage, locat­ 1967 PONTIAC Grand _F rix, caU Suburban Floor Mainten­ SUNOCO STATIONS nity, We train you, 643-2414, Inquire 171 Summit St. Connecticut,, not later than: ators, near Main St. Good or caU 649-4571 throughout Connecticut.' Hours tors, 649-6324. Hutchins A gency, 649-6324. ed on lloUlster St. Level mid power steering, power brakes. ance, 649-92^. Dressmaking 19 876-2826 between 10-4 p.m . MONDAY, MARCH 8,1971 Income. For Rent 9 a.m . - 9 p.m . 1-637-2163. For more details call . . . treed. Heritage House, 646- P riced fo r quick sale. $1,100. PROORAMMEIR — One - year 7 P.M. EST MANCHESTER —7-room Cape, TWO YOUNG married men will CUSTOM taUored ladies’ dress­ four bedrooms, dining room, 2482. 646-1089. ROUTE 30, TOLLAND plus experience In RPG pro­ ' SENIOR COUPLE At which time and place said NOTICE 6 4 6 - 4 2 0 0 “ do ismall repair Jobs and paint­ es, smts, alterations and ALER'T, experienced Gal BH- stove,. refrigerator, waU-to-wall ing, diso cellar cleaning and costume jewelry in your stone day for sales department. Cor­ gram m ing. EbcceUent poten­ SEA^NED firewood for sale, Needs 3 or 4-room heated proposals shaU publicly be open­ CHARLES LESPERANCE MANCHESTER — Three - two 1969 VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof and PUBLIC HEARING carpet, fireplace, garage,« famUy recorded lots and rural light trucking. CaU 646-2692, preference. 649-1188. respondence and' record keep­ tial. Salary open. No fee. Rita delivered. 643-0473. apartment or flat. Reason­ ed for furnishing of all mate- 649-7620 ADDITIONAL sedan, $1,400. firm . 649-6397 af­ treed. Hutchins Agency, Real- semi-industrial land. Owner 646-2047. ing, light dlctaUcn roqulro- Personnel., 646-4040. — able rent. Write Box ,“0," rlato. labor, equipment and Inci­ APPROPRIATION ter 6. ROUTE 195, TOLLAND ,tors, 649-5324^ wlU finance. Helen D. Cole, ______c mento. Prefer fuU-tlme but wUl Household Goods ST den t^ to construct the Colonial BOARD OP DIRECTORS LIGHT trucking, cleaning Manchester Herald. . __ Read Herald Ads R ealtor, 643-6666.' CHEVROLET 1967, 2-door, Moving - consider less. Insurance and CAB DISPATCHER— Road Sewer Connection at the aOWN OP MANCHESTER, SIX - ROOM Cape, rumpus cellars and attics. WIU dispose Houses For 5ole 72 white, power steer^, power Trucking - Storage 20 • EXCELLENT POTEN- penfdon benefits. Ai>ply Klut- -1 NIGHTS MAGNAVOX * stereo theatre intersection of Colonial Road ' OINNECTTCUT room, garage, nice backyard of old furniture. CaU Dave with 27” black and white brakes, 60,000 mUes. $1,800. TIAL ford Despatch, Mrs. Danlse, 9 We have a permanent posi­ and Parker Street. MANCHESTER is only three Notice is hereby givdn -that with fireplace. $22,600. Man­ 646-5044. ______MANCHESTER — DeUvery- screen, 40" . Philco electric 646-1968. a.m . - 2 p.m ., 628-9661. We are tion for a man familiar with Contr^ctrlDqcumente including mUes from this beautiful four- the Board of Directors, Town of chester West side, 643-6270. NOTICE OF ORDINANCE Ught trucking and package de- PAID TRAINING the taxi cab business. Ap­ range, approximately 18 cu. ft. PRESIDENTIAL drawings and technical specifi­ room Ranch. Has large lot and 1962 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, very BUILDING maintenance ser­ Uvery. Refrigerators, washers ah equal opportunity em­ Manchester, Connecticut, will Adopted by the Town of Bolton, Connecticut, at a Special Town THAT'S NO WAY TO StARE plicant must be dependable freezer. Reastmably priced. VILLAGE cations, are on file at the Eighth oversized garage. Dead-end ------Meeting held February 17,1971. good condition. CaU 649-2291 vice, carpets, flooi|s, walls, and stove moving, si>eclalty. ,MODERATE INVEST- ployer. hold a PubUc Hearing in the wallpaper, and painting and have good references. CaU 649-7788. APARTMENTS UtiUUes Dtetrict Firehouse on street. F lill price $18,900. CaU Hearing Room at the Mimlcipal WOODBM^B ST. -- Vacant ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES ADOPTED MARCH 7, after 6 p.m. — ------Flilding chairs for rent, 649- MENT The Mitten Agency, Realtors, U P A N E W HOME... throughout day or night. Also NEEUI someone to assist in my EAST HARTFORD Main Street in Manchester, Con­ Building, 41 Center Street, Man­ 7-room Colonial with 2-car ga- 1956 ^ND JIK-Y 18, 1956 FOR THE CREATION OP A PLANNING 0762. GENESIAL ELECTRIC^ port- rage being offered for sale, on- COMMISSION, by adding the foUowlng: 1963 PONTIAC station wagon, business — 3 hours daUy, 6 CAB CO. N w renting, one and two necticut Or at Griswold Engi­ 643-6930. chester, Connecticut, Tu^bday, office cleaning services. 289- FINANCING AVAIL- able dishwasher, like new, $75. bedroom apartments. Cazpet- ly $24,900. Present owner wUl very good condition. Low mUe- days weekly. F or personal In­ 107 Burnside Avenue neering, Inc. on Main Street in M arch 2, 1971, at 8:00 p.m . to 'The Selectmen are hereby authorised to m ^int three alter­ 7831, 649-4774. ABLE Call 646-1885. 2 air-comUtionera, ccmsider taking your house In age. CaU 649-2627. Pointing - Papering 21 terview caU 1-429-7264 between East Hartford Manchester, Connecticut. Copies consider and act on the follow­ nate members to the Planning Commission to hold office Let a professional Realtor guide 6-6 p.m . NOTICE trade. T.J. Crockett, Realtors, untU the next biennial elecUon to be held M ay 7, 1973. At MANCHESTER Welding Ser­ For details call daUy Mr. Mr. Mellen Sr. of Contract Documents may be ing: 1966 CHimtOLET Sports Van, vice corner Durant and West CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ Cox, 668-8400. Evenings and obtained from the Engineer. TOWN OP COVENTRY 643-1677. said biennial elecUon to be held M ay 7, 1973, the T ow s shaU $1,800. CaU 643-4381, after 6 terior pcUnting, p i ^ r banging. WOMAN — Ebcperienced in knit­ PHARMACEUTICAL Sat.iwi— 1970 MAGNAVOX color T V . CoS M«.2i23 Proposed addiUonal appro­ elect three alternate members to tM Plonidag Commission you through the maze of the now liOddle Turnpike. General weekends Hr. Spilecki, 649- CaU 742-8601. The Eighth UtUlUes Dlstric! BOARD OP TAX REVIEW priation- to General Fund p.m . Discount on waUpaper. Call 6446. ting and crocheting, to give In­ Outstanding cpportunlty, 2 The Coventry Board of Tax to hold <^ce as foUows: • welding repairs, home owners reserves the right to waive any One member L. hold office ^or three years; one member to Oscar Hebert, <^3048. structions. Teaching experi­ years experience required. Review wlU meet In the Tax As­ Budget 1970-71, U b ra ty 19T0 COUGAR —two-door hard­ and sporte equipment. informaUtles or to roject any $9,838.92 IN\TTATION hold office for four years; one member to hold office fer five home purchase. Location, size, price ence helpful, but not neces­ Starting to $11,000 plus bonus, sessor’s Office to hear any ap­ top coupe. Bucket seats, A gain. Manchester area. Jack World, Manchester Parkade. ses. No tee. Rita Personnel, Grand List o f October 1, 1970, shaU expire,-ercwtil- expire before the next biennial election, — all those things ore right at his brakes. Real Sharp car. Phone Cali m y com petitors, then caU Mto » IPIto — 7 to '3 UIH' with his Bid, )tecurlty in the Proposed addiUonal appro- Sealed bids wUl be received Felnberg, 243-0801. 646-4040. on the following dates: ... any such vacancy ahaU be fiUed by the election of an alter­ 649-2881. TWO handymen want a variety m e. Estim ates (W en. 649-7863. PHX3RIM MHiUS needs experi­ Modern Convaleecent Home amount, form and subject to ■ priaUon to Fire District at the office of the Director of M arch 1, 6 and 8, 1971 and at nate member of said Commlaslan to bold office for a tenn of of Jobs by day or hour. We GOING TIRE and recap siu^. enced cashiers and sales­ MAN for work, local dairy Excellent Ihnploye Benefits the conditions provided In the . Special Fimd $10,000.00 General Services, 41 Center '' fingertips. Look fer a Rooltor whore 1966 CHEVELXK BEL A IR T- RICHARD E. MARTIN, paint­ the foUowlng hours: 7 p.m. to five years from the date of such expiration. clean yards, attics and cellars. Partner retiring. Financial as- women. Interviews are now store 3 evenings weekly plus e Non-BotMUng Shifts Instructions to Bidders. , to repower- and refurbish Street, Manchester, Conn., until Such alternate members shaU be electors of the Tawn and door sedan, automatic trans­ ing contractor. FuU profession­ • P std HoUdsys 9 p.m . on M arch .1 and 8, and 9.. Reasonable. CaU 648 - 6306. . sistence avaUable. CaU 649- being held betvraen 5 and 6 6 hours every Sunday. 649- No Bidder may withdraw his ~ pumping engine, to be fi­ March 9, 1971 at 11:00 a.m. for ahaU not be membera of the Zoning Commission or the Zoning m ission, 0> cylinder, 47J)00 al painting service, interior - _ « Sick Pay Bid within thirty (80) days after a.m. to 12 noon on March 6. you see this seal. 2168 (iM* aiq^wlntment. p.m., Monday through Friday. 8017, o r after 6 p .m ., 648-9707. e V acstlon nanced from una;pproprlat- TRAFFIC HIGHWAY PAINT. Board of Appeals. original mllea.^CSU after 8:80 REWEAVING o f burns, moth- exterior. FYee estimates, fuUy Pilgrim- Mills, Oakland St., the actual date of/ the Bid open­ (■) Bids forms, plans and si>ecifi- If a regular member of any such Commission Is absent he holes, slppers repaired. Win­ e Insurance Joseph Shanahan, ed surplus. __t ___ _ - p .m ., 6U-S608. Insured. 649-4411, -649-9286. Manchester. MAIJT. help fo r stock and deliv­ ing. \ -i Don^d D; Wells, caUons are avaUable at the Gen­ may designate in writing an alternate member of such Com­ MANCHESTER ' dow shades made to measure Contsot DUreotor of Nones, M n . Post '•jChairman - mission to act In hla place. If he falls to make such designa­ HelpWqnted-Femole 35 ery, driver’s license neceesary, Joseph A. Volz, ' Secretary eral Services Office, 41 Center 1M9 CHEVEUK — four-door aU else Venetian blinds. Keys PAINTTNG and decorating, pa­ MATURE woman to woik part- ■ ~"~"YeBso Williams, tion or If he Is disquaUfied the Chairman of such Commission 8-8 Monday, Wednesday, Fri­ MEADOWS CONVALESCENT CENTER a e r k . Board ot Directors Street, Manchester, Connecticut. hardtop sedan. Power steer­ made wfaUe you wait. Tape per hanging. FuUy Insured. NURSE'S AIDE — 8 to 11 p.m. time, Monday through Friday. day. Apply In person only. Frederick White ShaU designate an alternate to so ac$t choosliig alternates In Eighth UtUltles District Manchester, Conn. TOWN OF MANCHESTER ing, radio. Very clean. Low recorders for rent. Marlow’s, (JaU 648-2804, Ge<»ge N. Con­ sbttt, full or part-tim e, CaU Apply in person. Swiss Ckdony, Westown Pharm acy, 466 Hart­ Albert Ross), rotation so that they shaU act as n early ^Utu a number of BOARD OF R E A L T Y An eqnsl importunity employer ' William Hankinsaa, Dated at Manchester, Connec- Connecticut * times as possible. mUeqge. Phone 6«»-»SL 867 M ain S t , 649-0221. verse. 449-4518. Manchester Paiitade. ford Rd., Manchester. Robert Garrepy, Pr6sld6iit' Ucut, this eighteenth day of Feb- Robert B. Weiss, Board of Tax Review If any alternate la not avaUable In accordance with au^ Eighth UtUlUes District •niary 1971. General Manager rotation, such fact sbaU be recorded In the mlautea of the (■ Dated F ebruary 18, 1971. ' 1^.?; - meeting.

' 1 \

'ver-vsi. . ■' -V ' ' ' - * . 'if ’^'3 WEDNESDAY, FEJBRUARY 24, 19W PAGE THiRTy-TWO H(ancI|[«Btfr burning l|ieraUi Most Manctiester Stores X)p

ATerag« Dailjr N «i Press Rnn The Weather For Ik e Week Knded Clearing. 'late today through Jenaery •, 1S71 - tonight, Iowa tonight in the mid 20s. Increasing cloudineea Fri­ day, a \ chaace 6f rain, ky 16,095 nil^t. Manehe$ter— A .City of Village Charm


Congress of Jews President’s World Addresst In Appeal to USSR: Centers on Widening War; ‘Let My People Go’ Hard Decisions Seen Ahead By OARL HARTMAN Associated Press Writer By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER tion to announce soon a new incliiding a . few Viet Gong in AP Special Correspondent schedule of American troops Cambodia. ^BRUSSELS (AP)—^The' world congress on the plight withdrawals, the President said "Enemy intentions and ciq;Mi- i f of Soviet Jewry appealed to the Soviet Union today to WASHINGTON (AP)— some U.S. forces'Wlll remain in bUltles in Indochina wlH pose let its Jewish citizens emigrate to Israel, or live as Jews President Nixon t o ^ y South 'Vietnam "as long as some hard choices about the de­ in the Soviet Union. ------charged Hanoi with broad­ North Vietnam cmitlnues to hold ployment of alUed troops as we ening the Vietnam war a single American pristxier.” pursue our withdrawals,” he 'Die appeal called on iMoscow of the 760 delegates urho had to half "the defamation of the into an Indochina conflict Nlxph appealed for trust in his continued, and North Viet­ come from 38 countries. leaderahip as he seeks to devel­ namese actions (in Laos and Jewish people uid Zionism" and "We will w- iCailpTe to end it Is my deepest sections of the massive report. right to live in accord with the Noting the Soviet Union’s plause. Jewish cultural and religious disappointment.” Today’s statement gave little / He pledged to continue the power position in the Middle heritage and freely to raise Of Speech East, the President said any satisfaction to those who want their-children In-this heritage: ■winding down, the U.S. trocp concrete action against the So­ withdraw^ from South Viet­ great nation effort to dominate “To put an end to the defama- the area would "increase the viet Union sudi as trade boy­ nam. But in stark contrast to ~Uon of the Jewish people and of B y Nixon danger to world peace.” Ike cotts and the picketing of em- his declared global peace goal Zionism, reminiscent of the evil United States would not allow it baseies. his projection for Indochina em­ anti-Semitism which has caused WASHINGTON (AP) — Fol­ to succeed, Nixon stated. It limited Itself a denunciation phasised the broadened war a n d ______so much suffering to the Jewish lowing are texMal highlights of In the nuclear arms race, he of Soviet "harassment, arrests people and to the world.” increased Anierican aid and air president Nixon’s foreign policy and virulent antl-Jewish p n ^ - told Congress and the. nation ground forces, report to Congress Thursday. that what he termed greatly in­ ganda.” It was not put to a vote (Bee Page Fifteen) I k e 60,000 word report, cover- . creased Soviet power could tag 180 pages and accompanied Nixon Doctrine tempt Moscow into bolder arid by a nationwide radio speech American People- have grown more dangerous probing of the was the second Nixon report on someudiat weary of 25 years of West. the role of the United States in international burdens. This wea­ He also said the United States worid affairs since riness was coming in any event, would Uke to begin Improving flee. Colley Prosecution but the anguish of the Vietnam relations with mainland CBitaa, Patterned after the constitu­ ■war hastened i t . . . but that nation ccuittaues "to % tionally mandhted State of the Our experium e In the 1060s cast us in the devil’s role.” Union message, this White has underlined the fact that we Nixon told the American peo­ House overview of the worid sit­ Puts Psychiatrist should not do more abroad than ple that he was trying to sh^w uation dtacloeed no new U.S. a new, less' burdensome p<^cy poUcy departures. domestic opinion can sustain. But we cannot let the pendulum line fes: the United States in . But details were outlined and world affairs. He appealed foe ❖ it gave Nixon an opportunity to "Urection, On Witness Stand understanding and peihape tell the story of his foreign and ^ tow ^ an tsolation- FT. BEJNNINO, Oa. (A P ) — thought processes on that day Ism which could be as argued against any new swing 'Btrategic ptdlclea at mldpassage ‘ * into American isolationism. An Army psychiatrist who fol­ . . . the way he perform ed he between the 1966 and 1972 elec­ trouB as excessive zeal. . . lowed Lt. WlMam Galley Jr. to was responding to cues and sti­ "We have learned in recent tions. Europe years the dangers of our ovei> the witness stand testified today muli around him.” Nixon sent the repmt, which On cross-examination, Ed­ We and our NATO allies do involvement,” the President he could find no evidence that has been in jweparatlon tor sev­ told his broadcast audience. 6 alleJ|L,|^sred from "any form wards said he knew that one eral months, to Congress under not believe that war is Inunl- witness testified Galley stood at nent in Europe but we must "Ike other danger—a grave of m ^ial disorder I could think the title, "United States Foreign risk we are equally determined a ditch for one and a half hours A South Vietnamese trooper carries a wounded buddy on his back at the Khe face the poeslblUty that it could of” in the massacre at My Lai. Sanh base in South Vietnam. The wounded soldier was hit by shrapnel during PoUcy for the 1970s-Building to avoid—is undertavolvement. "One could say the entire inci­ killing people with his . tor Peace.” occur. . an enemy mortar attack on a South Vietnamese position in I^os. (AP Photo) ’’After a Icngiand unpopular dent is bisarre,” MaJ. Henry E. Q. Do you consider that bi­ In discussing the Indodilna Our direct and large-scale In­ war, there is temptation to turn Edwards rq>Ued to one question zarre? crisis at considerable detail Nix­ volvem ent In Europe is-th e es­ inward—to 'withdraw from the put to him. A. I didn’t consider it bizarre on gave a deep^ jMSSimistlc re­ sential ingredient of the e lu ­ world, to back away from our He was the first rebuttal wlt- under the circumstances. port about the proqpects for a sion of the West which has set commitments. ’That deceptively nesrfor the prosecution. The de­ Q. Did you consider it un- South Viet Troops Drive Off negotiated settlement. the stage for the effort to negoti­ smooth road o f the new Iscda- fense rested Wednesday after tisual. He had “frankly expected” ate a reduction of tension. . . tionlsm is surely the rood to Galley had q>ent two days on A. It would be unusual in a some kind of action from the Soviet poUcy has been tempt­ ■war.” the witness stand. nopcombat situation . . . I did North Vietnamese-Vlet Cong ed to offer a relaxation of ten­ To point up his approach to Edwards was one of three hot see this as a mental disturb­ side last year, Nixon stated, sion selectively to som e sdUes Enemy Tank Assault in Laos when he expended poUtical prin­ (See Page Fifteen) Walter Reed Horqiital psychl^ ance. but not to others and only on After his two days on the wit­ ciples tor a settlement and ap- trists that constituted a sanity By GEORGE ESPEB ’The Saigon government re­ force in the northern provinces Umlted Issues of primary tater- ness stand, Galley left unan­ ambassador David est to the U.SR.R. board for Galley. Associated Press Writer swered two major questions: ported 432 South Vietnamese of South Vietnam, and an esti­ Bruce as peace negotiator. A second member ..6f the A major questitm for the alli­ How many civilians were kill­ SAIGON (AP) — Eight North kUled in action last week, 46 mated 500 U.S. heUcopters ^ In this, he indicated, Jhe was Nixon: team, Lt. Col. Frahklln O. ance to face is whether we-ean. ed at My Lai? How many did Vietnamese tanks attacked a less than the week before, and fumlahtag almost all of the completely. dUappolpted. But Jones, followed Edwhrds to the overcome the East-West stale­ he.klU ? South Vietnamese base In L aos“ M 46 wounded, 287 m ore than support for the South Viet­ "We will not give up on negotia­ witness stand. today but the defenders de- the previous week. The U.S. tions,” he said, '"though the past mate while maintaining unity Arms Race ’To the question of why—the namese in Laos. among ourselves and avoiding Edwards’ tedtimany directly overshadowing question in Gal­ stroyed flve of them and beat Command claimed allied forces The U.S. Gommand has ac- year indicated that it will be ex­ contradicted that of defense off the assault, U.8. officers re­ killed 2,260 North Vietnamese tremely difficult to overcome internal divisions in our ley’s ipurder trial—the lieuten­ knoudedged the loss,of 29 heli­ cou n tries.. . psychiatrlsti who said that Gal­ ant had a soldierly answer: ported. ’Ike drive into Laos stlU and 'Viet Gong in South 'Met- the enemy’s mix of doctrine, Buildup Seen copters in operations on both Our mutual objective would ley did Indeed have mental im­ "Because that is what I was in­ made no forward moyement. nam, (Jambodta and Laos, the sides of the border, ■with 40 calculations and suspicion. pairment that clouded his ca­ structed to do, sir.” It was the first enemy tank at­ highest total claimed since last "Ikere is the addlticmal fact be to create a more stable mill- Americans killed in them, 15 tu y balance at lower levels and pacity to premeditate his actlonr -‘-At-one point in his testimony tack reported in the South Iflet- May. m issing and 26 wounded. But that as our forces decline, the A Possibility role we can play on many as' lower costs. . . a^^ My Lai on M arch 16,. 1968. when he referred to the My Lai namese drive into Southern U.S. officials say no American scores of other helicopters have .'Galley is charged with murder­ shootings he* sa id ,' It wasn’t I ^ to cut the Ho CSil Mtah gromid troope are taking part in been damaged by enemy fire, ^ To the (Western allies progress WASHTNG’TON (A P ) — Presi­ on Berlin (In talks with Russia) ing 102 villagers that day. any big deal.” trail, now----- thein its operation 18th day. on the Laotian —- and there has been------no-day-to-'i...... bound to decline.” dent Nixon said today the Unit­ Edwards answered affirma­ ’The defense rested its case The base, * Hill 31 about 10 side of the border, but 9,000 of However, in his radio address will be an indicator of the poesi- ed States will strengthen its nu­ tively to all questions touching Wednesday with the end of Cal- mUes Inside Laos, has withstood them are Euding as a blocking (See Page Twelve) sumnlarlstag elements of the bilitles of moving toward fruit­ clear striking force if the cur­ on whether the lieutenant had ley’s testimony. The prosecution three days of heavy shellings bulky congressional message, ful talks on broader issues of rent So-viet slowdown in ntissHe the capacity to know right from begins its rebuttal today by callr and U.S. officers said the North Nixon directed another call to European security. . . deploirment proves a^ prelude to tag three Army psychiatrists JVifitnamese massed the tanks Hanot for serious peace negotla- a new Russian arms push. wrong, the ability to do what he Western Hemisphere who examined Galley at Walter for a knockout blow. Vietnam Press Says: Ucms and renewed proposals he The President’s statement knew was )ight and to form We do not seek confrontations Reed Medical Ike three remaining tanks first advanced last Oct. 7, in­ made In, his "State of the the specific Intent to kill. cluding- an immediate standstill with any government. But those How did he define the specific tagton. took flight and were being pur­ World” niessage to Gongress, cease-fire, and an Indochina which display unremitting hos­ Intent to kUl? Ike stubby lieutenant, testi­ sued by U.S. bombers. It Is be­ South Viet Leader Predicts came two months after the Pen­ fying in answer to the govern­ peace conference. tility cannot expect our "That he had the motion and lieved they are Soviet-made tagon reported Moscow is slow­ ment’s chsuge of premeditated The chief executive indicated assistance ' desire to end someone’s life,” PH 6 light amphibious tanks. ing down deployment of Its big murder .of ..102 civilians that that regardless of what happens Eklwards said. Ik e enem y first used tanks In Invasion of NorthrVietnam Vietnam SS9 intercontinental ballistic March 16, 1968, a d m itt^ he in Paris he is certain of the final "My opinion is that there was overrunning what was the Lang m issiles. 'Vei Special Forces camp in the SAIGQN (AP) •— President Ky has several times called outcome in Vietnam. "In South­ If our adversaries-ever make no impairment to his mental' east Asia today,” he said over a political decision to negotiate Although the significance of north in February 1968. ’Ike Nguyen- Van Thleu was q u o^ for a drive against the North, the slowdown is not clear, Nixon the radio, “aggression is falling seriously, I believe we ■ coidd ■ ;'i., camp Is now used as a base for today as saying a march ~dh including air attacks. said If it "turns out to be pre­ Soutji Vietnam now has an find a way to reach a solution U.S. helicopters supporting the North Metnam is only a matter paratory to a new intensification PARIS (AP) — North Viet- excellent qnxxkinity not only to fair for all parties, drive into Laos. The ends on the time further Vletnamlzation and our cent this month for the largest short-range phen(menon,” La- may have cmicluded, as we help, California’a Ranald Rea­ ‘hi of unrestricted revenue shar­ The total of 101 Americans ing although he isn’t opposed to was the largest since 125 died factor.” withdrawals.” two-month tacr^e since 1966. fc^r* Secretary Ja^s D. Hodg- have, that the number ot lOBMs gan suggesting “we can drop a now deployed is sufficient for little bomb” on Congress. the idea. -* during the week of Aug. 30-Sept. A government Xuan Ikuy, North Vietnam’s "n*® February figure, which U son said In an accompanying Meanwhile, Sen. Jacob K. said the reference to a march chief negotiator at the talks, subject to later revision, foUows printedstatement. He said he their needs. rsiniiengiiig Democratic skep­ 5. when 87 were killed in action Javits, R-N.Y., planned to intro­ on Nmtb Vietnam "was not in said, "IkU is contrary to the -January’s seven-tenths of one vvasencouraged by a "tiny “Or, the slowdown could be tics at the National Govemors’ diid 38 died from accidents and duce an amendment today to the i»epared text” of Thleu’s truth. It is Nixon who has per-cent rise for a two-inwth to- rise” in JndustriaJ goods and temporary aM could be fol­ Conference, Reagan and New illness. double Nixon’s revenue-sharing Ike U.S. Gommand reported speech. Ike ^mkesman refused broadened the war.” tal of 1.5 per cent, putting se- gald it Is worth n o ^ that lowed, In due\course, by a re- Tork Gov. Nelson A. Rockefel­ mlsslle deploy- program to $10 billion and start 217 American troems wounded in to cmnment on the report^ of Thuy’s spokesman, Nguyen vere *ew pressure on newly wholesale prices have risen only ler said the governora can_sln meqts. it two months.earlier, on July 1. action last week7 the speech. Ikanh Le, added in his re- moderating consumer price in- 2.7 per cent in the last year. eimctment in this Congress of "The delay could-mean that Ike amendment, he said, also the 'week befme; ’Ike president on Feb. 12 tedd port Nixon "tries once again to creases, the $5-biHlon program President would double to per cent of WhWesale prices for Indus­ the Soviet Union is preparing to 2.6 This raised total .^erican inquiring newsmen that an tava- 'deform the truth and to call fJ'*® Bureau of Labor Statis- Nixon has proposed to. send Un­ the income tax base the money trial goods moved up three- introduce major qualitative im­ casualties in the war since Jan. Sion of North Vietnam "U not bj^ok white.” ' “®“ Warned the February in- fettered federal aid to states earmarked for revenue sharing tenths of one per cent in Febru­ provements, such as a new 'war­ 1, 1961, to 44,518 kUled to action, necessary at this time.” He was ■ ______March and April,______1970, the crease on a 4.5 per cent Jump in and cities. but still would satisfy "some- ary, which Hodgson pointed out head OIL guidance system. Final­ RockefeUer said if Goi\greas .what less than one-half the addi­ 9,253 dead of nonhostile causes commenting on a remark a few j^on- administratis' volatile wholesale farm prices, was only a one-tenth of one per ly, the slowdown_could presage does not Act by sununertime, fi­ tional burdens' being' placed on and 296,163 wounded. Another days earlier by 'Vice President jj, aggreSslM' ■»<■«"■* (Jambo- ^ resulted fi’mn se- cent increase .