Avg. Income $69,463 $93,756 $86,128
SITE DETAILS & DEMOGRAPHICS 911 USF | 1,048 RSF AVAILABLE 1,595 USF | 1,834 RSF (View Virtual Tour) SF 7,350 USF | 8,453 RSF, Divisible (End cap restaurant with patio) 10,337 USF | 11,888 RSF (Former Restaurant) 600 Hennepin Ave | Minneapolis, MN 55403 LOCATION (Renovated in 2016) DOWNTOWN ANCHORS • In the Heart of Minneapolis’ Entertainment • Skyway Connected with Abundant Outside Parking District • Located Across from Target Center ($90M • On Downtown’s Primary North/South Artery Renovation 2018) FEATURES • 11,000 Daily Pedestrian Counts at Hennepin • 2 Blocks from Nicollet Mall (Renovated in 2018) Skyway .25 MILE .5 MILE 1 MILE AVG. INCOME $69,463 $93,756 $86,128 POPULATION 882 5,591 30,878 HOUSEHOLDS 716 3,226 18,284 DOWNTOWN DEMOGRAPHICS DAYTIME EMPLOYEES POPULATION SKYWAY TRAFFIC 183,500 CBD Employees 31,000 in 1 mile 11,000+ People per Day 17 CBD Fortune 500 Employers 43,000+ CBD on Hennepin 70,000 Projected by 2025 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PARKING HOTELS Total of 27,900 Units 535 Spaces on-site 7,000+ Hotel Rooms 1,500+ Under Construction P Additional 6,700 Spaces Nearby 900+ New Rooms with Skyway Connection Loews Hotel Located on-site with 255 Rooms PUBLIC EVENTS ATTRACTIONS AND TOURISM TRANSPORTATION 4 Professional Sports Teams Annual Visitors/Attendees: 10M+ in Annual Attendance 22 M Leisure Visitors Over 85 Million 744,000 Convention Center Attendees 10 M Business Visitors Annual Ridership Host of 2018 Super Bowl, 2018 & 2017 3rd Highest Theater Seats per Capita X-Games and 2019 Final Four in US, with Over 500,000 Attendees DOWNTOWN
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