BULLETIN Volume 103, Number 10 • November 2016 Reflections of Our Ancestors
WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Volume 103, Number 10 • November 2016 Reflections of Our Ancestors he Temple’s current art exhibit, I See Myself in You: TReflections of our Ancestors, added an intimate, visual dimension to our High Holy Days experience with photographs and portraits from the personal collections of Wilshire Boulevard Temple family members. The curated display opened in September in the central hallway in between the Mitchell Promenade and the Irmas Family Courtyard at the Glazer Campus (eastside) to coincide with this season of introspection, contemplation, reflection, and inspiration. Many who walked through the gallery during the High Holy Days remarked that it felt like they were wandering through a home. The faces of our ancestors, their expressions, their wardrobe, the settings—all preserved in these photographs—appear as reflections of ourselves and of our children, of those whose memories are a blessing, and of those whose legacies are our treasures. A special thank you to the congregants who submitted photographs for this exhibition! At a time of year when we consider the present, look to the future, and reflect on the past, the images inI See Myself in You: Reflections of Our Ancestors tell many stories and invite us to see the best of ourselves. If you did not visit the exhibit during the These walls are filled with the faces of our ancestors, guiding us to reflect on High Holy Days, it will be on display through November 30. ourselves, our future, and our past. This Month ELIE WIESEL SALON SHABBAT: BOOK FAIR 2016 In Remembrance More on page 7 NOVEMBER 15-18 Friday, November 18 Sunday, November 20 Tuesday-Friday, November 15-18 Irmas Campus Glazer Campus More on page 7 WBTLA.ORG/BOOKFAIRGlazer and Irmas Campuses More on page 4 6:00 p.m.
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