Q&A WITH FUN SPOT’S JOHN ARIE, SR. — PAGE 6B-7B TM www.amusementtoday.com JULY 2013 BONUS SECTION B $25 million investment on 15 acres by Arie family Orlando’s Fun Spot America opens to record numbers STORY: Scott Rutherford
[email protected] ORLANDO, Fla. — A re- freshing ‘David’ vs. ‘Goliath’ powerplay was initiated in cen- tral Florida this spring when Fun Spot America on International Drive unveiled its $25 million ex- pansion that offers area visitors — and local residents — an af- fordable alternative to the giant theme parks orbiting the city. In celebration of Fun Spot’s 15th anniversary, a Grand Re- The new $15 million Opening was held on Saturday, Fun Spot America has a June 8, 2013. Florida Congress- collection of thrill rides man Daniel Webster, local offi- including, clockwise cials and other local celebrities from top left: Free- gathered for the ribbon cutting dom Flyer (Chance/ that included free entertainment, Vekoma); White Light- food and prize offerings. ning (Great Coasters); Underway since September 2012, the expansion enlarges the Tilt-A-Whirl (Larson); park from five to 15 acres and Rip Curl (Wisdom) and features two family roller coast- in the foreground the ers, a SkyCoaster, three new Double Decker Carou- thrill rides, a new 45-foot-tall, sel (Chance) and the multi-level go-cart track along 250 foot tall Skycoaster with a new food court, new tick- (Skycoaster/Ride Enter- et booth, additional parking and tainment). rest rooms. Fun Spot hired 100 AT/GARY SLADE new employees for this expan- sion, and more than 150 people FEC, a theme park or a water- “The IAAPA show was one of were hired by the local general park.