Volume 8 Article 10 Issue 3 Spring

3-15-1989 Haunted By Home Leroy Thomas

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Recommended Citation Thomas, Leroy (1989) "Haunted By Home," Westview: Vol. 8 : Iss. 3 , Article 10. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/westview/vol8/iss3/10

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Haunted By Home A Review

By Leroy Thomas

Lynn Riggs is a too honored University” (Chapter 3), “The Big Riggs as one who had a “firm but writer not to be included Time: Broadway, Yaddo, and ” tender love of the word” and says in this Western Oklahomajournal. (Chapter 4), “ Success Without that his "courage and conviction” Phyllis Cole Braunlich’s HAUNTED Stability: The debut of GREEN serve as examples “for writers BY HOME: THE LIFE AND LET­ GROW THE LILACS” (Chapter everywhere who believe in their TERS OF LYNN RIGGS (ISBN 6), “ Reflected Glory: GREEN material and who know that what 0-8061-2142-4) was published in GROW THE LILACS Returns as they have to say must be said in November, 1988 by the OU Press OKLAHOMA!” (Chapter 10), and spite of all.” and will probably prove to be a “ Facing Toward the Western Sky” HAUNTED BY HOME has re­ major breakthrough in Riggs (Chapter 11). Within these pages, ceived praise from scholars and scholarship. Braunlich describes what Riggs’ writers such as Dr. Paul Ruggiers Riggs' most prized work was friend Spud Johnson portrayed and Paul Horgan as well as from GREEN GROW THE LILACS, upon as "a long walk, in the rain.” actress Celeste Holm and director which the Rodgers and Ham- B ra u n lic h ’s biography is a Mary Hunter Wolf. merstein musical OKLAHOMA! chronicle of Riggs'association was based. with the literary and cafe society B raunlich’s biography (248 on both coasts and in New Mexico pages, 17 illustrations, notes, and HAUNTED BY HOME contains during the twenties, thirties, and bibliogaphy) isa necessity for the eleven chapters, and each title is a forties and reveals his close friends private and public library and may drawing card for an interesting and associates to be Paul Green, be purchased for $24.95 from the expose. Examples include “ The Barrett H. Clark, , Press Golden World of Santa Fe” (Chap­ and . (1005 Asp Avenue — Norman ter 1), “ Breaking Out: Oklahoma Braunlich, a Tulsa writer, cites 73019:405-325-5111). ■

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