Occupied Times of London 05
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#05 | theoccupiedtimes.com 23NOV2011 FortnuM JuDge ignores ViDeO EviDence RORY MACKINNON Occupation activists were left reeling had “no doubt” the group intended to this week after a London court quashed intimidate police, security, staff and video evidence from the Fortnum Fifty, customers by sheer force of numbers. ruling that police made “no explicit or But there were audible gasps in the implicit promise” not to arrest them. courtroom as he read: “At no point was The first 10 defendants sat in stunned there an express or implicit promise by silence at Westminster Magistrates’ police that the protesters would not be Court as a district judge convicted them arrested” — apparently quashing video of aggravated trespass — with camp evidence of a chief inspector addressing residents telling the Occupied Times protesters. they could never trust a cop again. The footage, screened three times The charges stem from UK Uncut’s during the trial, shows chief inspector surprise occupation of the self-styled Claire Clark just inside the store’s front ‘Queen’s grocer’ in March, in a bid to entrance, addressing the crowd in a highlight owner Wittington Investments’ raised voice. multimillion-pound tax dodge. “There have been pockets of disorder District judge Michael Snow told he outside and I wanted to make sure it >> STACEY KNOTT OCCuPIERs uNFAZeD By eViCTiON ThREAT LEGAL aCTiON AGAINsT OCCuPYLSX PROTESTeRs IS uNDeRWAY, BuT OCCuPIERs ReMAIN uNFAZeD. At the time of print, the City of asking the City to make its business London Corporation was planning on transparent and democratic. taking occupiers to the high court to Protesters spoken to by the Occupied start an eviction process. The City Times were not unsettled by this considers the St Paul’s occupation recent development, and remained a trespass on its public highways defiant about their cause when the and said it was disrupting eviction notices were pinned to businesses in the area. their tents. Eviction notices were served last The notices told occupiers to remove week after negotiations between “all tents and other structures” by the two parties failed- the City 6pm last Thursday or face legal asked occupiers to scale back the action. The tents remained and in number of tents and leave by New the lead up to this City deadline, the Year. The occupiers responded by camp’s legal team John Cooper >> BuildiNg SocIeT RORYy: MACKINNON It’s not your usual corporate takeover, As a private commercial property but Occupy London has expanded its the activists’ trespass is a civil rather than portfolio with a new Hackney branch — criminal offence, meaning UBS would courtesy of Swiss bankers, UBS. have to seek an injunction next week The Sun Street squat was bracing for before any eviction could take place. its third day of continuous occupation as It is understood organisers have the Occupied Times went to print. It is that declared the occupation “non-residential” The BaNk understood members of Occupy’s direct in order to comply with criminal law action group entered the disused four- — but around 30 volunteer caretakers storey office block in the early hours of and tranquility team members have Friday morning in a top-secret operation. decamped to the site. Protesters then lounged on sills and But the no-camping policy could stick hung banners from the windows on a brisk in the craw of occupiers at other sites, Of Ideas Friday afternoon as police looked on. nearing capacity and on the brink >>>> CONTENTS PAGES/ 02 Editorial eDiTORIAL Listing 03 The Art Of Activism Looking out from the Bank of Ideas It also focuses on important issues: 03 Occupations Converge across at the UBS headquarters, the lack of communal and political in London the covered windows reveal a fitting space (something at the heart of all 03 USA Solidarity display of ‘blind ignorance’. The occupations) and the importance of 04 Myths In The Media finance industry is sick, and the education and child welfare. 04 Occupied Elsewhere occupy movement is the dull ache it Some of the challenges the outdoor 04 Streaming In Action knows is symptomatic of a diseased occupations have faced in recent weeks 05 From The Mexican Highlands core, but chooses to ignore in the have also been addressed. The Bank of To St Pauls hope it will go away. Ideas is to be a drug and alcohol-free 04 Poem Power structures do have their space with a limited overnight presence, 05 This Is What Democracy own immune systems though, but still welcoming to all. This is what Looks Like – Learning From fighting back against that which occupy looks like. Latin America would harm them with heavy Not least, the repossession provides 06 Dispute no Further when the policing, the removal of rights a basis from which to strategize the Truth Appears – Lessons and legal action like that being movement’s future development. The from the Past brought by the City of London Occupy movement seems to be at a 07 What Took Us So Long? Corporation. With the serving of critical juncture, and the Bank of Ideas 08 Money Talks an eviction notice to occupiers at could become everything its name The Criminality Of The St Paul’s, a necessary discussion promises: a forum for open discussion Financial Sector had arisen about how to keep the about change, and about occupy’s role 09 The Disastrous Success Of >> was clear and safe for you all to Ed, an out-of work sales manager at momentum of the movement going. in engendering that change. Fractional Reserve Banking leave the building, okay?” she says. Finsbury Square who was arrested Have things begun to stagnate? The Bank of Ideas will no doubt be 10 ‘Caring Capitalism’ “The officers are getting ready to let you during this month’s attempted Would occupy out-grow the camp gone long before many of the financial – A Contradiction In Terms? go — if when you leave the building you occupation of Trafalgar Square, said he presence? And what would happen if institutions that have helped bring about 11 Democracy Is Dead (And We go to your left, that will be the safest exit.” did not think any activists could trust and when it does? the repossession of homes, collapse Have Killed It) “Is there a kettle?” a protester asks. the police. The Bank of Ideas appears of economies and brutal austerity 11 Broken System, Not Broken People “No, we’re letting you go,” she replies. “Everything they’re doing at the end of to be an excellent response to measures. There will be no bailout The End Is Nigh! Occupy! Later in the video Ms Clark repeats the the day is to demoralise us — no one those questions. The move indoors for this bank. The Great Debate: Pacifism instructions to a legal observer, saying usually spends 24 hours in a cell for a illustrates the continuing energy and While the IMF lurks about Europe 12 Placard police wanted to keep people safe “so public order offence,” he said. creativity of the movement. Rather like the Grim Reaper; ready to swoop they can get away to the tube station, so Fellow resident Luke agreed: the police than becoming complacent, the direct on frail economies condemning them CREDITS they can leave.” action at the occupation’s launch and action team has demonstrated its to death and picking their bones for CONTRIBUTORS/ On leaving the building all 150 recent weeks had been ridiculous, willingness to explore new spaces, anything worth salvaging, the Bank Steven Maclean occupants were immediately kettled and he said. and make real, positive changes. It of Ideas aims to put back some of what Martin Eiermann arrested, including legal observers. But Evrim, a theatre director from shifts the focus of our presence within our government is stripping away: free Natalia Sanchez-Bell The ruling came as the Occupy London Turkey, told the Times it was not an the city away from the temporariness education, youth facilities and child Luka camps came under renewed pressure issue of trusting the police. associated with tent cities and towards care. It’s a bank by name, but there Rory MacKinnon from authorities, with the City of “If we know our rights - if we know the idea of permanent discussion. are no hidden fees. Stacey Knott London Corporation again seeking an what’s going on - the facts will come Mark Kauri injunction to evict protesters from the out and they’ll get fired,” she said. Ragnhild Freng Dale foot of St Paul’s Cathedral. Meanwhile more than 40 prosecutions TeNTCiTy CALENDaR fOR THE WEEK Flaminia Giambalvo All camps have seen a continued remain in the Fortnum & Mason case; P D Monaghan police presence, with few confrontations including others who have insisted WEDNESDAY 23RD SUNDAY 27TH Adam Ramsay on site — but residents who spoke the prosecution reinstate the charges Social Dreaming – Finsbury Social Dreaming – Finsbury to the Occupied Times said the ruling against them. Mr Snow will also preside 11:00 – 12:00 / 11:00 – 12:00 / Sam Berkson Square. 11:00 – 13:00 / Visions Of Another World – Square. How we are learning that we are borm to Anya Schiffrin made them less likely to cooperate over the next tranche of defendants, St Paul’s. 14:30 – 16:30 / The shocking truth about expect fairness, decency and co-operativeness. Matt Lynn with authorities. appearing 29 November. biofuels – St Paul’s. 17:30 – 19:00 / The Auditcity 12:00 – 13:00 / Does infancy research suggest of Hope - Molly Scott Cato – St Paul’s. 21:00 – we are born anti-capitalist? - Graham Music - Harry Shutt 23:30 / Cinema InTents - The Pipe – St Paul’s.