COMITÉ EXECUTIVO DO OMCC: COORDENADORES DOS GIs: Francisco Salvador, Presidente Sung Min, Son APG D. Francisco Senra Coelho, Assis. Espiritual Han Alvaro Moreno, GECC Romy Raimundo, Secretária FilipeVanososte, GLCC Joaquim Mota, Vice-presidente Estelita René, NACG Fausto Dâmaso, Tesoureiro Mário Bastos,Vogal MONTHLY NEWSLETTER MAY - 2017 V World Ultreya Toda Correspondência para:
[email protected] Endereço Postal: Rua do Farol, 6 2520-401 Peniche - PORTUGAL Tel: +351 262787984◊ telemóvel: +351 914771314 COMITÉ EXECUTIVO DO OMCC: COORDENADORES DOS GIs: Francisco Salvador, Presidente Sung Min, Son APG D. Francisco Senra Coelho, Assis. Espiritual Han Alvaro Moreno, GECC Romy Raimundo, Secretária FilipeVanososte, GLCC Joaquim Mota, Vice-presidente Estelita René, NACG Fausto Dâmaso, Tesoureiro Mário Bastos,Vogal The V World Ultreia ran with the greatest enthusiasm, however, for lack of time, it has not been possible to hear the resonances to the rollo-rollo. For this reason the Executive Committee beg apologies to our brothers Rhonda Porteous (Australia), Guillermo Mejía (Dominican Republic), Loles Gallego (Spain), Maribel Gomez (USA), Rocío Ramírez Múnera (Colombia), Rob Paul (South Africa), Sherma Charles (Grenada) e Seo Wang Suk (South Korea). So that everyone can access we published their speeches: RESONANCES Rhonda Porteous Australia One of the first people I met at an international gathering of Cursillo was Juan Ruiz when he was the OMCC President and he came to Australia for the 19th Asia Pacific Encounter in 2006. I remember his ability to share his love of God, his friendship and his knowledge with us. At that encounter, his enthusiasm and commitment inspired me. Once again, we have been blessed to have brother Juan, share his journey.