Cruising Map of the River Slea including River Slea (Kyme Eau)

Route 18M3 Map IssueIssue 117 87

Notes 1. The information is believed to be correct at the time of publication but changes are frequently made on the waterways and you should check before relying on this information.

2. We do not update the maps for short term changes such as winter closures for maintenance.

3. The information is provides “as is” and the Information Provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider is not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use.


This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price.

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request.

! PPrivaterivate AAccessccess YYouou mmayay wwalkalk tthehe cconnectingonnecting pathpath bbyy kkindind permissionpermission ofof thethe llandowners.andowners. PPleaselease rrespectespect ttheirheir privacy.privacy.



RRiveriver SSlealea RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed

! PPaperaper MMillill BBridgeridge PPaperaper MMillill LLockock oror LeasinghamLeasingham MillMill LockLock 1.50m1.50m (4'11")(4'11") RRiveriver SSlealea RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed CCornorn MMillill BBridgeridge

CCornorn MMillill LLockock 00.90m.90m ((2'11")2'11")

OOldld RRoadoad BBridgeridge AA1717 RRoadoad BBridgeridge BBonemillonemill BBridgeridge BBoneone MMillill LLockock 00.70m.70m ((2'4")2'4")

RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed RRiveriver SSlealea

RRailwayailway BBridgeridge

Lo w H RRiveriver SSlealea PPipeipe BridgesBridges AtAt towpathtowpath levellevel eaad dro CCogglesfordogglesford LLockock om RRestoredestored Fo 11.00m.00m ((3'3")3'3") otb ririd SSLEALEA 0022 ge Fo otb rridid CCarrearre SStreettreet BBridgeridge Fo ge otb ! L rridid ift Bri ge d ge



PPipeipe BBridgeridge 11.00m.00m ((3'3")3'3") HHaverholmeaverholme RRiveriver SSlealea CCobbler’sobbler’s LLockock ! PPrivaterivate AAccessccess BBridgeridge RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed YYouou mmayay wwalkalk tthehe cconnectingonnecting pathpath bbyy kkindind ppermissionermission ofof thethe llandowners.andowners. PPleaselease rrespectespect FFootbridgeootbridge ttheirheir pprivacy.rivacy. HHaverholmeaverholme LLockock 22.50m.50m ((8'2")8'2") RRiveriver SSlealea !


RRiveriver SSlealea RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed

Corn Mill Lock 0.90m (2'11")




RRiveriver SSlealea FFerryerry BBridgeridge 11.91m.91m ((6'3")6'3")

KKymeyme EEauau 11.00m.00m ((3'3")3'3") 22.44m.44m ((8'0")8'0") oorr RRiveriver SSlealea Cobbler’sCobbler’s LockLock BBaileyailey BBridgeridge

CChurchhurch BBridgeridge 22.25m.25m (7'5")(7'5") RRiveriver SSlealea Footbridge

RRiveriver SSlealea

SSLEALEA 0033 SSLEALEA 0044 SSLEALEA 0033 FAW 11 SSLEALEA 0044 SSLEALEA 0033 SSLEALEA 0044 KKymeyme EEauau FFAWAW 1212 oorr RRiveriver SSlealea


TTaylor'saylor's LockLock oror FFootbridgeootbridge KKymeyme LLowerower LLockock 22.46m.46m (8'1")(8'1") 11.10m.10m ((3'7")3'7")

KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea SSLEALEA 0055

KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea WWNDND 0011 KKymeyme EEauau 22.06m.06m (6'9")(6'9") FFAWAW 1313 22.44m.44m ((8'0")8'0") oorr RRiveriver SSlealea BBottomottom BBridgeridge BBaileyailey BBridgeridge 22.31m.31m (7'7")(7'7") TTownown BridgeBridge CChurchhurch BBridgeridge FFootbridgeootbridge 22.25m.25m (7'5")(7'5") 22.06m.06m ((6'9")6'9")

FFootbridgeootbridge KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea

This is the September 2021 edition of the map. See for updating to the latest monthly issue at a free or discounted price.

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right. All other work © Waterway Routes. Licensed for personal use only. Business licences on request. SSLEALEA 0044 SSLEALEA 0033 SSLEALEA 0044 SSLEALEA 0055 SSLEALEA 0055 330K0K BBridgeridge BBridgeridge HHorncastleorncastle CCanalanal BBridgeridge DDerelicterelict WWeireir HHorncastleorncastle CCanalanal HHorncastleorncastle CCanalanal GGibson’sibson’s CCutut Gibson’sGibson’s CCutut DDerelicterelict DerelictDerelict RRailwayailway BBridgeridge BridgeBridge LLockock HHorncastleorncastle CCanalanal 331K1K DerelictDerelict RRiveriver WWithamitham

49.6K 30.8M 3L 0B 10.0H NNormallyormally openopen - e closedclosed duringduring floodsfloods ridgidg FloodFlood GatesGates ew B llll NewN Br ha idge tters BBridger BBridgeridge TTattersha OOldld BBillinghayillinghay 4A llll 1 rshhaa tttee SSkirthkirth Ta 332K2K 2d M FFAWAW 1313 WWNDND 0011 HHORNORN 0022

BBrr HHorncastleorncastle CCanalanal iidd 333K3K ge DDerelicterelict B B BBelleelle IIslesle MMarinaarina M 48h ,Dogdyke, Coningsby,Coningsby, LN4LN4 4UU4UU i 0152601526 342342 124124 i MMooringooring CClosedlosed iinn winter.winter. 334K4K RRiveriver WWithamitham HHORNORN 0011 HHORNORN 0011

n rainrai pay D M ge ridgeidge NNormallyormally openopen - B uurrn oowbridwbridge closedclosed duringduring floodsfloods H H FloodFlood GatesGates 22.32m.32m ((7'7")7'7") BridgeBridge 335K5K

CChapelhapel HHillill BBridgeridge 22.72m.72m ((8'11")8'11") RRiveriver KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea WWithamitham 53.0K 32.9M 3L 0B 10.5H SSLEALEA 0044 KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea FFAWAW 1212


RRiveriver BBridgeridge WWithamitham

337K7K TTaylor'saylor's LockLock oror FFootbridgeootbridge KKymeyme LLowerower LLockock 22.46m.46m (8'1")(8'1") 11.10m.10m ((3'7")3'7") 55.3K 34.4M 3L 0B 11.0H KKymeyme EEauau oorr RRiveriver SSlealea SSLEALEA 0055 SSLEALEA 0055

Waterway Routes Maps and DVDs covering the canals and rivers of Britain

Complete 01 England & Rings 82 South Pennine 83 84 Four Counties 85 Black Country 86 East Midlands 87 Warwickshire 88 Stourport 89 Birmingham Mini 90 Avon 91 Mid Worcestershire Canals and Rivers 09 Lancaster 10 Leeds & Liverpool 11 Rochdale 12 Huddersfield 13 Aire & Calder and Calder & Hebble 14 River Ouse and Tributaries 15 Sheffield & South Yorkshire 17 Chesterfield 18 Fossdyke & Witham and Tributaries 19 Grantham 20 23 Manchester Ship and 24 25 Bridgewater 26 Ashton and Peak Forest 27 Macclesfield 28 Trent & Mersey 30 Caldon 31 and Newport Canals 32 Union 33 34 Montgomery 35 Staffs & Worcester 38 BCN 40 Birmingham & Fazeley 41 Droitwich 42 Worcester & Birmingham 43 and G&S 44 River Avon (Stratford) Please Help 45 Stratford upon Avon 46 Coventry This map, and maps for over 50 restoration projects, are free 47 Ashby to download. The cost of producing these free maps is 49 Grand Union (Leicester) 50 Grand Union (All) covered by sales of Maps and DVDs for the open waterways. 51 Grand Union (North) 52 Grand Union (South) Please consider making a purchase from my website to keep 53 Oxford 54 Wilts & Berks these maps free and support the restoration projects. 55 Cotswold 56 Kennet & Avon 57 Herefordshire & Gloucestershire 58 River Thames (Upper) 59 River Thames (Lower) 60 River Thames (All) 61 River Wey and Basingstoke 63 Lee & Stort Navigations 65 Rivers Welland, Glen and Fens Link 66 67 68 River Great Ouse and Tributaries 70 Forth & Clyde and Union 75 Monmouth & Brecon 77 Bridgwater & Taunton and Grand Western Waterway Information Maximum Maximum Speed Navigation Waterway Section Length Width Limit Authority Fossdyke & Witham Non Tidal Waters 22.86m (75’0”) 4.65m (15’3”) 6.4 kph Navigation CRT (4 mph) River Slea All 21.34m (70’0”) 4.27m (14’0”)

Navigation Authority CRT Canal & River Trust Phone: 0303 040 4040 HQ Headquarters Email: [email protected] First Floor North, Station House, 500 Web: Elder Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 1BB

WWATERATER SSYMBOLSYMBOLS NNavigableavigable - TTidalidal WWindinginding PPointoint ((fullfull llengthength forfor navigationnavigation unlessunless marked)marked) NNavigableavigable - RRiveriver NNoo WWindinginding / NoNo AAcutecute AAnglengle TTurnurn ((useuse nnextext wwindinginding ppointoint aandnd rreturn)eturn) NNavigableavigable - CCanalanal NNavigableavigable - CCanalanal inin TunnelTunnel B BBoatyardoatyard oorr MMarinaarina - BBusinessusiness UUn-navigablen-navigable - AAbandonedbandoned - DDryry B BBoatyardoatyard oorr MMarinaarina - TTrustrust / SSocietyociety UUn-navigablen-navigable - AAbandonedbandoned - WWetet CChandleryhandlery UUn-navigablen-navigable - AAbandonedbandoned - TTunnelunnel C UUn-navigablen-navigable - RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed - DDryry D DDieseliesel UUn-navigablen-navigable - RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed - WWetet E EElsanlsan EEmptyingmptying UUn-navigablen-navigable - RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed - TTunnelunnel GGasas - CCaloralor UUn-navigablen-navigable - PProposedroposed NNewew - DryDry G UUn-navigablen-navigable - PProposedroposed NNewew - WetWet G GGasas - NNotot CalorCalor UUn-navigablen-navigable - PProposedroposed NNewew - TunnelTunnel H HHireire BBasease - WWeeklyeekly / WWeekendeekend H HHireire BBasease - DDayay TTOWPATHOWPATH P PPumpump OOutut WWalkablealkable TTowpathowpath ((alongsidealongside waterway)waterway) R RRefuseefuse DDisposalisposal WWalkablealkable TTowpathowpath inin TunnelTunnel RRecyclingecycling PPointoint WWalkablealkable OOtherther PathPath ((wherewhere nnoo ttowpath)owpath) R WWalkablealkable LLinkinginking PPathath (elsewhere)(elsewhere) S SShowerhower CCyclableyclable TTowpathowpath ((alongsidealongside waterway)waterway) T TToiletoilet CCyclableyclable TTowpathowpath inin TunnelTunnel CCyclableyclable OOtherther PPathath ((wherewhere nnoo ttowpath)owpath) W WWaterater CCyclableyclable LLinkinginking PPathath ((elsewhere)elsewhere) i IInformationnformation (see(see messagemessage box)box) UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath - AAbandonedbandoned NNavigationavigation AAdvicedvice ((seesee mmessageessage bbox)ox) UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath inin TunnelTunnel - AbandonedAbandoned ! UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath - RestorationRestoration ProposedProposed ! Swing Bridge NNavigationavigation AAdvicedvice ((seesee ssymbolymbol ttext)ext) UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath inin TunnelTunnel - RestorationRestoration ProposedProposed M MMooringooring - SSignedigned - MMaximumaximum 1144 ddaysays NNote:ote: ""m"m" iiss ppooroor qqualityuality vversionersion ooff ""M"M" ((e.g.e.g. rrequiresequires ppins,ins, oror noisy,noisy, muddy,muddy, roughrough bankbank etc.)etc.) UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath - ProposedProposed NewNew MMooringooring - MMaximumaximum ddaysays aass sspecifiedpecified UUn-walkablen-walkable TTowpathowpath inin TunnelTunnel - ProposedProposed NewNew M 7d M 24h MMooringooring - MMaximumaximum hhoursours aass sspecifiedpecified LLOCKSOCKS M Area Limit MMooringooring AArearea LimitsLimits (see(see messagemessage box)box) M 2d (7d) MMooringsoorings iinn ddesignatedesignated MMooringooring AArearea - MMaximumaximum ddaysays iinn ssummerummer (winter(winter inin brackets)brackets) NNavigableavigable LLockock MMooringooring ddesignatedesignated fforor ddisabledisabled bboatersoaters NNavigableavigable LLockock ((circlecircle indicatesindicates controlcontrol side)side) M ♿ NNavigableavigable LLockock ((withwith tailtail bbridge)ridge) M pay MMooringooring wwithith ppaymentayment rrequiredequired NNavigableavigable LLockock ((paired)paired) M patrons MMooringooring fforor ppatronsatrons (of(of pub,pub, restaurantrestaurant etc.)etc.) NNavigableavigable LLockock ((staircase)staircase) M overnight MMooringooring OOvernightvernight OOnlynly UUn-navigablen-navigable LLockock - AAbandonedbandoned M ask lock keeper MMooringooring oonlynly wwithith llockock kkeeper'seeper's permissionpermission UUn-navigablen-navigable LLockock - RRestorationestoration PProposedroposed MMooringsoorings fforor mmembersembers ooff FFriendsriends ooff tthehe RRiveriver NNeneene oonlynly ((onon RiverRiver Nene)Nene) UUn-navigablen-navigable LLockock - PProposedroposed NNewew M FOTRN GGuillotineuillotine GateGate ((onon ddetailedetailed insets)insets) M GOBA MMooringsoorings fforor mmembersembers ooff GGreatreat OOuseuse BBoatingoating AAssociationssociation oonlynly ((onon RRiveriver GGreatreat OOuseuse aandnd ttributaries)ributaries) GGuillotineuillotine GateGate ((circlecircle indicatesindicates controlcontrol sideside - onon detaileddetailed insets)insets) M MMooringooring - UUnsignednsigned bbutut aappearsppears ssuitableuitable - MMaximumaximum 1144 ddaysays WWeireir M 72h MMooringooring - UUnsignednsigned bbutut aappearsppears ssuitableuitable - MMaximumaximum hhoursours aass sspecifiedpecified IInclinednclined PPlanelane - AAbandonedbandoned mph 2 3 SSpeedpeed LLimitimit ((milesmiles pperer hhourour aandnd kkilometresilometres perper hhour)our) applicableapplicable ttoo ssideide ooff ssignign sshownhown 3.2 4.8 BBRIDGESRIDGES kph BBridgeridge - EExistingxisting IInformationnformation BBarsars IInformationnformation bbasedased oonn a zzeroero ppointoint ((whichwhich iiss uusuallysually aatt oneone endend ofof thethe waterway)waterway) BBridgeridge - RRemovedemoved K = KilometresKilometres ffromrom tthehe zzeroero ppointoint BBridgeridge - PProposedroposed NNewew 7.2K 4.5M 3L 1B 2.5H M = MMilesiles ffromrom tthehe zzeroero ppointoint L = NNumberumber ooff LLocksocks ffromrom zzeroero ppointoint BBridgeridge - TTowpathowpath RRegularegular ½ hhourour sspacingpacing B = NNumberumber ooff BBridgesridges wwhichhich aarere mmoveableoveable ((lift,lift, swingswing etc.)etc.) fromfrom zerozero pointpoint PPipeipe BBridgeridge 9.0K 5.6M 3L 1B 2.8H (normally(normally leftleft closedclosed andand lowlow enoughenough toto requirerequire openingopening forfor a narrowarrow boat)boat) TTunnelunnel AAdditionaldditional H = NumberNumber ofof hourshours ccruisingruising fromfrom zerozero pointpoint AAqueductqueduct SScale:cale: LLightight bbluelue OOrdnancerdnance SSurveyurvey ggridrid llinesines aarere 11kmkm ssquaresquares ((approximatelyapproximately 22/3/3 mmile)ile) BBuildinguilding ((overover ccanal)anal) OOTHERTHER FFerryerry WWiresires (may(may requirerequire loweringlowering forfor navigation)navigation) AAccessccess PPointoint ((toto ttowpath)owpath) PPointoint ooff IInterestnterest KKEYEY NNOTESOTES fforor WWaterwayaterway RRoutesoutes MMapsaps 11.. ItIt isis thethe colourcolour ofof thethe symbolsymbol (not(not thethe text)text) whichwhich identifiesidentifies EExistingxisting ((black)black) / AbandonedAbandoned ((grey)grey) / NNewew ((red)red) AAvailablevailable ttoo ddownloadownload iinn 22.. ServicesServices atat BoatyardsBoatyards andand MarinasMarinas willwill usuallyusually requirerequire payment.payment. TheyThey maymay bebe discounteddiscounted oror freefree forfor residentsresidents andand somesome maymay onlyonly MMemory-Mapemory-Map ((qct)qct) aandnd AcrobatAcrobat (pdf)(pdf) formatsformats bebe availableavailable toto residents.residents. ContactContact themthem forfor details.details.

33.. TheThe numbernumber ofof hourshours cruisingcruising timetime cannotcannot bebe preciseprecise andand shouldshould onlyonly bebe usedused forfor anan indicationindication ofof journeyjourney time.time. NoNo allowanceallowance isis mademade forfor queuingqueuing forfor locks,locks, whichwhich maymay happen,happen, especiallyespecially inin thethe summer.summer. NoNo allowanceallowance isis mademade forfor stopsstops forfor water,water, shopping,shopping, meals,meals, etc.etc. TravellingTravelling upstreamupstream onon a riverriver oror thethe LlangollenLlangollen CanalCanal willwill bebe slower,slower, whilewhile travellingtravelling downstreamdownstream maymay bebe a littlelittle quicker.quicker. UUpdatedpdated 003-05-203-05-20

Paul Balmer 10 Bude Close Phone: 07961 701 702 trading as Nailsea Email: [email protected] Bristol WATERWAY ROUTES BS48 2FQ Web:

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right All other work © Waterway Routes