
Technical Note Growth response of quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) to varying levels of cassava tuber meal (Manihot esculenta) as replacement for maize (Zea mays)

Respuesta del crecimiento de la codorniz (Coturnix coturnix japonica) a distintos niveles de yuca (Manihot esculenta) como reemplazo del maíz (Zea mays)

Brendan Ikechukwu ODO and A. E. NNADI

Department of /Fisheries Science and Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Enugu State University of Science and Technology. P.M.B. 01660, Enugu, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] Corresponding author

Received: 10/10/2012 First reviewing ending: 06/24/2013 First review received: 10/10/2013 Second reviewing ending: 10/24/2013 Second review received: 11/12/2013 Accepted: 11/20/2013


The study was conducted to determine the growth response of quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) to varying levels of cassava as a replacement for maize. Thirty two Japanese quails were randomly allotted to four dietary treatments. In each of the four diets, sun-dried cassava tuber meal (SDCTM) was used to replace maize at 0, 25, 50, and 75% levels. The quails were fed one of four experimental diets over a period of 42 days (6 weeks). Result showed that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in feed intake between quails fed 0% (T1) and 25% (T2) and those fed 50% (T3) and 75% (T4) levels of inclusion of SDCTM as a replacement for maize. However, mean weekly feed intake was significantly higher (P<0.05) in T3 (152.2±12.07) than T2 (131.94±11.24) group. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed in weight gain between T1 and T3 groups just as there was no significant difference (P>0.05) in weight gain between T2 and T4 groups. Mean weekly weight gain was significantly higher (P<0.05) in T3 (125.60±10.96) than T2 (111.41±10.31) group. Mean weekly was highest in T4 (1.58±0.23) with 75% inclusion level of SDCTM and lowest in T1 (1.18±0.10) with 0% inclusion level of SDCTM. It implies that SDCTM can favorably replace maize at 50% level of inclusion in quail diet.

Key words: Quails, cassava tuber meal, maize, performance


El estudio se realizó para determinar la respuesta del crecimiento de codornices (Coturnix coturnix japonica) a diferentes niveles de yuca como un reemplazo del maíz. Treinta y dos codornices japonesas se asignaron aleatoriamente a cuatro tratamientos dietéticos. En cada una de las cuatro dietas, se utilizó harina de raíces de yuca secadas al sol (HRYSS) para reemplazar el maíz a niveles de 0, 25, 50, y 75%. Las codornices se alimentaron con una de las cuatro dietas experimentales durante un periodo de 42 días (6 semanas). Los resultados mostraron que no hubo diferencia significativa (P>0,05) en el consumo de alimento entre codornices alimentadas con 0% (T1) y 25% (T2) y aquellas alimentadas con niveles de inclusión de HRYSS de 50% (T3) y 75% (T4) como reemplazo del maíz. Sin embargo, el consumo de alimento semanal promedio fue significativamente mayor (P<0,05) en T3 (152,2 ± 12,07) que en el grupo T2 (131,94 ± 11,24). No se observó diferencia significativa (P>0,05) en la ganancia de peso entre los grupos T1 y T3 justo como no hubo diferencia significativa (P>0,05) en la ganancia de peso entre los grupos T2 y T4. La ganancia de peso semanal promedio fue significativamente (P<0,05) mayor en T3 (125,60±10,96) que en el grupo T2 (111,41±10,31). La relación de conversión de alimento semanal promedio fue más alta en T4 (1,58±0,23) con 75% del nivel de inclusión de HRYSS y más baja en T1 (1,18±0,10) con 0% del nivel de inclusión de HRYSS. Por lo tanto, esto implica que la HRYSS puede reemplazar favorablemente al maíz a un nivel de 50% de inclusión en la dieta de las codornices.

Palabras clave: Codornices, harina de raíces de yuca, maíz, rendimiento

INTRODUCTION developing countries (F.A.O., 1985) as they are richer in the essential amino acids. Quail is renowned The protein intake level of humans in most for its low caloric value in addition to having high developing countries including Nigeria are very low quality protein of high biological value (Haruna et al., due to the high cost of the product (Abeke et al., 1999). These qualities mainly the low fat content is 2003). There has been call for substantial increase in likely to divert the attention of people especially the the intake of proteins of animal origin in the hypertension-prone ones to quail meat consumption.

146 Revista Científica UDO Agrícola 13 (1): 146-149. 2013 Odo y Nnadi. Growth response of quails to varying levels of cassava tuber meal as replacement for maize The quest and effort to substitute maize in into four dietary treatments of eight quails per feed with other less costly energy sources was treatment. Each treatment was further replicated twice inculcated significantly to reduce the cost of with four birds per replicate. The four diets had 0, 25, production in poultry (Bamgbose et al., 2004). 50 and 75% inclusion levels of sun-dried cassava as a Cassava tuber, a primary source of carbohydrate can replacement for maize. completely replace maize as an energy source in feeds of pigs and birds. It is a woody shrub of the Experimental diets Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to South America. It is extensively cultivated as an annual crop Cassava tubers sourced from Agbani market in tropical and subtropical regions of the world for its in Nkanu Local Government Area of Enugu State, edible starchy root, a major source of carbohydrate. Nigeria were peeled, washed and chopped into chips As a matter of fact, its use for this purpose is of 1mm, and sun-dried. Sun-drying which lasted for presently limited to research centre and small scale ten days was aimed at reducing the moisture level. pig producers. For adoption by large scale The dried cassava and other ingredients were milled commercial producers, appropriate technology needs separately and used to compound the experimental to be developed to reduce the high moisture and diets shown in Table 1. hydrocyanic acid (HCN) contents of the tubers (Tewe et al., 1976.) Experimental procedure

Maize (Zea mays) forms the base of most Thirty two quails sourced from Songhai farm, feeds, and it is particularly relished by Amukpe, Sapele Local Government Area of Delta poultry, and pigs (Durunna et al., 2000). The State, Nigeria were housed and managed intensively are very useful as to man and as in battery cage. Each cage was assigned to each of the well as raw materials for industries. Hence, there is four dietary treatments. The quails were offered the stiff competition between man and livestock for this experimental diets consisting of 0, 25, 50 and 75% feed resource. This competition has resulted in levels of cassava respectively ad libitum. Clean water scarcity of feed ingredients in Nigeria. Also, it has was also offered ad libitum throughout the increased the cost of feeding animals beyond the experimental period. reach of the average Nigerian farmers (Aringeniwa et al., 2000; Chinkwuju and Osuagwu, 2000). The high Data collection and analysis cost of cereals and uncertainty about their sustainable supply as energy source for livestock and poultry Data were collected on daily feed intake as calls for investigations for alternative and possibly well as on weekly body weight. Feed conversion ratio cheaper option (Agiang et al., 2004).This therefore was computed as feed intake divided by weight gain. justifies the study on the evaluation of the usefulness Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance of cassava tuber meal as a replacement for maize in according to Steel and Torrie (1980). Least significant quail diet in southeastern Nigeria. Table 1. Composition of the experimental diets. MATERIALS AND METHODS Inclusion levels of sun-dried Experimental site cassava tuber meal (%)

The study was carried out at the Teaching and Ingredients (%) T1 (0) T2 (25) T3 (50) T4 (75) Research farm of Enugu State University of Science Maize 50.00 37.50 25.00 12.50 and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria. The site is situated Cassava 0.00 12.50 25.00 37.50 at latitude 06º 4’ N and longitude 08º 65’ E and Soya bean cake 26.89 26.89 26.89 26.89 located at the equatorial rain forest vegetation zone of Fish meal 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.36 southeastern Nigeria. It has an annual rainfall that Wheat offal 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ranges from 1700-1800 mm and a mean temperature Bone meal 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 of 39 ºC. Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Premix 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Experimental birds Total calculated 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 values Thirty two Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Crude protein 21.18 20.37 19.55 18.73 japonica) of 21 days of age were randomly grouped -1 M. E. (kcal kg ) 2527 2509 2491 2473 Revista Científica UDO Agrícola 13 (1): 146-149. 2013 147 Odo y Nnadi. Growth response of quails to varying levels of cassava tuber meal as replacement for maize difference method was used to separate means that In view of the high cost of maize and the differed significantly (P<0.05). uncertainty about their sustainable supply as energy source for livestock and poultry, we recommend that RESULTS AND DISCUSSION cassava tuber meal can be used as a replacement for maize at 50% level in quail diet. This will obviously Results of performance characteristics of improve on the productivity. quails fed varying levels of cassava meal as a replacement for maize are as summarized in Table 2. LITERATURE CITED There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in feed intake between quails fed 0 and 25% just as there was Abeke, F. O.; S. O. Ogunduge, A. A. Sekonil, A. no significant difference in feed intake between those Adeyink, B. Y. Abukar, O. O. Oni and B. I. Nwagu. fed 50 and 75% inclusion levels of the sun-dried 2003. Response of laying hens to dietry levels of cassava tuber meal. However, feed intake was heat-treatment manure. Trop. J. Anim. Sci. 2: significantly higher (P<0.05) in group fed 50% than 111-116. those fed 25%. There is increased feed intake with Agiang, E. A.; A. A. Ayuk, J. B. Nweke and H. O. decreased crude protein level. This contradicts the Ozegbu. 2004. Performance of broilers fed diet with report by Whyte et al. (2000) and Rakpotobar and graded level of cassava waste meal as energy Ijiwo (2000) that quails fed 24% crude protein source. J. Agne Food Sci. 2: 13-19. recorded better growth performance. Aringeniwa, A.; T. E. Mafimisela, R. A. Alabi, A. O. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) Esobawana and D. I. Oviasogie. 2000. Socio- in weight gain between T1 and T3 and between T2 and economic analysis of artisanal fishery in Edsako T4 groups. Values of weight gain were significantly East Local Government Area of Edo State. In: Proc. higher (P<0.05) in T3 than T2 groups. This is difficult of 5th Annual Conference of Anim. Sci. Ass of to explain but Olubamiwa et al. (1999) has stated that Nigeria. p. 176-178. growing quails are able to keep body growth rate over a wide range of dietary energy levels. Bamgbose, A.; E. Ogungherro, M. B. Obasana, L. T. Oteku, U. F. Igene, C. S. O. Otikhian and J. A. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) varied Imasuen. 2004. Replacement value of maize offal/ significantly (P<0.05) among the different treatment cashew nut for maize in Broiler diet. Proc. of 29th groups. It was highest in T4 group with 75% inclusion Annual Conf. of N.S.A.P. p. 219- 221 level of cassava tuber meal followed by T3, then T2 Chinkwuju, C. D. and C. N. Osuagwu. 2000. Analysis and lowest in T1 with zero percent inclusion level of of indigenous and migrant farm family livestock the cassava tuber meal. This implies that there was th increasing FCR with decreasing crude protein level. Production in Delta state. In: Proc. 5 ASAN Conf. p. 188-191

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Durunna, C. S.; A. B. Udebibie and G. A. Ayanwu.

2000. Combination of maize/sorghum and cassava The best level of inclusion of cassava tuber tuber meal as a substitude for maize in diet of laying meal as a replacement for maize is 50% since the th hens. In: Proc. 25 Annual Conf. of NSAP, held in quails achieved their highest feed intake and weight Federal University of Agriculture, Umudike, gain at this level. Nigeria.

Table 2. Performance characteristics of quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed varying levels of cassava tuber meal as a replacement for maize.

Inclusion levels of sun-dried cassava tuber meal (%) Parameters T1 (0) T2 (25) T3 (50) T4 (75) SEM MWFI (g) 136.10 ± 11.42b 131.94 ± 11.24b 152.22 ± 12.07c 153.60 ±12.12a 9.25 MWWG (g) 123.75 ± 10.88a 111.13 ± 10.31b 125.60 ± 10.96a 105.25 ±10.40b 8.38 MWFCR 1.18 ± 0.10c 1.25 ± 0.16c 1.31 ± 0.21b 1.58 ± 0.23a 0.15

MWFI: Mean weekly feed intake; MWWG: Mean weekly weight gain and MWFCR: Mean weekly feed conversion ratio a,b,c: Means with different superscripts in the same row are significantly different (P<0.05) according to Least Significant Difference Test 148 Revista Científica UDO Agrícola 13 (1): 146-149. 2013 Odo y Nnadi. Growth response of quails to varying levels of cassava tuber meal as replacement for maize Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). 1985. performance of quails in Vom, Nigeria. Nig. Vet. J. Food and Agricultural Organization Year book. 27: 669-672. 1986. vol. 139. Steel, R. G. D. and J. H. Torrie. 1980. Principles and nd Haruna, E. S.;, U. Musa, L. H. Lornnom, P. M. Tat, procedure of statistics. A biometric approach, 2 P. D. Shammaki, P. A. Okowole and J. U. Edn, McGraw-Hill, New York. of Molukwu. 1999. Introduction of quail production in America. Nigeria. Nig. Vet. J. 18: 104-107. Tewe, O. O.; T. A. Job, J. K. Loosli and V. Oyenuja.

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