A Revision of Didymodon Section
A REVISION OF DIDYMODON Juan A. JimeÂnez, Rosa M. Ros, 2 SECTION FALLACES (MUSCI, MarõÂa J. Cano, and Juan Guerra POTTIACEAE) IN EUROPE, NORTH AFRICA, MACARONESIA, AND SOUTHWEST AND CENTRAL ASIA1 ABSTRACT Didymodon sect. Fallaces (Musci, Bryopsida) is taxonomically revised for Europe, North Africa, Macaronesia, and Southwest and Central Asia. Nine species are recognized. Didymodon planotophaceus, D. spadiceus var. siluricus, and Didymodon ceratodonteus are newly synonymized with D. tophaceus; D. barbuloides is a new synonym referred to D. spadiceus, and Trichostomum rigidulum var. paludosa to D. fallax. Lectotypes for Barbula adriatica, B. falcifolia, B. insidiosa, B. kneuckeri, B. rigidicaulis, B. serpenticaulis, B. sinensi-fallax, Didymodon barbuloides, D. bosniacus, D. giganteus, D. levieri, D. maximus, D. rufus, D. spadiceus, D. spadiceus var. siluricus, D. tophaceus, D. tophaceus var. breidleri, Limneria viridula, and Trichostomum rigidulum var. paludosa are designated here. Didymodon asperifolius and D. tophaceus are reported for the ®rst time from the Caucasus and Mauritania respectively. Descriptions, a taxonomic key, as well as LM and SEM photographs are included. Key words: Asia, Didymodon, Europe, Macaronesia, North Africa, Pottiaceae, taxonomy. Didymodon Hedw. is a genus of the moss family Chen, 1941; Nyholm, 1989; Smith, 1978; KuÈrsch- Pottiaceae that includes approximately 122 spe- ner, 2000). Saito (1975) differentiated Didymodon cies worldwide, with the greatest diversity in tem- and Barbula for the ®rst time by gametophytic perate and mountainous regions (Zander, 1993). characters. He principally used the axillary hairs The genus was described by Hedwig (1801) to in- of the leaves for discriminating both genera. The clude three species, only one of which is currently axillary hairs in Didymodon have one or two brown accepted in the genus: D.
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