Robert Becker Casa S
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^fsspyto.^. —*~r~ a~-'B BECKER, Robert C. Date oi birth Ordained April 29, 1965 Nationality i Date Appointed Assignment Charge Date Left 6-30-65 Queen of Martyrs Asst. 11/1/72 Post-graduate studies - Canon Law 11/1/72 6/74 7/24/74 O.L. of the Snows Associate 11/26/75 7/24/74 Notary and Procurator Advocate of the Metropolitan Tribunal 11/26/75 St Clement Associate Extraordinary Appointments 3/31/76 Vice-Off icialis, Metropolitan Trib. fey^ gf/6%B°nd / y**/&$ **4s //-l?(e? //- -7 -#-£ -/2<jctA*fr&u*. C\*6 /*/**Sx? «-7-rte ^<>*&s£fc<+M,. C&QJjLj} /t itftf** • /a.'/>*/?? S4/A*/J? 4'f?A^'f(. r~ F%4 OX df5 (.'«•••." ., -':cy0s o> o o o o o o ,V" # o; LT* (/". ARCHDIOCESE OF "Oii^AQ^ ""* Uu^ (Please type all information) ANam e Becker Robert Charles (last) (first) (middle) St. Andrew Bom Chicago 111 (OtV) (pansh) Baptized Aug 28,—1939 Shieaqo 111 St. Andrew (date) 3 (aty) (sutel (parish) Ordained. April 29, 1965 Mundelein, 111 St. Mary of Lake Sem (date) {an) (state) (location) Ordaining Bishop M. Rev. Cletus O'Donnell Admin., Archdiocese of Chicago (name) (diocese) First Solemn Mass May 2 1965 Chicago 111 St. Margaret of Scotland (date) (parish) Name of Father Living • Deceased TJ Name of Mother (maiden) Living • Deceased ^^ Nationality German, French, Scotch-Irish Home Parish St. Joachim. Chicago Social Security Number Present Residence Chicago. Ill St. Gertrude 764-3621 (OtV) (pansnl (telephone i In case of emergency notify: 1 brother (relationship) (aty) (state) (zip coae) (rurm) (rvldtionsnip) (address) (telepnuntr) i°**) (state) (zip codei How is your health at the present time? Q Good ?g Fair C Poor Comment: AOC 000002 Schools Attended Elementary St. Joachim Chicago 111 1945-1953 (name) (city) (state) (yean) (name) (atv) (state) (years) Secondary Quigley Prep. Sem, Chicago Til 1953-1958 (name) (atv) (state) (yean) (atv) (years) College (name) (aty) (slate) (yean) Philosophy —St-.—Mary of Lake Sem Mnnriel pin Til iqRfl-IQfil (name) (atv) (state) (years) Theology St. Mary nf the Lake Sem, Mundelein 111 1961-1965 (name) (atv) (state) (years) (name) (atv) (stale) (years) 191972-197/; Post Graduate Pontifical Gregorian Univ. Rome Italy (name) (atv) (state) (yearsi (name) (atv) (state) (years) (name) (atv) (state) (years) 1965 Degrees Earned S.T.L. St. Mary of the Lake Sem (degree) (college or universitv) (year) J.C.L. Pontif. Greq.Univ 1974 (decree) (college or universitv) (year) (decreet (college or universitv) (yean Degrees Honorary (degree) (college or universitv; (year) Works Published _ (degree) (college or universitv) (year) Works Published _ (title) (date) (publisher! ,' i't (title) (datel, (publisher) (title) (dote) (publisher) Ecclesiastical Honors Received (date) (dale) (datel I am familiar with the following modern languages. Please indicate degree of fluency Proficiency to Language Reading Proficiency Speaking Proficiency Celebrate Sacraments High Moderate Slight High Moderate Slight High Moderate Slight D • • • D • D D D • D • D a a D D D • • • • D • D D D D • • D D D D D D D D • D D a • D D AOC 000003 (n addition to mv official assignment(s) I am currently engaged in the following priestly activities- Simple Cur.,11.. i.,niev..irtoreim...usi My personal preference with regard to PARISH work that would favor my assignment to (mark as#l. the kinds of parishes in which you have the deepest interest. marK as #2, those in which you liave a moderate interest, mark as #3, those in which you have a little interest, mark as 0. those in zuhich you have no interest)- No Special Preference Suburban Parish 0> Black Parish Citv Parish _G Bilingual Parish (specify language) & Changing Parish 0 Hispanic Apostolate Parish Other (descnbe) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Please descnbe any special expenence, training, and talents that should be considered in making your assignments . f Arefees i. •<? "it., *jj. v\x; »'i»v *mm Skills Inventory Pastoral and description of experience, Administration What When Description'' education and/or certification C Supervision LJ Counseling D Crisis Counseling C Leadership Development D Pre-Mantal Counseling Z Conflict Management LJ Home Visitation Z Program Development C Inactive Visitation Z Evaluation D Community Visitation ^Liturgical & Homiletical (Z Planning and Goal Setting D Youth Ministry Z Financial Budgeting [j Young Adult Ministr\r Z Office Management (Z Adult Education Z Written Commumcahon C Spiritual Renewal Program D Pansh SLhool Involvement C Oral Communication (specify) (Z Listening Skills D Religious Education (specih) [Z Negotiating Skills £?"Hospiral Visitation C Team-Building Skills 2?Nursing Home Visitation G Parish Renewal [Z Committee Skills fZ New Member Recruitment (Z Community Organization £T Funerals CZ Grant Wnhng E"Weddings *Descnbe in 20 letters or less AOC 000004 Full Time Assignments (Chronological) P —Assoc. Pastor, Queen of Martyrs Parish, 1965 - 1972 (from) (tu) (ptmtion) Graduate studies in Canon Law, Rome Italy 1972 - 197-4 (position) (from) (tu) Matrimonial Tribunal of Archd. of Chi, Advocate 1974-75 (position) (from) II 11 If 11 Vice-Off icialis 1 Q7A-1 QH7, (position) (from) (hi) ft II II II Ovvicial is 1983-1986 (position t (from) (10) " » II " Judge 1986 - current (position) (from) HOI (position) (from) (to) (poMhonj (from) (to) (position) (Irumj (to) (posmun) (from) (till (position) (from) (lo) Administrative Assignments National or U.S.C.C. (position) (from, (to) Dinrpsan [ ?=;^f=» ahnvp ] (position) (from) (10) (pOMtion> (from) (In) (posit ton) (froml (10) (position) (from) (to) *J* \ i ^ tpOSition) - ** (from I Other Assignments: - .(portion 1 (Iniml (to) (poMtiortl . (Inimi (till - \ S' (position i '. « (Iroml (to) (position) {Iniml (till (fmm» (position) (from) My present major, official assignment is Judge. Matrimonial Tribunal at 155 E ,—Superior (address) Noy. ,1086 [mom AOC 000005 Military Service none (name of service) (position) (rank) (dates) (name or service) (posinon) (rank) (dates) (name 01 service) (position) (rank) (dares) Hospitalization Insurance Blue Cross - Blue Sheild [Archd. plan] (insuring company) Automobile Liability Insurance _ Aetna [Archd. plan] (insuring company) Last Will and Testament about 1968 (date of most recent coov) (place) Do vou have a copy in a sealed envelope on file m the Chancery7 I think sn Funeral Arrangements Preferred Place of Bunal family plot, (Filed at the Chancery Office, together with a recent copy of the Will, should be a letter of instructions to be opened at the time of death ) ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO {Please type all information) NAME Becker Robert Charles (last) (first) (middle) BORN Chicago Illinois St. Andrew (dale) (city) (state) (parish) BAPTIZED AU8* 27> 1939 Chicago Illinois St. Andrew (date) (city) (state) (parish) ORDAINED April 29, 1965 Mundelein, Illinois St. Margaret of Sco (date) (city) (state) (parish) ORDAINING PRELATE Most Rev. Cletus O'Denneil Aux. of Chicago (name) (diocese) FIRST SOLEMN MASS May 2, 1965 Chicago Illinois St. Margaret of S (date) (city) (state) (parish) NAME OF FATHER Living • Deceased Q NAME OF MOTHER (maiden) Living Q Deceased \Q ft Father: French, German, Scotch Irish '/97Z; NATIONALITY:Mother: Bavarian, French Canadian HOME PARISH: a KNOWLEDGE OF MODERN LANGUAGES •$>THER THAN ENGLISH. Poor Average Fluent /"•>>i Reading ..» v • • • "' Z **k Sp0ken • • • 'd z* Confessional Work Only .J INCASE OF EMERGENCY NOTIFY. Brother, sister-in-law AOC 000007 SCHOOLS ATTENDED ELEMENTARY St :. Joachim Chicago Illinois 1945-1953 (name) (city) *" (state) (years) St. Andrew Chicago Illinois 1947-48 (oart of (name) (city) (state) (years) 5™ gra SECONDARY Ouigley Prep. Sem Chicago 111 1953-58 (name) (city) (state) (years) (name) (city) (state) (years) COLLEGE (name) (city) (state) (years) PHILOSOPHY St. Mary of Lake Mundelein 111 1958-61 (name) (city) (state) (years) THEOLOGY St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein 111 1961-65 (name) (city) (state) (years) POSTGRADUATE (name) (city) (state) (years) (name) (city) (state) (years) (name) (city) (state) (years) DEGREES EARNED A.B. St. Mary of Lake 1961 (degree) (college or university) (year) M.A. St. Mary of Lake 1964 (SRllS8eMa±'5'vSSftvLake S.T.L. St. Mary of Lake B8 (degree) (college or university) (year) DEGREES HONORARY (degree) (college or university) (year) WORKS PUBLISHED (title) (date) (publisher) (title) (date) (publisher) (title) (date) (publisher) ECCLESIASTICAL HONORS RECEIVED (date) (date) (date) AOC 000008 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENTS: NATIONAL OR N.C.W.C. (position) (from) (to) DIOCESAN Notary and Defender of the Bond (position) (position) (from) (to) PAROCHIAL AND CHAPLAIN ASSIGNMENTS: (Chronological)oloAcal)^, . Queen of Martyrs Parish lLa^u<il^Js julvf 1965 - VW3^> position) (from) (to) S T Post Graduate studies-Canon Law-Rome fa - 7//t/?Y (position) uromj \\o) . O. L. of the Snows Associate /position) St. Clement Jt.Ai^iiJ^ (fro'm^ ' (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) .-(from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) OTHER ASSIGNMENTS: (e.g. Moderator of diocesan organizations, etc.1 (, > u (A J *jy*~7} ^positiontposition); ' (fp6m) ' (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) (position) (from) (to) AOC 000009 MILITARY SERVICE (name of service) (position) (rank) (dates) (name of service) (position) (rank) (dates) (name of service) (position) (rank) (dates) HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCL Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (insuring company) AUTOMOB1LI LIABILITY INSU RANCF Federal Mutual Insurance Company (insuring company)