
Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development

Tuure Tuunanen University of Oulu, Finland Center of Service Leadership Arizona State Univ., USA [email protected]

Michael D. Myers The University of Auckland Business School New Zealand [email protected]

Harold Cassab The University of Auckland Business School New Zealand [email protected]

Abstract Consumer information systems (CIS) are an emerging area of for information systems researchers. IS researchers have traditionally emphasized efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes and system use. However, design for consumer information systems requires more attention to be paid to processes of creation embedded in the consumer experience. This shift in focus demands a reconsideration of current information systems development approaches. In this paper we propose a conceptual framework for consumer information systems development. The framework includes six elements of co-creation of consumer value. The framework is illustrated by reviewing the findings from three case studies.

Keywords: Consumer information systems development, value co-creation, consumer experience, and case study.

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 47 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 1 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Introduction throughout the service experience. Thus, the service offering (Grönroos, 2007, Menor et al., In recent years into services (IfM 2002) takes priority over else, and and IBM, 2008) has started to attract the becomes more important that the functionality attention of scholars from many different or effectiveness of the product. This change disciplines. The importance of research into in priorities requires a change in the way we services is easily justified – developed design and develop IS solutions. countries have moved from the industrial age to become service dominant economies, and We therefore suggest that we are entering a a major portion of gross national product is new era of consumer information systems. now in the service industries. According to We need to start designing and developing the Organization for Economic Cooperation systems for consumers, as contrasted with and Development (OECD), over 60% of users. We believe the trend towards the economic activity in OECD countries is driven development of digitized services potentially by services (Wölfl, 2005) . marks a disruption both in the practice and research of information systems. This shift to a service-oriented economy has implications for IS researchers. First, there is We define consumer information systems an emerging trend in service research to (CIS) as follows: consider new ways of enhancing the design Systems that enable consumer value and development of digitized services co-creation through the development [Ostrom et al., 2010]. Second, information and implementation of information systems (IS) are increasingly targeted technology enabled processes that to consumers of these services. Third, much integrate system value propositions with research in consumer psychology, behavioral customer value drivers. psychology and marketing indicates that consumption is motivated by the predicted This definition comprises both the service utility of the good or service. Consumers use and the information technology (IT) rational and emotional-based assessments of basis for CIS. The notion of co-creation of utility in their [Shiv and Fedorikhin, value (an important in marketing) 1999]. Thus, the object of consumption will with CIS users is particularly relevant have utilitarian and/or hedonic value from the because it highlights a disruption with the consumer perspective. This suggests the traditional view of information systems need for a new approach to the development development. It also opens up interesting of digitized services for consumers. avenues for research on system and service of CIS, since it incorporates both In the IS research literature, users of consumers and developers as active information systems have often been participants in the value creation process. We conceptualized as being mostly concerned also suggest that it may be possible to about the effectiveness and efficiency of their combine the insights from the literature on IS work performance and processes [Lamb and development with the insights from service Kling, 2003] in an organizational setting. marketing research, especially in the area of Consumers, however, seek a balance of service design, to help with the discovery and utilitarian and hedonic utility [Agarwal and definition of requirements for consumer Karahanna, 2000, Holbrook et al., 1984, Shiv information systems. and Fedorikhin, 1999], where the latter corresponds to the enjoyment associated with Our paper thus proposes a conceptual using the product or service. Consumers also framework for consumer information systems start to become active participants in the development. The framework illustrates how production of goods and services they consumer value is co-created through system consume (Ostrom et al., 2010) and become value propositions and customer value co-creators of value (Vargo and Lusch, 2004)

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/548 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 2 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

drivers. Our framework is illustrated by To summarize, there are several aspects of reviewing the findings from three case studies. consumer behavior that potentially influence the process of understanding requirements Consumers’ Requirements and for consumers of information systems. First, Value Propositions there is the social nature of system use. Consumers rarely use any information Various disciplines have dealt with issues system in isolation (Lamb and Kling, 2003); surrounding the problem of recognizing the rather, they look for ways to network and needs of users of services and products. In interact with other users. The rapid growth of information systems the traditional approach social networking systems (e.g., Facebook has been to determine the needs of the and Twitter) illustrates this consumer need. organizational end-user and then to analyze user data in order to specify requirements of Second, consumers are likely to relate to the feasible quality (Browne and Rogich, 2001, services they use and they may create and/or Byrd et al., 1992, Davis, 1982, Hickey and alter their identities in real and virtual lives. Davis, 2004, Keil and Carmel, 1995, For example, Apple has been very successful Mathiassen et al., 2007). This has led to the in attaching an of ‘coolness’ to its development of various requirements devices and services. Apple’s value elicitation techniques to help the analyst to proposition includes the “coolness” factor and understand users. the identity that comes with it. It has been suggested that users should be Third, context affects IS consumer behavior. reconceptualized as “actors” (Lamb, 2005, Developers are often unable to predict the Lamb, 2006, Lamb and Kling, 2003). actual use of developed systems. Text According to Lamb and Kling, the term “actor” messaging is a good example of this. The better encompasses the networked nature of Finnish engineer who originally developed modern work life. Individuals do not work in text messaging considered that this isolation but rather work in teams. Lamb and technology would only be good for service Kling (2003) also claim that actors can messaging purposes between cell tower base potentially have an identity (Creed et al., stations. The vision was rather limited given 2002, Simon et al., 2009) attached to the IT that there are today billions of text messages artifacts they use. Lamb and Kling argue that sent every day. The context of system use actors use these IT artifacts to form and created numerous opportunities for the construct identities for themselves. For technology: consumers to interact with each instance, Japanese teenagers accessorize other, buy bus and train tickets, pay for their mobile phones with different gizmos and parking, and order information services such costume jewelry, making mobile phones part as weather reports. Thus, the context of use, of their identity. both cultural and situational, has a greater impact on the use of CIS than the business Other researchers have suggested that the and/or organizational uses of information context of system use (Dey and Abowd, 2000, systems. Table 1 summarizes consumers’ Goodhue, 1995, Orlikowski et al., 1995, requirements and these value propositions. Schilit et al., 1994) is also an important issue. These authors argue that context of use is Customers’ Value Drivers very likely to affect the user experience. Other researchers have argued that cultural CIS development naturally shares many context is likely to influence user similar features with traditional information requirements (Tuunanen et al., 2006) and systems development. However, some system use (Myers, 1999, Myers and Tan, aspects related to customer value are 2003). different if we consider CIS development and use.

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 49 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 3 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Table 1 - Consumers’ Requirements and Value Propositions

Aspect of consumer Theoretical basis Examples behavior

Social networking services such as Facebook, Social Actor [Lamb, 2005, Lamb, 2006, Social nature of MySpace etc. Text messaging has been widely Lamb and Kling, 2003], Political Ecology of use adopted and is more popular than email in some Requirements (Bergman et al., 2002). parts of world. Social Actor Theory (Lamb, 2005, Lamb, 2006, Customization of Mobile phones with unique Construction of Lamb and Kling, 2003), Social Construction of services and accessories; applications that identities Identity (Creed et al., 2002, Simon et al., 2009). provide services such as Apple’s AppStore.

Context of Information Systems Use (Goodhue, The accidental start of text messaging: Text 1995, Orlikowski et al., 1995), Context Aware messaging was developed for a limited purpose Context of use Computing (Dey and Abowd, 2000, Schilit et al., - as a technical service-messaging tool between 1994). Cultural context (Myers, 1999, Myers cellular base stations. Yet today billions of text and Tan, 2003, Tuunanen et al., 2006). messages are sent every day.

A central premise in the Marketing and New their engagement, interest, or frustration with Product Development literature has been the the . They were also asked to talk out need to incorporate the voice of the customer loud about what they were experiencing, (Griffin and Hauser, 1993) in the development providing a stream-of- record process to ensure customer acceptance. of their thought processes as they played. Holbrook et al. (1984), in their study of the Using the flow concept, Microsoft developers effect of , performance and were able to use the results of this research personality on value creation in , to ensure an engaging experience for game proposed the notion of ‘playful consumption’ players (Thompson, 2009). where becomes part of the consumption The implications of customer participation experience. More recently, behavioral have been debated within the research psychologists such as Kahneman et al. (2003) literature concerning services marketing have suggested that consumers not only (Vargo and Lusch, 2004). According to Vargo derive utility from consumption, but also and Lusch (2004), service dominant benefits of a hedonic nature. Similarly, it has means a change from firms providing been suggested (Agarwal and Karahanna, services of pre-determined value to a new 2000, Csikszentmihaly, 1991, Hill et al., 2002) landscape where firms only make value that an experience of flow in service or propositions; value is co-created and the total system use is important to users, as are value of the offering is determined by the emotions elicited during use. customer in use. This phenomenon has been The flow concept can be illustrated by the especially evident with computer gaming development of the Halo III video game. (Karlsen, 2008). Moreover, consumers now Microsoft developers analyzed 3,000 hours of expect more personalized experiences. Halo III played by over 600 everyday gamers, Information systems researchers have long tracking everything from favored game promoted participation of users in features used in different situations to the development (see, e.g., Davis, 1982, gamers’ experience of ‘game over’ situations Goodhue, 1995, Herzwurm et al., 1997). as their characters died in the game Although researchers agree that user (Thompson, 2009). Microsoft also observed participation is beneficial, especially in the gamers playing onsite. Participants were requirements elicitation and phases asked every few minutes how they would rate

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/550 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 4 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

of the project, there is still some uncertainty features (Green and Srinivasan, 1990, about the best ways to involve users (Cavaye, Ostrom and Iacobucci, 1995). 1995, Hartwick and Barki, 1994, Kujala, 2003, An industry example of hedonic utility is the Kujala et al., 2001, McKeen and Guimaraes, Fluid application for the iPhone1. Although not 1997, Tait and Vessey, 1988. Most studies particularly efficient or useful, this application have focused on users in organizational is very popular (iWorthIt, 2009). A reviewer of settings. There are, however, some studies the application says: which have explicitly taken a consumer focus. For example, Von Hippel et al. (1986, 2001, “Essentially, it’s a pond with the water 2002) suggested engaging potential lead- making small waves on the surface. users of a product or service via toolkits that With your fingers you can act like you’re could be implemented with virtual dipping your finger in the water and communities. These toolkits include online make a ripple effect. Additionally, you tools for product design, prototyping and can change the background on it to any testing. Tuunanen and Rossi [2004] proposed picture you have on your phone and the use of rapid prototyping, where a make funny waves on it.” consumer would design, for example, a mobile application online by using simple What is surprising is that this application has modeling tools to “drag and drop” desired been downloaded from Apple’s AppStore features to the application framework. three million as of June 2009 even Another scenario that illustrates user though it has no functional utility whatsoever. involvement comes from on-demand video In summary, we suggest there are three key streaming services where it is now possible challenges regarding CIS and co-creation of for a viewer to influence the programming in value (see Table 2). First, although IS real . researchers have been dealing with IS However, we still have the question of development for decades, there are still determining how system features can create unanswered questions regarding the service hedonic utility (Kahneman et al., 2003) process experience in CIS - how and when to through the CIS use experience. Quality encourage consumer involvement and function deployment techniques [Herzwurm et participation in the system development al., 1997] have been used to ensure that process (see, e.g., Kujala, 2003). This is even product or service features are linked to more challenging in CIS development due to customer needs. Quality function deployment its service nature and differences in has been widely used in industries ranging motivation to contribute (consumers versus from car manufacturing to health insurance. members of an organization). The existing Jacobs and Ip (2003) investigated how to use literature is silent on this issue. The quality function deployment to match integration of flow experience of the computer and console gamers to games. developed service might provide some Their research shows differences between answers. Second, there are challenges with gamer segments and consumers’ game respect to customer participation in service feature desires, but it does not provide production. Co-creation of value has been linkages between hedonic utility derived from suggested in the service literature as an gaming and game features in order to enable outcome of consumer involvement (Ostrom et its measurement. In the IS research literature, al., 2010). Third, customer goals and there is a strong of using perceived outcomes are a challenge for CIS. How can usefulness of information systems as a information systems be developed with success metric [Venkatesh et al., 2003]. In features that enable consumers to experience marketing, the conjoint approach has been hedonic benefit from their CIS usage, and used to measure consumer trade-offs and how can this effect be measured? utility associated with product or service

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 51 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 5 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Table 2 - Consumers’ Value Drivers Challenge Theoretical basis Examples The development of Halo III video The Psychology of Optimal Experience Service Process game by Microsoft, which used the flow (Csikszentmihaly, 1991), Consumption Patterns Experience concept to ensure smooth game (Westbrook and Oliver, 1991), Cognitive absorption experience with extensive in-game (Agarwal and Karahanna, 2000) data analysis. Customer Co-creation of on-demand video Service dominant logic (Vargo and Lusch, 2004), Participation in streaming services when consumers service/system co-production (Karlsen, 2008, Service actively affect the TV service content Pedersen, 2005), lead-user engagement [von Hippel, Production real time, such as voting for political 1986, von Hippel, 2001, von Hippel and Katz, 2002] candidates. Hedonic Utility (Holbrook et al., 1984, Kahneman et al., 2003), User Acceptance of Information Fluid iPhone application that does not Customer Goals Technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003), Consumer have any functional utility, yet provides and Outcomes trade-offs (Green and Srinivasan, 1990, Ostrom and hedonic benefit to users. Iacobucci, 1995)

Value Co-Creation in Consumer Three factors related to CIS value Information Systems propositions are summarized in Figure 1: construction of identities, social nature of use, Figure 1 summarizes our proposed and context of use. These originate framework for value co-creation in CIS. The from social actor theory (Lamb and Kling, framework is divided in two sections. The left 2003), contextual use of information systems side of the framework depicts CIS value (Dey and Abowd, 2000, Goodhue, 1995, propositions, whereas the right side depicts Orlikowski et al., 1995, Schilit et al., 1994), customer value drivers. The six factors are and ’s effect on user behavior (Myers, drawn from the research literature in 1999, Myers and Tan, 2003), and users’ information systems, marketing and service needs (Tuunanen et al., 2006). research.

System Value Propositions Customer Value Drivers

Participation in Service Construction of Identities Production

Co-creation Service Process Social Nature of Use of Value Experience

Context of Use Goals and Outcomes

Figure 1 - Framework for Value Co-Creation in Consumer Information Systems

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/552 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 6 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Three factors are related to customer value (Browne and Ramesh, 2002, Browne and drivers (previously summarized in Table 2). Rogich, 2001, Gengler and Reynolds, 1995, These factors are oriented towards the Peffers et al., 2003, Reynolds and Gutman, development process of CIS. For example, 1988). The laddering technique uses simple although the literature agrees that users open-ended questioning to reveal attribute should be involved in the development (feature) – consequence (reasoning) – and process, there is still debate about proper value/objective structures of participants for a execution of customer involvement (Cavaye, given topic. The theoretical basis for the 1995, Hartwick and Barki, 1994, Kujala, 2003, method lies in personal construct theory Kujala et al., 2001, McKeen and Guimaraes, (Kelly, 1955) and critical success factors 1997, Tait and Vessey, 1988). The flow (Rockart, 1979). Full details of how to apply concept appears relevant. Current flow and use the critical success chains method studies, however, have not considered events can be found from (Peffers et al., 2003, 2005). that take place within a functioning service or For data analysis, a clustering technique was system (Agarwal and Karahanna, 2000). used whereby results are represented with In the marketing research literature, value co- network maps containing aggregated creation has been proposed as a central understanding of participants’ view of the factor for successful service development. world and their mental models. Further details Due to its service nature, consumer of each case study are provided elsewhere: information systems are poised to benefit Mobile Financial Service (Peffers et al., 2003, from the integration of consumer input into 2005), Mobile Presence Services (Tuunanen their development. At the same time, there et al., 2006), and Interactive Television are implementation challenges in co- Services (Tuunanen et al., 2010). developing with consumers who may or may The focus of the analysis in all three studies not be willing to provide their inputs. was the perceived user of a yet-to-be Consequently, the role of customer goals and developed CIS. In each of the cases the expected outcomes of service raises a tri-fold analysis was done from the perspective of a question: When, how, and what to measure? systems analyst. The context and the industry In previous studies with technology domain vary in each of the cases as acceptance models (TAM) and its variants described below. These studies provide some (Venkatesh et al., 2003) the focus has been answers to the challenges of value co- on efficiency gains in organizational creation in consumer information systems. environments. The TAM model is unlikely to be relevant when measuring CIS use. Case Study 1: Mobile Financial Some Findings on Value Co- Services Creation in CIS . Digia Corporation in Finland initiated this project conducted during 2000- This section provides some initial answers to 2001. Researchers were given the task of some of the challenges we have mentioned identifying features of third generation mobile for consumer information systems phone services for the financial sector. These development. For this purpose, we review services were to be used by consumers of yet three case studies that were conducted to-be-launched third generation smart phones, during 2000-2009. All three studies have a similar to current BlackBerrys, Apple iPhones, similar basis and focus. and Nokia E- and S-series smart phones. All three case studies employed a modified Researchers worked with prototypes and version of the critical success factors sketches of such devices, as well as of approach (Peffers et al., 2003) as an aid in what the technology might enable consumers data collection. The in-depth laddering to do with their devices. The task was to find interviewing technique was also used “financial killer applications for 3G mobile phones”. Digia had conducted a strategic

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 53 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 7 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

analysis of the potential market and (Olson and Bakke, 2001) for recruiting considered that it would be very lucrative for participants to the study. The initial sample the firm to develop services for consumers of consisted of four key informants in the client smart phones. organization who, in turn, recommended potential participants outside of the Data collection. Digia Corporation did not organization. There were some concerns have experience with consumer products or about lead-user and the scalability of services and had no consumer base to this approach [Rogers, 1995]. However, Digia approach for requirements discovery deemed the project as a “blue sky” research purposes. Therefore, researchers proposed project and agreed to use the approach the use of the lead-user approach (von Hippel, despite its possible limitations. 1986) combined with snowball sampling

Table 3 - Demographic for the Mobile Financial Services Study, adapted from (Peffers and Tuunanen, 2005).

Age 20-29 yrs 12 30-39 yrs 14 40- yrs 6 Bachelor 10 Masters 18 Doctorate 4 Gender Male 27 Female 5

In order to understand and discover the tacit requirements discovery technique needs of consumers of mobile financial complemented the selected participant services, thirty-two in-depth laddering sampling technique. Laddering interviews interviews were conducted with potential provided a rich of contextual information lead-users. Demographics of the participants about the perceived system use including are depicted in Table 3 above. The majority systems features, the reasoning why of the participants were under forty years old participants would want to use such features, and all of the participants had a university and the values and goals of system use. degree. More than half of the participants There were more than 1000 individual also had a graduate degree, which is typical requirements in the data set. The for professionals in Finland. The participants’ requirements were further analyzed and 114 gender was male dominated, similar to the system features were developed. These were other two case studies. grouped into five conceptual feature sets. Furthermore, the enthusiastic participation of Findings. The findings of the study were very the interviewees indicates that the lead-user encouraging. Digia was able to develop approach is complementary to the use of the concept prototypes for mobile financial laddering in-depth interviewing technique. services (Peffers and Tuunanen, 2005). The potential lead-users were eager to share Although only potential lead users were used their views regarding future services and as participants in the study, the particular

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/554 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 8 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

almost all participants asked to see the final The two techniques were thus able provide report when it was completed. Finally, insights about 1) how to understand the according to the Digia product analyst, the context of system use when the majority of firm considered the method to be useful for a the users are consumers and 2) how number of . First, the method seems consumers can be engaged in systems to work well and it is easy to see why it works; development work. However, there is a second, the interviewer collecting data for the potential feature of lead users versus method needs no special abilities or skills, non-lead users. Lead-users may be and third, the resulting graphical maps are interested in more advanced features of the very helpful in understanding how people system, application or service than others. think about an issue. Full details of the study This may lead to false prioritization of the are available at (Peffers and Tuunanen, requirements. 2005).

Table 4 - Findings from Mobile Financial Services Study

Framework Theoretical Future research Findings Element(s) Approach topics Use of other Personal in-depth interviews provided cognitively rich a rich set of contextual information requirements In-depth Laddering about the perceived system use discovery Context of use interviews (Peffers et including systems features, reasoning techniques, such as al., 2003). why participants would want to use contextual design or such features, and values and goals of ethnographic system use. research. Potential feature bias The lead user method and snowball of lead users versus Use of potential lead- Participation in sampling provide anecdotal non-lead users. The users (von Hippel, Service for its efficacy for participation. The efficacy of using 1986) of the mobile Production use of laddering as an interviewing snowball sampling service technique supported participation. for participant recruitment.

Another issue with the lead-user approach is Case Study 2: Mobile Presence the efficacy of snowball sampling. Olson and Services Bakke (2001) have argued against this approach as they find that it is often difficult to Description. The Mobile Presence Services find “fresh” lead-users for development project [Tuunanen et al., 2006] was a joint projects. Therefore we caution that these two venture of more than twenty Finnish techniques should not be thought of as the organizations interested in digital marketing. only solutions for such development The study began in 2004 and it was situations. Other requirements discovery concluded in 2007. Nokia was the key techniques could be considered, such as participant in the project as at the time the contextual design (Holtzblatt and Beyer, company was investigating a new mobile 1993, Holtzblatt and Jones, 1996) or service called mobile presence. The was ethnographic research techniques. The key to include "presence” status information to the findings for this study are summarized in contact list of a mobile phone. This service Table 4. would enable a person to see if his or her colleagues were available for a chat or voice call etc. The project was therefore using a

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 55 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 9 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

technology platform that was not available to Data collection. Eighty-one in-depth public at that time. The technology was in laddering interviews were conducted with beta-testing phase and the technology had perceived potential lead-users of such not been sold to any telecom operators. services in Helsinki, Hong Kong and Las Nokia was especially interested in how Vegas. Table 5 below summarizes the consumers might want to use “presence demographic information of the participants. status” information besides their basic contact The data sets varied according to the location list. Nokia had only a limited understanding of with the exception of gender. In all locations what these mobile service features would be far more males participated than females. or how they might differ in various or geographic locations around the world.

Table 5 - Demographics for the Mobile Presences Services Study.

Helsinki Hong Kong Las Vegas Age Under 20 3 3 20-29 17 19 3 30-39 2 8 8 40-49 5 5 50-59 7 Education Secondary 22 1 12 Tertiary 3 10 8 Post Graduate 2 16 6

Gender 2 9 6 Female 26 18 20 Male Missing/ incomplete demographics 1

In Hong Kong, the participants were more illustrations of how consumers view such educated than elsewhere. In Las Vegas, the services in terms of features, but what is age distribution was more biased towards more interesting, the reasoning behind them people older than thirty years. These and the values that drove their needs for such differences can be traced to the snowball features. The outcome of the study was six sampling used. As the local field researcher conceptual mobile services that utilized initiated the snowball recruitment, the presence technology in an innovative way. participant demographics tended to resemble For example, “Information Access for Special to the demographics of the field researcher Interest Groups” is a service concept which (with exception of Helsinki). helps users who are members of special interest groups, such as clubs, churches or Findings. The final requirements professional organizations, to coordinate their specification included nearly 3500 individual activities and behavior. Another service requirements, which were then prioritized concept was “City Reporter” that focuses on using cluster analysis and rank-order how timely current information on city events, information of requirements derived from the restaurants, and would be interviewees. The analysis provided graphical valuable to users. Finally, “Presence

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/556 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 10 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Messaging” focuses on communicating the Secondly, it was found that the Hong Kong location of the user for better relationships participants identified with the mobile phone and communication potentially leading to for personal identity, whereas the participants more efficient performance and economic in Finland and USA did not. This was visible gains. More details about the service in the data set not only in relation to how concepts can be found from (Tuunanen et al., participants provided reasoning for the 2006). service feature, but also in the way they perceived how they would gain utility from the Table 6 summarizes the differences between service. The hedonic value drivers such as the requirements of the three example comfort, enjoyment, pleasure and self- service concepts. The numbers depict the actualization in life characterized the Hong origin of individual requirements that were Kong data set. By contrast, Finnish incorporated in the development of the participants tended to emphasize service concept. We also provide results of communication efficiency, whereas Las two-tailed t-tests and the percentage the Vegas participants had financial gains in mind. particular service concept commanded in the Although we realized that this finding could complete set of the requirements. The be potentially related to the sample of findings indicate a clear difference based on participants in Hong Kong (the majority of preferred service concepts and features them were in their 20s and 30s), it is very between geographic locations. This suggests interesting to find such a distinct difference in that a potentially interesting avenue for future value drivers for mobile phone usage in research would be to look at the role of different parts of the world. These findings culture in CIS development. We are currently were unexpected and led to the launch of investigating how reasoning and values or another on-going research project that tries to goals in the laddering data could be used as investigate how culture influences the identity ways to develop service concepts and how aspects of CIS use and development. The this would affect our understanding of findings of the study are summarized in Table requirements discovery activities. 7.

Table 6 - Comparison of Service Concepts, based on (Tuunanen et al., 2006)

Service concept Helsinki Hong Kong Las Vegas Sig. All City Reporter 15.57% 36.41% 16.40% .001 24.43% Information Access for Special 30.33% 11.52% 9.52% .001 15.15% Interest Groups Presence Messaging 8.20% 19.35% 25.93% .010 19.13%

Table 7 - Findings from Mobile Presence Services Study Framework Theoretical Approach Findings Future research topics Element(s) Social Actor Theory (Lamb, 2005, Lamb, 2006, Lamb and Kling, 2003). Culture and/or geographic Investigation of how Construction of Thematic clustering of laddering location seems to drive construction of identities can Identities interview data (Tuunanen et al., preference for mobile services be assisted by CIS 2004, Tuunanen et al., 2006). Hedonic Utility (Holbrook et al., 1984, Clear differences in goals and Development of alternative Customer Kahneman et al., 2003), Consumer values of users between different ways to analyze Goals and trade-offs (Green and Srinivasan, cultural regions. Different requirements data to reveal Outcomes 1990, Ostrom and Iacobucci, 1995) preferences for service features. cultural differences.

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 57 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 11 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Case Study 3: Interactive Television Data collection. Twenty-one individual Services laddering interviews were conducted with student participants within the business Description. The third and final study school at the university. Potential lead-users focused on how compelling end-user in technologies relevant to IPTV were experiences can be incorporated into the selected, such as those that were high users development of interactive television services of online chat, online streaming media, and/or (Tuunanen et al., 2010). In this research social networking websites. The data were project, the focus was on Internet Protocol TV analyzed using thematic clustering analysis (IPTV) based e-learning systems for tertiary (Tuunanen et al., 2004, Tuunanen et al., education, where students can participate in 2006). The demographic information of the a classroom from campus, home, or office interviewees is described in Table 8 below. with live interaction. More specifically, this The table shows a typical age distribution of research project looked at the development of undergraduate students in New Zealand. an IPTV e-learning service at a premier Most of the interviewees were majoring in IS, research university in New Zealand. IPTV is which explains the dominance of 2nd and 3rd defined as a system delivering digital year students. With this case study, males television services to users using Internet also dominated the gender distribution. protocol technology. Television content is transmitted over a high-speed broadband Findings. The findings of this study provide network. The project was conducted from some evidence for the need to focus on the 2007-2009. social use of information systems as suggested earlier (Lamb and Kling, 2003).

Table 8 - Demographics for the Interactive Television Services Study

Age Under 20 8 20 - 24 years 11 25-29 1 30-34 1 Education 3rd year undergraduate student 6 2nd year undergraduate student 13 1st year undergraduate student 2 Gender Male 17 Female 4

features, and personalized learning As the result of the requirements discovery (see Table 9 for ). These led to a exercise, seven service concepts for an requirements specification for an IPTV based Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) based e- e-learning system, which included 870 learning system emerged. These were individual requirements. More specifically, related to content management, content collaborative learning and interactive learning delivery, content availability, interactive related requirements showed that students learning, collaborative learning, user interface

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/558 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 12 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

expect social networking type features to categories of service concepts emerged. The enable learning. These include video concepts that generally describe conferencing, ranking of learning content and characteristics for experiential uses include visual avatars for presenting one’s identity etc. learning oriented feature sets such as This finding indicates that as the social nature “Collaborative Learning”, “Interactive of information systems use is becoming more Learning”, “Personalized Learning Space”, important, then we need to study how this and “User Interface Features”, whereas, the affects not only the design and development concepts “Content availability”, “Content of IS, but also the expected goals and Management”, and “Content Delivery” outcomes of systems use. This raises an generally depict uses for goal-directed interesting question about how this might consumption behaviors. affect user acceptance (Venkatesh et al., The findings indicate that all seven themes 2003) of such systems and our current relate in some way to the concept of flow. understanding of how this could be measured. Finally, the results indicate that the study Next, we analyzed the data set to see how participants valued the experience of flow in the “flow concept” impacts the perceived use the online learning environment and that the of the proposed system (Agarwal and experience of flow does play a role in the Karahanna, 2000, Csikszentmihaly, 1991, Hill design of interactive technologies for et al., 2002). More specifically, we looked at consumers. The findings also suggest that as how consumers of such services would like to part of users’ cognitive thinking processes, be engaged with the developed CIS and the consumers value experiences that engage usefulness of the concept of flow. We found them in their learning (as opposed to being evidence of experiential and goal-directed merely passive). The findings are consumption behaviors in all seven IPTV summarized in Table 10. service concepts. Furthermore, two distinct

Table 9 - IPTV Service Concepts

Service Concepts Descriptions

Content Delivery Lecture material, external links, user log , pause & skip

Web-based, use anytime, on demand, variety of media & save to Content Availability hard drive Content Management Updated content, search, notifications, reminders & alerts Forum, conferencing, sharing & uploading content, content rating, Collaborative Learning user recommended content & popular content Quiz, games for learning, virtual classroom, tagging, user Interactive Learning generated content, user comments & notes section Personalized Learning Personalized content, music & configuring the system to more Space personal

Configuring the system, how it looks & how information is User Interface Features presented

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 59 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 13 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Table 10 - Findings from Interactive Television Services Study

Framework Future Research Theoretical Approach Findings Element(s) Topics

Social networking tools were In-depth Laddering interviews The increased “expected features” of the Social nature (Peffers et al., 2003). Social Actor emphasis on the system in the final of Use Theory (Lamb, 2005, Lamb, social nature of IS requirements specification 2006, Lamb and Kling, 2003) use document.

Exploration of using Flow in The concept of flow seems to Incorporation of the Service developing interactive services be important for consumers in flow concept into IS Process (Agarwal and Karahanna, 2000, order for them to experience development Experience Csikszentmihaly, 1991, Hill et al., pleasure and enjoyment from . 2002) CIS use.

Discussion understanding the tacit needs and requirements of consumers. Further studies We have proposed a framework for the co- should be done, however, to understand the creation of value in consumer information social nature of CIS use and how this might systems. The framework implies a re- affect requirements discovery and user conceptualization of information systems acceptance of CIS. When considering the development for digital services with a focus impact of CIS use on service process on consumers instead of organizational users. experience, the concept of flow appears to be The framework includes six elements that useful in helping us to understand how need to be considered in CIS development; hedonic benefit is created by CIS. The these are further divided into system value challenge remains, however, how to integrate propositions and customer value drivers. the concept of flow into the actual CIS System value propositions consist of 1) social development process. This brings us to the nature of use, 2) construction of identities, problem of discovering customer goals and and 3) the context of use; customer value desired customer outcomes. drivers include 1) customer participation in service production, 2) the service process Our findings concur with earlier research experience, and 3) customer goals and [Kujala, 2003, e.g., Tait and Vessey, 1988] outcomes associated with system use. that has shown user participation to be Customer goal and outcome setting may beneficial for IS project success. However, it differ between consumers and organizational is more difficult to say how and when this users, particularly in terms of the balance participation should occur, particularly in between hedonic and utilitarian use of the relation to value co-creation in CIS. Our systems. findings indicate that the lead user approach can be used, at least on ad hoc basis, for In order to demonstrate the potential understanding tacit needs and requirements usefulness of our framework, we analyzed of consumers. This approach has been three case studies. Our findings reveal that challenged, however, with questions raised the laddering interviewing technique [Peffers about how it can be used repeatedly in et al., 2003, Reynolds and Gutman, 1988] development work [Olson and Bakke, 2001]. can contribute towards our understanding of The question remains: what to take account how consumers construct their identities of when developing these systems for global based on CIS use. Our findings indicate that markets? the lead user approach can also be used for

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/560 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 14 Tuunanen et al.: A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Developme A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

Conclusions production, 2) the service process experience, and 3) customer goals and outcomes This paper is motivated by the shift towards associated with system use. service-oriented economies in the developed world and the of a new research We acknowledge that our proposed field, called service science (IfM and IBM, framework does not cover all the aspects of 2008). This shift has several implications for value co-creation in CIS. Our framework IS researchers. ignores issues such as the management of consumer information systems or their Firstly, we need research about how to deployment into global markets; it also design and develop digitized services. ignores more technical issues, such as the Secondly, any new development method use of cloud computing and its integration needs to take account of the that into CIS. However, we believe that our digitized services are increasingly targeted to proposed framework for the development of consumers instead of organizational users. digitized services, focusing as it does on the Finally, recent research indicates that co-creation of value for consumers, is one consumption is motivated by the predicted possible way forward. utility of the good or service and that consumers use both rational (utilitarian) and Currently, we are continuing to investigate emotional-based (hedonic) assessments of one of the emerging application areas of CIS utility in their consumption decisions. This in our research, namely Interactive Television suggests the need for a reappraisal of Services. Our intention is to assist the TV information systems development methods industry to push the current envelope of for digitized services. provided services and create an Interactive Television Service platform for consumers. We have proposed a framework for the The objective is to provide further answers to development of digitized services. Our the question of how we might be best utilize framework includes six elements that need to our framework to help ensure that CIS be considered in CIS development; these are development methods contribute to the co- further divided into system value propositions creation of value in consumer information and customer value drivers. System value systems. propositions consist of 1) social nature of use, 2) construction of identities, and 3) the context of use; customer value drivers include 1 Developed by Fabien Sanglard, 1) customer participation in service http://fabiensanglard.net/fluide/

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Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.47-66 / March 2010 65 Published by AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2010 19 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 2, Iss. 1 [2010], Art. 5 A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development / Tuunanen et al.

About the Authors times and is third most cited paper to appear Tuure Tuunanen is Senior Research Fellow in MIS Quarterly. He also won the Best Paper in the Department of Information Processing Award (with Lynda Harvey) for the best paper Science at the University of Oulu. He holds a published in Information Technology & D.Sc. (Econ) in information systems and People in 1997. He currently serves as M.Sc. (Econ) in marketing from Helsinki Senior Editor of Information Systems School of Economics. His current research Research and as Editor of the ISWorld interests lie in the areas of IS development Section on Qualitative Research. He methods and processes, requirements previously served as Senior Editor of MIS engineering, risk management, and Quarterly from 2001-2005 and as Associate convergence of IS and marketing disciplines, Editor of Information Systems Journal from specifically in design of interactive consumer 1995-2000. He also served as President of services and products. Dr. Tuunanen is a Co- the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Information in 2006-2007 and as Chair of the Technology Theory and Application (JITTA). International Federation of Information Michael D. Myers is Professor of Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 8.2 from Systems and Head of the Department of 2006-2008. Michael is a Fellow of the Information Systems and Operations Association for Information Systems. Management at the University of Auckland Harold Cassab (PhD Washington) is a Business School, Auckland, New Zealand. Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University His research articles have been published in of Auckland, New Zealand. His current many journals and books. He won the Best research interests include product and Paper award (with Heinz Klein) for the most service design strategies and consumer outstanding paper published in MIS Quarterly response to product and service design. in 1999. This paper has been cited over 1500

https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol2/iss1/566 Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 47-66 /March 2010 DOI: 10.17705/1pais.02104 20