Species of Greatest Conservation Need

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Species of Greatest Conservation Need Appendix 1 - Species of Greatest Conservation Need Michigan’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015-2025 Cover Photos Credits Habitat – MNFI, Yu Man Lee Cerulean Warbler – Roger Eriksson MICHIGAN’S WILDLIFE ACTION PLAN 2015-2025 Species of Greatest Conservation Need List & Rationales SGCN List Mussels Snails A fingernail clam ( Pisidium simplex ) A land snail (no common name) ( Catinella gelida ) Black sandshell ( Ligumia recta ) A land snail (no common name) ( Catinella protracta ) Clubshell ( Pleurobema clava ) A land snail (no common name) ( Euconulus alderi ) Creek Heelsplitter ( Lasmigona compressa ) A land snail (no common name) ( Glyphyalinia solida ) Deertoe ( Truncilla truncata ) A land snail (no common name) ( Vallonia gracilicosta Eastern Elliptio ( Elliptio complanata ) albula ) Eastern pondmussel ( Ligumia nasuta ) A land snail (no common name) ( Vertigo modesta Elktoe ( Alasmidonta marginata ) modesta ) A land snail (no common name) ( Vertigo modesta Ellipse ( Venustaconcha ellipsiformis ) parietalis ) European pea clam ( Sphaerium corneum ) Acorn ramshorn ( Planorbella multivolvis ) Fawnsfoot ( Truncilla donaciformis ) An aquatic snail (no common name) ( Planorbella smithi ) Flutedshell ( Lasmigona costata ) Banded globe ( Anguispira kochi ) Giant northern pea clam ( Pisidium idahoense ) Boreal fossaria ( Fossaria galbana ) Greater European pea clam ( Pisidium amnicum ) Broadshoulder physa ( Physella parkeri ) Hickorynut ( Obovaria olivaria ) Brown walker ( Pomatiopsis cincinnatiensis ) Kidney shell ( Ptychobranchus fasciolaris ) Bugle fossaria ( Fossaria cyclostoma ) Lake floater ( Pyganodon lacustris ) Campeloma spire snail ( Cincinnatia cincinnatiensis ) Lilliput ( Toxolasma parvus ) Canadian duskysnail ( Lyogyrus walkeri ) Northern riffleshell ( Epioblasma torulosa rangiana ) Carinate pillsnail ( Euchemotrema hubrichti ) Ornamanted peaclam ( Pisidium cruciatum ) Carolina mantleslug ( Philomycus carolinianus ) Paper pondshell ( Utterbackia imbecillis ) Cherrystone drop ( Hendersonia occulta ) Pink heelsplitter ( Potomilus alatus ) Coldwater pondsnail ( Stagnicola woodruffi ) Pink papershell ( Potamilus ohiensis ) Copper button ( Mesomphix cupreus ) Purple lilliput ( Toxolasma lividus ) Crested vertigo ( Vertigo cristata ) Purple wartyback ( Cyclonaias tuberculata ) Crested vertigo ( Vertigo pygmaea ) Rainbow ( Villosa iris ) Deep -th roat vertigo ( Vertigo nylanderi ) Rayed bean ( Villosa fabalis ) Deepwater pondsnail ( Stagnicola contracta ) River fingernail clam ( Sphaerium fabale ) Delicate vertigo ( Vertigo bollesiana ) Round hickorynut ( Obovaria subrotunda ) Depressed ambersnail ( Oxyloma peoriense ) Round lake floater ( Pyganodon subgibbosa ) Domed disc ( Discus patulus ) Round peaclam ( Pisidium equilaterale ) Eastern flat -whorl ( Planogyra asteriscus ) Round pigtoe ( Pleurobema sintoxia ) File thorn ( Carychium nannodes ) Salamander mussel ( Simpsonaias ambigua ) Flanged valvata ( Valvata winnebagoensis ) Slippershell ( Alasmidonta viridis ) Flat dome ( Ventridens suppressus ) Snuffbox ( Epioblasma triquetra ) Foster mantleslug ( Pallifera fosteri ) Threehorn wartyback ( Obliquaria reflexa ) Globe siltsnail ( Birgella subglobosus ) Wavyrayed lampmussel ( Lampsilis fasciola ) Gravel pyrg ( Pyrgulopsis letsoni ) White catspaw ( Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua ) Great Lakes physa ( Physella magnalacustris ) Appendix 1 Page 1 of 39 MICHIGAN’S WILDLIFE ACTION PLAN 2015-2025 Species of Greatest Conservation Need List & Rationales Honey vertigo ( Vertigo tridentata ) Russet -tipped clubtail ( Stylurus plagiatus ) Hubricht's vertigo ( Vertigo hubrichti ) Lake Superior ramshorn ( Helisoma anceps royalense ) Insects: Stoneflies A stonefly ( Isogenoides doratus ) Lambda snaggletooth ( Gastrocopta holzingeri ) Arctic Sprintfly ( Arcynopteryx compacta ) Median striate ( Striatura meridionalis ) Mystery vertigo ( Vertigo paradoxa ) Insects: Grasshoppers & Crickets Petoskey p ondsnail ( Stagnicola petoskeyensis ) Atlantic -coast locust ( Psinidia fenestralis ) Pleistocene catinella ( Catinella exile ) Blue -legged locust ( Melanoplus flavidus ) Proud globe ( Mesodon elevatus ) Bog conehead ( Neoconocephalus lyristes ) Proud globelet ( Mesodon pennsylvanicus ) Davis's shield -bearer ( Atlanticus davisi ) Purplecap valvata ( Valvata perdepressa ) Delicate meadow katydid ( Orchelimum delicatum ) Pyramid dome ( Ventridens intertextus ) Green desert grasshopper ( Orphulella pelidna ) Sealed globelet ( Mesodon mitchellianus ) Hoosier locust ( Paroxya hoosieri ) Six -whorl vertigo ( Vertigo morsei ) Lake Huron locust ( Trimerotropis huroniana ) Smooth coil ( Helicodiscus singleyanus ) Pine katydid ( Scudderia fasciata ) Southeastern gem ( Hawaiia alachuana ) Red -faced meadow katydid ( Orchelimum concinnum ) Spike -lip crater ( Appalachina sayanus ) Secretive locust ( Appalachia arcana ) Spindle lymnaea ( Acella haldemani ) Tamarack tree cricket ( Oecanthus laricis ) Sterki's granule ( Guppya sterkii ) Tapered vertigo (Vertigo elatior ) Insects: Cicadas & Hoppers Angular spittlebug ( Lepyronia angulifera ) Trumpet vallonia ( Vallonia parvula ) Great Plains spittlebug ( Lepyronia gibbosa ) Velvet wedge ( Xolotrema denotata ) Huron River leafhopper ( Flexamia huroni ) Watercress snail ( Fontigens nickliniana ) Leafhopper ( Dorydiella kansana ) Widespread column ( Pupilla muscorum ) Leafhopper ( Flexamia reflexus ) Yellow globelet ( Mesodon clausus ) Robertson's Flightless Planthopper ( Fitchiella Crayfish robertsoni ) Big water crayfish ( Cambarus robustus ) Insects: Beetles Calico crayfish or Papershell crayfish ( Orconectes Black lordithon rove beetle ( Lordithon niger ) immunis ) Cantrall's bog beetle ( Liodessus cantralli ) Insects: Mayflies Douglas stenelmis riffle beetle ( Stenelmis douglasensis ) A mayfly ( Epeorus suffusus ) Hungerford's crawling water beetle ( Brychius A mayfly ( Habrophlebiodes americana ) hungerfordi ) Walker's tusked sprawler ( Anthopotamus verticis ) Six -banded longhorn beetle ( Dryobius sexnotatus ) Insects: Dragonflies & Damselflies Insects: Bees Elusive snaketail ( Stylurus notatus ) Rusty -patched bumble bee ( Bombus affinis ) Extra -striped snaketail ( Ophiogomphus anomalus ) Yellow banded bumble bee ( Bombus terricola ) Grey petaltail ( Tachopteryx thoreyi ) Insects: Caddisflies Hine's emerald dragonfly ( Somatochlora hineana ) A caddisfly ( Limnephilus pallens ) Incurvate emerald ( Somatochlora incurvata ) Laura's snaketail ( Stylurus laurae ) Insects: Butterflies & Moths Pygmy snaketail ( Ophiogomphus howei ) 3-striped oncocnemis ( Oncocnemis piffardi ) Riverine snaketail ( Stylurus amnicola ) Aweme borer ( Papaipema aweme ) Appendix 1 Page 2 of 39 MICHIGAN’S WILDLIFE ACTION PLAN 2015-2025 Species of Greatest Conservation Need List & Rationales Blazing star borer ( Papaipema beeriana ) The relic ( Dichagyris reliqua ) Boreal brachionyncha ( Brachionycha borealis ) Three -horned moth ( Pachypolia atricornis ) Corylus dagger moth ( Acronicta falcula ) Three -staff underwing ( Catocala amestris ) Culvers root borer ( Papaipema sciata ) Yellow -banded day -sphinx ( Proserpinus flavofasciata ) Doll's merolonche ( Merolonche dolli ) Dukes' skipper ( Euphyes dukesi ) Insects: Fishflies A fishfly ( Neohermes concolor ) Dune cutworm ( Euxoa aurulenta ) Dusted skipper ( Atrytonopsis hianna ) Fish Early hairstreak ( Erora laeta ) Bigmouth shiner ( Notropis dorsalis ) Freija fritillary ( Boloria freija ) Black Redhorse ( Moxostoma duquesnei ) Frigga fritillary ( Boloria frigga ) Brindled madtom ( Noturus miurus ) Frosted elfin ( Incisalia irus ) Channel darter ( Percina copelandi ) Giant eucosma moth ( Eucosma giganteana ) Creek chubsucker ( Erimyzon claviformis ) Gold moth ( Basilodes pepita ) Eastern sand darter ( Ammocrypta pellucida ) Golden borer ( Papaipema cerina ) Ives lake cisco ( Coregonus hubbsi ) Grizzled skipper ( Pyrgus wyandot ) Kiyi ( Coregonus kiyi ) Karner blue ( Lycaeides melissa samuelis ) Lake herring or Cisco ( Coregonus artedi ) Large marble ( Euchloe ausonides ) Lake sturgeon ( Acipenser fulvescens ) Leadplant moth ( Schinia lucens ) Mooneye ( Hiodon tergisus ) Macoun's arctic ( Oeneis macounii ) Northern madtom ( Noturus stigmosus ) Magdalen underwing ( Catocala illecta ) Orangethroat darter ( Etheostoma spectabile ) Maritime sunflower borer ( Papaipema maritima ) Pugnose minnow ( Opsopoeodus emiliae ) Michigan dune dart ( Copablepharon michiganensis ) Pugnose shiner ( Notropis anogenus ) Mitchell's satyr ( Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii ) Redside dace ( Clinostomus elongatus ) Monarch Butterfly ( Danaus plexipp us ) River darter ( Percina shumardi ) Mottled duskywing ( Erynnis martialis ) River redhorse ( Moxostoma carinatum ) Newman's brocade ( Meropleon ambifusca ) Sauger ( Sander canadensis ) Northern blue ( Lycaeides idas nabokovi ) Shortjaw cisco ( Coregonus zenithicus ) Northern hairstreak ( Fixsenia favonius ontario ) Silver chub ( Macrhybopsis storeriana ) Ottoe skipper ( Hesperia ottoe ) Silver shiner ( Notropis photogenis ) Persius dusky wing ( Erynnis persius persius ) Siskiwit lake cisco ( Coregonus bartlettii ) Phlox moth ( Schinia indiana ) Southern redbelly dace ( Phoxinus erythrogaster ) Pine imperial moth ( Eacles imperialis pini ) Spoonhead sculpin ( Cottus ricei ) Pipevine swallowtail ( Battus philenor ) Starhead topminnow ( Fundulus dispar ) Poweshiek skipperling ( Oarisma poweshiek ) Quiet underwing ( Catocala dulciola ) Amphibians Blanchard's cricket frog ( Acris crepitans blanchardi ) Red -disked alpine ( Erebia discoidalis ) Boreal chorus frog ( Pseudacris
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