The SewaneeMountain MESSENGER Vol. XXX No. 31 Friday, September 5, 2014 Open House at CAC’s Sewanee New Offi ces at Otey Civic Assn. Th e Community Action Committ ee (CAC) will host an open house and potluck luncheon to celebrate its new offi ce space in Claiborne Parish House Hosts First of Otey Parish. Th e event will be 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 13. Everyone is welcome. Located in the back of the new Meeting building, there is a nice private entrance. A ramp means the space is wheelchair- The first meeting for the Advent accessible and makes unloading food semester of the Sewanee Civic Asso- easier. Th ere is also a reception area for ciation will be Wednesday, Sept. 17, at clients and guests, and offi ce space for the EQB House. the director. If you have volunteered, Social time with wine begins at 6 are a client, care about, support or are p.m., and dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. curious about seeing CAC’s new space, Dinner is $13 per person. Th e busi- please come and enjoy a time of fel- ness meeting begins promptly at 7 lowship, a potluck meal and music by p.m., followed by a brief program. Th e Bazzania. program portion of the evening is free Bring a side dish or a dessert with you for the meal. If you cannot bring a dish, and open to the public. come help set up or clean up. Please email or call Bett y Carpenter, <cacoteypar- Annual dues of $10 are always pay-
[email protected]> or 598-5927.