#05 | theoccupiedtimes.com 23NOV2011

Fortnum Judge Ignores Video Evidence RORY MACKINNON

Occupation activists were left reeling had “no doubt” the group intended to this week after a London court quashed intimidate police, security, staff and video evidence from the Fortnum Fifty, customers by sheer force of numbers. ruling that police made “no explicit or But there were audible gasps in the implicit promise” not to arrest them. courtroom as he read: “At no point was The first 10 defendants sat in stunned there an express or implicit promise by silence at Westminster Magistrates’ police that the protesters would not be Court as a district judge convicted them arrested” — apparently quashing video of aggravated trespass — with camp evidence of a chief inspector addressing residents telling the Occupied Times protesters. they could never trust a cop again. The footage, screened three times The charges stem from UK Uncut’s during the trial, shows chief inspector surprise occupation of the self-styled Claire Clark just inside the store’s front ‘Queen’s grocer’ in March, in a bid to entrance, addressing the crowd in a highlight owner Wittington Investments’ raised voice. multimillion-pound tax dodge. “There have been pockets of disorder District judge Michael Snow told he outside and I wanted to make sure it >>


At the time of print, the City of asking the City to make its business London Corporation was planning on transparent and democratic. taking occupiers to the high court to Protesters spoken to by the Occupied start an eviction process. The City Times were not unsettled by this considers the St Paul’s occupation recent development, and remained a trespass on its public highways defiant about their cause when the and said it was disrupting eviction notices were pinned to businesses in the area. their tents. Eviction notices were served last The notices told occupiers to remove week after negotiations between “all tents and other structures” by the two parties failed- the City 6pm last Thursday or face legal asked occupiers to scale back the action. The tents remained and in number of tents and leave by New the lead up to this City deadline, the Year. The occupiers responded by camp’s legal team John Cooper >>

Building Societ RORYy: MACKINNON

It’s not your usual corporate takeover, As a private commercial property but London has expanded its the activists’ trespass is a civil rather than portfolio with a new Hackney branch — criminal offence, meaning UBS would courtesy of Swiss bankers, UBS. have to seek an injunction next week The Sun Street squat was bracing for before any eviction could take place. its third day of continuous occupation as It is understood organisers have the Occupied Times went to print. It is that declared the occupation “non-residential” The Bank understood members of Occupy’s direct in order to comply with criminal law action group entered the disused four- — but around 30 volunteer caretakers storey office block in the early hours of and tranquility team members have Friday morning in a top-secret operation. decamped to the site. Protesters then lounged on sills and But the no-camping policy could stick hung banners from the windows on a brisk in the craw of occupiers at other sites, of Ideas Friday afternoon as police looked on. nearing capacity and on the brink >>>> CONTENTS PAGES/ 02 Editorial EDITORIAL Listing 03 The Art Of Activism Looking out from the It also focuses on important issues: 03 Occupations Converge across at the UBS headquarters, the lack of communal and political in London the covered windows reveal a fitting space (something at the heart of all 03 USA Solidarity display of ‘blind ignorance’. The occupations) and the importance of 04 Myths In The Media finance industry is sick, and the education and child welfare. 04 Occupied Elsewhere is the dull ache it Some of the challenges the outdoor 04 Streaming In Action knows is symptomatic of a diseased occupations have faced in recent weeks 05 From The Mexican Highlands core, but chooses to ignore in the have also been addressed. The Bank of To St Pauls hope it will go away. Ideas is to be a drug and alcohol-free 04 Poem Power structures do have their space with a limited overnight presence, 05 This Is What Democracy own immune systems though, but still welcoming to all. This is what Looks Like – Learning From fighting back against that which occupy looks like. Latin America would harm them with heavy Not least, the repossession provides 06 Dispute no Further when the policing, the removal of rights a basis from which to strategize the Truth Appears – Lessons and legal action like that being movement’s future development. The from the Past brought by the City of London Occupy movement seems to be at a 07 What Took Us So Long? Corporation. With the serving of critical juncture, and the Bank of Ideas 08 Money Talks an eviction notice to occupiers at could become everything its name The Criminality Of The St Paul’s, a necessary discussion promises: a forum for open discussion Financial Sector had arisen about how to keep the about change, and about occupy’s role 09 The Disastrous Success Of >> was clear and safe for you all to Ed, an out-of work sales manager at of the movement going. in engendering that change. Fractional Reserve Banking leave the building, okay?” she says. Finsbury Square who was arrested Have things begun to stagnate? The Bank of Ideas will no doubt be 10 ‘Caring Capitalism’ “The officers are getting ready to let you during this month’s attempted Would occupy out-grow the camp gone long before many of the financial – A Contradiction In Terms? go — if when you leave the building you occupation of Trafalgar Square, said he presence? And what would happen if institutions that have helped bring about 11 Democracy Is Dead (And We go to your left, that will be the safest exit.” did not think any activists could trust and when it does? the repossession of homes, collapse Have Killed It) “Is there a kettle?” a protester asks. the police. The Bank of Ideas appears of economies and brutal austerity 11 Broken System, Not Broken People “No, we’re letting you go,” she replies. “Everything they’re doing at the end of to be an excellent response to measures. There will be no bailout The End Is Nigh! Occupy! Later in the video Ms Clark repeats the the day is to demoralise us — no one those questions. The move indoors for this bank. The Great Debate: Pacifism instructions to a legal observer, saying usually spends 24 hours in a cell for a illustrates the continuing energy and While the IMF lurks about Europe 12 Placard police wanted to keep people safe “so public order offence,” he said. creativity of the movement. Rather like the Grim Reaper; ready to swoop they can get away to the tube station, so Fellow resident Luke agreed: the police than becoming complacent, the direct on frail economies condemning them CREDITS they can leave.” action at the occupation’s launch and action team has demonstrated its to death and picking their bones for CONTRIBUTORS/ On leaving the building all 150 recent weeks had been ridiculous, willingness to explore new spaces, anything worth salvaging, the Bank Steven Maclean occupants were immediately kettled and he said. and make real, positive changes. It of Ideas aims to put back some of what Martin Eiermann arrested, including legal observers. But Evrim, a theatre director from shifts the focus of our presence within our government is stripping away: free Natalia Sanchez-Bell The ruling came as the Turkey, told the Times it was not an the city away from the temporariness education, youth facilities and child Luka camps came under renewed pressure issue of trusting the police. associated with tent cities and towards care. It’s a bank by name, but there Rory MacKinnon from authorities, with the City of “If we know our rights - if we know the idea of permanent discussion. are no hidden fees. Stacey Knott London Corporation again seeking an what’s going on - the facts will come Mark Kauri injunction to evict protesters from the out and they’ll get fired,” she said. Ragnhild Freng Dale foot of St Paul’s Cathedral. Meanwhile more than 40 prosecutions TENTCITY CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Flaminia Giambalvo All camps have seen a continued remain in the Fortnum & Mason case; P D Monaghan police presence, with few confrontations including others who have insisted Adam Ramsay on site — but residents who spoke the prosecution reinstate the charges WEDNESDAY 23RD SUNDAY 27TH Social Dreaming – Finsbury Social Dreaming – Finsbury to the Occupied Times said the ruling against them. Mr Snow will also preside 11:00 – 12:00 / 11:00 – 12:00 / Sam Berkson Square. 11:00 – 13:00 / Visions Of Another World – Square. How we are learning that we are borm to Anya Schiffrin made them less likely to cooperate over the next tranche of defendants, St Paul’s. 14:30 – 16:30 / The shocking truth about expect fairness, decency and co-operativeness. Matt Lynn with authorities. appearing 29 November. biofuels – St Paul’s. 17:30 – 19:00 / The Auditcity 12:00 – 13:00 / Does infancy research suggest Harry Shutt of Hope - Molly Scott Cato – St Paul’s. 21:00 – we are born anti-capitalist? - Graham Music - 23:30 / Cinema InTents - The Pipe – St Paul’s. TentCity Uni. 14:00 – 15:00/What is the Impact of Jasper Tomlinson THURSDAY 24TH Capitalism on children? – Libdemchild -St Paul’s. Emma Fordham 11:00 – 12:00 / Social Dreaming – Finsbury 15:00 – 16:00 / Building a true ‘us’ - identifying Nishma Doshi >> QC, and Karen Todner talked to check everything.” When asked by Square. 11:30 – 13:00 / Demarchy: How Ordinary and overcoming barriers that exclude marginalised People Can Govern Themselves - Martin Wilding groups from participation in Occupy movements - Michael Richmond occupiers about the legal issues. a camper if there was any chance Danny Diskin Davies – St Paul’s. 14:00 – 15:00 / ”The Co- Rochelle Burgess, Institute of Social Psychology, Cooper said they would make sure the police might “jump the gun” and operative Socialist Possibility: a horizontalist, LSE - Tent City Uni. 16:00 – 17:00 / Campaign DESIGN/ occupiers’ interests were “fearlessly forcibly evict occupiers before the progressive/experiential alternative” - John against Climate Change - Phil Thornhill - St Paul’s. Lazaros Kakoulidis defended” but urged occupiers to case went through court, Todner Courtneidge – St Paul’s. 16:30 – 18:00 / The Land 17:00 – 18:00 / Prison Abolition 101 – St Paul’s. Tzortzis Rallis continue to stay within the law while said it was unlikely as long as the Value Tax - Dave Wetzel from The Robin Smith 18:00 – 19:00 /Understanding the Arab uprisings: PHOTOGRAPHY/ Institute – St Paul’s. 18:00 – 19:0 / Taking Back from above and below - Gilbert Achcar - they could work on their case.“Right campers “remain within the law.” Capitalism – St Paul’s. interviewed by David Wearing – St Paul’s. Matthew Myatt down to the smallest degree you “The only way the police could FRIDAY 25TH MONDAY 28TH PRINT RUN/ have followed the legal advice you forcibly remove you is if there was 11:00 – 13:00 / The Eurozone crisis and alternative 11:00 – 12:00 / Social Dreaming – Finsbury 2000 Copies have been given, and you have a public order incident and as far cultures - Manuel Castells – St Paul’s. 11:00 – Square. 17:30 – 19:00 / The Green New Deal: 12:00 / Social Dreaming – Finsbury Square. 14:00 Helping tackle the economic crisis, promoting WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO/ become respected for it”. as I know there hasn’t been any.” Aldgate Press, E1 7RQ – 15:00 / Sex, Race and Class - Selma James - St intergenerational solidarity and learning from Cooper told the Occupied Times he Cooper and Todner are representing Paul’s. 15:00 – 17:30 / Speak out and Speech previous anti globalisation campaigns - Colin Hines CONTACT US/ was “very interested” in how the the occupation at no charge. buddies – St Paul’s. 17:30 – 19:00 / Sharing in – St Paul’s. [email protected] City had worded its eviction notice, Cooper told the Occupied Times anthropological perspective: the hunter-gatherer TUESDAY 29TH and said ownership of the land was he was doing this as it is “an model and why it remains relevant - Jerome Lewis 11:00 – 12:00 / Social Dreaming – Finsbury Square. © All information in this paper – St Paul’s. 12:00 – 14:00 / We are all so equal that I don’t know is free for non-profit distribution a contentious issue. “My clients” example of how the legal profession SATURDAY 26TH why you’re listening to me - Danny Dorling - were accused of health and safety do have a social conscience and 11:00 – 12:00 / Supermarket Superpowers - St Paul’s. 14:00 – 15:00 / Campaigning for today’s breaches when this started and it’s just me perhaps expressing Lucas Mogg - TentCity Uni. 11:00 – 12:00 / Social and tomorrow’s Pensioners – St Paul’s. 16:00 – that was entirely wrong, we need to that conscience.” Dreaming – Finsbury Square.12:00 – 13:30 / 17:00 / Reading Group on Lewis Hyde’s ‘Common as Money creation: Why it doesn’t have to be this way Air’ – St Paul’s. – Ben Dyson – Positive Money – St Paul’s.14:30 – 16:00 / Get Out of Debt Free - Jon Whitterick – St Paul’s. 16:00 – 17:00 / The Spaces and Places of Popular Protest in Victorian Britain - Tim Cooper – >>>> of winter — and with many in St Paul’s Square near the London TentCity Uni. 17:00 – 19:00 / Crack Capitalism and residents otherwise homeless. Stock Exchange and a satellite camp at the Occupy Movement - John Holloway - St Paul’s. One caretaker, Will, told the Times Finsbury Square in Islington. he was aware the policy would mean The camp’s media team hailed turning people away. the UBS heist on Friday as a symbolic But the trick was to get the camps reaction to Britain’s recent spate of home at St. Paul’s and Finsbury Square repossessions — further fallout from the reader for winter, he said. 2008 financial crisis. Meanwhile tranquility member “Whilst over 9,000 families were kicked George said his patrol had already turned out of their homes in the last three months away several people - “not from the for failing to keep up mortgage payments camps; looking for a place for the night” - – mostly due to the recession caused but had directed them to nearby by the banks – UBS and other financial Finsbury Square. giants are sitting on massive abandoned His team were working around the properties,” media working group member clock, he said, and could not afford to let Jack Holborn said.The new ‘Bank of Ideas’ just anyone in. was a “public repossession” of one of the “All it takes is one UBS employee, companies that he added. one officer — if any of them get in here A UBS spokeswoman said on Friday they can kick us all out,” he said. the company was aware of the situation The multi-million pound complex and considering legal action. marks the group’s third site across the The spokeswoman declined further capital, alongside the original camp requests for comment.

02 Stacey Knott THE ART OF ACTIVISM Punk-inspired designer Vivienne completely in danger from lack of Westwood has told occupiers to culture. “We were all trained up to be regain their fighting strength consumers in the twentieth century: through art. Westwood spoke to throw away the past, the future will occupiers at St Paul’s on Saturday, take care of itself, catch the latest and said what they were doing was thing and suck it up. We don’t have “absolutely wonderful.” She spoke any art today.” out against consumer culture, and She urged occupiers to rejuvenate said people should put more effort themselves when they were tired of into appreciating the arts. camping, by visiting the nearby art “An art lover is a freedom fighter; museums. Other than offering her it gives you strength in your whole praises and support to the occupiers, life. The opposite of that is people Westwood also spoke about climate who just suck up consumerism and change, an issue she is “terrified” don’t have any formed opinions.... about. “The financial crisis and the they are just distracted by rubbish,” ecological crisis are an absolute she said. She said this mind-set match for each other; you have one explained a lack of art today. We are because you have the other.”


Delegates from other UK and Irish occupations - united by a Delegates from both Bradford and Glasgow commented drive for social and economic reform - met for the first time last on the importance of maintaining the dialogue that has been weekend in London. opened since the movement began. Commenting earlier in the OccupyLSX welcomed representatives from 17 other day, Occupy Norwich representative Chris Keene also spoke of occupation movements from as far afield as Edinburgh. the importance of communication with members of the public The weekend opened with introductory speeches from outside of the movement and warned against the potential occupation representatives, with delegates outlining the pitfalls of a solely insular dialogue among activist groups, stating: history of their respective movements, their experiences to “we’ve got to preach to the unconverted and get them on side.” date, plans for the future and messages of support for the He said the OccupyLSX site was “very vibrant, very wider movement. dynamic”. An enormous number of different varieties of Speaking on behalf of Occupy Birmingham, Rhys and attitudes. Incredible goings-on. Fantastic speakers.” Nicholas Brum opened the delegates’ speeches, highlighting Following the introductions, invited speakers addressed the positive reception of their site within the community and delegates, occupiers and members of the public at the supportive local police activity. From Edinburgh, Jamie and courtyard at St Paul’s, highlighting common aims with the Chakan also spoke of a positive police presence at their site global occupation movement and putting forward suggestions and made calls for a Robin Hood tax on banks. Delegates for cooperative action on issues including climate change, spoke of the location of occupation camps in relation to the women’s strike movements and support for public services. political motivation at the heart of the calls of activists, with The talks led into a weekend of workshops and special interest the Sheffield occupiers noting their chosen location outside the groups on activism and direct action, communications, music city’s cathedral and in direct view of three high street banks. and other entertainment.


Last week the USA occupation respect and allow peaceful protest movement took a heavy blow as many while the NYPD, Oakland PD, Denver camps were evicted, shocking and PD, and others across the US brutally appalling occupiers in London. Camps gas, pepper-spray and beat peaceful in New York City, Portland, Oakland, protesters to suppress dissent.” and Denver amongst others had been Emma Davies, an American now living in raided by police in the last week, while London was outside the Embassy hundreds of American protesters to express “solidarity with all the occupy protesters were arrested. In a move protests across the world.” She said of solidarity last Tuesday, OccupyLSX she was heartened to see “the brilliant activists went to the American Embassy displays of resistance -people going in London to protest the actions against back to reoccupy, it’s clear the protesters the USA raids. Most prominent in aren’t giving up; they will carry on participants’ minds was the raid earlier demonstrating.” last Tuesday in New York City, where Another American supporter, Taryn police forcibly evicted occupiers from Ladendorff was visibly shaken by the their camp. Five American New York events. “I got really emotional citizens, with their passports in hand, about it I could hardly believe it had demanded to be let into the Embassy to come to this. “One of the most important voice concerns over the USA evictions, things about being an American is the there was a crowd right to protest and the right of freedom of about 30 protesters at the of assembly - the right to let your voice Embassy, who were out-numbered be heard especially in a peaceful way. by a heavy police presence. She said the actions in the USA went Occupier Adam Fitzmaurice from LA against everything she was taught about was one of the US citizens to speak to freedom as a child.“They really hammer the Embassy representatives. He felt the these kinds of rights into you as a child, USA is hypocritical about human rights. when you grow up you realise they are “I want to know why Secretary of State not real but there is something visceral Clinton feels comfortable demanding about seeing them being taken away dictators such as Mubarak and Assad from you over and over again.


THE MEDIA David Robinson THAT BECAUSE NO DEMANDS solutions that served their own interests. many don’t buy the arguments that have ARE BEING MADE, THE MOVEMENT To tackle these issues a fresh perspective dominated the debate, and they want to IS POINTLESS is required, and it needs to happen outside hear more. People should counter false This is a common accusation. of the tired, corrupted democratic model arguments when they hear them, such as Traditionally, a protest movement will that has let so many people down. Simply when others blame the welfare state or begin with a list of demands for changes by Occupy’s existence these debates are government spending for the global banking they wish to see. Occupy is intentionally taking place, and as public awareness crisis. There is evidence that this approach different. It came about because of and education into these issues is raised is working – opinion polls, media coverage, a shared idea that the economic and demands will flow from that. These increasing demands by influential political, political structures and systems aren’t things aren’t going to happen overnight, economic and social actors, the changing working for the majority of people, but and those who use this as a stick to political discourse. Occupy needs to keep up that debate on the issue had been stifled beat Occupy with are missing the point, the pressure to ensure these changes turn by those at the top so they could impose perhaps intentionally. in to concrete action, and there may come a time people will need to take to the streets, THAT BECAUSE MILLIONS but that time is not yet upon us. HAVEN’T TAKEN TO THE STREETS, OCCUPY ISN’T WORKING THAT THE CAMP WOULD People don’t have to camp outside St DISRUPT REMEMBRANCE DAY Pauls, or in Finsbury Square, or in any of COMMEMORATIONS the thousands of camps that have sprung They didn’t. Many occupiers, including up around the world to show support for several veterans, took part in and Occupy, nor do they have to pitch a tent to respectfully observed all services. play a role in changing the world. What they Protesters produced a lovely poppy need to do is to open their minds and listen tribute, and the two minutes silence was to a greater diversity of debates and opinions impeccably observed. Several hostile than those that have been rammed down newspapers had reported that the camp the public’s throats by the elites. From there had planned to disrupt the service, but this they can make more informed decisions, was merely mischievous journalism. The and begin thinking of what changes they camp had worked with the cathedral to

Z wish to see. Another way to help Occupy is ensure all services ran smoothly, and that T to spread the word. People are interested, is exactly what happened


UNITED STATES (OPC) — seized local advocacy groups like the Los Angeles Community mainstream media headlines again last week, Action Network and starting an affinity amid shocking scenes of police brutality and an group, camp residents said security had improved. unconstitutional media blackout. But less publicised In Albany, Governor Andrew Cuomo asked Mayor was a wave of conscientous objectors and solidarity Jerry Jennings to clear the encampment near the State action across the United States. Capitol, but Jennings and the city police department Around the world people poured into the streets refused. Tennesseeans scored a victory when a U.S. in solidarity with after some 500 riot district judge issued a temporary restraining order police razed the camp to the ground for the second time against a curfew the police were trying to enforce on in a week, firing tear gas, rubber bullets and flashbang the encampment at Legislative Plaza. grenades and arresting more than 100 people. Instructors Meanwhile Occupy DC kept the heat on Capitol Hill, held teach-ins, dozens of businesses closed voluntarily and with an occupation of General Atomics - a defense demonstrators took to the streets of Oakland in a general contractor specialising in drone aircraft - and periodic strike, periodically clashing with police and eventually shut-downs of the Chamber of Commerce. Occupier and shutting down the Port of Oakland. In Los Angeles, New author David Swanson said DC police had been a model York, Denver and dozens of other cities across the country, Oakland and New York could learn from: “I’ve watched people marched to show their support for the strike. a police officer refuse the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s has set up tents on the steps of request to arrest us as we blocked the Chamber’s doors.” akland City Hall, where their proximity to Skid Row has been This bulletin was compiled with reporting from Jon O both a blessing and a curse. Within days, Skid Row Chisum, John Dennehy, Brad Edmondson, Ruth Fowler,

residents started showing up for food and water. Thefts Charlie Lockwood, Joanie Masters, Keesha Renna, Kevin ccupy O and violence soon followed. But since working with Schiesser, Jenna Spitz, David Swanson and JoAnn Wypijewski.


The OccupyLSX Live-stream crew Last Friday, they were busy Thank yous are also in evidence: at the are always where the action is. Their uploading video material of an general assembly last Friday, one of their self-proclaimed task is to show unexpected arrest at St Paul’s. One of viewers came down to present two cold people offsite what is happening at the the team members, who did not wish team members with hand warmers and a London occupations. to be named, explained “it is mainly bag of sweets, later that evening another Using cameras and laptops, they cover for documentation, and can be used as man who usually works with them online everything from the general assemblies evidence later. It is important to record it.” dropped in to offer chocolate and smiles. to spontaneous protests. They are a He worked on filming events and “People are offering us a lot of help,” says small team of 10 people, with about the documenting all incidents of police Nafeesa*, who is constantly traipsing same number of online contributors, encounters, whether they are arrests or around the camp and events filming for the who cooperate to keep the feed running cautions. He had documented a police Livestream. “It is fun, but also tiring,” says throughout the day. They have pooled caution after a man said to be a banker team member Mike*. their experience as students, TV and audio kicked in one of the tents earlier last None of them complain about cold, workers together to set up the feed, and week. At the Guildhall arrests on Nov rain, or internet problems; their only wish many of them have taken time off work or 14th, live-stream kept running through is laptops with longer battery hours. Full of studies to be at the occupation. the whole night. praise for their colleagues, they retreat into The challenge is to be in the right place Their effort is highly valued, with 120- the buzzing tech tent to evaluate the day and at the right time, and to keep a stable video 30 people tuning in every day, and a peak plan for future streaming, whether they be stream in an outside environment where of 1280 viewers last weekend. They said planned meetings, broadcasting from other

Z heat, electricity and dry conditions are they receive a lot of positive feedback and occupations, or running off to unexpected T anything but givens. professional help with their work. happenings at either of the camp sites.

04 FROM THE MEXICAN HIGHGHLANDS TO ST.PAUL’S Flaminia Giambalvo hat has united the own voice and be heard by those and their servants. We want a world in but rather that politics is the only way we myriad of occupy who would otherwise remain deaf, which many worlds fit. The nation that we have to resolve problems collectively. POEM movements, which, predictably, includes those who construct is one where all communities What links the Occupy movement and so far, has would seek to ‘represent’ them: the and languages fit, where all steps may in particular St Paul’s to a revolutionary CONUNDRUM been a critique official parties of the Mexican political walk, where all may have laughter, where army in the Mexican mountains is the We are all on file for life of rampant establishment and various Marxist and all may live the dawn’. ‘intuition’ of needing something new, an Pot god or top dog privatisation revolutionary groups. The stance and philosophy of the economic and political system that serves Anagrammatically speaking and inequality As explained by the movement’s Zapatistas is, remarkable in itself, but ‘the people’. In this sense we do not ‘speak For we live in a evil or even vile Wcorrelated to a demand for a ‘real’ most renowned spokesperson, also symptomatic of a more general for’ the poor and oppressed around the Mixed up conundrum world democracy. The latter implies that the Subcomandante Marcos, “Zapatismo shift in the underpinnings of the political world, but we are in solidarity with them. They lure us to rule us current model is a fake and is not an ideology; it is not bought ‘field’, highlighting the problems This renewed discourse has brought to Our leaders are just dealers expresses the necessity of building and paid for by a doctrine. It is ... an of ‘representation’. the fore the things that, despite differences, Politicians saying words that change something different. intuition. Something so open and In our tent communities, we are we share in common with people rising into a sword Over the past decades, our flexible that it really occurs in all places. opening up new means of doing politics up across the globe. Ours is one the many Slicing raw creating war ‘leaders’ have increasingly excluded Zapatismo poses the question: ‘What on the basis of the idea that “politics” is instances of the struggle between ‘Power’ Then offer roses to cover the sores us “the people”, from the decisions is it that excluded me?’ ‘What is that not only nor principally a profession – the (or ‘Neoliberalism’) and the millions This is shit that shape our lives, creating the has isolated me?’... In each place the “business” of the so-called political class – of people subject to it. And so we live in a evil or even vile necessity for a movement based response is different”. Mixed up conundrum world upon inclusion. Through the broad One of the most fascinating A dear read based banner ‘We are the 99 percent’, features of this movement, is their The fare of fear we embrace and embody multiple decision-making structure, which How or who oppressions; paradoxically making us they describe as ‘governing-obeying’. Changed the mood to doom irrepresentable. The ‘not in my name’ The Zapatistas make themselves A thorn in the north sentiment, which animates many of us, directly accountable to the ‘Clandestine From a stew in the west is one of the consequences of a deep Revolutionary Indigenous Committees’ That eats the east rooted crisis of representative politics (CCRI) which are local and regional And gives shout to the south that has plagued the liberal-democratic assemblies based on the principle of Takes heart from the earth world for the past decades. delegated democracy. However these To late this tale However, the idea of a social are not ‘permanent structures’, but are This verse I serve movement that refuses to lead, or continuously subject to the views of the For they don’t care for this race ‘speak for’ others, is not new or various communities. Those rams with arms necessarily distinctive of the western This system goes far beyond Marx’s So snug with their guns world. As a matter of fact, the most concept of the ‘Paris Commune’. For For their icons are just coins notable frontrunners of this kind of this ‘revolutionary’ organising system This is shit social experiment are the Zapatistas. to work, the voice of every ‘compañero’ And so we live in a evil or even vile Their experience began 1994, when must be heard. Thus, power does not Mixed up conundrum world the Zapatista revolutionary army (EZLN) so much move from the bottom up, P.D. Monaghan declared “war on the Mexican state” but rests with the ‘bottom’, remaining and expelled federal troops from the permanently subject to the views and Mexican region of Chiapas. Since then, wishes of the people themselves. they have been fighting with the people Clearly the process can appear to defend Chiapas against military, time-consuming, but it has allowed paramilitary and corporate incursions. for the focus to be shifted onto the THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY Despite being a formally constituted conversation rather than the immediate army of the traditional kind, their results, creating the first truly inclusive resistance is mostly non-violent. revolutionary movement. As Marcos puts LOOKS LIKE - LEARNING The key aim of the Zapatistas is to it: “In the world of the powerful there help the people of Chiapas find their is no space for anyone but themselves FROM LATIN AMERICA Adam RamsAy Stretched across the tent town by the giant movements of the Fovelas and have established processes of London Stock Exchange is a banner the Barrios of Venezuela, and Brazil, direct democracy – people’s spelling out the slogan of 2011: “Real and Bolivia. We are following in the council’s, workplace co-operatives, Democracy Now”. Go to the camp footsteps of Latin Americans – for constitutional assemblies, and and many participants will tell you these policies were key to their re- community control. Radical democracy that it is not their demands which imagining of socialism. sits alongside nationalisation and are key – it is their process. The old And so if we are looking to investment in public services as a chant “This is what democracy looks understand what real democracy key tenet of the Bolivarian revolution. like” is ubiquitous, the discussions are looks like, protesters gathering at Whilst the governments of Lula and passionate. Whilst anger at banks and occupations in financial districts Chavez and Morales have had many at inequality and at capitalism are key and waving their hands are far from differences – and many policies we motivations, the vision – from Athens the only example we will find. In might dislike - they have each overseen to Madrid, Wall Street to St Paul’s – 1988, the Brazilian Workers’ Party vast experiments in radical democracy. is all about democracy – about won the elections in the municipality And as these experiments have everyone having their say, their share of Porto Allegre – a city suffering delivered positive results, the anti- in each decision. intense poverty. Rather than craft the capitalist peoples’ movements of Latin Since the drastic failure of Soviet city’s budget himself, the new mayor America – and their governments - style ‘socialism’ became clear, the declared it would be written by the have reforged socialism for the twenty left across the world has struggled to people. And so to this day, every year, first century. find its radical voice. In Europe and in citizens come together in various Of course, in its purest forms, North America, the response was rapid gatherings of thousands, set priorities, communism was always about triangulation – running to the right. elect delegates to push these, and communities claiming control. From And so it was in Latin America, where ultimately choose how to allocate the The Levellers in 1649 to the community the shock waves of the neo-liberal couple of hundred million US dollars in buy-out of the Isle of Eigg in 1997, revolution now pounding the shores of their city’s budget. local control, decentralisation of Europe hit hard long ago that the new The results of this process power and radical democracy have was built, new ideas forged, tried, have led to widespread acclaim a long legacy in Britain’s left. But tested, and replicated. – including from institutions not their place as the counterweight to While demands for “real famed for their support for the overbearing corporate control is what democracy” may seem to Northern policies of socialist parties. And has secured the greatest successes of io

R Europeans to be a strange new, perhaps most flattering of all, it has anti-capitalism in the 21st century. And and exciting response to a financial been mimicked across the continent. perhaps we are seeing in the occupy

ccupy collapse, Europe’s occupations are From Argentina to Venezuela, movement that these are ideas whose O standing on the shoulders of the thousands of cities and communities time has come in Europe too.

05 “DISPUTE NO FURTHER WHEN THE TRUTH APPEARS” – LESSONS FROM THE PAST SAM Berkson We do not occupy heard the voice of God telling him to enclosures are the property of the elder covetousness, pride and slavish fear people some other way than by you”. The in isolation. Yet “work together, eat bread together, brother.” The issues were property, of men, it is and will be our wisdom to message: Come quietly or be ready for while spiritual- declare all this abroad.”(The New Law of equality and freedom. Their aim, he cast out all these enslaving laws”. A worse. mystical-historical Righteousness, January 1649) assured parliament, was “not to meddle 17th century Parliament elected only by Winstanley’s address to Cromwell connections to His God was Reason: when a person with any man’s enclosure or property, ‘freeholders’ had used the people to fight is not altogether different from today’s other popular is tempted “to oppress or deceive his till it be freely given to us by themselves, a freeholders’ war; in the 21st century, the discussions about governmental and movements neighbours or to take away his rights but only to improve the commons and people’s representatives have used the financial institutions. Like Winstanley, are evident, it and liberties, to beat or abuse him in waste lands to our best advantage, for people’s money to pay off the debts of the we ask that they “dispute no further Wis not always welcome to make them any kind, Reason moderates this wicked the relief of ourselves and others.” The financial establishment. when the truth appears, but be silent publicly. Witness the BBC reaction to flesh and speaks within, ‘wouldst idea that the rich would “freely” give Winstanley had no illusions about and practise it”. All of us who voted Darkus Howe’s claim, much replayed thou be dealt with so thyself?’” (The over their land to the poor is perhaps parliamentary rule. He knew that for green or left-wing parties or who on Youtube, that the riots in London Soul’s Paradise; summer 1648). This deliberately ridiculous, but Winstanley members of the House of Commons abstained from voting because of a lack were part of a world-wide spirit of repositioning of God as a spirit that lives is simultaneously emphasising both the “were summoned by the King’s writ, and of candidates that seemed qualified to “insurrection of the masses of the in all of us was part of a radical stream non-violence, and the revolutionary and chosen by the freeholders, that are the represented us, remain unrepresented. people”. To the BBC, the riots must at the time, shared by diverse groups global aims of their movement. For the successors of William the Conqueror’s Here we are now, joining together, properly be seen purely as isolated who all rejected the established Church , England was to “be the first of soldiers.” Yet still he asked them to see occupying land, discussing alternatives incidents of wanton criminality that and its priests. nations that shall begin to give up their the truth of how wealth, property and and asking our government and the are disconnected from their historical Winstanley’s social and political crown and sceptre, their dominion and land should be shared and managed, corporations, to whom we have given precedents and resonances. observations that are most relevant to government into the hands of Jesus because, if not, God may “be offended and our taxes, and sooner or later if not So now, as people occupy places us now, and, perhaps even more so, his Christ”. They argued for a world where … and work a deliverance for his waiting already, large chunks of our wages and all over the world, (951 cities in 82 deeds. The Diggers’ Occupation lasted authority (sceptre/government) would countries according to Wikipedia), it from April 1649 to April 1650. They be removed from any person’s hands, seems to be the unwritten rule of public attempted to create a self-sufficient private property (crown/dominion) figures to avoid as much as possible community of equals, living on some would be abolished and only Jesus- making the link between the Greek uncultivated land south of London. Reason would rule. uprisings of 2008-2009, the subsequent The idea spread around the country The principle he stood by was that insurrections in North Africa and the and became a movement. Moderate “all of us by the righteous law of our Middle East and the current Occupation ‘levellers’ distanced themselves creation ought to have food and raiment movement. However, it is difficult to from it. Propaganda, arrests, fines, freely by our righteous labouring of the avoid the comparison, not least because imprisonments, as well as beatings earth, without working for hire or paying of the obvious link in tactics between the (one fatal), the uprooting of their crops, rent one to another.” To Winstanley, current wave and January’s occupation smashing of their houses and eventually employment and property ownership of Tahrir Square in Cairo. the burning of their belongings and the distorted natural equality. Beautifully, and perhaps totally cordoning off of the little heath that they To many Diggers, parliament had an obligation to assist the people. The common people joined parliament to fight “the bad government and burdening laws under the late King Charles, who was the last successor of William the Conqueror”. That war was fought “between the King that represented William the Conqueror, and the body of English people that were enslaved”. Today, we use the elite’s rhetoric of “democracy” against their own arguments. In the 17th century, Winstanley could similarly point out Parliament’s hypocrisy in freeing themselves from arbitrary royal rule while leaving the people enslaved. Mirroring Parliament’s justification of their military isbon

L coup, Winstanley emphasised the people’s right of conquest: “We have given plate,

ccupy free-quarter and our persons – now O unless you and we be besotted with

coincidentally, the idea of occupation had been forced onto (with the threat our pensions, to listen to the voice of the in England brings us back to the of death and hired goons as 24 hour 99%: Winstanley’s “common people”. occupation of St. George’s Hill, Cobham security guards to prevent their return), There are always lessons to be in Surrey by the Diggers or True ended the occupation. learned from our past. It is easy to Levellers in 1649. In a global movement, After the original Diggers’ were first dismiss the Diggers’ attempt at protest it is nice to consider the nuances of the arrested for trespassing in July 1649, as unsuccessful – their programme local links. they were tried without being informed failed, and their occupation lasted for Then, as now, the ruling class were about the charges against them, only one year. But now, as we are in the in crisis. The fighting of the Civil War and without being allowed to defend middle of an ongoing protest ourselves, ended with the execution of Charles I themselves (because they refused twelve months seem like a daring and the establishment of Cromwell’s to – or could not afford to – engage a goal and a good effort by the Diggers. republic, but many people were not lawyer). In response, Winstanley wrote Their cultivation of land and building of satisfied with the new order and even ‘An Appeal to the House of Commons, homes made their community a more less willing to put up with it than they Desiring their Answer; Whether the sustainable one than ours, a camp that were the old one. “Hard times” were Common-People shall have the quiet lives under canvas and relies on food truly hard in the 17th century with enjoyment of the Commons and Waste donations. They lived their alternative. starvation-level famine. Today, we Lands: or whether they shall be under Perhaps at present there is not enough demand a return for the trillions of the will of Lords of Manors still.’ emphasis on the inequity of property public money given to banks. Back then, In it, he asks the House of Commons ownership. We would do well to find perhaps even more urgently than now, to consider “the equity or not equity of spokespeople who can present non- the people of the English Revolution our cause”. The question for Winstanley violence as eloquently, persuasively wanted something in exchange for the is not just about their innocence or guilt and as threateningly as Winstanley did lives and money that had been spend to in their trespass trial but “whether the in his writings. defeat the King’s army. common people, after all their taxes, How will our occupation end? Anti- The Diggers started a commune free-quarter and loss of blood to recover protest propaganda and occasional on an uncultivated piece of common England from under the Norman yoke, arrests are the first tactic. The question land at St. George’s Hill. Gerrard shall have the freedom to improve is: Will the rich “lords of the manor” pay

Winstanley, a failed London merchant the commons and waste lands free to Z for violence to have us removed if these and son of a Wigan manufacturer, themselves, as freely their own as the T tactics fail to weaken us?

06 WHAT TOOK US SO LONG? Anya Schiffrin When the global financial crisis started that something huge was beginning. with the collapse of the sub prime Like everyone, we spent the spring and mortgage market in the spring of 2007, then the summer watching the news it became clear that the world economy and trying to keep up with the hectic was facing a severe downturn and that pace of events: Ben Ali leaving Tunisia, unemployment would rise. At that time, Mubarak falling, and the spread of my husband, the economist Joseph protests to Syria, Bahrain and Libya. We E. Stiglitz, remarked that there would heard accounts from of the pressure that likely be protests all over the world. For austerity was putting on the lives of the the last few years we wondered about people there, and how the collapse of why there wasn’t more outrage and we the Greek economy, the budget cuts and speculated about where the first protests shrinking wages was hurting so many. would take place. But we did not expect We went back to Tunisia in May 2011 that we would be in Cairo just a few and heard our friends describe how life had days before the historic events in Tahrir changed. Mixed with the uncertainty of the Square. We were in Cairo on January 14 political situation was great excitement when Ben Ali left Tunisia. We saw the about what was to come and an affirmation excitement and the feeling that Egypt of the power of the people. would be next. The government officials We returned to Egypt in July 2011. On that we met were nervous and it was clear second trip we had the privilege of spending time with Jawad Nabulsi and his colleagues, commonly referred to as “The Youth.” They told us how they had planned the protests, described the scenes in Tahrir Square and spoke of their hopes for Egypt. Not everyone was optimistic. In Alexandria we met Coptic Christians who were afraid of a new intolerance. Patience had also run out for the military. “It’s time for them to leave,” an old friend told me, echoing what so many said to us. The economy was in a mess, with tourism falling, unemployment high and politics preventing the government from accepting foreign aid that was needed to build housing why we had not yet seen protests in the activist in Tunisia, a journalist in Cairo and infrastructure. In Athens in July we US. Then came Occupy Wall Street and and a number of people who have been saw protest and in Madrid we met with another wave of demonstrations around involved in OWS. We have roped in Indignados running economics seminars in the world. We visited Zuccoti Park where friends to help and we are spending our Retiro Park. the OWS protests were held and found days editing their contributions. The toll of the economic crisis was the same spirit of commitment and The similarities in the stories almost everywhere and it seemed there enthusiasm and frustration and outrage we have been told are apparent. was no end in sight. Governments had that we had seen everywhere else in the The problems of foreclosures and not done enough to protect people from world. The next morning I decided to edit joblessness, the struggle against the pain caused by the collapse of the a book that would tell the story of the inequality and government austerity mortgage market, the pressures on the global protests of 2011. New Press will came up again and again. The reliance euro and the widespread joblessness and be publishing the book in early 2012 and on social media and Facebook was a growing inequality. Instead, governments Joe is contributing a chapter. recurring theme, as was the struggle had been bailing out the banks, pushing Gathering the essays in this book against police brutality. The inspiration austerity and standing by while financial put us in touch with many people with of Tahrir Square infused many of the titans continued to take home large a range of experiences. My co-editor, essays we received and so did the hope bonuses. The demonstrations in London Eamon Kircher Allen, and I spent time that the events of 2011 had truly changed in May against tuition hikes for students online trying to find people who could the world. Many of the protesters are seemed like a sign of things to come contribute. We spoke to many friends optimistic and determined. But some and as we traveled around Europe and and acquaintances across the globe are perplexed and don’t understand the Middle East, we couldn’t understand and wrote to some of the people who why governments have not responded had contacted my husband after our to the problems they outline in such visit with the indignados in Madrid. The detail. We don’t have many answers in voices in this book are not definitive or this book. But I hope that these essays comprehensive. It’s impossible for a few we are publishing will at least begin essays to sum up the rich diversity of the to explain why there is so much anger protests of 2011. Finding contributors and frustration, and how it surfaced in was not always easy. The demonstrators 2011. If nothing else, the voices of these prided themselves on not having leaders courageous and civic-minded individuals so it was often unclear who we should will convey the spirit that is behind so approach. In some parts of the Middle much of the unrest. East, there was fear that contributing a named piece would be dangerous. There were Arabs who refused to appear in a book with an Israeli. And many of the most active protesters didn’t have time to sit down and write, or weren’t sure how best to tell their stories. Many were uncomfortable writing about themselves. They preferred to focus on the causes they fight for. Others don’t speak English so we offered editing and translation help. Some were in hiding. ahrir Square One woman in Bahrain even offered T to smuggle a letter from her husband out of the prison where he is being held. Anya Schiffrin ist lecturer at Columbia At this writing we have essays from University’s School of International and someone working on a social audit in Public Affairs and the director of the Ireland, a student in Greece, Indignados Media, Advocacy and Communications in Madrid, a leftwing economics program. She is married to economist researcher in Israel, a transparency and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

07 MONEY TALK$ OCCUPIED TIMES: So Matt, is there course – Ireland was one of the most ML: The endless parade of G-20, G-8, any life left in the euro? competitive economies in the world IMF, Davos summits, etc. It is just MATT LYNN: It’s game over. There until it joined the single currency. posturing by politicians. None of these might be some parallel, theoretical OT: What went wrong in Greece? bodies have the ability to fix anything. universe where the euro survives, but ML: They joined the euro! The Greek OT: What’s your message to not this one. The imbalances in the establishment thought joining the euro OccupyLSX? system are too great, and the political would modernise the economy. But they ML: Develop some answers. It is no response too incompetent. The Greek were wrong. It just led to a debt-fuelled good just being angry. You have to put economy is imploding, inflicting terrible boom and a crippling trade deficit. forward some alternatives. suffering on ordinary people. There is OT: Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti: OT: Ok, so you’re Chancellor for a day, a limit to how much austerity can be what’s with the technocrat takeover? what do you do? imposed to save what is, after all, just a ML: It is a point of desperation. ML: I’d cut corporation tax to 10%, monetary system. Democracy is not compatible with making it the lowest rate in Europe. The policies the euro demands. Personally, only way out of this mess is to grow, if offered the choice between being able and we can only do that by encouraging THE OCCUPIED TIMES PICKS OVER THE to elect my Prime Minister and staying businesses to come here. It would be in the euro I’d take the elections. expensive, but you’d just have to cut CARCASS OF THE EUROZONE WITH MATT I suspect most Greeks and Italians public spending to afford it. Unless we LYNN: COLUMNIST FOR BLOOMBERG NEWS will agree in time. can get the economy growing again, OT: So the technocrats can’t save us? the outlook is bleak, and if that involves AND MARKETWATCH, THRILLER WRITER, ML: Remember that these are the some sacrifices, so be it. AND AUTHOR OF ‘BUST: GREECE, THE EURO technocrats who got us into this mess. OT: And what would you do with the They create a botched monetary union, banking sector? AND THE SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS’. then didn’t bother to enforce the rules. ML: We should certainly split up the OT: Can you spot any silver linings UK banks. Their retail and investment OT: Should we be lamenting its demise? in the crisis? banking operations should be separated ML: We should care if it happens in a ML: Europe has been on a out, and investment banks should be disorderly way – because it will centralising path for a long time, but responsible only to their shareholders. plunge the world economy back into it actually works best when power is Then if they went bust, it would be their recession. Most European countries decentralised. Once the euro implodes, problem, but not anyone else’s. THE CRIMINALITY have been through several currencies in the EU will loosen its grip in other OT: Avoiding more bailouts... the last century – the UK is fairly rare in areas, and that will be a good thing. ML: The bail-outs were a necessary OF THE FINANCIAL having had the same one for such OT: In the meantime, are austerity evil. There was no point in letting the a long time. They come and go, and are measures the answer? banks go bust because they would have quickly forgotten. ML: Over the medium term, all the taken ordinary people down with them. SECTOR Harry Shutt OT: But aren’t some pretty powerful developed countries need to reduce OT: So what’s in store for the UK over people fighting to keep the eurozone their debt levels. But that is as much the next few months? BY DISSIDENT ECONOMIST HARRY SHUTT, together? about personal and corporate debt as ML: I think its going to be tough. I’m ML: The euro was always mainly a government debt. Austerity alone in the working on a book at the moment called AUTHOR OF THE DECLINE OF CAPITALISM, AND political project. It was about creating a euro-zone won’t work. Countries need ‘The Long Depression: The Slump of 2008 MEMBER OF THE ECONOMICS WORKING GROUP. closer European Union. If it comes apart, to devalue and reform. If they aren’t to 2031’ which compares this recession that is a huge setback for the project. So allowed to devalue there isn’t any hope to the long recession of the 19th century, there is a huge amount of political will of them ever coming out of recession. which ran from 1873 to 1896. Most Many supporters of the Occupy not only the prosecuting authorities to keep it going. But the one thing we OT: What do you make of the immediately, the euro crisis is a huge movement identify the need for but the regulators – including both the can learn for sure from history is that Occupation protests? threat. It may well implode, and even if it more effective regulation of financial Financial Services Authority and the economics always trumps politics – so ML: I can understand them. The global doesn’t it will struggle for years, hitting institutions as one of their central Bank of England (led then as now by eventually it will fail. economy has become too financialised, confidence, and restricting credit. On top demands. At the same time, the Governor Mervyn King) – were knowing OT: And what about the EU as a whole? by which I mean dominated by the of that we have our own debt crisis, and a response of governments to the myriad accessories to criminality. ML: I’m pro-EU. I don’t think the euro capital markets. Where I have a problem steady decline of confidence in the dollar, abuses and ethical failures of the Official complicity in the violation works, but I’m in favour of the free with them is that the protests are which is gradually being eclipsed as a financial sector has been to call for new of existing laws happens all the time, movement of goods and people and concentrating on symptoms rather than reserve currency. So all in all, it couldn’t regulation or legislation, which in the UK particularly in the US. For example, money and I agree that implies certain causes. Some bankers may be greedy be much worse. That said, even in the resulted in the Independent Commission there was the failure of the Securities minimum levels of common rules that and selfish, but so are many people. The long depression of the 19th century, some on Banking under Sir John Vickers. and Exchange Commission (the public are set and enforced in Brussels. interesting question is why they have countries and industries were growing, so However, such re-regulation of regulator) to take any action against A small government version of the EU become so important to the system. it is important not to be defeatist. the sector would fail to address the mega-fraudster Bernard Madoff until is a good thing. OT: If you had a slogan on a banner, OT: Finally, and most importantly, accumulating pressures on global after his giant Ponzi scheme went bust OT: Which of the PIIGS is going to come what would it be? what’s your favourite sandwich? markets that lie behind the rising tide of in 2008 – even though a whistle-blower out of this best? ML: Avoid slogans. There’s nothing ML: Steak with mustard and abuse since the 1970s. Also, it ignores repeatedly drew attention to the obvious ML: I think most of them will do fine sensible to be said on a banner. mayonnaise. a still more fundamental flaw in the fraudulence of his business model for once they get out of the euro. The OT: What angers you most about the More from Matt on his website: existing régime: the weakness of law years before its collapse. And there was Italians will do well. And the Irish of world’s economic system? www.mattlynn.co.uk. enforcement. The enactment of new the pressure put on Ken Lewis (CEO of laws or regulations designed to prevent Bank of America) in 2008 by Treasury wrongdoing can only help restore the Secretary Hank Paulson (former CEO confidence of the public if the public can of Goldman Sachs) to recommend to I believe systemic change must believe that the authorities will uphold BoA shareholders a takeover of Merrill include removing the incentives to greed the law with integrity. Sadly the record Lynch without disclosing the huge scale presently incorporated in company law: of the recent past gives little grounds for of Merrill’s losses – in breach of his pre-eminent among these is the effective any such belief. fiduciary obligations. obligation on company management In the UK, perhaps the most It’s become common practice in to give priority to maximisation of spectacular case of failure to enforce the US, when corporations are indicted returns to shareholders – who are in existing laws surrounds the “sub-prime” for malpractice, for courts to allow turn protected by a blanket right to mortgage boom during much of the them to pay a fine without admitting limited liability. If such a change were last decade, which is the single most wrongdoing. The result is effectively to to be implemented it would be seen important factor behind the catastrophic give management personal immunity to undermine the whole basis of the global insolvency of the banking industry. from prosecution. And given that fine capitalist model as it has existed since The massive accumulation of bad debts payments come out of shareholders’ around 1860. could hardly have occurred without the funds, the only deterrent against taking If the rights of shareholders as systematic resort to mortgage fraud risks in violation of the law is the owners were to be compromised by perpetrated by the financial sector. possible loss of their jobs. a requirement to give equal weight As in the US, the principal Such signs of the growing breakdown to those of the rest of the community mechanism involved was the provision of the rule of law – supposedly a (including employees, consumers and of mortgages to individuals lacking the cornerstone of modern civilisation – are taxpayers) it might well lead many capacity to service the debt. To achieve not confined to the financial sector. One investors to decide against continuing this, mortgage providers routinely incited of the most extreme examples was the to risk their funds. If this led society borrowers to overstate their incomes conviction this year of a Pennsylvania to turn away from the dehumanising (often by 100 per cent or more) on federal judge for accepting payments worship of the golden calf of profit and application forms – despite knowing this from operators of private correctional the compulsive pursuit of perpetual was a criminal offence. The prevalence facilities (but paid for by the public unattainable growth (needed to facilitate of this practice was exposed by the authorities) in return for sentencing the continuous expansion of profits) how BBC Money Programme in 2003, and juveniles to periods of judicial detention – many people would now regret such a again in 2004, yet no action was taken and for the most trivial offences, such as transformation? by the authorities. It can be argued that insolence to their school teachers. More from Harry at harryshutt.com

08 THE DISASTROUS SUCCESS OF FRACTIONAL Jasper Tomlinson RESERVE BANKING indeed the time has do with exploitation, with the widening now arrived to seek gap between haves and have-nots, and monetary justice the unfairness of the licence granted and to harness to the commercial banks - matters public indignation begging for huge indignation and at usurious banking unrelenting protest. practice, then it is also In a process that sped up since time to seek a better Margaret Thatcher deregulated some Ifunderstanding of how it all went so of the financial sector, there has been a suddenly wrong and what is to global rush to disaster. The commercial be done about it. banks’ spectacular failure has been The current procedure – where described by John Lanchester. In his commercial banks create around recent book, “Whoops!”, he asserts 97% of all money in use – emerged that the credit crunch was based on several hundred years ago when the a prevailing climate (defined by a goldsmiths started issuing receipts post-cold war victory party of free for gold that had been deposited for market capitalism), a nasty problem safe keeping. The goldsmiths came to (sub-prime mortgages), a Nobel understand that issued receipts could Prize-winning mistake (the exceed actual deposits – this was the mathematical model of risk) and a origin of the current system, known as failure (that of the regulators). fractional reserve banking. The paper The power of today’s banks derives receipts became a convenient form largely from their power to create of currency. money. Money is created by banks Currently, only a small amount in the form of debt, and it disappears of money (about 3%) are coins and again when that debt is repaid. When banknotes issued by the national a consumer approaches a bank to ask central bank in conjunction with the for a loan, the bank does not actually Treasury. Commercial banks are have a stockpile of money from which licensed - after depositing some to draw cash. Instead, the money is money from customers or from their created as needed. Throughout the own funds as security at the national process, no money is printed. The only central bank - to create the money thing that changes are numbers on supply as repayable debt. The security computer screens. Accountancy rules deposit is only a small fraction for banks permit this magic by double-

(between 3% and 10%) of the money entry book keeping, where amounts Z T they create as debt for customers of money that are virtually created are taking out loans. entered simultaneously as both assets National central banks, as and as liabilities. The effect of this several ways for debtors to pay back themselves significantly. Since their than the total sum of assets under distinct from commercial banks, are is that banks can lend out sums of the interest. It can come from further security deposits were only a fraction their control. It would be prohibited characterised by usually doing what money that vastly exceed the actual loans (which simply perpetuates of their liabilities, a market crash could to charge interest on loans created the government requests. In the UK the resources they own. the cycle of indebtedness). It can quickly drain a bank’s actual assets by the national central bank. While central bank is the wholly government For banks, this is profitable come from the real economy, and force it into default. One example: alternative providers of loans could owned Bank of England. The central business. They can charge interest thereby transferring money from the If a bank’s leverage is 35 then only still charge interest, their packages bank in the USA, the Federal Reserve on debts created from nothing – a productive economy to the financial 1/35th of the equity (less than 3%) has would become less attractive by Bank, is privately owned. Major issues usurious practice that would, if sector. And it can derive from to be seen as valueless for the bank comparison. In effect, money created raised by the bankers’ activities have to unlicensed, amount to fraud. There are unsustainable asset inflation. Here to become insolvent. Average 2008 by fractional reserve banking either is what that means: Assume that leverage in US banks was 35, would be prohibited, be crowded out someone buys a house with a market in Europe 45 and 18 in Canada (where or be allowed to fade away as the new price of £100,000 by using a mortgage there were no bank bailouts). interest-free funds were distributed. plan. By the time the mortgage Yet what is the alternative? The Yet there is an unhappy divide principal is repaid, total interest might first simple step for ending fractional among proponents of money reform: amount to another £100,000. And reserve banking is to enable the Who is supposed to control the the house has very likely reached an Bank of England to emerge as sole creation and spending of money? inflated market value of £200,000. creator of money - as repayable National banks – or strictly regulated For the national and for the global debt - and to distribute it, interest privately-owned banks? Ben Dyson, economy this unsustainable asset free, for the benefit of the whole of Positive Money, writes on his inflation is the slippery slope to ruin. economy in terms of socially useful website that “… [Stephen] Zarlenga Taken together, the creation of investment. Investment can go to has researched around 3000 years money and the interest charged on infrastructural projects (such as of monetary history to find out what debt separated banks from traditional hospitals, roads, bridges, or clean has really worked, leading him to service institutions. If we can remove power), manufacturing and to conclude that the only real solution is from them the licence to both create consumers. It can sustain employment publicly-created, debt-free money…”. money and charge interest on it banks in the productive economy, rather than Apart from the problem of attaching can become no more threatening transfer money from the productive a meaning to “debt-free” money – than a grocery store or a bus service. sector into the financial sector. possibly an oxymoron - the underlying The controversial questions – from To achieve this first step, the message is that government needs bankers’ bonuses to the separation government must be persuaded to to be trusted with creating money of investment banking and deposit/ make it happen. The further, less and spending it into the economy. consumer banking – arise because of formidable, task is to arrange for the This policy is supported by the slogan fractional reserve banking. banks and other financial institutions ‘spend not lend’ and happens to Yet banking practices were not to administer these loans along be prohibited by European Treaty only bad for economic growth and for the lines given above. For other obligations. Many may be reluctant to consumers – they also destabilized borrowers ineligible within these put so much faith in government… the financial sector itself. The result guidelines commercial banks would Jasper Tomlison is a trained of fractional reserve banking and either own the funds they lend out, physicist, retired water resources deregulation was that commercial or take deposits from informed and consultant and longtime activist for banks could amass “toxic” (i.e. willing depositors. In either case, monetary justice. He can be reached at high-risk) assets and over-extend they would not lend out more money [email protected]


Ask ten people status in just the same way that a via provision of loans. It enables people their brainpower and resources on with more teeth and fewer loopholes) – occupiers, small business owner would. When to make money simply by having money, solving (instead of creating) global should breaches of ethics be suspected. bankers, governments use tax-payers’ money in to become wealthy without work. It rides problems. I’ve even worked out how Fines large enough to act as a serious journalists, bail-outs, capitalism is transformed into on a ‘something for nothing’ culture this could be implemented....” deterrent would be imposed for a first company ‘corporate socialism’. This is a system (which, strangely, is what the Occupy ‘Capitalist’ Number Three sees breach; subsequent breaches if proven to directors - so ludicrous that it’s little wonder people movement is often falsely represented trade as an essential tenet of humanity be intentional or due to negligence would not whether are camping on cold city streets across as wanting). Promotion of high-interest but would like all unethical trading result in forced company closure, with they agree Europe and the U.S. Put simply, this is loans to the poverty-stricken is the most to be outlawed. She says we already assets to be seized and put directly into withA capitalism but instead “What is a system whereby the wealthiest 1%, crass and socially destructive end of the know how to do this: “Workers’ Co- redressing the problems caused.” Capitalism?”. The ten different answers drunk on their own power and greed, usury spectrum. The complex gambling operatives, Social Enterprises and If these kinds of solutions were proffered suggest that the ‘are we anti- crash economies leading to suffering inherent in today’s institutions of high Community Interest Companies have implemented, would the resulting capitalist?’ question is moot. for everyone except themselves... then finance is also all about using money ethics enshrined in their constitutions system still be Capitalism? “You could Those who identify with the anti- insist we prop them up so that they to beget money – and as we’ve recently that cover environmental and social call it Caring Capitalism”, suggested capitalist label describe capitalism as can carry on lording it over us (and our experienced, the gamblers risk not their considerations, workers’ rights and Capitalist One. The others shook their necessarily exploitative. They see it as governments). own livelihoods but ours. animal rights. Fairtrade regulators, the heads and grimaced. “Let’s skip the a system in which fat-cats callously use There are very few people who truly So, we could regulate to minimise Soil Association, Radical Routes and ‘isms’,” said Capitalist Three. “Let’s just and abuse the labour of subordinates to believe this is okay. Those who do must the excesses of usury and high-finance other bodies already exist; these could call it... a collection of Bloody Good further their own greed and gains. surely be members of the self-serving gambling. What else could we do to be networked and expanded to oversee Ideas?” “That’ll do,” decided Capitalist address financial injustice and economic businesses and to alert a fearsome Two. “Now can we get on with the crisis? Something all occupiers would inspectorate (something like HMRC but revolution? agree on is that a tinkering with the current system – shoe-horning in a few extra regulations – is not enough. Radical overhaul is required. If we can find a way to join forces not only with unions, students and public sector workers but also with small business owners and entrepreneurs, we might have a serious chance of achieving this. Taking a majority of the self-avowed capitalists with us into a better future... that must be the goal. So what are these capitalists thinking? I asked... ‘Capitalist’ Number One admitted to being “...jaded by a system that awards 50% pay rises to executives who - like bankers, and unlike true entrepreneurs - take no real hit on the downside.” Z T Despite disillusionment he said “I still believe in capitalism as a system for Those who identify themselves elite, or masochists. Splitting the rest ensuring greater prosperity for all... but as capitalists see it as a system of us into capitalists and anti-capitalists what we have is selfish cronyism where which allows trade, social mobility, (and assuming that critics of capitalism cartels of old boys’ networks reward entrepreneurship and rewards for must necessarily be socialists or each other for failure.” hard work. They compare it favourably communists) is a simple divide-to-rule ‘Capitalist’ Number Two said: with failed communist systems. They strategy. We should be making alliances “How about obliging individuals and can’t see an alternative unless we go with all those who see that the current corporations to devote a significant back to the stone-age. Many of these system has gone wrong. proportion of their resources, energy and capitalists believe that in recent years Some in the Occupy movement profits to serving their communities? capitalism has gone wrong. They agree would like to do away with money, to Small businesses and individuals would with the anti-capitalists that a tiny replace it perhaps with a barter system. ‘pay back’ on a local scale; the big boys minority have raked in profits without the Others believe that it is not money per would contribute on an international corresponding hard work and se that is the problem – money, after all, scale. The penalty for avoidance would market success that could perhaps is just tokens that allow us to exchange be crippling taxation or, ultimately, justify such riches. things without having to do a straight criminalisation. Harness the energy of In a pure capitalist system, no swap. Many argue that it is usury that is the smartest people and put funds where bank or business would be ‘too big to the root of all evil. Usury – condemned they’re really needed. Imagine the good fail’. If those in charge made mistakes, by the early Christian church and by that Microsoft and others could do, they’d lose money and power and Islamic law – is the begetting of interest not to mention banks, if obliged to focus


Lucas Papademos is the new Greek people and are either owned by the lives so that elections can be held in The People have no voice in our food and water, who had the opportunity prime minister. He is also the former families of the ruling elites or by external Iraq and Afghanistan? The question is: democracy anymore. Elections have to grow up without dying of perfectly vice-president of the European Central corporations. Yet according to IMF Is that what democracy looks like? become nothing but a collective ritual that curable diseases or mass starvation. Bank. A man who would possibly do policy, these developments ought to be Take Britain as an example. allow us to feel like political agents and We are the privileged few who can fight anything to ensure that Greece remains welcomed. Miraculously, it seems, they Within our narrow understanding of sovereign people. The real decisions are a battle that needs to be won. Because in the Eurozone, despite public outcry. will lead to prosperity and growth even democracy, voters have the choice made by people in suits, by the companies of our privileged position, we have a In Italy, Berlusconi is replaced by an ex- as developing nations lack the necessary between a bad party and one that is that can throw the most extravagant responsibility to ensure that the majority EU Commissioner named Mario Monti. foundations or the market infrastructure even worse. We no longer vote for parties with the most famous celebrities, of that 99% is no longer oppressed by Monti will lead the next government, that would be necessary to sustain policies or principles, but for political by the money barons who can blackmail the 1%. And we also have to ensure that just after the parliament forced severe neoliberal pipedreams. spin. And regardless of what ideas you with wiretapped phones and lie their those who are worse off do not suffer welfare cuts on the Italian people. The political fallout of the transfer of we find persuasive during electoral way out of it by passing on the blame to because of our actions. Remember: We In neither case have the people been power and responsibility is enormous. campaigns, there is no guarantee their underlings. are still part of the system. But the time given a choice over policy decisions. No When election time comes around, the that the government will stick to its Democracy is dead. Democracy remains has come to stage a jailbreak. democratic vote has been called, and government lacks power to ensure proclaimed principles and fight for the dead. And we have killed it. We must What is the first step towards public opposition outside the halls of that roads will be fixed or that water right policies. We saw that very clearly abandon the idea that the current political a fairer world and a more representative parliament has been ignored. will be reasonably priced. Even if the in the case of Liberal Democrats in system will yield radical solutions and democracy? We have to allow ourselves If you are familiar with the work of people voted against the government, England. Scores of students had voted help us climb out of economic crisis. to dream about it. And then we have to the International Monetary Fund, these the problems would not be fixed as the for their promise of free tuition, only Unless we can enact fundamental change be ready to act on it. We need to practices should not come as a surprise. ability to provide basic needs has been to see the party abandon its electoral on a political level, this democracy collect visions, hopes, dreams and So-called “structural adjustment” transferred to the private sector. mandate when Cameron pressed for remains democratic in name only. convert them into reality. We need to programmes in various “developing” We are told that as long as elections are rising fees. Words are just words in Of those gathered in cities in around tackle the true causes of economic nations have relied on the transfer of held, a democracy is securely in place. an electoral campaign - and voting for the world, we are the privileged few that injustice: globalisation, class, racism, economic power from the state to private In the West, we are even willing to fight them just makes you a fool. Did you can afford to spend our time in spaces sexism, class etc. institutions. Often, these institutions for those democracies – and die for actually think that someone would cede discussing where we are going. We are Democracy is dead. But a brighter have no interest in the welfare of the them, too. How many have given their power to you, the voter? the privileged few who have access to future is possible.

10 THE GREAT DEBATE BROKEN SYSTEM, NOT BROKEN PEOPLE Michael Richmond PACIFISM If there’s one conclusion I’ve come to after brand new voids which, conveniently, crime, education and environmental THIS WEEK WE DEBATE THE PROS AND five years of suffering from it, it is that can only be filled through the acquisition policy being largely a thankless struggle mental illness doesn’t happen in isolation. of the commodity they are peddling. The to clean up the mess wrought by an CONS OF NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE. DOES We know that 1 in 4 Britons will suffer economist Tim Jackson sums up this economic system that fosters inequality PASIVISM GIVE US A PSYCHOLOGICAL UPPER from a mental disorder in their lifetime. central plank of our society best in his promotes narcissism and propagates The World Health Organization even book, Prosperity without Growth: ‘We that all human meaning resides in the HAND OVER AGGRESSIVE POLICE FORCES? predicts depression will be the second are persuaded to spend money we don’t relentless pursuit of material wealth. most widespread illness in the developed have, on things we don’t need, to create Too much of healthcare becomes “fire- OR SHOULD WE BE PREPARED TO USE EVERY world by 2020. But mental illness is not impressions that won’t last, on people we fighting” when much more should be TRICK IN THE BOOK AGAINST THOSE WHO just statistics or distant “others,” far don’t care about.’ prevention and care. removed from regular human activity. The policy of ‘Care in the Community,’ I prefer the argument for helping HAVE NO QUALMS DOING SO? It is all too human. It is dependent on which has been pursued for the last thirty people to lead healthy and meaningful how we order our own individual worlds years, does represent a more humane lives, but even those with a solely and how we relate to other human approach compared to the large Victorian economic view of humanity must deduce AGAINST / N. SANCHEZ-BELL FOR / MARTIN EIERMANN beings. We evolved as a social species asylums. These imposing buildings were that it costs much more to deal with the No social movement has ever acted in a I admit: It can be hard to turn the other and it was largely thanks to our ability conceived of more as quarantines where effects of these problems than it would totally homogenous manner. Most non- cheek, to resist arrest peacefully, to to co-operate, to share tasks in small, the uncomfortable truth of “madness,” an to begin to tackle them at root. Research violent groups have either shared their control one’s Luddite tendencies and to mobile, co-dependent groups, that we ever-present throughout human history, by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson for struggle with others wishing to achieve draw a clear line in the sand that says: outlasted other early humans. In recent was sealed off as an act of segregation. their book, The Spirit Level, reveals that the same or similar ends by different This is a movement of non-violence. For decades political, economic and cultural However, despite this move towards more unequal societies have higher rates means, or have become radicalised some of us this is a principled conviction. shifts have made society far less socially inclusiveness and a softening of political of mental illness and do worse on various by increasing oppression, eventually For others, it is a tactical decision. interdependent and far more greedy, language the reality is still too often other social indicators. They write that resorting to more extreme tactics. Regardless of your motivations, there is selfish and acquisitive but this goes one of isolation, stigma and neglect if mental illness is closely related to status The suffragettes were initially no good alternative to non-violence. against our evolutionary biology. We are not outright abuse. By accepting that anxiety and so more unequal and callous non-violent, but eventually engaged The use of force “to maintain public not built to go it alone. sufferers of mental illness are a part of countries, like ours, leave more people in property destruction including the order” is the strongest monopoly of Mental illness must not be just a and not apart from society, we must marginalised, more ‘losers’ and more burning of churches. The Zapatistas are the state. It controls a remarkable burden for the individual sufferer or now accept that aspects of our society problems for us all. for the most part non-violent but do fight repertoire of physical resources and their family because it is reflective of our are contributing to our dire problems Such high levels of mental illness back against the Mexican army when no legal powers that can be utilized to quell society. The social breakdown, health and with our mental health. It is also crucial mean this issue can no longer be brushed other option is left open to them. dissent. The recent arrests under the wealth inequality, celebrity, consumerism that there is widespread acceptance that under the carpet. Is there any issue which Even Gandhi had his ‘violent’ Public Order Act are telltale signs of the and binge culture that we see all around mental illness is something that can befall touches nearly everyone’s lives yet is counterparts in India’s fight for state’s willingness to flex its muscle us affects our mental health. These anyone, including investment bank CEOs. so ignored or misunderstood by politics independence. The Chauri Chaura when necessary. Why would we want to damaging phenomena are a monument The pervasive neoliberal mantra of and media? Our rates of mental illness incident of 1922 saw a group of initially engage the police where it is strongest? to the unfettered market that has ruled ‘private good, public bad’ has ring-fenced demand that we re-examine our attitudes non-violent protesters turn into an Additionally, every instance of our lives. The economic model that the large swathes of the economy as beyond and language towards the concept of angry mob after police fired into an violence against the occupy movement establishment are desperately trying regulation but if the supreme aim of every ‘madness.’ #Occupy is teaching us all unarmed crowd. They subsequently thus far has only driven more people to prop up is premised on exploiting country is to create an amenable business how interconnected our lives and our burned a chowki (police station) with into the camps: The mass arrests on our worst instincts. The sole purpose environment then the wellbeing of its struggles are and we’re learning that the 23 officers inside it. Brooklyn Bridge, the forcible eviction of of advertising is to harvest the feelings citizens can never be anything more than only way to fight the atomising force of It could be posited that such a the Oakland camp, the kettling during of inadequacy that we are all capable of an afterthought. Instead we’re left with neoliberalism is through solidarity and the contrast in methods is needed to the recent student demos or the pepper- experiencing, or failing that, to create reactive government measures in health, reclamation of public space. remind those in power that they are as spraying of peaceful students at UC vulnerable to ultimate force as other Davis. Thankfully, public opinion is rather human beings. More aggressive action acutely tuned to footage of uniformed can render non-violent resistance weekend warriors beating and dragging favorable, and force the powers that peaceful protesters. be to take the moderates seriously in The simply fact is that most people The Irreverent Reverend Nemu the hope of avoiding a more militant reject the old Clausewitzian logic that alternative. By widening the landscape violence is a legitimate part of the toolkit of resistance, forceful action can create of politics. In strengthening power, THE END IS NIGH! OCCUPY! a platform from which negotiations violence undermines authority. The can take place. presence of riot police in the streets is “The End is Nigh!” Delightful words, written for all Englishmen, as simple and non- issue is whether we can look beyond In the civil rights struggle Martin the first sign of the failure of the state to in bold on a sandwich board or screamed provocative as possible. Whereas “the end our crumbling institutions and imagine Luther King’s success was achieved address popular grievances. Rather than out on a street corner in the ecstasy of of the world” is beyond the imagination of something better. in part because he was seen as being an extension of politics by other doom. But what does it mean? Sadly our all but the doomiest, “the end of the aeon” The word “apocalypse” is formed of the comparatively ‘moderate’ when means, it marks the end of politics. It is own Christian enthusiastics are too busy was exactly what many revolutionary Greek apo- (away) and kalyptein (to cover). contrasted with Malcolm X , who the state-level equivalent of an angry dancing jigs, hoisting enormous crucifixes Bible-bashers wanted to bring about. Quite Contrary to popular belief, and despite the was willing to ‘take arms’. Malcolm X child that kicks its toys into a corner and about and berating strangers to preach obviously, King James rejected the latter spin-doctors of the chamomile King James paraphrased Hamlet’s famous speech starts pounding the floor. Next comes about the latter days. Yet there are also translation. Bible, it is not “the end of the world”, asking whether it was “nobler in the mind the crying. exceptions. This relentless reverend does Yet censorship did not help. Thirty- though it may be the end of the world as of man to suffer the slings and arrows of We believe that a vast majority of not tire in his evangelism. Once again, oh seven years later, James’s son lost you know it. It is the lifting of a veil (velum outrageous fortune in moderation, or to the population is in agreement with our children of perpetual resistance, let us his throne and his head to apocalyptic in Latin, hence re-velation). Whenever take arms against a sea of troubles, and concerns and criticisms. The state is reoccupy scripture, and rescue the good revolutionaries. These same men were something hidden is revealed or some by opposing, end them”. fighting an uphill battle; we are not. Our news from bad translation. revolutionaries in other fields, pioneering secret dis-covered, there is an apocalypse, George Orwell wrote that ‘pacifism task is more simply: Most people do not “The End of the World” comes from the scientific method, overthrowing ancient whether through the medium of Wikileaks in the face of fascism is objectively have to be persuaded about political or Matthew 13, and the word translated as concepts in medicine, in philosophy and or the Holy Spirit. An individual apocalypse pro fascist’, and while we aren’t up economic criticisms. They merely have to “world” is aeon. Aeon means pretty much in government, disseminating subversive can occur at any time, as it did with Paul’s against the same totalitarian forces he be convinced to join the movement. Non- the same in Greek as it does in English, ideas using the new technology of the apocalypse on the road to Damascus. spoke of in the here and now, others violence is expressive of our convictions an epoch or age, such as the Iron Age printing press. The Parliamentary Era had It could be when YouTube awakens you elsewhere arguably are. and effective as a tactic. Stick to it. or the Age of Feudalism. It is a period of begun, the Age of Feudalism was over, and to the harsh facts of fractional reserve Of course context is all. Different time defined by an overarching theme. the aeon drew to a close. banking. It could be the glorious revelation situations require differing tactics, but A debate is scheduled at TentCity The Gnostics had a slightly more nuanced 400 years on, parliament has that money is not value, as you chew over just as violence is not always the most University after the GA on Wednesday take on it, but the simple fact of the matter betrayed us. King James was refused his donated food in the kitchen tent. Or it might effective method, the same can be said November 23th for us to carry on this is that it doesn’t mean “world”. “There bailout of £600,000 after nearly a year of be something else entirely. of non-violence. debate in person. See you there! shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth”, negotiations, but our government pledged When enough people lift the veil and as Matthew continues but something £500 billion to the banks less than 48 remove the cover, something happens survives, though it is entirely beyond our hours after the FTSE crashed. The people on a larger scale, as it did in seventeenth imagination. (Rev 21:1) were never consulted. century England and first century The translation of aeon is so suspect The time is ripe for a new form of Jerusalem. Once again, the smell of a new that it raises questions. In 1611 when the governance, and the tools are in our hands. aeon is in the air. The time is ripe for a real King James Bible was produced, England Innovative networks span the globe, using new world order governed by love, wisdom was gripped by revolutionary fever. Against new media technologies of and and individual self-mastery. a background of creeping inflation, the Livestream to disseminate information Or as one of our modern martyrs likes seizure of common lands, the wording and coordinate the very first international to put it: when all the pennies drop, the of scripture was a serious and political occupation. King James shut down pound will fall. business. A generation before, 5,000 parliament, and Mayor Bloomberg shut In the name of the Euro, the banks and Cornish Catholics chanting “Kill all the down the Wall Street occupation, but the the International Monetary Fund... Amen Gentlemen!” had perished in a revolt over End is Nigh today, as it was back in the day. Reverend Nemu maintains a ministry a new prayer book, and in 1605 another The question is not whether we can at www.nemusend.co.uk. His book, Nemu’s Catholic had failed in his Gunpowder bring down this hideous harlot riding the End: The History, Psychology and Poetry of Plot. King James hoped to calm religious beast of post-capitalist imperialism; she the Apocalypse, is sometimes in the Tent unrest by commissioning a standard Bible is quite capable of doing that itself. The City University.